Tweets from 2012/12
@HilariousCow @smestorp PLUS it meant they could have a really overblown title sequence.
@HilariousCow Yeah, it definitely does. You want a little bit of ceremony.
@bentosmile why would anyone need a whole case of groin lotion?
I've been looking forward to this game for a while now! Tiny Football Manager Stories by @Oujevipo.
@squidlarkin @smestorp Not quite the same genre, but I really liked being able to happily play Crusader Kings II while ignoring most of it.
The advantage of playing the PC build of Super Hexagon is that it reduces the frequency of cat-between-screen. But not to zero.
Also, I no longer have an iOS device, so there's that.
But I did find this, which is is giving me lots of new thoughts and things to read
@jonbro I did not! I also haven't played Goblet Grotto. I know, I know!
@StuHorvath @Carachan1 Love that: "Unusual, unusual, sincere and disarming combination."
@tigershungry @severalbees Probably me? I ended up talking about penises with @jennatar for like 5 hours.
@thegamedesigner but videogames are a terrible way to make a living, and life is large and full of interesting things.
Don't drop out of school to make games! Because videogames are an awful way to make a living! You may wish to have ~other options~!
@terrycavanagh @PerrinAshcroft @psychicteeth @randomnine Yeah, I'll be there (mebbe a little late, as I have a dentist's appointment)
@jennatar Jenn, every time I read any of your writing I feel I have to tell you, I am sorry. (I just read your postmortem. It was great.)
@JoeCavers I am! I will see you there!
Tomorrow! London Indies! See you all there! (The Crown, Angel, Islington)
Today is my first day working with @gutefabrik !!!
@tigershungry @gutefabrik never!
@patrickashe We still need to make that happen!
@patrickashe @MetzoPaino maybe try ringing them while in a PC World, let them argue it out between themselves.
@asponge We have biscuits?!
So I'm not going to be getting my wisdom tooth out tomorrow, then! A few weeks, then next year for the other one...
@hannahnicklin Jenn is amazing, and that article makes my face a mess every time I read it.
@KommanderKlobb @thacher Pull the emergency bunting to activate teashop.
Before I go to the hassle of actually looking on gumtree - has anyone got a cheap/shit bike they want to sell me?
@JoeCavers @Poxican on my way also.
@musebloom I have also been considering this. Probably worse for me than for you.
@MetzoPaino I'm happy enough paying, I just want something I don't need to stress about getting nicked.
A Food Party themed food party where we eat Food Party food and have a party and watch Food Party.
@JoeCavers @Poxican we are both here, at the front of the pub.
@Pisscress In HTML, it's "★" without the quotes. ☆ for a hollow one.
@Pisscress Oh shit, so it does. I don't know if I was expecting that. I wonder whether it escapes that internally at all...
@banjoses That looks great! I'd be glad to take you up on that offer. Can I come pick it up some time this week or next?
@garethbriggs Got another offer, so I'll try that first. But thank you.
@BRKeogh @KommanderKlobb oh yes, that DOES look great.
@philthe25th @LineHollis seems half the appeal of a dating sim...
@catburton hey! I just remembered to remind you to find out what the deal is with Union for me.
My professional world and Jedward seem to be intersecting with an odd regularity.
@ammonite scrap what you've got; submit a tweet.
So imagine... and had a baby...
@IanHardingham @Demruth For me, the normal difficulty is without quicksave. Abusing quicksave feels like cheating. Which can be fun, too.
@LewieP It makes multiplayer games a lot more possible to make (as an indie, especially).
@mode7games @KommanderKlobb @Demruth @IanHardingham I never had save-anxiety playing Dishonoured. Sometimes QSed, often relied on autosaves.
@samjermy87 fwiw, I also think you should cool it with tweeting at people at your jam. Glad it's happening, mind.
REMINDER: A game is some combination of the following indivisable elements: - skeleton - red key - score thing - magic door
If you see something that looks like a videogame but isn't, you should notify the Police.
I hear shouting from the other room. @asponge runs through, hijacks my computer, and shows me this I'm hungry.
@Slaktus @D_Nye_Griffiths That they're people, not publications.
@pippinbarr I saw HM as more of a mood piece than a philosophical statement...
@severalbees We could all be partying right now.
So, life update. I work from home and I just found out I have a pair of slipper-socks. The ones with the weird plastic dots on the bottom.
