v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2009/05

  1. #cmrevision. the race for bedtime: starting slide 13 of 19. when will i to bed?
  2. #cmrevision 15. i like revising things i sat an exam on that morning...
  3. had i only prepared better, i could have killed cm. printing bayesian net crap, gonna walk home, to bed and up tomorrow morning. *sigh*
  4. @dariovillaneuva saw you leaving early: was that confidence, disgust or just an escape reflex? (oh,and send over yr ep - shows back on soon)
  5. #examreview cm was not my best exam. but i think i may have found that panic i was looking for...
  6. …in reply to @tonicblue
    @tonicblue oh? whatcha up to?
  7. Congratulations on getting a show in Fresh Air's Semester 3 broadcast! Your slot for "The Last Jaffa Cake" is; Thursday 16.30 - 18.00
  8. The year is 2009. People meet, communicate, even fall in love through machines from thousands of miles away ... http://bit.ly/ciHgu
  9. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes needs more progression, and i'm not sure about the glockenspiel (?) tone, esp. at the beginning. but the song's growing on me.
  10. …in reply to @srules
    @srules i feel your pain. i ran out of notes, so now I have to read the internet.
  11. …in reply to @alitheg
    @alitheg makes sense. i am covering 10k tomorrow. in a sense. if it rains i shall be narked.
  12. thank you again, dad! I don't need to go to the shops. Instead I can eat frozen pizza. note to self: check oven in 20 mins...
  13. alright! time to go take some photographs of some sweaty people while anxiously thinking "shit shit, i need to revise"
  14. …in reply to @robyngallagher
    @robyngallagher snuffbox love! "i can't be in love if it's plastic..."
  15. …in reply to @wenkakes
    @wellinformatted i feel sorry for philosophy. people keep getting empirical about things, and bam! it's not philo any more.
  16. the people dismantling the scaffolding in the back garden decided to have a wrestling match. hehe
  17. why is everything broken?
  18. Nat Turner's Punch Out!
  19. today is a day for seeing people you used to know and being glad they don't decide to talk to you
  20. listen to me! on the radio! on the internet! freshair.org.uk #lastcaffacake
  21. …in reply to @srules
    @srules ooh ooh! splinter! no, no, wait, ink! oh, this is TOO exciting...
  22. …in reply to @tgadget
    @tgadget hey wow, nice feature!
  23. perfect lyric: "I wouldn't waste time dreaming of me"
  24. just bought godhelpthegirl sod, i need to go home, now I'm going to listen to the whole thing...
  25. I think having no internet is good for me. And its not so bad now i have god help the girl downloaded...
  26. #examreport nice enough, but it seems a waste the 300 pages i read on dorsal and ventral visual processing. bloody depth cues...
  27. grrrarrrrarrar hearing of others dissertation marks, but not knowing my own. or any hint of it. #pointless #tension
  28. …in reply to @srules
    @srules oh, i totally saw you doing that and thought "oh i bet that's a secret tweet" I win at guessing games!
  29. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva @fonduelover no, but apparently some supervisors had let slip provisional marks.and @srules "has nothing to worry about" :/
  30. …in reply to @mocost
    @mocost firstly i think you're wrong, secondly what do you mean by thinking machines?
  31. …in reply to @srules
    @srules I swear you were the one that started the whole "secret tweet" thing. You're just annoyed you're not as sneaky as Joe.
  32. …in reply to @mocost
    @mocost that's useless press release talk, but more and more aspects of human thought are becoming /will become emulatable.
  33. Headlines that make your eyes widen in alarm: "Parasitic twin erupts from 30-year-old man's belly button"
  34. At5south 10 am tomorrow, defcon office mode, get involved.
  35. Why are indie games less replayable? Is this even true? (ive an inkling it is, but the cause may be proximate and blameless)
  36. …in reply to @radiodario
  37. devastating article about the coverage of the US journo locked up in Iran. http://trunc.it/5ys4
  38. First one in the labs! So... I win?
  39. in my dream, god talked through the clouds. the first message he sent was a mandelbrot. he told me i should stop using my superpowers.
