Tweets from 2014/03
George Clooney has a spy satellite?!
@tigershungry Clooney took the pig for a flight in John Travolta's private jet, declaring afterwards that Max "absolutely loved it".
@Carachan1 That sounds lush.
@tigershungry okay. But I need a pet pig & a trip on a private jet for research.
@tigershungry not even fussy if it's John Travolta's
As does Unity3D. “@old_sound: "Atom defaults to sending metrics on usage to Google." wat?”
Sitting in the hostel canteen… *guitar tuning sound* "Hey guys, I just want you to know this is my very...
New @Carachan1 post! "I HAVE A FUCKING AGENDA"
Closing time
An unexpected discovery
@KommanderKlobb fancy videogame party - my vines got clogged and I just unclogged them
Sorry for the vinespam - I just unclogged them.
Niagara too
@iamcarneiro best played that way, but there's an online version. Probably super confusing if you do t play offline first, though.
@iamcarneiro (online version is on OTGCN)
@compositeredfox looking forward to decorating my new new computer I don't even have yet
@mathewkumar I've grown to love it in the last few months. Try this LRB essay: & this tumblr:
@zoequinnzel tiny arcade cab! I wanted to make one of those!
RT @sashagoblin: On trying to do therapy when your patient has no food or money via @MasumaRahim
This breakfast bar includes sushi
It seems stupid I have to go back to Toronto and get on an airplane when I can see New York out the window.
Success! I found 10 extra cents, which means I can afford a negroni before my flight.
The effect was somewhat ruined by having to wolf it down to actually get on the plane, but
@beckwig I thought I'd be spending the week in Princeton, so I flew into Newark.
@beckwig no jury would convict
@radiatoryang here til GDC! Not had a chance to make proper plans here yet, but hanging with you is definitely on the to-do list.
@severalbees I was not emotionally prepared for the wave of homesickness the sight of Stepney Fried Chicken just induced.
@severalbees it also feels weird that I'll see most of my friends before I'm home again.
@severalbees did I make excited noises about you actually being at GDC? It is a thing I'm excited for.
@zoequinnzel for real though, ask them for speaker's fees.
@zoequinnzel I mean, so do I. But I also know it's Not What I Should Be Doing.
@BRKeogh I just saw! Ahhh, so many good talks prewarmed for this year!
@mooonmagic what happens if you both die?
@mooonmagic oooh, nice. so you can't get in an unwinnable/stuck position? (if you're overlapping in a corner & the corner is wall?)
@mooonmagic I may not be understanding, but I am looking forward to gaining Full Understanding
@bfod @mooonmagic I played it! For about 5 minutes & then I couldn't work out what was happening & then I stopped :<
RT @severalbees: I wrote a silly story/essay/thing for @v21 and @patrickashe's folk games zine: Folk Games I Have Played 1982-1992 http://t…
Meeting people you know online is awkward because maybe they know you and you don't say your Internet name, or maybe they don't and you do.
which is to say I am excited to go to all the cool parties at GDC
@RC_1290 Sure!
@LewieP It's mainly the words "You might know me on Twitter" that feel high-stakes
@xShrewsbury @LewieP right, but then sometimes it feels like i've been talking under false pretenses
@patrickashe @Poxican I would like to see this!
@patrickashe @Poxican p much what I was thinking! Let me know when you've picked a date
@asponge at a certain point, you're just going to have to stop fighting it
@whitingjp @LewieP so, actually the thing here is that I identify with "v21" more than I do "George Buckenham"
@LewieP @whitingjp I have idly considered it!
@LewieP @whitingjp Basically dooms me to a life of having One Boring Conversation over and over again, tho.
@jonbro The Nightmare Cooperative is a great Broughlike, looking forward to getting slowly worse at it as it becomes more fleshed out.
How many paragraphs of this article can you read before giving up on your will to live? (TW: tech industry)
"Supposedly Balzac believed that bodies were "layers of ghostly films that were used up by photographs""
RT @doougle: HEY NYC - Art Video Games In China, exhibit by @whoisbma + @Babycastles. Opening this Thurs: I'll be t…
@doougle but i grew up calling them "computer games"
@paperCaves @doougle I did! But I think it was a generic term for me. I played SNES games emulated on PC, though, so it's even muddier.
@pintendo64 the reason you dress so much better than me is that I'd say those two things in exactly the other order
RT @mrwasteland: John frowned "It's videogame - one word! Anyway did you hear the comicbook was adapted to a motionpicture?" He took a sip …
@brandonnn @ColinNorthway Furthermore, seems relevant to your interests.
Sad I forgot it was pancake day tomorrow, and so didn't get pancake stuff from the store.
@rclarke I don't think so. More powerful, maybe. But the limits on size/cost haven't changed much at all (size especially)
Really interesting comment on what's exciting in IF by @emshort : (cc @doougle)
Photoset: Saw Niagara Falls! Whole buncha water!
Photoset: Ate a big ol brunch, tasted some wine, and left Canada
Photo: The view from the roof.
Every Grunt from Home Improvement
Someone should put on an overnight screening of just supercuts.
@jonbro you gotta get to your six bullet points somehow...
@patrickashe I've never managed a flatline victory, but a lot of people would agree, especially with a NBM Tag'em deck. Oh! Not Netrunner!
@tef well, both of your flatmates, for one.
@tef *two, I guess
@jonbro remember to send us a link once it's done!
@PiperLiam Sorry -- not nearly at that scale (& I'm the only one in the UK)
@amazingrolo @jonbro I think it says something that that's what I assumed was meant?
I think, on balance, I would prefer it if Objective Game Reviews had comments.
@ObjGameReviews I don't have to deal with the consequences, so it's an easier position for me to take.
- Trying to think of some sort of inspirational quote about the glory of the composability & freedom of the web.
This TrademarkVille™ game is lovely, and is only going to get harder:
(reminds me a bit of mine & @whitingjp's Hefty Seamstress )
On my first guess, too!
Though I've started guessing the words in TMville from having seen each word before, which I guess is the downside of the cute pics
RT @aphyr: As it turns out, most people aren't qualified to be banks.
RT @mountain_goats: 1/2 I have a thing I like to say, @SanaRGondal, because I think it's true: ~you~ did that. I made a thing that was usef…
RT @mountain_goats: .@SanaRGondal but give yourself the lion's share of the credit. You chose to survive.
@rclarke being topical totally helps them be as good as they are. It gives you a hook & a reason to keep projects short & accessible.
@rclarke There's a similar vibe in some of us vs them's stuff, for the same reason.