@timoncheese ugh! reminds me of my cousin's stories about working on cruise ships.
I wrote about making game creation tools for normal people.
@TessStenson Ah, I've also got long-johns, so I'm only cold from waist up. Gotta be serious about these things.
@HilariousCow @D_Nye_Griffiths @Ungapants Right, so it's interesting that they managed to redesign the rules to make it at all playable.
@D_Nye_Griffiths @HilariousCow @Ungapants In fact, looking at it, there's no consistent rules I can find, except those kept from Wizard vers
@D_Nye_Griffiths @HilariousCow @Ungapants Which is great! Lots of people making their own rules to fix it, in different ways.
@D_Nye_Griffiths @garethbriggs @HilariousCow @Ungapants Also it's great there's a non-playing player. Who can leave the pitch!
@realnoyb @KommanderKlobb I love that game so much. So much.
"I just want to be in the world, fuck the puzzles."
Ah bugger. For a second there I thought there was another game like Memory Of A Broken Dimension. (But! new footage!)
@jennatar my pleasure!
@asponge @onelifeleft Ooooh, aaaah, actually I am now tempted. I wasn't before (for Santacon, anyway).
@ammonite for real though
@ammonite (to be clear, I'm not agreeing with the article, just pointing out that it's a real argument)
@ammonite Like, Jonathan Jones and everything
@Carachan1 I think it's amazing how well that show prepared me for adult life.
@brandonnn Yeah, GMail ignores periods entirely. Weird, huh? (I've been trying to migrate to non-periods)
@jwaaaap maaaaan, i never finished Kemonozume, I should watch that again.
@aliendovecote ah, of course. thanks, fixed now.
I am pretty sure I could justify this as a business expense
@radiatoryang Oh! Glad to hear someone else is as far behind as me. I'm just going to check that.
Oh hey, I missed this video of the weekender. Great to see so many friends and so many awesome games
I am feeling pretty good about this stuffing.
@reallyfancy Yeah... I also had the genius idea of using a Mac keyboard on Windows at home.
@VitaminPowered @reallyfancy Ah, luckily I stopped using those when I left Linux.
@Dick_Hogg @guardian It's still "tech".
@mareodomo whaaaa?
@mareodomo it is! I did not realize. I am excited for this fact. I just pointed it out to people, but they only cared for German vocabulary.
Flipping out about this Pokemon Yellow hack (thanks @martinhollis)
@Carachan1 @rockpapershot remember - keep one hand in your pocket, and the current might avoid your heart.
@Carachan1 SATA is for hard drives.
@Carachan1 plug them in, too. Then slot them in, screw them down.
RT @tassosstevens: Game-changing art tends to emerge from groups of artists, cultures, and scenes rather than individuals anyway.
@HilariousCow @garethbriggs Hackspace tomorrow?
I keep checking Sportsfriends. Not quite there yet. But it's close.
Back Sportsfriends, okay?
And it turns out @nachimir can write pretty well
@edclef me too! There's more stuff on the mobygames page... but exactly what the gameplay is remains unclear.
@edclef (Which I think I'm maybe fine with...)
This chicken soup is so good.
I forgot how much I enjoyed cooking meat. Guess maybe I'll start buying it again.
@jwaaaap I know, right? Saw it the other week, I just wanted to stay inside it for longer.
@rubzo The smell? The fat? The richness? That it comes as a thing which has many parts?
@aliendovecote can you be free of culture, though? Yr own terms isn't free of culture, it just means you're discriminating about which bits.
@BRKeogh Think that's a minigame in the upcoming Frobisher Says DLC.
@BRKeogh I am still mad that PSM doesn't let you do anything with back-touch.
@BRKeogh Playstation Mobile. It's their platform for making games for Vita & Sony Android devices.
*whew* Sportsfriends is there. Thank god.
RT @RamiroCorbetta: We're making Sportsfriends!!!
That sudden scramble to find some clothes when a Skype call becomes a Google Hangout because the sound quality is bad.
@jonty brought to you by the organization that recently had $8.8 billion wiped off it's value due to accounting irregularities.
@c_hedborg @Slaktus Some day.... some day I will look at it, and do like a cool data-visualization or something. Maybe.
@Slaktus @c_hedborg I find appealing : metadata, the Semantic Web, the Quantified Self, personal analytics, external memory, sousveillance.
@Slaktus @c_hedborg I see the fundamental problem with the current erosion of privacy the change in power, not the absolute loss of privacy.
