v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2013/08

  1. …in reply to @webbedspace
  3. A game about pissing urinalman.com/
  4. …in reply to @dgrey0
    @dgrey0 @agAitcheson @smestorp Should be at Secret Thing @nachimir Is Doing at some point.
  5. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle It's a widget.
  6. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle Do you mean a shopfront where you can get all the stuff already on Humble? Been waiting for that for a fair while now.
  7. …in reply to @Darren_D_Daley
  8. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe the last few days for me have been dominated by this thought.
  9. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 I liked I because it raised issues like "is it bad to be a mass murderer?"
  10. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @caitlinmoran I don't see that the one-day boycott will have any impact. And I'm sceptical of the "report abuse" button.
  11. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @caitlinmoran Do you remember when one of the FemFreq videos got taken offline, because it was marked as abusive by trolls?
  12. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I just don't believe that People That Care About This Stuff are a large enough proportion of people that it would be noticed
  13. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb Like, I reckon of Twitter's userbase, it's easily under 1%, and any drop will be lost in the noise.
  14. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb Who is this supposed to be sending a message to?
  15. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I am worried that the proposed solutions will: make things worse, or drain energy away from harder, more effective solutions
  16. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb It's ultimately only fixable by Twitter spending vast sums (much more than currently) on a well-trained abuse team.
  17. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb And well-defined procedures for appealing decisions.
  18. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I think it's very unlikely they will, and if they do it'll be largely due to internal decisions, not external.
  19. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb Though, to be fair, if they are persuaded externally, the most effective way is probably via newspapers.
  20. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  21. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN We're currently planning on doing that, with long long gaps between episodes.
  22. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN Mutazione
  23. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN I mean, I actually think it's a bad idea, face value. But it is the best fit for the game.
  24. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN (Because : make a short game. Then make a different game. Don't spend forever making the same thing.)
  25. …in reply to @HilariousCow
  26. Arg. Want to make a stupid thing for iOS, but I can't add my iPad til enough of the dev site is up that I can fucking review an agreement.
  27. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp yup, the iPad Mini.
  28. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp that's okay; I wanted to play with OF stuff and I've never done that on iOS, so there's probably too much failure.
  29. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp Much appreciated offer, though.
  30. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris " Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" only gives me a "Review" button, which just links to devimages.apple.com/maintenance/#updateAgreement
  31. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris If you know another way to get to it, I'd love to hear it, though.
  32. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris Bah: even there it says: "the user with the Team Agent role must review and accept this agreement in Member Center."
  33. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris There's a legal agreement I need to sign in iTunes Connect, but I need to do the other one first.
  34. 2562 was amazing. Fabric was great. The 25 stopped for me as I ran for it (and wasn't already full). Wonderful evening all round.
  35. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar I like our tweets lined up. There was an E'd up man who kept touching people, and his jacket felt really soft, but plastic.
  36. It's 4:20 in the morning, and I'm going camping tomorrow. Also, I don't have any weed to bring.
  38. @brandonnn look at this sky!
  39. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis it sometimes feels odd to be in videogames and basically not have a competitive/urge to mastery streak in me.
  40. it sometimes feels odd to be in videogames and basically not have a competitive streak / urge to mastery in me
  41. I don't wanna be the very best. I want to hang out with my friends and try interesting things.
  42. Trackside graffiti : THE WITCH IS DEAD BUT SPELL REMAINS
  43. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp totally! And what's interesting to make isn't identical to what's interesting to play.
  44. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp and I can appreciate competitive games, but they're usually mainly scratching an itch I'm not feeling at the time.
  45. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @unity3d You can at least search the actual log file (unless you need the object reference, I guess)
  46. RT @AcmeDarryl: The police have apologised for Ian Tominson's death. Here's my strip breaking down the events of this scandal. http://t.co/…
  47. I fell asleep at the bus stop, and now I have to wait ages for the bus to come again.
  48. …in reply to @vorrintal
    @vorrintal now standing up on the bus. Because I've done this before.
  49. RT @nachimir: It's announced! This is what I've been working on: vmgs.com/ (Central London, open 5 days a week August 27th - S…
  50. …in reply to @yujiberra
    @yujily Read about a plan to enable high frequency trading by sending neutrons through the center of the Earth...
  51. …in reply to @torahhorse
    @torahhorse good thing I love badminton!
  52. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP Yes. But there's value in publicly talking about what they are, and acknowledging one's own privilege.
  53. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP Which is another way to read (most of) the Kuchera piece you're clearly talking about.
  54. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP Upfront honesty about those barriers is a good thing.
  55. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP hm. Largely agree with you in terms of my experience, but that that is his experience seems fair enough.
  56. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary @LewieP Becoming part of a useful scene is grunt work, and he maybe alludes to it when talking about going to events?
  57. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary @LewieP Def agree about the importance of it, though. Though exceptions exist -- it's not strictly necessary.
  58. commercial asks "don't you wish you could look pixel-perfect?"
