v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2015/03

  1. I'm in America!
  2. …in reply to @v21
    We've established a new Rumpus House in-joke and it is already tedious. This week is gonna turn out great.
  3. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge it's not even a joke! Also Pat tells me it's not a Rumpus House thing til it's happened in the house. Also that sounds amazing.
  4. RT @vectorpoem: GDC attendees, think about ways your words & acts this week can help people w/o resources to be here feel less excluded rat…
  5. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @asponge I totally read it as Knight's Tale, but I understand that that's the wrong thing now.
  6. …in reply to @undefined
    @heather_r looking at the view out the windows in SeaTac right now, about to transfer on...
  7. …in reply to @sluteverforever
    @sluteverforever London here and love your stuff! Well, okay, technically at Seattle airport right now, but I live in London.
  8. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge are the House House housers there?
  9. …in reply to @etterstudio
    @etterstudio yeah! It's great!
  10. …in reply to @v21
    I am still excited about the big leaf. I am currently sitting against the big leaf.
  11. …in reply to @hyper_linda
    @hyper_linda @pkqk @sheilamu d'awww, thanks!
  12. It's nice arriving somewhere and your devices remembering the wifi from a year back.
  13. …in reply to @dirtcreaturr
    @fromsmiling excellent work. Hope I get to meet you sometime this week!
  14. sudden worry that someone will have walked off with the big leaf overnight
  15. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir imagining turning up at the airport with 10 burly men carrying a leaf behind me
  16. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richlitt I'm in SF!
  17. RT @patrickashe: GDC people! Gonna have Games For People by me & @v21 & Games We Have Known & Loved by @hannahnicklin on me today, come fin…
  18. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
  19. RT @mathewkumar: That punchline! RT @journodave Charge sheet against foul-mouthed Scottish teacher stuck off is a sight to behold http://t.…
  20. Bernband hands! vine.co/v/O0H6AHI2Kta
  21. …in reply to @lexicobob
    @lexicobob depends on the platform, i think? Worth giving it a shot, though. I've always been tempted to buy u3d.as/content/different-methods/uni-web/1Cw
  22. Fabulous Beasts has a website! This is the game @ammonite has been lugging round GDC. playfabulousbeasts.com/
  23. RT @Sosowski: Wooooo! @caraellison @v21 and @Dick_Hogg are killing it! Wild Rumpus for president! (Queen, even?)
  24. RT @theTHEBATMAN: Everything will be ok @WildRumpus
  25. …in reply to @ColinMcInerror
    @ColinMcInerror Bernband!
  26. RT @thefuntastic: When the wild rumpus after party erupts in your hostel...
  27. …in reply to @gabesmed
    @gabesmed @tigershungry ah, flip, we just headed to Z Pizza.
  28. RT @brandonnn: camera roll from last night so 💯 @_Qrion_ @vectorpark
  30. …in reply to @_Qrion_
    @_Qrion_ <3 <3 <3
  31. …in reply to @rubzo
    @rubzo @HenryHoffman depends which! The table was organised by @hellophia, but a bunch of them will also be online from their creators
  32. …in reply to @undefined
    @racarate @caraellison @asponge ahhhhhhhhh, thank you!
  33. @vectorpark ha, actually EGW is on til 5, so I'm at a loose end right now. Park?
  34. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark hang on, actually it just let out - going to go find people now and then come meet you. But this might take a while.
  35. RT @ra: learning 3d animation with @kahodesu
  36. …in reply to @StevieB64
    @StevieB64 @tigershungry ahhh! Thank you
  37. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang are those drugs on your plate?
  38. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin TOO BAD. they came through perfectly ordered and created a coherent and clear narrative in my mind.
  39. Now I can run really fast, but only in a straight line. Thanks Dick! cc @mink_ette instagram.com/p/z8B8jNto4Q/
  40. Sad I'm not getting a chance to say goodbye to people at #gdcfeet, but am also starting to burn out on social interaction at this point.
  41. …in reply to @v21
    I mean, also I got there late. Have a good temporal anomaly, everyone! See you on the Internet!
  42. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richlitt tomorrow afternoon! Sorry I never got back to you. Want to come to Japantown and / or the Musee Mechanique this afternoon?
  43. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richlitt ah, we're having a day of fun times and arcades - will let you know when we're heading that way, though
  44. RT @wooperdaily: Wooper comes waddling up to you while you're working. It unfurls its tongue and drops one saliva-covered quarter on your d…
  45. I just read the hottest thing I've ever read on Twitter. This thread : @avxlanche/551799149818294272?s=09
  46. Lads on tour
  47. RT @heres_atip: hey, what you got there, care? fuckin sweet. love it
  48. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge i'm so happy for you
  49. bot of the day : @digital_henge connected to larger things the phases of the moon
  50. RT @katierosepipkin: tonight i was going through boxes of old photographs and um some chemical process has been digesting these for years? …
  51. feel like i should make the most of my last day in SF, but all my desires are for crawling into a hole and reading the internet instead
  52. …in reply to @v21
    memories of the day i spent p much entirely holed up in a bunk in the indie hostel reading Videogame Zinesters
  53. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, i guess if you're also in SF and want to hang, lets?
  54. What do you call the bubbles that you have detached and will be added to your opponent's board in Puzzle Bobble?
  55. …in reply to @lyyyndseyyy
    @lyyyndseyyy just going back to Yerba Buena, maybe see that show at the Jewish museum - yr welcome to join?
  56. Hanging at yerba buena for my last few hours before starting the long journey home.
  57. …in reply to @HonestWilliam
    @HonestWilliam @patrickashe have a good flight! Watch cartoons!
