v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2013/11

  1. …in reply to @aphyr
    @aphyr for Jane Austen videogame experiences, I recommend instead Versu.
  2. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk @sashagoblin @edsaperia oh, I guess I should finally actually buy a ticket for this!
  3. @partydogge I am aware you are probably REALLY TIRED of ecommerce solutions, but my friend @xShrewsbury just launched sellscript.net
  4. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite @severalbees She's a real hero.
  5. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @r4v5 @henkboom I agree Diamond Age is much better, but disagree that reading Snow Crash is a pre-requisite.
  6. …in reply to @kezamacdonald
    @kezamacdonald @philippawarr @higgyC There's a great bit in Constellation Games where he talks about a persistent Civ-like...
  7. …in reply to @kezamacdonald
    @kezamacdonald @philippawarr @higgyC you make your town perfect, and it will stay that way til you return, and it simulates time's damage
  8. …in reply to @kezamacdonald
    @kezamacdonald @philippawarr @higgyC Then you can fix the thing you just ruined. Videogames!
  9. …in reply to @kezamacdonald
    @kezamacdonald @philippawarr @higgyC shorter: it might be alive, it might be dead, but it definitely doesn't have fleas til you boot it up
  10. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @r4v5 @henkboom hmmm! I see the argument, but I'd already absorbed most of it's ideas via other people by the time I read it.
  11. "The second thing is how profoundly resistant to change or growth [programming] is, and apparently has always been." exple.tive.org/blarg/2013/10/22/citation-needed/
  12. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP That was a problem, but the technical fuckups (largely) not on their end seemed to be worse.
  13. RT @zarawesome: a hilarious decrying of moore's law by Microsoft's james mickens usenix.org/system/files/1309_14-17_mickens.pdf
  14. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP was done in a bit of a slimy way, but krae_man's point seems fair.
  15. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 That's okay! There's a plugin system that'll fix that!
  16. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 It's a good thing women were given womanly wiles to use to compensate.
  17. "Kleij calls it “property as as service.”"
  18. …in reply to @PixieJenni
    @geekessays ... fuck, you've just reminded me I have STILL never been there.
  19. …in reply to @undefined
  20. RT @KommanderKlobb: Haha weird/amazing: get home, turn on the radio & hear the amazing Tycho track I've been listening to all day for a coo…
  22. …in reply to @RunsAsCoded
    @Ryan1729 @steveklabnik I really wish I'd seen this tweet this morning, before I spent my own money returning an item without their label.
  23. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I don't know if it's work, but it's certainly beautiful.
  24. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @christinelove Wild Rumpus has been talking about putting games inside tents for years.
  25. …in reply to @merrittk
    @m_kopas whoa, your hair looks great in yr profile pic!
  26. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr shit, now I'm REALLY sorry I am missing it. We could have been frog twins!
  27. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 that's not a pleasurable conversation with someone who is always putting themselves down, is maybe a large part of it?
  28. The high pitched dull clatter of someone else's phone hitting the pavement.
  29. I had a burrito earlier, but I'm still sad I'll arrive home late enough to miss the fried chicken shops.
  30. Petition to let fried chicken shops stay open til 5 am.
  31. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath happy birthday! So sorry to have missed it!
  32. Wish I'd asked @amandapalmer to do her cover of The Replacements' Androgynous when I saw her in Edinburgh a few years ago.
  33. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi never? That sounds wonderful. There's about 7 at the end of my road, and I reckon they'll all be closed when I get back.
  34. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs it feels like it's a license issue, if only because Friday/Saturday nights there seems to be a fairly predictable close at 3.
  35. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs and I am pretty certain this is the case up in Edinburgh, so assume similar things apply down here.
  36. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs also, I basically don't care, just that I want fried chicken when I get off this bus. And fear I won't get it.
  37. No chicken, but I'm getting a kebab. The shutters are down on the shop. Is this a lockin?
  38. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs it has turned out okay!
  39. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs alas, all I could get was this unpleasantly, unnecessarily spicy doner kebab.
  40. …in reply to @mareodomo
    @mareodomo you need shoes to buy shoes
  41. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe You have a projector?
  42. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe well then, that's interesting! *revises budget for the next Wild Rumpus*
  43. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry ah! Beautiful!
  44. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr The Replacements. Let It Be is a good place to start.
  45. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow I so wish I could suppress that error.
  46. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP ewww! I hope they don't make a client. What for?
  47. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP Yeah, I get that. But I don't see what functionality would be worth the costs of developing one.
  48. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP Or, I guess I mean -- I actively dislike most of the features in the Steam client. And why make one unless you have something new?
  49. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP Automated updates make sense, yeah. But duplicating the Steam client is hard and expensive, and everyone will still just use Steam.
  50. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP @HilariousCow If I were them, I would make in-game update checker library code, and let devs integrate it.
  51. RT @emshort: Are there enough IF folks to do a meet up group in Oxford? Or London for that matter?
  52. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort I know a few folks with an interest in Twine stuff (including me) from running Twine Tasting. Also, eg @betterthemask.
  53. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @xShrewsbury @LewieP Ah, the gentle chime of trophy notifications as you stroll the hills of Proteus...
  54. …in reply to @totalcurtis
    @totalcurtis I'm still fine. Apparently videogames prepares you better for drinking than booze?
  55. What's good music for trying to do some coding for going to Singapore tomorrow, in enough time to also go to the pub tonight?
  56. …in reply to @tigershungry
  57. …in reply to @annashipman
    @annashipman well, especially if you don't salt the hash.
  58. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier @Aliceofthedead oh, that's beautiful! Good tattoo choices!
  59. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh Someone once threw an onion at me from a passing car. This your home now.
  60. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh (The best revenge is, of course, eating the orange)
  61. Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck
  62. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @brandonnn my passport expires in 5 months and 22 days, but you need 6 months validity to enter Singapore.
  63. …in reply to @v21
    @Carachan1 @brandonnn (I was supposed to be on a flight to Singapore at 10am tomorrow)
  64. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar Neither had I until online checkin told me off.
  65. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @Carachan1 @brandonnn Well, the first hurdle is being allowed on the plane (also, that would be 24 hours of pointless air travel)
  66. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn @smestorp @Carachan1 Yeah, this seems like the best option. Ah, but fuck, though.
  67. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb yep. AM flight, so no time for that. :<
  68. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 Enjoy this song about a painful breakup, played by both halves of it on national TV youtube.com/watch?v=8LLJgPtOUTc
  69. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 That's probably the right way to approach it.
  70. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb Yeah, seems like the best bet. Going on a trip now to have paper copies of things to wave at people...
  71. I have checked in. Fingers crossed for the other end...
  72. …in reply to @RWHBray
    @RWHBray thanks!
  73. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath @philippawarr @asponge @Carachan1 @LizzieBonito under 2 a day and you're fine, I think.
