v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2014/11

  1. …in reply to @edclef
  2. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian I know, right?!
  3. Anyone at GameCity able to courier a thing to Mitu?
  4. Still not over introducing @hannahnicklin and @pintendo64 to each other. I'm not sure I'll ever be, tbh.
  5. Battery on 13%, been on singles for a while, it's 02:46 am... where's next?
  6. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @nachimir fried breakfast in a bit?
  7. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin y, but it's bittersweet. It reminds them of the feeling of wind, which they miss.
  8. …in reply to @nachimir
  9. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @edclef @jawsew @Pyroka @Arndreth Alice is also in. My Nottingham breakfast memories apparently don't include names - you say?
  10. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @edclef @jawsew @Pyroka @Arndreth @MartinKvale let's believe in ourselves, and hit Warsaw.
  11. …in reply to @nachimir
  12. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow basically, now you have to eat another one straight after.
  13. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow I'm in a pre cafe cafe, following from the heroic example @philippawarr set with her pre burrito burrito.
  14. RT @patrickashe: My favourite memory of Gamecity was @v21 drunkenly declaring 'Fuck London' due to it's lack of chips & cheese as he devour…
  15. Chips and cheese, man. Chips and cheese.
  16. RT @katierosepipkin: i am so incensed about this how am i going to vary sun and moon placement now all my leading birds will be far left …
  17. …in reply to @hollygramazio
  18. …in reply to @adtidixon
  19. …in reply to @aliceingameland
    @aliceingameland @banjoses scrolling like this as i read this tweet
  20. …in reply to @tef
    @tef @aliceingameland @banjoses finger lengths differ, tho
  21. Deja vu twice in two days. I really don't like deja vu.
  22. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin @goode_bye whoa that is super interesting!
  23. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin maaaaaaybe
  24. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin I would be super interested to hear the details of how to hook them up. How reliable/durable is the effect?
  25. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin By coincidence, been talking with @tigershungry about her Makey Makey plant-touching game today.
  26. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @TylerGlaiel kinda tempted to explode this even longer by adding in 0 and 1 s...
  27. RT @spacekatgal: Announcing the legal defense fund for women targeted by Gamergate. Please RT. spacekatgal.tumblr.com/post/101422081503/standing-up-to-gamergate-bullies http://t.co/lbvTubp…
  28. RT @n0wak: Not entirely sure what's going on in this Aphex Twin interview noyzelab.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/syrobonkers-part1.html but will definitely delve deeper.
  29. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut But there was some thought of this from the very off - I booped Pat on the nose, and then immediately invented the...
  30. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut ... elbow boop because that was too invasive of personal space. I do worry about consent within the game, though.
  31. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @failnaut (& if there's a regret I have about Boop, it's the lack of explicit means to tell people they were/are over the line)
  32. …in reply to @failnaut
    @failnaut @patrickashe for regular elbow-boop, no : more invasive boops are explicitly flagged as needing "the correct social context"
  33. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @tigershungry @nachimir @jonbro not to justify it, but worth remembering that this feeling is also part of the appeal.
  34. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @mink_ette @nachimir @jonbro I'm still really sorry about that, but that was more about me being clumsy/violent than consent.
  35. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @jonbro @mink_ette @nachimir ugh, yeah. (but still, there are contexts where that could be fine! _very_ particular contexts)
  36. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @mink_ette @tigershungry @nachimir GFP specifically says "[Boop is easy]. Booping someone spectacularly is hard."
  37. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite @mink_ette @tigershungry @jonbro "Advanced boop" (nose-to-nose) came from a misreading, and was mistaken for an invitation to kiss
  38. RT @mrwasteland: It's funny. "You are standing in front of the coffin. (Pay Respects)" is a thing that would work just fine in a Twine stor…
  39. it used to be my Most Famous Game was one it took an afternoon to make. now it's one that took 5 minutes to make? (what comes next?)
  40. …in reply to @puzzletheory
    @puzzletheory @mink_ette @tigershungry @nachimir @jonbro uh... not really? I can't remember the exact timeline with the man with the flogger
  41. …in reply to @puzzletheory
    @puzzletheory @mink_ette @tigershungry @nachimir @jonbro but elbow was chosen because it was the least personal part of the body
  42. …in reply to @puzzletheory
    @puzzletheory @classicdetch Yeah! It's in mine & @patrickashe's book, and the rules are also in this review : aplayfulpath.com/untamed-games/
  43. Spotify made a playlist called "What To Play While Taylor's Away" and it includes Ed Sheeran and Mumford & Sons.
  44. RT @mcclure111: "Press X to mourn", says the prompt, but it doesn't say what the other buttons do.
  45. …in reply to @undefined
  46. RT @mcclure111: Remember back in the 90s when the mere existence of "non-public" Microsoft APIs was considered an antitrust issue? https://…
  47. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @whitingjp @hengineer @derElbi I heard some of it from Jonathan. Strange hearing characters you invented go off and have adventures.
  48. …in reply to @undefined
    @m1sp a game with auto-generated balancing, so the online guides are sufficiently complex to not be very useful.
  49. This: feral-vector.com/?p=1158 (and @nachimir & @failnaut's tweets last night) is important. On Boop and other public games & consent.
  50. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @patrickashe this ... seems unsurprising?
  51. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @patrickashe I mean, you're a habitual liar with a well developed imagination, none of this is surprising
  52. …in reply to @mtrc
    @mtrc @bonzrat yeah, there's a great story about Ed showing it to his mother, and feeling "like a bad son" when she couldn't control it.
  53. …in reply to @mtrc
    @mtrc @bonzrat (that's why left click moves forwards, unless I've mangled the story some)
  54. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern @leighalexander seconding this
  55. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek is it ethical not to warn them, though?