  59. Bee and Puppycat Part 2 has happened! youtube.com/watch?v=UetSeZtrY2s (I have been waiting for this for a while)
  60. RT @mattytalks: Twitter isn't about followers you guys it's about retreating so deeply into your web persona that you alienate everyone who…
  61. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @Draknek @jonbro @smestorp @gamecity Oh, yeah, I'll be about working on stuff with @martinhollis -- I am into sharing somewhere
  62. @adambard The English Ruby link links to the Chinese example (index page doesn't seem to be on Github, so no PR)
  63. …in reply to @adambard
    @adambard Yep! Lookin good!
  64. RT @mcclure111: Apparently a common thing in films by deaf people is to end the story with a visual as close as possible to the opening fra…
  65. RT @mcclure111: Oh my god that's exactly it these people are bikeshedding my cock
  66. Fucking hell! @jennatar (otherwise known as Ms Frank)'s Boob Jam got on the BBC! bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23588515
  67. Shame about the way that, contrary to @jennatar's previous article on the subject, they commended Tomb Raider for giving her smaller tits.
  68. Making a career from making the things that seem like a good idea when you're drunk
  69. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry persuade me in the pub tonight
  70. …in reply to @joonturbo
  71. Hello. I am home from the pub. I bought two kinds of food that were reduced at the supermarket.
  72. Having thought about this for a little bit, I am going I put one of the discount foods in the oven.
  73. This will create a large amount of smoke, but I can deal. I think.
  74. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN I am alas very matter-of-fact. That said! We should spend some time together drunk, I think I would enjoy it.
  75. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops I am pretty sure it is. The problem is that the oven no longer wants to be ovened - it's in protest after last weekend.
  76. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow I don't know if I will! I really enjoyed committing to it last time...
  77. …in reply to @LewieP
  78. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @psychicteeth Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Circle that comes in from the outside instead of a bar?
  79. …in reply to @Gillespionage
    @Gillespionage Love Titus Andronicus! First heard them when I saw them live and they looked like they were having the most fun.
  80. hey this is a pretty good post about cats i learnt a lot koryos.tumblr.com/post/57769837146/cats-lets-talk-about-housecats-and-how-fucking cat facts y'all
  81. from the same person that did that cat post, also great: THE BIG GAY ANIMAL SEX POST koryos.tumblr.com/post/55022432802/all-right-guys-here-it-is-the-big-gay-animal-sex
  82. Which brings us round to unpopular opinion time! I think evolutionary psychology is a great idea, even if actual instances can be fucked up
  83. Like the last section of that GAY ANIMAL SEX post, that is prime "reasonable and restrained conclusions about human behaviour with...
  84. ...reference to animal behaviour, noting necessary differences in our respective environments and evolutionary pressures" territory.
  85. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I do actually have a G&T fizzing away just here. Also open in tabs: lots of references on C# Regexes. #wooooo
  86. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn @KommanderKlobb @helvetica if "\s*(?<l>\w+)\s*:\s*(?<r>[^,\n]+)(\s*\,\s*(?<r>[^,\n]+))*$" is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
  87. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow so ... I shouldn't shower first?
  88. Onwards! To Nine Worlds! Though the trains may be cancelled, though it make take like 2 freaking hours, I shall not be defeated!
  89. Events in the city you live in : they can still be really quite far away.
  90. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP did the B O T T L E O F W I N E keep you company, at least?
  91. No homestucks yet
  92. …in reply to @richardkellum
    @richardkellum @London_Geekfest wouldn't mind taking you up on that -- am a while off, though.
  93. @TomNullpointer hey, returning to 9 worlds today - can I impersonate you and steal your ticket?
  94. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer ha, I mean I could - but I just meant to get your ticket.
  95. …in reply to @richardkellum
    @richardkellum oh! I got a pass off someone else. I am sorry I didn't tell you!
  96. This videogame panel has degenerated into the audience giving each other advice for bra shopping.
  97. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN it was "a fireside conversation between Cara Ellison and Rihanna Pratchett"
  98. RT @openframeworks: OF 0.8.0 is out! openframeworks.cc/download/ featuring RPi support, ofXml, ofxKinect, shaders on iOS, GLFW, vs2012, ofxGui, …
  99. @oh_cripes Shaders on iOS and native VS2012 support: two things I need. Whee!
  100. RT @philstuart: When (and when) not to make games. Interesting post by @fauxtoegrafik on the role of games in museums: http://t.co/nnOecypm…
  101. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican I believe pretty strongly in body. I mean, if nothing else, what are you gonna write there?
  102. RT @vogon: .apks please, the new game about being an app store approver
  103. RT @vogon: today's requirements: - app cannot use the proximity sensor API - description cannot contain the words "iTunes" or "bisexual"
  104. Meta-programming fun in Unity: I want to call some code (make a ScriptableObject) once a auto-gen'ed C# script has been compiled and loaded.
