Tweets from 2015/10
Went back to SPL-T when I was more awake and got stuck deep enough into trying to balance my verticals and horizontals I missed my stop.
I enjoyed this article about setting ("level design") in bouldering.
Now all my twitter ads seem to feature irregularly divided grids and I'm finding that distracting.
.@actuallyalice @inskora see, I'm enjoying this new age of indies recapturing the joys of low-poly, low-res early 3D.
@dr_d_king nowhere near that! I'm in the low thousands (but probably less than 10 games so far)
this is a fantastical (true) story of the filming of a Russian film in a several year long LARP
RT @patrickashe: Also we are doing a 3 night @beta_public on the 17th - 19th November and you should come at least once during it: http://t…
@resiak what! oh man! i would love to hear more about this.
@resiak oooh! @radiodario for one. But I also know (obv) a bunch of game designers who might be interested. Will poke. London-based?
We still have slots for our regular Fabulous Beasts playtest night tonight. Want play a TOTALLY WORKING game, drink beer and eat pizza?
Details here: (also spaces for the next couple of weeks)
@unfortunatalie sending sympathy
@radiodario @resiak @AnnetteMees could do Sunday evening or Monday. Or join you guys after a thing after work Tuesday :<
Augh! I shared a viral story created to advertise a website. I feel so tacky.
@doougle have you played Undertale? That's my big sticky narrative indie game of the moment.
@doougle haha - that's me with else heart break. also all the Fantastic Arcade games...
@doougle but yeah - lots of interesting stuff in Undertale. Would be v curious to hear your thoughts on it.
@patrickashe @hannahnicklin @KommanderKlobb I think you guys might like this mix
on AI as just a name for the kind of technology you think of as smart (and on framing to achieve this)
@erbridge sweet! see you later.
@asponge this isn't the answer you wanted, but... why not do the west highland way? 9 days is plenty of time.
@sheilamu how far did you get? Did you reach the glowy nipples of Nudist Beach?
@JFriedhoff I just now came to twitter after getting 17000ish, thinking "how could I do better, tho?", rereading tutorial and going "ah".
@JFriedhoff (I've not been thinking about dropping blocks to shake out the points)
@JFriedhoff 26k next run! Whoop
@asponge if you have the stuff, then you can wild camp along the path.
@alicemazzy *shrug* here, the police have to call for the special police-with-guns when they need to do some shooting people.
via @srules : a paper showing that about 5% of people found a better route to work as a result of the Feb strikes
(because they tried an alternative route, and it was better) this worked out as a (averaged, obv) net gain for disrupted commuters...
personally, i've enjoyed tube strikes for the enforced disruption to normal routine. there's a communal feeling to it.
@alicemazzy ... would you advocate that the UK makes gun ownership widely legal (instead of heavily restricted, as it is now)?
All morning have been loving the Grubs album. Good noisy indie pop. 🎶I am a work in progress🎶I am improving slowly🎶
@KommanderKlobb yeah, that was when I realized the full album was out. That was a good mix! I should play the game it was a fanmix of.
@KommanderKlobb I don't know if that's a Thing thing, but that's the thing that thing was. The game:
RT @Snowden: I forgot to turn off notifications. Twitter sent me an email for each: Follow Favorite Retweet DM 47 gigs of notifications. …
@hannahnicklin your mum is amazing. and i'm really sad to hear about the flat.
this is a beautiful exercise: make a mod of Breakout with no knowledge of coding
@JFriedhoff only responding based on this fragment, so apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but... the escape comes outside the game, no?
@JFriedhoff while you are within the game, you cannot escape the confines of it. but the experience of the game is not just the time within
@JFriedhoff at which point, you can think about the game in relation to the larger world, and extrapolate out, and think politically.
@JFriedhoff (this is not really special about games, of course - the magic circle is basically the same as suspension of disbelief)
@JFriedhoff i am cribbing a bunch of this from hearing @hannahnicklin talk about her PhD, btw (
we put up all the 128 char games people made at Now Play This! "First person to make themselves sneeze wins."
RT @immolations: Feudalism may not be perfect but it's the best system we've got. More of us have chainmail today than at any point in hist…
RT @M1NKBOT: Good thing about that time I discovered a Scrabble game I'd designed had been down for a whole day & a half.
I'm on RPS, with a big long lovely feature about me by @hannahnicklin @rockpapershot/650052839637577728
and now, wonderfully, the RPS comment thread focuses on New Malden.
RT @mcclure111: We have managed to massively simplify the interaction model of our software by trapping you in an enormous slab of crystal
@notquitereal that sounds like a fun afternoon
RT @Gib: I don't think we have 'custard' here, or even a word for that
bot of the day: "We left when the credits started - did we miss anything?" a surprisingly comprehensive database
@HilariousCow i think this is a really positive step?
@HilariousCow the process of work can make you happy, but the results, the achievements of work rarely do.
@vectorpoem did you play Jelly No Puzzle? Thinking about that these days for some reason. Probably cuz it's great.
@vectorpoem it is very hard. Lots of games I despise for that, but JNP becomes completely charming for the same reasons.
@vectorpoem English Country Tune has few words, is a puzzle game that's even harder, but they make a even bigger impression.