  74. This article on Beyond : Two Souls gave me unexpected respect for David Cage playersdelight.blogspot.ca/2013/10/beyond-two-souls-most-unique-feature-is.html
  75. …in reply to @joehalliwell
    @joehalliwell crystal warrior ke$ha is great! Her best piece imho is Ultra Business Tycoon III, you should play that if you haven't already.
  76. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar @SELFISH_PHIL I did some of that this morning. It worked okay! Then I answered an email and took an international phone call.
  77. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis luckily I've managed to check in, so I have hope (and a number of someone in Singapore who can argue my case with authorities)
  78. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis at the very least I'm flying to Singapore. Let's just hope the trip is longer than a few hours.
  79. …in reply to @martinhollis
  80. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @martinhollis it's weird being able to detect the tone of various generators, without any chance of knowing the creators.
  81. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis this is my hair (you'll notice I decided to put on a shirt at least)
  82. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis punching custard at the Singapore Science Fair as part of Games Expo East Kent. Strange world.
  83. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth wish I'd noticed in time to do that...
  84. Singapore entry nervousness update! I am now in Singapore, on the other side of the immigration desk.
  85. I have got S$100 out of a vending machine. I have no idea how much money that is. I like to prepare thoroughly for trips.
  86. Also, there were some free tourist maps in the place I am waiting for my bag, so now I know how to get to my hotel.
  87. Oh, and Singapore Airlines is pleasingly old-fashioned. Lots of booze and (if I had a US adaptor) plug sockets by the seats. Thumbs up!
  88. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi @asponge for 3/4 switch inputs, the easiest way is to take apart a cheap generic controller and solder onto it. Thx @Sosowski !
  89. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @emshort @betterthemask @WhisperBat (well, more like every second or third Wednesday. They should be more regular)
  90. …in reply to @Arndreth
    @Arndreth oh wow, this is the laziest way to learn vital info while travelling. Thanks!
  91. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge thanks! I think I did all the necessary eating before I left. Though I did leave you some washing up...
  92. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge I will be back really quite early in the morning on Wednesday. Not today, in a weeks time.
  93. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @asponge I mean, not more than I usually leave around the place.
  94. This is a fancy hotel, but they only give you 1 MB of Internet a day. You can pay to upgrade to the Premium package, though - that's 8 MB.
  95. When, after logging in, they redirected me to their image-heavy homepage, I got a bit mad.
  96. …in reply to @robertpeacock22
    @robertpeacock22 @oceanpark I just tricked mplayer into interpreting random binary junk as a video...
  97. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi @asponge super curious as to what the hell it actually is! Looking forward to seeing.
  98. …in reply to @undefined
  99. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @asponge @Carachan1 @richmetson @terrycavanagh anyway, YES. I emailed him last night, just after sending that other email.
  100. @_gods17_ ahhh you're on Twitter, ahhhh
  101. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths haha, really? I knew Martin was getting an appearance...
  102. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge you did it! Fan-fucking-tastic. Yes.
  103. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge ach. I can see that. I'm sure the thing itself was great, though!
  104. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths I got one of those on Singapore national TV news the other day.
  105. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe why use a mug? Drink straight from the teapot/cafeteiere!
  106. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy but it helps engage you, right? Russell Group universities are all about engagement.
  107. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I was mulling over making a run of Punch The Custard sets. Should I?
  108. My amazingly talented friend @kitrichardsonuk has just released her latest single. Go here: coolforcatsrecords.bandcamp.com/track/all-heart-no-brains
  109. Look at this! It's called snakefruit. It's not entirely pleasant to eat, but it has amazing skin.
  110. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe it seems like a fun thing to make, y'know? And it'd be good to officially release Punch The Custard, a good ending for it's run
  111. …in reply to @docky
    @docky I don't see what's wrong with the game existing also on forums and FAQs. It's a powerful feeling.
  112. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 I haven't actually had one out here, but I have shoved wires into them for Makey Makey demos.
  113. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 but yeah - like kiwi fruit without the excitement.
  114. …in reply to @ThatsWhatUGets
    @ThatsWhatUGets @failnaut on the other hand, it's amazing the favours people will do you if you're asking to be taught how to do it yourself
  115. …in reply to @BunchesOfBees
    @SeeBeeWhitman @theMaTX I think: success is arbitrary and super situational. But there's a base level of competency that's useful to learn.
  116. …in reply to @BunchesOfBees
    @SeeBeeWhitman @theMaTX I also see marketing as a creative act, and think it is, or should be, as fan as devving to do.
  117. Really quite glad I have been away from the Internet the last week while catching the tail end of the indie drama weather.
  118. Which isn't to say I don't care, but.
  119. @mugathur if you've got a camera that goes onto the entire window, it'll know what resolution it's at (which will be the game res)
  120. @mugathur if not, it'll know what proportion of the window it's hitting, and you can adjust. There's almost certainly a better way...
  121. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I really care about the things that these kerfluffles are actually conversations about. But.
  122. The view from the apartment balcony.
  123. RT @nachimir: @edclef @Slaktus @caterwail @BurningNorth I couldn't fit my response to this into tweets: http://t.co/tjhz3HdJ5m
  124. …in reply to @undefined
    @BurningNorth well, fuck. Am I on the boat right now? I'm honestly not sure.
  125. I've always said: given the choice between working in games and making no money and working long hours, or not, I'll go with not.
  126. I'm currently working in games, but I'm glad my skills make sense if I decide to not.
  127. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP aw, fuck. So sorry to hear that. At least you can have lie-ins on Saturday mornings now...
  128. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir more waxy than meaty, and there's 3 segments with stones within, but: yep.
  129. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus I've not eaten any durian while I've been here. But I've smelt it pretty frequently. Not as bad as people say!
  130. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi I could, have, and will again. Big distinction between doing craft you enjoy, and working on projects that interest you.
  131. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi I'd rather have the craft than the subject matter. Does that count as creativity? Usually it doesn't seem to.
  132. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi refactoring web app backend code would satisfy me in that way, but you wouldn't call it creative...
  133. …in reply to @coolpowers
    @coolpowers someone asked me the other day if people stayed in indie games, or if there was constant churn as they burn out or get bored.
  134. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus I have not had fish head curry, but I was recommended it. I had fish head soup at the hawker center near work the other night, tho.
  135. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus it was very tasty!
  136. …in reply to @pozorvlak
    @pozorvlak @elmyra you're wrong.
  137. …in reply to @tomscott
    @tomscott @jamesgrime @standupmaths @BellaKirk wait, the Pembury has bar billiards?! I do not go there enough!
  138. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus excellent and super cheap! (or decidedly average and expensive, if circumstances compel you)
  139. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus the rest... not so terrible, really. I wouldn't want to move here, but.
  140. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus well, yes. Though I don't stop being white just because I'm largely surrounded by white people.