  58. GDC is over, which means it's about time to start thinking about what your job title will be on your pass next year.
  59. …in reply to @thomasbowker
    @thomasbowker vanity searching Mild Rumpus and saw this : sad we didn't get a chance to meet this week!
  60. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian ahhhhh, so good!
  61. RT @whatisian: @v21 i've already got it figured out, actually "this pass is fake don't let me in"
  62. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 "empress"?
  63. …in reply to @vectorpoem
    @vectorpoem very topical!
  64. …in reply to @antumbral
    @antumbral @vectorpoem @mcclure111 I think it really depends on how long you plan to be going to GDC
  65. …in reply to @tef
    @tef yep!
  66. RT @j3rrytron: So no joke, if anyone is looking for a game dev, software or hardware for a bit of consulting, let me know! I also build com…
  67. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern harder and harder
  68. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @Choplogik Worlds collide!
  69. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern oh wait, i misread your question. Not actually sure re Gorilla Glass.
  70. I'm back from GDC! I now have at least 2 more real-life crushes! (that were previously hypothesized Internet crushes)
  71. …in reply to @kahodesu
    @kahodesu @radiatoryang @ra what's this... --oh oh. wow.
  72. …in reply to @alicemazzy
    @alicemazzy read an interview with watch people : are you worried about the Apple watch? No, we're worried men will discover you can wear...
  73. …in reply to @alicemazzy
    @alicemazzy ... jewellery that doesn't also tell the time
  74. dreamt i was seducing someone by showing off being able to fly. woke up and was sad they were fictional. glad i can fly, though.
  75. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno not that there's anything wrong with that
  76. I keep meaning to make a tweet where I list all the people I am glad I met at GDC, but then I remember new people.
  77. …in reply to @v21
    Relatedly: @hellophia's Sex Fantasy zines are really really great sophiafosterdimino.tumblr.com/tagged/sex%20fantasy/chrono
  78. my plan for saving videogames : uky.edu/~eushe2/Pajares/calvino/callast.html
  79. @radiatoryang i think this was what I was trying to say while we were having a nightcap that night: @v21/575264356725866497
  80. RT @john_brindle: It's amazing how little reference right wingers & liberal fellow travellers make to supposedly holy self-interest when ta…
  81. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe sleep punctuated by jetlag, strange dreams and a cat walking over me, but up and at 'em by 8:30am. I guess I'm just better?
  82. Mathematically, this reads as a veiled threat : @leifromloihi/572577162114428928?s=09
  83. RT @GregoryWeir: New post on Ludus Novus: The First Cabinet in Gone Home: A Close Reading ( bit.ly/1C2lfFC )
  84. …in reply to @jukiokallio
    @jukiokallio @Swery65 bet you're kicking yourself you missed your flight right now
  85. …in reply to @leighalexander
    @leighalexander I have found that the more new or weird shit a game does, the more accessible it is forced to be.
  86. …in reply to @leighalexander
    @leighalexander a bog-standard FPS doesn't have to teach you how to play a FPS
  87. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette twitter in bed, mysterious ache in my side, feeling bad about my first missed Call.
  88. …in reply to @undefined
    @therussmorris I'd recommend Taylor Swift
  89. …in reply to @bonzrat
    @bonzrat I'm not going to be there, but @ammonite is showing our game Fabulous Beasts at Leftfield. It's the one which keeps falling over.
  90. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @_JakeTucker it has made me want to crawl into a dark hole and hide, so...
  91. Switched to Unity 5 for new project... I miss the dark skin.
  92. …in reply to @v21
    (not enough to pay, though)
  93. …in reply to @kait_zilla
    @kait_zilla @ksheely @twinethreads could be screwed, but most probably not
  94. …in reply to @kait_zilla
    @kait_zilla @ksheely @twinethreads email me the file at vtwentyone@gmail.com and I'll give it a shot
  95. LRT is to say : you should watch John Berger's Ways Of Seeing. I saw it last year, and it is still so powerful and important. And clear!
  96. …in reply to @LineHollis
    @LineHollis now is the time for a system of codenames. Try naming all your projects after types of birds, or Sesame Street characters?
  97. …in reply to @mtrc
    @mtrc use real examples. reproducing something for the purposes of criticising it is a valid thing to do.
  98. …in reply to @Nifflas
    @Nifflas @C418 @Sosowski I mean, so do I, on 4.x and desktop platforms
  99. Who was the last person to play every video game ever made?
  100. …in reply to @HonestWilliam
    @HonestWilliam to be fair, we (ie Die Gute Fabrik) qualify, and will probably be applying. I guess we're an edgecase of "small studio/indie"
  101. …in reply to @undefined
    . and ALSO this rollicking vintage @jennatar piece unwinnable.com/2013/04/26/tits-or-gtfo/#.VQF8rWaUdN4 @10rdBen @BRKeogh @hoskingc
  102. RT @jzellis: This is so stunningly accurate and entirely emblematic of tech culture I had to look twice to see it was parody. https://t.co/…
  103. RT @patrickashe: Twitter! What are some games made by/about 'popular' musicians? Doing research for a future thing and want to cast as wide…
  104. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe Don't forget Bjork's thing.
  105. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe if you want me to dig up the promotional games we did at PLA... I could tick off Azealia Banks, Blink 182 and Mac Millar
  106. …in reply to @tigershungry
  107. …in reply to @TRUTRUTRULUV
    @TRUTRUTRULUV v aesthetic
  108. …in reply to @JFriedhoff
    @JFriedhoff if I took it away, it'd only be so I could eat the rest
  109. …in reply to @State_of_Play
    @State_of_Play @BAFTAGames CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉🎊🔔🎇🎆
  110. …in reply to @lexicobob
    @lexicobob I think AudioFilters are your only recourse. Or upgrading to Unity 5...
