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Tweets from 2012/09

  1. …in reply to @doam
    @benthorizon a fire in the house of lambda!
  2. @emfcamp can I buy a ticket at the gate?
  3. …in reply to @emfcamp
    @emfcamp are there still camping tickets?
  4. "I've lived life on the streets, George" *tosses Stilton from hand to hand* "it's tough out there. I've seen things" *goes back to couscous*
  5. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry yesterday I lost a run because I forgot what colours meant.
  6. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @smestorp often not being risky is more risky. often that's not the case.
  7. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @smestorp uh, specifically, been playing super hexagon and think how much i like games with few referents in reality.
  8. @HilariousCow @smestorp but ultimately these games are hard to describe, and so are harder to sell.
  9. @HilariousCow @smestorp a lot of fertile space is held back, because it's fundamentally easier to explain things as x-with-a-twist.
  10. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @HilariousCow I dunno. Mainly the problem is that you have to explain everything, including why people should care.
  11. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @smestorp yeah. I don't know whether it's depressing or just sensible to run every idea past the elevator-pitch test first.
  12. Would you buy : a modern Elite with really tight tactical combat and a Bauhaus aesthetic?
  13. …in reply to @scarybones
    @scarybones think there have been cases of people obviously held back by their guides.
  14. …in reply to @vetraskr
    @vetraskr is that @tef again?
  15. …in reply to @vetraskr
    @vetraskr btw, kicking myself for not coming...
  16. …in reply to @squidlarkin
    @squidlarkin LUFTRAUSERS!! #notpax
  17. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 2 tweets later came one by a woman I followed because I saw her as a bassist and she was really hot and rocked out.
  18. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 It was Amy Klein from Titus Andronicus and she just looked like she was having the most fun being on stage.
  19. The plan was to go out, but I am now too drunk, and also it's too late.
  20. I kind of suck. That said, I'm going to go make myself another Pink Lady.
  21. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 Based on that, the singer is not cooler.
  22. I normally play VESPER 5 seriously, with some ceremony, in the morning. Not today!
  23. I think the worst part of being drunk is that it doesn't make me better at Super Hexagon.
  24. Every time I hear youtube.com/watch?v=q2Vf56jN_Kg I think of Proteus.
  25. Wish I was in Milton Keynes.
  26. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar I know people who are making a hypertext thing from 253 these days.
  27. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar Also, @Carachan1 had told me half this story, and told us to give you internet hugs. I hadn't, but I should've. Are you OK?
  28. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar (And the usual, post you releasing a decent sized chunk of writing message of gushing over how well you write, how raw & honest)
  29. Colours and shapes in motion vimeo.com/48670295
  30. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy you mean you can do multiple key lookups? Or non-unique? You're a much better AS3 dev than me, but this sounds like a bad sign.
  31. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy Can you just add it twice, under different keys?
  32. RT @bonzrat: Visiting Brick Lane. It's basically Camden for people with more money now, innit?
  33. …in reply to @blueninj0r
    @blue_ninj0r @S0phieH I'm a fan of sleepsort myself dis.4chan.org/read/prog/1295544154
  34. I actually sent off invoices! And made a spreadsheet for them! Unfortunately, it's telling me my income is negative 22 pounds. Hm.
  35. …in reply to @asponge
  36. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 go where?
  37. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro why are you packing in JavaScript?
  38. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro I'm not sure either. It might be? I wanna talk HTML5 frameworks with you some time!
  39. …in reply to @LineHollis
    @LineHollis Seeing wordpress errors on that page.
  40. …in reply to @LineHollis
  41. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @LineHollis I like to think of this in terms of moving your arm. Each joint is an axis or three, but some places are unreachable
  42. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @mikeBithell heard discussion for paralympic runners with a single amputation. You're more efficient if your legs match.
  43. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @mikeBithell Not sure anyone has -- but I'm sure they've considered it.
  44. …in reply to @HilariousCow
  45. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh I am, Ed was talking about it, Ricky & Dick are away... Don't know about anyone else.
  46. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh Hey, I still use a Nexus One. It feels fine, though I don't actually buy games on it.
  47. …in reply to @HilariousCow
  48. London Indies: it's happening tonight. You could come? You should come! The Crown, Angel, as always.
  49. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi @AMGitsKriss @KommanderKlobb Yeah, @oh_cripes has buggered up the website. But the pub remains.
  50. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom we we have loud, obnoxious, not-at-all-directed-at-you fun.
  51. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom though it has been too long since I've seen your cheeky face!
  52. This is a video of @doougle playing @bfod's CLOP with Move controllers. It's called RoboCLOP. youtube.com/watch?v=ytvWbelzc1g
  53. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef 3m55 would be even better...
  54. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @doougle HAHA, YES. Also, 1v1 Joust. A Move controller on each limb. Start losing, you're freer to move.
  55. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Please write a thing about this.
  56. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @doougle Next time we're both around some Move controllers, I'll show you Trouser Joust.
  57. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @edclef @taleoftales IF has trodden all of this ground thoroughly. See bagfullofwrong.co.uk/Other/Calories.html for a effective lack of choice.
  58. Greenlight is Steam's way of doing the Google trick of decoupling scale from number of employees necessary to support them.
  59. Wild Rumpus Tickets are now out : twr3.eventbrite.com/
  60. If it is at all possible for you to be in London on the 27th September, you should come to our party.
  61. RT @WildRumpus: Bringing you... MEGAGIRP by @bfod & remixed by @doougle , SWORDFIGHT by @kurt_bieg & @aladameh , UPROK by @oh_cr ...
  62. RT @WildRumpus: ... BARABARIBALL by @getdizzzy and KOMPENDIUM by @smestorp . With more to be added to the line up ssOOOOooonnnNNNN!
  63. @oh_cripes We should play CLOP with your footpedals some time. (cc @bfod)
  64. Has anyone emulated canvas in WebGL? There might be performance rewards...
  65. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry shouldn't take long, in that case.
  66. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes Tempted to stop by home and pick up the controllers & a laptop now.
  67. penny-arcade.com/report/editorial-article/18-players-one-empty-room-and-a-new-game-type-joust-comes-to-pax I like that Colin Northway is credited only as "the guy with the epic beard"
  68. Woke up to 55 Spanish comments on my RoboCLOP video. Also, this comment: "Clop? I'd clop anyday to this."
  69. It's been a good day so far, is what I'm saying.
  70. …in reply to @ragzouken
    @ragzouken I think it's a brony thing?
  71. RT @ragzouken: @v21 From googling the best meaning of "Ejercito Parjero Duxa Presente" I could find is "The army of masturbating doucheb ...
  72. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees That talk page "I read this sentence as this entirely other sentence" is great.
  73. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican shiiit, sexy. Good luck damping the resonance of those ear canals!
  74. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @heftyseamstress yeah, if two people submit it'll work for both. But on reloading, only one will appear, consistently.
  75. …in reply to @LewieP
  76. Started reading RPS on Quadrilateral Cowboy. Immediately regretted it. Damnit, I want to play this fresh!
  77. RT @edclef: Damn this looks awesome and intriguing: new horror game from the Beat Sneak Bandit guys(!) youtube.com/watch?v=hsjQjvMXd-Y
  78. @bonzrat ah, I think the deadline for the Indie Expo was actually last Friday...
  79. Here's @bfod's game Get On Top. Which is played on a trampoline. And has sex noises. youtube.com/watch?v=xZ-AUO-Y7tk
  80. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN put it on a landing or a balcony?
  81. My fledgling video editing skills have ended up on Kotaku... kotaku.com/5940066/hardest-video-controls-ever Think I need to cut away more next time.
  82. Although that headline is terrible. Literally factually inaccurate. I said in the description, and it was said in the video - they're easier
  83. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH @intuitio awwww, but that lives system is punishing!
  84. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 ah, it's pretty much entirely positive. I got on Kotaku with my holiday video!
  85. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle @smestorp @PerrinAshcroft @JonasKyratzes no fair bringing a PhD to a twitter fight.
  86. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp maaaan! D&D is all about there being an interactive, virtual, world to explore!
  87. @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp all depends on your GM, innit?
  88. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp that shit bores me these days, yeah. But that's a big part of gaming heritage, visible even now.
  89. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp so what didn't use table top gaming, or something that used table top gaming, or something that used something ..?
  90. …in reply to @bentosmile
    @bentosmile oh thank fuck for that. Hopefully some good can come out of all documentation he's been subjecting you to.
  91. …in reply to @bentosmile
    @bentosmile I am but an Internet Stranger, but I'm wishing only the best for you.
  92. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp ah, just... being part of the heritage means it shapes most everything. Not really escapable.
  93. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp but you can still see the tendrils of that approach left in gaming. Fucking wizards and orcs, like you said.
  94. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp levelling up, STR DEX INT stats, an obsession with cave systems, mebbe even controlling whole "parties"
  95. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp Loom & The Dig, designed by Brian Moriaty, who previously worked on Wishbringer and Beyond Zork?
  96. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus this is very easy to say, but ... fuckin' nerds. fuckin' vidyagame nerds.
  97. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp fair enough, but what seems good (not played, to my sahme) is that they took tired formula which had a ...
  98. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp ...clear lineage to that cod-Tolkien style, and then did something interesting, made it fresh. Which is different
  99. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp ... from no influence. And to the extent they can be separated, only addresses the content, not the form.
  100. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft @smestorp personally I can't be fucked with the generic fantasy content, but I think the tabletop format form is valuable.