  141. I retweeted that HORSE MASTER review before reading it, because I was pretty sure It would be great. It's better than that.
  142. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus yeah, I got that. And agree. Does that mean it's not a good place to live? This stuff happens regardless.
  143. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir you should do a follow-up talk, filled with anguish.
  144. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @tomscott @pkqk I want to go play soon! A trip beckons.
  145. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang I recently ended an "inspiring, creative" talk with the words: "this is really great! You should definitely do it if you can..
  146. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang ..find a way to get paid for it"
  147. It's a disgrace how transferable the skills it takes to restart a game shown on a BBC Basic and a Raspberry Pi are.
  148. Thirty years, and computers have only got less reliable.
  149. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang you could probably do it now, if you stopped calling yourself a game designer and started calling yourself an artist.
  150. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang you'd have to drop some handy tropes, but the core of the work could stay pretty much intact.
  151. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN one thing I have narrowly avoided having. Maybe that's lunch!
  152. …in reply to @mareodomo
    @mareodomo there's a game you might enjoy called Listelance. (Not a videogame)
  153. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees that.. sounds a lot better than the alternative. I think I'm going to try to spend a month not using the word "gentrification".
  154. What music should I download on Spotify for this 14 hour flight? I want stuff that rewards attention and keeps me awake.
  155. Back in London. Goodbye Singapore! You had good food.
  156. …in reply to @steishere
    @steishere I'm on a train back from the airport, and was just admiring the beautiful light at this time of day.
  157. …in reply to @RWHBray
    @RWHBray ha. We ran out of filters, so I made coffee by just pouring all but the dregs to a cup, then all but the dregs to another.
  158. …in reply to @tef
    @tef But I make util files because I can cut and paste them into my next project! If not for that, I'd just put utils locally.
  159. …in reply to @tef
    @tef This may also have something to do with working with a closed source engine.
  160. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut On the other hand - it's pretty hard to make money running events. Which isn't to say all of this is justified, but..
  161. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe BoA was £40 at the top end. Conway Hall is, I'm pretty sure, more expensive to hire than the Stubnitz, though.
  162. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut I liked No Show Conf's sponsorship program, too.
  163. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe if you find a cheap warehouse with good transport links, and good potential for AV setup, please please tell me.
  164. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe oh, and toilets. And probably heating, if it's in the winter. But seriously, let me know, we need it for Wild Rumpus.
  165. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut No, Game Space will have a capacity of about 50, this would be 10x the size. Also, one-day vs 12-month rental.
  166. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut Though, if they could be at the same place, that would make a lot of things a lot easier.
  167. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
  168. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy Oh man, I remember SPSS.
  169. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy And when I say remember, I mean remember not enjoying using it, but not much beyond that.
  170. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops but like, for a film so explicitly about giant robots and monsters fighting, it has a lot of well-developed characters.
  171. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow "syntactically legitimate" yep, that's a rabbithole alright.
  172. …in reply to @ColinNorthway
    @ColinNorthway They should charge for "x Dismiss"
  173. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp @retroremakes @Jonathan_Blow on the one hand, 27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lk834dCRFn1qc45nxo1_500.jpg. on the other, it's a shitty solution to systemic problems.
  174. @tigershungry London, Austria, San Francisco, Copenhagen, Malmo, Berlin, Roskilde, Edinburgh, Nottingham, Singapore.
  175. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry pop muzik. Is it bad I had to look some up in my calendar to remember them?
  176. RT @nachimir: Bikeshed the planet.
  177. @tigershungry Oh, hey, also I want to gossip vaguely with you: just spend a week with people who run (retro) games events for a living.
  178. …in reply to @xra
    @xra awww, great work. been thinking about this myself, though I've not properly applied myself.
  179. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox It's like, you're sitting there, slacking off, and suddenly your game gets better!
  180. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr Moss of Aura
  181. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox whoa! Good work! Lovely textures.
  182. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore @severalbees I like 32 Long for the possibility that someone would get expelled for putting on/losing weight.
  183. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore @severalbees Or a member who always wears his trousers a bit high, Simon Cowell style.
  184. …in reply to @tef
    @tef @zombywuf So glad I only made that one really bad hiring call when I was picking my replacement.
  185. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle I bet @Dick_Hogg would love these.
  186. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @betterthemask @seniath @philippawarr @asponge was thinking the Carpenter's Arms, maybe? Or Actual Shoreditch, if you like.
  187. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
  188. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr sad face. Are you a Dancer, are you tempted by Dancing tomorrow?
  189. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @seniath whenever works for you, from your Other Shoreditch thing.
  190. …in reply to @v21
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @seniath or, if it's easier to not make decisions, 7:30
  191. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 it's beautiful!
  192. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 that you may or may not be better shifting to another community where there's more mainstream recognition and money?
  193. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I mean, you don't have to, and I'm glad "indie games" includes things that aren't indie and aren't games.
  194. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 ching ching, gotta get your cash cash money dollar
  195. Carpenter's Arms in about half an hour.
  196. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath @D_Nye_Griffiths no, afraid we just left :(
  197. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I want more glitch fashion, but it is expensive
  198. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr it's not even abandoned - but look up some photos of Haw Par Villa/Tiger Balm Gardens
  199. …in reply to @notsimonv3
    @simonv3 I mean, you could also just take a picture of them, for much the same effect.
  200. Of COURSE Cory Doctorow has a Flickr photo set of Haw Par Villa.
  201. …in reply to @zunguzungu
    @zunguzungu I can recommend the @AidanJohnMoffat song of the same name to you.
  202. …in reply to @zunguzungu
    @zunguzungu Also: can you think of any swears which are stronger in the British vernacular than in the American?
  203. RT @smestorp: ok look when "emergent" interactions occur they're part of the possibility space the designer set up, not magic out of nowher…
  204. I really enjoy that there's Sealab 2021 series 1 and 2 in space governmentattic.org/docs/ISS_Media_2008.pdf
  205. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 *snigger*
  206. @emshort when were you coming to London? (I am organizing the next Twine Tasting)
  207. Having a ponder for things to show at Bees In A Tin... manyandvaried.org.uk/bees_in_a_tin_-_call_for_stuff/
  208. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg I met a donkey called George and a donkey called Dunstan today.
  209. …in reply to @AlanZucconi
    @AlanZucconi who knows?!
  210. Not at #Practice2013, but Twitter tells me @emshort is talking so I'll say his again: I want Versu erotica!
  211. Though Practice looks great, and I'm a bit sad I'm not there hanging out for it. Hello @bfod, @tigershungry, @radiatoryang, @smestorp etc!
  212. …in reply to @Radstronomical
    @Radstronomical ooooh, that's some good highlighting, we're going to be using that for something upcoming.
  213. …in reply to @Radstronomical
    @Radstronomical a way of dividing between the character and the player.
