Tweets from 2011/01
RT @iamtef: someone has pointed out it might be cheaper to pay for a year of full time education than pay council tax
@la_miaow it was awesome, actually. other than the bit where i drank too much and retired early, but that's my own silly fault.
@la_miaow is this your street-weed? I can't say I'm all that fussed...
@kitrichardsonuk damn you. i wanna laser.
Hey look - more spaces now exist for London Gamejam - (the extra space was made with a sledgehammer)
@kitrichardsonuk someone has a cruuuuuuuush!
@kitrichardsonuk hmmm... that's not very good music for dozing off in bed to... but it's good enough to be worth having got up.
@simonv3 i missed dogfort with my self-imposed exile on a particular species of timesucking website. it's worth it, but i still sad.
@RubZo "Hey, check it out, I learnt the bass line to Final Fantasy II!"
@iamdanw sometimes when i was in school, i would put pva glue on my fingers just so i could peel it off afterwards.
Who wants to play Sleep is Death with me?
Akron/Family at Bush Hall in May, anyone?
RT @brandonnn: holy cow --> RT @nedroid: This is beautiful, beautiful work:
@awesommelier hurrah! Were you more or less drunk than last time?
listening to and Venetian Snares both.
@tomscott we have the best view you can get in Chiswick. Dunno about boss, depends how involved it is...
@S0phieH I was about to ask, but I figured it'd be better explained via the medium of blog. So: yes, please do, I is curious.
"BT supports net neutrality, but service providers should also be free to strike deals, [for] higher quality or assured service delivery."
Butchering quotes to let them fit into the available space... the actual quote is from here :
@KommanderKlobb cutting programmes accurately is a hard problem (but a fun computer science one...)
@KommanderKlobb oh, I guess so. In which case it becomes a very hard software engineering problem.
@pozorvlak but then, win/fail is ... there's a lot more than that. I mean, who are his enemies, really?
@KommanderKlobb it's recorded later on in the process than that. at the encoding stage, which is likely in a different town to the recording
" akin to the classic Myst titles but with an electro twist."
- - and all that was found was a piece of green cheese.
- Akron/Family's new video. I think maybe it shouldn't be good, but is.
I bought Catan for the flat and then we played it and it was really tense and then I won.
I just tried to send a text. My Nexus One sent the message to the wrong person, and deleted my entire SMS history. Not impressed.
I can't go to this due to being on-call, but you totally should:
@WOAHYEAHPROCTOR hey! My neck of the woods. (To clarify, I only work there - I live in Hammersmith like normal people)
Huh. I appear to have spent actually all day asleep.
@simonv3 you know, @amyandronicus writes a lot about how much women rock...
@richfenne man, cinematic orchestra are everywhere the last couple of days (before which I had not heard of them)
@pozorvlak it was an excellent blog post. I feel I understand complex numbers more than I did before, and I enjoyed reading it.
@kitrichardsonuk Ah! I was just looking for that link. A: Rusko. 'Parently he produced her whole new album...
@anamanaguchi tracker files are the ultimate in lossless compression.
RT @Slaktus: I'm naming my dick Fuckminster Buller, because it doesn't believe in up and down, only in and out.
@Slaktus woo! good times. (PS I found you by searching for the word "Fuckminster" - that still cracks me up)
@Slaktus I've already paid the £50 - but I'll also be at the pub. And clearly also
@Slaktus the problem is only a lack of chairs. When we acquire some more, the word will go out, and it will not longer be sold out.
- -- haha, yes. more games that require and encourage rowdiness.
I also have to post this. - if you're gonna go, go with style...
@S0phieH if only that was true. how many devs make games you like that you can't stand?
@simonv3 das racist is nothing but good. Playing in May, down here in London.
@I_AM_CAM you should! It's a lovely place, full of things.
@I_AM_CAM yeah, I'm there (almost) frequently. True there's no focus on software, but then there's almost everything here.