  101. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus ah, no. to be fair, what they're challenging is way worse.
  102. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus no, the vidyagame nerds with the same fucked up attitudes to gender and race and class that the rest of society has.
  103. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @retroremakes did you see they just won gold on Dream Build Play? Took it as an opportunity to share their joy at work.
  104. However worthy, I don't like Child's Play being the uncontroversial gaming charity. It's part of an empire.
  105. The Greenlight $100 thing seems gross in both senses of the word.
  106. …in reply to @arkitus
    @arkitus "value"? I dunno I think that way. But some good tweeters are @arealliveghost @mareodomo @Horse_ebooks etc etc.
  107. …in reply to @arkitus
    @arkitus but, like, really it's tweets like "i'm going to the pub, does anyone want to come?", or a photo of a friend's model guinea pigs.
  108. …in reply to @arkitus
    @arkitus plus, y'know, I get to have exciting conversations about the latest crises & cataclysms affecting indie games. pretty much daily.
  109. @AkTitus but i started out using twitter as a place to say things i wanted to say, but didn't want to subject anyone to in person.
  110. Thinking of people who've sold videogames they made while not being able to afford to pay their own rent.
  111. …in reply to @arkitus
    @arkitus yah, I can get that. Still, internet friends count, too.
  112. Man, I really have been terrible at putting my games up on my website. And rather than just fixing that, I've decided to redesign it...
  113. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy @Slaktus I'm also moving hosting, all at the same time. To be fair, the redesign is pretty much done already...
  114. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy @Slaktus In fact, feedback : test new site is hosted here: tinyturing.com:8001/
  115. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 "entitlement" feels like a word with a lot of unpack in it. But: Valve are allowed to do this, I'll still hope to be on Steam & ...
  116. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 ... buy things from Steam. But I can be unhappy about changes they've made. I don't even know if I think it was a bad call.
  117. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 well, in several cases, clearly yes (they got on Steam before). Mebbe it's still a good thing from Steam's perspective, though.
  118. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 Peer review before public submission? Needing 100 favs before it's publicly listed? Just waiting?
  119. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 unless you're large publisher or have a pre-existing relationship, yeah.
  120. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican aw, I thought I'd removed the yellows! Thanks.
  121. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican Nah, I just saw one too. found the bug, though, it's fixed now.
  122. …in reply to @mikeBithell
    @mikeBithell @bonzrat yeah, but now you need to stop working on your game, run an indiegogo campaign, get attention to that...
  123. …in reply to @mikeBithell
    @mikeBithell @bonzrat ...then run a greenlight campaign, and get attention to that. But I can just plonk down the money instead.
  124. …in reply to @mikeBithell
    @mikeBithell @bonzrat how much time did you spend running yours and publicising it? How long did it take you to learn the platform?
  125. …in reply to @mikeBithell
    @mikeBithell @bonzrat also some people don't like begging for money just because they're poor.
  126. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @botherer Knowing their typical rev-split, and the scale of sales indies have made on Steam -- they can afford it.
  127. Man! Look at the effortless grace of this funding: kickstarter.com/projects/14293468/homestuck-adventure-game/
  128. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy yeah, it's hsl random hue (minus yellows). Will fiddle with the values a bit more. But cheers!
  129. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @botherer I'm okay with hustling and being undignified. But let me complain when things change so I must hustle even more.
  130. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin opt-in and paid for, usually. Don't know why I don't mind with WHOIS.
  131. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus I never thought I'd hear you telling people to suck it up, because "it's the way of things".
  132. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus I'm not angry here. Despite all my arguing, this might have been a good call on Valve's part.
  133. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus But I think it will have a bad impact on the indie community and ecosystem, and I'm sad about that.
  134. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus Well, it also closed off the old way of submitting to Steam, so I don't really see it as a new opportunity.
  135. …in reply to @bonzrat
    @bonzrat or a Dota 2...
  136. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @LewieP Plenty of shit on iOS. Plenty of factors at play in this argument -- but I don't want to go there now.
  137. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs my "needing 100 favs before you get publicly listed" idea would have been easier...
  138. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs feels like that's actually why this discussion is a few notches less futile than most.
  139. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Yep! Only works if you take a particular stance on the Greenlight and discoverability, mind. But it's simpler, technically.
  140. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Neither does this, it just reduces the volume to something manageable.
  141. I did not know it cost $99 a year to submit to XBLIG!
  142. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus ah, that was mainly genuine surprise. Also, XBLIG is a wasteland, also has $99 fee & community filtering.
  143. In other news... I recorded @edclef talking about why he loves Pandemic. gameswehaveknownandloved.tumblr.com/post/30926628279/ed-key-on-pandemic . Go listen!
  144. Days like today I'm glad I do Games We Have Known And Loved. Because games are great. Uh, and the industry bullshit often isn't.
  145. …in reply to @undefined
    @cunthorse @S0phieH ha, no. The $100 is to be listed on Greenlight. If you then get through Greenlight you get published, then you get 70%.
  146. @cunthorse @S0phieH uh, probably 70%. That part is open secret, think it can vary.
  147. RT @hidingseeking: Pick up some pro custard-punching tips by studying this video courtesy of @v21 youtube.com/watch?v=YMuXOW7xwJI&feature=g-upl
  148. …in reply to @arkitus
    @arkitus have often thought that way. But he was a bit self-selecting in asking only philosophers about it -- others have chosen otherwise.
  149. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 nononono! read the first comment!
  150. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle "We hit our Twitter API limit"
  151. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC always be hustlin'!
  152. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC I mean, if you miss this one, there might not be another one along for a whole 'nother week.
  153. RT @edclef: For a solipsist, all crimes are thoughtcrimes
  154. Goddamn, Treasure Maze looks great. hideandseek.net/2012/09/04/weekender-game-treasure-maze/ Gonna have to come on Friday so I get a chance to play.
  155. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN because everyone is here!
  156. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN (unfortunately, that also the answer to "God damn it why is London so expensive")
  157. RT @rclarke: This isn't a press release, it's a SUCCESS release
  158. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth have you emailed journalists? did it include information about what your game is, and why they should cover it?
  159. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle it's possible to dislike them both, you know.
  160. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 but no voice...
  161. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle that's because it didn't massively change the way it operated a week ago?
  162. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @smestorp oooh ooh, displace it towards the edges of the screen.
  163. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle y'already know my opinion on this
  164. …in reply to @tef
  165. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle @ElectronDance @richardhofmeier to elevate either one means you miss out on the way they interact, too.
  166. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle i had the same shift. "interesting systems" to "meaningful experiences"
  167. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle uh, I'm still way better at the first, though.
  168. If I was in SF, I'd be going to this arseelektronika2012.eventbrite.com/
  169. Is it worth me switching nameservers from 123-reg to Linode (which I'm currently migrating hosting to)?
  170. …in reply to @adult_witch
    @auntiepixelante @cunthorse if you want it to be exactly 50%,you're probably going to have to make an absolute, z-ordered div & set bg on it
  171. RT @g5_Ken: @KiLLiND33ZH0EZ Come holla at ya boy @V21 shot bar and grill 5317 Washington Ave. FOOTBALL FOOD DRINKS FUN!
  172. You can give @ColinNorthway money for Incredipede right now! incredipede.com/
  173. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak yeah, the latest one is a bit fucked up at the end. I cut it short because of a cough, but the encoding means that ...
  174. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak ... the last syllable doesn't come through. Was trying to fix it this morning, but computers.
  175. …in reply to @kirkhamilton
    @kirkhamilton @bfod @doougle I did too, but that's more just trampolining for a week straight, I think.
  176. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs What's the constraints?
  177. …in reply to @garethbriggs
  178. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo If he no longer believes in it, why wouldn't you say so?
  179. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo I think basically what I'm disagreeing with here is the idea of giving Jeremy Hunt the benefit of the doubt. Because I hate him.
  180. RT @terrycavanagh: Good morning everyone! Super Hexagon is now available worldwide: superhexagon.com/
  181. Did you see that? Super Hexagon is now live. It's brilliant. I've been swallowing praise for a week now, waiting til it was out.
  182. The first time I completed Hexagon was an amazing, ecstatic, out-of-body experience. Like, the opposite of choking.
  183. …in reply to @benedictfritz
    @benedictfritz @jennatar is it "Excellent" or "Hexellent"?
  184. I've died because I've forgotten what colours mean, I've discovered being drunk and/or stoned is no particular obstacle to doing well.
  185. It's pretty good, is basically what I'm saying: itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-hexagon/id549027629?ls=1&mt=8
  186. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ @heftyseamstress "The Big Quack"?
  187. What direction is 0 degrees? North or west?
  188. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @SimoRoth nah, you want lots of power so you can splash about in it and not care about optimisations.
  189. Another holiday video -- here is @florian_berger's karaoke-for-trampolines youtube.com/watch?v=VvUI5mZfkWk
  190. I'm pretty proud of the idea of putting in the fake Sunfly titles.
  191. Finally signed into real Gamecenter. I'm 5th in the world at Hexagoner! And @tigershungry is killing at Hexagon.
  192. …in reply to @Arndreth
    @Arndreth I'd got something properly respectable before. But then I had to reset my data, because @terrycavanagh had a go.
  193. Mangling a Python script so it runs on 2.4, from within a PHP page. Joy.
  194. …in reply to @tef
    @tef 2.4 didn't even have with: in it's __future__. And it's hard to install libraries without a shell... But I found JSON support anyway.
  195. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp crossing my fingers for file recovery software.
