Tweets from 2011/10
@steishere I'm there! That's actually a lie, I'm having breakfast round the corner. But I'll soon abbey there.
@asponge where you at?
@asponge I totally did not find you guys, so did my own drinking elsewhere in the park. Now BBQing. Will you survive?
@asponge if you are still about, you are welcome to barbeque. & drink. &c.
@asponge also were you going to the China Mieville thing tomorrow?
RT @HilariousCow: I woke up, covered in blood and vomit, pants around ankles. The world was spinning. And then I got off the bus, eerrrr ...
Playtesting and authorial intent.
@spiderift it is! 6 til "late", The Crown, Islington
@bentosmile actually if there's any inflation, it works out as a saving in real terms.
@steishere @KommanderKlobb Yes, it is. The Crown, Islington, from 6.
Lovely thing of the day: Our game is nicely accessible! :D
@iamdanw unity?
Hokra is the most beautiful game. Like, mechanically.
@Demruth sometimes you've just got to dig til you've removed the whole root, even if all you wanted gone was the stump.
@musebloom hostel? You know you're welcome round here...
Serious Month.
Would anyone be interested in a Johann Sebastian Joust Team GB Selection and Training Day? Been mulling it over...
@steishere @KommanderKlobb entirely likewise! Yes games woo.
@HilariousCow but metacritic, right? They're aggregated, so it should all even out! Right?
@musebloom nahh, got a whole basement spare. But that does sound convenient.
@Slaktus have you ever seen Maple Story?
@KommanderKlobb @Slaktus In truth I have played very little. But it devoured years of my little brother's life.
@KommanderKlobb @Slaktus But yes, Glitch lacks "moving about and being in the world and doing the things you do" being joyous in themselves.
@Slaktus It's nice to hang out with your friends. Nicer still if you have something to do with them at the same time.
That'll teach me to read API docs more carefully.
That'll teach me to write APIs more carefully.
@bhmwong Feminists hate you.
@bhmwong how dare you find that funny?
@bhmwong etc.
@bhmwong ... me too, actually.
@Slaktus @JamesWallis *ahem* Did someone say Unity?
@RubZo i have. used it to email me about flats. the flats were still all taken, but that wasn't it's fault.
@RubZo smooth tech, admirable aims, exemplar UI/X. go them!
@annashipman ha! "Rankings based on citations aren’t necessarily a measure of excellence – or we wouldn’t hear so much about Steven Pinker"
@annashipman I'm a fan of the LRB, though I confess I've just let my subscription lapse.
Colour spaces! Woo, we're getting some colour spaces all up in here!
RT @gregmottola: Well, Apple just ruined the lives of a lot of people named Siri.
@Slaktus @BinaryTweedDeej It doesn't solve Flash's bigger problems, like the rise of HTML5. And Apple. (and soon Microsoft).
@Slaktus @BinaryTweedDeej I do wonder how much 3D stuff we'll see on the portals. It's still expensive to make.
@Slaktus @BinaryTweedDeej buuuuuuut yet : HW-accelerated sprite blitting yay! I'm going to have so many particles!
@Slaktus @BinaryTweedDeej Flash'll spend a long time dying, but who wants to learn a dying platform?
@Slaktus @BinaryTweedDeej Well, that's the point. it's not yet. But it's in danger.
@resiak I'll have to poke at that later. My flatmates will be pleased.
I think this is a better piece on Cow Clicker: You can't despair that people play yr games wrongly.
@RubZo I quite like "yr". It has a history. But I was butchering for the character count.
Releasing on tape:
@robinlacey surprised by how few suicides..
A sonnet sequence about Street Fighter 2.
Which is better, Oldsmobile Car by Withered Hand, or Red Candle Bulb by Meursault?
@SongbyToad I have not, but would very much like to.
@srules that IS beautiful!
This is fantastic. (via @guided1). (It also let me destroy @JennyJenJenna by explaining the inconsistency of maths.)
@edclef Oh, wow, congratulations! Fuck yeah!
@resiak maybe, actually. will have a think.
Pete has blended peppers and added vodka. It tastes weird.
"Think I'm going to add some Tabasco" "It's separating!" "I see it as an alternative to a Bloody Mary"
So our third person fell through. Anyone looking (or knows someone looking) for a room in East London? Cheap, nice flat, lovely people...