@I_AM_CAM I am excited for: upcoming darkroom, upcoming welding torch, DIY genetics. And the gamejam I'm organizing there post WoL :D
@Slaktus I signed you up. After counting chairs, we have slightly more than I expected...
@Cb2Indies You should list on yr "UK Jams" page.
@increpare <3
@increpare also, yoink.
American chocolate is sweeter, and comes in drab industrial packaging.
The cars crawling to work, from way up high
Photo: The office in the morning is empty and full of dark
@Rachelbug1 SUCK. :C
@kitrichardsonuk saw this recently, and thought of you
@kitrichardsonuk been reading the book is from.
@danlockton do you come to @londonhackspace ?
RT @flantz: Sharp analysis of a game's formal system gives insight on its thematic meanings. @simonFerrari shows how its done: http://bi ...
@danlockton yeah, it's an hours journey across town for me. worth having a look, though, even if it's not worth membership.
RT @amyhoy: @counternotions i know lots of designers & rarely hear of anyone actually reading research papers. so i wrote this: http://b ...
@radiodario give me a shout when you're down, it'd be lovely to see you.
RT @glassarmy: "Can you imagine how dull it is to have to mark a whole pile of essays on the same topic? Especially if they're shit." #i ...
@oh_cripes Saw your tweet just now and now I want you to make a dubstep remix album of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
@zunguzungu I prefer , but it doesn't go back as far.
@JennyJenJenna RT @agencyofconey We're extending the deadline for Playful Comms Officer to 28th of January.
@awesommelier tbh, i think you'll enjoy that entire blog
RT @Slaktus: Holy cow is this excellent:
@radiodario Hammersmith way. Thinking I might be out west at the hackspace (Hoxton) most of the weekend, though.
@awesommelier he also runs a blog on dirty books? but anyway - deny you're interested in spherized bloody mary in vodka, go on, deny it.
Photo: Sainsburys doesn’t believe in vegetables.
@awesommelier did it work? was it good?
@simonv3 fuck yes, that's amazing.
RT @richfenne: Is it morning already? But I didn't do any work yesterday. Time should freeze when I procrastinate.
@CharlesYarnold awwwww, i feel flattered to still be included. <3
@dbkr is the other train more direct?
My new favourite website:
Photo: Fuck yeah, minor act of craftiness. (I no longer need a new bag)
"Ah, you can prove anything with facts"
@Sobri I've played GTA before, I know that's true. I think it's because they go past quicker.
@Slaktus source: - it's a literal rendering of a refusal to accept cognitive dissonance.
@Sobri I dunno, "a better world" is a pretty small ambition. I mean, have you seen this one?
@guided1 booo - feel free to drop by for a bit if you can.
So : chew bread for 2 minutes and it tastes sweet, due to amylase enzymes in our saliva. But other primates don't have this ability.
In fact, we do due to viruses infecting egg or sperm cells, leading to their genetic code becoming permanently embedded in ours.
As per: "Endogenous retroviral sequences are required for tissue-specific expression of a human salivary amylase gene"(
@teh_nipples hjalpa: because i told you to. so you'd listen to my story about having the results of an infected testicle inside you.
@Slaktus i like that the reason why not comes down to a question of there not being enough space.
@Slaktus yeah, but generally in the gut and on the skin. HERVs are an example of acquired DNA inherited.
@Slaktus Microflora transmission is still a bit mysterious. But interesting. But also not genetic in the sense you mean.
@Slaktus "comprising nearly 8% of the human genome". We have much better tools than virii
@Slaktus "All appear to be defective, containing nonsense mutations or major deletions" :<
@oh_cripes but it's so fascinating! #thingsilearntatthehackspacethisweekend
@JennyJenJenna ooh ooh, when?
@JennyJenJenna oooh, ooh, exciting!
@KommanderKlobb @oh_cripes lamdbas are lush! really useful, but all they really are is mini, nameless, functions.
Official Microsoft PC Kinect SDK announced. Those words could go in pretty much any order.
@LowPolyStudios "Blocked by mod_slotlimit. More information about this error may be available in the server error log."