  214. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees @tigershungry oh, wow, I thought that tweet was taking you a while, now I see why.
  215. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge worse to come, I'm afraid.
  216. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge Also, Gordon McIntyre doesn't have a beard.
  217. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge although he does have a calculator watch (or did, when I interviewed him a few years back)
  218. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 do you have fillings? don't eat tinfoil if you have fillings.
  219. …in reply to @keefstuart
    @keefstuart The South Park Chef Aid album.
  220. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy I like that they just threw up their hands at finding a fifth. Just... wearing it? Holding a bag maybe?
  221. …in reply to @pozorvlak
    @pozorvlak FWIW, Mark Kermode recommends it in 3D.
  222. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr it's a fun phase that lots of game designers go through!
  223. @badmachinery there's a stray "They're switchin' the track" in today's comic.
  224. How Anonymous Submissions Affected Gender Balance at our Conference annashipman.co.uk/jfdi/how-anonymity-affected-gender-balance.html
  225. …in reply to @vorrintal
    @vorrintal @HilariousCow It's painful technologically. I know OF has a package to help with it, but most platforms don't.
  226. …in reply to @vorrintal
    @vorrintal @HilariousCow OpenFrameworks. I think you have to give up a lot of the high-level abstractions to deal with multiple mice :<
  227. I basically look like Dr Venture.
  228. (Without the goatee)
  229. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang ooooh, that Larp sounds fantastic, I read about it before. Much recommendations for the "Nordic Larp" book.
  230. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @radiatoryang No idea -- I bought it when it came out :P. We should actually loan each other books, huh?
  231. …in reply to @steveklabnik
    @steveklabnik The bit that feels hard to me is that private and public spaces are weirder online.
  232. …in reply to @steveklabnik
    @steveklabnik Or, I guess, there needs to be more private spaces to discuss these things.
  233. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 Oh, yes, I was thinking this yesterday! Could you make a game engine that uses HSV internally everywhere but a final shader?
  234. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 All shader languages feel like basically the same language to me.
  235. …in reply to @phototropy
    @phototropy I've heard great things; let's do it.
  236. …in reply to @phototropy
    @phototropy pretty free - can do any weekday morning in the foreseeable.
  237. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees Is the battery removable?
  238. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees Not easily, but kinda, then. Maybe a man at a shop can help you, if you really need the stuff you're losing.
  239. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees (I would assume the connector bit is broken, so if you can charge a battery and then transplant it, you'd be fine?)
  240. …in reply to @v21
    @severalbees And when I say fine, I mean "until the battery runs out again", but hopefully that's long enough to backup the next time.
  241. …in reply to @heawood
  242. …in reply to @heawood
    @heawood Not that I try to dither, but, still: yes.
  243. …in reply to @adventuresofrob
    @adventuresofrob Saw The Illusionist (the animated film) in the Cameo in Edinburgh. At one point the characters enter the Cameo...
  244. …in reply to @adventuresofrob
    @adventuresofrob Infuriatingly, they were showing the film in the smaller side screen, so the characters never got to the room we were in.
  245. …in reply to @adventuresofrob
    @adventuresofrob I don't know if other people did, but I totally was.
  246. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @c_hedborg what if they're also more accomplished?
  247. …in reply to @steveklabnik
    @steveklabnik aye, I agree. But I think a lot of criticism is intended internally and then leaks.
  248. …in reply to @steveklabnik
    @steveklabnik which it's worth making people aware of the consequences of, of course.
  249. Who wants to come live with me and @asponge in trendy Stepney Green? Joe is leaving us, so we need a replacement flatmate.
  250. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @Brendy_C @EdStern Oh, I just discovered that there are stories in this collection I haven't read yet. So happy now.
  251. Having a video editor and screen-capture software is useful for doing movement and animation code.
  252. …in reply to @dustinfreeman
    @dustinfreeman Nah, the video editor, just useful for smooth slow-mo, stepping, cropping, playing things in reverse, etc.
  253. …in reply to @dustinfreeman
    @dustinfreeman you can do most of this with VLC, but not all.
  254. …in reply to @dustinfreeman
    @dustinfreeman well, coming at the problem as a programmer, the whole game looks like code to me.
  255. …in reply to @torahhorse
    @torahhorse wait. Are you not covered in it because it's a great insulator of heat, or because it's a great insulator of electricity?
  256. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 you should request a review capelet
  257. …in reply to @christinelove
    @christinelove @mcclure111 it's a shame they've not released the server code, only the client, then.
  258. …in reply to @christinelove
    @christinelove @mcclure111 they said it was to help make sense of how the art dump functions... Idk
  259. @patrickashe remember that zine we were gonna make? Wanna make it?
  260. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths look at those ice blue eyes!
  261. No point trying to teach a thing via the medium of games unless you think that thing is interesting for it's own sake to start with.
  262. Like, Kerbal Space Program is outcharting CoD, and it is literally just the most-obvious videogame embodiment of "Spaceflight is Cool".
  263. Imagine how shit KSP would be if it tried to convince you that space was cool instead of taking it as a basic premise.
  264. See also: pretty much all science programming on the TV.
  265. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe yes, these were going to be. Although also digitally designed and distributed as a pdf, so, no?
  266. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian online tabletop site + Skype. Chop chop!
  267. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef I guess I'm saying a big part of it comes down to the attitude you approach with.
  268. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe but, I mean, people use words to mean all sorts of things these days.
  269. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @jonbro code is useful for more things than being directly reused.
  270. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 @jonbro for instance gamercamp.ca/games/a-fishing-game-with-actual-water-francis-sheridan-pare-2013/ was apparently made easier to code by seeing how I made Punch the Custard. :D !
  271. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian yeah! There's a couple out there. Never used them myself, but mean to for prototyping some day. Eg roll20.net/
  272. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef aww, you missed the pun
  273. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef go get him! I hope you've a reliable launcher prepped...
  274. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe zero fear
  275. …in reply to @PeteOlympian
    @PeteOlympian remember being on a 3210, and really fucking cherishing those kind of texts?
  276. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis @edclef well. "foster" is a weird word. you can try to design a interesting game that people want to play, though.
  277. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis @edclef I think my point comes down to ... having faith that what your game is about is interesting in itself.
  278. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis @edclef which can be come through to the player in myriad ways. This I think is the core of awfulness in "make learning FUN!"
  279. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang i am having the irritating response of wanting to show you lots of board games.
  280. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang tbf, the ones I really like take about 3 minutes to explain, 15 to play a round, and can be played with improvised pieces.
  281. …in reply to @RobertVinluan
    @RobertVinluan Some favorites (most of which I know under house rules/have pirated) : Geschenkt, Love Letter, and so much: Roses & Skulls.
  282. …in reply to @RobertVinluan
    @RobertVinluan Oh, and The Resistance! Longer/more open-ended, but still favorites: Zendo, 1000 Blank Cards.