  105. If I listen in OnPostprocessAllAssets in a AssetPostprocessor, it triggers too early (when it starts the compilation in another thread)
  106. If I call "AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);" I get a big scary warning message (and it still doesn't work)
  107. I can't start coroutines or listen for Editor.isCompiling in an AssetPostprocessor, as it's a one-shot deal (no Update)
  108. I could put that stuff in a separate Editor script, but you need to have a GUI for that to work (I think?).
  109. So: kinda stuck. Unless I just have a window that is empty (and people have to call up manually), or make people push a button.
  110. Unless... (as occurred to me writing that last tweet) I spawn a Editor Window to listen when doing the import (that then closes itself)
  111. Let's try that! Thanks, rubber-duck Twitter! (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging)
  112. …in reply to @doam
    @benthorizon Oh! It did! Bit ugly (you can see the window pop up, and it'll break if you close it), but seems to work fine.
  113. The thing about "a great hack" is that they're not usually just elegant or just nasty -- they're both at once.
  114. I like that I can tell when Nils is emailing from his iPad because of the Extra Capitalization from German Language Settings.
  115. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth haha, I got that one too. But the email was entirely blank in Gmail.
  116. …in reply to @tef
    @tef they're all awful, I just end up writing raw HTML
  117. I wrote a small Python script to convert Twine source files into Twee source files nottheinternet.com/blog/tws-to-twee-converter/
  118. …in reply to @timrterrible
    @timrterrible @londonhackspace fantastic! let me know if there's any mysteries you want clearing up
  119. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace It's not a coincidence, though. We just killed all the megafauna a few thousand years ago. Job done.
  120. If anyone would like to go for a drink, I would really appreciate it right now.
  121. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar at a certain point you stop wanting to do difficult tasks you don't enjoy and aren't particularly good at.
  122. …in reply to @tef
    @tef I want source control that 1) I can use 2) I can tell artists to use and 3) without having to constantly apologize to them.
  123. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle I have been thinking the same thing!
  124. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @doougle yeah! I'm pretty hopeful that it will be a Good Way To Do It, too!
  125. Just send a certain "Fernando Ramallo" off with the guards (cc @compositeredfox)
  126. :< Papers, Please has stopped starting...
  127. …in reply to @undefined
    @Txeme How can I set it without starting it?
  128. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Humble should have held out for DRM-free downloads, because when they launch Humble Store as a proper thing, it would be useful
  129. …in reply to @undefined
    @Txeme hey, thanks! That worked!
  130. Papers Please : I have such a visceral hatred for people who need to be prompted for documents.
  131. …in reply to @Xarlaxas
    @Xarlaxas not if they've forgotten about their passports... the fuckers...
  132. Saw Alan Partridge. It's good! I liked the bits that were funny, and I was in a cinema, so could only twist in my chair when it was awkward.
  133. @jennatar I hear it's your birthday? Happy birthday!
  134. (I have previously stood up and walked out the room when watching awkward comedy, with no conscious volition)
  135. "The way memory worked in the previous engine, it never would have been able to [have women characters in MP]."
  136. Kid here playing with a Concorde figure. Dunno if it's tragic that it stopped flying before he was born.
  137. BREAKDANCING SAUSAGE GAME fantasticfest.com/games/qed
  138. As always, it's communicating affordances to players that is hard.
  139. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens Was actually a out of context snippet from an email I was writing -- but I've got to that stage with many projects.
  140. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens Relates to -- for this project we've been talking about making the name communicate our goals and methods some.
  141. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens Can easily give the player a button, but letting them know what it does and why they'd want to press it is hard.
  142. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe What do you need?
  143. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe No, you need way more than that. hackspace.org.uk/view/Starting_a_Hackerspace is a decent place to start.
  144. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Obviously you don't need to build a community from scratch -- but otherwise it'll be you drinking cups of tea alone.
  145. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar But how will I fill the -- as Firefox estimates -- ten minutes until it finishes downloading otherwise?
  146. Gone Home is racking up lovely moments at a rate of about one every 5 minutes.
  147. Whew! That was lovely. So many great moments. <3 #gonehome
  148. …in reply to @retroremakes
    @retroremakes they, uh, hung a lampshade on that.
  149. …in reply to @ragzouken
    @ragzouken @retroremakes ha, I can actually think of two that fit that description.
  150. …in reply to @zusty
    @zusty Be proud! I hope you're all taking time out to do little dances of joy.
  151. RT @planetjedward: It's so cool that things are now touch screen, remember when in the movies they used touch screen you were like wow that…
  152. That @planetjedward RT : Fucking stupid thing that UI does, following movies when they have entirely different things to achieve!
  153. For movies : large screens, expansive gestures, seeing people's faces past data. For people: small gestures, low emission screens.
  154. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 I wish I hadn't already had yoghurt. Or else I would have made pancakes.
  155. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 It's okay, I also want pancakes (but don't have any). Maybe I'll have pancakes for lunch?
  156. RT @lucky_frame: Hey folks! Announcement! Gentlemen! for Mac and PC is available now, for just $5. 2-4 players, new levels & modes! http:/…
  157. …in reply to @kierongillen
    @kierongillen @leighalexander Even from the original article, I got a prognosis of eventual doom for the current DIY scene. FSVO doom.