I have a (borrowed) iPad! What should I play?
@vetraskr Yeah, I've been playing sworcery on and off. It's a beautiful experience.
I don't buy the message, but this is beautiful
@asponge I honestly thought you'd notice while I was doing it...
@iamtef at my friend @kitrichardsonuk s gig in kilburn at the good ship. Feel free to come along if you like.
@RubZo @oh_cripes ohshit it's game city, isn't it?
@oh_cripes @RubZo oh sweet, cuz I really want to go, but this weekend would be probably impossible. Birthdays and that.
@oh_cripes @RubZo will probably book some time off, look at accom tomorrow. Mini Rumpusing!
Woke up with the meme "and eh doesn't afraid of anything" echoing round my head.
@dinosaurrparty it's still a new perspective and community. Or maybe not so very new any more. Still it provides another way to succeed.
RT @witheredhand: Thurs diddly doo dah day in Lon diddly dooh dah don
@asponge What you take from London Indies is what you bring to London Indies.
Next London Indies... T-rex Ninja is happening. NO EXCUSES!
@psychicteeth and no using your legs.
@psychicteeth nah, "one smooth movement" means you can take steps. but a huge circle moving inwards needs some steps.
@tigershungry ah, I'd assumed you were going to come dressed as a ballpool, in order to evoke a sense of loss.
@Draknek @psychicteeth I dunno, this variant was invented at Indiecade. Might have to change that if it's an enormo-circle of 12.
@Draknek @psychicteeth maybe just make your legs attached to each other? Can be hopping TRexes...
@S0phieH "Projects are stackable"
"Pierre Menard, Author of Lady Popular." (This tweet requires knowing of these two things:,_Author_of_the_Quixote )
RT @themanwhofell: FILM IDEA: "Smirk" - Ryan Reynolds stars as a man playing a serious dramatic role, but who can't help smirking to him ...
Weird to see conferences emerging as a platform for games to come out on.
They're hard to make money from, but loads of fun for the designers. And you get lots of press. Maybe someone should start a review blog...
@iamtef it's a vicious cycle that leads to lots of really good programming languages being developed.
@KommanderKlobb Yup, tickets arrived a few days ago.
@nicholaslovell I am not sure if this is a terrible introduction or a brilliant one. But :
@edclef @nachimir Yeah, I'm weighing up coming up.
@spadgy_OTA Yes we have! It's called Super Springbreak Speedboat Hero SD :
@Slaktus @edclef @nachimir @tigershungry yeah, I would love to show off Mr Bubble. We should do some kind of LIndies Showcase.
Remember how I was supposed to be getting a flat tomorrow, and then everything l went tits up? Well, we're getting a flat tomorrow.
@HilariousCow you've just got a complaint : "you made Space Tank too easy! anyone can play it now! before it was like 10 seconds, die...
@HilariousCow ..20, seconds die, you felt proud! now anyone can play it!"
"In science, if you know what you are doing, you should not be doing it. In engineering, if you don't, you should not be doing it."
@HilariousCow yeah, I explained this to him (& the monoliths &c)
Bathroom door, Hackspace.
@HilariousCow it was @jonty . And don't worry about it - mainly just cool that *games*are*being*played*.
It was like "An evening at Alfies" this morning.
By which I mean, we had a leak from the boiler.
@asponge @oh_cripes That's disgusting behaviour and I will not tolerate it in my house.
@KommanderKlobb yeah, I must say I am insanely jealous of you right now.
@tigershungry @edclef @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg @peterjlaw Yeah, it looked excellent, but I didn't get a chance to play.
I like a band which has a ▲ instead of an A in their name. Fuck.
New flat get! And I got the not-the-smallest room.
@SiriHoho Sadly not, I'm catching up on work, as I've been puttering in and out getting a flat all day. And after, more work on Mr Bubble.
@SiriHoho And Globe Road, Stepney. With @asponge and @oh_cripes. Saturday is still on.
@asponge @oh_cripes I can tell it's going to be a devil getting in the shower in the morning with you around.
Lovely pretty thing by @HelloEnjoy :
@ashleygwinnell I would be very curious to discover that also. If it could pick up Unity's stuff, too, fantastico!
@ashleygwinnell I mean, there's always Wireshark, but that is overpowered and cumbersome when all you wanna do is watch HTTP.