  283. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 "Game Police", a fun game by @v21 and @severalbees. One player points at a thing, the other informs them "Not a game". Repeat.
  284. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian @mcclure111 @severalbees I think the game is quite clear- whatever you point at is Not A Game.
  285. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 wait, no, don't do that. The only wealthy people in your game would be former bitcoin miners who got left behind.
  286. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 don't validate those people.
  287. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops hard-wearing, though.
  288. Nearly had to face the horror of working without music. Luckily I found my emergency emergency headphones.
  289. So now I'm listening to this Murder She Wrote Hot Trance remix youtube.com/watch?v=ftY6fj6XZyU (courtesy of @philippawarr)
  290. RT @arzE: the rise of the selfy says exactly 1 thing about modern society: people got more cameras
  291. …in reply to @KeefJudge
    @KeefJudge How did you survive?
  292. I studied evo-psych at university, and consequently still think it's worthwhile and not always racist/sexist. Sorry Internet. :<
  293. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees @patrickashe Yes, I would love that.
  294. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke newspapers don't pay, and are largely read by people who don't care.
  295. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe a weekday evening some time in the next week?
  296. I should either get a job in a real office, or buy fingerless gloves.
  297. …in reply to @undefined
  298. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Alright then: Tuesday.
  299. Watching the ISS live stream (ustream.tv/channel/live-iss-stream) and listening to electronic music is still an amazing mix.
  300. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @compositeredfox But I already have lots of half-finished game jam ideas! I don't need more!
  301. Sudden surprise as I tinkered away with code to find that I had accidentally animation happen for the first time.
  302. …in reply to @mcclure111
  303. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @jcoglan but it's just a slightly-wonky autocomplete, and the reputation of being insecure/badly made, not actual security problems.
  304. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @playglitch Better than CC -- CC0, which is pretty much public domain (legal bullshit means doing that directly is hard)
  305. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace @retroremakes I didn't know 2 & 3, and they seem really useful, so - keep it.
  306. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace @retroremakes poweruser request - load this text from a plaintext file in the Twine install, so it's user configurable.
  307. @GIFmodel does Tumblr not count?
  308. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @nachimir I've made these before. My advice: they're really tasty and you can eat them all week, you should make one.
  309. …in reply to @GIFmodel
    @GIFmodel I think Tumblr can actually accommodate both pimping and designing, in the same way it was possible to make a tasteful MySpace.
  310. …in reply to @GIFmodel
    @GIFmodel Often people take a template, then just change bgs, colours, cursors etc with the theme options. But this is not at all universal.
  311. …in reply to @realnoyb
    @realnoyb @smestorp I've fucked that up by not keeping track, and eventually realizing there's nothing left to pick as an answer.
  312. A while ago, I talked about how I cared more about teaching game design than code, and was reasonably asked what "game design" was made of.
  313. Well, this little deconstructed game/slides from a talk by @jwaaap is part of the answer dropbox.com/s/c0i6jidrvk6r2io/controlconf.rar
  314. What Is Fun Made Of, etc
  315. …in reply to @pippinbarr
    @pippinbarr well, this fun is specifically The Fun Of Blowing Shit Up. It's satisfying!
  316. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier were you trying to do a loop-de-loop?
  317. …in reply to @hyper_linda
    @hyper_linda this is interesting and exciting, especially as I am really unsure what I would suggest for it.
  318. …in reply to @hyper_linda
    @hyper_linda to be practical, but not dogmatic about aims. Maybe this stuff dissolves down when faced with the practicalities, though.
  319. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow What if the game is only fun while you're figuring out the model?
  320. Here's @dkanaga giving some insight into how music and games are the same, and mappings between wombflashforest.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/music-games-as-shifting-possibility.html
  321. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @edclef well, also we have pretty good mental models of dice already & how the slot in is "transparent"
  322. 4 residencies for game makers (with £2500 attached) down in Margate with GEEK geek2014.co.uk/news-margate-games.html
  323. Non-digital games are cool, research and exploration and prototypes are good outcomes, but on the other hand, it's by the sea in winter.
  324. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow sorry, I didn't get that. (but actually, trying to learn through noise isn't much fun either)
  325. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow but! if the point of the game isn't to get better but to provide a space, or characters, mystery can be useful.
  326. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow and randomness is basically cheap mystery.
  327. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath @hyper_linda @laurakirsop @terrycavanagh would be great at this, I think.
  328. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @HilariousCow Well, even: learning that you have a 16.6% chance of <action success> is different to "Roll a six to start".
  329. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @HilariousCow I don't remember this conversation, so I'm not sure what I'm agreeing to, but : yes.
  330. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @HilariousCow @edclef hah! Well, one is cc'd here, but I'll send an email with the both of theirs.
  331. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr @Kickstarter So glad the Gmail "Promotions" tab exists.
  332. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh @seniath @hyper_linda @laurakirsop I can't believe you've been in London for literally weeks and I haven't burgered with you.
  333. …in reply to @terrycavanagh
    @terrycavanagh @seniath @hyper_linda @laurakirsop arg, I have to Skype about a certain party happening in San Francisco in March. Friday?
  334. OK, Blender, let's do this. I'm sure 3D modelling isn't that hard.
  335. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox Does custard count? Also @AlanZucconi, endlessly @lucky_frame, @TenyaWanyaTeens exists, etc. @nachimir will know more.
  336. I successfully did a 3D modelling! How somewhat unexpected! vine.co/v/hF52tZ550jr
  337. …in reply to @undefined
    @thecatamites I like your work, but I'd rather you saw gigs than were always working.
  338. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle Whilst I did literally tweet "WINAMP IS DEAD", it's not really dead. It'll keep working until it stops working.
  339. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle That said, I used to love Foobar2k (and then I switched to mainly Linux, then mainly Mac, then Win again, but no local music)
  340. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle It's not like it's been actively developed for years anyway. What version do you use? The most recent?
  341. …in reply to @schonstal
    @schonstal @doougle I set it up so you could "/" , search term, enter to play. Was nice. But yeah - endlessly tweaky setting it up.
  342. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo This always happens to me too. I think maybe our queries are so esoteric, everyone gets intimidated.
  343. RT @brandonnn: ahhhh, it's so good to see you little guys again
  344. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian @mcclure111 I think iconography is a bad place to try to purge redundant information.
  345. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis that's really pretty, though
  346. Sunday afternoon I want to play bar billiards at the Pembury. Yes @pkqk @garethbriggs @seniath @philippawarr @severalbees @tomscott @tef ?
  347. RT @ianvisits: The new tube map for 24 hour trains at weekends.
  348. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath @garethbriggs @philippawarr @severalbees @tomscott @tef that fits with @pkqk's plans, too. From 6ish, then!
  349. …in reply to @siobhanthomas
    @siobhanthomas I've not, but I've written a similar wrapper in the past, so I'm probably still pretty knowledgeable.