  111. ahhhhh @_Qrion_ posted up her Wild Rumpus set, I am so so glad this was recorded ahhh soundcloud.com/qrionqrionqrion/live-that-venus-patrol-wild-rumpus-party-san-francisco-432015
  112. small child likes the stickers on my laptop 😊
  113. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal in the morning, yeah!
  114. RT @Shrubbette: Ridiculously rad board game that I would love to try by @ammonite w @rich_lem @droqen @_h______ @0scur0 @skeletorbabe http:…
  115. RT @mcclure111: Thus over time guaranteeing that the less you want to use a feature, the more prominent it will become in Twitter's interfa…
  116. Horrified to hear the BAC is on fire.
  117. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge Singapore has a butterfly garden and a slide.
  118. RT @hannahnicklin: The brilliant @reallyfancy @edclef @jakevsrobots @v21 @hollygramazio & @dreamfeeel are all going to walk with me for htt…
  119. I feel like being included on lists alongside people as good as this one of my big motivations to do good work. Looking forward to walking!
  120. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths I would like to have that conversation with you some time.
  121. Walking past Shadwell station, and I was surprised by a Sunless Sea T-shirt. Until I remembered I was walking to Rezzed.
  122. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I need to leave at 3, and I only have a small bag with me. I guess maybe your birthday makes more sense?
  123. …in reply to @lexicobob
    @lexicobob @HilariousCow I'm leaving :(
  124. RT @jonty: You know what you wanna do with that right, you wanna put a bangin' <pre> on it.
  125. @mink_ette @D_Nye_Griffiths After seeing you both too briefly today - - Rhinestone tomorrow?!
  126. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @mink_ette I have! To go watch a roller derby match.
  127. RT @PhoebeEclair: The lights are back on #BACphoenix
  128. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @D_Nye_Griffiths ah, shame. Btw, they're playing our song
  129. …in reply to @v21
    @mink_ette @D_Nye_Griffiths our song is the song from the end of "Xanadu", btw
  130. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @mink_ette I'm in Seven Sisters right now, though. (might come join you in a bit, though)
  131. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @mink_ette btw, btw, though, though
  132. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 we once sold Wild Rumpus tickets, with the eventbrite fees, for £13.37.
  133. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 people went "aaah, good one", but the truth is if we had realised in advance we never would have done it
  134. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @asponge @mink_ette we're heading down now - you guys still around?
  135. …in reply to @__Tyu
    @__Tyu @patrickashe @_JakeTucker ah! That bit was a joke! Neither me or Pat could be bothered to write it out, so we did that instead.
  136. ugh, fine, I'll get up
  137. …in reply to @adventuresofrob
    @adventuresofrob I'm not going to dignify this with a fav
  138. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts I read this tweet once, and then again pretending I knew nothing about programming. Better the second time.
  139. RT @urbanfriendden: a character can be ATTRIBUTED 'death' by concepts as 'boulder', 'gun', 'ideology', they can only be KILLED by (a varian…
  140. …in reply to @_JakeTucker
    @_JakeTucker @__Tyu @patrickashe yeah, the basic rules are simple, but hard to tell where to draw the line - so much history & context
  141. …in reply to @Seemo
    @Seemo I've self censored in this way a bunch. It's a shame, but
  142. …in reply to @alicemazzy
    @alicemazzy you could use @HarryGiles's Google Sheets trick?
  143. RT @asponge: Little Party is a v. sweet and v. v. pretty free game about a mum at her daughter's arty party turnfollow.itch.io/littleparty http://t…
  144. …in reply to @Arkestrey
    @PhillCameron not videogames, but LARPs make a lot of this - playing to collaboratively create a memorable story, not to win.
  145. …in reply to @v21
    @PhillCameron which philosophy also extends to stuff like A Quiet Year and Sleep is Death
  146. …in reply to @v21
    @PhillCameron and then further, that same tendril goes to sim stuff, if played right. Swimming pools in The Sims, disasters in SimCity...
  147. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN 2 years to go! 😊
  148. because of @mooonmagic's tweets and a conversation at GDC with @alienmelon about @thecatamites's review page, I wanna make a frog game.
  149. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge Have you heard of tree spiking? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_spiking
  150. .@retroremakes now has a Patreon. If you've appreciated his writing, you might want to look at that. patreon.com/retroremakes
  151. RT @Palomadawkins: Y'alls the cutest @WildRumpus
  152. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennatar [not that i think i will selfdescribe this way, but] that's fine! Consider it breathing space. I am okay with constant reinvention
  153. @Palomadawkins "o" is wonderful
  154. …in reply to @v21
    @Palomadawkins so is "a"
  155. …in reply to @v21
    @Palomadawkins (so it the rest of it, tbh)
  156. @ellaguro What were those glitchy, CGA looking games -- the one with the Santas??? -- you were showing people at Mild Rumpus?
  157. Latest kerfluffle is a reminder that I feel a bit distant from the exciting stuff happening in games. Feel I should play more/make more.
  158. …in reply to @v21
    But then, I'm over-busy already, and largely with exciting stuff that's a little adjacent to indie games. Probably happier here.
  159. …in reply to @v21
    Plus, there's better models for making fun/small stuff and getting paid for it. That's important.
  160. …in reply to @ZepCap
    @ZepCap <3 for that! I've been working on mutazionegame.com for a few years, then recently playfabulousbeasts.com/. Also some curation..