  158. …in reply to @LaurakBuzz
    @LaurakBuzz @London_Geekfest Not having been to other cons, I am just going to assume that all other cons have the same demographics.
  159. …in reply to @kierongillen
    @kierongillen Are you going to do a @108-style "ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THE GAME NOW" subheader?
  160. …in reply to @iamdanw
    @iamdanw @jonty I recall their line was, in part, "lazy electric companies should just build more gas power stations"
  161. @betterthemask Hey! I still want to pick your brain about narrative design stuff -- maybe pub Monday?
  162. Pay on PayPal, select a time between 10PM and midnight, stand on the 'X' marked outside 349 Flinders Lane at that time and await your jaffle
  163. jafflechutes.com/whatis.html (Toasted sandwiches delivered via parachute) [via @jonty]
  164. hey, it turns out that leaving your computer and figuring things out in a notebook is often a good idea! who knew!?
  165. @smestorp @jonbro oh, hey, I'm coming up to Edinburgh next week if either of you are about.
  166. RT @edclef: Also here's me and @smestorp playing MEGABASTARD flickr.com/photos/zo-ii/9525109552/in/set-72157635093283415 which is gonna be here I think vmgs.com/?buspart=googlesearch
  167. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @smestorp Yep, two in fact. (But thanks). Will be working, during the day, might come work with you one day?
  168. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @betterthemask @AboutThisLater oooh, I would if I wasn't already promised to a housewarming BBQ. but thanks for the thought
  169. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask Alas, I'm off to Edinburgh on the Tuesday. Week after?
  170. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @tigershungry that's a shame -- I heard Dan Marshall was showing his new game there.
  171. …in reply to @patrickashe
  172. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @tigershungry (because it's called "The Swindle", geddit?)
  173. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @tigershungry Thanks, I was proud.
  174. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask let's do Tuesday! Hurrah for long term planning!
  175. Saw someone playing a 2p iOS game on the tube! But then I recognized them from London Indies.
  176. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp no idea, just saw them across the carriage as I was getting off. My multiplayer fu isn't good enough to detect from body language.
  177. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 for some reason, my mind went to domme/sub pair programming.
  178. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin oh yeah! Relatedly, I am coming up to Edinburgh on Tuesday. Let's do a hang?
  179. …in reply to @tef
    @tef I'm wearing a suit and tie, too (for the same reason you are).
  180. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie @m_kopas @GoneHomeGame what is Kendall Flowers' middle name?
  181. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie @m_kopas @GoneHomeGame bah, okay, now my phone has loaded the responses to this tweet which got there way before me...
  182. @bonzrat @Carachan1 they knew she was coming back but didn't think to mention they'd be away -- whatever, they can suck it.
  183. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry I wonder if you could board a plane with a pasta-based boarding pass...
  184. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak the best tool is the one you already know
  185. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak also, have you read Olia Lialina's essay on the "Turing Complete User"?
  186. …in reply to @raiganburns
    @raiganburns I would think the hardest part would be the logistics of restoring everything between each visitor. And the set design, ofc.
  187. …in reply to @raiganburns
    @raiganburns Gone Home actually spun me out into thinking about natively digital versions -- a version where you boot a VM, for instance.
  188. …in reply to @v21
    @raiganburns But of course, that is also basically a Christine Love game.
  189. Gone Home: more similar to a Christine Love game, or to Dear Esther?
  190. …in reply to @vectorpoem
    @vectorpoem @jonbro @raiganburns Yeah -- for physical games, Punchdrunk seems like a better comparison? Not that I've actually seen them.
  191. This is a nice little sci-fi story vote.runhello.com/story.txt
  192. Here's a really good and thoughtful set of post talking about a problematic documentary about the 1 Direction fandom.
  193. RT @failnaut: Those wishing to register their interest in taking part in a night of videogames poetry, spoken word, comedy etc in London, @…
  194. This is an article about a dog suicide bridge in Scotland. hitselfdestruct.com/2013/08/the-dogs-of-summer.html
  195. Relatedly, I am going to Scotland tomorrow!
  196. Not to visit a bridge, though.
  197. …in reply to @christinelove
    @christinelove is the game coming out on Humble or something like it, or shall I get it from Steam?
  198. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier Don't go to Dumbarton with your little dog, I guess is the take-home lesson. Or to Dumbarton at all, really.
  199. …in reply to @jonbro
  200. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn That line!
  201. …in reply to @christinelove
    @christinelove Okay, thank, I will -- I find th Steam client irritating, but it's worth it.
  202. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro Nope, but I've been thinking about this kind of process since I read about content.stamen.com/watercolor_process
  203. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro 'Course, I'm only happy if I can do it real-time, so.
  204. The Humble purchasing experience is way friendlier for non-games people than the Steam one.
  205. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro Yeah -- really depends on the source image you're working from, though.
  206. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro oooh, the videos weren't loading, so I only now realized they keep the texture static relative to moving objects when doing 3D stuff
  207. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 ohhhh! Sweet! We will overlap (I am heading up tomorrow). Let's do an Edinburgh-based hang?