I missed that Failbetter are doing a project with Bioware
RT @peteonrails: @keavy @staunchrobots I don't know why you keep saying tech isn't welcoming to female engineers. For some reason, they jus…
@smestorp when it dies, it dies. I don't care as much whether it's a good game then, as whether it keeps being a good game now.
@getdizzzy limited set of words to guess from, so what that productive thing could be i can't imagine
LRT: Damn, maybe I should've went into robotics after uni after all. Maybe I'd be getting bought out for $$$ about now...
At the very least, Facebook is less evil than the DoD...
[stolen tweet] this is a sex negative space. see these two people staring lustily into each other’s eyes? it’s actually a vase
Photo: He didn’t believe me when I said Pancake Day was an internationally recognized religious holiday
My favourite is kid's TV shows where they matter-of-factly deal with deeply strange or disturbing situations.
@v21 like:
RT @disappointment: This, by @EdStern, is a brilliantly over-wrought essay on why a farting bird can be great comedy
@LewieP it's indicative of the high capital costs of making a F2P game?
@edclef @Carachan1 @patrickashe @HonestWilliam ... this is true, the downtown area can be a desert otherwise.
@coffee_nat wait, what's wrong with shower curtains
@coffee_nat I totally get what you mean. Though my first response to this tweet was "pillows! we need to get printed pillows!"
RT @joonturbo: if you have advice/opinions on dos and donts when expoing gams (from either a dev or curator/host pov), contribute: https://…
@jonbro are you making Worms?
@jonbro cool! Worms is a great game
Oh man, this new computer is so sweet, it can do all of the stupid importing shit Unity makes us do in less than an hour!
This Kickstarter game is cool and probably won’t make it, but I wish it was going to
@Carachan1 but : previous access to trad media is something that hugely helps you make bank on Patreon.
@Carachan1 lots of jokes about doing stuff for exposure, but Patreon is the magic machine that can turn exposure into cash.
@Carachan1 well, thank god for that, given you work in games journalism.
@Carachan1 but yeah — but your Patreon pieces do less to build an audience than your traditionally-published ones.
looking forward to going to SF, where late night drunk tweets are just right to be read by people at work in the UK
@edclef I feel a bit bad for hoping this makes it — such a small goal barely made, and no money for dev team living costs...
@edclef But I really want to see the game, so I’ve kicked them some money.
@edclef (I now think it’ll make it)
@richlitt oi, i just texted you. food/drinks? at nyu poly atm
@richlitt don’t mind! you live here, you have to show me places
@richlitt sorry, those are the rules… Still finishing off some work here, let me know where/when to head.
@richlitt I wanna drink craft beer. I guess that suggests Bushwick?
@richlitt okay, plan. see you there in half an hour?
Typical - just after I leave New York RT @witheredhand: Our first New York full band show ever! March 20th!
@haikus_by_KN ping pong?
@haikus_by_KN “feature wall”?
@haikus_by_KN `’quirky” meeting room names?
@haikus_by_KN free bar within the office?
@haikus_by_KN ball pond/pit?
@CousinDangereux I feel strange about "some forms of violence are so insidiously evil that they should never be simulated or replicated"
@CousinDangereux probably because I read this essay on Auden earlier today, so the banality of evil is on my mind.
@haikus_by_KN well, that’s fine; it’s just cost-efficient to label it that way
Pac* is Back* (*Pac-Man) (*apparently he went away? the whole thing is a bit bewildering)
@pillowfort what are the tech requirements? can you send us a build?
I basically make videogames in order to emulate Clarissa
@pageantmalarkey "SweetHarts closed in December 2011 due to a lawsuit from a former employee as well as other issues"
@LewieP your play online link is down! (& yes, I did see at GameCity)
@MituK that’s us now
@asponge where do you want the colour to come from? the game itself?
@KommanderKlobb @asponge yeah : or just run another app that reads from the screen, calculates health etc from image processing it
@KommanderKlobb @asponge it’ll still be shit to play, as the sticks only give digital 8-way input, not analogue...
here’s a fun game : how long does it take you to work out what city this is in :
I didn't realize how fucked over @brandonnn had been by Humana until just now help him out if you can, please
and if you're feelin' selfish, you can get some games with that donation instead
@BRKeogh yeah, it's a shame. still, on the plus side, it's got pretty balanced gender & race representation...
@heather_r @tigershungry oh shit.... you totally told me... can i remember...
@iotwatch ... but the printing costs were not the bulk of the money needed & are any case done shinier
stakeholders vs vampires
Netrunner spoilers! TO THE MOON
@TomNullpointer CYBERPUNK
@pillowfort oh, what, I missed that. flipping nora
@doougle @pillowfort is right now coming to some amazing realizations about that data pack
@TomNullpointer Ah, the game never ends, that's what's so great. If you know enough to enjoy yourself, it's all good from there.
@seniath <3
@expdotzine right, so the reasoning I've heard is that it's to put pressure on deckspace, which is tricky to do w/o introducing new stuff.
@expdotzine which isn't to say I don't still agree with you...
@expdotzine better that they introduce a type for it than keep writing cards like Subliminal Messaging
@expdotzine the thornier part for me is, as you said, keeping the core set vaguely competitive
@nachimir :D ta!
@ammonite @metasynthie @doougle Oh yes! And Stand By For Tape Backup, if you want to cry at the Fresh Prince opening.
I get into SF late on Friday night. Who wants to go for brunch on Saturday morning?
@Avian_Flame @Talen_Lee then you should maybe try The Floor Is Jelly. Bouncy!
@tigershungry THAAAAAAANK YOU <3
@droqen fuuuuuck, that looks great
@joonturbo @tigershungry you're the best friend
@lingmops :D thanks!
@KommanderKlobb taaa
@tigershungry @Motherbeanbear well, Doug's apartment is very nice...
@tigershungry @Motherbeanbear (mainly been working & a little hanging out -- but this weekend I'll go be touristy)
@heather_r just won a game of netrunner! just about to head to five guys, then drinking
@heather_r lemme know when you're about
@heather_r (at metrotech atm)
Photoset: "I know the right way to score, but I like your guys way better"
@seniath also, a failed Snapchat: lovely basement bar in Greenwich Village with a full range of import Sam Smith's.
Morning, UK people. I'm going to bed.
@heather_r now listen, and listen good. If you ever want to see your mittens again you best do exactly as I say
RT @fridgehead: New panel for the van
@leighalexander you still have bins on the metro, though
Wonder if I’ll stop flinching for my metro card when leaving the subway by the time I leave NY…
@seniath just failed to Snapchat you a Greenwich Village bar menu with a full range of Sam Smith's.