@ijmad does that mean you have some kind of followup appointment with them?
@LowPolyStudios a good problem to have! (but you should use Varnish or summat...)
RT @jamesbridle: "I don’t want to pretend that this is ok, safe, achievable or right, because it is not." via @hann ...
@LowPolyStudios you'd be surprised #advicenotfromrealworldexperience
@PeterDJohnstone What if the art comes in the forms of instructions for creating the art?
FUCK YOU:"...the White House has been asking business groups to identify regulations they believe are obstacles..."
@edclef aww, i was excited for it from the headless screenshot. it's a lovely aesthetic, though, really crunchy.
@MaxTundra @londonhackspace worlds collide... I was there when he did that. And the LINK one, too.
@edclef please tell me only the cheesiest of post process?
@Slaktus Hey, I didn't say I was surprised. I think says it perfectly.
@Slaktus you're an impossible idealist.
Photo: Sometimes the easiest solution is stupid.
@infectedarea right => video => left / left => left => right. the headphones were the wrong way round.
@3en christ, you're at this NESTA thing too? Everyone seems to be!
@thestory2011 Is there a waiting list? Can I be on it?
- Liar! "whois" : "Expiration Date: 03-jan-2012" "Registrant: Wikia, Inc."
RT @abscond: So... Oxford Circus shooting confusion:
@musebloom go for it!
@HilariousCow see marr's 2.5D sketch. Depth perception is an interesting topic generally.
@KommanderKlobb That sounds like it wouldn't be a fun regex. Chop it into small pieces and eat them one by one is my only advice.
Anyone want a months worth of tastecard? I currently have two.
@KommanderKlobb @oh_cripes oh christ, yes, completely agree. I assumed it was impossible to do manually, or else I'd've said that.
@psychicteeth #theinternetgottherefirst
RT @CphGC: Oh fuck yes RT @mentalabstrato omg best track ever:
@KommanderKlobb oh man, now I want sushi again. I need to stop eating so much sushi!
@Slaktus @KommanderKlobb but it's so expensive! when i am rich i shall eat sushi every day.
Manchester United shop, Kibera, Nairobi
I replayed an old game I made, and I fell in love it again. Is this, like, a weird thing to announce?
I took that game, and I made it smaller, and on a page full of ads. Well done me.
@KommanderKlobb cheers. that's a cb2 game, that is, straight from cambridge.
@RobbieSFerguson @thomasogden Hi Popolo dudes! Can I use one of your songs as a soundtrack to a game? It's at
@npupp @radiodario not actually Flash, it's Unity. If someone gives me lots of money, I'll build it as an iPad app...
@radiodario $400 + borrowing a Mac occasionally.
@simonv3 If I were in Edinburgh, I would have been there. Glad to hear they were good, really like their album.
@S0phieH but I need to have a bath and some dim sum! Can I do it when I get back?
@RobbieSFerguson Ha! I saw you guys in Edinburgh, and always liked you. Then was looking for soundtrack music, and thought of you guys.
@RobbieSFerguson and thanks! I'll go add it in now.
@Slaktus for what? Creating one for a community, there's Ning, or any of the open fb clones, if you wanna host yrself.
@Slaktus Hmm... might be able to hack something out of drupal, or django. basically a multiuser blog with feeds per person, and easy posting
@checker what's so sweet about it? it's bounded outputs?
@glassarmy You should ditch the Lemuria for School of Seven Bells. Just for the name...
@mrArtessaDesign I'd love to learn more about fonts! Question for you: what do you reckon to the ubiquitous faux-pixel fonts? ie Silkscreen
RT @JDinesen: Do you know that special Nokia text message sound? Its actually morse code for "SMS".
Price check, huh? I notice it was cheaper beforehand...
Photo: Who would buy two at these prices?
@timoncheese that's an excellent crash blossom.
@KommanderKlobb Unity isn't so impossible. Flash is reasonable with stuff like wonderfl. Or more basically, scratch etc.
@imaginary_lines you have good taste in grumpy food.
how fucking cool is this?