@Slaktus @c_hedborg I deleted it so i could add "sousveillance".
@Slaktus @c_hedborg Also we should get together to work this week. My place or yours? What day?
@SimoRoth That's okay, I'm sure Labour will slide all the way over to fill the gap in the right they vacated.
@Slaktus Alright! I'll come over tomorrow. Aim to be about for 10. Remind me your address?
I also love this game
@PerrinAshcroft I have a bag of cheaper ones already... but that looks good if not.
@musebloom ha, my card doesn't even say what I do... I've stopped bothering to tell anyone my qualifications entirely...
@Slaktus yup, just slow.
@rubzo Understandable! I also like that it usually undergoes more dramatic transformations.
@Carachan1 hahahaha, I was just about to quote that.
@LewieP I'm so glad I missed this. I should not be on Twitter in the mornings more often.
@haikus_by_KN The type = Jean Seberg?
@haikus_by_KN Have you heard/read "From our own correspondent"? It's the Beeb's dedicated feature doing exactly this.
@psychicteeth Thursday!
I think ReSharper is making me write fancier code. And by fancier I mean less comprehensible.
THIS... THIS is a fucking essay!
If gamers are the “educated elite,” then…
@ElectronDance @smestorp It's kind of a rude thing to ask -- but why chase clicks? It surely isn't your route to fame and fortune as a jouno
@patrickashe I suck at reading poetry. That said, I'll lend you Real People With Real Lives Don't Need Landscapes, which I love, if you want
@ElectronDance @smestorp Yeah, that's fair. And that's a proven way to do it. I don't know if Tim Rogers falls into that category.
@patrickashe I mean, I don't try much. But my reading is wrong for poetry unless I trust it before I read it.
@patrickashe I read like a skipping stone, is what I'm saying.
@ElectronDance @smestorp I don't know how much traffic, ie, sends about, too, as another model.
@ElectronDance @smestorp I've been worrying lately about how insular this little bubble is... big change in thoughts from a few months ago.
@ElectronDance @smestorp Thinking about theatre, which is _constantly_ having this argument without itself. How to reach new audiences?
@doougle @ElectronDance @smestorp one hopeful part is... at our best, this scene diffuses out into illustration, music, performance...
@tha_rami why've you blocked spiders from crawling your site? Was trying to find your "Tetris of movies" post, and had a devil of a time.
@c_hedborg I think "What's the fucking Tetris of movies, then?" (which thought is a corrupted form of )
@bfod @tigershungry "Inside the book there is a QR code"
@asponge Can you provide a suitably UK or EEA backstory / concept / voiceover for CUBES?
"Paul McCartney to replace Kurt Cobain in Nirvana reunion"
@AOsher You heard me.
Irritating thing that seems to be new in Unity 4 : You can't create an empty GameObject as the child of an existing one.
@vorrintal I mean, you can. You just press the shortcut, and it's created down the hierarchy, then you move it and reset the transforms.
@Slaktus I hate iTween, have been meaning to check out HOTween. But mainly I just do shit by hand.
@adurdin And I have wasted like ... at least an hour, because I didn;t realize I'd forgotten to set the layer.
A Eulogy for Occupy
@JonasKyratzes That's exactly what you want! Just point the mic at them, give them a topic, and let them go (it was a pleasure).
How much would it cost to make a mod for Skyrim, where all the vocals are redone by Brian Blessed?
@Carachan1 oh bugger, I need to go to the post office soon.
@aliendovecote I've spent the last 4 years moving from having a job that required a degree to one that doesn't.
@aliendovecote First job was mostly young Oxbridge grads, I had to dress smart. Now I work from home, with friends, on indie games.
@patrickashe They won't say it's back, they'll just quietly promote a project. (I give it a week between the two)
I tried to buy some boots online, but then I had second thoughts. Now I find I forgot to pay. Now unsure again.
MAN, paying for things online is really evil vs evil vs evil. Really, who is least evil - Amazon, PayPal or Google? None pay tax.
(Answer quick, I wanna play Fotonica)
@BinaryTweedDeej Humble Store! Only 3 options!
@benthorizon okay, done. If they turn out to be the most evil, I blame you entirely.
RT @terrycavanagh: Oh god I just came across someone cool on a dating site who listed VVVVVV in their interests, what do I do
@KommanderKlobb I don't approve either. But EU law makes that law illegal. But the French already tested the cultural test.