  40. "Magnificent seven is a classic movie that has been copied many times, but I didn't know westerns were popular enough in japan to be copied"
  41. i reckon open-book exams would favour boys over girls more than traditional ones
  42. ♫if the weekend promised much, then it has failed to touch, on any single count, what i was hoping for
  43. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva cuz guys like one-off epic performances, and girls are more methodical. girls are better at recitation, in my experience.
  44. …in reply to @fonduelover
    @fonduelover oh? #examreport hci went as well as could be expected. we'll see how well that was.
  45. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva oh of course, that goes without saying. but still : typically, on average, there is a trend towards...
  46. http://bit.ly/S6Rve Obama has heralded massive shortages of ammo in America?
  47. "Those Haves who cannot bear making a choice, Those Have-nots who are bored with having nothing to choose, ...
  48. "...Call for their drinks in the same tone of voice, Find a factitious popular front in booze. "
  49. All I can think of is God Help The Girl, or, at best B&S. Suggestions for more ...diverse music for our show tomorrow gratefully welcomed.
  50. ha! on that note: @DarioVillanueva send us some The Great City? If it's as good recorded as it was live...
  51. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva nice one. hey, when's your exams? Come on the show! 4:30 tomorrow
  52. "Like many reasonable assumptions, however, this one is both accurate and oversimplified."
  53. …in reply to @aeoye
    @narfmaster you ever seen/heard any Mitch Hedberg? But then he's a genius, so maybe he can do things Jimmy Carr can't.
  54. Oh wow, I just rediscovered benford's law. And it is currently my favorite thing in the world.
  55. …in reply to @roderickhodgson
    @roderickhodgson yeah. way cooler. (doesn't actually study whatever exam it is this is relevant to.)
  56. ♫...i wanna live in a bathysphere...♫
  57. RT @timoncheese: Only in Grimsby would there be a an audible chuckle at the word 'fingered' on Question Time
  58. #examreport SJDM: the questions were the worst the questions could be. hashed out some stuff, but, ehhhhhhhhh. but: NO MORE
  60. …in reply to @tonicblue
    @tonicblue I shall be there with bells on. (In a manner of speaking). And: yes, I hope I did well too. But now: s'outta my hands. Feels good
  61. …in reply to @wenkakes
    @wellinformatted I can see you. I'm just behind you.
  62. Well, that was fun. Naomi, you owe me a tenner.
  63. Stupid simultaneous eurovision and fresh air meal.
  64. Anyone want to go see coraline next week?
  65. oh, i totally forgot to say: yesterday I won an award. Best dressed male, that's me
  66. "Organized protest groups are generally considered a sign of bad usability"
  67. …in reply to @srules
    @srules don't feel bad. Tomorrow you'll be 8066 days old. That's something to be proud of.
  68. Things you might not know about Bruce Schneier : http://geekz.co.uk/schneierfacts/
  69. …in reply to @srules
    @srules http://bit.ly/lightcone this is a list of the star systems that have received light from you.
  70. This evening feels so good; i wish i had someone to share it with </emo>
  71. @simonvansintjan i want a picture of your smiling face. send me pictures of yourself.
  72. ha, with all the digging and cursing about others photos, I forgot I need a photo of myself...
  73. …in reply to @jaykotak
    @jaykotak second and last are /least/ lame...
  74. …in reply to @jaykotak
    @jaykotak if you're gonna go art deco, then go all out. do you wanna go art deco?
  75. …in reply to @undefined
    @GaryBryan i thought myspace did that already?
  76. RT @exiledonline: "We got horny and just wanted to fuck!!" http://cli.gs/2Z9X0z
  77. @ATlevel5 are you ok!? Youre making a terrible racket...