  161. …in reply to @ZepCap
    @ZepCap ...work (with @WildRumpus, mainly). Right now making something for gamecity.org/. & some visuals for panoramic.al/
  162. …in reply to @v21
    @ZepCap but the next things I'm looking at are more "arts" than "games". Or at least, games within arts contexts, rather than selling games.
  163. …in reply to @v21
    @ZepCap Oh, and I made v21.io/punchthecustard. I am bad at communicating this stuff!
  164. …in reply to @undefined
    @churlishmeg @patrickashe All of that stuff still p much applies, the UI's just a different colour.
  165. …in reply to @ellaguro
  166. …in reply to @Brendy_C
    @Brendy_C I still remember the first time we met embarrassing you with my effusive praise for Game Journo Story. I stand by it.
  167. RT @hollygramazio: can I have a one point eight metre hdmi penis to display port vagina please
  168. …in reply to @alicemazzy
    @alicemazzy it feels significant to me that these conversations are prevalent within the altgames this early point
  169. RT @katierosepipkin: ➊➊ ☉ ℡℻℡℡℻℡℻℻℡ ➊➋ ☉. ➢➣➝➳➾➤ ➍➑ ☉ iterance ➐➊ ☉☼☼☼┒┖☼☼☼ ➑➒ ☉ yarrow ➒➋ ☉╔══╗ ╔╧╤╪╬═╤╝ ╚╛╘╧╝ …
  170. it's maybe a shame that "#altgames" centers games, when there's finally good cross-pollination with nearby forms happening
  171. …in reply to @CHARLENEMAXIMUM
    @TRONMAXIMUM yeah, i def find this true! it's musing, not condemnation.
  172. …in reply to @v21
    like, bots, art tools, weird AV instruments, storygames, game poems, zines, installation pieces... so much good stuff has been happening
  173. …in reply to @thomas_mac
    @thomas_mac yes, i am! excited to hear about it!
  174. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
  175. …in reply to @alicemazzy
    @alicemazzy yeah - i think if it is a criticism, it's of the framing, not the creators.
  176. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin this is a good point. maybe it's just that i feel i've found a comfortable space to work already
  177. …in reply to @v21
    @hannahnicklin but for me, finding that involved backing off from "games", remembering the interest that games is a subset of.
  178. …in reply to @Barchboi
    @Barchmen thank you! ☺️
  179. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio look basically what i mean is that my friends who were doing that stuff and my friends who are doing this stuff now hang out
  180. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio "running around games"
  181. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio but actually - it seems a shame because for a bunch of people who are finding utility in altgames, i think working ...
  182. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio ... in a larger space (ie, in whatever this "game-like thing" space is) might help. 'cuz it did for me.
  183. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio haha! yeah, that's rad. but what's even radder is everyone's conscious knowledge of it's limitations at the same time
  184. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio it's almost like as a community we have accumulated wisdom and advanced the sophistication of our thinking
  185. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio i think it totally would be (i was thinking just this this morning)
  186. neat story about RuneScape tumblr.inky.me/post/113821616361
  187. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis @paul_callaghan @nachimir @hollygramazio (i should be free Sunday, unless this project goes wrong and eats it)
  188. RT @CphGC: We are pleased to announce the Lyst Summit 2015, about Romance, Love and Sex in games - Call for submissions http://t.co/jj5VxVx…
  189. bot of the day : @nondenotative
  190. Designing smart things to be used by an entire household ntlk.net/2015/03/17/accidentally-sharing-too-much/
  191. …in reply to @v21
    I meant that "maybe". Thank you everyone for developing my thoughts on this. I regret if this tweet contributed to a pile-on.
  192. RT @KOOPMode: Secret GNOG blueprints by @MonsieurEureka
  193. I'm going to live-tweet looking at these CD/DVD spindles I've had for years.
  194. …in reply to @v21
    Linux Live CDs! Mint? Fine. OS X PPC 10.4 Disk 1. Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, also Power PC (there's a long story there).
  195. …in reply to @v21
  196. …in reply to @v21
    ᴄᴏᴍɪᴄꜱ Doom Patrol Hellblazer Preacher Sandman Swamp Thing XMen (on a Tesco DVD-R)
  197. …in reply to @v21
    "ED s01 e13-22" (there are others) Ed is great! I still totally stand by this as a recommendation for a TV show. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_%28TV_series%29
  198. …in reply to @v21
    "The World, This Week" Stuff for a news show I ran on @FreshAirRadio "Chairman Mao" @rubzo's old band Probably a @lastjaffacake CD here, too
  199. …in reply to @v21
    Heckuva lot of blank CDs... or maybe they're DVDs... they're just white, so I'm not sure. Not that I would trust them at this point....
  200. …in reply to @v21
    "Party MP3s" (no idea of the vintage) "Peter Kay LIVE at the Top of the Tower" (gift, don't judge me) Fight Club (Region 1)
  201. …in reply to @v21
    "Grim Fandango Disc A" & "B" Budget reissue of Worms Original Half-Life! Rainbow Six : Rogue Spear (my taste holds up pretty well here)
  202. …in reply to @v21
    I thought I was done, but I found another one. - Ubuntu 7.10 - The Thing - The entire music collection of @thisladybug about 10 years ago.
  203. …in reply to @v21
    (that last on 9 data CDs... as I recall, there was also a porn folder hidden in there that I copied across by accident) cc @thisladybug
  204. …in reply to @v21
    "Mix CD" (entire rest of label covered in sharpie) "Anime" (friend's handwriting) (suspect this might also have porn on it)
  205. …in reply to @v21
    Top of the Pops '99 VOLUME 1 Command & Conquer (& Red Alert, & Tiberian Sun) Total Annihilation Tomb Raider Fatty Bear (the good stuff)
  206. …in reply to @v21
    CD-R marked "♡ STOLEN" My first girlfriend's music collection. We dated online, and first met for 4 weeks in the summer(she lived in France)
  207. …in reply to @v21
    Deus Ex "SUPERBUS" (that's also via Tatiana) "News Beds" "Aqua - Doctor Jones" Jane's F-15 Ok, think I'm done.