  56. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef "the Companies Act requires all business emails sent by a corporation to include... * registered office address."
  57. …in reply to @v21
    @edclef which is only part of the answer, tho.
  58. rockpapershotgun.com/2014/11/04/best-party-games-2/ @Brendy_C's series on games parties continues to be great, even when it isn't about ours.
  59. RT @WildRumpus: Hey Seattle & Pacific North Wester... tis but T minus 3 days until the @EmpMuseum 's Indie Revolution launch party http://t…
  60. @hannahnicklin look at the link I just posted
  61. …in reply to @undefined
    @caraellison oh wow EAT ALL THE FOOD if you do not eat like 4 tasty meals a day you have failed
  62. …in reply to @undefined
    @caraellison also if you get the chance go to the botanical gardens. and Haw Par Villa.
  63. …in reply to @undefined
    .@m1sp "intended to be an exclamation mark in the style of the rude boy logo found on records by The Specials published [by] 2 Tone"
  64. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle I was just reminded of this youtube.com/watch?v=TuwCo94a5Js
  65. oh! the right wing are against immigration because of concern for the migrants home countries losing valuable people theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/nov/05/eu-migrants-uk-gains-20bn-ucl-study?CMP=share_btn_tw
  66. RT @KBsGameTOILET: G-Toilet BookUpdate - early test version back from printer- colour match good,but some scaling issues apparent http://t.…
  67. RT @thetimes: @GMA Who are you calling a local paper?!
  68. RT @patrickashe: Remember when all indies got rich and everyone was happy then there was too many indies and now everyone is sad.
  69. "One recurring comment is ”Notice me senpai”, a phrase Felix coined long ago"
  70. RT @HilariousCow: At the same time, people are still making good things for good reasons, even if there’s a storm on the surface.
  71. RT @HilariousCow: I think I find nostalgia frightening in these respects. So many people wanting to go back. But we can’t go back. So let’s…
  72. …in reply to @ntlk
    @ntlk to enable developer options on Android post 4.2, you go to Settings > About phone, and tap the build number 7 times.
  73. RT @brandonnn: OK here we go, here are the 639 entries in the 2015 IGF: igf.com/php-bin/entries2015.php
  74. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew i heard you killed that at karaoke
  75. RT @mcbess: Tips when drawing, when you don't know how to draw part of something, just draw it weird as bullshit, nobody gives a fuck.
  76. RT @realnoyb: I just released The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis! It's free and has puzzly scenarios. glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/8589 http://t.co…
  77. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin InDesign! I didn't know how to use it when I started, and still don't now.
  78. I made a thing and it turns out now I feel a moral obligation to support it when the thing it attaches to changes.
  79. I wish I had made plans to go see fireworks this evening
  80. RT @mcclure111: "Lean in" means joining the sickness in tech instead of trying to fix it (from thebaffler.com/salvos/dads-tech) http://t.co/wgHhgnAz…
  81. RT @mcclure111: A recurring quirk in these discussions is that by empathy concerns being coded as female,men are being trained to not expec…
  82. RT @mcclure111: When we try designing feminist or woman-friendly spaces, the main thing we wind up doing is just designing spaces that aren…
  83. RT @mcclure111: "Don't talk over people" or "don't assume someone asking 4 help is ignorant" becomes a feminist ideal. Somehow exclusively …
  84. Having to assert dominance is so boring... it's really a prisoner's dilemma type thing.
  85. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 Like, if it's a good joke, I don't really care if I'm in the high-status role or not.
  86. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 but then someone else takes that as a sign to test their actual social dominance, and then it's like.... ughhhhhhh. no. that's not it.
  87. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 is this one of these things that's actually a really gendered experience that everyone accepts as normal and no-one talks about?
  88. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy SUCH A TINY FACE
  89. …in reply to @srules
    @srules I have seen like 3, and I'm just in my room. They're all a bit rubs, tho.
  90. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @Zetsaika I was gonna suggest that + plugins. But honestly configuring + hosting that properly is probably as much pain.
  91. …in reply to @undefined
    @nyarluu @brandonnn I have the same thing with my phone.
  92. electrondance.com/the-conversation-1-gta-is-proteus/ what game is as good as GTA for cotching with friends and getting blazed and occasionally jumping some ramps?
  93. Today I learned about executioners theappendix.net/blog/2014/6/a-short-history-of-the-executioner (which led to, among other things, this amazing WP page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry-Cl%C3%A9ment_Sanson)
  94. …in reply to @miguelsicart
    @miguelsicart "Oh, fuck you, that's not a bear" "Oh, c'mon start up already, I only have half an hour for lunch" (sorry to be a grump)
  95. it'd be weird to not do any curation work - to look at a list of videogames and just think about which i might enjoy playing.
  96. …in reply to @v21
    then again, why would i be reading a big ol' list of videogames in that case?
  97. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro I've got to the point I think "oh, I should make a panel for this" and I ... just can, without fussing? Took me years to get here.
  98. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro no, no, my point was : if you spend years, and fit yr expectations deliberately around what is easy, it becomes tolerable.
  99. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro it'd take an extreme case for me to make a custom UI if I didn't have teammates that really needed them
  100. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro they're nice! just render a bunch of EditorGUILayout.Something in their place and you shouldn't suffer too much?
  101. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro I assume you're trying to do manual layout within them? that sounds like a faff
  102. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
  103. …in reply to @undefined
  104. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @geeoharee It was about a year ago everyone decided the indie-dev uniform was plaid shirt, dark jeans, vague beard.
  105. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @geeoharee So basically Our Lord And Saviour Steve Jobs, but with a bigger beard?
  106. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew all I want from VR is stupid gimmicks and experiments, so there's not much I'm actually looking forward to.
  107. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew That said, I'd jump at the chance to play Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes again, or to play Soundself on the Rift.