  78. anyone with Virgin Media telephones? Need to bitch about not having internet, and I don't want to have to pay for the privilege.
  79. …in reply to @jaykotak
    @jaykotak guess there is hope... some day my DHCP lease will come...
  80. …in reply to @tonicblue
    @tonicblue tried the geographic alts on that page. All i got was 'fuck off and dial the other number'. 0800s cost me from my phone...
  81. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 just put an @ before their name somewhere in the message. Some clients you can just click their message and it does it nicely.
  82. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 oh, and is anyone at your flat? Was gonna borra ya phone.
  83. Borrowed Rachels phone. They're gonna call me back once I'm in the flat. Have a suspicion their not going to ask for anything I don't know.
  84. Joy. Virgin media havent called me back. And when i call them they insist i enter my phone number. I dont fucking have one, do i...
  85. But on the plus side, i did deconstruct my laptop screen, and remove the loose screw that was giving me a red vertical line...
  86. …in reply to @wenkakes
    @wellinformatted i never get why more people dont dress overly formal/awesome the whole time.
  87. …in reply to @wenkakes
    @wellinformatted better to repeat awesome clothes than boring ones. (is too poor to buy new clothes, ever)
  88. have internet in the flat again. thank you, virgin media man. wonder what was wrong, though...
  89. @simonvansintjan http://bit.ly/IAOAD ???
  90. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 well done! What will you do now? You are free.
  91. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 you need a hand with any of that, let me know. (drinking seems the most likely, though I've told kids how to do things before..)
  92. ‘mimetic desire’, which basically means copying our idea of what we want from someone else who wanted it first.
  93. Hay maw, I'ma onna radio. http://freshair.org.uk email in and tell me I'm doing ti wrong (Steve is also here)
  94. I have input too! - Steve
  95. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva that's just a translation error... they only lie because they are ashamed to tell the truth. BBQ tmwr?
  96. …in reply to @hpneilson
    @hpneilson I love Withered Hand too. Why do I not go see them?
  97. Fucking screen. Now there's a line there in negative-red. What to do? Put the screw back?
  98. …in reply to @ATlevel5
    @ATlevel5 *touring where? hiveing it up?
  99. …in reply to @undefined
    @simonvansintjan issat better?
  100. …in reply to @timburke55
    @timburke55 probably caching... should sort if you click on this -> http://www.freshair.org.uk/favicon.ico
  101. time to go be rubbish at playing tf2, i think...
  102. …in reply to @alitheg
    @alitheg you coming out?
  103. Last night was tres good. But what to do with a Bob Fisher mask, in the sober light of the morning? Answers on a postcard please...
  104. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 ha, was just open in t'other tab. (tho' Kristas message got emailed to me...) what timeeeeeeee?
  105. …in reply to @arkitus
    @arkitus I'm maybe interested. Too many projects, but I'm enjoying Django, and it'd be an honour to work with you.
  106. @simonvansintjan Currently taking apart the website and putting it back together again. You wanna do some Design? (logo & colourscheme &...)
  107. oh, i need to start waking up in the mornings...
  108. @tonicblue wanna go see Dario's band, The Great City on Thursday? Fink u'd like them. http://trunc.it/8whe
  109. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva @mocost read about smth similar with patients lying about (obvious!) lack of limb function in Phantoms of The Brain
  110. …in reply to @mocost
    @mocost More specifically - some had confabulation in denying that they ever had anosognosia after they recovered from it.
  111. http://freshair.org.uk/128.pls lissena me, i'm on the air.
  112. I will be on the air all evening.
  113. …in reply to @tonicblue
    @tonicblue SO LATE
  114. …in reply to @undefined
    @simonvansintjan sucks. hippocampus in the studio now. some day...
  115. who wants to picnic/is picnicking? it is too sunny today,
  116. Good times = sitting in the sun, getting drunk and chatting shit. Come join!
  117. Went out for a weekend, lasted forever / Got high with our friends, it's officially summer