@ashleygwinnell Long time since I stared at that particular data format. Always meant to do a visualization of the full set...
@wesmorgan1 @ashleygwinnell @PainPoint I generally get by with the network panel in Chrome. But I test HTTP out of browser enough...
Something something, Ark B, something something, telephone sanitizer, Something something,
@HilariousCow How appropriate that he starts by fighting She-Hulk, who is also a lawyer.
@HilariousCow I don't know who is a better fighter, but I'm pretty sure she's a better lawyer.
Anyone else getting errors from GitHub.
Just upgraded to Lion. I was quite excited for the fullscreen mode, but unfortunately it's pointless with two monitors. #oldnews
@RubZo it's okay, just a frustrating day.
Revisiting a line of code. Last time I was here, I left a comment saying sorry. :(
I'd tweet the line of code in question, but it wouldn't fit.
This weekend, I shall be prepping Mr Bubble Amidst The Fireworks for entry to the IGF. Beta testers much appreciated!
@doougle This Tycho stuff is incredible. But I am worried it makes my game seem more beautiful than it really is. Heh.
@brandonnn Whew! Longer than I thought!
Goodbye Dalling Road! Goodbye Hammersmith!
RT @Livelyivy: Q: Why did the lady hate the asset server? A: Because it wouldn't commit. (Just go ahead and unfollow me)
@doougle One of the main issues is how skewed the political process is by money. The game is fixed, and yet you have to win it to change it.
@doougle And their focus is on process not outcomes. On discussion and consensus. It feels genuinely different.
@Rachelbug1 Not even once? By accident?
@HilariousCow @mikeBithell That's how we do the water trail in Springbreak Hero, for instance. Bit of a pain in the arse, mind.
@HilariousCow @mikeBithell Looks like is a good place to get started (we adapted the Tron Trail script)
Recording and uploading video to YouTube is actually less painful than I imagined.
I'm also going to say : I'm awed, and frightened, and taken aback, and proud to view the contents of the IGF FTP server.
@xhunterko I know exactly how you feel. But then, I think Proteus is utterly beautiful, and yet @edclef has said the same thing. So...
@increpare @terrycavanagh course you can, but @whitingjp has already nabbed one of the 2 sofas. (cc @oh_cripes @asponge)
@increpare @terrycavanagh Though thinking about it, I have a spare mattress, so it's okay after all. Also, might still have that spare bed.
@KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg @vectorpark Damnit, now I'm craving scones. And jam and clotted cream, and actually I've had too much tea already
@SFBTom 454 entries so far! :o
@Rachelbug1 Nothing sexier than a woman with balls.
@musebloom @Rachelbug1 s'true!
Woo: I just used big O notation! Boo: It was in describing how algorithmically dumb my approach was.
@HilariousCow Is that over the mobile optimised stuff they got in there?
You know what feels fucking fantastic? Getting some sleep.
@S0phieH @nachimir assuming no-one died in the last 12 years...
@nachimir @S0phieH no, no, it's just. 1/7th MINIMUM. 0_O
@nachimir @edclef Oooh, will submit something this evening. (Yes - Mr Bubble again, it is Even Better.)
There's a video of my LUUG talk up : God I hate watching myself.
@Draknek yep, should be fine!
@rclarke @deKay01 @PercyBlakeney63 it's okay, I'm actually just an incredibly sophisticated spambot.
@HilariousCow I am so unworthy.
@benmilsom What a wonderful world of strange games.
@tigershungry @HilariousCow I couldn't even get past the introduction of my LUUG talk. But I really should watch it at some point...
boo, @KBsGameTOILET won't be there for the whole of the Game Toilet Game Jam. Though he has promised to still make an appearance.
But this does mean that there's an extra ticket or two just released. , quick, quick.
getting serious.
@HilariousCow @Slaktus @ADAMATOMIC The deeper point is that finishing things, getting-every-last-one is a core motivation. "Cleaning"
@HilariousCow Related to : if there's a fun way to win, or an efficient way to win, which will get used more?
@Slaktus @edclef @HilariousCow @ADAMATOMIC I wouldn't want to play a game that rewards me for not playing it. The game knows best.
People who have discovered that they can sell a new type of imaginary thing. An imaginary thing with a marginal cost of zero!
So. Nottingham. Next weekend. Gamecity etc. Where is the place people are staying?