  196. I like how my two current games fit together: "A Bastard, Punch The Custard"
  197. …in reply to @TheRichardClark
    @DeadYetLiving oh, they can create! but only rich people can afford to make money from it.
  198. RT @edclef: New Proteus beta is live: visitproteus.com/beta-2-is-here-for-mac-and-pc/ Squirrels! Postcards! Macintoshes!
  199. "No one complains about the iOS dev cost or IGF submission costs, which are both roughly $100."
  200. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Just thought you'd like to know how much I'm vicariously enjoying your adventures.
  201. …in reply to @raiganburns
    @raiganburns I don't know how sexy or "indie" it is, but: appynation.com/about/
  202. …in reply to @raiganburns
    @raiganburns would you filter by game, not dev? And in any case, this addresses most needs of a dev.
  203. I like it when both @jennatar and @mareodomo fav the same tweet.
  204. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar it can be both!
  205. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin I had the complete surprise earlier this year of reading something interesting & powerfully written about experiences in SL.
  206. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin Like, who thought that was possible? Nowadays? (I'd link you to it, but it's only on dead trees : shop.killscreendaily.com/products/issue-3-intimacy)
  207. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin You don't have to justify yourself if you're looking at virtual worlds and you look at SL. Dunno if that's just cuz non-game.
  208. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin You'd have to write that section yourself if you did Journey. You can assemble it from the thousands of other papers for SL.
  209. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richlitt you should add a proper license -- lots of places you can't public domain something. Maybe the sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ ?
  210. …in reply to @srules
    @srules oh, hey, I can give blood again. I should do that.
  211. …in reply to @danintheshed
    @danintheshed Yep! Unless you have a preexisting relationship with Steam.
  212. Right - from now on, I'm going to try to stop making projects that are difficult to describe to people.
  213. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp Well, not necessarily. Punch the Custard is fairly self-descriptive, for example. But there is a strong correlation, yes.
  214. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp But yeah, basically, all about the benjamins.
  215. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp it's valid if we both understand it?
  216. Bodged some numbers, and now it seems to work. Let's hope not understanding which way I bodged them never comes back to bit me on the arse.
  217. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod @smestorp @docky I really like the unenforcable cargo-cultishness of it. Gamers like points and chievos, right?
  218. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar Hm. Similar. But has more of a man-in-a-shed-with-a-hammer feel.
  219. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @bfod I was going to reply for the points, but restrained myself. Then promptly forgot and replied for other reasons.
  220. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod @smestorp Though, ironically, this is the cause of most of our value tokens having value.
  221. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe strange, or great?
  222. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Really can't decide if I want to get it changed.
  223. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @S0phieH My best experience was "Excellent" -- then managing another 20 seconds. Such a rush. Think that's how I beat Hexagon.
  224. …in reply to @docky
    @docky @S0phieH no, that's everyone when they start.
  225. …in reply to @docky
    @docky @S0phieH it amazes me how slow Hexagon moves now. Which I'm aware would crazy talk to me a week ago.
  226. I'm doing an "artist showcase" at the Hide and Seek Weekender weekender.hideandseek.net/conference/
  227. I put "artist showcase" in scare quotes because I'm slightly freaked out that I'm an artist with things to showcase.
  228. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef Maybe you should do a demo where it's in black&white and all the sounds have the bass removed?
  229. …in reply to @steishere
    @steishere I wish we had a fridge.
  230. …in reply to @steishere
    @steishere You're an inspiration, Ste.
  231. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp that looks awesome, though.
  232. …in reply to @ColinNorthway
    @ColinNorthway given what you're making, that's a great typo.
  233. …in reply to @undefined
  234. RT @flantz: best thing about indie minimalist e-sports scene: how it smashes false dichotomies, points AND performance, serious play AND ...
  235. Occurs to me the biggest distinctions between indie-dev communities are those of class. And genre, too. But also class.
  236. …in reply to @ellaguro
    @ellaguro Some parts do. But there's more diversity than is immediately obvious. IF, Babycastles, pervasive, even Kill Screen don't.
  237. …in reply to @ellaguro
    @ellaguro Yeah, they are. But there are a lot of outliers. And IF and pervasive gaming don't really want to be part of mainstream vidyagames
  238. That stage in an electronics project when you get that single LED to turn on and off...
  239. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 heh, and I'm just reminiscing here...
  240. …in reply to @NiallEM
  241. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow And there's a single-pixel hitbox.
  242. This looks sexy as hell, if you like customized Editor GUIs in Unity blogs.unity3d.com/2012/09/07/property-drawers-in-unity-4/ If not... it's not very sexy.
  243. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow man, I'm just repeating what @terrycavanagh said at Lindies. But I'd guess done as a point.
  244. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow Man, that ScaledCurve!
  245. …in reply to @docky
    @docky I feel good, because I got the game a week early and had a chance to practice. Hm.
  246. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro oh, shit, I got more in me than that. Just playing Hexagon as a break form trying to complete Hexagonest.
  247. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @docky I've got discouraged before.
  248. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @docky Why would leaderboards exist, if that was the case? And what's extrinsic about beating someone at a game?
  249. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @docky The discouragement part is why GameCenter shows scores for each day and week, as well as all-time.
  250. "keep in mind that people who pirate your game don’t live in your fridge"
  251. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke Are you cruisin' for a blockin'? I know how proud you are of your collection.
  252. Waiting for fried chicken. I went home first even. Drinking in Parks, eh?
  253. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy yeah, pretty much. Wish I could stop picking at it/fights.
  254. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @jonbro @moggy @smestorp I really liked being lied to about the future.
  255. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef Yeah, doing it now.
  256. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar The sky is solid blue from where I'm sitting. Park later!
  257. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar Yeah, there's loads. Was Drinking in One yesterday. The DiP people rotate through parks, don't think they repeat within a year.
  258. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus That's pretty overwrought. So I'd make it more so. Make that shit spin and animate.
  259. So apparently if I apply a Chrome theme, the Windows taskbar will stop getting hidden. What's the tackiest I can find? chrome.google.com/webstore/category/themes?hl=en
  260. Oh, yeah, and I got my new website up! nottheinternet.com It's less obnoxious than the old one!
  261. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi started using it when I was a kid -- can't even recall why.
  262. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN 3D in HTML5 is still tech-demo territory. 2D is just emerging from tech-demo stunts.
  263. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN been doing a lot of HTML5 stuff at work recently- it couldn't be described as mature, but it's usable if you don't do too much
  264. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN Errr... wrote a framework ourselves. Which I'm not recommending. But we needed to optionally wedge inside other middleware.
  265. …in reply to @andybrphy
    @andrewbrophy The thing is, I have no idea what colour you're referring to. Try visiting it again...
  266. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN squaddies.tumblr.com/ , a simple adver-game, and some little puzzle prototypes. The framework is not too far off FlashPunk.
  267. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus post-process shaders are easy and fun in Unity (pro only, though). Did a talk on it the other week...
  268. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus Also, your "similar to" is Jeff Minter and SUDA51. Man!
  269. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox Man, but you know I'm still impressed by that fuzzy effect you did without, right? But yeah, not fair.
  270. …in reply to @fernantastic
  271. …in reply to @TheRichardClark
  272. @D_Nye_Griffiths Synthetic woman? That's a hurtful thing to say about @jennatar.
  273. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @jennatar is the voice of [Super] Hexagon.
  274. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin Who are you on Gamecenter? I want to show off.
  275. RT @AstigmatismoSF: New Astigmatismo Short Film teaser trailer: vimeo.com/49108551
  276. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Yep. I mean, for one, Super Hexagon has that compulsion loop down tight. Just intrinsic rather than extrinsic progression.
  277. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Actually, clever inversion : the start of Super Crate Box. The game gets harder as you acquire more stuff.
  278. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Hm. Fair. Because it works on me, unlike most hardcore games, is probably the honest answer.
  279. …in reply to @docky
    @docky The sheer shortness of the games, and the speed of restarting matter a great deal too. You feel improvement over the scale of minutes
  280. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Trying to beat my score in hexagon past 70 secs is frustrating. Takes so long to get to the section I'm trying to learn!
  281. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Which can be directly compared to, ie, the decrease in compulsion between Burrito Bison 1 and 2 because of the extra screen.
  282. Super Hexagon is so good, it made RPS post about an iOS game. rockpapershotgun.com/2012/09/10/war-on-geometry-super-hexagon/
  283. …in reply to @paperCaves
    @paperCaves v twenty-one or vtwentyone@gmail.com
  284. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Well. It's using one particular version of randomly. Patterns could be shuffled, or have an adaptive weighting and still be random.
  285. …in reply to @jonbro
  286. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @docky I hope for hard runs so I can practice the patterns I don't have down yet.
  287. Just bought 4 copies of Dancing Stage Universe 2. What has my life become?
  288. RT @qwghlm: Well, we're fucked now. Anonymous releases all the world's credit card pins bit.ly/QyVpAi (via @jearle)
  289. RT @heftyseamstress: nanotechnological: Never allow naughty old Terry ever coming here, naming our letters; our game is calamitously acq ...
  290. Proteus frog mod youtube.com/watch?v=JXXcjCIop5c You're a frog in Proteus. You're on a trampoline.
  291. Bounce, little froggy, bounce.
  292. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @edclef I've been thinking about this a lot. And I've come to the conclusion that you would throw up and die, in that order.
  293. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @edclef Which is a shame, because it would be great if it wasn't terrible.