RT @leighalexander: There is a critical mass of unique, humane and grown up video games. There is one for you, even
@partytimeHXLNT @mousefountain @polclarissou @troyduguid @Seemo @neauoire @wileywiggins ccing in @tinysubversions to this thread
RT @GIFsofWikipedia:
@dreamfeeel yeah - i despise traits way more harshly when know i've exhibited them in the past
@smestorp @dreamfeeel it's totally unfair. but otoh, in a sense, it's just giving people exhibiting other flaws the benefit of the doubt.
the tiny affections and hatreds you get for phrases, inanimate objects, certain gestures while doing repetitive work
@mink_ette i am annoyed at you! i'll tell you why when we next meet, if we can find somewhere private to talk about it.
@e_svedang I won't be, but Fabulous Beasts is also going to be there - @rotational and @jukevox are showing it.
RT @BotCarrion: In the old art, a text may be identical with the preceding ones where nothing happens.
@angusdick oh huh, i guess that is tonight. no, i'm not going
RT @molleindustria: @radiatoryang *Phone Story was designed to work as hearsay - after the Super Columbine RPG, Faith Fighter, and Virtual …
@caraellison !!!
@raiganburns @JonRemedios not in my experience?! same with books and TV...
@raiganburns @JonRemedios the ways we talk about and hear about games we've not played have changed, but the practice isn't new.
@raiganburns @JonRemedios think of the cliched stories of formative game experiences- how many are based on lies about things you never saw?
RT @lorenschmidt: more terrain editing tools in progress- this one's additive
@jawsew King of Dragon Pass achieved a fusion of strategy and narrative that I wish had spawned a whole genre.
@jawsew Oh! And Blood and Laurels is another high water mark of procedural narrative.
@jawsew And Pamplemousse is on iOS, too. Point and click hardboiled musical. Year Walk. A Dark Room.
@jawsew people keep making games, it's a problem.
@jawsew i'll try *alt-tabs back to making a game*
this morning I am listening to Bjork, an "Irish Coast Sea, Wind and Rain Noise Generator" and the ISS livestream. Recommended.
I want to make soundscapes now, though. Though the problem of making audio things is you can't listen to audio at the same time.
@infovore ok ok you can't listen to audio that isn't broken and you hate it for the majority of the process
@NotInventedHere yeah, was on them yesterday is the one i'm listening to
@infovore i have not actually done much composition - generally have just been implementing sounds in videogames.
@infovore but like, I was the one implementing all the audio in the Panoramical scene, and that was fun, so.
China's Sesame Credit system is wild: ("authoritarianism, gamified")
@infovore it's probably weird that i'm using the excuse of creating procedural systems to dip my toes into other forms.
@infovore the main thing i learn is that procedural writing is best done by writers, procedural music is best done by musicians, etc...
RT @caseyjohnston: TIL orcas sell out other whales to humans and literally eat their faces after they're caught http…
@hollygramazio @emshort same, same.
@radiodario yes mate
@KingDragonPass \o/
@haikus_by_KN i know right?! great design.
RT @siegarettes: Anyhow I've been reading this piece on how women's vocal talents are treated:
Update on the ISS: they've tried all the combinations of the username and password, and the default password, and it's not letting them in.
It's good to know people in literal space have the same kind of problems as you.
@edclef just the regular ISS stream i only just caught that bit of intermittent radio chatter
@jonty i read a commanders log once. it was mainly networking problems and films on multiple CDs
@haikus_by_KN yeah, i feel the same.
@haikus_by_KN yeah, i'd say so too. not that i'm sure there aren't already rewards.
@jonty ha! I found the log!
@resiak this is something I might have scribbled down as a ref for you, if I could remember the search terms
RT @JmeBBK: Bruv, these eCigarettes I see guys smoking nowadays are so tonx. Looks like mans playing a clarinet on the roads.
@LovedayBrooke wait... i fetched out the martini rosso yesterday, it should be knocking around the kitchen
@chrisoshea @unity3d I have no solution, but I lost a bunch of time to this earlier this evening. So my sympathies.
@chrisoshea @unity3d (even if you re-enable in the same frame disabling and re-enabling wipes all the state in the Animator)
RT @Papapishu: "I've done it -- I've decoded the secret message Kojima put in MGSV." *looks at wall of strings that point to "David Bowie i…
@ElizSimins @TheXbone recall hearing from someone at IGN that their viewership was actually like 30% female, but this approach sold more ads
@ElizSimins @TheXbone (to be clear, fuck IGN)
@chrisoshea @unity3d cba logging into forums on my iPad, but I am pretty sure the suggested workaround won't work. Doesn't keep params.
@chrisoshea @unity3d you could set again on re-enable, but you might have to wait til LateUpdate to do that. And ugh.
RT @nonhashtag: The perfect man has Matthew Broderick's elasticity, Gotye's elbows & George Buckenham's weird levitation
RT @tullyhansen: “almost every VC-backed startup is trying to build a monopoly to charge rent as long as possible”
@chrisoshea @unity3d lemme know if you find a good workaround!
The Space is going back to filming things and then putting the videos online.
@chrisoshea note you can't just use OnDisable, as the state is gone by that point. You gotta manually fish it out before calling SetActive.
