v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2010/10

  1. …in reply to @fonduelover
    @fonduelover aww, I missed mine because I was on holiday. But my work clothes have degenerated into my normal clothes anyway...
  2. I'm cycling on the wrong side of the road on a bike without very good brakes. And the tyres need inflating a bit. Not died yet, though!
  3. …in reply to @musebloom
    @musebloom tonight they are fifteen minutes from my house. Unfortunately, I'm a bit further...
  4. I am at c-base, it is wicked sick. I now want to live in a spaceship. Or just cover something in greebles.
  5. This morning, I stared into the bathroom mirror, and Mr Six [from the Invisibles] stared back: http://www.barbelith.com/bomb/char_six.jpg
  6. …in reply to @imaginary_lines
    @imaginary_lines hoi oi, you alive yet?
  7. Written in 1928 : "That is of course nearly hopeless when a client brings in a vast text and wants to have everything 'big'"
  8. …in reply to @VoxelBoy
    @VoxelBoy what, like that maybe-vapourware OnLive doohickey? For your case, remote desktops may be the way..?
  9. …in reply to @RudolfKremers
    @RudolfKremers Why do you only schedule these events for tube-strike days? (but - hey! - I might drag myself out for this one)
  10. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy you can scratch my balls any time...
  11. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier @oh_cripes hopefully there will be a gif of the thing coming off soon (oh, my cold and naked upper lip!)
  12. …in reply to @RudolfKremers
    @RudolfKremers We should have a game-makers strike when the tube drivers have their pub nights. That'll show 'em!
  13. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier how have you never ceilidh'd? they're awesome! and enthusiasm = good, don't be afraid to swing round fast!
  14. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier and if you can, wear something floofy and swoopy, it makes spinning round totally more fun
  15. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes @srules I want it to not pick anything when it is pretty much halfway. *itches to tinker*
  16. …in reply to @roderickhodgson
    @roderickhodgson the moustache is still there. We had a violent breakup but I'm letting it sleep on the couch til it finds somewhere new.
  17. Anyone looking for a home? Maybe in Reading? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=153780461328751
  18. …in reply to @infectedarea
    @infectedarea might be a bit of a commute, I'm afraid...
  19. http://v21.tumblr.com/post/1250428591/jonty-with-balloon @londonhackspace @jonty
  20. Free Oliver Drage! Encryption is not a crime!
  21. …in reply to @tonicblue
    @tonicblue Autechre, Dat Politics, Max Tundra, Gold Panda, alva noto, Tshetsha Boys, Anamanaguchi, Miaoux Miaoux - a good mix there!
  22. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo why, didn't you used to get chased up for missing tutorials?
  23. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier something that involves me getting free champagne?
  24. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier i'm taking that as a yes :D
  25. …in reply to @drmholmes
    @dholmesqwerty no. Don't be one of those people. If I cared, I'd be on foursquare.
  26. 4ip is dead, boo! It was a continual stream of interesting projects, well-delivered.Wonder how this new strategy will hit Alice Taylor et al
  27. Work has now involved me looking at a picture of a man's cock. While on the phone to a client! (I'm surprised it has taken this long)
  28. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario tech support for a SMS gateway. we also do MMS. apparently some pictures weren't getting through...
  29. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH @psychicteeth Most books I buy are second-hand. I'd be tempted to do the same with CDs, if I bought CDs.
  30. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH @psychicteeth and those that rush through games so they can trade them in while they're still high value?
  31. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH @psychicteeth but speaking practically - steam sales, pay-what-you-like etc replace tradeins for ratcheting down prices over time
  32. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH all ages. rarely, rarely hardbacks, or <1 a year. but just because of unavailability at the charity shop, not lack of desire.
  33. @S0phieH @psychicteeth but then! money goes to platforms (ie steam) and creators, not shops. How much do we value local videogame shops?
  34. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH games still have technical obsolescence built in. but then, SNES games are still in your friends houses, have hit stable pricing...
  35. "In the 1980s, NASA ordered 3,200 of the diapers and, as of 2007, a third of the supply remains." http://bit.ly/bLFQgB
  36. The Uri, or Armenian cucumber is a type of long, slender fruit which tastes like a cucumber and looks somewhat like a cucumber inside.