  294. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @edclef So No. 1: you're on a trampoline and cannot see. No. 2: you're bouncing out of sync and scale with what you're seeing.
  295. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @edclef Also, you have cables you cannot see attached to you while bouncing on a trampoline. And you're wearing headphones.
  296. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @edclef But don't get me wrong -- it's a terrible idea, but I'll still try it if I get the chance.
  297. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @Slaktus Shit! Windtunnel! That's perfect! (Gonna make a game about flying for the Oculus Rift)
  298. …in reply to @Niguloto
  299. Who's going to the @Aiannucci thing this evening?
  300. …in reply to @PluralGames
    @PluralGames @doougle my goodness, that's fantastic.
  301. …in reply to @nobodybutyours
    @somebodyweknow Yeah, but I'm trying to practice not freaking out when the transition happens.
  302. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge I read that as Don't Give A Fuck.
  303. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar Swift Stitch feels like it should count, but it probably doesn't.
  304. RT @lefishy: Writing even the most barebones gui is DESTROYING MY VERY SOUL and please kill me.
  305. …in reply to @LineHollis
    @LineHollis "Being lost"
  306. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry I am! @LewieP is! Probably some other people!
  307. …in reply to @lexaloffle
    @lexaloffle Steam is useful because I won't forget my login exists and everything is already on there.
  308. …in reply to @lexaloffle
    @lexaloffle which isn't to say that this is impossible, but it's a hard problem. The Humble Store are the only ones close to cracking it.
  309. …in reply to @lexaloffle
    @lexaloffle Having said which... making all of those things smooth is good thing to do anyway.
  310. …in reply to @TheRichardClark
    @DeadYetLiving Now I'm sad @jennatar didn't write that article. Jenn! Write that article!
  311. …in reply to @ColinNorthway
    @ColinNorthway @jonbro oh, that's really neat. I might use that for my print-looking project I might actually get to work on some day.
  312. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke @terrycavanagh Whatever, he got an Edge 9.
  313. King Of Dragon Pass is now on iOS itunes.apple.com/gb/app/king-of-dragon-pass/id335545504?mt=8 I played this like a year ago. Really atmospheric. Now not a PITA to play!
  314. …in reply to @mareodomo
    @mareodomo "Sounds great! Here's my consultation rate for the pitch. But I'll waive it if I get the gig."
  315. Oh! And you can buy KoDP on GoG now, too. gog.com/en/gamecard/king_of_dragon_pass Seriously, it blends narrative and simulation in way I've not seen elsewhere.
  316. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar @DeadYetLiving "How to survive Super Hexagon, only Super Hexagon is actually a metaphor for life"
  317. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle I don't use anything, because they're painful and expensive and I've had bad experiences and am lazy.
  318. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle But I'd use Google Analytics if I knew I'd be doing below 10 million hits a month (which I would)
  319. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle There's Playtomic, who are having a tumultuous ride as a company. Otherwise... no?
  320. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle Fwiw, Google have an API for apps, and are what Unity uses inside the editor. If you want anything super custom, build yer own.
  321. …in reply to @tomscott
    @tomscott I still call them T-Morange, when I remember.
  322. …in reply to @tomscott
    @tomscott what, held together with string?
  323. Alright! Time to overengineer this neat feature that no player will see!
  324. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom I love SH & Terry, but also being famous, being an adaptation of a already loved game helps.
  325. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom SH is a sensation, and they feed off themselves. And Terry's fame meant it started with momentum.
  326. Anyway, I'll shut up about it now. But it is different. You can imagine an alternate world where it spawned armies of clones.
  327. Yesterday having bug bites under jeans made me feel like I'd just came back from holiday. Today it's just itchy.
  328. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @rclarke @benmilsom It'll be $2.99 in a few days.
  329. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp You should submit it for a BAFTA -- only £500!
  330. …in reply to @undefined
    @cunthorse Here's a completely out of date one, with no personal statement nottheinternet.com/archive/CV.pdf
  331. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp Actually, apparently if you write to them and say you don't have the money they might waive the fee?
  332. …in reply to @undefined
    @cunthorse That was really cobbled together from scraps of experience. It basically amounts to : I've got a degree and I work support.
  333. …in reply to @undefined
    @cunthorse A bunch of those work experience bits were literally a single day's work. CUBES was basically a gamejam game at that point.
  334. RT @glassarmy: 14 year old ailsa's diary. LEGIT. Think I might burn it.
  335. Alright - badly thought through idea: An album of excellent, unappreciated iOS titles. But they're all reskinned like playpeep.tumblr.com/
  336. …in reply to @iamdanw
    @iamdanw oh, shut up.
  337. …in reply to @dampgnat
    @dampgnat To be fair to your three year old, Charlie and Lola is the shit.
  338. …in reply to @DavidStekarn
    @DavidStekarn @edclef we played it all the way to the end (despite dying a bunch fo times and going back to the start).
  339. …in reply to @DavidStekarn
    @DavidStekarn @edclef we did alternate players, though. Mind, my back was pretty sore, but that was 'cuz we were on the trampoline all week.
  340. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @jonbro had that in mind when i was thinking of the idea. But it just feels bitter, maybe?
  341. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 Oh god yes. Why didn't I think of that? It's not specifically mother/son, more just family.
  342. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @HilariousCow I only just noticed that estate agent is actually part of my office complex.
  343. Ugh, putting builds on testflight is the worst thing.
  344. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp goddamn it, I saw that earlier, but thought I'd caught it. Hm.
  345. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp I found a stupid bug when resetting - Can you try the endgame now?
  346. @smestorp ugh, never mind. Still there. Consistent when installing from testflight, not at all in editor/installed locally. Grah.
  347. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 better than "Hitler"
  348. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @Brendy_C You should come play Alice's game instead. Also, there's a giant cardboard maze.
  349. I can reproduce the bug! Hurrah! It also crashes Unity! Boo!
  350. RT @asponge: After years of ragging on "video games culture," I realise the things I flipping love are games culture, just not Mario/chi ...
  351. RT @asponge: Readme files! Mods! Custom rules! Multiplayer interaction! All games culture. I feel daft for believing dickheads' definiti ...
  352. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I don't understand how a directory tree can drink a cup of tea.
  353. "And the public gets what the public wants." First-person, Source, Zombie, Horror games.
  354. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN I don't know, but I know a man who does: @SavyGamer
  355. Ugh! Lousy badly queued Tumblr post not going off.
  356. Anyway! Andrew Sheerin from @TerrorBullGames talking about lying to people in Junta! gameswehaveknownandloved.tumblr.com/post/31400412740/andrew-sheerin-on-junta
  357. …in reply to @andybudd
  358. …in reply to @undefined
  359. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus He is! Ames write an article confirming it (also at NSFW) a few days back.
  360. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus Yeah, just managed to dig it out, despite their best efforts nsfwcorp.co/9uteo1
  361. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg you just have to force yourself, I think. Or else give up entirely and go for a walk, cook, take a shower, whatever.
  362. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 Advice I Can't Take Myself : I think remaining in that state just makes it more of a habit.
  363. …in reply to @pozorvlak
    @pozorvlak to make that point clear? Because they can, and hey, look at this ad impression they've got from me right now.
  364. …in reply to @ElectronDance
    @ElectronDance @radiatoryang hey, I did a real degree. Though I cunningly managed to skip all the math modules.
  365. …in reply to @ElectronDance
    @ElectronDance @radiatoryang well, by real degree I mean I learned the parts of the human brain and made robots out of Lego. But still...
  366. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs fuck yeah! I am hyped for this.
  367. Spike dislike is really ugly.
  368. …in reply to @zoewi
    @zoewi But there is a standard, and it's pretty much only Apple that don't use it. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus#Mini_and_Micro_connectors
  369. …in reply to @zoewi
    @zoewi i mean, yeah, i recall those days. But not convinced Apple ended it, rather than all those industry bodies mentioned.
  370. Alright. I looked at the new iPhone. My opinion : aw crap, another resolution to support? Booo!
  371. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod I'm not @smestorp!
  372. Though thinking about it, both my released iOS game and the one I'm working on now can cope with messed up resolutions fine.
  373. This is because I *hate* *UI* *coding*.
  374. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle oh shit, that looks great! @dkanaga ! Come look at this!
  375. …in reply to @squidlarkin
    @squidlarkin ha, snap. except now is the morning for me, so I've taken my turn.
  376. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP From the 2nd comment on engadget.com/2010/12/29/european-standardization-bodies-formalize-micro-usb-cellphone-ch/ apparently it's legal. Fuck the £15 charge, though.
  377. Finding GitLab really hilarious. And great. And also hilarious.
  378. …in reply to @undefined
    @cuddleslag Optimism!
  379. …in reply to @VitaminPowered
    @VitaminPowered yeah. Well, no. It's a host your own web-interface to a git server, that looks pretty much identical to GitHub.
  380. …in reply to @VitaminPowered
    @VitaminPowered with all of GitHub's features -- Issues, Wiki, Teams, etc.
  381. …in reply to @VitaminPowered
    @VitaminPowered It's also developed on Github, of course. The install instructions use Github as a host.
  382. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe did not know @andytfield did In Spirit! Heard great things about that from Alice.
  383. …in reply to @VitaminPowered
    @VitaminPowered Presumably! But the only sane response is to be amused and flattered, I guess.
  384. I just remembered musicforprogramming.net/
  385. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario oh god! you have!
  386. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario is it good? would you recommend it? I'm doing a lot of JS recently.