@leighalexander I've never been here while you have, but it still feels weird to be in NY while you aren't.
@leighalexander the fear only consists of fear & theatre, not actual prevention, I guess
@nachimir @joonturbo @jonbro definitely should handcuff it to the table, though. It's like a Kensington lock, but with class
@seniath who does? And not the most expensive, just fancy import ale priced
@seniath (was actually an old tweet, stuck in drafts...)
Oh wait, I was going to screenshot saturday Mutazione yesterday.
Here we go. Mutazione, which I'm working on with @gutefabrik #screenshotsaturday
and just after I post that, I notice a glaring bug in the middle of it. haha, whoops
@paperCaves @gutefabrik Nils Deneken! Isn't it just, though? No pressure making it look good in motion...
@paperCaves @gutefabrik oh yeah, the colours & lights totally change along a full 24-hour cycle, we got that already.
This giant floating sphere is great
@ragekit @gutefabrik @edclef yeah, it's mainly whether it's discontinuous on the seams, I think - i like it but it makes Nils' life harder.
@Poxican @gutefabrik gonna call that a success
@ragzouken @jonbro ooooh, lovely shapes
Ahhh, this looks lovely : @alightinchorus
@edclef @alightinchorus I miss ONE London Indies...
@pillowfort @leighalexander wait, TD functions as a critique of the patriarchy? First thing I've heard that's made me wanna watch it.
@pillowfort @leighalexander maybe I'll just rewatch Top of the Lake instead then...
@KommanderKlobb @Dick_Hogg oh, let me know, too, I obviously now have loads on me.
Discussing @terrycavanagh 's burger preferences in a NY diner...
Remembered this article and I love it more than ever
@Carachan1 wait, what?
RT @ma_o_ji: 流子「鮮血就寝!」 鮮血「また明日会おう!おやすみ!」
@leighalexander I do this with worrying regularity. Always a bit surprised the laptop stays in place...
@mcclure111 I like to think of it as the latest in the Ubisoft series
@tigershungry not hockey, it's football
@metasynthie @bfod if you want warm-up netrunner, i'm in town all week
Damnit, registering for a GDC pass is tricky... I can never decide on a job title.
@radiatoryang too easy! "When completing the profile, please do not use foreign characters such as “Ñ, è, ë, ø, ç”."
@mcclure111 @whatisian I made a thing that made great glitchy art & then I didn't manage to print it in time & now feel sad
@mcclure111 @whatisian don't be like me! Be better than me!
@doougle i know! @v21/442755779490086912 :<
@glassarmy this is what I pictured when you said that:
RT @WildRumpus: Tis That Time when we announce the first half of That Line up for That Venus Patrol & Wild Rumpus Party…
RT @WildRumpus: That INTERSTELLAR SELFIE STATION PRINT CLUB EDITION by @christinelove & @_nadine, That ROFLPILLAR by @lucky_frame, That NID…
RT @WildRumpus: & That MEGA-A͈L͈P͈H͈A͈B͈E͈T͈ by @ADAMATOMIC @sakaiasuka Keita Takahashi, Jordan Fehr & Rebekah Saltsman + more Games still …
RT @WildRumpus: With That live performances from That @arcanekids, That @daedelus_music & everyone's favourite french DJ That @DJ_PHIL_LEM …
Look at all that stuff! And there's even more stuff coming later!
@nickludlam Yeah, me too! Actual discussion: "What do you think of this picture for the site?" "Well, I like it, as it's got me in it"
@ashleygwinnell ah, amazing, I didn't know you were out at GDC!
@jennatar @mcclure111 I just have a fistful of shrapnel in my pocket... I wish there we more readily available "manly" coin purses.
@jennatar @mcclure111 is "shrapnel" for loose change a Britishism? I really like it, anyway.
why the hell are coin purses gendered... this is a problem that cuts across genders, surely?
Frog Fractions II
@patrickashe yeah, I don't know either... not that I've got that far, tho
RT @mcclure111: The thing that primarily typifies actual capitalism is a near-complete, near-constant lack of choice for nearly all partici…
Information Management: A Proposal Tim Berners-Lee, CERN March 1989
@expdotzine @brandonnn I'm with Brandon on this one. (says the man who looked at hundreds of card cases because nerds have no taste)
@doougle with or without everyone hanging out?
I worked out what that noise my new computer makes every so often is! And then I turned it off.
RT @webbedspace: - According to this, Netscape tried to fix the == and != equality operators to not use type coercio…
RT @webbedspace: - …but had to revert it in JS 1.3, presumably because Internet Explorer didn't go along with it.
That Party is not all we're doing this GDC... there's also something far more chill...
RT @Official_GDC: Wild Rumpus reveals 'Mild Rumpus' game lineup for GDC 2014
RT @interactopia: Introducing imitone: A new app that lets you create music with your voice. Kickstarting now: http…
RT @WildRumpus: Mon- Thur, West Hall Moscone, featuring SAMOROST3 by @Amanita_Design , KENTUCKY ROUTE ZERO by @cardboardcompy ...
RT @WildRumpus: ...alongside a scattering of live performances (tba) & beanbags the size of Luxembourg
RT @shanley: ALSO WHILE WE ARE ON THE SUBJECT please stop putting things on your bunny's head like pancakes! HAVE SOME SELF RESTRAINT
Also, and more importantly, there will be somewhere comfy to sit near a power socket.
Ahhhhhh... my first experience being unable to play a game because I'm on a Mac...
I guess this is a pretty good computer naming scheme... you're unlikely to run short
@robertpeacock22 I mean, I have a Windows laptop at home...
@robertpeacock22 but I mean, either way you have to start ANOTHER computer .... *ugh*
RT @leighalexander: Here is a new thing I am doing: @steishere and I have begun creative consulting for games developers. More info here: h…
@rubzo @robertpeacock22 12 years ago?
RT @mattleys: Two years ago, the Secretay of State for Health had a statutory duty to provide healthcare. Now he doesn't, but he can close …
@tigershungry @KommanderKlobb "Makes a great gift!"
just did that thing where you finally compile a build and wander round with the debug shit off and it successfully evokes the right feelings
@haikus_by_KN @mrch4d @LadyShotgunGame do all three of you want to go get brunch at Sycamore Saturday morning? I get in late Friday...
An article called "The Man Who Promised Too Much." First line: "Peter Molyneux is crying." Nope, not gonna finish reading this.
