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Tweets from 2010/09

  1. It's gravy. It's awesomesauce. It's sweet? It's a comestible representing success.
  2. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 I did, it was pretty good. SP is good too, I have lots of opinions on that film. You should see Illusionist (& at the cameo!)
  3. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 ah, excellent, and i guess you're for the big screen, too? :) enjoy!
  4. Flaming Lips next year anyone? Dinosaur Jr & Deerhoof supporting http://www.songkick.com/concerts/6598571-flaming-lips-at-alexandra-palace
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMcmkaLJRfg
  6. Huh. Google's forthcoming TV offering is more ambitious than Apple's. Riskier, maybe not quite as usable, we will see who wins out!
  7. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes haha, I saw the same tweet, I added it to my calendar. I'm up for it.
  8. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier oh god, right there in the opening sentence.
  9. …in reply to @tonicblue
    @tonicblue with or without line breaks? with or without seasonal references? (also, for a real challenge, you should try blank verse)
  10. RT @pablo100: How many SEO copywriters does it take to change a lightbulb, light bulb, bulb, lamp, light, eco-bulb, bulbs, fluorescent t ...
  11. RT @Aiannucci: I gather the BBC is not running with the big Andy Coulson story? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/05/magazine/05hacking-t. ...
  12. …in reply to @tomscott
    @tomscott but think of the metadata! analog metadata, so rich you can smell it!
  13. …in reply to @undefined
    @simonv3 it's not just Scotland, really... the Mercury always has sat in that odd position between popular and good, labels and indies.
  14. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva mmm! Soon soon! I have faith. I have curiosity! I wonder where they'll go? Did GHTG get the 60s out of Murdoch's system?
  15. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes Yes, you are very trying.
  16. Why does American Pie have so many words in it? #musichackday
  17. anyone fancy themselves at guitar hero? looking for a volunteer for our demo... #musichackday
  18. "Tube lines take about 25-30 years to reach an uncomfortable temp" http://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2008/03/12/cooling-the-london-underground
  19. Playing Spotify Roulette. I rolled 43, which on UK albums is Flaws-Bombay Bicycle Club.Could be a lot worse,but it hasn't really grabbed me.
  20. And now #34: 500 days of summer soundtrack. This isn't hilarious at all. I listen to Regina Spektor voluntarily.
  21. …in reply to @radiodario
    @DarioVillanueva to play roll a random number between 1 and 100. Look at the Spotify chart and listen to that album. In it's entirety.
  22. This weekend I made a thing with @oh_cripes . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m50Zx5C5uyU It swears at you, and plays awful MIDI music.
  23. fuck me, but this js1k comp has produced some stunning stuff. How about a nice game of chess? http://js1k.com/demo/435
  24. On the subject of feats of programming, my brain melts at this: http://mamememo.blogspot.com/2010/09/qlobe.html
  25. 14 tracks of Michael Buble :( #spotifyroulette
  26. …in reply to @3en
    @3en no, but you might like @arkitus 's http://keepmeout.com/ - it only really works if you use bookmarks, mind.
  27. …in reply to @glassarmy
  28. RT @BBCEntsteam: Sometimes, we write "xx" in scripts as a place-holder while we wait for award results. So on Tuesday, this happened: ht ...
  29. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier the sexy bits any good?
  30. …in reply to @srules
    @srules the thing most offensive its that it's wrong. It's 1! Gahhh. I guess there was a reason the show was originally called 'cunt'
  31. …in reply to @Huitlacoche_Too
    @Huitlacoche_Too it's a kind offer, but i'm afraid my problem is too much of my own kindness. so i would kindly have to decline.
  32. …in reply to @undefined
    @auntiepixelante Let's hope it's as simple for @xnotch, eh? #fuckingpaypal
  33. Ha, agile (as in, not waterfall) civil service? #opentech
  34. Last year the problem was extracting data from gov. This year, it's cleaning it. Fuck yeah. You forget all the small steps... #opentech
  35. @hubmum london hackspace will be happy to help arduino-wise...