@KommanderKlobb cultural test is only there to head off a potential EU challenge, not because anyone wants it.
I went the longer way in VESPER.5. It was a double-guess, but anyway -- I'll be here for a good while. No point in rushing.
"work work" vs "work" vs "just fucking around" vs "chilling"
... going dancing!
@vorrintal hard enough to tell the difference
Shit! I forgot to gel my hair into curtains!
@tef It was good for us. Poor old technological elites, what can we do against this tide of real people not giving a shit?
This project was started by someone with more RAM in their computer than me.
@Carachan1 Christmas is over! (if you want it)
@patrickashe I really admire Silver Dollar games. How many games have you made? How many have they made? Exactly.
@patrickashe ha, there's plenty of people slowly going broke out there.
Apparently my talk went well? I told games students they should do a bunch of shit. They should! Lots of fun stuff they could be doing.
Also I mentioned @auntiepixelante and Rise of the Videogame Zinesters and everyone groaned. It's on the reading list, apparently.
@oopsohno Hey, what happened to the transport museum?
@Pisscress generalized (reasonably enough) via Trivers on Parental Investment, socially accepted because it fits "common sense".
@HilariousCow I've been leaving more and more tweets untweeted recently. I don't think it's good for me.
@HilariousCow I don't know. It's as much failing to confess weaknesses as holding back on attacks.
I want fried chicken, but it seems like 2 nights in a row would be too many...
Starseed Pilgrim is really interesting. I fear I'll never find out what the things that take 3 keys do, though.
@mikeBithell @R_Mark_Faulkner The trick is, if you plagiarize obscure enough things, and enough things at once...
a comic that is about what a lot of people feel this time of year
Mozilla is the coolest organization.
(although I strongly disagree with lots of those are cultural differences, and I love the motivations that caused it)
@iamdanw That schedule leaves me enthusiastic and devoid of cynicism. Seriously, it sounds great.
I am ... going to stay in all of the first weekend of next year and watch old children's TV. Who wants to join me?
@Gillespionage awww, poor you.
@edclef doesn't do what you want, but hides other crap.
@edclef yeah, just find their unique class, and add a display:none !important (then tell me, so I can block 'em)
RT @ADAMATOMIC: your annual reminder that you're doing your platformer gravity/jump code wrong
@asponge Holla! (I've not been in years)
Anyone have much advice on JS game engines? Looking for something with an entity-component system, not too magical, commonly used.
Apparently I bought "Transformers : Dark Side Of The Moon" on YouTube in October. I didn't even know you could buy things on YouTube?
@robertpeacock22 nope!
@Gillespionage Though I couldn't find any money disappearing from my bank account, so...?
@robertpeacock22 Actually, tell a lie, I did attach one to my account. Mystery explained!
@docky @WonderlandBlog I wonder where we will go when Twitter finishes killing itself.
@PerrinAshcroft Think it's a US/UK cultural thing, above all.
@jonbro @jennatar @docky @WonderlandBlog No, but I would, seriously, enjoy hanging out on IRC again.
@HilariousCow I spent some time last week destroying all of the timeScale stuff in this codebase, and managing it all myself instead.
@HilariousCow I also never quite get on with co-routines for game logic (only really using them for cheap-and-nasty-and-fake threading).
Let's see if Get On Top ( does for @tigershungry's moaning what Super Hexagon did for @jennatar's monotone.
@KommanderKlobb I want to make a plankton game!
@SimoRoth I love the usual line : "was aimed at helping workers and businesses."
@edclef seems like the magic line is " .promptbird-below-black-bar {display:none !important}"
@HilariousCow oh, also fuck iTween.
@SimoRoth who's "us", Mr Small Business Owner?
@fastramdesign @SimoRoth I was just teasing, I don't think Simon's gone evil.
@fastramdesign @SimoRoth But it's easy to have your views slip across as your circumstances and perspective changes. Without even noticing!
Just spent 15 minutes resisting the temptation to tear it apart, and glue it back together again. Time well spent!
RT @quirksilver: Any rad game companies in London/South East need a contract Flash developer to help them make rad games? I can make rad ...
The anesthetic is wearing off.
RT @chessmartinez: DLA fraud costs £65 mil a year. DLA 'reform' costs £710 mil. And Govt are paying Atos £100bn to help them save a £5 b ...
Here's @smestorp's new game. All his other games are great, but this one is a bastard.