  208. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle I played it! It continues to be good!
  209. Fuuuuck. Left my card at home. £10 should be enough for a week in Edinburgh, right?
  210. Also I missed my train. My tickets good for the next one, but I no longer have a seat reservation and I'll miss @oopsohno doing stand-up.
  211. Well done, George! Good work making today all that it can be!
  212. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno oh, actually I have 20 minutes to get off the train, see if I can pick up my ticket without a card and get there.
  213. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno that could happen, right?
  214. RT @joonturbo: if you are at GDC, come to our talk at 15:05 about arcades and showcases, 4th floor. @zoewi @tigershungry
  215. People playing guitar in this train carriage.
  216. Guitar update : also singing. Actually really quite pleasant singing.
  217. Sudden Edinburgh discovery! The Cav is now called The Cav!
  218. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 yeah! Moved up for the week. You about at all?
  219. …in reply to @undefined
    @Rachelbug1 In fact, at a loose end tonight...
  220. …in reply to @robertpeacock22
    @robertpeacock22 Oh! I might have taken you up on that if my phone hadn't decided to get wedged locked while out. But later this week?
  221. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle you should come round and play videogames some time
  222. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore have you seen Naked Shades? It's a Twine-based online game.
  223. Having fun at @Luckyframe, playing Gentlemen and blasting youtube.com/watch?v=jxf66UtSZ_E
  224. …in reply to @Gillespionage
    @Gillespionage That's pretty great, I must admit.
  225. …in reply to @paperCaves
    @paperCaves @SFBDim There _may_ be a Peripheral Jam organized sometime soon. You'll have to bring the subversion yourself, though.
  226. Just discovered that Camera Obscura put out a new album! I am really enjoying it.
  227. @rubzo Oh! There's a non-zero chance I'll be in Austin in September (for Fantastic Arcade)
  228. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo 19th-26th ish. Could very well not happen, but maybe!
  229. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo Oh, that sucks! Some day you might make it to another Wild Rumpus, but I guess not this time.
  230. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP It's not really bizarre, though. They obviously wanted to announce with as big a splash as possible, like all their competitors.
  231. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP it's only bizarre if you wilfully take political statements and read them as honest. Which can be fun, but.
  232. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno no, I don't. But it's a good idea. I do code with paper in front of me, and am usually more productive when ignoring the computer.
  233. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno I like paper especially when I am doing 3D/2D stuff (relatively often with games stuff). Diagrams!
  234. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno Also, todo lists/writing down what you're working on so you remember after you get distracted. Surprisingly necessary.
  235. @failnaut I don't like having sympathy when I read radfem responses complaining about being insulted by the slur "cis".
  236. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP I guess this comes down to : how much does cynicism let people get away with saying and doing bad shit...
  237. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut It's not a slur, usually, but it can and has been used as one. Not that the hashtag is an example of that, exactly, but seeing...
  238. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut ... it crop up on my timeline has caused me to unfollow a one or two people. I can acknowledge this is an expression of ...
  239. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut ... privilege, but I'm somehow not regretful about doing it.
  240. …in reply to @annashipman
    @annashipman curious how that happened to be, and found this blog suggesting it's via Apple? ipgcounseling.com/blogs/courtney-zehnder/uncovering-emojis-covert-homophobia
  241. Just got S-S-S on my first online Divekick match (about 10 minutes after I played it for the first time). Maybe I do like fighting games?
  242. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs yeah, after going in cold, I can see why I suck. That's pretty great!
  243. @smestorp where are you, @smestorp?
  244. …in reply to @robertpeacock22
    @robertpeacock22 I am currently in Dagda. Come play Love Letter, then maybe see some shows?
  245. Results of impromptu boardgame evening: Love Letter is amazing, Roses and Skulls is still amazing, @terrycavanagh's version of Roses and ...
  246. ... Skulls is weird and maybe not quite as good (but interesting to see), and Twopin(?) Is really interesting, and now in my personal canon.
  247. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh @smestorp was telling us all these rules I disagreed with, and I was delighted to find there were folk variants.
  248. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh I disagree with: random discards, always showing your own cards first, only bidding after everyone has played, and more.
  249. Aims for Edinburgh: cheesy chips, Palmyra's falafel (or maybe vegetable pakora wraps). Maybe Mosque Kitchen, too.
  250. …in reply to @1000tongues
    @1000tongues @gutefabrik alas, I will be home on the correct side of the Atlantic.
  251. …in reply to @1000tongues
    @1000tongues @gutefabrik though, I am always up for gigs doing indie game commentating.
  252. Correction to earlier tweet: @smestorp (who taught us it) tells me it's actually 'Toepen'
  253. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle oh man! I gotta play this at some point. I have felt this feeling before in games, but it's never felt intentional.
  254. …in reply to @iamcarneiro
  255. There are a lot of shows happening up here !
  256. But what I really enjoy us that _everyone_ engages in talking about, comparing, recommending them. It's a good way to live.