RT @flantz: Why I love Serpentes
@jawsew @keefstuart me! Be there Thursday onwards.
@jawsew you're a private detective, solving crimes through the medium of song.
@TrillinDaGame yeah, that's right at the start
@tullyhansen hey, I'm still happy they're not trying to kill it with neglect any more
RT @joewintergreen: My TF2 user-generated-content-creator friend (anon) always wows me with tales of how fucked the TF2 biz is these days h…
I wish SPL-T stored game state when you quit it; I'd play it much more if it did.
This is a great article on Dumb Games that ends with the backstory for one of the Games For People games
RT @john_overholt: "You know, insecure passwords can be a real highway to the danger zone--hi, I'm Kenny Loggins, but for today you can cal…
@caraellison oh, so I was at BAC earlier and a girl stopped me and said "do you know Cara?".
@caraellison this isn't a useful story because I didn't recognise her. But she had a good dress on.
RT @wikisext: sext: i tie my remaining three balloon flower petals together as you quietly tie one set of two balloon flower petals together
@jawsew I'm lukewarm on buying a place, but I feel crushed between the desire to keep living near my friends and the immense cost to do so.
@jawsew And I can afford it now, but if it keeps ratcheting up... that's what house prices mean to me.
@jawsew if i bought somewhere, it'd be mainly so that i'm not fucked over by future house price rises
RT @mink_ette: You are at a crossroads. Do you want to FOLLOW THE CROWD or JOIN THE BISCUIT UNIT?
RT @9squaresproject: Last chance to get in touch with us if you're a UK-based young animator for a *very* special 9 Squares round. http://t…
RT @poem_exe: with light hearts beneath melting spring snow walking around, wasting time
@DataErase hi!
RT @smestorp: blog post - Chesh
RT @chadcomix: banana. facts.
RT @unity3d: We're beginning the end-of-life process of the Unity Web Player plugin: #Unity5
I really like this book
@maltron3D I just downloaded LightningPaint
My (Californian) flatmate keeps going "yes bruv" in a bad Keira Knightley accent.
RT @emshort: For my taste this is the best IF Comp in 21 years of comp history. Such variety and color; so many authors doing their best wo…
RT @FabBeasts: New high score for @jukevox at #spiel2015: 3438 with all pieces used. Early miracle strategy is strong!…
RT @hannahnicklin: "Were you dreaming?" Part 1:
RT @hannahnicklin: I'd love there to be a discussion of some of the more trad arts folk turning to games tools as well as the games folk ma…
for real, though, if you want cool tools you should give Fernando money to make them for you @compositeredfox/652243928373006336
RT @ammonite: I wrote about how funding for creative companies is changing, and how it needs to change some more:
@AshHauenschild yus! what's up?
@AshHauenschild hm! likely there's something interestingly invalid in your Tracery - email me the source at & I'll look
RT @retroremakes: Lines we *do* still trot out. From Aug 1982. People wonder why I complain about the same stuff over and over and... htt…
this was a thing i always wanted to do for my panoramical scene @Pentadact/652445419956535296
Wheat Poet Frog Heckle Coleslaw Graze Dimples Polo Griffin Punch Roots -- "Top Open-Source Static Site Generators"
RT @nzle: @tinysubversions I'm starting to suspect that what the word "weird" in "I make weird internet art" really means is "Marxist"
bot of the day: @swayandocean a bot that tries to make life easier for people who are finding life hard
@havochq well, take it from a human, too - you deserve care, self- or no.
RT @midlandladders: This guy's just realised it's the weekend! Have a great weekend everyone.
@patrickashe Olympians?
@Citrushistrix I just read through "Beautiful Dreamer" and it was so good. Thank you!
I just played through and it is so good, so inventive and so gentle.
@Brendy_C congratulations on the column! A Twine for you:
process post: some animated work by the same artist:
@KommanderKlobb @Brendy_C the combat is JRPG style, but it's also a shmup, a puzzle game and well written in it's own right.
@Brendy_C Undertale, I'd say. Though you won't finish it tonight, unlike the Beginner's Guide.
@Ludonaut hm! i don't think so? and yeah, there's no symbol escaping in tracery yet. "[" works, though...
@KommanderKlobb @patrickashe @grapefrukt (it's "Set" - I was talking about it with @hollygramazio recently)
@dgrey0 there's somewhat readable js behind that link... but basically, it's MacPaint pattern + noise + repeated convolution
@tigershungry I have sausages and am getting on my bike
@dreamfeeel so glad I put that canvas resizing behaviour in!
@jawsew i bought flowers for my house yesterday
@jawsew (sorry if i'm being repetitive - i tried to see the responses, but twitter doesn't like to show them all any more)
I have to tidy and do useful things, but I want to reimplement that noise tool in Rust. I guess I could use it VJing Friday?
@jawsew I bought them from the fancy weekly market nearby, so: adult, competent, connected to this place, like I need a better vase.
@jawsew yeah, this is a apple juice bottle i soaked the label off...
@fourtonfish thanks! It's all up on github, though I don't think I've got round to putting a licence on it.
@fourtonfish the clever bit is Tracery, though - can't remember the licence situation for that either. But bug me if you want me to licence.
@patrickashe oh, I'm so sorry for your loss.