  350. RT @Gillespionage: The following tweet is entirely innocent
  351. RT @Gillespionage: Now look, I'm not trying to cause any trouble or offence here. But I distinctly heard you say the sentence "National Wil…
  352. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @edclef @whitingjp Come over and play boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/36367/dust-tactics some time. It's best feature is REALLY WANTING rolls to come out.
  353. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @edclef @whitingjp Oh, I've never actually played the XWing game. Yomi is not the only flavour, you know.
  354. …in reply to @psychicteeth
  355. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @edclef @whitingjp The read your opponent sense. Which, I realize now, isn't directly relevant to what you were saying.
  356. I'm going to do a troll tweet now.
  357. Here's an insightful blog post about the struggles indie developers have on the App Store blog.tapdaq.com/post/67579337537/why-indie-developers-cant-win-on-the-app-store
  358. @mcclure111 Love your out-of-context retweeting habits <3
  359. …in reply to @yujiberra
    @yujily @Bananattack @zarawesome @Dropbox heaven help us if we only get to use things for the things they are intended
  360. …in reply to @yujiberra
    @yujily @Bananattack @zarawesome @Dropbox but also: Dropbox seems to be a useful + popular tool for small-scale hosting of files.
  361. …in reply to @yujiberra
    @yujily @Bananattack @zarawesome @Dropbox and I really appreciate the small way it has made it easier to be a maker of things.
  362. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite :< ah well
  363. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk Does buying a sofa mean you have a house for that sofa to live in?
  364. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk I endlessly suck at Facebook. But so many congratulations! So glad you prevailed! :D HOUSE
  365. RT @brandonnn: GET HYPE —> RT @doseonetweets: Photo: ComingSoon… http://t.co/IIE93B7wn4
  366. #selfie
  367. …in reply to @Blackcorn666
    @Blackcorn666 Nope, that's 5 minutes ago me.
  368. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe When I got busted for hacking into that megacorp the other week.
  369. Some beautiful shaders: noctuelles.net/Shader-Gallery
  370. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN Yes! Also I can't find my beanie, which makes it worse.
  371. …in reply to @ElectronDance
    @ElectronDance @patrickashe I wish I could anti-fav a tweet.
  372. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier @substance2d Shit! I thought you were the one person I could trust not to become a games journalist. OH WELL.
  373. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier @substance2d Look, some of my best friends are games journalists. None of them can afford hundred quid wine, though.
  374. RT @hyper_linda: Fav story told tonight: upon learning to do custom scratch blocks kid puzzled "there must be loads of tiny scratch blocks …
  375. …in reply to @garethbriggs
  376. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @patrickashe for that matter, any UK based Nordic Larp...
  377. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @patrickashe bet there's loads of emails, though :(
  378. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier does it require hair? Because I'm not qualified if so.
  379. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs @patrickashe first part: complete disagreement. Second part: complete agreement. But I'm intimidated even taking part, tho.
  380. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier Ah! My core competencies!
  381. This is an amazing, kind of terrible idea. Tor everything! pogoplug.com/safeplug
  382. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace you should get in touch with them about that...
  383. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace bleaaaah. Oh, Javascript.
  384. People should talk about money more often. Here's @BryonyKimmings talking about the lack of money in theatre thebryonykimmings.tumblr.com/post/67660917680/you-show-me-yours
  385. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke @terrycavanagh I wasn't, but I could be. I am also currently about 2 minutes from Lucky Chip, so.
  386. My friend @awesommelier seems to have given up on the booze trade, and decided to become a games journalist instead vinspireuk.com/2013/11/minesweeper-and-pommard-best-drinking.html
  387. #listeningto Mambo No 5, except all the instruments are bike horns rare-basement.tumblr.com/post/67715838738/whatthefuckdidyoulanadelsay-kingofsaigone
  388. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican "it sounds like the song is going to kill you and it’s perfect"
  389. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs I hope you were dancing.
  390. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths You mean the security lock thing? We use them when running WR, if we can find enough locks.
  391. RT @catburton: Any good #Unity3D freelance devs looking for work? Let me know! I've got a lot of jobs in my inbox that I don't have time to…
  392. …in reply to @undefined
    @SELFISH_PHIL that thing makes me feel poor
  393. …in reply to @BuckSexington
  394. …in reply to @narF_snw
    @narF_snw bleah, I feel the same way about mine. Last time I modified it, I tried to define a function, but it broke it, so i just C&Ped...
  395. …in reply to @BuckSexington
    @BuckSexington @philippawarr @rclarke @terrycavanagh I am still up the road, but will be there in < 5 mins.
  396. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @terrycavanagh @BuckSexington @philippawarr @rclarke idk why you make the life choices you do
  397. …in reply to @undefined
    @xShrewsbury @HilariousCow @terrycavanagh @BuckSexington @philippawarr @rclarke Pembury for bar billiards on Sunday from 7?
  398. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier and I'm just on my bus home. Great night.
  399. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle just being in town is the main value, any passes are a bonus. When I had to buy one, I got the IGS pass.
  400. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle gets you into ~60% of the talks you'd enjoy seeing, and more importantly into the expo spaces, for not too much money.
  401. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I hate you and that's amazing.
  402. Just read Kissing The Witch by Emma Donoghue. Beautiful beautiful stories, I was surprised at how much I loved it.
  403. Oh, what, this party is fancy dress? Haha, whoops!
  404. Anyway! Off to the dark heart of suburbia.
  405. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro but there's a _theme_ - have to come as a pub name. I've bought some grapes, but it's a bit of a weak effort.
  406. …in reply to @pkqk
  407. This has been a heavier weekend than I anticipated.
  408. But on the plus side, I just bought frozen wontons and cronuts.
  409. …in reply to @nickludlam
    @nickludlam Rinkoff bakery, in Whitechapel. Think they supply them to a few places around the area, too.
  410. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath @pkqk @garethbriggs @philippawarr @severalbees not sure, but I know they do decent pizza.
  411. @patrickashe oi, answer my email about the zine.
  412. Cronuts
  413. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow we should be okay with stupid code. Elegant code doesn't make your game better, and what's important is the game, not the code
  414. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow Me too! This is the main reason I am cautious, because I know my natural impulses are to over-engineer.
  415. …in reply to @undefined
    @rusalkamask looking sharp!
  416. Edinburgh people: this event looks great luckyframe.co.uk/tacos/ Tacos, Bluegrass, & Videogames
  417. @lucky_frame you're welcome to run Punch The Custard, if you like.
  418. …in reply to @patrickashe
  419. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @garethbriggs it sums up about 50% of my cooking, to be honest
  420. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I mean, you really don't have to. BUT I went, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Ignore the conversation, enjoy the work.
  421. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Yeah, for sure. But, look at it this way: it doesn't have the most interactivity, but it does have the most budget. Enjoy that!