@awesommelier i'm updating this from an office in chiswick at 8am. just saying, screw you!
LASERS. Extremely high powered lasers.
@Slaktus I.T. has waxed thick and thin for decades. Why would we stop now?
@honeyslug @CphGC really? this is bizarre - i have never heard of it. my world just expanded a little.
A1 paper is larger when you're on the tube.
@Slaktus if I am to believe your tweets - you did good today. Go home proud.
@dbkr it was actually mounting board :<
I need a better go-to font than Silkscreen. Maybe I'll make one.
@iamtef make it lower case, so the text is more readable.
Ugh, attempting to solve the "streaming internet radio from a web page" problem again.
RT: Archer (that cartoon about the terrible secret agent, remember?), returns early Friday morning UK time!
@oh_cripes did you get druuuuuuuunk? (PS, the answer is yes, you gave me a hug last night, that means yes)
How dare the BBC kill off all these top level sites?
For real I mean this - what's gained? the hosting costs, the ability to reuse that URL - what's lost? history.
A point made more obvious by the loss of
"Our view is that these pages often contain a lot of information about the programme or event which may be of interest in the future."
"We don't want to delete pages which users may have bookmarked or linked to in other ways." from
"I know some have questioned the importance of this number... tackling the symptom of a problem does provide a real incentive to change"
@pozorvlak YES
@pozorvlak the YES was to kittens.
@AmyAndronicus but yet one of the big stories here in the UK is a sports commentator being offhandedly privately sexist. People still care.
@richfenne you need an intervention. is that another blog/twitter account you're about to start?
@richfenne ... and you did the international one, i see. get a grip on yourself! there's no prize for hitting double digits!
SPACE - - stuff is docking, and you can see it happen.
@timburke55 not myself, but has a full set of need to be a member, just check someone's there first
@srules faaack! (what were you pitching?)
@richfenne ha, i just - my main problem is there's all this /stuff/ i want to do. but actually what I need is some sleep. it's okay to relax
@richfenne it's okay to just read a book and enjoy it, and that's all.
Hey @alicetaylor , I like your trousers! #wol2
@increpare fair enough. See you at the jam.
@glassarmy I know exactly how you feel.
On my way to #londonjam now. Bit late, and to be honest, all I want is tea. Good night last night!
@KommanderKlobb @Slaktus +447962403825
@KommanderKlobb there is infinite tea. The hackspace is a magical space.
@nachimir it's very true. MOAR DANCING
@nachimir Bizarre! That's where I live.
AAARG, the SIM card slot on this laptop seems to maybe be buggered.
@iamtef haha, exactly the same. I was triggered by the Metro, of all things...
@nachimir ha, I've been there. Some interesting stuff got made - hopefully get them online. And I'll have to come see Nottinghack some day.
@KommanderKlobb oh, hey, i'd love to dink in your jam game source. that sounds somehow dirty?
An IPv4 address space walks into a bar: "A strong CIDR please. I'm exhausted."
RT @pozorvlak: Unexpectedly fascinating: (HT @bobreturns)
@S0phieH @KommanderKlobb was forcefully arguing that all lunch yesterday. The NGP also has a touch bit on the back of the device...?
@S0phieH @KommanderKlobb i still think touchscreens are ace for anything without time pressure. and nans who hate computers can use ipads.
@Kimski_Impro it's a pun on the theme of - a bad pun.
@KateWorld nope, alternately white ans interesting glitch on the screen. it's a neo geo machine, not sure how repairable. but the shell...
@RubZo If I'd've read that, I would have said yes. Too late now, though.
@KateWorld ...the shell could easily house something more modern and indie, if people have given up on getting authentic guts working.
@rclarke the android gimme5 qr link isnae working for me...
@iotwatch this?
@iotwatch heh - fair enough. she may know of something interesting anyhow. good luck with the curation :)
Today's soundtrack [spotify]
@KommanderKlobb ah, when someone says they'll just tidy the code first, you know you'll never see it :P