Aw! This interface has suddenly come together! But my mouth hurts when I smile.
@asponge this is the problem with not getting excited for things in advance.
@asponge also : I like : Luftrausers, Samurai Gunn, all of Sportsfriends (including Tennnes), Kentucky Route Zero (so lush).
@Slaktus @D_Nye_Griffiths "she's all grown up!"
@Slaktus @D_Nye_Griffiths Websites counting down the days until <x> is legal.
@hannahnicklin @infovore WHOA!
@JonasKyratzes oooh, that sounds like a dangerous road to tread. Do your website hits lead to validity?
@JonasKyratzes I mean, I also have a lot of distaste for "REAL indie developer" talk from anyone.
#whatdoesagamedesignerlooklike #alsoacat
@HilariousCow @idlethumbs Cart Life is a great game. A seriously great game.
@Carachan1 "Yep, all I want for RPS in 2013 is that they hire Cara full-time" :D
'He said anyone without a job after [letting the government track their Internet usage] would be lacking "imagination"'
@terrycavanagh are you sure those aren't TOO fluffy?
@wellinformatted yes! I see code, I see a mishmash of interacting bools, I make an enum and switch between states.
In ... about 6 minutes... the days start getting longer. I am looking forward to it!
Friend of a friend is making this game InFlux. Looks lovely, like a 3D NightSky.
@S0phieH Roll on the Humble store opening up for everyone to use.
@S0phieH Yeah, I know what you mean. But practically, it's the simplest way to get a good experience for users.
@S0phieH (er, assuming you're uncomfortable with having a single page for all users. Which is an understandable discomfort)
This song has a sample which sounds like someone in rubber shoes squeaking as they run around an indoor gym. I keep turning round.
@S0phieH ahhh, I hadn't heard that. The single page thing was talking about the solution you proposed to get around BMTMicro's awfulness.
:D @smestorp 's Corrypt got on RPS
Hahaha... at the very end of a call discussing a promising new UI : "Guys, I just got the build open! How do I <accomplish the task>?"
What's going to be least unpleasant: going to the shops now, or going tomorrow morning?
@jonbro Goddamn! After That Day I Discovered How This Madness Works, it turns out there was documentation!?
@jonbro (But yeah, the trick is that alpha channels are ignored unless the flattened image is entirely opaque)
@raiganburns @number108 I keep seeing four-dotted ellipses. I Don't Get It.
I have been inspired. To dress like a twat.
Dancing was great. The best bit was @severalbees standing incredulously, mouthing "what is this shit" through all of Fairytale of New York.
Also lovely : the toilets were labelled "toilets" and "toilets with urinals". (It was a queer night, yes)
Our sentence is up.
@KommanderKlobb @ammonite I told you guys about the Artemis caravan/bridge Tom at Hackspace was building, right?
@KommanderKlobb @ammonite And built in smoke machines and alert lights and everything. (We should have it for <secret thing>)
@bhmwong What time were you dim-summing? I've got a birthday party to go to...
@bhmwong well that's just typical
@hannahnicklin which is weird, because geek culture is, as the name suggests, culture.
@HilariousCow would be interested in your opinions on this
@HilariousCow I'm happy for you. Please ignore me.
@edclef @HilariousCow I honestly do think of videogames as primarily interaction design. Uh, but the thing about the controllers is stupid.
@edclef @HilariousCow That's reasonable, but I think there's still good things to be said of the interface.
@edclef @HilariousCow The description lines, the depth of detail exposed, the range of verbs available...
@edclef @HilariousCow but with vidyagames, there's no clear line between interaction layer and world layer.
@edclef @HilariousCow I've never actually played a videogame, I just talk about them on the internet.
I've never actually played a videogame, I just talk about them on the internet.
I wish Unity's WWW class was less crude.
@HilariousCow @nachimir @edclef Excellent points! I do dig the attempt to put the games in a deliberate weird museum context.
@HilariousCow @nachimir @edclef And it's not that games ignore the art world... those that come from it, engage. But on equal terms, now.
I've just about got time for another game of Clairvoyance before I go out. Challenge me if you play, I'm v21.
@robrotic Let's go! (Good game! You really turned the tables there)
@robrotic still don't have a good counter to nade-on-head. But that worked out okay anyway.
@robrotic that was hilarious! we both should have had the sense to avoid dying that last turn, though.