@fourtonfish it's across a couple at worth looking at tracerybot, which runs a single Tracery-backed bot.
@fourtonfish there's not that much to it, though - the hard part is setting it up so bots can stay up without attention.
@fourtonfish working a Tracery component into a Node-based bot is pretty simple - see for an example
@fourtonfish lemme know of you have any questions!
@mathewkumar @UnionDocs it's really good, isn't it?
I am tempted to resurrect Twine Tasting just so I can turn people on to how great @Citrushistrix's stuff is.
RT @atduskgreg: Belated #screenshotsaturday for my Showrunner game. You can get fired w/good ratings if you ignore network notes: http://t.…
bot of the day: @bot_teleport bot as escapism, fragments of prose scattered through your day, as a restful place alongside irl
i should write some more of my woodland scenes bot
RT @botwikidotorg: Not quite a programmer (yet), but want to make (friendly) Twitter bots? Try @v21's…
RT @botwikidotorg: Featuring bots by @swayandsea, @Ludonaut, @inky, @getdizzzy, @nyxtaki & @v21, the creator of http…
i made a thing at the weekend
@smestorp @retroremakes and when the fringes get big "but DOTA is a decade old"
RT @metalgear_ebook: Hi, I’m Hideo Kojima. Take note of the detail of the buttocks on these character models.
@zarawesome i have one too, so *shrug*
RT @notquitereal: well, how about that? a strange letter, a strange file, something Crows Crows Crows-y…
@GalaxyKate hey, while you're over, do you want to try to get together and work on Node packaging stuff & this?
@GalaxyKate does it need a scratch rewrite? seems to me it could instead do with that last push to get it tidy and straight. imho, ofc.
@caraellison yeah yeah, "Bow, Nigger" is amazing, but I just read "Possessing Barbie" for the first time, and... wow.
@caraellison the impact was probably heightened by having read earlier today
RT @alienmelon: It's been a long time coming, but I felt like I needed to share this: So I wrote something.
.@alienmelon for all it's easy to be cynical about games & games culture, this makes me genuinely proud and hopeful about what we've created
RT @tommchenry: A cynic might think the ironic popularizing of the THEY LIVE sunglasses fight scene clip keeps the film's deep class anger …
@whitingjp no idea what yr plans are today, but i'd be up for lunch (near work, so Somerset House ish) or drinks after work?
@AOsher househunting going well, i see
@betterthemask i hope one day to read a review of one of my games as good as that. it's true, tho.
RT @retroremakes: That's crazy! This was my exact dream when growing up too.
@retroremakes for real, though
@psychicteeth ... there's a stall at the market near mine doing fancy buttermilk fried chicken. And "Chicken Shop" does Nando's-style stuff.
@psychicteeth but p much all good food is peasant food made well & with good ingredients, so *shrug*
RT @nice_tips_bot: please, open your own salon when you understand all of the business decisions and fees you are responsible for.
RT @jonty: :scream_face_emoji:
@jonty such a pleasure to read such good writing
RT @kennecottutah: Take a guess: At which facility do we break down large chunks of ore to the consistency of face powder?
@whitingjp rad! i'm just out of a design meeting, p much done for the day. where you at?
RT @ammonite: I made my first bot. @BotAnnunciation announces a new game every few hours or so using the top 50 title words in from recent …
@patrickashe @whitingjp actually, yeah? I'm heading vaguely in your direction now anyway
i drank some beer and then i came home and i was hungry so now i've eaten some food and now i'm very sleepy
@KommanderKlobb i've folded some laundry, and my flatmate is playing me a remix of Carly Rae Jepsen's Run Away With Me
@renaudbedard @radiatoryang @compositeredfox (+ the sad story of Bitbucket's git LOB
RT @ADAMATOMIC: also good - charting the massive influence of the supremely weird Space Ghost Coast to Coast http://…
@patrickashe @angusdick yes! i played this for my housemate last night.
RT @mycroTUNA: Hyperwave 3 this Friday in London! See @DJGammer @chipzel @JAKAZiD and @Oliotronix live! :D http://…
@mtrc @radiatoryang sadly every time you upgrade Unity it reverts :S
RT @DawnHFoster: David Cameron is on track to kill off social housing, writes @colinwiles #ukhousing
what a name! @CoolBoxArt/654184957741531136
RT @alexqarbuckle:
@siobhangx OFF TOPIC BUT I just had a great cheese platter with port.
@RealAvocadoFact whew!
RT @AnnetteMees: This by @StampEllie talking about her hard journey ahead.
RT @bot_teleport: you are teleported to a wet manor fuck I hope there is nothing waiting in the dark
bot of the day: @TXTADVNT_EXE part of a genre (@NoraReed/654595568262471680) but consider how much this is lifted by it's aesthetic care "polish"
3 of 5 people (60%) found this review helpful @RatKingsLair/654555084106412032
RT @albinwonderland: whoever wrote this deserves a raise
RT @nice_tips_bot: reminder: the more positive and confident you are, the less this prospective employer will suspect anything incriminatin…
RT @emmyblotnick: Fun game: refer to it clunkily as "man-explaining" until a guy snaps and corrects you
bot of the day: @wikishoutouts the collision of well formed, plausible sentences and the relentless machine processing producing them
I've organized events at a reasonably high level, but I don't entirely understand or care what a keynote speaker is. (I've looked it up now)
@3liza that's a pain. If you do do it that way, try exporting as a twee file, copy pasting, then reimporting. Might be quicker.