  108. …in reply to @moonmurmur
    @moonmurmur I wish I could get the moon.
  109. RT @moonmurmur: @v21 i just caught you cheating on the moon with a flare star
  110. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @geeoharee paging @aanand. @aanand, if you could come to the white courtesy phone, please.
  111. I wish it was still acceptable to just tweet song lyrics you like, without any context.
  112. …in reply to @alexhern
    .@alexhern if this was a subtweet aimed at me, it was a laser-guided one.
  113. …in reply to @chrisoshea
    @chrisoshea I write them down on a big pad of paper in front of me, until the paper gets full, at which point I turn it over.
  114. …in reply to @chrisoshea
    @chrisoshea That's not a recommendation.
  115. RT @KommanderKlobb: The following RTs are the 1st plug of a Tumblr of kids book recommendations I've done, up now at kidsbookswelove.tumblr.com
  116. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths of COURSE you want one. The only time I've used one was when we were playing frisbee with it at the beach.
  117. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry Marie, that carpet is beautiful.
  118. RT @eevee: apparently due to (a) assuming time increases monotonically (b) DST (c) unsigned integers: some Smash 3DS players were banned fo…
  119. "As far as trust networks go, I had Kingofpol at the top level, with @​Nero and @​AdamBaldwin."
  120. …in reply to @chrisoshea
    @chrisoshea I know a Siri.
  121. RT @patrickashe: Full line up for Beta Public is up now with awesome things from @agencyofconey, @cardboardcompy, @compositeredfox, @Poxica…
  122. RT @patrickashe: ...@GameOvenStudios @taleoftales @v21 @StampEllie & Emma Bennett http://t.co/RvbrgUvx8S 18th November from half 7.
  123. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle welcome to the glorious world of owning a smartphone!
  124. RT @aanand: “All Cameras Are Police Cameras” – @jamesbridle on top form. shorttermmemoryloss.com/nor/2014/11/07/all-cameras-are-police-cameras
  125. RT @SLAwrites: Twitter can afford an eight-story skybridge but they're relying on free labor from women to fix sexist harassment: http://t.…
  126. Reading @caraellison's latest S.EXE (rockpapershotgun.com/2014/11/07/s-exe-gateway-shuffle/), and listening to that harmonica, and rewriting our inventory system.
  127. …in reply to @v21
    & thinking: programming is a lousy way to express yourself/i should get a G&T/these music&words have transmuted frustration into acceptance
  128. …in reply to @v21
    also! I should revisit Always Stuck... maybe build a little installation somewhere. actually do some writing for it.
  129. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 flip! What's the elephant story, tho?
  130. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 Ugh, I feel that. Mine is a stupid anti-GG thing I stole from a female friend who didn't post it because of obvious reasons.
  131. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 What adds to the feeling is that her boyfriend also posted it and got even more RTs than me.
  132. …in reply to @leigh_books
    @leigh_books "Ricky Fonting"
  133. …in reply to @undefined
    @caraellison I admired it! Mind, the creative process for my Space Cowboy game was like 50% listening to that song and staring into space.
  134. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe me too. a bad evening, but knowing that somewhere out there a Dog Park exists has redeemed it some.
  135. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin oh, hah, i saw this earlier, but didn't click to reveal the Tinder surround.
  136. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox no advice -- but we've got the same problems, but much worse
  137. RT @tha_rami: Here's @mooonmagic doing his thing at #EMPGameRevolution
  138. Bot Summit is happening around the time I will be returning home drunk from a park. That's alright.
  139. paulgraham.com/tricked.html Paul Graham insists that a rare moment of insight was in fact a joke, and it shouldn't be taken seriously.
  140. Imagine if people were taught community patterns & antipatterns in school.
  141. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath sure. My fee is many delicious cocktails.
  142. …in reply to @brandonnn
    @brandonnn @patrickashe ha ha! For once I have a zine-like object that Pat doesn't.
  143. Not sure I've ever loved Alice as much as when she just rhetorically threw a sparkler into the middle distance (it represented feminism)
  144. Feels like you should have an active life on multiple social networks in case one turns into a hostile place for you.
  145. sitting at home, watching people talk about bots, and drinking gin and harassing a cat. hi. youtube.com/watch?v=3FdqRII2occ webchat.freenode.net/?channels=botsummit
  146. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 you have lasted longer than me.
  147. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 i find all of my experiences with internet dating sites feel like grinding glass against my soul
  148. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 i think it's just the concept, not the site design pticly?
  149. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 it's also easier for you, as you don't just have the additional grind of "talk to people! they probably won't reply to you!"
  150. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 the fuckiest thing is i don't know a better place to recommend you than okc for dating internet people.
  151. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 "internet people" is not an unalloyed positive
  152. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 i guess there's fetlife, but i understand that's a whole other bag of bullshit
  153. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 :/ and again, i heard that's it's own form of awful. :/
  154. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 I should have a active OKC profile again, I guess? I hate writing about myself. i hate approaching people. I hate this all.
  155. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 from the bot conf I'm watching right now
  156. …in reply to @pintendo64
    @pintendo64 haha. that's the Kimi Experience©.
  157. I got drunk and fell asleep before the bot summit was over! And just before @katierosepipkin's talk!
  158. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted @katierosepipkin I just did! It really is!
  159. …in reply to @v21
    I watched it now! It's great. It's about the Byzantine conception of icons as being manifestations of saints. youtube.com/watch?v=3FdqRII2occ#t=4h12m46
  160. …in reply to @edjeff
    @edjeff @SquidyUK This was a random episode we had on a VHS tape growing up. I have seen this episode many many times.