  208. …in reply to @v21
    Thanks for putting up with that. (I still didn't find the Christmas-themed shareware CD I was hoping to rediscover)
  209. RT @ammonite: If you're an events producer and you love games say hi! Might have a really cool project for you to work on.
  210. RT @UltraCobalt: Oh, Killscreen have published the thing I wrote about the art of designing spaces for play and surprise http://t.co/webje0…
  211. RT @patrickashe: Anyone fancy a game of Kottabos? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kottabos A game in which lob your wine dregs at a target to make a noise ha…
  212. RT @llamasoft_ox: I'm getting a lot of requests for more info about all this: here is a brief summary yakyak.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=85897
  213. i've been sceptical about people's chat about "the return of the arcades", but this has just convinced me rockpapershotgun.com/2015/03/18/steam-virtual-reality/
  214. …in reply to @sporgory
    @gregtsoper _I've_ got no such plans... but you should ask @edclef, who actually developed the game :)
  215. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth Yeah -- it seems like it would work way better in a dedicated space than in a living room.
  216. …in reply to @v21
    @psychicteeth and is exciting enough/a big enough leap that that it seems worth paying for for every go.
  217. …in reply to @tqbf
    @tqbf if it makes you feel any better, Lua doesn't even have a real array type, it's just a table that happens to only have numeric indices
  218. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth yeah - and also the easy multiplayer/social element... thinking about it in the context of room escape games
  219. RT @moonmurmur: the moon is the first to cum
  220. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo @kahodesu oooh, or a leaf blower, like Tumball.
  221. Lovely wide-ranging interview with Brett Douville, about videogame scale, risk, literacy, reaching new audiences nodontdie.com/brett-douville/
  222. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo @kahodesu @PlayfulArtsFest @w00tcph I was just about to go: w00t! Yeah! rad! Let's do it... but it clashes with @feralvector.
  223. I'd missed w00t's open call "big installations, huge board games and playful sculptures" w00t.dk/en/ (Feral Vector clashes, tho)
  224. …in reply to @richlitt
    @richlitt and then this tweet came directly after @steveklabnik/578274660262940673
  225. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe will try - probably coming back from Nottingham earlier that day, so maaaay be coming straight there.
  226. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @torahhorse they ate the strawberry already! also there's fizzy pop.
  227. …in reply to @torahhorse
    @torahhorse @KommanderKlobb wait wait wait - who's defending this picnic here?
  228. …in reply to @undefined
    @reallyfancy @camyule whaaat! hahaha
  229. I did not know about Stephanie Strickland or her interactive poetry until just now bookslut.com/features/2008_10_013547.php (thx @alicemazzy)
  230. I can't wait to finish this book so I can lend it to @hannahnicklin
  231. …in reply to @v21
    It's called "A Paradise Built In Hell" and it's about disasters, civil society and radical change. It's really inspiring.
  232. Compulsively watching through all of Steven Universe (<3 <3 <3) recently has led to me earworming "American Boy".
  233. #screenshotsaturday instagram.com/p/0a3KZMNo2_/
  234. RT @shanley: (90s). but to me IRC is the classic death pattern of OS products: technically elitist, can't/won't keep up w/ new devices and …
  235. …in reply to @HonestWilliam
  236. …in reply to @ntlk
    @ntlk webtwitter has this!
  237. …in reply to @dirtcreaturr
    @fromsmiling ahhh, the little swimmy dudes are adorbs
  238. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu gotta get up early for the eclipse, though!
  239. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain by looking back and noticing the patterns afterwards, usually
  240. …in reply to @v21
    @mousefountain and scattershot, incomplete stuff - this is the way you learn.
  241. …in reply to @Dick_Hogg
    @Dick_Hogg @KommanderKlobb @nonolottie ahhhh... it's probably going to be waiting for me when i get back from Nottingham...
  242. …in reply to @SFBDim
    @SFBDim i's fine, i'm patient
  243. …in reply to @D_Nye_Griffiths
    @D_Nye_Griffiths @mink_ette I decided to make my life less stressful
  244. RT @compositeredfox: happy mistakes #screenshotsaturday
  245. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef if you think about it, night is a kind of Earth-eclipse...
  246. bot of the day : @promptatron i'm waiting for just "Write a poem." this bot has great texture
  247. I think, for botmaking, being a good poet is more important than being a good programmer.
  248. …in reply to @itsphilipbak
    @niinegames i mean, i can see similarities and draw parallels... but they're still completely different skills.
  249. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @erocdrahs not as a person (hello!), but i've tweeted about @nk_markov before
  250. RT @Babycastles: We're partnering with @CodeLiberation to offer two 3-month full-ride scholarships for women to our residency program: http…
  251. …in reply to @WinterOfAmerica
    @xmaslemmings cold
  252. …in reply to @heatdeath
    @glitchtits @FeyNudibranch @mcclure111 I think it might be by Paul Ford?
  253. @nachimir @droqen i thought you might enjoy this photo instagram.com/p/0f5-Z4No5b/
  254. …in reply to @undefined
    @caraellison whoohoo! I'm special!
  255. …in reply to @Gillespionage
    @Gillespionage I haven't :D
  256. …in reply to @Gillespionage
    @Gillespionage solvable mystery is a strong flavour! But this is kinda why I haven't played it.