@3liza also Twine 2 is more of a fork than a necessary upgrade
@3liza .twee is the text-only format for twines (as opposed to .tws). P sure there's an import/export option for it.
@3liza it's not worth stressing about, it just might be faster with a text editor than in the UI. But manageable either way.
RT @GalaxyKate: Incoming #tracery features: JQuery-free escape characters main and fallback grammars conditionals etc @v21
@HilariousCow :/ shame, because that looks really pretty. love that painted look.
@ntlk yess.
RT @smestorp: @patrickashe pah, you seek enlightenment through mindful presence, peace and oneness? no! true enlightenment only comes throu…
@JFriedhoff if you're me: have a bit of a cry, and try to use what precious time you do have on something with an entirely different context
@JFriedhoff my sympathies. You'll get through it.
I am a frog.
NOT Yoshi!!!
RT @jonty: This study showing a strong link between Alzheimer's and fungal infection of the central nervous system is amazing:…
RT @webbedspace: "Hear my curse: if you wound me, I will come back weaker. If you crush me, I will come back frailer. And if you kill me, I…
@patrickashe fwiw, on the night it felt mocking, ironic. But I've shared that wallpaper with others since, and it's been a comfort to them.
@patrickashe but still: it is, though.
If only cycling while drunk was a good idea.
It is at all times enjoyable, at times especially so, it's just some I'm sure it might kill you.
Still, maybe I have an inverted quotation marks game I'll release instead tonight.
@hannahnicklin stop helping
@tigershungry @Dick_Hogg @patrickashe me neither. It's a good (and largely true) message, even if it's sometimes hard to accept.
@tigershungry @Dick_Hogg @patrickashe but it's a thing a friend will say to you, and absolutely believe. And that is a good thing.
More videos on this feed. @yungthugrat/655489592792084480
Maybe if I wasn't drunk I could be okay at Downwell? Maybe.
@radiatoryang @dreamfeeel I just favorited other tweets, but imagine I favorited this one especially hard
RT @fubarpops: Is @caraellison's the first published book to namecheck *home of my soul* Stepney Fried Chicken? If so it's the world's best…
@HarryGiles i'm not sure about it either. but it's easy to admin, so until i'm pretty sure i don't like it, i'm not going to change it.
@HarryGiles the time triggers are handcoded into cron, so i'd either have to switch from that or add variants in (and a way to trigger some)
@radiodario @ElectricObjects I do not! But I am curious as to how looks on one.
@radiodario @ElectricObjects hah. maybe that means you won't notice the GC pauses...
@radiodario @ElectricObjects 😎 (thank you!)
@katierosepipkin the internet told me it was your birthday. Hope it's a good one. 🌸🌿🌺🌿🌾🌱🌸🌿🌾🌺🌱
RT @holyfingers: Some more screen to world-space interaction today! :3 Next step is to get some pawing going if you get too close... http:/…
@PennyRed love that book. Yesterday I replayed the Twine game "Tonight Dies The Moon", which clearly riffs off it
@radiodario @ElectricObjects boo... Maybe I'll try an 8x8 px version. (or, tbh, I could just use shaders rather than doing things CPU-side)
@getdizzzy wait, this is misguided dissection? I think this is great. Though I'm not looking to it for criticism, but for future guidance.
@getdizzzy oh, phew! anyway, I was gonna follow up and recommend @Citrushistrix's work- great stories, starting from "interesting structure"
@radiodario @ElectricObjects yeah, that was what i was guessing. hm hm!
@jennatar jenn i just arrived at work and read like the last 4 hours of your tweets. it's an honour to know you.
@lexaloffle because programming is hard
@lexicobob that's a great feeling. congrats.
@retroremakes bravo! i feel like i will be linking this post for years to come.
"instead of buying one latte"
RT @nice_tips_bot: remember... tickling a girl in her sides is innocent enough. but, it's best to do with girls you are friends with, not r…
I want to buy the @everyword book, but I kinda only want to buy it as a physical book, not an ebook?
also @tinysubversions's blurb is the best: “At long last: every word in the English language compiled in a single volume.”
I am excited for GameCity next week!
I use this technique a lot in my CBDQ bots! Less as a technique and more as a tactic, though. @leonardr/656467988510584832
(by which I mean, I use it on macro and micro levels, and I don't demarcate rare vs very rare explicitly)
@ADAMATOMIC It's fine, someday you'll get rid of it and add a set of "Maybe______" functions.
@i2 @ADAMATOMIC it's fine until: MaybeTryForceBlah(); SomethingElse(); MaybeTryForceBlah(); MaybeTryForceBlah(); // damnit, set already
RT @inkleStudios: Unbound: An Ode to Wired Women - @Quinnae_Moon's @gamasutra article on @betterthemask's Maminirina from 80 Days https://t…
RT @nickludlam: My epic engineering post about how we developed NFC business cards at @MOO is now up. Lots of tech detail included. https:…
Today is the day Marty McFly goes to the future!