  387. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario hm. It does seems nice. I think I'll pick up some rudiments of Ruby first, though. Couldn't use it at work anyway.
  388. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario I did some stuff with node, it was suspiciously fun. But for that shit, I'd retreat back to Python and Django.
  389. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario which is actually a right pain to deploy, so maybe I shouldn't.
  390. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario uh oh, this software seems to have opinions.
  391. @jonbro @lucky_frame that is a Helpful and Informative blogpost. Whatdya use to track rankings & sales?
  392. Imagine all the games that didn't get made because people were making ports and sequels instead.
  393. …in reply to @tef
    @tef was doing websocket-ey stuff, and it just worked, pinging stuff back and forth between browser and console.
  394. …in reply to @tef
    @tef Not shipped anything written in it, mind.
  395. …in reply to @lefishy
    @lefishy Because I'm greedy. Because I feel like friends have gotten stuck. Because I'm afraid I might do the same.
  396. …in reply to @tef
    @tef think I saw it when you posted it before. But I don't really understand.
  397. …in reply to @tef
    @tef sounds great! (sometimes I feel like there's too many tools)
  398. Huh. Frog costumes are surprisingly affordable.
  399. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 just be indecent otherwise.
  400. …in reply to @undefined
    @cuddleslag @rubzo it's okay, that's not the context.
  401. …in reply to @undefined
    @cuddleslag @rubzo but I'll hopefully announce the context at a later date. It's pretty good context, to be fair.
  402. Binaural audio! In HTML5! Like, natively, not hackily! <3 chromium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/samples/audio/simple.html
  403. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    @tinysubversions I tried that out for a presentation I'm supposed to be writing right now. It was pretty good/accurate.
  404. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    @tinysubversions For one slide, it gave me a picture of my own fist punching a bowl of custard in my own kitchen. Which was surprising.
  405. …in reply to @undefined
    @LeehSl @benthorizon I love this shit. I was lucky enough that there's multiple groups for this in London, but if I can help remotely...
  406. RT @asponge: Come play I Demand Satisfaction! at the Southbank Centre tonight and witness my descent into hypoxic madness as a tight wig ...
  407. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @FireHazardGames Swordfighting, you say?
  408. …in reply to @FireHazardGames
    @FireHazardGames vidyagames -- freeindiegam.es/2012/09/triple-threat-rylgh/ ? (not actually played vs someone)
  409. …in reply to @FireHazardGames
    @FireHazardGames and it's a bit messy, but I can sort you out Punch The Custard. Stupid fun.
  410. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge @LewieP @Quinns108 surreal experience, walking back from LIndies past a Sainsburys open til past midnight for CoD launch.
  411. …in reply to @roderickhodgson
    @roderickhodgson @octopress ha, I did mine last week in raw Jekyll.
  412. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh @figames @bfod hahahahaha, that was a predictable first post. (which I should probably actually play, huh?)
  413. @bfod Which reminds me : can I record you for Games We Have Known And Loved on Monday?
  414. …in reply to @srules
  415. Wish there was a great, full-featured, OSM map application.
  416. …in reply to @roderickhodgson
    @roderickhodgson yeah, I was expanding from 1 page to 5, so I wanted a generator for that primarily. Then also, a blog.
  417. …in reply to @roderickhodgson
    @roderickhodgson Worked out fine, though. Except it would be nice to have tags without hacking round it.
  418. @roderickhodgson (worst part was fixing all of Posterous's crap markup)
  419. RT @WildRumpus: I've done some mathematics after last nights executive #wildrumpus3 meeting & can report we will be bringing you 60% ...
  420. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @jonbro but imagine competitive pressing buttons scattered across the screen while navigating a maze! wouldn't that be something?
  421. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @smestorp but there is something in moving tokens about on screen, while controlling the tanks to drive over them and pick them up.
  422. RT @smestorp: @v21 @jonbro yeah, A Bastard but where the buttons aren't player-specific, they just move the tank of whoever pressed them ...
  423. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @jonbro I'm still liking this squabbling and flicking being done to control machines, displayed underneath this.
  424. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @jonbro could get a nice "No fighting in the War Room!" vibe.
  425. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @tigershungry I seem to be making a videogame sauna right now, so this is appropriate.
  426. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp not tried with mobile version, but web -- less frantic/more comprehensible.
  427. …in reply to @smestorp
  428. …in reply to @rclarke
  429. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg Are we having a nudie Wild Rumpus?
  430. …in reply to @MetzoPaino
    @MetzoPaino @DGoodayle Think of it in terms of burn rate (which'll be living costs, for you) and capital outlay.
  431. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle @MetzoPaino a year, or twice as long as you think it'd take to make the thing you'll be selling.
  432. …in reply to @MetzoPaino
    @MetzoPaino @DGoodayle well, if you're only borrowing money you've been promised, that seems lower risk.
  433. …in reply to @MetzoPaino
    @MetzoPaino @DGoodayle but on the other hand, if you couldn't cover it without loans, that's a pretty high-risk position to be in.
  434. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke If I stop being goal focused, and merely enjoy the sights & sounds & kinaesthetics of a game, does it stop begin a game?
  435. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke Because, you know, I made a mod for Proteus where you could (incidentally) die, and it was still Proteus.
  436. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke Not sure exactly where I stand, but you can't separate out the political. But: I was making a smaller point.
  437. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke Well, also you were a frog, and played it on a trampoline. But there's already an ending/goal.
  438. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke Our backs hurt from bouncing on the trampoline, but we wanted to see the end. By Autumn, we were damn careful.
  439. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke But we still chased frogs and stopped to see the sights. It never stopped being wonderful. Once we hopped over an owl.
  440. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke It's entirely possible that I don't really care about game design but interaction design (using these definitions).
  441. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger @rclarke Or, at the very least, see it only as a possible tool to create experiences.
  442. …in reply to @undefined
    @cunthorse Yep. 25 and 30. LCM is 150, product is 750.
  443. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @patrickashe sweet, you coming to the party?
  444. …in reply to @edclef
  445. …in reply to @Poxican
  446. …in reply to @alexjprice
  447. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke _today's_ modern games biz.
  448. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @patrickashe don't feel obliged! but yeah, it looks fun.
  449. Man! @S0phieH just spotted the rules to the Adventure Time jam : adventuretimegamejam.com/rules Really gross.
  450. So if I made a game, I couldn't put it on my website, or ever sell it. Fuck that shit!
  451. (I mean, I'm gonna be punching custard instead, but still)
  452. …in reply to @mcclure111
  453. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom I mean, I do understand why & how these rules got put in place. But it's still gross.
  454. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom And the site will die within 5 years, and all the games will be lost. Which might be a minor tragedy, but also a pointless one.
  455. …in reply to @benmilsom
    @benmilsom Yeah, that's fair. But right now the rules seem to be iffy on debranding the game and selling it excised of their IP.
  456. …in reply to @mwegner
    @mwegner what's the distinction between them and fastspring, besides that fastspring don't care about videogames?
  457. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP 25, right?
  458. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP I've been passed by three full 25s in a night, standing the second stop along the route.
  459. I am so amazingly full of snot.
  460. @smestorp not played o two player, but I am now really quite excited to.
  461. This looks lovely: kickstarter.com/projects/1338986832/sealark-an-oceanic-adventure-game (I wish he was asking for more money! But what a perfect pitch video!)
  462. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @smestorp I mean, I tried it out, alone.
  463. Custard is mixed already, so I just have time to do a spot of programming.
  464. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @jonbro hm. I know a bastard works fine on my phone. But that's touches, not swipes.
  465. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @jonbro well, up to two. But yeah, point taken.
  466. Home, exhausted. The weekender has been great. Thanks everyone who punched my custard.
  467. The record was 316. 316 custard punches in 45 seconds. That's quite a lot.
  468. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin no, you have to keep one hand on the tinfoil. Someone got 315, too. But the best was the kid who kept trying til he got 291.
  469. Hey, look, it's me with my mum, showing people how to punch custard in super fast motion! vimeo.com/49544640
  470. …in reply to @docky
    @docky it really impressed me by looking great 2x upscaled on an iPad.
  471. RT @squidlarkin: Imagine if faster processors had ever been allowed to translate to more responsive interfaces instead of flashier features.
  472. I was going to post a lmgtfy link, but then I thought that might be rude. Here, let me be rude by hand, at length.
  473. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy yup, ditto.
  474. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod the tech is yet another step on for both of these : but : a game about flying, or porn.
  475. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod For the one people can put together in their garages right now if they care enough: a horror chase game. Maybe with guns, maybe not.
  476. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle "This looks like some kind of ancient curse or fragment of religious scripture. It's probably not worth caring about."
  477. Oh no. I'm doing it. For the first time since this morning, I'm checking my email.
  478. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke but, like, I generally suck at games, and I'm pretty good at Super Hexagon
  479. Oh, yeah. It's the Brooklyn Lager that's making me suddenly drunk, an hour after I arrived home.
  480. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees your tweet arrived next to one linking to this 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mab74pMwAK1rzhg3ko1_500.png
  481. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef my laptop screen died -- I discovered this morning when going to take my turn.
  482. RT @asponge: Hypothesis: Mortal Kombat is hip hop's most referenced fighting game series. Please add rhymes to this for science: https:/ ...
  483. RT @asponge: No nerdcore, please, for several obvious reasons.
  484. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @asponge oh, christ! things suddenly click into place.
  485. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef yeah, pretty sure I can. gonna call 'em up and get someone round to fix it, though.