  257. …in reply to @v21
    @Gillespionage I don't do more than dabble with games that feel like hobbies, these days.
  258. …in reply to @Gillespionage
    @Gillespionage also: I've lost most of the inherent motivation videogames give you in improving a fictional skill.
  259. …in reply to @v21
    @Gillespionage if I do try to get better at a game, it's purely to unlock a new pleasurable thing.
  260. …in reply to @v21
    @Gillespionage (SupHex is the last exception I can think of)
  261. RT @CrashOverrideNW: New Crash Override guide: So You've Been Doxxed: A Guide To Best Practices crashoverridenetwork.tumblr.com/post/114270394687/so-youve-been-doxed-a-guide-to-best-practices
  262. RT @LineHollis: It is such an important life lesson that the people they make you read in high school can be whiny losers with bad communic…
  263. RT @nothings: 2012: "the Grimms were selective re: gender, favoring stories about beautiful persecuted heroines and bold heroes" http://t.c…
  264. Thinking a lot about frog games harmonyzone.org/frog.html 🐸 🐸 🐸
  265. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @thomas_mac @hannahnicklin I am enjoying this conversation and thinking about this tweet a bunch @v21/578898519278366720
  266. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @hannahnicklin @thomas_mac one thing i think is important (but not necessary) is technical literacy (vs coding particularly)
  267. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio @hannahnicklin @thomas_mac it allows you to work directly with the substance of a work, vs having to edit via an intermediary
  268. …in reply to @thomas_mac
    @thomas_mac @hollygramazio @hannahnicklin this is coming from my point of view as a coder who often supports non-coders when making work
  269. …in reply to @thomas_mac
    @thomas_mac @hollygramazio @hannahnicklin eg: tinysubversions.com/gengen/index.html# requires some technical literacy to use, but no actual coding
  270. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @hollygramazio as can you if you come at it from a programming lens,rather than coming from a different (literary?) background
  271. RT @brandonnn: smdh if you’re not following the most important twitter thread of this lazy sunday @BBW_BFF/579724038617968640
  272. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin raddddddd! Congratulations!
  273. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite I was recently introduced to someone as "famous on Twitter"... I'll take it.
  274. RPS on generated poetry in Dwarf Fortress rockpapershotgun.com/2015/03/19/dwarf-fortress-poetry-generation-matters maybe the answer is to stop making games, and just make worlds instead
  276. RT @battersea_arts: NEWS: Govt @DCMS announce £1 million grant to help us rebuild Grand Hall and get back on our feet: https://t.co/NhI6b8H…
  277. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @hannardynamite i have a type, physically. but most people i've went out with don't match that. that's fine!
  278. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @hannardynamite but personality-wise there's more consistency. able to take the piss out of each other/understand that as affection.
  279. Proteus: "my worlds are nothing like this scale. They're only islands, currently with a max size of 128x128 squares." forums.tigsource.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=8fdcf36906ffc668d8eecf07c30f8fc2&topic=8545.0
  280. RT @jwaaaap: wrote a lil article about the explosions in Nuclear Throne for @ctrl500_com! ctrl500.com/art/explosions-in-vlambeers-nuclear-throne/
  281. RT @rich_lem: At #GDC2015, I played an extraordinarily fun strategy game called @FabBeasts - like 'Magic the Gathering' meets 'Jenga' in t…
  282. and what i'm retweeting praise? you wanna fight about it?
  283. RT @mcclure111: Here Nintendo demonstrates level design—through map structure, you can subtly guide players in a particular direction http:…
  284. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles i'm sure i must have linked you this already... but this is still what i turn to on this exiledonline.com/war-nerd-apocalypse-never/
  285. …in reply to @_JakeTucker
    @_JakeTucker Yeah! A Game Design Vocabulary is the best I've ever seen in terms of broad introduction to the form.
  286. …in reply to @_JakeTucker
    @_JakeTucker also, I guess I wrote a whole list before... v21.io/blog/a-reading-list-for-game-developers/
  287. @HarryGiles oh yeah, also massive rec to the book I just finished "A Paradise Built In Hell".
  288. …in reply to @v21
    @HarryGiles about real disasters, and the reformulation of social dynamics they allow.
  289. …in reply to @v21
    @HarryGiles turns out, the most important thing in a disaster is having strong social bonds with your neighbours.
  290. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @HarryGiles (sidenote : I still love the username "AXAXAXAS MLO II: MLO HARDER")
  291. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth That's such a lie. Lost Levels, Local Multiplayer Picnic come immediately to mind...
  292. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth (looks great, though)
  293. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth ok ok, i admit - i only clicked through after being rude at you.
  294. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu @pkqk wait... they're having jelly?
  295. RT @hannahnicklin: My Patreon backers got to see this last night, you today: me& @jakevsrobots working out our 4003 miles apart walk: https…
  296. bot of the day : @a_travel_bot & transition.turbulence.org/commissions/a_travel_guide (view tweet locations) an alternate world, built only for travelling in
  297. RT @NewStatesman: Andrew Marr: British politics is broken. The centre cannot hold newstatesman.com/politics/2015/03/andrew-marr-british-politics-broken-centre-cannot-hold
  298. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy @Sleater_Kinney last night suggests : equal length ladies and gents, but obv gents moves faster
  299. …in reply to @v21
  300. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette because they loved Dark Souls. As for why that is... here's @terrycavanagh being excited gameswehaveknownandloved.tumblr.com/post/17479741807/terry-cavanagh-on-dark-souls
  301. …in reply to @vexrexer
    @vexrexer videogames : i ask people to send me psds so i can split out layers, they send a psd with everything flattened and a opaque bg.