@hannahnicklin hey, 80% of what I've learnt I learnt from dicking around on the internet. Shame you never get any respect for it...
@srules Every time I've seen someone using Prezi, I have thought "what cool software!" and stopped actually hearing the talk.
@bentosmile @auntiepixelante Which is, to be fair, the point of the entry fee. It's to allow those entered to be "properly" judged.
@daphaknee I am sorry, I got distracted and started talking about other things.
@mattwebb85 but I'm already sad i couldn't go!
@daphaknee no worries!
@bentosmile Yeah, not sure if it's the best way, but it's a reasonable reason. (though : I might be less conscientious as a judge if paid?)
@mattwebb85 Heh. There are other things! Some day I shall be rolling in indie gaming money and fly to all the conferences. ALL OF THEM.
Who's coming to GameCity? I am! I'm showing off Mr Bubble, too. Come play!
@HilariousCow Well, if it makes you feel any better : I agree with you. You should have put them in!
@HilariousCow Thing is, you can submit improved builds. I'm surprised the Pirate Kart stopped accepting entries. Though, I guess MUCHOS WORK
@Slaktus @HilariousCow @jimrossignol A false freedom is fine until you notice it. But honest restrictions are what games are made of.
@increpare I did! Sorry, I forgot I hadn't responded. But yes : sad, but on the other hand I'm pretty excited for ECT. Good luck!
@jonty Y
@HilariousCow @Slaktus There is! People have even dropped out, so there's Actual Official Places and all.
Hey! Want to make a videogame? This weekend? There is an event for you!
I wish this line of code worked: "var things = JsonMapper.ToObject.<List.<Thing>>(jsonThings);" #unity3d
(for the record, this workaround works : . But it is terrible.)
@doougle @nameoftheyear @RamiroCorbetta That game is bloody amazing.Probably the best example I know of mechanics being beautiful themselves
Ugh, twitter is insufferable today with all the people at playful who aren't me.
@KommanderKlobb holy crap, that's amazing. :D
@KommanderKlobb @Draknek nuh-uh! disagree! It's BETTER.
RT @KBsGameTOILET: GameToilet:GAMEJAMCATS HOOOOOOOOOO ! ---> Good luck everyone at this tomorrow http://gamejamtoilet-estwhdr.eventbr ...
@Hdfisise 10/11am. Not too desperately early...
I have more free space on my phone than on my hard drive.
@HilariousCow ah sucks! hope you feel better soon.
Duck Pond! This is a game where ... what is that thing? Is the point I can't see it's crotch? I kind of feel sorry for the duck. #igfreviews
The Illogical Journey of The Zambonis! So glad the random number picked this game! I loved Zoombinis as a kid! #igfreviews
(The Illogical Journey of The Zambonis) Oh, they have faces! And a puzzle with two bridges! And the dialogue! <3<3<3 #igfreviews
(The Illogical Journey of The Zambonis) And the payoff lived up to it. 5/5 #igfreviews
Latino Jazz Explorer! I like that this game is in Spanish.I like the colours. But I die immediately and have to restart the game #igfreviews
Platform RC! I have learnt a new way for movement to be confusing! Given I'm me, that's pretty cool. #igfreviews
Latino Jazz Explorer! Again! I am sad there is no music. And.. am I supposed to be talking to the wharves?Also, I need more beer #igfreviews
Mattar! Dodging and plinky noises. Good dodging, but the plinky noises made me feel guilty about my own plinky noises @whitingjp #igfreviews
Watson! Have I played this before? I think I have. Simple, but nice world building. I wish @oh_cripes wrote it. #igfreviews
@doougle @Horse_ebooks is brilliant.I don't know how I feel about this valueless contextless collage style.Sometimes it makes me very tired.
@doougle I don't know. Wasn't that postmodernism? “The last taboo in stand-up is a man trying to do something sincerely and well”
@doougle The 21st century seems more about sincerity. Honestly striving for things. Maybe the two go hand in hand.
@PeopleIKnow @KommanderKlobb This is the whole point of the LEGO games, I think. Little Big Planet, too.
@doougle Tumblr is, if anything, better/worse. You get images in there too, and there's no attempt at other than pretty.
Real Robot, Paper Heart! I wandered around looking for love, never quite knowing if I was doing it right. #igfreviews
@doougle I... think probably not. But I don't much care either way. Is that weird? Genuinely enjoying something, and not knowing if it's AI?