@nachimir @Minkette @edclef @HilariousCow It would totally look cool. I keep thinking of the chunky, colourful GameCube controller.
@nachimir @Minkette @edclef @HilariousCow and yeah, but that's more functional than the original (for keyboard games).
@doougle @nachimir @Minkette @edclef @HilariousCow Does Babycastles suit that subversion more than the more "professional" WR events?
@nachimir @Minkette @edclef @doougle More boringly: They talk about interaction design, but what would happen to ..
Karaoke was a good idea.
My only regret is that there won't be fried chicken at the end of this bus journey. But that's a very minor regret.
If you karaoke & there's only 3 of you, you can be fearless when you pick songs. This is how I learned "Help The Aged" is great for karaoke.
@leighalexander doesn't everyone? ... though, thinking that through - do they?
@Demruth See, I initially found IGTM frustrating because it didn't show process. Then I relaxed and enjoyed it for the film it was.
@Demruth (Not seen the Minecraft of DF stuff, so won't comment on that) I saw IGTM as about the emotional journey, rather.
Who should I be following on tumblr that I'm not?
@jmickle_ way ahead of you
@HilariousCow @Slaktus Modulation by Dots?
@asponge no it's not
@ColinNorthway it all went wrong for me. (but yes, good game!)
@RudolfKremers Of course we do. All these years, all this work -- we're all here to craft The Ultimate Game, then we'll destroy our workings
@psychicteeth @edclef @compositeredfox I got quoted 3 thousand dollars for, and it's tempting.
@docky but on the other hand, I've developed a real distaste for *stuff*. (But you're right)
@patrickashe never too early!
@radiodario oh, nice
I've actually played 4 out of 5 of these! They're sublime.
I want to talk art someone about my mouth for a while. I have questions about my teeth.
@ZOMGitsBC my teeth are a mess. No-one would call them art.
@ragzouken it was a typo! I'm just rolling with it!
@ragzouken I started today reading Yahoo Answers about my mouth. I don't want to start tomorrow that way.
Literally just had family friend tell me about how big the prawns were when she was abroad. All I could hear was "quality of life, Stu".
@tha_rami I'm going to claim my choice there was entirely skill. Rematch?
Clairvoyance: I rarely bother taking initiative. And feel like healing is usually too laborious & predictable to be worth it.
Feels like the most important thing is just facing the right direction.
Just got back from a long walk, eating some soup and reading an email from a friendly, trustworthy tech guy. So amazingly relaxing.
@LewieP Sounds like they're hiding loading periods rather than anything else.
@LewieP what else would you do, if the loading took longer than expected?
@LewieP I mean, I agree with you here.
@LewieP It's not just graphics, though. Often you could optimize loading times, but at the cost of more bugs and slower interation.
@LewieP I usually fall onto the side of interesting and broken than polished and safe. Which this isn't, quite.
@Carachan1 @number108 I liked your novel/autobiography, but I once met you in real life and you were a dick.
@number108 @Carachan1 Both of these things were probably true! Also we only spoke for like, a minute.
@number108 @Carachan1 Also, I recognized you based on your descriptions of yourself, which impressed me.
@number108 @Carachan1 GDC last year, at ... some kind of somewhat corporate party/mixer/thing?
@number108 @Carachan1 I think it was the one where getting in was an elaborate problem-solving exercise.
@number108 @Carachan1 I think it was the bits of real gold in your glasses that tipped me off.
@Carachan1 @number108 @jennatar hm, good point, I felt like that after I finished binging on those, too.
Clairvoyant should be free-to-play. But you gotta pay to have more than one game running at a time.
@robrotic Also it should run in a web-browser. And you should be able to send people a link to the game + invite. Also, we get grandfathered
@robrotic yeah, also, the alerting of new moves (ie in another game) needs more. Also, yeah, I wanna chat without tying to moves.
@robrotic speaking of which... "I'm waiting, Gordon... in the testing chamber"
@robrotic oh damn, that feeling of "I could go this way or that way. Which we he think?" and being wrong. Why'd you think that way?
@Carachan1 but the main guy is pretty cute, though.
@HilariousCow but unit testing will tell you when you break it later. But this'll silently break when you add the interconnectivity.
@HilariousCow which is fine, I'm very skeptical of the value of unit testing in games.
@c_hedborg Oh, it is awful.
I'm imagining doing a thing at NYU Game Center and getting a @rachelelm poster made up as a result. That would be amazing.