@mooonmagic I just played Fjorever! We kept getting stuck in walls?
this whole thread is @emitans/443586082764890112 "Odd numbers are female. Evens are male. 7 and 9 are lesbians. 8 is genderqueer"
@mooonmagic pulled into them!
@mooonmagic i saw stuff gathering in a ring... but never twigged it was respawning waiting to happen.
@mooonmagic i got a newer build through the magic of @brandonnn --- it totally wasn't clear you have to hold down
@mooonmagic @brandonnn I never see the text explaining that I've run out of time/died, as I'm normally holding/whacking buttons.
@mooonmagic @brandonnn I really like this. Swinging around feels really good. Now I mainly want it to be harder & more awkward.
This is a magnificent bug, and makes me want to fix Complex Bugs.
I usually only get to hunt scrawny little bugs these days... which is basically a good thing, don't get me wrong, but still... I miss it.
Good old days with that monstrosity of a PHP app I had to maintain... 3000 line switch statements...
Or hunting rogue SMSes across systems, correlating logs & chasing for info from the network providers...
I think I make a better detective than an architect.
@mooonmagic @brandonnn yeah, and to be fair, it would be good to arrive in this place less painfully & more reliably...
@jonbro of course... over a period of several years. It wouldn't've been so bad, except some of the cases fell through.
@MrTastyFace no pressure sensor -- just connectivity through liquid
@MrTastyFace it's unfortunately reliable
@MrTastyFace get a little radioactive source and start generating real randomness...
@edclef @jonbro @molleindustria you're assuming people have to release games for there to be videogame news
learning about floating point error in a very practical way, a few days before deadline...
@whitingjp in this case, importing an asset then scaling by 0.005 means the z-depths of parts go screwy...
RT @steveklabnik: "Since then I have convinced myself that any failures with git are due to my own deficiencies and not its"…
@J96kHz hahahahaha -- yep! I'm helping organise it, dude!
I hope we play @pamyurin at Wild Rumpus...
I mean, that's a thing that's totally within my control. But still...
@v21 the problem being, i guess, that i commit all the crimes i solve these days
@lingmops this is an answer to a different question, but later language learning is qualitatively different from learning as a child
It feels like an achievement to get to the point where your bugs anthropomorphise your characters.
ie "Mori should be lazier, and wait out of the rain, rather than go shopping herself"
@Draknek When I flew over, I watched the first 15 episodes of Cowboy Bebop. Was a good flight.
RT @compositeredfox: Colorful polygons and exciting news on a brand new @panoramical trailer:
I dreamt my ex was running a community coworking space and though Reality Is Broken is cack.
GDC top tips: have some cereal bars in your bag. drink water. don't think about parties you're not at.
this crunch would be more fun on a train
@JohnPolson @andreaszecher further tip: once a katamari gets above 10 people, you are unlikely get a table at a restaurant.
RT @SlexAxton: ~12 years ago @dylans frustratingly asked the W3C CSS list where the silly X11 colors came from, so I found out: http://t.c…
@radiatoryang @eddiecameron this is the paper on swimmers I was talking about in the bar filled with sand
@joonturbo hells yeah boy!
@SimoRoth ahh, but I really loved the art in that game anyway. Agree more people would've agreed if it was higher res.
@tha_rami @IndieTrainJam good luck!
Consumed with jealousy for #trainjam
@kahodesu I have a flight booked! Money and stuff! Don't tempt me!
@kahodesu whatevs! See you there!
"Until yesterday, I thought that I had had only appropriate, though occasionally manipulative relationships with women."
Tomorrow, San Francisco, brunch, The Sycamore. Who's in?
@thomasfigg yeah, was wondering when you were heading over
@zenalbatross hey, it's George. Don't know if you can do me a favor - have just emailed.
@brandonnn @tigershungry @Dick_Hogg @patrickashe @asponge @KommanderKlobb sorry, been having Airport Crises
I missed the boat on this because of airport, but we announced the final part of our party lineup!
RT @WildRumpus: Now with added shiny new games like That MUSCLE CAT SHOWDOWN by @ThatMajorBueno & Bee & Puppycat's @natazilla...
RT @WildRumpus: ...PUSH ME PULL YOU by (more people than I have room to tweet) @pmpygame, FJORDS FOREVER by @mooonmagic, SYNC by @JonRemedi…
RT @WildRumpus: & finally a shiny new mix from That @TRUTRUTRULUV & live performance by That @baiyon
@JonRemedios yeah! I love your game, man, so happy we're showing it at the party. You're not at GDC, though, right?
Good bye, New York! I had a good time.
@christinelove so good!
RT @asponge: After five years at Shacknews, today was my final day. I'll miss it & them. Exciting secret new job st…
@whatisian yes
RT @ThatMajorBueno: It's a game about muscular cats!!
@leighalexander damnit, why am I leaving tonight and not tomorrow morning?
@BRKeogh brunch tomorrow!
@BRKeogh I'm on a plane, about to take off!
@BRKeogh but : sycamore!
@Draknek 11?
Heyyyy! San Francisco!
@nachimir occurs to me that other than brunch & moving this bastard suitcase, I have no plans tomorrow.
@nachimir so I could spend a while applying puzzles to the briefcase, if you like.
Photo: The hostel is showing Sally Cruikshank cartoons over the check-in desk
@AlanZucconi @gutefabrik yeah, it's intentional! Thanks man!
@craigw1701 no, come along!
@severalbees I have been traveling North America for a month, seriously it's like that everywhere.
@severalbees also, we're getting brunch at the sycamore in a bit, if you want to join
@craigw1701 yup!
@doam we're outside if you want to cab over with us.
@doam just down the road now, waiting up
@doam ok, nevermind, see you there
@Carachan1 it's going to be glorious. And sometimes awful. But mainly the first one.
Photo: Feeling good about life rn
@Carachan1 but you have half of a sustainable source of income, a bunch of friends, and a plan.
@tef what do you mean "assume"?
@mrch4d The Sycamore! Not planning on leaving just yet, feel free to come by.
@tef You surprise me.
@mrch4d BART to 16th, it's a block and a bit south on Mission. By the corner of Sycamore.
dreamt that @brandonnn was shit-talkng me on the @LondonGameSpace mailing list
@compositeredfox un-fav
@xMattieBrice and I surely do appreciate it!
@xMattieBrice minus 10 (C) last week in NY, so
@xMattieBrice it makes your face hurt. But only your face because everything else is under a couple of layers.
@tigershungry @nachimir we're at the sycamore, but our mimosas stop being magical in 40 minutes
@tigershungry @nachimir welcome to SF!