Unko's Adventure In Magical Land! Oh shit! This is excellent! Haha, a toilet! #igfreviews
Happy Kitty Eats Christmas! Yay! More Bentosmile! Its so pretty, but who could eat a snowman. Also Yay at the ending! #igfreviews
Trusty Assistant! Ooooh, some raunch! And the hair rotates separately. A good challenge mechanically, too. #igfreviews
Tombed! ooooh, I am in PERIL. But I escaped, for a while. It got nicely interesting after a bit. #igfreviews
@auntiepixelante I loved it so much. It was like, Beckett. Games that make you feel guilt!
@auntiepixelante I made a bunch of guys with the same face, out of nostalgia of that being an easy way to play Zoombinis. It was still great
You have to put the indie game in the contest! Best played collaboratively. Otherwise, possibly too hard? #igfreviews
Where am I?! First level: "oh hey, this is a really neat concept". Second : "Ah, what, more of this?" (possibly the drink...) #igfreviews
Hairy Chestival! I have only seen the intro. Kind of afraid to see more, this might be the absolute high point. #igfreviews (okay, goin in.)
Hairy Chestival! Maaaybe the high point was "OW! MY NIPPLE!". Or it might be the intro. Or the stubble regrowing. #igfreviews
Silent Skies! It looks good, I like the handling, the missions are varied (!), the controlscheme is innovative #igfreviews
Silent Skies! Press "A"! Cock you! I'm on keyboard! I did not care about what I was achieving. And the boss's face was stupid. #igfreviews
I should go to bed.
Hello! it took some time, but I finally found enough verbs to kill myself. #igfreviews
@whitingjp boo! Hope you feel better, be gentle on yourself and get better.
A dad cycling on the pavement, giving two kids backsies.
I can't pick! So I will turn to Here is my commitment:I will make whatever one turns up. Random number between 1 & 357
I got: West Country Racer! Now to make it, I guess...
@tigershungry I was ... you... I was standing on a car, swinging an axe, as we careened down Car Fight Road.
@RamiroCorbetta We're jamming at the London Hackspace. The theme is @KBsGameTOILET. You know you wish you were here.
In ten years time, we'll look back and say "Remember @Horse_ebooks ?"
@Horse_ebooks brings people together.
@whitingjp first toilet I ever saw. Bloody fantastic. God speed!
By replacing a prefab in Unity, I managed to wipe the maze I spent all afternoon making. Didn't save, restored the scene... still gone. fuck
@tigershungry we did. though we were bleeding pretty bad, by that point.
@zoewi we've all buggered off to the pub for the RPS drinks. But: well! You gonna drop by tomorrow?
"One minute of endless fun!"
@zoewi mid afternoon? We'll be there all day, though.
@iamdanw always the hackspace.
@lampholder this is why people use dev accounts.
@missmorganp what's "whomping"?
Too sad to make a new maze. Or even a badger. So I have rolled the dice once more, and gotten:
I actually don't know how to make this game. The tech is beyond me. This will be fun!
@musebloom @tigershungry You share similar problems.
I can't get over how good a songwriter Duglas T. Stewart is.
@whitingjp @KBsGameToilet Was a shame. But super excited to go to the woods.
Hackspacers! There is a new version of CUBES on The Beast. It is significantly harder. Enjoy!
@annashipman it went well! I have a few games already, more will be gathered and put up.
We start with this: . Then this is uttered: . Which leads to this:
@Draknek just saw the "not final version" text, after I shared Shit Snake 2 to the world. Sorry!
Approx 4,878,836,647 people alive when I was born. Soon to hit 7 billion. Fuck.
@mattwebb85 yep, that was indeed where i saw it
@Draknek well, i haven't explored all of the options, but I think it is amazing. Any plans for a Shit Snake 3?
@kalligula You're right! That put a big silly grin on my face.
Checking out all the trendy server caching solutions.
This is still an amazing article: Why America's liberals have been so sodding useless, until (maybe?) just recently.
@fridgehead relevant xkcd :
@oh_cripes Aye. LISP has the best origin story.
@oh_cripes yeah, no, it is great. but the origin story is: Her wrote a math paper showing a minimal set of instructions that could make a
@oh_cripes Turing machine. Purely theoretically. Then someone went and implemented it, and accidentally a programming language for 60 yrs.