  161. …in reply to @v21
    @edjeff @SquidyUK & yeah, it was all a dream. "🎶 ... tear down the wall... 🎶"
  162. RT @haikus_by_KN: Remembrance isn’t only about those who fought, but also those who refused | Harry Leslie Smith gu.com/p/43649/tw via…
  163. RT @xMattieBrice: fuck 'passion industry' what more of a dystopian construct can you think of
  164. RT @PennyRed: America's monstrous abortion laws now take away the civil rights of every pregnant person in many states. http://t.co/A1UONlg…
  165. …in reply to @lindiemoo
    @lindiemoo @Grave_Dohl @petercoffin Watch John Berger's classic Ways of Seeing (Episode 2, especially) and you'll see exactly that?
  166. Awww... for once I'm not an IGF entrant, and miss out on all the fun. (Not an IGF judge either, because I probably don't have time)
  167. …in reply to @konjak
  168. Mnunu Nimune's body of work is just --- (mnununimune.com/)
  169. …in reply to @Robin_B
    @Robin_B Just tell one of us? Or, we have a full on submission page, but that's probably effort if it's not yours. (thewildrumpus.co.uk/sendusyourgames)
  170. RT @zunguzungu: If you want to know why Sofia Samatar is the very best, here's one of her great stories: strangehorizons.com/2013/20130107/selkie-f.shtml at Strange …
  171. RT @partytimeHXLNT: In 2013, I wrote on gender, NES hacking, and the media. Perhaps of interest in this crazy, post-GG world. http://t.co/d…
  172. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow the point isn't to stand up to scrutiny. the point is to create a climate that's hard for other viewpoints to live within.
  173. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow like, and the Daily Show is already a good example of this. Time spent pointing out those lies is not spent pushing forward.
  174. I miss the days when we could talk about important topics with nuance and good humour.
  175. …in reply to @leighalexander
    @leighalexander Okay okay, fine. I went on the forum I spent about 10 years on for the first time in a year last week.
  176. …in reply to @leighalexander
    @leighalexander I forgot how awful it could be.
  177. @mcclure111 I was looking for a program I wrote that glitches webcam input, but this seems like it's broken/wrong?
  178. I was looking for a program I wrote that glitches a webcam feed. But the last build was broken, so I found a program that glitches it wrong.
  179. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 long enough ago I have no idea why this program would exist, or how. Anyway : nottheinternet.com/files/not_block_sorter.zip
  180. RT @lorenschmidt: The giants plant flowers in the outside of the password.
  181. @dnproulx/530178899653578752 the flags indicate there is a person holding a flag, because the design on the flag is a person holding a flag
  183. RT @sciencevsmagic: And a gif of how I made that last image, to show how it works.
  184. …in reply to @sciencevsmagic
    @sciencevsmagic way to show the rest of us up! ugh.
  185. These days I only really love hard sci-fi when the sci is sociology/anthropology.
  186. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern I haven't, but thanks for the rec!
  187. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore I mean, that tweet was made reading your tweets on Interstellar and thinking "they should make films from Ursula K LeGuin's work"
  188. …in reply to @undefined
    @adragonbee @alexhern Yeah, I'd second that, I really enjoyed it(but have found myself unconcerned about when I get to read Ancillary Sword)
  189. I played the full version of The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis. Bleak, absurdist, funny. Highly recommended. glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/8589
  190. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @severalbees Holly, are you... growing up?
  191. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @severalbees I just ask because you specifically asked to be warned if it seemed like you were getting "boring".
  192. RT @SnowballPoetry: o ok now boys thats enough secular humanism
  193. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @hollygramazio I want to cut false bottoms into breadbins now- a thing underneath switching the contents every time it opens
  194. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary "art exhibitions" especially? Wild Rumpus commissioned Tenya Wanya Teens, and half-comissioned Musclecat Showdown.
  195. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary And there's all the No Quarter games, most of which have got mentioned individually.
  196. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary I guess all the VMGS Arcade Jam stuff might count, too - Doom Piano, Pansy Party, RGB Briefcase.
  197. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario ahhh, this is the best one yet. reminds me of the Victoria line.
  198. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario nah, they've got some really lovely murals: one at each platform all the way up. google.com/search?q=victoria+line+tiles&tbm=isch (Look at Warren Street)
  199. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario I was just about to tweet about it! It's def my favourite.
  200. Shoutout to the beak of the swan in the tiles designed by Abram Games at Stockwell station on the Victoria line.
  201. …in reply to @UnburntWitch
    @TheQuinnspiracy South Park : Chef Aid. Though I actually got a friend to buy it for me, not sure why. Else: Aqua's Dr Jones.
  202. …in reply to @radicalbytes
    to expand on @radicalbytes' argument : male roles are usually for identifying with. female roles are often for being possessed.
  203. …in reply to @v21
    men get to do things. women get to be things.
  204. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @garethbriggs @hannahnicklin @tigershungry ahhhhhhhh... still bummed i missed this!
  205. …in reply to @nikkipugh
    @nikkipugh oooooo!
  206. I have been reminded of this amazing zine sarahrecordswebsite.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/lemonade.pdf
  207. RT @katierosepipkin: #nanogenmo planning looks real odd semantically
  208. RT @SnowballPoetry: i go out with chaps unless someone suspects
  209. RT @hannahnicklin: All around us; infusing hem lines, petrol gauges, not turned away from our borders: coltan-ridden smart phones. War is n…
  210. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin i am sorry to hear this. here's some flowers that I think suit you guide.sebastien-ibanez.fr/en/sites/default/files/imagecache/zoom/IMG_3182.JPG
  211. "it's an attempt to try to discover why all human beings (especially artists) has such a hard time asking for things"
  212. RT @mcclure111: @henkboom You own 1 worm Anytime it sees a situation it hasn't seen before, it asks you what to do
  213. RT @mcclure111: @henkboom It remembers, if it sees the situation again, it repeats your previous instruction for that case
  214. RT @mcclure111: @henkboom Eventually, you've given it instructions covering all possible circumstances, so it takes over and you no longer …
  215. This discussion on an expensive tech conference is odd and interesting, coming from a indie games standpoint. @williamsba/531210414055759873?s=09
  216. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 WordPress
  217. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier #dudesgreetingdudes
  218. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @mink_ette log lady cosplay?