  486. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @nyarluu @jonbro what if they were ghosts, summoned by being circled. the explosion effect comes in backwards as they appear.
  487. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier hang on, I'm doing the math.
  488. …in reply to @raiganburns
    @raiganburns i don't know if that's consistently the case... besides, if you played SupHex in B&W it'd probably be easier. Worse, but easier
  489. Here's how to make games in Twine! auntiepixelante.com/twine/
  490. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb aw, man, fuck you. I had things to be doing this evening!
  491. Editing down @bfod for Games We Have Known And Loved is hard. It turns into such a complete, stirring manifesto.
  492. A sense of victory to the first person to guess which game he starts off by talking about.
  493. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @bfod You're telling me to ignore arbitrary constraints I've promised myself I would work within?
  494. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @tigershungry @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg TOMORROW : meeting my Dad.
  495. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @tigershungry @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg THURSDAY: wegottickets.com/event/175289 (sold out, but there's 20 tickets on the door?)
  496. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @tigershungry @KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg FRIDAY:??? SATURDAY: Probably Drinking in a Park ( facebook.com/events/329268953835501/ )
  497. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod It's not for years, not at all. But I find I need to be open, make a list, just work through it - then pop up for air and reassess.
  498. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod It feels like I'm not a good enough dev to make good software while being playful. This is also the effect stimulants seem to have.
  499. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod I've more projects in my past that could have benefitted from being played with more than being worked on more. This is true.
  500. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen fastspring is a bit of a pain in the arse, but, like, unless you can get on humble, not sure there's much you can do.
  501. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen same difference! The point is - its a pain in the arse to give you my address if I'm then going to use PayPal.
  502. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen and then I get an email saying it won't ship til the payment clears? How pointless. (but also kind of expected from e commerce)
  503. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen ugh! How useless. But yeah, not sure how much time this is worth you spending on. Though humble is super easy to use, if you can...
  504. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen ...get on there, and then get them to respond to your emails. as a consumer and a dev. Probably not worth taking payments yourself.
  505. This entirely serious and practical email conversation has led to me revealing I've a fair bit of knowledge about bondage tape.
  506. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs augh! Reply/all fail
  507. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge the many, many friends.
  508. …in reply to @MetzoPaino
    @MetzoPaino whoooop!
  509. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge man, I wasn't even mocking you for that, this time. I was BEING A FRIEND and BEING ENCOURAGING.
  510. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge I can't even remember what Xanga is -- is it like Ning?
  511. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge that's good -- you could do with more friends.
  512. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus wait, what. I mean, I agree with the general sentiment, but "Probably not literally real". "Probably not"?
  513. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus "Probably not"?!
  514. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus what?!
  515. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Call it "Cardboard Game Jam" and I'm in.
  516. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth man, screw that! People who don't play games make really interesting games. And fuck spending my life constrained to gamer culture
  517. RT @anna_debenham: OH @leisa "OR we could have a FUN treasure hunt, without QR codes."
  518. Women of Science / People of Edinburgh! logicgrrrl.wordpress.com/
  519. RT @elibrody: @v21 Games We Have Known And Loved inspired me to write this: bit.ly/OcYGHE
  520. …in reply to @elibrody
    @elibrody oh! That's beautiful! Thank you.
  521. …in reply to @elibrody
    @elibrody and... I don't know if you'd like to do a GWHKAL yourself over Skype one of these days?
  522. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg you up for Double R tomorrow?
  523. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg doors at 8pm. Let me ask round, there just might be a spare ticket.
  524. @Carachan1 @GriddleOctopus I heard one of you might have a spare Double R ticket?
  525. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg Sorry, no, no spare ticket, you'll have to rely upon the tickets at the door. See you this evening!
  526. …in reply to @GriddleOctopus
    @GriddleOctopus @Carachan1 Ah, no worries. Was asking for @c_hedborg , but there's a few on the door any way.
  527. So I need to think of a better name for A Bastard, stat. Anyone got any suggestions? @bfod? @smestorp?
  528. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin Related searches : pictures of hedgehogs
  529. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp The might be distinguishable, thinking on it. Intellectual pursuits benefit from reflection away from them, but addiction doesn't.
  530. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @smestorp Yeah. See : A/B testing.
  531. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @bfod Go wide! I am totally not attached to the concept of bastardry, it's just an aggravating game to play.
  532. …in reply to @aeoye
    @narfyyy Well, mainly that's it's not hugely descriptive and slightly pointlessly offensive. Haven't even thought of the Apple angle.
  533. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @bfod "Troll Tank"! "Scoundrel Shot"! (or ... "Shot by a scoundrel!")
  534. Currently thinking of "Shot by a scoundrel" or "Meet me at the shooting range" (though that might just be because I love the song)
  535. Might be something along the lines of "Another Person's Hand"
  536. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle great song, by ballboy, one of my favorite bands: youtube.com/watch?v=eYg8l9EBAlU (next line is: "because one of us is not coming back again")
  537. Bennett Foddy goes on a rant about games being abstract gameswehaveknownandloved.tumblr.com/post/31882216443/bennett-foddy-on-pyro-2-crusader-kings-2-others Apparently he hates chess?
  538. …in reply to @elibrody
    @elibrody So's mine! * Do it anyway! (*not technically true)
  539. I'VE BEEN PRETENDING TO BE DEPRESSED FOR PROFIT AND I'M SORRY kickstarter.com/projects/73258510/sad-pictures-for-children/posts/311890
  540. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy I organize gaming events in bars and for some reason this turns me off. Don't know why. Might just be snobbishness.
  541. @asponge "So far, today is looking pretty bridgy."
  542. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH @bfod I've tweeted it now, there's no going back. That's your official position for ever.
  543. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH can try deleting the Library folder?
  544. …in reply to @shadow_shifters
    @shadow_shifters man! Way to not win people onto your side.
  545. …in reply to @elibrody
    @elibrody It hasn't, but it doesn't matter if it had been. I'd be amazed if I heard the same story twice.
  546. …in reply to @duncangeere
  547. …in reply to @EGX
    @eurogamer_expo Why is Hotline Miami not in the over 18 zone?
  548. RT @eurogamer_expo: @v21 We've been told it won't be rated 18.
  549. Laptop screen is fucked... Do I send it to the depot to get fixed, or do I hang onto it til after things stop keep happening?
  550. …in reply to @ICF_19XX
    @NicholasFolsom It works via an external monitor & I could do with it to show a game on at Wild Rumpus next week.
  551. Lazy web : how can I vary the strength of a normal map in a shader? Ideally incredibly cheaply, because this shader is Too Much already.
  552. Cancel that lazy web request : it's "o.Normal = UnpackNormal (((tex2D (_BumpMap, IN.uv_BumpMap) - .5) * _Bumpiness) + .5);"
  553. RT @PluralGames: I want to see the day when there are as much games with "artist code" as there are with "programmer art".
  554. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn we have a couch. and a cat!
  555. …in reply to @vetraskr
    @vetraskr @reallyfancy maybe it's the general distate I feel for gamer culture?
  556. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy @vetraskr And I organize gaming events in part to attempt to create an alternative to gamer culture.
  557. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg ah, no worries.
  558. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg yeah totally. Friday/Saturday?
  559. RT @Draknek: Sokobond sokobond.com/
  560. This Cart Life video is inspiring me to make better and more confident videogames. m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=Mgcti9WUEu8&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DMgcti9WUEu8&gl=GB
  561. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario ha. You're. Or the only one to have used that hashtag.
  562. @radiodario You're not, rather. Also, come to DIP tomorrow!
  563. …in reply to @radiodario
  564. RT @BRKeogh: Ppl feeling like they must caveat talks w/ "I'm not a big gamer" is wot happens when we all introduce w/ "I'm a lifelong ga ...
  565. Followup to that I FAKED DEPRESSION FOR MONEY link yesterday picturesforsadchildren.com/post/31927077621
  566. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Man, I don't know any more than you! But I'm enjoying it immensely.
  567. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs "I got more and more exhausted with acting unhappy and withdrew from the majority of my friends. ...
  568. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs ... I spent a great deal of time alone and extremely happy" : how is that not great?
  569. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Yeah. I can understand that. I like funny/weird internet culture where context dissolves and things are uneasily fake/real.
  570. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs So naturally I think it's great. But this coming from a place where I'm personally unaffected by the issues.
  571. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Yeah -- I've only seen any of that side after posting the update this morning and going to seek it out. & it is awful.
  572. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Yeah, I never even considered that he would have asked. But I was lacking the whole Internet Shitstorm context.
  573. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs Mind you, asking would have made them complicit, which would be weird too.
  574. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore I remember saying that ... 4 or 5 years ago? Still use Audacity pretty much weekly.
  575. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore Congratulations & good luck on entering the exciting world of Not Working For A Company, by the way.
  576. RT @docky: If there were a legal limit of $200 of DLC/IAP per game put in place, I wonder who would complain.
  577. RT @WildRumpus: >>>CCAAKKKKAAAWWW<<<
  578. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths and with a ... slightly beveled ... edge.
  579. …in reply to @docky
    @docky if this rule was in place, how many FTP games would still be viable?
  580. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @D_Nye_Griffiths have to get a little creative, but : ---.. --.. --.. --.. --.. -..
  581. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @S0phieH At work : shader is fine on iPad2, runs like a dog on an iPhone4. Will likely run fine on 4S, 5, but fail on iPad3.
  582. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @S0phieH Aaaaaaand also we're doing Android with this project. Fun fun fun!
