Tweets from 2010/07
@bazookaduck that's a good feature, i think you should work on that
@dnwood no, but I can give you an amusing single serving site that will link you a recipe.
@awesommelier you know you're not allowed to just drink it all yourself?
@awesommelier to be fair, I think they'd just give you more...
I used to have a craving for slush ice. Now I have a blue tounge.
@tonicblue oh, you poor thing.!
Oh, lovely, Titus Andronicus are as good on record as they are live. I'll enjoy this.
Come with me!
@musebloom I have skipped his articles in the LRB so many times. Can just never penetrate...
- Summer is here, biatches! (mixtape)
@laurenivory They may well be recoverable! Stuff like exists, it's worth a try.
Spotify has clearly just caused a world of pain in the office - I guess I'm upgrading to Lucid... (oh, btw, Spotify Linux Alpha is out!)
Field Day! Hypnotic Brass Ensemble! MAX TUNDRA! YAAAAAY!!!!
There's mileage in just reskinning existing mechanics - what plots could you fit onto football? How many themes has Mafia ever had?
how could you not be happy with balloons full of hamsters hanging around by your belt?
Perry Bible Fellowship back online, has a new strip. All is not wrong with the world.
- anyone?
@tonicblue Challenge: accepted!
@DarioVillanueva you still looking to give me a nexus one? If so, give you a call after work, we can sort it out?
@tonicblue eh, and before that was chorewars. Ideas are worth not so much... (although - i agree)
@girlflash That was good. Half way through I was all "why the fuck am I reading this? My game is an alt-tab away!"
Lucid ahoy! Native Spotify is less exciting than I thought. A couple of annoying intricate UI niggles (fuckin gnome-volume-control-applet)
A lovely read! Both delicious and hackerish!
@la_miaow hello christa!
I was so exhausted, I slept all evening. Now I'm awake and it's a stupid time. My back hurts and itches from coughing.
@dbkr Don't you want to promote the brand?
@glassesdirect , click on "Men's" 404s - there's stray bits of django-admin in the URL
@dbkr I use them because I have a debit card, and because GNER's website is so bad it drove me to /calling their helpdesk/.
RT @Child_Of_Poster: RT @scottmccloud It's official: Scott Pilgrim v6 outselling ALL Twilight books on right now. (Salesrank #14)
@musebloom You're a dork.
@musebloom Also, that's not as cool as the one I made with crayons - it has a tent on it and it says "Camping is intense"
@JennyJenJenna can I steal some breakfast cereal?
@npupp Are you freaked out by the concept? It was set up by Christian Scientists, who are weird, but is actually quite a good newspaper.
@simonv3 I ordered an American edition off Amazon. I got all pissed with 4th Estate for cheaping out on the colour insert of the 4th book...
@JennyJenJenna I stole ... Charlie's? oats. And then I bought some milk and waffles. Would you like a waffle?
@RubZo You know you can just ... put things on Spotify?
@RubZo wait, how? you could have the thing that other people have that you were complaining about not having if you did a thing you can do
I can't sum this up in a tweet. But I like it.
@awesommelier don't fear colour! colour is your friend!
@guided1 @pleasefindthis Be short
Borges on languages:
turns out you should be careful when eating raspberries while wearing a white shirt
@glassarmy That's ... depressingly cheap. Beautiful house, next to a tube station...
@glassarmy the housing market's tough these days, I reckon we're in with a chance.
Dear Mr 243 bus driver, why would you not stop for me? My hand was out and everything, and I dearly want to get home to bed...
@la_miaow it's okay, on the second bus now, goes right to my door.
Apparently I am in the mood to be listening to Arab Strap this morning.
@musebloom I notice none of them suggested abolishing the UK Film Council?
@musebloom that feels criminal it's so horrific. I ... they didn't even digitize them all?
RT @londonhackspace: We're having a spacewarming party on Sunday - come down to our new workshop in Hoxton and see what the fuss is abou ...
New phone new phone new phone. Thanks @DarioVillanueva (and now to resist fiddling til I'm not working, and have rooted)
The introduction to I'm Sorry, I Haven't A Clue still feels wrong when they don't say "Humphrey Lyttleton"
@joehalliwell I know! I wanted to be bewildered, and lost, and charmed by subtle beauty. Mind, still a fun film. And with all the kids, too.
@DarioVillanueva Yes! I keep trying to break it! I previously resisted rooting, reflashing, installing alternate input devices, but not now!
@DarioVillanueva but yeah: It's all good for me so far, I'm enjoying it. :D
I want more snail mail! Good things will arrive in it!
Actually, this is worth a shot. Post me things! 96 Dalling Road, Hammersmith.
@DarioVillanueva "W6 0JA" . Does this mean I'm getting yet more presents from you?
@dnwood as long as they squeeze in through the letterbox, I won't complain...
fucking IE6, why won't you die ( currently down,tho)
@npupp :D
@timburke55 now I have Khaya's "this is the most sad song" going through my head. It's especially sad having moved here...
I wanted to go to the party, but given its now midnight, and I am tired and field day-ing all tomorrow, I might have made the right choice.
At field day, drinking some Pimms. I'm getting bored of the district line to east London (every day! these days)
Work like you live in the early days of a better nation.