  219. "Good News" Paddington Bear next to a Parliament Square covered in temporary fencing to keep protestors away.
  220. Asked if the FA had damaged the image of football's world governing body, Dyke said: "I think it's quite hard to damage the image of Fifa."
  221. …in reply to @srules
    @srules @JamesMackerness OKAY. Last night, after the BAC, I went to a 1989 discussion group. We discussed each song in order.
  222. …in reply to @srules
  223. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  224. Boy, these colour scales look great, I can't wait to reproduce them in @Photoshop! vis4.net/blog/posts/mastering-multi-hued-color-scales/ (cc @bfod (sorry))
  225. RT @FemicomMuseum: “Most collectors won’t mourn the loss of a children’s game (especially one geared toward young girls)” —AtariProtos http…
  226. …in reply to @whitingjp
    @whitingjp @doougle Audrey wuz robbed.
  227. …in reply to @undefined
  228. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe the 30 seconds limit is a config option?
  229. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe game home folder/settings/timeLimit.ini , apparently?
  230. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin "anyone" <3
  231. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I didn't argue about the UI, did I?
  232. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe (yeah, I know -- my point was that the clock thing is shitty UI (okay, maybe technically UX))
  233. I've been thinking about to for a while, and I don't need a jumper - I need a cardigan. cc @hannahnicklin @patrickashe #jumpercrew
  234. I am ... performing? at this, on Tuesday. bit.ly/b3tapubl1c I've never performed at a thing before. Come along and watch?
  235. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe me too!
  236. Important Taylor Swift fanfic fanfiction.net/u/4363048/edjeff
  237. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe oh god, the Honeyslug bants sound like they're on top form today
  238. …in reply to @MagInTheSmoke
    @MagInTheSmoke No, no, read them, you'll see how important they really are.
  239. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe but what if... he was right all along?
  240. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe looks like your ghost misconceptions have been BUSTED
  241. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo @simonv3 pdf is definitely not the worst
  242. I feel like I need a printer. Do people have printer opinions? I basically just need it for bi-monthly dealings with bureaucracy.
  243. Printer opinions : printers are awful, printers are invaluable, get a wireless one, don't get a wireless one. Thanks everyone!
  244. …in reply to @srules
    @srules Sarah I have to send expense forms to a university. You understand my pain.
  245. …in reply to @tef
    @tef Yeah, this is what I've been doing (or just avoiding paper). But I'm tired of walking up to the HS at 11:30pm to print boarding passes.
  246. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario @srules I need to post them a form with the paper receipts. I did say it was a university.
  247. …in reply to @Chris_Jeffery
    @Chris_Jeffery @joyent @firesock hey, at least it's a https link.
  248. …in reply to @doseone
    @doseonetweets @doougle I just now bought a cheap one I expect to turn out to be junk! I'll blame you!
  249. flickr.com/photos/emmamcnally/ Today I went to the Mirrorcity exhibtion and I discovered Emma McNally's work. I really like it, y'all.
  250. …in reply to @hondanhon
    @hondanhon I stand by this : you're not allowed to be excited by 3D printers if you don't own a normal printer.
  251. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops ah, what. you have been missing out! i mean, i know you know this, but!
  252. …in reply to @nickfourtimes
    @Newton64 @Seemo @megpeggles avocados = best
  253. …in reply to @Radstronomical
  254. was just wishing I was at @hollygramazio's talk at #PRACTICE2014, and then it turns out my game got mentioned in it
  255. Go for a run, have a nice brunch, or continue lying in bed with this cat?
  256. RT @HilariousCow: But I see that the entire form of a game is as much the method of delivery of story as a back story is. From menu to jump…
  257. RT @HilariousCow: Hell, even installing the game is a part of your experience. Think about the game as an artefact that human beings are li…
  258. …in reply to @vectorpark
  259. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted 50k words, tho
  260. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted i really wanted to make one before... i do have some free time... I know how to parse .tw/tws files already... maybe i should.
  261. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin having a fun day reviewing applications?
  262. …in reply to @moonmurmur
    @moonmurmur no, please don't
  263. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richlitt if you've done it once, you'll probably be able to do it again
  264. …in reply to @moonmurmur
    @moonmurmur don't let the moon see. I will hide from the moonlight
  265. RT @moonmurmur: @v21 tonight you have given a shell star the moon hid away from me
  266. I ate a London street hotdog because I was hungry. I'm still hungry. Where is my bus?
  267. Does the N55 exist? I don't really believe, at this point.
  268. RT @izs: If your project CoC literally said "No participation allowed from white dudes", that would stop roughly zero people.
  269. RT @izs: "This CoC makes me feel unsafe expressing my opinions!" Um… really? Ok. Good. Keep that shit to yourself.
  270. too late, too non-specific weheart.github.io/ if you want to show it, good. but please don't feel that that counts as doing your part.
  271. …in reply to @v21
    I signed the previous open letter. I said the same thing about that, too.
  272. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe joanna gruesome & withered hand both playing early jan. let's?
  273. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Withered Hand on the 6th, Joanna Gruesome is 8th-10th (they're doing a residency at Power Lunches)
  274. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Hm. Will have a listen to Trust Fund -- would probably have went for Spook School on the Saturday? Also p easy, tho.