  36. Sparql! Squee! #opentech
  37. Next year, there should be an arcade room, full of games and tech demos. #opentech
  38. …in reply to @dnwood
  39. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo shit, it's on now! did @oh_cripes get you going?
  40. …in reply to @srules
    @srules and i was just saying how pleased it makes me to still have student friends to hang with...
  41. @stevehit we infiltrating and wearing them down from the inside. We have revolutionary ideas, but they're also sensible practical ones.
  42. …in reply to @tef
    @iamtef You up to anything Tuesday? Could come hang out at the Hackspace?
  43. In Chromium, you can middle click the "Refresh" button to refresh in a new page!
  44. I didn't see it coming - Make me dance, I want to surrender. I have new B&S to fall in love to. ( http://www.belleandsebastian.com for it)
  45. …in reply to @octete
    @octete haha, I also read that HN thread today. But, yes.
  46. @increpare mate of mine is looking for gamedevs to interview about their career choices - mind subjecting yourself to that?
  47. …in reply to @curvegames
    @curvestudios i'd love to, if you have time after working times (as I am working those times)
  48. http://www.schmooze-blog.com/?p=2880 As has been said, J-pop that sounds like @MaxTundra
  49. …in reply to @tef
    @iamtef yes. And I'm about from about 2 minutes ago...
  50. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy be a radio person! I'll come guest on your show! For realz you gotta!
  51. Ran to work today, which was fine. Then, had a shower in a room with a light that refused to stay on, which was frustrating as hell.
  52. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy seriously? that's a lame excuse. i don't believe either of those. do it! it is talking nonsense, only slightly more people listen
  53. Pricing is weird http://www.positech.co.uk/gratuitousspacebattles/registernomads.php
  54. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth wouldn't matter much- people like giving people they are fans of money.I bought the 4 pack of Plain Sight cuz £2 wasn't enough
  55. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth and, come to it, I've not yet played that game. I should get on that...
  56. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH can't one be a sexy cyborg space ninja artist?
  57. no internet at home :< i might get useful things done :<
  58. …in reply to @WOAHYEAHPROCTOR
    @WOAHYEAHPROCTOR your contempt is infectious.
  59. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes what is up with that ♺ ?
  60. <@russss> the people behind Bloomsbury Lanes are starting a real ale pub AND a brewery!
  61. …in reply to @tonicblue
  62. Swype stopped working! How am I supposed to use this phone now?! Come back, I miss you! I forgive your hatred of connectbot!
  63. …in reply to @la_miaow
    @la_miaow goddammit, that sounds good. Why do I not bake more?
  64. You made me want to do science again, Dawkins. http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/dawkins09.1/dawkins09.1_index.html
  65. Google maps is having issues. Distresses me how lost this makes me feel.
  66. Wondering how to go to the pub? Don't worry, here is some documentation: http://www.sirc.org/publik/pub.html
  67. Or, if you have to go imminently, or want a quick refresher, the Hitchhiker's Guide has you covered http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A3176219
  68. Who's going to The Story next year? http://thestory.org.uk/
  69. …in reply to @undefined
    @AjMcpherson roll on winter?
  70. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo Frink looks useful.
  71. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo Puredata?
  72. "However, as any Discordian knows, every golden Apple has a golden worm at its center."
  73. @increpare liss'nin ta ya: can you recommend any architecture books for games designers? (oh, and love your hair)
  74. …in reply to @undefined
    @increpare amazon'd, thanks!
  75. RT @s7ephen: "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY BLOCK" hahahah oops! http://bit.ly/dzdCJs
  76. RT @tomcoates: Wonderful audio documentary on Richard Feynman from Radio 4: http://bbc.in/94724i /via @moleitau
  77. Have I Got Tickets For Have I Got News For You?
  78. …in reply to @timburke55
    @timburke55 @simonv by all rights, be would have become shit by now... but no, they're still good. <3 be
  79. "I used to be so sullen and cool, then I heard this song. I hugged my sister and told her I love her. I'm still cool" youtube.com/watch?v=q7qsCxX_VF8
  80. @hpneilson I had a slice of this cake, kindly set free on the office http://smittenkitchen.com/2008/08/chocolate-peanut-butter-cake/ #oneupd
  81. XSS Day is over! And I didn't see any rainbows, or unicorns, or anything.
  82. Photo: Things I saw today http://tumblr.com/xuij7nz2u
  83. …in reply to @musebloom
    @musebloom fencing?! as in swordplay!? i used to do that! I miss it! I will fence you some day!