  422. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  423. An example of people actually making a living by making tiny games and putting them on the web for free : usvsth3m.com/post/57145265331/do-you-need-entertainment-then-heres-all-the-usvsth3m
  424. @tigershungry gasp! your face! [looks pretty cute in that photo]
  425. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace Well, clearly what the Twine editor needs is some transcoding libraries! #bloat #whatbloat
  426. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace what happens if you paste a URL (containing an image) or an image into the main view? Can you make that work, too?
  427. …in reply to @rahulricky
    @rahulricky I had not noticed that! Thanks for pointing it out.
  428. Yep, all ready to start work! .... oh.
  429. …in reply to @failnaut
  430. "I suppose I have a vague picture in my mind of a idealised solver, who is a combination of everybody I've loved" theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/jan/18/john-graham-araucaria-crosswords-interview
  431. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Why not? It's often funny, and often insightful.
  432. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe I would hope editorial decisions wouldn't hinge on keeping on the good side of developers.
  433. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe Which isn't to say I am arguing against remembering people are people, and trying to be kind.
  434. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe Like, what a monster Ian Bogost is for tweeting this out @ibogost/362615639698984960/photo/1/large -- FB devs are people too.
  435. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe I wonder if he found writing that fun? I bet he did. The monster.
  436. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe I should also point out his quote, from bogost.com/blog/oauth_of_fealty.shtml "deep criticism is weirdly generous, in the sense...
  437. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe ... that it provides sustained and earnest attention that most matters don't enjoy."
  438. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut Yeah - it's a hard genre to work in. But it can be a valid one, too.
  439. …in reply to @oneofmoo
    @mugathur I'm always really wary of using that feature -- it's a bit too magical when you're trying to work out how code works.
  440. …in reply to @oneofmoo
    @mugathur That said, useful to have, just to deal with really stubborn problems.
  441. …in reply to @srules
    @srules Mail them a CD.
  442. …in reply to @srules
    @srules Do they need to be able to download them, or view them? 1) Put a zip file on a server, send them a link 2) Flickr (or similar)
  443. …in reply to @srules
    @srules But really, just mail a CD.
  444. …in reply to @srules
    @srules It would take you about half an hour to do. You first tweeted 15 mins ago. You could be almost done by now.
  445. …in reply to @srules
    @srules Me? Though, if this computer wasn't clearly about to die I'd swap it for a SSD, but..
  446. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb They come within 80cm of the Northern line at Tottenham Court.
  447. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  448. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb Oh, and these caverns are basically under Stepney City Farm, which is crazy/great.
  449. …in reply to @v21
  450. …in reply to @pyjamads
    @pyjamads @KommanderKlobb New railway line.
  451. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees sounds basically amazing, though I'm not sure of my travels.
  452. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees @hidingseeking @ammonite That's awful news. *hugs* and best wishes.
  453. @patrickashe btw, I'm making baked apples and wonton soup for dinner if you want some.
  454. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian That's nice. What is that?
  455. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian Whoa, but those shifting horizontal line are sweet.
  456. Me and @patrickashe are compiling a folk games zine RIGHT NOW. So if you have folk games we should know about, send 'em over.
  457. RT @leighalexander: if you're really forceful about the things you make most people will never really challenge you on them & you can get f…
  458. @pyjamads yo! writing up folk games, and I can't remember the variant of the hammer game we played at Roskilde.
  459. …in reply to @pyjamads
    @pyjamads Do people keep hammering when they're out (and there's more than one nail standing)?
  460. …in reply to @pyjamads
    @pyjamads Sweet, thanks for that. Difficult to remember the rules, as the other variant I played is pretty different.
  461. …in reply to @pyjamads
    @pyjamads Also the drinking.
  462. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe what is this for?
  463. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I do really enjoy that there are indie scenes in London that I'm not particularly part of.
  464. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis "you should never let poets lie to you"
  465. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis the joy and power of holding multiple contradictory views of the world in your head at once.
  466. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @severalbees There's a website for that wheresthehashkeyonamac.co.uk/
  467. Suddenly, genuinely, see the point of nuKinect imgur.com/xz3f11k. This is great.
  468. @bfod have you seen the Xbox-sports-games-telling-you-off-for-swearing thing? reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1rhvao/really_xbox_one/ Seems like a thing you'd do.
  469. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn @doougle @smestorp @patrickashe Also: Brandon! Doug! Any good folk games we're missing?
  470. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite you learn something new every day...
  471. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo already on the list -- though one forthcoming job was to ask if you were cool with us publishing it, so: cheers!
  472. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox that sounds pretty nasty, so.
  473. …in reply to @Slaktus
  474. …in reply to @oysterFAKE
    @oysterFAKE @Carachan1 @patrickashe yeah! fuck this electronic bullshit!
  475. …in reply to @oysterFAKE
    @oysterFAKE @Carachan1 @patrickashe (I mean, like playground games, drinking games, other games passed by oral tradition)
  476. …in reply to @undefined
    @LeehSl @patrickashe That sounds great, actually. Thank you!
  477. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn @doougle @smestorp @patrickashe @KommanderKlobb Yeah! Gonna use @doougle's rules, and then also my completely different variation
  478. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @patrickashe @LeehSl People have asked me this several times since initial tweet. I've not had a great answer. But!
  479. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @patrickashe @LeehSl I think I'd say: games learnt via being told about them. I guess this is a pretty paradoxical project.
  480. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @LeehSl @patrickashe Ah! I was racking my brains to remember Sangre y Patatas last night.
  481. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @LeehSl @patrickashe I think, proving the definition, I had remembered just enough to invent the other half & play.
  482. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @LeehSl @patrickashe Awkward question: several games I know via oral tradition and love, but are also commercially available.
  483. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @LeehSl @patrickashe The rules I know are actually wrong, but also great. But to republish them is basically piracy.
  484. …in reply to @undefined
    @LeehSl @tassosstevens @patrickashe Resistance is on that list. And Roses & Skulls. But Resistance at least has that card full of numbers.
  485. So @severalbees just sent a submission for our folk games zine, and it is like she distilled her childhood, bottled it up and sent it over.
  486. …in reply to @greenghoulie
    @greenghoulie @JFriedhoff @patrickashe Ach, we're not fussy. Games you can play after someone tells you the rules.
  487. …in reply to @greenghoulie
    @greenghoulie @JFriedhoff @patrickashe Glee! As many as you can be bothered to write up -- my email is vtwentyone@gmail.com
  488. RT @brandonnn: here is a super awesome photo i never got a chance to share of @TenyaWanyaTeens set up in the @mediamolecule offices: http:/…
  489. …in reply to @undefined
    @LeehSl @tassosstevens @patrickashe Protofolkgames? What an impossible question to answer.