  275. Oh, hey, I accidentally made a fractal generator? Cool!
  276. Panoramical live mode accidental fractal generation (Beta Public prep) vine.co/v/O5DwU55TgUP
  277. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis me too! Actually, I like the flickering colours the best, but they don't come out so well in photographs.
  278. …in reply to @zunguzungu
    @zunguzungu if you're digging into this - what happens to the songwriting proceeds? do they get those as well?
  279. RT @patrickashe: Beta Public 3 is on Tuesday, cracking line up of games and performance. Come along to CPT! cptheatre.co.uk/show/beta_public_3.php#.VE_Di_msWVE http://t…
  280. RT @shanley: Honestly the story of rap genius gets more fucking disgusting by the day thoughtcatalog.com/mahbod-moghadam/2014/11/how-to-steal-from-whole-foods/
  281. LRT is literally a founder of a company with $50mil in VC funding talking about stealing from Whole Foods. Fuck me.
  282. RT @shanley: It's tempting to be like "oh these fucking kids" and focus on them but consider that an entire system of VC, press colluded to…
  283. There is nowhere you can go that you haven't learned to go in time.
  284. …in reply to @PeteOlympian
    @PeteOlympian he boasted about cutting it down to $30 per day...
  285. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe some family cars have detachable seats?
  286. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt @katierosepipkin Norman McLaren's stuff blew me away when @tigershungry showed me it.
  287. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer not as far as I know. But you could cache it somewhere invisible, then recreate it if deleted. Refs to it are an issue, tho.
  288. RT @JahHills: Gorbachev made HW Bush try and get Lynch to admit who killed Laura Palmer
  289. Hey, George, how's your prep for Beta Public tomorrow going?
  290. …in reply to @undefined
  291. RT @aphyr: The 10x bar.
  292. …in reply to @jonty
  293. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops i assume there's a pretty hefty translation layer going on.
  294. I'm seeing Panoramical behind my eyes. Rotating triadic hues, 8x8 repeating noise, recursive circles, cones sliding past.
  295. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin worse than that. innovative means "ignore the past, don't cite your sources, try to pretend you didn't see this thing before"
  296. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin innovative often means "what's hot, or (even better) likely to be hot by the time this actually releases"
  297. Working on stuff that processes webcam input. Means basically spending the day quizzically looking at a video of your face.
  298. You are about to alter the gene pool of the entire population of this Species. This is an awesome responsibility.
  299. …in reply to @mattperspective
    @mattperspective I mean, it runs? You can download it for free and run it now? I don't know that I'd want anything different in a remake
  300. @reallyfancy Alice says you're not allowed to have swans in games
  301. …in reply to @v21
    @reallyfancy unless you're the queen
  302. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @reallyfancy if only he was the queen
  303. RT @tassosstevens: If you were at Beta Public @CamdenPT and enjoyed Sally, she walks a wider world in @agencyofconey REMOTE next week http:…
  304. I did a performance on stage at a theatre for first time, and afterwards someone assumed I was touring it around. [emoji thumbs up]
  305. …in reply to @v21
    The red channel was dead on the projector, and I had to remap the controller inputs while I was on stage. Possibly for the best?
  306. …in reply to @StuHorvath
    @StuHorvath @ksheely @kait_zilla I collected some when Fez came out! feznotes.tumblr.com
  307. …in reply to @StuHorvath
    @StuHorvath @ksheely @kait_zilla yes, I'm sure they would be. Everyone was happy to just make them public when I posted them.
  308. …in reply to @StuHorvath
    @StuHorvath @ksheely @kait_zilla you certainly have my permission to do what you like with them.
  309. I cannot deal with this Instagram, it is too much instagram.com/p/vj0fTehIza/
  310. @hannahnicklin go swimming
  311. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @elibrody @edclef i thought you didn't take your phone with you when you went to swimming?
  312. …in reply to @OxC0FFEE
    @OxC0FFEE panoramic.al/! Most of the game is by @compositeredfox and @dkanaga, but they invited me to do a scene.
  313. Excited for this : novelty-automation.com/
  314. …in reply to @OliverUv
    @OliverUv thanks!
  315. …in reply to @OliverUv
    @OliverUv Yeah, most of it is (it's a single frag shader operating a bunch of times) (on the output of a bunch of other frag shaders)
  316. …in reply to @OliverUv
    @OliverUv What's yr email? Happy to share it, yeah.
  317. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb self-fulfilling prophesy, that.
  318. This Night Vale generator is p great galaxykate.itch.io/eternal-night-vale but becomes amazing once you click "View Grammar" (via @philippawarr at RPS)
  319. …in reply to @v21
    Even better : it's an open library github.com/galaxykate/tracery. By @GalaxyKate, who gave my favourite talk at the first Lost Levels.
  320. “But you said there was a budget” “I spent the budget on getting this” He lifted up a phone. It was mustard-coloured theguardian.com/stage/2014/nov/18/bill-drummond-five-lessons-i-learned-from-ken-campbell?CMP=share_btn_tw
  321. …in reply to @Dick_Hogg
    @Dick_Hogg this is the most Dick Hogg story
  322. someone on RPS has the username "AXAXAXAS MLO II: MLO HARDER"
  323. …in reply to @v21
    Also, Sid Meier's Covert Action looks amazing : rockpapershotgun.com/2014/11/18/covert-action-review/#more-250477
  324. The best comparison for LPers is drivetime radio, not journalism. The point is to simulate hanging out.
  325. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern good! I think that's correct, and also appropriate for LPs.
  326. …in reply to @fastramdesign
    @fastramdesign I mean, you can listen to drivetime radio for the songs, though?