"He went to jail for murder, but he's actually a good guy. Anyway, I knew him when I was in a black metal band"
@tef man, *I* don't know that bar floor
Great morning of drinking far too much and hearing terrible stories.
@tigershungry @KommanderKlobb I have fucking dibs on a.cushion, okay? DIBS
@tigershungry @KommanderKlobb mess with the best, die like the rest
@nachimir @tigershungry by which - we were going to do some programming in a park, then got distracted by zines
@nachimir @tigershungry it's been a good day, okay?
@KommanderKlobb @tigershungry you don't get to have a champion. Step to me yourself, or lose the pillow
@asponge wait, you cracked open the port? Have some seeds, they're awful.
@joonturbo what!?
@joonturbo I feel profoundly at peace with the world
@ADAMATOMIC recent solutions include : watching the first 15 eps of Cowboy Bebop, playing Detective Grimoire. Both highly recommended.
@joonturbo welcome to GDC.
@joonturbo going out drinking later?
@ammonite @tigershungry @nachimir what a coincidence! Just hearing about your poor choice in plane entertainment.
@ammonite @tigershungry @nachimir beer soon would be good! we're down at 22nd & Guerrero. Tomorrow is mainly setup for Mild, so not sure
@ammonite @tigershungry @nachimir this is just the place we're staying! going to get a burrito in a sec!
@jennatar are you playing KVVF? That's all it plays, the last 24 hours
@jukiokallio @terrycavanagh noooo, I can't come up anymore. Come out drinking!
@BanditoJuan @patrickashe @LeehSl @AdriaandeJongh @SovanJedi @adultswimgames well, we're in the park right now...
You Can't Boop Your Butcher
@brandonnn I'm in bed. :(
@severalbees I am, and would love to. But we need to get lunch right now...
@severalbees does this offer extend to, say, half an hour from now?
JetGetters sounds like an enterprise Java product.
@nachimir two days in a row? I'm envious.
@nachimir oh. Heh. I feel fine (though I had an evening hangover, as I couldn't manage to find more booze...)
RT @WildRumpus: Starting tomorrow 5pm - Quadrilateral Cowboy with live Dev commentary by Brendon Chung (@BlendoGames) #gdc2014 #mildrumpus
@leighalexander @smestorp what's the netrunner plans? I heard there were netrunner plans
@eddiecameron Right, but : it's also fine to not be excellent. Non-excellent people often just have different aims.
RT @fraying: “the removal of one form of workplace violence has resulted in the reintroduction of another, much worse form.”…
@webbedspace a pattern I have seen a lot of is that accessible technologies are really ugly and complex conceptually, and hard to master.
@leighalexander @smestorp reasonable! We ended up drinking whiskey at Campo Santo's. But I'll bring decks in tomorrow...
@leighalexander @smestorp to be fair, it's him I want to play. I can watch you complain your deck isn't working right any time.
@leighalexander @smestorp did you take out scorched earth? Are you going to complain if they win you the game "wrong" again?
RT @WildRumpus: Reminder : @BlendoGames is doing us a live director's commentary for Quadrilateral Cowboy at the Mild Rumpus lounge tonight…
RT @WildRumpus: And tomorrow, @cardboardcompy is going to be showing us how Kentucky Route Zero looks when open in the Unity Editor and fro…
RT @WildRumpus: then finally on Thursday @Amanita_Design will be playing through Samorost3 with a live soundtrack at 5pm #mildrumpus #gdc20…
Whoop. 15 mins til Brendon Chung's live dev commentary of Quadrilateral Cowboy, a game I have properly fallen in love the last 2 days.
@aliendovecote yes, definitely! :D
Still the best Kickstarter video
@brandonnn thought setup was from 3 ... will be in soon with it
@brandonnn @JohnPolson oh, okay. Anyway, I'll head straight there.
@brandonnn (there = alt ctrl)
@brandonnn career center, north hall
Judging you if you leave the insert in your GDC pass
@Carachan1 Crystal Maze?
The @arcanekids are idiots. Why didn't they tell us they were bringing custom light gun controllers to the party? We love that shit.
@paullicino like an idiot, I forgot to pay my tab before I left... can you tell them, and take it off my card if they can?
@paullicino I'll be back to pick my card up... they're probably not open at 9 a.m., are they?
@paullicino "BUCKENHAM".
@paullicino (thank you!)
@paullicino amaaaazing. thanks Paul!
@nachimir hey that code you sent was old
@KommanderKlobb @arcanekids yeah!
@asponge where you at? Was gonna leave a pass for Alfred with you.
RT @brandonnn: Here's your illustrated guide to finding @TenyaWanyaTeens on the bottom floor of North Hall at GDC!
@TRUTRUTRULUV flip, no, it completely slipped my mind. On my way to the venue now, will set it up there
@TRUTRUTRULUV yep, not too worried about it - will try to get it working early on in case it goes pear shaped
RT @nachimir: New sounds and hardware have made the RGBriefcase approximately 5000% sultrier than it's ever been.
@patrickashe donging well done
@Robin_B yes please!
Arcane kids showing streetlight manifesto stickers in a unity visualizer in their wild rumpus set. I am so into this.
@mooonmagic @radiatoryang I thought it phased in and out?
@tef tape a bottlecap over it
@TRUTRUTRULUV sorry, man! Especially for when they were used for Baiyon, leaving them uninterrupted was more important than fucking with em
@TRUTRUTRULUV first time setting up live visuals stuff for a show...
@Carachan1 crystal maze?
Making my annual pilgrimage with the Wild Rumpus hire laptops to drop them off at the UPS place.
@LeehSl Roger, 10-4. Though I might have to miss the first half, as we've got our Mild performance then.
Eric Zimmerman eating an ice cream in a park while Alex Fleetwood talks about mindfulness.
@nachimir @brandonnn where at?
@kahodesu this restaurant table is all just looking at this picture
"Your dancing represents significant cultural change"
@jennatar did anyone video it? I want to show people. I might be overtired, but it moved me to tears
@jennatar ... but was too... whatever to say so in person.
I dig p much every detail of this article:
@compositeredfox @dkanaga @jukiokallio yo, we should meet up at some point for Professional Business Purposes
@tigershungry flip, sorry, totally forgot. Omw
@compositeredfox @jukiokallio @dkanaga I'm leaving Monday, so, yeah, might work best. Jukio has to be off to DNA for 6
What am I doing this evening?