  302. RT @BRKeogh: Had way too many thoughts about Robocop and Cyborgs to sleep so I wrote them out real quick: ungaming.tumblr.com/post/114494598785/on-robocop
  303. …in reply to @PIXELATEDCROWN
    @PIXELATEDCROWN nice try!
  304. …in reply to @Oujevipo
    @Oujevipo oh! there's an expanded version coming? happy day!
  305. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal second day in a row of failing repeatedly here.... and i'm not even getting the benefit of playing videogames.
  306. …in reply to @leighalexander
    @leighalexander I really liked it! Made me think about #botally people treating bots with all the seriousness & respect.
  307. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe p much any time this week?
  308. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe works for me!
  309. Why Twitterbots are great (and poetry) and how to make them harrygiles.org/2015/03/24/how-i-made-two-wee-twitterbots/
  310. …in reply to @v21
    I'm a little bit mad at how well @HarryGiles sums up my feelings here. Why didn't I write this?!?!
  311. …in reply to @Seemo
    @Seemo hahah, yep!
  312. RT @brandonnn: here’s a @KillScreen post about That @_Qrion_ Vine (which is coming up on 10mil loops o_O) : killscreendaily.com/articles/zelda-remix/ http://t…
  313. …in reply to @glowcoil
    @glowcoil agreed generally, but i don't know about those egs. DG especially wasn't about the gameplay but the framing, the pure stark world.
  314. …in reply to @glowcoil
    @glowcoil ofc just my perspective. i think i mentioned cuz i do think of it as a "perfect object", but for those reasons, not just gameplay.
  315. …in reply to @PIXELATEDCROWN
    @PIXELATEDCROWN looking forward to meeting you!
  316. Wanna see a teaser vid for @FabBeasts, the game with the physical blocks I was working on with @ammonite & others? youtube.com/watch?v=rg-b-Yo3LpA
  317. bot of the day: @godtributes the concept is good and then it responds "VIDS FOR THE VID FIEND" and -- yes. perfect.
  318. …in reply to @undefined
    @adragonbee STRONG LOOKS
  319. Remembering 3 weeks ago...
  320. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang Digital Revolutions (the show at the Barbican) got a lot of flack, but they did show this continuity well.
  321. RT @patrickashe: Hey look, shameless sharing of the Beta Public poster and link to buy tickets. I'm awful me: cptheatre.co.uk/show/beta_public_4.php#.VRLMsvmsUnQ http:/…
  322. RT @kalebhorton: Unsentimental 1800s frontier diaries are probably the best writing America has to offer.
  323. …in reply to @docky
    @docky never! (to be fair, i only use it non-realistically these days)
  324. @bfod you should watch the video in this post ironman.hannahnicklin.com/2015/03/122-days/
  325. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin just show that 4th place video on loop while wincing in sympathy.
  326. Some interesting Islands and Lakes elbruz.org/islands/Islands%20and%20Lakes.htm
  327. i was just reminded of the time @beatonna sent me the original art of harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=61 in the mail and it never arrived
  328. …in reply to @undefined
    @PDOGGYBALLS *waggles eyebrows*
  329. …in reply to @undefined
    @adragonbee @PDOGGYBALLS when did i!
  330. been watching How To Get Away With Murder, and having real difficulty dealing with how great Viola Davis is in it
  331. @thricedotted whoa! Seven on Seven looks AMAZING.
  332. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge this isn't LinkedIn, Alice.
  333. bot of the day : @GenerateACat it's back! and spookier than ever! (i like watching people summon them, polite, demanding or unsatisfied)
  334. …in reply to @godtributes
    @godtributes @mousefountain i don't know if this is appropriate or inappropriate
  335. …in reply to @droqen
    @droqen @mink_ette @whatisian powdered custard is super gross anyway, so
  336. …in reply to @_JakeTucker
  337. ahhh! lookat that! a thing i made is working out in the wild!
  338. …in reply to @v21
    It's not the same, but I once taught myself to hiccup silently and painfully every time. I had to unlearn that over the course of years.
  339. …in reply to @Arndreth
    @Arndreth lookat that! i failed to code in only receiving events at least once! did you bounce off the top, then fall back past it?
  340. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon @Doctoe i think the East Coast line at least goes via satellite - had Swedish geolocation on there before.
  341. RT @piss_wizard: PAXMAN: do you believe sonic's arms are blue CAMERON: absolutely,this has always been my position PAXMAN: in 2011 you said…
  342. LRT: read the whole thread
  343. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite @hollygramazio @TomNullpointer yeah, yesterday was their big press day, with a little bit of preview stuff the week before
  344. …in reply to @ElectronDance
    @ElectronDance the mailing list died and is being resurrected via boutique tinyletters
  345. …in reply to @ElectronDance
    @ElectronDance well, nothing like this ever dies, it just gets more niche
  346. …in reply to @ElectronDance
  347. …in reply to @v21
    @ElectronDance ...how much of this is nostalgia for "the web that was" when it was just (white male) nerds and before /everyone/ got to play
  348. Thinking about what @ModelViewMedia would have said about the concept of "Eternal September".
  349. …in reply to @pkqk
    @pkqk ... that happened last month
  350. …in reply to @undefined
    @mooonmagic ah, shit... sympathies are with you
  351. …in reply to @Choplogik
    @Choplogik but then... On the final account... "*parody* Original is..."
  352. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge wow. I have made it almost to the front door since we spoke.