  327. …in reply to @fastramdesign
    @fastramdesign But I stand by: the thing that makes a youtuber or a radio personality great is projecting that sense of being in on the joke
  328. Ironically, today I failed to work on my actual shader permutations. RT @aras_p: Barbie on shader permutations.
  329. …in reply to @undefined
  330. …in reply to @patrickashe
  331. RT @Scaryduck: There are misunderstandings, and there's Sir Alexander Glen
  332. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth I feel uneasy about quantifying time as dollar value (which they're doing, too, admittedly)
  333. E.On just rang me up, then immediately put me in a phone queue? Is that a thing companies do these days?
  334. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb no, i suspected we owed them money and wanted to find out if this was the case (it was)
  335. RT @mattleys: And inside, they attack Green leader Natalie Bennett for travelling by rail because it's, er, greener
  336. #screenshotsaturday #nanogenmo #twine (cc @thricedotted)
  337. RT @JustOKWally: .@PdxInteractive's #CrusaderKings2's forums are a hotbed of insanity taken out of context | bit.ly/1xWoonl http://…
  338. OH "So yeah: Limmy. I want to fuck him"
  339. "We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings." - Ursula K. LeGuin
  340. RT @shanley: i am pretty over jokes about ethics in games journalism. typical example of tech community turning a serious issue into a meme.
  341. I'm not going to buy or wear that "Fuck Gamergate Forever" T-shirt. Feels like it'd just remind people of a thing that stresses them out.
  342. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin that's totally fair! It's different for me, though. It affirms my credentials at (possibly) the expense of others.
  343. Using python for the first time in ages and it's weird. All this C# means I've gone off dynamic languages.
  344. …in reply to @nickludlam
    @nickludlam both? Not even for sophisticated reasons, I just miss autocomplete and being told about syntax errors while I type.
  345. …in reply to @nickludlam
    @nickludlam Like, all this "tests tests tests" stuff I read but never bother with I suddenly see the appeal of.
  346. List of Twine macros ordered by popularity pastebin.com/t6ui2sWh (cc @webbedspace)
  347. RT @partytimeHXLNT: #FeministHackerBarbie is "funny" because it's dissonant. Let's use it to dissolve that dissonance. I wanna 💾 and 💅 like…
  348. Making a culture accessible for a diverse set of people vs making a diverse set of cultures viable.
  349. RT @haikus_by_KN: I'll be prepared to accept the idea of play as revolutionary the day the police switch to shooting people with toy guns.
  350. RT @Mother2_eBooks: To complete your trial, I am going to break your legs. You will lose the use of them. Do you accept this?
  351. RT @colderstates: It's easy to mock White Van Flag Man and his Danifesto, but I think the key thing is just how utterly bleak the whole thi…
  352. Oh my god that last quote just made me do a little retch. inc.com/jeff-bercovici/sweet-peach-founder-speaks.html (on the Sweet Peach thing)
  353. Stay up til 4am writing Python code to mangle Twine files. Wake up, and it has generated one consisting of only this:
  354. …in reply to @jukiokallio
    @jukiokallio happy birthday man! cheers!
  355. RT @ntlk: "very algorithm contains editorial decisions, every piece of software design carries social implications" reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/news/silicon-valley-and-journalism-make-or-break
  356. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow leave some flexing for me! (I'm on a bus)
  357. RT @GalaxyKate: Testing my generative story site by generating generative stories with a grammar generator. METAGRAMMAR ACHIEVED. http://t…
  358. As I left the house I realized the batch process I set running probably wouldn't produce any useful output and I can't stop remembering that
  359. Still faintly mad no-one buys me an advent calendar any more
  360. …in reply to @undefined
    @_saljam it's on my laptop, or else I probably would have tried
  361. …in reply to @undefined
    @_saljam I mean, also it's likely finished now. And there's no hurry. But the waste!
  362. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @HilariousCow don't you know about my pumps
  363. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin don't kill the party! I'm almost there!
  364. Falling asleep on the nightbus: the George Buckenham Story
  365. RT @artassignbot: Produce a videogame examining happiness, due on Mon, Jun 22, 2015.
  366. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie all I hear when I hear that is a former boss explaining why he doesn't live closer to work, despite going out around there.
  367. …in reply to @v21
    @metasynthie y'know, because he might meet people he'd slept with
  368. …in reply to @v21
    @metasynthie it's less subtly gross than you'd think
  369. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie coincidentally, exactly the area this nightbus is currently passing through...
  370. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @artassignbot June! I believe in you!
  371. My problem with twitterbots are that they are a moment of pleasure and a continuum of keeping some flaky server software alive
  372. …in reply to @v21
    See also: the continuing quiescence of @terriblebear and @v21_ebooks
  373. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @artassignbot charming AND sincere!
  374. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @artassignbot when are you coming back to London?
  375. I maybe feel better about exploitative FTP game design if I think of all the whales as John Lydon.
  376. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles ahhh, I wish I'd felt capable of leaving my bed in time to get there and play it.
  377. Okay, I was mean about Python before, but making this code run over all cores was startlingly easy.
  378. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles :D (I'll add it to the list of things I nag @patrickashe to put on)
  379. My work, and tons of other people's are in a giant fake IKEA in Austin. Today's your last chance to see. ahom.us
  380. …in reply to @nachimir
  381. …in reply to @zoewi
    @zoewi @AdriaandeJongh good read indeed! The whole way through I was just thinking of this blog hoveringartdirectors.tumblr.com
  382. Q: what indie devs are making the most exciting work in London these days?
  383. After being left running for nearly a day, this script is .. still running. Is it secretly dead? Is it just working away conscientiously?
  384. …in reply to @nickludlam
    @nickludlam Hm! That was informative, thanks! I now know what it's doing, though not if it'll succeed.
  385. RT @HilariousCow: Well, I guess it’s official. I’m going indie again! I’ll be working with @edclef on his next game in the new year, as wel…
  386. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 It turns out if you use the API the way it's designed to be used, it runs much faster.