RT @TransMediaWatch: Jack Monroe writes for the New Statesman about being non-binary:
@haikus_by_KN no, now you have a drink and enjoy not having to work on it. You can stress about other stuff later.
@hoskingc they started off all living together in a empty classroom? i'm just glad there's a decent profit-share agreement in place.
@hannahnicklin @danieljharvey wasn't it that a button was buggered? you could only turn the volume down, not up, or something?
RT @patrickashe: .@taleoftales have just unveiled their new project Cathedral In The Clouds:
@molleindustria I can think of counterexamples, but that's basically right. I would contest the idea it needs a plot/mystery to hang on, tho
ahhh ahh ahhhhhh - PC Music aesthetics x indie games (of course it's at Babycastles)
RT @thehairpin: "Gilmore Girls", as per @electrolemon.
@VentureBeat @betterthemask holy shit, meg!
RT @VentureBeat: Netrunner is becoming a role-playing game with a story from 80 Days' writer @betterthemask https:/…
RT @monicabyrne13: Happy birthday, Ursula K. Le Guin. To celebrate, read this story right now. It's my favorite of all time.…
@dreamfeeel @radiatoryang the key for me is feeling like it's an area you can apply design thinking to
@dreamfeeel @radiatoryang my main takeaway was: wow Robert works hard. I probably make too many concessions to my own procilvities/laziness.
this looks amazing! and WHAT A TITLE @JamesWallis/656957384271790080
@JamesWallis i am such a fan of rich, layered narratives that are conveyed by a single sentence.
@JamesWallis i think this beats out even "The larvae are weightless. They simulate gravity as a camouflage technique."
@JamesWallis an early level in English Country Tune.
@reallyfancy @mtrc yeah - i've seen some terribly written code driving great games, and some great code in terrible games.
some tweets about safer spaces and authorities, by @HarryGiles @HarryGiles/657177975444652032
RT @dangolding: My favourite kind of interview.
@dreamfeeel should i bring my frog onesie y/n?
@dreamfeeel ... @philippawarr Pip, are you coming to GameCity?
@LichLike i thought it was a symbol of Ska
@LichLike presumably it can now have skin tone modifiers applied to it???
@LichLike also, jeez, at least Apple kept the perspective. the LG version looks like a Rene Magritte
@LichLike for shame
RT @holliebuckets: I switched back just in time! :D Unity 5.3 will have MonoDevelop 5.9!! :D #unity3d…
I am banned from performing at Beta Public, but I guess this lineup is still ok (it's actually really good)
especially enjoying @churlishmeg and @ct_bailey being on the same bill
@PIXELATEDCROWN that's amazing news, congrats congrats congrats!
@GalaxyKate scholarly research seems to have more justification for this stuff than startups. i would feel fine (if presented upfront)
@GalaxyKate like, the payment for using this cool tool is you're collecting research data on how i use it. that's fair.
@molleindustria ccing @patrickashe onto this thread (his specialist subject)
@LichLike oof. tricky. i feel that pressure.
@LichLike probably not helpful, but: i think a thing the Internet does is make communication and compassion feel like creation. it needn't.
@LichLike yeah. you don't have to have the hottest of hot takes to be worthwhile. you can just... be there.
@LichLike be part of a community. exist within a friendship. enact those relations, rather than "forge bonds" "build relationships".
@rich_lem aww, sad i'm missing out. have a great time! (if you get a chance to play new @FabBeasts would love to hear yr thoughts)
bot of the day: @dscovr_epic so, bots as a fragment of beauty, suspended in yr timeline: OK, yep but this: "epic" is the word take a moment
@JFriedhoff i enjoy being misquoted, or otherwise spreading confusion. i've only gotten careful about it since working with others.
@JFriedhoff i expect this will blow up in my face at some point, though.
@JFriedhoff the worst thing that has happened (multiple times) is being given credit for the work of (female) friends. i'm more careful now.
@ksheely aw, too bad, i was waiting for it to quieten down so i'd get a longer go
RT @scarybotsla: The Girl took a spear and and the story ends here.
@neb ahhh! thanks so much! ^_^
RT @cyriakharris: In last night's dream people kept using the phrase "when the comedian gets his guitar out" to signify a feeling of impend…
"Postcolonial Catan" really interesting post on orientalism/exoticism/cliches in boardgames (scroll for English)
@hannahnicklin @patrickashe aw, that's sweet. I was at Sheila's birthday and having a great time.
@hannahnicklin @patrickashe and I met a dude who plays bass in a math rock band and he knew all about me via you and our walk.
@mtrc @GalaxyKate I made a super quick and dirty version in Unity (that just does the basic stuff, no variables or modifiers) wanna see?
@leighalexander @raiganburns some of the best co-op experiences I've had have been with single player games.
@leighalexander @raiganburns was talking to someone recently about them playing Lemmings as a family growing up.
@leighalexander @raiganburns (also thinking about this within the context of currently making a 1 to 8? player coop game)
@free_play @LeeShangLun @amaninaseem @dangolding wait, we were supposed to expo it under a table? Why didn't you tell us?
Bot Summit, Bot Summit, Bot Summit! @tinysubversions/657759586615607297
@joehalliwell @JeniT lot of people asking that these days, but the question always seems a bit vague.