  353. …in reply to @lyyyndseyyy
    @lyyyndseyyy @mink_ette I really enjoy this
  354. RT @imgconvos: a marvelous pairing: @Lowpolybot and @BMPBug
  355. Tracking work via it's effect on my spelling: Mutazione stole my ability to spell "mutation" first time, and Fabulous Beasts gave it back.
  356. …in reply to @v21
    And now after finishing working on Jumpotron, I can spell "receipt" correctly the first time. Wonder what'll be next.
  357. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth I am genuinely bad at that and aware of it. What project would fix that, though...
  358. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry I have regrets
  359. RT @aliendovecote: we in the keyboard pressing community have much to learn from the mouse clicking community
  360. RT @georgebatch: Is it okay that I'm making a dog speed dating game?
  361. RT @GentleRalts: i spent longer on this than i should have
  362. …in reply to @undefined
    @PDOGGYBALLS Did you see the Daphne & Celeste news?!
  363. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak @whitingjp this is amazing
  364. RT @resiak: @whitingjp @v21 there is a paper in the SIGBOVIK 2015 proceedings about a Hefty Seamstress reimplementation: http://t.co/3wrRKN…
  365. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    .@resiak @whitingjp This is great for multiple reasons! 1) SIGBOVIK (joke conference about computer jokes) looks great and I hadn't seen it
  366. …in reply to @v21
    .@resiak @whitingjp 2) Someone remembers Hefty Seamstress! v21.io/games/heftyseamstress/ . 3) dwrensha.ws/acronymy also looks super neat
  367. …in reply to @v21
    . @resiak @whitingjp 4) It shows the different context makes to a project 5) Acronymy is written in Rust, which I'm interested in.
  368. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak @whitingjp It's okay, I've filled in "youths" now.
  369. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak @whitingjp actually, there's a difference in implementation - no capitals, no punctuation. :(
  370. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I mean, that is the intended subtext of LotR, so...
  371. I liked this tiny Twine game about writing a very difficult Facebook post adtidi.itch.io/speechless
  372. Okay, so last night I was having a proper think... and I think out of all the Steven Universe characters, I am Connie.
  373. …in reply to @undefined
    @PDOGGYBALLS well, hold on to your hat, because youtube.com/watch?v=uJr_uyA0Np4
  374. RT @deathbulge: Idea for next Zelda game: "Link in Park". Link goes on a quest to save the world but realises that in the end it doesn't ev…
  375. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu ah-hahaaa no, i hadn't. i kinda want to bully you into catching up, just so you can understand how great that song is...
  376. good career advice: "Yeah I have a big piece of advice! Stop “aspiring”!!!!! Your aspirations end now!!!!" ianjq.tumblr.com/post/88523630474/being-that-youre-an-industry-expert-i-was-hoping
  377. Okay okay, it's nearly 2AM and I should be in bed... but I just set Steam downloading a (beta for) a game I worked on. Not done that before!
  378. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu ahhh, glad you like it! but there's not any more to lend... yet. welcome to reading comics in real time :D
  379. Duncan Fyfe takes on the people of the Gate, @betterthemask, and a sad story about dogs. All three are worth reading. camposanto.com/quarterlyreview/volume-2/issue-1/index.html
  380. …in reply to @v21
    if you're into sad stories about dogs written by @DuncanFyfe then this is the one, though: hitselfdestruct.com/2013/08/the-dogs-of-summer.html
  381. RT @st33d: Had a project at work that wouldn't compile because the coder subclassed everything from a class beginning with 'W'. Change it t…
  382. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu I have a consolation prize. Well, I mean I don't actually have it. But: amazon.co.uk/Avengers-Kieron-Gillen-McKelvie-Omnibus/dp/0785191712 , or phonogramcomic.com/
  383. clearing out open SublimeText buffers...
  384. …in reply to @v21
    pt 2
  385. …in reply to @1000tongues
    @1000tongues i can't make it because it's Feral Vector at the same time! :< otherwise i woulda bugged you already, believe me.
  386. so does this heroku news mean you can't host twitterbots on there for free any more?
  387. …in reply to @tef
    @tef ugh. some stuff that'll be a dealbreaker for... (depending on the granularity - ie @badpng is less fun if it only polls every halfhour)
  388. …in reply to @v21
    heroku news : notes.ericjiang.com/posts/881 - looks like you'll need to fiddle with a scheduler so it's only up <12hrs a day :<
  389. …in reply to @UnburntWitch
    @TheQuinnspiracy think they said they'd make it free if you asked!
  390. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted @tef yeah, i assumed it wasn't, it was just the first example that came to mind.
  391. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted @tef i have a VPS myself, but I just this morning arranged to give an intro to botmaking workshop, and planned to use Heroku.
  392. …in reply to @tef
    @tef @thricedotted this'd be end of May. And I don't want to teach newcomers tooling they're gonna have to figure out how to migrate off.
  393. …in reply to @tef
    @tef @thricedotted like, already there's so much shit to wade through to just get a thing running.
  394. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted @tef tempted to go with node.js instead... but language doesn't actually change much.
  395. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted @tef API keys, OAuth, git, the CLI at all, the concept of HTTP requests, dyno provisioning, the actual code...
  396. …in reply to @v21
    @thricedotted @tef but most of this stuff isn't actually interesting, so i don't mind waving at it as magic...
  397. RT @FemicomMuseum: ⚠ GAME JAM ⚠ FEMICOM Museum is launching a series of retro-girly-game themed game jams. First jam: April 15. http://t.co…
  398. building art into the desktop metaphor fuseboxfestival.com/festival/desktop-metaphor
  399. RT @hentaiphd: it's really about more than "getting hit on"... so just play it~ my descriptions fail lol ninasays.so/freshmanyear/ http://t.co…