  583. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger I believe it's a musical?
  584. …in reply to @tiedtiger
    @tiedtiger by Trey Stone and Matt Parker.
  585. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris I dislike when my life gets worse because large corporations are being strategic with another. Like, I really dislike it.
  586. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris I dunno. My life has demonstrably changed since I changed phone chargers to a USB cable & plug from a separate integrated one
  587. Still trying to rename this game. What's best: Here To Help, Their Finger, The Other Person's Finger.
  588. …in reply to @Poxican
  589. …in reply to @leonardr
    @leonardr It's 2 player local competitive, where you're encouraged to fuck the other person by pressing their buttons.
  590. Who thinks they're good at Super Hexagon? Wild Rumpus includes a tournament with a hexagonal prize. twr3.eventbrite.com/
  591. Also jumping on people's heads and making rainbows happen. (that's @FarbsMcFarbs game, Cumulo Nimblers)
  592. Also RECURSE (madparker.com/recurse/) , which has actual jumping about. Come along! There will be too many games and just enough booze.
  593. RT @CultureRamp: "The only thing I can really be an adult about is games. I can be a grown-up about this." @jennatar on game criticism: ...
  594. Hey guess what! I'm presenting a game at Eurogamer Expo! eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-21-eurogamer-expo-indie-games-arcade-line-up-announced
  595. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek @WildRumpus No Joust at this Rumpus.
  596. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb i Just called that time. But I don't have a convention. Seems useful to have one, though.
  597. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian @Draknek @elibrody @KommanderKlobb That's great! Hey, we even have those spare footpedals...
  598. RT @Dick_Hogg: ..I have been busy sourcing hexagonal prizes today...
  599. If anyone here is of a journalistic persuasion & going to Eurogamer Expo, I would love to fight you in A Bastard. Also if you're not.
  600. I'll fight anyone, is what I'm saying.
  601. …in reply to @arcanekids
    @arcanekids @eurogamer_expo @edclef I guess you guys aren't gonna be over for it? A shame, a shame!
  602. I'VE BEEN PRETENDING TO BE PRETENDING TO HAVE DEPRESSION FOR PROFIT AND I'M SORRY kickstarter.com/projects/73258510/sad-pictures-for-children/posts/313179
  603. …in reply to @MetzoPaino
    @MetzoPaino who confesses to being anything other than middle class?
  604. …in reply to @DGoodayle
  605. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @KommanderKlobb @tigershungry @Dick_Hogg I'll be about in about an hour and a half. Gimme a place!
  606. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @KommanderKlobb @tigershungry @Dick_Hogg sounds plausible to me!
  607. I really want to see @deadendthrills take on Proteus.
  608. RT @asponge: Child in park excitedly tugs at father's arm, pointing at me and yelling "Look dad! It's a big girl! A big girl, dad!" The ...
  609. …in reply to @Dick_Hogg
    @Dick_Hogg @c_hedborg @KommanderKlobb @tigershungry we're still about...
  610. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir that's so great
  611. …in reply to @ElectronDance
    @ElectronDance @PerrinAshcroft ! I'll finally get to meet you?!
  612. Coming to terms with my laptop being fucked. It's okay, I'll get it fixed. But for now I am useless, reduced to pecking on an iPad.
  613. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I need to go fix this A Bastard build! But yes.
  614. @c_hedborg it's a lovely day, so park is go. Ravenscourt Park, 3 or 4pm. Will let you know when I'm heading.
  615. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke what impossible pattern?
  616. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar @docky oh god, I get that so much.
  617. @c_hedborg off to the park now if you wanna join.
  618. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg good going. yeah, I will do. Or for a quicker response, I'm at 07962403825.
  619. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar @docky for a while, I gloried specifically in how empty, boring and endless summer holidays could be.
  620. Sometimes when I drink awful cornershop wine I think what @awesommelier would think of me.
  621. …in reply to @undefined
    @SiriHoho @vetraskr you still about - at ravenscourt, might head your way
  622. RT @Dymaxion: Is your country fascist? A 14 point checklist from 2003 looking at Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, &c: bit.ly/3aossw
  623. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris oh god, that's terrible.
  624. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar I'm so sorry.
  625. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @c_hedborg @tigershungry I could eat food, but I've only just seen this, so will be like 20 mins late.
  626. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow was tempted to do something similar with WALL-E. Cut to silent credits after he loses his memory.
  627. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @docky @pietepiet @brandonnn @iamcarneiro @mareodomo I'd be up for that.
  628. RT @oh_cripes: So I've been working on this for almost a year and a half now. Finally seeing the light of day: autographer.com
  629. …in reply to @undefined
  630. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge @garethbriggs Urbex? The bits of Barcelona that Gaudi designed? Burning Man?
  631. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow I might just do that in Game I'm Not Allowed To Work On Yet.
  632. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @therussmorris This is the value of ambiguous feedback.
  633. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN @LadyShotgunGame hurrah! I forget if you're about early enough for Wild Rumpus.
  634. …in reply to @undefined
    @nyarluu @jonbro It's not that difficult to find -- my mum would make it for us as kids (she lived in Thailand)
  635. …in reply to @undefined
    @nyarluu @jonbro Um. Maybe I'm not helping.
  636. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier In the bath again?
  637. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth Coloured printing is still rare and expensive. Think Shapeways leads the way on this stuff.
  638. Ugh. Just discovered that one of my email addresses had silently stopped forwarding. CONVENIENT!
  639. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin If only you could make a thesis out of links to cat pictures.
  640. I have to fax this form? On headed paper? What?
  641. No, wait, it's worse than that. I have to fax this form in order to get the other form that I have to fax.
  642. …in reply to @timoncheese
    @timoncheese and "sacked" rarely!
  643. RT @KeithOlbermann: Mitt Romney doesn't know why airplane windows don't roll down. Seriously. Deep in this @latimes piece: http://t.co/4 ...
  644. today's a day when supposedly simple things turn out to be an extraordinary amount of effort.
  645. …in reply to @fastramdesign
    @fastramdesign the process involves faxing them twice! I just want to give them money in exchange for a service - they have no leverage here
  646. Just went down through indiecade.com/2012/games/ and copied half the entrants into one spreadsheet or another.
  647. This is how I appreciate videogames.
  648. Also, that's a great lineup. Both the games I'd heard of and the ones I hadn't. Wish I'd submitted Punch The Custard.
  649. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 The film makes a whole other world of sense if you read the book first. The book : sincerely fascist. The film : taking the piss.
  650. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg that IS good news. But, bad news: your interview audio came out bad! Wanna Skype a version when you're home?
  651. …in reply to @garethjenkins
    @garethjenkins left 4 dead did this to great effect in the hospital level.
  652. …in reply to @108
    @number108 I like to be charitable and assume they never knew how.
  653. …in reply to @sarahthehammer
    @sarahthehammer @Gillespionage Yeah, but I'm not going to be there, as I'm not. (be there on the weekend, though)
  654. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @HilariousCow You guys suck at this. First, you take a popular, possibly old game. Then you reskin it and add a tutorial. Job done
  655. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @smestorp But seriously : yeah, that part is really hard. Especially since the best way seems to be to layer on details.
  656. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @smestorp That is the nice thing about being able to make a fun game that you have to explain a lot of.
  657. Next game I make isn't going to be a hard-to-sell game that works well at shows. It'll be a hard to sell game that doesn't work at shows.
  658. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp I, being heartless, cynical and commerical say forget the iPad 1. Also I have an iPad 2.
  659. RT @rclarke: It's free to submit games (one per company) for BAFTA consideration this year. So the nominees should be more varied this year!
  660. Ahhh, the creepiness of microphone loopback when you have headphones on.
  661. Click click click click. Your own breathing. Someone else's leaking headphones from a long distance away. Echoes.
  662. The effect is cooler now I've put Boards of Canada on as well.
  663. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe There's clearly a particular aspirational bent to the judges picked there, of which he fits in fine.
  664. This feels really weirdly metatextual.
  665. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees I made a playlist of non-pop Karaoke covers ages back open.spotify.com/user/v21/playlist/6mdoMgBy3PwVvvK9OKQDIx
  666. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow Yeah, it's good if you can minimize that. But it's also kind of in some ways more important than your actual game.
  667. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow Like, I wish their website had more details. I want to find out things like "can I export my purchaser details?"
  668. Gamecity is there to celebrate "cultural confidence"?
  669. …in reply to @PerrinAshcroft
    @PerrinAshcroft I hate most videogame culture, and the better version I do like doesn't need support from wider culture to be worthwhile.
  670. I hate most videogame culture, and the better version I do like doesn't need support from wider culture to be worthwhile.
  671. Which isn't to say the good fight can't be fought from multiple angles or for varying reasons.
  672. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @PerrinAshcroft Yeah, I was trying to invent some subgenres for "indie" games earlier. 'Cuz christ knows we need them.
  673. …in reply to @retroremakes
    @retroremakes @PerrinAshcroft @HilariousCow Oh, yeah, totally true. I'm objecting in principle, not in practice. & I loved GC last year.
  674. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @retroremakes @PerrinAshcroft @HilariousCow For this it doesn't matter the precise definition, just marketing.
  675. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @retroremakes @PerrinAshcroft @HilariousCow Yeah, it's getting that way. But it's still very much useful. ie it shifts units.
  676. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @Slaktus @retroremakes @PerrinAshcroft @HilariousCow Feel like Kohl in Phonogram, refusing to redefine himself as his identity dies.