  257. …in reply to @lucky_frame
    @lucky_frame Tesla is my favourite
  258. …in reply to @lucky_frame
    @lucky_frame also, I'm on the bus at the moment.
  259. …in reply to @CPriestman
    @CPriestman @retroremakes I clicked on that expecting a Silver Dollar game.
  260. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @asponge but she can't even rollerskate!
  261. …in reply to @madgarden
    @madgarden @mcclure111 @henkboom Well, to be fair, it's also on then statically compiling that generated JS subset to be C++ fast.
  262. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @smestorp @moggy it's been great to be there - you have awakened latent desires for officemates in me.
  263. RT @smestorp: new game turned amazing today, really excited about it. looking forward to next time i can get four people in one room again.
  264. I can confirm that last RT is true.
  265. …in reply to @brandonnn
  266. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak Think I walked into a T-Mobile store there -- was pretty reasonable, esp for data.
  267. …in reply to @vetraskr
    @vetraskr Well, it was apparently written (at least in part) in Twine. I would like to see that Twine file!
  268. @ryanqnorth Have you considered releasing the Twine file you made To Be Or Not To Be in? I would be interested to see it!
  269. Doing some NavMesh stuff in Unity for the first time -- do I know anyone who could provide some guidance?
  270. Got it basically working, but wondering how to tie the player character onto the NavMesh while still keeping control over movement feel.
  271. I need to do ironing
  272. Visiting The Place That Used To Be The Forest is slowly breaking my heart
  273. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo they'd be fine if I got them out the washing machine within a day
  274. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr Parent: What kind of dog is that? My friend: It's a sausage dog. Kid: I love sausages.
  275. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP They're doing prediction client-side, but that needs to be kept lock-step between players, so it has to be server-side.
  276. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP (Unless their physics engine was deterministic. Which is a hard problem, so)
  277. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP ie, you put in the same numbers, and always get the same answers everywhere, not just "something similar"
  278. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP determinism failing to happen when it was supposed to happen is why multiplayer RTS games can die saying "synchronization lost"
  279. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod That conversation system!
  280. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe ACNL :<
  281. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  282. In association with BAWBAGS underwear.
  283. (I have not yet left Scotland)
  284. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb me neither!
  285. Been flailing a bit due to lack of documentation, but it looks like the NavMesh stuff in Unity is going to be a real help.
  286. I may change my mind when I have to put in ladders and animate the characters, though.
  287. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro nope, they need prebaking (though you can turn off links, change some weightings at runtime.) But that's fine for us.
  288. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro would be great if you could trigger runtime preprocessing in the background, though, wouldn't it?
  289. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro a* is fine, it's transforming back and forth between representations that's hard. Then again, if you've just generated the level...
  290. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro looks similar, from the little I've seen of Unity's so far.
  291. Everyone nervous about people getting on at Newcastle and claiming their rightfully reserved seats.
  292. I think I got lucky, though the couple opposite didn't make it.
  293. This is a entertaining and insightful review of Electronic Dream Phone rockpapershotgun.com/2013/08/26/wot-i-think-1996-electronic-dream-phone/
  294. I am also choosing to live in a world where the (lovely!) comments on that article did not need to be be heavily moderated.
  295. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens Alas, no - merely approving of you talking about things.
  296. Reading Tumblr on the train, having to stop because posts from fuckyeahshintarokago are coming up.
  297. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn I love how adroitly you are making Major Surgery into A Problem For Other People.
  298. "Right, so if you make a film with two ladies in it, and all they do is talk about men ... it fails the bechamel test."
  299. "It means your film is bland and cheesy" : I love Bad Machinery so much, you guys. scarygoround.com/?date=20130826
  300. If you have a neat game that would work well at a party, then we (@WildRumpus) would like to hear from you : submissions@thewildrumpus.co.uk
  301. Ricky got the first tweet in there because I am bleaching my hair.
  302. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @TomNullpointer oh, that was what it was!
  303. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @KommanderKlobb PC is probably best, and we have controllers falling out of our ears
  304. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @KommanderKlobb (though I thought that OSX 360 pad issues were pretty much all solved with the tattiebogle drivers?)
  305. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @TomNullpointer fuck computers
  306. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 you may have noticed me enjoying this series of tweets.
  307. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 anyway : it's more difficult to do this, as videogames. The problem is that this subtlety needs control over the storytelling
  308. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 yer videogame nonlinearity interferes some. But then - the Christine Love/Gone Home file-digging approach allows this
  309. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I guess the key is that 90% of your audience will just enjoy the porn/shooting
  310. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 and there we have Doom, and games where there was a story, but it was told in architecture and forceful imagination.
  311. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 also, I am reminded of "9 Songs", except that was shit.
  312. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @mcclure111 A 20 minute Stewart Lee routine he never actually brings to a climax, but that you love him for
  313. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 sure : film that was "not porn", but still had naughty bits - it alternated between a couple at gigs and having sex
  314. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 to chart their relationship, but the film never really won me over to caring, and there was too much boring footage to no effect
  315. …in reply to @empika
    @empika @WildRumpus not really? A link to a build would be great
  316. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @jonbro oh yeah, for sure. But it usually out to feel like it's building to something. Also electronic music & "the drop"
  317. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 yeah, I think it was. And the gigs were real gigs. Nice concept, shame about the outcome.