RT @JamesWallis: Are you just in after a lovely Saturday? Have you forgotten to book your GameCamp ticket? ONLY 13 LEFT…
@tigershungry alpacas are the new drunken bears
This GDC has been awful for getting stickers
I guess the fix is to design and print a bunch of cool stickers, then do swaps.
@mcclure111 ah, you did well then. @tigershungry has the best collection I know, and she said it was a dry year.
@mcclure111 there was a massive queue every time I looked! Though I still have mine from the Fancy Party in my wallet.
@mooonmagic yes!
@MKULTRAGames no! :(
@tigershungry @Minkette Marie, do you want to take custody of a Wild Rumpus Mac VGA dongle?
@tigershungry @Minkette when it is needed next, you will know. You will heed the call.
@mcclure111 @whatisian yeah, generally need to up my printing game this year.
@MKULTRAGames follow up: I have one now
This fucking suitcase
@leighalexander @christinelove @hentaiphd I don't know why all you women keep pretending there's more than one woman in games.
@mcclure111 I took a picture of the exact same panel! I love the varying wear on different buttons.
@lingmops this was exactly my idea!
@lingmops wait, this idea is even cooler
@lingmops but this is too hardcore for me
@regameyk yeah! great meeting you again!
@scallopdelion @RamiroCorbetta @DylanPM heading to drink at the Mikkeler bar now & staying in Haight... would be good to catch you
@scallopdelion @RamiroCorbetta @DylanPM wait, someone didn't have ID, so scrapping that plan. What y'all up to?
@scallopdelion @RamiroCorbetta @DylanPM they're not drinking, anyway - heading to have beer in a hotel room now, could come out after.
RT @vrunt: this is why you always check the reviews before ordering one thousand live crickets
I have bought crickets through the mail for entirely legitimate reasons, and I would also expect interior packaging
@Minkette fav'd
@compositeredfox @nsuttner me tooooo
RT @AlanZucconi: "Wait... am I them most famous person in the room?" - @v21
@Minkette "good bantz... A+++++ would fav again"
@Carachan1 I manage about a 50% hit rate for making good things on purpose.
Wait, I didn't realize that @webbedspace wrote a new Twine game. It's really good! Thank you @doam!
@Carachan1 ... wait I have flippant easy answers to this, but a long conversation with @Minkette @edclef and @lauraehall last night
@Carachan1 ...has made me think about it properly and now I can't give those.
@Carachan1 anyway: I wish the same was uncomplicatedly the same for me
also follow @webbedspace, he is maybe my favorite person at Tweeting and I do not understand why he is not famous for it
@scallopdelion @RamiroCorbetta @DylanPM ah, I'm just going to head home now. Would love to, but I should be on a call at 7a.m....
@brandonnn @jakevsrobots exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark
Anyone still in SF up for lunch around Haight/the Castro? @scallopdelion ?
@compositeredfox @scallopdelion @danielben probs can't be bothered to head in, rather stroll around here... :(
@scallopdelion will wander over that way myself then - lmk if you start to get hungry
@scallopdelion about 45 minutes away, catch you then
@KommanderKlobb never! I'm never coming home. GDC will last the year, you just have to believe in it.
@tef near dolores with @scallopdelion at quarter to?
@tef @scallopdelion yeah, sounds good
@tef @scallopdelion see you there
@tef @scallopdelion just arrived
@SimoRoth @whitingjp GameCamp is coming up. <3 GameCamp.
@HilariousCow @edclef @nickludlam ah, amazing, so glad there's video. Looking forward to watching that
@compositeredfox gotta get my bag from near here (basically by Dolores park) in a few hours & then go to the airport
@compositeredfox so -- just about, but you'd probably have to blob down here :S
@rich_lem @arcanekids @WildRumpus I remember @Dick_Hogg having to be the dance commander the first year ~~~ seems unthinkable now
@compositeredfox nae worries -- talked to @kozilekmusic this weekend anyway, so we have ideas for music glitchezzzz
RT @webbedspace: By the fifth lap, the drivers had realised they were just driving around in circles, and went off-track to try and find an…
@rich_lem man, I shouldn't get points for that! Just basic decency.
I started tearing up at an innocuous RPS comment earlier, so I don't think I'm recovered from GDC yet.
@Minkette imma miss greeting people with a side hug intended to convey "it's okay. we'll survive this"
wanna look at tumblr but I'm in an airport and sometimes there's naked people on tumblr
@leighalexander someone was telling me the other day that it's bad to look at porn in airports
RT @asponge: I made those gross furry controllers for Musclecat Showdown at That Venus Patrol & Wild Rumpus Party, arse and all. http://t.c…
I could claim to be sad not to be going to the thing at @LondonGameSpace tonight, but drinking and games sounds like the worst to me rn
@Gillespionage Blink-182 to McBusted... I don't know whether that's down or up in the world.
Ah, that sucks. But is is perfectly cyberpunk, so I guess there's an upside.
@brandonnn wait, I completely missed this ramekin chat
@mink_ette @patrickashe @nachimir @Minkette @edclef Also I want to not make it myself, because I already have a zine I'm failing to make.
@SimoRoth wait, I'm one of them. I'm... a bit irritated?
@Minkette @patrickashe @nachimir @edclef If this game ends up The Most Famous Game I Ever Invent, I will just *flip*
@retroremakes @nyarluu a lot of the point of the puzzles is to bury meaning & significance in the world. It works!
RT @WildRumpus: Official word from @LeehSl that Blue/Homer (delete as applicable) is now a legal resident of Melbourne Australia https://t.…
@PeopleIKnow @seniath I would enjoy this as an evening's activity! Count me in.
@steveklabnik eh, I got my cool piece of electronic junk
@seniath @PeopleIKnow arrived back this afternoon!
@nzkoz @steveklabnik but what if they're my friend and I want them to get to make their cool thing?
@metasynthie @xMattieBrice I usually enjoy losing at Netrunner more than winning... more to pick over after
@KommanderKlobb as soon as you find another person's elbow, really
@lauraehall I mean, in so far as that's the idea for the game... I believe I riffed that while on stage.
I'm glad I now have a photo that describes what I do at Wild Rumpus
(There's a full set of photos from the party now up at )
My jetlagged late night ranting is now in the Guardian!
@patrickashe me too -- Woke up at 11 going "uagh! I missed our standup!". In this timezone, it's at 2pm.
@yujily eh, giant tech corp buying smaller company rarely has a good outcome for smaller product's continued growth
@yujily (also I don't really care about widespread VR adoption, I just want more weird bits of tech about at consumer prices)
@yujily Here's hoping!