  37. Feh, incredibly irritating mysterious disappearance of big tub of cable-ties has ruined my evening. At least I got the woodworking done.
  38. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH @psychicteeth I wrote a post http://v21.posterous.com/videogames-are-sold-like-videogames
  39. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier ahahahaha, that is all.
  40. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH It's not about developing longer-lasting value (though we will) - it's about: the stuff we do is getting better at a dizzying speed
  41. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH Make what's best now, let posterity look after it's own self. And appreciate the form the way it is,not the way it maybe oughtta be
  42. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario They picked the colours as a practical joke, but their manager liked it.
  43. I'm a candy corn vampire!
  44. DeviceAnywhere is spooky magic, and will be ever so useful. :D
  45. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario better luck next time! Does anyone use vim? Maybe you could get them to google for "man cream"?
  46. …in reply to @fionamclaren
    @fionamclaren I work for a SMS gateway, so am obligated to recommend us. Open Market - we're pricey but good. We do stuff for DEC.
  47. …in reply to @fionamclaren
    @fionamclaren also happy to answer any random questions about what's sensible from the technical side (which is what I do)
  48. …in reply to @danieltownsend
    @danieltownsend their surname is 'Mario'. You know, because they're the Mario Brothers.
  49. …in reply to @danieltownsend
    @danieltownsend yep, 'Mario Mario' as Dominik Diamond says, like a crap 80s pop band.
  50. I helped. RT @srules: Just dealt with a 26 inch pizza. BAM!
  51. Nedry were beautiful, Bearsuit were slightly more annoying in person (and weren't having any fun). I ate a giant pizza. #johnpeelday
  52. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 There's unicorns in the Simpsons mines. He has the attitude of someone taking the piss in all directions.
  53. RT @Doomlaser: @mossmouth Press action button until everyone shuts up. kill everything that can die. find a door you haven't gone throug ...
  54. brb, upgrading ubuntu
  55. …in reply to @undefined
    @AjMcpherson Well. It went slowly. And then I went home. And now I head back to work. We'll see. (In the meantime, I made a ball-pool!)
  56. …in reply to @undefined
    @simonv3 totally math!
  57. …in reply to @undefined
    @AjMcpherson more of RAID. It's still not booted successfully...
  58. …in reply to @undefined
    @AjMcpherson it gave the option to diddle grub conf, and I took it, foolishly. Blame software raid.
  59. …in reply to @awesommelier
  60. …in reply to @3en
    @3en It depresses me slightly that I'm reading news.YC in parallel with you. But I guess it shouldn't.
  61. Smog have the combination of despair and pigheaded persistence I need to get me through the day.
  62. …in reply to @3en
    @3en the groupthink thing, maybe. it seems a bland monoculture? in truth, i'm not entirely sure. maybe I'm just a hipster...
  63. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhMoxXilwro&hd=1 is a good youtube.
  64. Still really digging the new Ubuntu font. This theme is ace, too, clean and beautiful and somehow oldschool all at once.
  65. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier Have you seen http://futurestates.tv/episodes/plastic-bag ? It's pretty beautiful! (Plus, Werner Herzog)
  66. I knew you so long I ran out of cool things to say... still bump into friends that we both had yesterday.
  67. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I've never known a polite way to enquire of someone's gender...
  68. …in reply to @tomscott
    @tomscott :D glad it went off well! looking forward to the baked, wrapped, composed final piece.
  69. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes i get the reference.
  70. Edinburgh people: you should go see this: http://www.traverse.co.uk/shows_midsummerv2.htm
  71. My scarf is fucking snug.
  72. Has anyone made a reality TV show about competing groups of producers wanting to make a reality TV show?
  73. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy That's the one. I decided today was the day :D
  74. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier @glassarmy Are you honestly surprised by this fact? Really?
  75. …in reply to @vivaladev
    @LowPolyStudios yeah - the feedback is worth about half the entry price.
  76. …in reply to @vivaladev
    @LowPolyStudios and press like http://bit.ly/c6QfpJ http://on.fb.me/aUfQj8 http://bit.ly/Nx27H (my feedback here : http://bit.ly/9m5fjh )
  77. trying not to buy a wacom bamboo.
  78. …in reply to @tef
    @iamtef ENVIOUS. :D (and congratulations, and link the hell out of it when it appears - I am curious)
  79. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo To answer your question, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh , apparently. What's the matter?