  318. My hair is *quite* orange right now.
  319. (I am going to let it recover from bleaching for a day or two, then bleach it some more, then add some purple toner. But right now...)
  320. …in reply to @awesommelier
  321. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @KBsGameTOILET @Dick_Hogg I have no idea if I want context or not
  322. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier been thinking of doing it for a while. Maybe, ultimately, this character 1.bp.blogspot.com/-Sxgq9CYWm4o/T-Tnmo1cmJI/AAAAAAAAAcM/3m1VLLK40mU/s1600/invis020101.jpg from a comic I read at 15
  323. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I think I know that really, deep down... but it'd be good though, wouldn't it?
  324. Remembering that time I discovered a jpg that rendered differently each time in Chrome : nottheinternet.com/files/tumblr_glitch_18032013.jpg
  325. (God, no, I won't file a bug report. Why would I destroy such an amazing glitch?)
  326. …in reply to @mountain_stoats
    @ardvarc @jennatar @Punmastah But I hope, like is happening with games at the moment, that lots of noise and fuss (*) is a gateway to there.
  327. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar @Punmastah @ardvarc (* the noise and fuss is largely made up of sincere people trying really hard to discuss things intelligently)
  328. …in reply to @tomscott
  329. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @tigershungry @Dick_Hogg @KommanderKlobb @compositeredfox yes yes yes. Drinking and playing videogames, that's the ticket.
  330. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg @tigershungry @Dick_Hogg @KommanderKlobb @compositeredfox ALSO: I am probably going to go work at VMGS most days, so also then.
  331. …in reply to @mountain_stoats
    @ardvarc @jennatar @Punmastah talking doesn't fix anything, but fuck, if I didn't think we were making some progress I'd just give up.
  332. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 It clearly will be, you know this. For good measure, sit away from a computer with a notebook for half an hour.
  333. RT @MaxTundra: Just heard the amazing first track on this album: alaclairensemble.bandcamp.com/album/chaude-chaleur courtesy of @therewasaguy on @WFMU. TUUUUUUUUUUUUUU…
  334. RT @swampfriend: @bfod @108 i haven't but wow this should be the instructions screen for every game ever made
  335. …in reply to @Dick_Hogg
    @Dick_Hogg @c_hedborg @edclef whoa, really? then we should have a playdate this week! Or the weekend?
  336. …in reply to @v21
    @Dick_Hogg apologies @c_hedborg @edclef -- with a moments consideration you wouln't've been told what fun you're missing on.
  337. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees "Be creative"
  338. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir I would totally be down at VMGS today, except my hair looks stupid and I'm waiting to be able to bleach it again. All going well?
  339. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @D_Nye_Griffiths @weefz _I_ never got an invite...
  340. This fucking trailer! vimeo.com/73198674#
  341. With @doseonetweets 's music, and that standoff, and a beautiful new logo... <3
  342. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @profaniti Guarantee mine's worse.
  343. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin Have you seen the CollegeHumor "15 Hottest Sideboobs at the VMA's" article? collegehumor.com/article/6910934/15-hottest-sideboobs-at-the-vmas
  344. RT @nachimir: Mega Bastard by @v21: vine.co/v/hiJ1e3muPE9
  345. @john_brindle finally actually having those boardgames happen, if you're about thursday evening?
  346. @betterthemask weren't we supposed to going to the pub this evening? you still free?
  347. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask haha, yeah, i had forgotten til just now (being away in Edinburgh til yesterday). Let's do Friday?
  348. Basically just sitting here and waiting for my hair to get greasy.
  349. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @smestorp I feel that too -- but I am also used to being on Windows now. At home nowhere...
  350. Wish I'd taken more pictures of @awesommelier's little dog while I had the chance
  351. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I'll send you a picture once I feel it's decent enough to be seen in public.
  352. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier yeah, that's basically what I'm aiming for
  353. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier well, it's too late now. and that's much better than the colour I am now...
  354. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier just the kind of yellow/orange you'd expect after bleaching hair as dark as mine.
  355. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier i will bleach it some more once it has recovered a little, then tone it to hopefully whiter.
  356. …in reply to @tef
    @tef After 4 years in Edinburgh, I felt that I'd "got it", and was happy to leave. 3 years in London...
  357. Having forgotten/lost when my phone died my mother's address, I ended up finding it out from Companie's House.
  358. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @haikus_by_KN I'll bring a fedora over this evening if you like?
  359. I enjoy the predictability of these suspicious Ouya Kickstarters.
  360. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg seed me a jpg to glitch
  361. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg anything you like
  362. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg nae worries : here's a weird kids for you: nottheinternet.com/files/temp/mycrew_.jpg
  363. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg (try refreshing the image in Chrome)
  364. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle "I have a dream..." -- Martin Luther King
  365. It's scripts like this that make me never want to write an OKCupid profile (again) userscripts.org/scripts/review/125481
  366. …in reply to @retroremakes
    @retroremakes @LewieP @S0phieH corresponds to the Gridiron dev's line with PAR, though.