@oh_cripes eh, it's an excellent story, don't ruin it with facts.
@bfod you only get half as many characters, though.
RT @fanf: - A randomly generated language is as easy as Perl for novice programmers.
@kalligula Genuine WIP! Course, it looks completely different now. I added a plane.
@radiodario I thought you were all about the cubes? You liked my other cubes game.
@edclef You're the first shout out, even.
@edclef also, check your gmail.
@psychicteeth They have to send in 10 physical copies of the hardware. I looked into it because I was working on smth similar.
Hey, look, it's my game, up on the IGF site. .
@Rachelbug1 :D ( & wooo, making vidyagames is cool now.) Is he nice? I assume he is, or else you wouldn't be seeing him.
@KBsGameTOILET I have some of them, I will email and pester people for the rest.
@bfod @KommanderKlobb how terribly unfortunate.
@terrycavanagh That is ... fantastic!
@psychicteeth What about this one?
@benmilsom Thanks! You about Friday in Nottingham to do just that?
@patrickashe cheers! I'll see you there. *goes back to coding it in time for Friday*
@radiodario speaking of which, what's yr UDID? *poke poke*
"I always think I don't get you, and then later I realize I did, but it just wasn't funny" -- @oh_cripes
@musebloom @tierneylovell Ahhhhh, shit, that sucks.
Right, current plan involves recompiling Mr Bubble when I arrive in the morning at Game City to show it off. Not actually that stupid a plan
Unless anyone knows how to make FlashDevelop and FlashPunk nicely handle being fullscreen in whatever the native resolution happens to be.
@doougle People are talking about income disparities, so they're winning. And this poll, too :
@doougle Honestly, I think they're fantastic, Things I have long been angry about are now in mainstream political discourse.
@Draknek I'll have a look at that, cheers. Though no preloader, currently. And I assume that I need to edit the build xml to change to 100%
@Draknek (FD only offers px values) 'Course, this is all a bit academic, as real fullscreen is 11FPS, rather than 1024 *768's 40-odd FPS.
@dnwood be glad you haven't Serious Books. They have volume, and they also have mass.
@mikeBithell Heh. I haven't at all. But I do have contextual text. Should probably make it refer to the actual controller buttons...
@benmilsom I wanted to commiserate/chide you for missing Wild Rumpus, but actually I wish I'd not failed to get tickets for #2point8. So...
haha, this looks like an excellent thing : (via @iamdanw 's Playful writeup)
@benmilsom I ran it in Bristol. It was something else.
@iamdanw maybe at the end of a laserquest battle?
@asponge what. amazing.
@Draknek takes as little setting up - handing sweets etc to players. could be done in 10 if there were more helpers/preset list of players.
@Draknek How comes? You're reminding me I never wrote it up.
@HilariousCow yeah. or optional ones.
Was just reminded I never wrote up the rules to Clandestine Candy, the game I ran at a Sandpit this summer. Here 'tis:
@Draknek -- it's a fuss with the assigning people things/names stage, mainly.
@asponge did i get a letter from the post office today?
@asponge you would flip your shit if you were here. Guess what I just saw?
@mattwebb85 fuck yeah, dude!
@asponge to be more specific there is a guy with sticky up dyed grey hair on roller blades at the hackspace. He is holding an odd thing.
@Draknek oh, fantastic. Also, kinda terrifying. C candy probably has too much overhead. Try the Danish Thigh Slapping Game.
@Draknek aye, that'd be quicker. Turn sweets to tokens and put everything in a envelope, and you could just hand them out.
@Draknek could even wedge names back in there if you include namebadges in the packets.
[blog] After a nice honeymoon, I am starting to hate Flash. Or just don't understand it's full-screen modes. The fuck?
@asponge You remind me! You never got that creme egg for me. You monster.
@asponge !!!
On my way to GameCity!
Sitting in a waiting room at Grantham train station. I would rather be at the pub.
@oh_cripes we're all proud of you.
@Draknek probably too late, but: fives!
Food and then setup for showing off Mr Bubble. I wish the hallway I am sleeping in had a powersocket so my phone would be charged.
@oh_cripes @benmilsom yeah, if you miss it at gamecity goodness knows when you'll get a chance to play.
@patrickashe Mr bubble is good, but it's no tetris.
This Moroccan restaurant is playing a electric guitar cover of Candle In The Wind.