@yujily Thinking on it : Most of have survived in one form or another, so I guess maybe
Are we really still pushing this Snow Crash shit? Give it up! VR is cool but "the Metaverse" is stupid.
If only Linden Labs was founded recently, they could get bought for a lot of money.
@yujily yeah, but after top management waits out their golden handcuffs, they usually leave because they hate the politics of large cos.
@yujily but the fact they can make their own screens now is cool.
@ADAMATOMIC yeah, this is pretty caveat emptor. But I find it hard to sympathise with whoever is going to lose money on it, so.
@iainl7 Yeah, I am actually exciting about the new wave of cool robots. Especially since previously all the funding was military.
@iainl7 Google might be evil, but at least their robots are less evil than ones explicitly made to kill people.
This playlist makes me feel old:
@pillowfort "Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl" is 12 years old.
@ADAMATOMIC wait, are you saying that designers can reliably tell what'll be popular?
@ADAMATOMIC ah, phew : yeah, I agree with you, there. Worth pointing out that the point of cloning is that the makers don't have to like it.
@Draknek @terrycavanagh @increpare @zarawesome @Four026 @asponge free to crash, but I'm out at a gig & not sure when I'm back.
@jonbro @whatisian @doam @mooonmagic it was nicely insular, but i don't think that's the whole reason.
@hell0jed @jonbro @whitingjp @whatisian @doam @mooonmagic I think : everyone with confidence & experience got busy.
How come the departure board at Stepney Green is showing a Metropolitan line train?
@mooonmagic @whatisian @edclef @doam @jonbro that's something me and ed were talking about more locally
@edclef @whatisian @doam @jonbro @mooonmagic I liked 1 month - even more relaxed. & less often, maybe.
@mooonmagic @edclef @whatisian @doam @jonbro I think it'd be neat to have a new pageant setter each time
@Tom_OBedlam hey tom, i've never read phonogram, can i borrow it off you?
RT @jonty: "Million Pound Startup competition...closed...because none of the 1000 entrants were deemed worthy of the prize"…
@BRKeogh @RaygunBrown I was sent it by the publisher at Keita's request.
@sam_cook @ChaoticTortoise there's a group that meets every Thursday. But also let's pick an evening and I'll teach you it.
@Sosowski @LeehSl @AdriaandeJongh @BernieDeKoven @doougle goddamnit it, me and @patrickashe need to finish our zine.
That amazing Nordic Larp book I must've told 5 people to buy on my trip is now free online : (thanks @doougle)
@phototropy (I think I'm being facetious here, but) is that the language from Fez?
@raiganburns US law currently prohibits public sale of equity to individuals worth less than $1m, but that's changing (iirc)
Whoa, did not know this about the Kitty Genovese story
@raiganburns @jonbro seems like it'll be even more all or nothing than KS.
@metasynthie @wileywiggins @leighalexander I like that the screen is strapped to your face and you can't look away.
@metasynthie @leighalexander @wileywiggins I really love the intimacy of a stranger putting headphones on me after I've blindfolded myself.
@leighalexander @metasynthie @wileywiggins but somehow Linden shuttered Versu before anyone made any porn for it. No justice in this world.
@psychicteeth need any help, hmu : I have spent far too long on this stuff.
@patrickashe @TRUTRUTRULUV sounds lush
Holy shit this is a lovely article about @WildRumpus
@brandonnn @natazilla @ThatMajorBueno are you gonna do a super-local debut after that in your living room?
@tassosstevens sitting at a piano full of electronics, listening to a panel on videogames #solotwo
@asponge are you going to do the voice again?
@Chris_Jeffery static html? Perch? WP?
@Chris_Jeffery never used Perch either, but this is it's usecase.
@Chris_Jeffery I'd probably end up using WP, but wish I'd an alternative the whole time
@Chris_Jeffery doesn't mean WP isn't the best choice, mind
@ivansafrin @vectorpoem we're using twine : we wrote a custom parser that uses it - can send you examples
RT @wwwtxt: Why shouldn't I be able to lay out my virtual papers on a rocky terrain, grouping and labeling them to be easily seen from “the…
@LewieP I mean, we have asked similar from friends. Though I draw the line at "it'd be great if you already have a pass".
@LewieP well, we've put calls out for similar, too (ie party volunteers). Fine line, which I think they stepped over with that passes line.
@psychicteeth @FLuxemburg sometimes I'm vining a cool thing but a boring person is talking and I wish I could source-mute it.
@psychicteeth @FLuxemburg the best solution would be boring people to stop talking, though.
@LewieP that too
@iamcarneiro nothing makes things feel as stressful as having to improvise production duties.
@iamcarneiro (actually, having tweeted that, lots of things come to mind that make things feel stressful. BUT STILL)
Slowly real life conversations fade into twitter conversations, as the warm glow of belonging from GDC recedes.
(though, this is the first year I've left GDC with a warm glow of belonging! Good job, personal growth!)
@compositeredfox quick googling makes me ask : you using "tex2Dlod", not "tex2D"?
@FLuxemburg @psychicteeth awww! didn't mean it that way! (though, fuck, it's late, me too)
@compositeredfox 0_0
@increpare @bfod I've found worrying little relationship between "successful" games & hard work. Crossed fingers for this multi-year game...
Last night, I was thinking that Kill la Kill was getting boring. Then comes a recap episode & I'm in love again.
@nickludlam that's culturally significant, too!
@joonturbo @jonbro Would be easy to make -- you've got a lot more space to play around with. see, eg,
@joonturbo @jonbro (which would be stupid for TWT, as there's 32 buttons there... but with a few big ones, custom mods are fine)
@patrickashe I wrote this:
@patrickashe The bottom of this page, too:
@jonbro @patrickashe Everything I wrote there I still agree with, and not much comes to mind that I missed.
@severalbees No, but I might be up for it after I go out for curry.
@patrickashe love that Tale of Tales has two.
@Gillespionage For some strange reason, this reminds me of you
@HonestWilliam @botherer this is a lovely interview :) Really glad I got to hang out with you this GDC.
@expdotzine DF using volunteers is fine : the icky bit was "best if you already have your own pass"
- @dkanaga put his talk up & it's probably worth paying attention to it.
@KommanderKlobb @dkanaga He was 1/3 of a 1hr slot, I imagine he used his normal voice for the actual talk, but otherwise the same.
@scallopdelion GDC giveth, and GDC taketh away
This .pdf of the maps you find around London is really inspiring design work
one thing I missed about London when I was away was how well designed the signage is
@tef thought you were refusing to research public transport while on holiday?