  490. …in reply to @undefined
    @LeehSl @tassosstevens @patrickashe And my time lucid dreaming has generally been focused on flight. Which is an interesting topic itself...
  491. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis Deadline - me and @patrickashe will probably put it together the week after next some time.
  492. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis Word limit -- so far it's all just rules of games and a little commentary/context for them. And as many games as possible.
  493. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis Hm, not so much :< more aimed at these are games you can play, and learn, and teach to others later.
  494. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang Yup! I am well aware of the precarity of my most marketable skill being proficient with a single company's product.
  495. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo that seems ... unlikely?
  496. Send us your games! thewildrumpus.co.uk/sendusyourgames The Wild Rumpus is on the prowl again.
  497. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo but like, of you got a string of LEDs and cut it in half it'd stop working, so.
  498. …in reply to @ashleygwinnell
    @ashleygwinnell and I was just earlier seeing your new game and adding it to a list of games to check out!
  499. The new Icycle game is so frustrating. Beautiful game, but I can't settle down and enjoy it without also tasting at the shit EA have added.
  500. In a way that makes me grateful and appreciative of the efforts other people have went to make the framing and context of their games great.
  501. Google knows me so well, it's spooky gyazo.com/701976d78a9e14cac4e89b7202e2ad9d
  502. "You have ten seconds, but there's so much you want to do" - new Twine from @auntiepixelante auntiepixelante.com/endoftheworld
  503. …in reply to @andreaszecher
    @andreaszecher only after !really-important, though? And then, of course, !extra-important, !most-important and !even-more-most-important
  504. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier oh wow, you look different. To the point I had to doublecheck it was actually you.
  505. Yeaaah, low-poly, slathers-of-AO style
  506. …in reply to @paperCaves
    @paperCaves Not at all! Click through to see details, it's by @DanDaRocha
  507. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro Oh yes, shallow DOF is great too.
  508. …in reply to @flipper02
    @flipper02 Poor mushrooms!
  509. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP I mean, it'd definitely solve your money problems. But I was not aware that most journalisms took affiliate commissions at all.
  510. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @BRKeogh Well if you will choose to live at the literal opposite end of the country. !
  511. …in reply to @BRKeogh
    @BRKeogh @john_brindle @10rdBen Hello! Yes, you should, let's do that.
  512. There's been a great series of blog posts recently about trying to get paid making theater. Here's @hannahnicklin : hannahnicklin.com/2013/11/towards-hope-new-conversations-carrying-on/
  513. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth Not just the BBC, too. Do the rounds of the mainstream papers, there's basically none that have Games within Culture.
  514. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth I see the Guardian's new site takes a step back on the front -- no longer even a link under Culture.
  515. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr but just think -- you'll also have turkey to eat. Or maybe you could find someone to cook one for you?
  516. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary @SimoRoth Yeah -- talking about their alpha'd site redesign/mobile version -- gyazo.com/855d0dea52022a1a74ad6c84e92a8283
  517. I Can't Believe It's Not Actual HN Headlines gyazo.com/ea28f746f943d78fd338fa3f4e726822
  518. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar @esdin @Carachan1 holy! Amazing news. So happy for you both. <3
  519. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @jennatar @esdin I knew you were close, but!
  520. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @jennatar @esdin gosh. Talk about bridezilla!
  521. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr go pip! We're all rooting for you! Kick it in the balls! Show it who's boss!
  522. The wisdom of doing your weekly food shop pissed.
  523. I'm admiring the Sainsburys Basics rebrand and making faces at small children.
  524. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @patrickashe I find it hard to try outraged, especially knowing their consumer base is pretty knowledgable about these things,
  525. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier wait, you wear two scarves at once?! I mean, I guess if anyone would it'd be you, but...
  526. I like this piece by @Carachan1 about the impossibility of a neutral POV, and how criticism isn't censorship. caraellison.co.uk/commentary/condemnation-iteration/
  527. I want my work to elicit particular feelings. So I use common sense, and then I show it to people and see how they feel and then change it.
  528. When I say I use common sense, I mean I am a talented and experienced designer with good intuitions and it's really difficult and impressive
  529. …in reply to @lefishy
    @lefishy It's not so much speed as power consumption costs vs output.
  530. …in reply to @undefined
    @Mikewhroberts save that for this evening.
  531. …in reply to @lefishy
    @lefishy But, it'd cost you more in increased power costs than it would gain you in bitcoins. Unless it replaced an electric heater...
  532. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 Your "dry" is other people's "pretty accessible, really".
  533. …in reply to @ColinNorthway
    @ColinNorthway Smart for guessing right. Always measure.
  534. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris Oh yeah! They're actually on sale now. Planning to get one of those too...
  535. I still hate ladders.
  536. …in reply to @turnislefthome
    @turnislefthome @paperCaves ooh, that is lovely stuff! Not that I think they're biting, I've worked on a game with the same style before.
  537. …in reply to @undefined
    @Carachan1 @martinhollis Failing to make these ladders work is making me think that Ladders Are Just Difficult.
  538. …in reply to @st33d
    @st33d @Carachan1 @martinhollis I wish I could do the same!
  539. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis @Carachan1 It's 3D-ish. Movement is basically in 3D, but with a flat viewpoint and constrained movement.
  540. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis @Carachan1 Yep! Those too! Actually the NPC stuff is fine.
  541. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis @Carachan1 oh, yes, swingdoors to come (they'll be frame-by-frame animated, though, so a different kind of problem)
  542. …in reply to @turnislefthome
    @turnislefthome @paperCaves haha! You've a better eye than me!
  543. …in reply to @lefishy
    @lefishy aww, that environment is super crippled, don't do that. (I mean, you can...)
  544. …in reply to @LewieP
    @LewieP maybe they just forgot about it?
  545. Getting old and lazy and not going back to @Mikewhroberts house for more drinking when I've a perfectly good flat right along the road.
  546. …in reply to @yujiberra
  547. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier I think the worst times in my life have been when facing crippling self doubt in the shower.
  548. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier still, the important thing here is that you didn't curl up I to a ball in the shower. That is the worst.
  549. @mcclure111 I just caught up on your Vines - that thing is looking incredible!
  550. …in reply to @iamdanw
    @iamdanw So: for a game to live inside, either Kerbal or Minecraft, depending on if you want to be a NASA engineer or Robinson Crusoe.
  551. …in reply to @iamdanw
    @iamdanw But then for a single session with a story: Gone Home, KRZ (and the interludes!), Cart Life, Papers Please. All great.
  552. …in reply to @_ArchBang
    @ArchBang85 @vorrintal @yujily @Poxican @st33d @terrycavanagh @failnaut @zarawesome @Slaktus @Robin_B Heading in once I do this washing up!
  553. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 Well, all I know is that it's beautiful, not at all what it is, so I both represent your problem and don't have a good solution.
  554. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 That said, if I were you I'd make the interactions as straightforward as possible, Panoramical-style.