Anyone a) in Nottingham and b) has a USB hub?
@nachimir is that the one that Joust is running on later?
@benmilsom how terrible! :/
@benmilsom I'm watching jousting right now.
RT @hannahnicklin: Brilliant phrase: unprotected sleep. When you don't set an alarm. H/T @sarah_seddon
Hey, the Golden Horace I hid got found. I wonder who by, and if they saw the clue first.
Wild Rumpus was wild last night. So much... excellent things. And people.
My phone refused to take a picture of it, but there was a sticker on the keg of perry on the bar that read "Algorithmic Garden Furniture"
I don't know why.
Though continuing with the hostel fun, I spent the night on a sofa.
@doougle @PHIL_FISH @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg @tigershungry hey, I apparently graduated to "core team" last night.Circles within circles...
The person who was in my bed is a professional clairvoyant. (It's not his fault, though)
@HilariousCow there will be more! But yeah, last night was just as good, but also different. Dancing! Shoving! Algorithmic Garden Furniture!
@tigershungry @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg etc I'm just going to have an argument then I'll be after breakfast. Y'all up yet?
"I hope next time you come here, it doesn't happen the same" : maaany things wrong with that sentence.
@tigershungry @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg alright. But hurry, I'm hungry and have burned my bridges at the hostel.
@Dick_Hogg yeah, sure. Heading to the Ibis now?
@tigershungry sorry...
@zoewi I was wondering if you'd hear that again...
@tigershungry the links won't load on this shitty connection. Where are you?
@tigershungry they have popin cookin candy?
@zoewi ah shit, can you not get the next one (this is why I buy open returns - I always miss trains)
@HilariousCow sounds like excellent excellent fun.
@tigershungry where is that? It'll be closed by now, though, I guess. We're at the malt cross, Joe is doing Carol vorderman voices.
@tigershungry steve is doing an impression of our friend Ricky. The boardgame selection is poor. Richard Whiteley is dead.
@HilariousCow yeah, looking at that stuff anew for CUBES. Sad there's no depth textures.
"The Malt Cross is now following you" augh, weird, I am still inside it.
I'm on the train home. Gamecity was excellent fun. I'm tired. My laptop just blasted Jesus vs Dinosaurs when I woke it up.
@mink_ette @tigershungry I said this would be a "thing", and by remarkable chance randomly stumbled on it the next day!'s_law
@edclef I just put the date in each of the filenames. Judges'll pick the most recent date...
@Dick_Hogg @doougle @edclef hang on, when are you going walking in Scotland? Was always sad I never saw enough of it when I lived up there.
@Slaktus Holy crap. So sorry for you. Fuck.
@edclef @Dick_Hogg @doougle WHW is lovely - excellent mix of countryside. Along a loch, then rolling country, ending up past Ben Nevis.
@edclef @Dick_Hogg @doougle The day we took out to jump into and out of a waterfall was pretty much perfect, too.
@doougle it is. There's so many little gaming communities... maybe it's a good thing where it lets us all stay different?
@edclef did you?
@HilariousCow Ough! That's beautiful.
@PascalOpitz Give credit to OSM, they're actually providing the maps (I assume).
@PascalOpitz Oh, yeah, totally. That's the awesome thing about it being an open ecosystem. But you'd need a good reason not to go OSM.
@mattwebb85 what!!!!!?
@mattwebb85 lol!!!!!1!!eleven!
@mattwebb85 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@psychicteeth That's my task for this evening. Finding a PC I can use to clone my laptop HDD in...
@bfod they cost money?
@S0phieH I think @terrycavanagh bought a copy.
@lexaloffle would it be okay if we put Voxatron on our arcade machine? Fantasticcally, all the controls are right already.
Whoo! I win! My computer booted again! (And now it has a 1TB drive in it, more importantly)
@kirbybits "Google Buzz is going away, but your posts are yours to keep."
@kirbybits not that that's any consolation.
Now I have a big hard drive, I can download all the games.
@vetraskr ALL OF THEM
@vetraskr turns out I just wanna get more beer and play Pirate Kart, though.
@arkitus hello! i see you arrived to compliments!
@WOAHYEAHPROCTOR you mock, but this is actually exciting. if only i had internet at home...
@WOAHYEAHPROCTOR yeah, i was on half that til this evening. ridiculous!