Particular shoutout to this minilith, which I seem to consult every time I get off the tube at Holborn,-0.119922,3a,75y,190.07h,79.25t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s6ogeM2umTo0L0kCVieYu8w!2e0!6m1!1e1
@severalbees @asponge @hannahnicklin @garethbriggs @patrickashe yes please, I would like to see/drink with/roll around a park with you all.
@tef I am, though those answers largely strike me as common sense. What matters more is the questions asked.
@tef I guess that's p much all design, though.
@PerrinAshcroft @LewieP piracy involves duplication, no?
@brandonnn @partytimeHXLNT hi hi from London! Glad to have met you in Toronto!
@asponge I assume you were the one who trimmed Maddie's claws and I am enjoying that so much right now.
@doougle See also the KS update that announced the FB buyout, ending in "We’ll see you in the Metaverse!"
Suspect snark can often be unpacked, with the right context and a following breeze, as a coherent criticism all packed up small.
"not The Next Big Platform, but rather simply The Final Platform – the platform to end all platforms" oh jesus christ
see! that was snarky! But I could expand it into a 300-500 word blog post if I wasn't going to watch anime & fall asleep instead.
@doougle ah, I gave them a pass because : you're allowed to believe your own bad ideas & I could see potential for that outside the holodeck
@doougle maybe my opinion is informed by a great love of endlessly unpackable statements. not saying they're good or useful, just i love 'em
@doougle I think this is a Profound Statement, but it also needs about 2 years of training to understand properly.
@hannahnicklin guess i should post selfies from bed more often, then.
RT @gamecamp: Middle Bird tickets for GameCamp 7, on Saturday 17th May, going live now!
@severalbees OKAY
@severalbees holly i have a problem and i could do with advice. I want to drink gin in a park, but last night i drank half a bottle of gin
@severalbees and drinking a whole bottle of gin myself in 2 days feels like too much. what should i do? signed, george
@severalbees also someone else drank the other half. But I can buy more gin.
@failnaut ! sounds exciting. hmu at or
I want Ryuko Matoi's shoes.
guess I should put on clothes & go buy some gin & go sit in vicky park and get drunk
@severalbees where in the park are you? Have you actually got there yet?
Fuck! This tweet @agolis/449899151627923456 reminded me of the beer I wanted to drink in NY but couldn't remember - Even More Jesus.
@eddiecameron I told you it had Jesus in the name!
@haikus_by_KN that's if it turns out to be a late one
@haikus_by_KN I have had lunchtime chicken before, but it always feels like a worrying precedent
"... so you... bought some Kate Bush tickets just to see if you could, and then declined them?"
@asponge are you Zoe Quinn?
@lingmops I am, though I'm not really social on there. Same u/n as here
@philippawarr it's really lovely, isn't it?
@philippawarr think it might be the best thing @Draknek has ever done
RT @severalbees: Was asked about my hopes for the future of video games. I dunno, keep letting me come to your conferences until live games…
Watch this video without reading the title or description, if you can
@failnaut it doesn't! But there's a plugin for that.
@increpare yep -- for all my big talk of needing to do work, i slept late and rolled around unproductively all day instead :<
@Livelyivy I prefer to say "it's never the player's fault"
@increpare I am weak...
- gives me a good feeling
TIL that the C# null-coalescing operator ("??") doesn't work when referring to values left unset in the Unity3D inspector.
(Despite the fact that "(val == null)" returns true, the type coercion rules are sufficiently different that it fails with ??
(and, of course, Unity doesn't just return null, in order to give you a UnassignedReferenceException, rather than a NullReferenceException)
Since @haikus_by_KN encouraged me to keep going, one final stab : And of course, none of this is documented by Unity at all.
@severalbees I have your flowery hair-clip.
@benxo So does France! Basically, the President is like the Queen, but elected.
@haikus_by_KN I blame the parents.
@reallyfancy @BrightonIndies @VRBrighton Also, now imagining a pub with a bunch of people in Oculuses, groping blindly for their pints.
@aliceingameland have you been spending the time in an aeroplane?
@resiak This strikes me as very easily rigged.
My Struggle with NavMeshes : The George Buckenham Story
@docky Unity ones. After a day or two, got them working, but they're endlessly fiddly and unfeatured after that.
@docky (but right now, endlessly tweaking our fake floor meshes to avoid seams... in some senses soothing, in some senses not)
@TRUTRUTRULUV think there's about a 50% chance I'll end up scrapping it and going with something else by the time this ends.
@TRUTRUTRULUV though, they promise unspecified improvements in Unity 5, so
@TRUTRUTRULUV Yeah, p much. I'm using ProBuilder to make meshes in the editor, and you basically have to vertex align everything.
Here's @Carachan1's latest Embed With with @108 It's good, and arouses lots of complicated thoughts in me.
It's easy to hate Tim Rogers for being cooler than you, I think. But then again, I'm eating salad &making a videogame in a Dalston cafe, so.
Ah, whoops, forgot the link
@joonturbo man, you don't need to hang out with me to be cool!
@TRUTRUTRULUV I'm going to cc you in an email discussion about an accountability club.
RT @patrickashe: The lovely folks at Coney are doing a Kickstarter for their ace show Early Days (Of A Better Nation), give it a look https…
@PeteOlympian @orangefeeling I'm going again this year (to run videogames)
@TRUTRUTRULUV Always strange to have influenced people more successful than you
@asponge I'm at L'atelier in Dalston, having failed to get into the Gamespace
@asponge Can head back now if needed -- will be about 40 mins.
@asponge oops, turned it off to fix my notifications thing being stuck, and forgot to turn it back on again.
@asponge omw
@severalbees wait, hang on, too late
@alexhern yes. There's a train on NJ Transit that leaves from Penn Station (I did the reverse recently)
@rclarke I went to "FAQ", but they didn't have an answer to the question "Who is giving you money to promote tablets?"
@rclarke Luckily, me the answer : probably Carphone Warehouse & Dixons.
"Freed Fiction mashes up books and games to create dynamic cross-platform content for young adults"
@edclef thanks! I'm gonna monetize some teens.
RT @russellhonor: my thoughts on something a contract says i can't talk about or maybe this is about rec soccer
@doougle @doubleanna Ah, that talk looks great (though I fear for my sanity if we decide to voice the dialogue in this game...)
Just submitted my entry for the BOOPZINE. #boop
@lauraehall Mine is... maybe really boring?
@lauraehall It features a sleepy @patrickashe and a map done in watercolours.
@tigershungry @lauraehall for once I'm not the slowcoach!