Coast path game poems by @whitingjp. We showed these at Now Play This.
this looks like an accidentally very capable bot tool
RT @rachelmercer: Sure, we could use chatbots to disorganise ISIS, I'm worried how it can be use to disorganise internet protests. https://…
Q: What browser tab is making that noise? A: It is an invisible, un-stop-able YouTube video within the Slack app.
@retroremakes it's a weird consequence of the fact that the primary purpose of this stuff is to entertain, not criticism or buying advice or
@mtrc @GalaxyKate - probably not worth building off, but simple enough
@hannahnicklin @edclef i am loving these exchanges
@leighalexander @Quinns108 holy shit, congrats to you both! ❤️❤️❤️
should i try to make as: a Rust native app, run with shaders in a webpage (ie faster), or run headlessly in Node?
@Poxican @reallyfancy yeah, that's a gorgeous dog
@jukiokallio oh, huh, yeah, i can do that super quick, let's just modify that one
@jukiokallio done!
@jukiokallio thank you for the suggestion! I just added a new new thing: you can tap the spacebar to set the interval it changes at.
@dkanaga @jukiokallio thank you! that means a lot, coming from you.
i did none of those! instead I have (at @jukiokallio's prodding) added interactivity. 4 different keys, and you can click!
RT @MysteryColorist: True story: several years ago I was internet famous for about a weekend. I made exactly $130 & got my first migraine f…
RT @yokoono: What a beautiful future it will be! Don't worry about life being boring. It will never be.
@hannahnicklin @check_o_tron thanks!
thinking about all the friends i have who live elsewhere
also thinking about the people i fancy who live elsewhere...
@joonturbo *checks which tweet yr replying to*
RT @knock2bot: Knock knock! Who's there? Curt! Curt who? Curt answers!
this is a shame
@jennatar is this like the eggshell thing?
Why Straight Men Have Sex With Each Other
[flashy gifs] new bot:
@BRKeogh yesss! sad i'm not out there
@BRKeogh am working on, yeah!
The thing about doing a thing in a day is you don't ponder any of the decisions. Can miss a lot of good chances to make it better.
On the other hand, you also finish making it. And put it out. And don't have to return to it in order to finish it.
@tigershungry woof
made a cryptic tumblr bot this weekend:
@alexhern next time i make a cryptic bot i'll not put my name on it and leak it to you first
@patrickashe those limb proportions!
via @aparrish "the synesthetes outshone the controls in guessing the meanings of the unknown words."
language after the writing machine why spambots matter katie rose pipkin's Indiecade talk
important thoughts on the cost and value of conferences, and sustainable living for small scale game makers @jofsharp/658689120605196288
RT @droqen: .@fromsmiling & i made a card game a while back we want to release it, but are unfamiliar with the space. help us D:
@tullyhansen you're the second person to ask for this! I'll mull it over, and see if I can find a good way to do it.
@tullyhansen should sort out #hashtags first, tho.
@tullyhansen yeah - I like the aesthetic of exposing the mechanism, but that wears thin after a while.
@tullyhansen (I am basically just waiting for @GalaxyKate to do all the work for me, tbh)
@tullyhansen haha. Yep, we have incipient plans... (And actually, I'm thinking of doing a pure Tracery #NaNoGenMo - we'll see)
RT @dKMFxr0Axh7Rumh: Photo: ▜▖▝▙▚ [1.8374495707974248, -1.3466961599693552, 1.7592916303228505, -1.3970808168789959,...…
Sometimes I see people posting things about programming on the Internet and I get irritated because I disagree or it doesn't apply to me.
But then I mentally insert "[web]" before "programming", and feel okay again.
If I was writing code in a dynamic language for the web, I would write a lot of tests, too.
@charlottegore does it lack in status, though?
@charlottegore hey, A* is totally a thing worth testing! But most of my code is just gluing together UI stuff, or iterating state onwards.
@charlottegore especially when shaders explicitly swap precision for speed! (Okay, okay, you could just use an epsilon...)
@charlottegore but yeah, that's only worth writing a test rig for if you have some great compatibility lab full of weird gfx cards...
RT @jonkristinsson: Oh no, gif got cut in half. Here's some more! #cwine
@auriea yeah! i saw her work on these tremendous 2 meter sheets, smudged with graphite. so easy to get lost in them.
@auriea this is a whole thread i've been mulling the past year or so - also picking up off @katierosepipkin (ie
@arcfiregames @auriea i'm not on pinterest, but i guess my closest equivalent is tumblr : not updated enough, though
"We are torn between the desire to provide a map for you and the desire to tell you to rip up this book and enter the terror for yourself?"
@radiodario deep clone, i assume?
My friend Mink is making an escape room in London! Go back her Kickstarter here:
I am excited because I have heard very good things about the one she was involved with in Portland. But I've never been to Portland, so.
RT @TheQuinnspiracy: Its reliable to the point that when there's a spike, I can track it back to someone else making us a target again. Its…
RT @TheQuinnspiracy: We've seen this in handling other non-GG Crash Override cases too. GG is one relatively small face of internet hate.