  677. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @Slaktus @retroremakes @PerrinAshcroft @HilariousCow With the distinction that I'm fine with it -- just want somewhere to go to.
  678. …in reply to @BinaryTweedDeej
    @BinaryTweedDeej @Slaktus @HilariousCow That's not luck, though it might be good advice.
  679. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp Yeah, that's actually misstated, I think. I want wider support, but I don't see that it comes from co-opting existing authority
  680. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp Needing TV people and authors to tell people videogames are grown up now just means they're not, yet.
  681. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus I definitely prefer the latter. As long as the difficult curve is broken in interesting ways. Ridiculous not inconsistent.
  682. …in reply to @Gillespionage
    @Gillespionage @sarahthehammer nice wedging yourself in there, Iain.
  683. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 I'll take any opportunity to link people to this: whitenoisemp3s.com/
  684. …in reply to @RomerosSoldier
    @RomerosSoldier @CultureRamp These things are things I was thinking of when I talked about the good fight.
  685. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp @RomerosSoldier We do. The best part is that the most radical games can be the most welcoming.Because they assume you know less
  686. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp @RomerosSoldier I always think of @edclef realising that Proteus didn't need WASD to work, and that his mum could now play.
  687. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp @RomerosSoldier Yeah, happy not to discuss that question. A lot of it comes down to approach and positioning, not aims, I think
  688. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp @RomerosSoldier My perspective is someone who makes games (at work and outside), but is still able to ignore most mainstream.
  689. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp @RomerosSoldier ...games. I reckon if you can create a viable, interesting culture of games being made, a lot follows naturally
  690. …in reply to @CultureRamp
    @CultureRamp @RomerosSoldier but maybe I'm being ungenerous, and counting on things like GameCity to be a natural phenomenon?
  691. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang DOES anyone have a checklist of all the game mechanics?
  692. "videogames fundamental characteristic isn’t the game part, but the interaction" - @kierongillen
  693. Minimum : Pixel-art capable graphics card Recommended: Pixel-art-with-filters capable graphics card store.steampowered.com/app/220860/
  694. …in reply to @flantz
    @flantz @KommanderKlobb Not quite entirely sure where I stand on this, but I ripped that quote from gamesthatexist.com/2012/06/15/buffalo-rat-lion/#comment-282
  695. …in reply to @flantz
    @flantz @KommanderKlobb which also has "forms names don’t always bear any relation to what the fundamental characteristic of the form are"
  696. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami I can't tell if that's a great deadpan or not.
  697. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami Which I guess means it really is a great deadpan.
  698. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami Anyway, yeah, come to Wild Rumpus, Eurogamer Expo, eventbrite.co.uk/event/4276300530 etc etc etc.
  699. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami London Indies if you're still here/alive on Monday...
  700. …in reply to @garethjenkins
    @garethjenkins I wouldn't do that, it's not recommended.
  701. …in reply to @Chris_Jeffery
    @Chris_Jeffery what? UX is user experience.
  702. RT @bentosmile: Kinda lame how dentistry works... You can pay £90 now, or wait 4 weeks and potentially lose the tooth :(
  703. Seems the most authoritative source for todays Game We have Known And Loved is WikiHow. I like this fact.
  704. Of course, the problem with linking to other people's descriptions of folk games is that they always get the rules wrong.
  705. …in reply to @paperCaves
    @paperCaves it's just all the AO, lightmaps, light probes... Anyway, at least there's Proun.
  706. …in reply to @miguelsicart
    @miguelsicart pretty sure some of @increpare's games could be called theorems. Trying to think of who makes vaccines.
  707. …in reply to @miguelsicart
    @miguelsicart @increpare Appreciatively enough! I don't have the patience or the temperament to play theorems, but I sure am glad they exist
  708. …in reply to @miguelsicart
    @miguelsicart More interesting question is what games could be called vaccines. I've heard Spec Ops maybe tried to be.
  709. This shakycam footage of a Withered Hand live gig is the best thing that's happened to me today. youtube.com/watch?v=0G4-DOP1Pd8
  710. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth No, they absolutely do. Combine pure cost, money and time needed to access them and prep time, and they absolutely do.
  711. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth One thing that rubs me up the wrong way is blaming large-scale trends on individuals' failings. It's not useful.
  712. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth Okay, so kids are fat because their parents are bad parents. Why are there more bad parents these days? How can we fix that?
  713. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro Testflight can resign ipas... But you're still stuck on the hard 100 device per developer account limit.
  714. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro Ooooh, useful.
  715. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth ... reasonable solution, if expensive as hell. I'll admit to being more interested in the other question, though.
  716. Operation : Apply Sticky Back Plastic is nearing completion.
  717. RT @pozorvlak: Watching The Room. It's... an uncompromising artistic vision.
  718. Cursing @severalbees for that post about all the details mattering. I mean, she's right. Which is why I'm cursing her.
  719. …in reply to @thotxcouture
    @xMattieBrice @jennatar @leighalexander that IS a great panel.
  720. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @edclef I would like to register my interest in food and your birthday.
  721. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen not always. Easier to appreciate expensive things... plus I wanna give you more money.
  722. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn If you can do it once, you can do it again. The power is within you, now.
  723. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe like... BUTTON?
  724. A story about the best game of Ninja gameswehaveknownandloved.tumblr.com/post/32329539537/fernando-ramallo-on-ninja 2AM, down by the railway track. From @compositeredfox
  725. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek @edclef @nachimir I'm not about, not sure I can help.
  726. Get a phone call, and hence am a couple of seconds slow adding Craig David to this spreadsheet docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7mag0_WELmdDB0NUM2Nm5PQ09ZM181bDBwQ3RHbXc#gid=0
  727. RE: previous tweet. The worst part is that I have Craig David in my head for nothing.
  728. Feeling baller because I changed the default Unity C# script template to include System.Collections.Generic
  729. I like developing for Android (in Unity) because I can safely tab away when it's building. And when I type, it never appears in XCode.
  730. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb it's a heavy fucker, isn't it?
  731. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @SimoRoth huh? It's not sold out -- twr3.eventbrite.com/ (any road, there'll be a few tickets ont he door)
  732. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus @SimoRoth ah, yeah. There's overflow drinks for that with Midnight Resistance @LewieP was talking about.
  733. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I'd said by card, but they haven't actually taken any money off me yet.
  734. @github Really?
  735. Come along, there'll be some tickets on the door
  736. Ha, just tweeted that DM. Thought only politicians did that.
  737. Wild Rumpus is coming. It's soon. It's so soon. I wonder if my co-conspirators have finished setting it up yet?
  738. Eurogamer's guide to this year's Indie Games Arcade (which I am in, hurrah!) eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-28-eurogamers-guide-to-this-years-indie-games-arcade
  739. Well, that went well.
  740. …in reply to @docky
    @docky Casual shirt, no tie. Not khakis or slacks. Corduroys are nice?
  741. I wrote a game idea down, but it turns out lots of people have made lots of awesome looking games with the same idea. Which is OK!
  742. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths no idea! But I'll be about this afternoon if you'd like to see A Bastard.
  743. Oh man! Amazing thing that happened last night! @Draknek completed MegaGIRP. Could you credit that such a thing was even possible?
  744. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod @Draknek It was a Book of Beautiful Women.
  745. …in reply to @zoewi
    @zoewi @Draknek I don't think the attempt was filmed. Think @tha_rami captured the moment of victory, though. It took half an hour!
  746. Turns out there's video of @Draknek completing megaGIRP youtube.com/watch?v=p8D8XGQBt3A (And here's what MegaGIRP is vimeo.com/30618991 )
  747. RT @StevieB64: @v21 A Bastard is a bastard
  748. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod @tigershungry @Draknek It had Diana Rigg in, take that how you will.
  749. …in reply to @rclarke
  750. Eurogamer has been good so far. Met 3 people I've been really looking forward to meeting : @ElectronDance @haikus_by_KN and @arcanekids
  751. Home drunk. And there's still a mattresses on our living room floor. What's better, Father Ted or Spaced?
  752. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp It wasn't a complaint! I tweeted that while rolling about on the floor, stroking Maddie and watching Father Ted.
  753. …in reply to @Demruth
    @Demruth @tha_rami @BenKuchera Tech in general has this trend, but new stuff almost always never completely displaces old stuff.
  754. …in reply to @mxSophieH
    @S0phieH That's just because cloning is such a huge, unavoidable thing in fashion.
  755. Guess my laptop isn't repaired after all!
  756. Sitting crosslegged on the expo floor to make some quick code changes and The Final Countdown comes on.
  757. Normally hate this song.
  758. I'm still up! I'm waiting for a bus. Venetian Snares was incredible. I think I'm supposed to be doing things tomorrow morning.
  759. It's past 4 am and I have a terrible history of falling asleep on buses.
  760. But I can spam Twitter all I want because no-one is awake.
  761. Will be heading to Eurogamer after I finish this cup of tea.
  762. When I play other people's games I am the worst kind of visitor. Sit down, plunk plunk fail, wander off.
  763. Pleasingly, the build I'm leaving the expo with is a fair bit stronger than the one I came with.
  764. Ha. A Bastard and Sokobond (which are next to each other) both use the same font. How embarrassing!
  765. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs did you see my guess-the-font game which uses the fonts installed on your computer for it's database?
  766. Fuck yeah, I love The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis! rockpapershotgun.com/2012/09/30/live-free-play-hard-this-weeks-finest-free-indie-games/ (and by extension @realnoyb and @aliendovecote)