  367. …in reply to @retroremakes
  368. RT @gutefabrik: Hey everyone! We're finally bringing our game "Where Is My Heart?" to Windows/Mac/Linux and Steam this September! http://t.…
  369. The 2DS increases my chances of feeling able to afford a thing that can play Animal Crossing, so I am entirely in favour.
  370. I basically look like @kezamacdonald right now.
  371. Or will do once I shave.
  372. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier My head is rounder than that. But maybe. *sigh* It could be worse.
  373. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN I am actually interested. I want to know especially how scenes nucleated and people made a living before it was a 'thing'
  374. …in reply to @BRKeogh
    @BRKeogh I don't feel excluded, but I also don't find it particularly useful. Maybe I just chafe against being summed up.
  375. Was at VMGS! It was nice, if only because it was an event with PR-paid drinks where I didn't feel bought by drinking them.
  376. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 no, it's cool! I was what was being sold!
  377. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro this your 'compositional games' kick returning?
  378. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro it's meeting the constrained-into-creativity and the constrained-into-challenging.
  379. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 <3 glad to hear it.
  380. I have not seen the New Twitter that everyone seems to hate, but a good threaded conversation view seems like a good idea.
  381. I've ended up using Aaron Swartz's external one before, and God knows that's bittersweet. Also, unlikely to stay working forever.
  382. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 I was reminded of them because for some reason I read the UK: R 'what order would we eat the body parts of' article today.
  383. …in reply to @v21
    wait, no, it turns out this is awful
  384. …in reply to @tef
    @tef @marksutherland to be fair, I've never heard those arguments among people who use pd (or max/msp). just "be neat!" "make modules!"
  385. …in reply to @tef
    @tef puredata.info/docs/style-guide/PrimordialStyleGuide"even, if everybody says, pd patches are their own documentation, because everything is visible, that's not true"
  386. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp Easy to be brave when it's not your money on the line : but I think I would go for something between £5 and $10.
  387. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp You're selling to -- largely -- @smestorp fans. And they'll pay that. And for others -- the price tells them there's depth there.
  388. @smestorp also, I hope you're not launching without giving press outlets review copies and time to look at them.
  389. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp Ah, phew!
  390. Heading to VMGS! I wonder if there'll be any seats there...
  391. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe call it Lewisham
  392. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe you're right, that is better.
  393. …in reply to @Dick_Hogg
    @Dick_Hogg @patrickashe @tigershungry Morden, Chichester, Milngavie, Ewell.
  394. Guess how you pronounce "Milngavie"
  395. (no fair if you're not guessing)
  396. …in reply to @higgyC
    @higgyC @LawrieARussell @tigershungry nowhere close : it's "MUL-guy". Wheee, British placenames!
  397. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @mooonmagic you should totally set it to that for a week. (except: damn, you can't. bloody Apple)
  398. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir sure! I'll pop along in the morning, then.
  399. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn @mcclure111 oh, I'm glad to hear it!
  400. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb @tigershungry @whenyoutried Occurs to me this is basically "all children's shows are secretly Adventure Time".
  401. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @Carachan1 what? I am afraid I disagree with you there...
  402. 868-HACK is here! itunes.apple.com/gb/app/868-hack/id635749911?ls=1&mt=8 the latest by @smestorp. This is a good game.
  403. @@smestorp Michael! That intro sequence is *beautiful*
  404. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask Yep! Still up for it. I'm basin in Stepney Green, up in Shoreditch at VMGS at the moment, so either intensity of East works.
  405. "Fuck that, I don't even want firsts, I'll eat my seconds first! That's right, I eat right out the motherfucking pot" <3 Action Bronson.
  406. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask The Morgan Arms sounds good, let's do that.
  407. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge When I come home, will my avocado still be intact?
  408. @betterthemask lovely, see you there!
  409. RT @LaurakBuzz: Please share this around, my article on being trapped in the Games PR cycle #NotAJournalist laurakbuzz.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/i-am-not-a-journalist/
  410. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @bennpowell I got "MMO" as a prompt in a 2 hour jam. It took an entire day, but with @whitingjp I made nottheinternet.com/games/heftyseamstress/
  411. …in reply to @vorrintal
    @vorrintal glad to hear it! I ended up crashed out on a friends sofa, even though I was walking distance from home.
  412. …in reply to @joonturbo
  413. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN @SeeBeeWhitman I have already eaten that avocado! It was part of breakfast, a meal I just resisted taking a picture of.
  414. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb yeah! You see 'em a lot on the continent.
  415. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican @jonbro next time we're both around I'll take you on.
  416. Whew! Just completed my first game of 868-HACK. With 0 points!
  417. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @raiganburns @HilariousCow #pragma target 3.0 is your friend here.