@KommanderKlobb Sounds good to me.
I read this just to disagree with it:
@simonv3 I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
@KommanderKlobb @ADAMATOMIC dude, I failed that challenge like a week ago ("v21")
Last night I won a small candy pig by finding a almond in my rice pudding. But then I forgot the pig.
This difficulty spike and accompanying grinding may be thematically meaningful, but it's still an arse.
@Carachan1 I will fight you.
@severalbees I will go, and I will wear a tux.
RT @iamdrdee: Worst Christmas Present ever... a Bonnie Tyler sat nav. It keeps telling us to turn around and every now and then it falls ...
RT @mcclure111: There's a thing I feel like I keep noticing but not seeing commented on where trans people are way, way more likely to b ...
RT @mcclure111: Heh I make that last tweet and two separate people immediately @ me about Cyberqueen
@new_nomad to carry everywhere, or for taking photos at particular times and places? Why not just a phone?
I should write a post applying David Graeber's Debt to Mother 3. The introduction of money as loss of innocence... the myth of barter...
@Arndreth well, I should learn to count to three... (great game - a real rollercoaster of emotion...)
Goddaaamn, I want to play Cosmic Encounter now. Damn you, @Carachan1.
Oh well, guess I'll just play Mother 3 in bed instead. ~such a hard life~
Want to play Clairvoyance, but I already have 8 games going...
@edclef I just submitted some back for you!
Hoorah! Moaning on Twitter solved my problem! Now I only have 7 matches going! (Rematch, @edclef?)
RT @GIFmodel: gems behind every link! RT@despens "LAFAYETTE, LA OFFICER WITH HIS KITTEN"
"My central belief is that the key to aesthetics is coherence" (I agree, I agree, I agree)
@edclef @patrickashe That got me started nicely, yeah. Learn the details of rules of crate-throwing, lasers, etc. Lose some matches.
@edclef @patrickashe Took me a while to internalize movement, realize quite how far you could travel, advantages of higher ground, etc.
@Carachan1 How on Earth would she have heard of those?
@Carachan1 It's a problem I've been thinking about generally. My stepmum talked about loving Machinarium, so I got her Botanicula & Proteus.
@Carachan1 ... and besides: If I was her kids I'd still wanna kill things in vidyagames. I mean, your Gaming Made me was Tomb Raider.
@Carachan1 Well done everyone for trying to communicate honestly about the things they like while having an open mind to others' pleasures.
@Carachan1 She seems like she's making an honest attempt to navigate across a unfamiliar and uncertain landscape.
@Carachan1 She has specific concerns which she is specifically trying to mitigate. But is unsure of the broader picture, and aware of that.
@Carachan1 To which end, she spends a week engaging with them and attempting to understand more (also playing with her sons)
@Carachan1 This is an active and nuanced argument for people that talk about games all bloody day, so I have a lot of sympathy for her.
If any form of media fucked me up as a kid, it was reading old sci-fi books.
I Was Unpopular As A Child And The Resulting Need For Inclusion Has Fueled Many Of My Later Professional Successes.
@D_Nye_Griffiths @Carachan1 (children's friends, rather, which is somehow less awful)
@D_Nye_Griffiths @Carachan1 I forgive the reckoning, because if I don't know, why should she? And the moralizing, because it's a columnist.
RT @asponge: A real-world Katamari rolled from a LEGO block core by @severalbees and @v21. They ran out of tape after rolling George htt ...
@HilariousCow nice, that took me a fair bit of hassle when I got that working before.
@whatisian @doougle @smestorp I think it's important that "installation games" is it's own category. You might be able to port them, but...
@whatisian @doougle @smestorp ...inherently, physical and temporal proximity is needed to play them. System requirements, on the box.
@whatisian @doougle @smestorp And yeah, there should be more events, everywhere. But that's not the root of the problem.
Goddamn, @Carachan1, goddamn!
I wonder what proportion of three letter acronyms I find semantically meaningful.
@VitaminPowered I think we could estimate it reasonably accurately with a random sampling, to be fair.
Laughing like a mad thing at @kierongillen's take on Diablo 3 in his end-of-year RPS thing
@ColinNorthway If it has line of sight, you could do infrared -- hack apart a remote control keyfob (about $20) and ?
@ColinNorthway there's actually a cheaper remote on that page, depends on size/shape. And MacBooks usually have IR receivers built in.