  80. …in reply to @new_nomad
    @new_nomad if it comes to it you're welcome to our sofa/ball pit.
  81. RT @MaxTundra: Q: Who invented 3D computer graphics? A: Ray Tracing.
  82. Stayed up way too late last night reading 'the windup girl'. I expected to enjoy it and did. Best scifi I've read in ages.
  83. RT @ryanqnorth: A great article on Cracked about the ways our society is already post-scarcity but we still pay for things: http://tinyu ...
  84. @radiodario which perl thing?
  85. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario reading that now, it's beautiful.
  86. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo then they should use #!/bin/bash , surely? an irritating gotcha, but worth it for the faster start-up times...
  87. …in reply to @Child_Of_Poster
    @Child_Of_Poster I never noticed how similar Buck 65 is to the Silver Jews...
  88. Today I will be mostly chanting the mantra "Vodafone let off £6bn tax bill".
  89. RT @bashtips: Add "shopt -s cdspell" to your .bashrc for small typos to be automatically corrected when changing directory.
  90. RT @glassarmy: My university protest against cuts & fee increases clashes with my lecture on university cuts & fee increases.
  91. …in reply to @undefined
    @jon_ellis The iPhone isn't going away and has got noticeably less evil due to Android's competition. The real evil is with the carriers...
  92. …in reply to @dnwood
    @dnwood I'm happy with my all-inclusive £15 a month rolling plan from them. Comes with internets, too.
  93. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth doesn't deal well, generally, sadly. Still, it looks like it's becoming LibreOffice & letting patches in, so maybe, someday...
  94. …in reply to @srules
    @srules R! R! I am a fan and I have never used you. (We learnt SPSS in Psychology, boo)
  95. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richfenne I have 3 couches and a ballpool.
  96. …in reply to @srules
    @srules What, ancient, hidebound and incredibly difficult to master? And poisons you for saner smaller things?
  97. How to schmooze (it's good advice) http://songbytoad.com/2010/10/song-by-toads-guide-to-schmooze/
  98. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richfenne Course not! It can be pretty sweltering, though, turns out that hollow plastic spheres are good insulators...
  99. My hard drive is seemingly filled with indexes, caches, and temporary files. I guess that's the way it goes...
  100. Vim has broken me. I'm now uncomfortable in every other text editor, AND Vim.
  101. But to be fair, this fucking editor uses a variable width font by default. For real, yo.
  102. Headband Work Log - A Single LED Turns On http://post.ly/16D5n
  103. …in reply to @dbkr
    @dbkr It can slip in there, if one uses it in a sufficiently louche fashion. (I like "they" for ambiguously-gendered singular people, too)
  104. Why do cool things take hard work?
  105. …in reply to @bentosmile
    @bentosmile http://www.positech.co.uk/democracy2/ ? it's what http://bit.ly/8Z6yiH was hinting at...
  106. …in reply to @Tordf
    @Tordf arg! "a person is only capable of having thoughts and ideas that can be expressed in their language," Sapir-Whorf is discredited!
  107. …in reply to @Tordf
    @Tordf I know, I know, he says "idea"... but still.
  108. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAUjaUIP4b0 You are the most beautiful girl in the world. And I'll be Elvis Presley to your Marilyn Monroe.
  109. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth I had heard of them before, but not listened. This is some heavy shit, dude. :D
  110. "15:29 < samr> !spacecorps 15:29" "-Squeaky:#support- 723 Terraformers are expressly forbidden from recreating Swindon." God, I love IRC.
  111. Photo: Work at the pub http://tumblr.com/xuimqorpn
  112. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes you smell worse.
  113. I, too, think Super Box crate is an excellent game. Go play it! http://www.supercratebox.com/ (it's free, and tiny, and you get to die lots)
  114. Also excellent is The Polynomial, free demo on Steam. Visuals like nothing else. http://store.steampowered.com/app/67010/
  115. Photo: The sign reads “This car is not for sale or scrap” http://tumblr.com/xuimyh83s
  116. I took the plunge and enstickered my laptop. But now I crave more stickers. Send me stickers, oh Internet people?
  117. (And in the interests of quid pro quo and making everyone's post more interesting - if you DM me an address I will send something there.)