  84. Photo: And things I saw yesterday http://tumblr.com/xuij8n8rk
  85. Last night I dreamt I was sleeping in a chinese dormitory and they cut my hair and shaved my mustache while I slept.
  86. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy oh shiiiit! I totally end up reading about this stuff just for kicks, you know. Not that I know any theory...
  87. RT @londonhackspace: We just hit 100 Members! Time for a group hug guys and girls!
  88. …in reply to @srules
    @srules fuck yeah! Achievement unlocked:MASTERS New stage available:PHD
  89. …in reply to @3en
    @3en sweet! Wish I coulda come down this evening - hopefully some interesting projects will result.
  90. Photo: Autumn is here http://tumblr.com/xuijc78j5
  91. Just saw a man risk sex for the excitement of watching someone else play Sonic Adventure.
  92. …in reply to @3en
    @3en why not just ask @jonty for the place he got the hackspace robo-cam? It was like 30 quid. That's not as fun though...
  93. …in reply to @3en
    @3en wassat aimed at me? In any case - hello!
  94. RT @pozorvlak: Theory: @r4Today is *deliberately* infuriating, to get the nation out of bed.
  95. Top tip: that handy Nautilus remote-mounting thing you can't use from the terminal? It's located at ~/.gvfs/
  96. …in reply to @npupp
    @npupp I think he got up there in time, but it was a struggle for him to tear himself away.
  97. …in reply to @drmholmes
    @dholmesqwerty because it's where the o2 head office is based? the have to live in slough, at least let the poor buggers use their own shiny
  98. Jacques s'apprête / Coulis nos fête. / Et soif qui dites nos lignes.
  99. Some bands I like: Ace Bushy Striptease, Fists, Bearsuit. More like these please.
  100. @PepsiBandit hey! it's you! just been chatting to every member of the family but you!
  101. …in reply to @tef
    @iamtef ssssh! don't let them see we can do beautiful powerful unreadable things with the functional stuff - they'll swap it out for boring.
  102. Why is the D-pad on the left? #playful10 blowing my mind.
  103. Rossignol should be here, i was thinking earlier ... #playful10
  104. Margaret Robertson was totally cheating. Minecraft is just that cool anyway, with presentation or no. #playful10
  105. …in reply to @dnwood
    @dnwood My little brother is thinking of going off and doing compsci. I am terrified of what I might have done.
  106. This morning is standing up, sitting down as soon as possible, and waiting for the world to stop spinning. Now lets go pack!
  107. I have a camping rucksack, and a satchel - guess which is heavier?
  108. …in reply to @undefined
    @Sobri if you get as far as London at any point, let me know, and I'll buy you a beer.
  109. FAR TOO MUCH TO ORGANIZE! And then I'm off in Wales for a few days, then Berlin, then I collapse in a smelly heap and back at work. :D
  110. @cbase I'm from London Hackspace - I'm in Berlin next weekend - what's the protocol for visiting?
  111. On a train to a plane to Berlin. What shall I see?
  112. Every time I go through airport security, I think "fuck airport security" and think of ways to smuggle a bomb onboard.
  113. Lithium batteries can be made to combust, igniting a laptop's magnesium body, in turn setting off aluminum and rust aka thermite. Cheery!
  114. Best thing is they could never ban it, because how could businessmen travel without laptops?
  115. …in reply to @SaraMarianne
    @SaraMarianne I paused before making it, but fuck it - I came to Berlin on a whim and seeking adventure. Being arrested is much the same...
  116. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier but think of the turrusts! (businesswoman)
  117. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier will do! I will be borrowing someone's bicycle, but I keep forgetting which way the cars come from...
  118. …in reply to @musebloom
    @musebloom JEALOUS