  387. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp oh! I am very sorry to hear that. Much love.
  388. RT @mcclure111: I seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince people that they and not me are the creators of art they made using tools …
  389. @GameFrau _unless_ it's a really funny story, and it's at your expense. Or your date follows you, and it's a soppy subtweet.
  390. …in reply to @tassosstevens
    @tassosstevens @BanditoJuan @agencyofconey I seem to recall someone (maybe Harry Lee?) used it successfully. That's why Miranda July helps.
  391. RT @steveklabnik: "technological solutions do not usually solve deep social ills."
  392. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @piombo I bought my backpack from this site!
  393. …in reply to @seniath
    @seniath "...it was just like Christmaaaaaas..."
  394. I can never remember what sounds come from what website. And I have too many tabs open. Just getting chimes somewhere and not knowing why.
  395. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
  396. …in reply to @willgoldstone
    @willgoldstone I have many, many more tabs than fit on screen, and I'm using Firefox. (I found it now. It was the chat on a spreadsheet)
  397. @patrickashe I was supposed to be booking some gig tickets, but I can't remember which one.
  398. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Ahhh... Let's go for Trust Fund, then?
  399. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I've just booked 2x for Withered Hand.
  400. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @patrickashe On the 6th, at the Lexington! Come along! songkick.com/artists/742607-withered-hand (Joanna Gruesome is also great)
  401. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @patrickashe We're going on the Friday to see them.
  402. Was going to quickly sort out my life before going for a run. It turns out sorting out my life requires > 1 laptop battery charge.
  403. …in reply to @bekokstover
    @bekokstover one of the few good things about going for a run is you don't have to answer emails while doing it.
  404. imagining catering students taking dabs of MSG and rubbing it on their gums
  405. @haikus_by_KN I am excited for you to crash round next week!
  406. hideous neologism alert! “I think the heart of the toy industry is going to move from purely physical toys to what I call ‘phygital play,’”
  407. …in reply to @v21
  408. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN Yes! More than enough. We have a spare sheets & stuff, but maybe not a spare duvet. French things... hmm. Stinky cheese?
  409. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN I've got no museli-type cravings that can only be satisfied exotically.
  410. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN Alice wants a copy of Psikopat magazine, and has a spare "Spring" duvet you can borrow.
  411. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN also, do you want to visit a Christmas market one evening?
  412. Is Christmas an emotion?
  413. …in reply to @srules
    @srules I posted the tweet first! Also it's a rhetorical question! Also... shut up
  414. …in reply to @srules
    @srules good! It's still November! Christmas time comes later.
  415. …in reply to @srules
    @srules like... for example... when we visit a Christmas market
  416. Ah! Another beautiful day of having conversations with people on Skype.
  417. …in reply to @lauraehall
    @lauraehall @mink_ette @capnleela wahhhh! I missed this!
  418. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb 11 til 4!
  419. RT @hannahnicklin: Woop! The text of my @gamecity spoken word (illustrated by @izziemackloud) zine now available! hannahnicklin.com/shop ht…
  420. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I'll go in on a timeshare?
  421. I just generated a fantastical meowser. #generateacat instagram.com/p/v-0lHvtoyn/
  422. RT @gathoni_n: "I ask ‘When was your first time?’ He says ‘I was 12’" ow.ly/F3rCI #Weaving16
  423. RT @zellieimani: Stop demonizing riots. Without riots you'd still be working 10-12 hours six days a week.
  424. RT @WonderlandBlog: Anyone know any smart, level headed, production manager types available for a few weeks work?
  425. RT @molleindustria: 1. Flash could have been an excellent & affordable 2D animation tool (still missing today) OR a multi-platform game dev…
  426. RT @molleindustria: 2. Instead Adobe decided to leverage the popularity of their plugin to take over the entire WWW positioning Flash as a …
  427. RT @molleindustria: 5. Adobe has always been a tool maker but for some reason Flash became a trojan horse to compete with the big guys. Tha…
  428. RT @steveklabnik: Systemic social structures which disadvantage or actively harm groups of people don't have feelings. They don't care if y…
  429. …in reply to @LeeFlower
    @LeeFlower @mcclure111 And then they should unfollow them again once their follower count hits 667.
  430. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe your parcel is on it's way, then?
  431. RT @aparrish: you're in luck, late nite twitter! here's my entry for #nanogenmo 2014: aparrish.github.io/nanogenmo2014/final.pdf (source, etc. here https://t.c…
  432. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @edclef I saw it as a kid and absolutely hated it. I suspect that will not be the case now?
  433. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @KommanderKlobb "what is this? what is the point? why doesn't something happen?"
  434. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @KommanderKlobb even then the final image stuck with me for a long time.
  435. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @KommanderKlobb Right! I believe (& hope) that my tastes have changed some over the past 17 years.
  436. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef I'm not sold that it is entirely a subplot! I reckon the alien is Wot Did It, and is the only capable one on board that ship.
  437. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @KommanderKlobb I watched it again! It's great!
  438. I was trying to understand @mcclure111/539165810187444224 and I think I realized madgarden.net/apps/glitch-machine/ is a concatenative programming language.
  439. …in reply to @v21
    @v21 (PICK DUP PUT PICK SWAP are the really interesting functions)
  440. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I've never used a Forth, but maybe? It's inspirations are basically countercomplex.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/algorithmic-symphonies-from-one-line-of.html and RPN. Which seems like it is?
  441. I watched Dark Star (because @edclef did) for the first time since I was about 12. Now I really wanna work on Always Stuck... again.
  442. …in reply to @v21
    Jammed in a tiny box with some assholes and you might die soon. But the stars, oh, look at the stars!
  443. …in reply to @edclef
  444. …in reply to @robertthomassnd
    @dizzybanjo ha! It's coming. There's a mailing list here: panoramic.al/