  118. @simonv3 I know I've stolen like fifty gazillion of these over the years, but can you nick me a Fresh Air sticker?
  119. …in reply to @npupp
    @npupp I did, it was lovely, thank you very much! Address, please, I have a postcard saved up for you.
  120. …in reply to @undefined
    @simonv3 praps when you come down to visit with @richfenne ?
  121. …in reply to @undefined
    @simonv3 also: Cheers!
  122. Just found a MP3 CD I made for student radio. Student radio as in before university student radio. Youth FM represent!
  123. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo YES
  124. http://i.imgur.com/FYz1e.gif
  125. Photo: Future 3 - Alison http://tumblr.com/xuin4x9t9
  126. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy can't help you with the Economist, but if you want an LRB login I can provide...
  127. Since when does this happen? http://twitpic.com/30sj4c
  128. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy also good political readings (but american) is exiledonline.com and Matt Taibbi (in Rolling Stone).
  129. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario stop telling people!
  130. http://wondermark.com/c/2010-07-13-638time.gif
  131. RT @oh_cripes: BZZZTT!!1! http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#performHapticFeedback%28int%29
  132. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario it's cool, thanks for pointing it out. Should edit and put it back up, I spose.
  133. The webpage at http://apache.org/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
  134. RT @jonty: Insomnia and irritation, so I made a thing. It involves twitter. http://jonty.co.uk/idiocy
  135. Photo: So much I could have sent you tonight… http://tumblr.com/xuinbgmmd
  136. "I have 16 GB of horse-related XML data." http://tumblr.com/xuine3akq
  137. …in reply to @undefined
    @increpare Mine washes and dries. I try to avoid drying, but my drying space is fairly minimal, so *shrug*
  138. RT @messhof: http://superior-web-solutions.com/Broadband/Studio1/intro/nightclub/nightclub.html via ramirrrro
  139. Photo: 16.852561, 96.822081 http://tumblr.com/xuinisjvq
  140. life is difficult sometimes http://boohooboo.tumblr.com/post/1398669460
  141. RT @octete: ♺ @mattjgalloway: Samsung Android error message #fail http://yfrog.com/msiavij
  142. Why is it hard to do cool things? http://post.ly/17tCN
  143. Just heading back from Needoo Grill near Brick Lane. Tasty, and also I am falling asleep.
  144. I'm tired of collage.
  145. I want to make a FUSE-based game. A game where the main verb is traversing directories.
  146. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richfenne And again I'm like "that's fairly interesting, but link the fucking paper!" science journalism is almost always gash.
  147. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richfenne to be clear that article was totally alright. but i'd still rather read the paper.
  148. …in reply to @awesommelier
  149. …in reply to @awesommelier
  150. My headphones look like they're dying again. But they have a lifetime warranty, so I'll get a new pair. Think that's the fourth replacement?
  151. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario Koss PortaPros. Nice headphones, most of the breaking was my fault. The cable's splitting where it divides, this time.
  152. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes Well, the cable is splitting, and previously a headphone went rattly. And once I stood up with them on, and the plug came off.
  153. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes Also, I find the pads become loose and fall of the band after a bit, so it's nice to get a new pair.
  154. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier Success! You win ... some kind of prize?
  155. Today is mufti day at work. Someone came in as http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Trope-tan
  156. No no no no no no NO, get out my head! I just thought "That'd be easier if I used a tiling window manager" FFS
  157. RT @KommanderKlobb: Reminder about #londonindies pub-meet on Monday, here: http://bit.ly/aOGxNh .. please RT / invite indie devs!
  158. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I'll see if Royal Mail will accept it...
  159. "I'm wearing cutoff shorts. What is wrong? I have a moustache. What's going on?"
  160. …in reply to @scaol_
    @RubZo @simonv3 are you going as a couple?
  161. Forest and Roxy being sold off. oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
  162. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I may have fluctuating valuations of the inhabitants, but I've always been glad it's there. And the Roxy was lovely.
  163. http://fuckyeahmenswear.tumblr.com/
  164. Heading home early. Just got no chat or groove this evening.
  165. unity => arduino success!
  166. RT @emilyterrible Happy Halloween! NEW COMIC, "His Face All Red": http://tinyurl.com/33ssqgt