RT @TheQuinnspiracy: White supremacists love to pull that move, I've found. MRAs too. Any group that uses one person as a punching bag for …
@asponge hey, I'm only wearing a single item of clothing that previously belonged to you. Only one!
@asponge thank you. I miss you too. Especially this last weekend, when I cut my hair and fucked up the bit at the back.
@new_nomad thanks!
@awesommelier good for you! I'm off to Lille on Wednesday. You free on an evening before then?
@LorenzoPilia yup! Containing x2 Fabulous Beasts
@keefstuart i'm looking forward to being on!
@KaiClavier @Strangethink23 oooh, i love the skooshiness for the brush
bot of the day: I Waded In Clear Water poetic, i imagine it as a dialogue the main voice, and a chorus of quibblers
@Oujevipo i have a confession to make (i know it might seem odd) i have never played this game
@Oujevipo oh! then, my confession is that I have never played Tier auf Tier (clearly, as I can't recognize it)
@asponge yeah - i enjoyed it more at the start when the plot barely existed and it was just a wash of scenes cutting into each other.
@jmhodges last night, emailing back about some work - oh. Maybe you wanted a smaller, simpler thing than this *does that as well*
following both @himawari8bot and @dscovr_epic feels great. Twitter as a series of windows on the Earth from a great height.
Even people who say "take breaks! live life! be healthy!" use productivity as the motivation. :/ @reimenayee/659169956186058752
updating the game build for tomorrow! most important part: changing the "this is a prototype build" text to have the name of the event in it
@patrickashe @gamecity yeah, i saw that having a wazz and thought of you.
@alicemazzy @dreamfeeel for real, tho
@jabelsjabels @patrickashe I couldn't answer that
RT @FabBeasts: Introducing @dailyfabbeast, a fabulous beast delivered to you each day! Follow and tell us what we should name them! https:/…
new bot : @dailyfabbeast
Inside bot scene talk : I hacked up a CBDQ - style bot so it can upload images! Maybe I'll add this feature to the site?
@tullyhansen @dailyfabbeast yep! My main project collides with my bot work.
I thought about this some more and I think it's a good idea. But now I also want to add generative SVGs too. @GalaxyKate: let's talk syntax?
RT @dailyfabbeast: Look at this thing : . What is it?
I am clean; there is no glitter on my face.
@Silasary @godtributes oh god no, not again
@joonturbo yes!
@steveklabnik I don't know about Node 5, but as someone who makes small things that I then leave alone for years, I feel weary.
@steveklabnik returning to an old project, and "oh, no-one uses that framework now, this has changed massively, and this needs that updated"
@steveklabnik which is why I try to use PHP for small web projects. not saying these trends are bad, but they lead to economies of scale.
@FabBeasts look at this tower! Most ridiculous I've seen so far. By @bekokstover @AdamGCurtis @xoryn
@NoraReed this is so so so gratifying to read. I did this on purpose! CBDQ was so poets could make bots, not just programmers.
@NoraReed I did it on purpose, and then it worked?!?!?! I am so pleased.
@NoraReed also : did you ever see ? I think you'd find it interesting.
RT @NoraReed: alternatively you can pay the creator of the bot Patreon: Paypal:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted https://t.…
RT @NoraReed: a bonus to donating to me is unlike the person making this tweet i actually know how the bot works
RT @NoraReed: the reason that it is even remotely plausible as something that pulls content & autogenerates headlines is because there's A …
RT @NoraReed: there's way less actual programming/coding/technical skill involved and way more writing/reading/phrasing/poetic skill involv…
RT @NoraReed: but it's stuff that is super accessible and that people who are interested in that kind of thing can pick up really quick!
RT @NoraReed: i assume not everyone could create @thinkpiecebot, but tons of people have the ability to make stuff like it
RT @NoraReed: that's not the case with bots that are on the more technical side of the equation. this doesn't make either kind of bot better
RT @NoraReed: but it does make my style of bot much easier to explain than something that uses generative text like Markov chains
RT @NoraReed: this is something that matters a lot to me in particular because there's so much sexism in tech/coding fields
RT @NoraReed: and accessible, non-coding art that uses technology can be great for people who are discouraged from those fields because of …
RT @NoraReed: it's really rewarding to be able to jump into something and immediately make a creative and interesting project, not just "he…
RT @NoraReed: i love stuff like Tracery and Cheap Bots Done Quick and Twine for doing this kind of thing & making it easy to start
RT @NoraReed: anyway I guess what I'm doing is once again standing on a box yelling IT IS EASY AND FUN TO MAKE ART WITH BOTS IF YOU WANT TO…
RT @NoraReed: but also the weird-ass skillsets that I have that make my bots work well are idiosyncratic but you might have your own set
@inurashii @NoraReed creeping on this convo, but: Unity's JS is not javascript. It's C# with some syntax changed and a confusing name.
Why are my hangovers taking the form of feeling perfectly fine but being unable to language?
Basically the best compliment you can give CBDQ is comparing it to Twine.
@HonestWilliam good! I enjoy being right. Did you have a good time?
@Miss_Sticks MORNING!
@inurashii @NoraReed Still, though : most programming languages are pretty similar, lots will transfer.
RT @webbedspace: "The popular robot mantra, "Nobody Built You", suggests that while your brain was manufactured, only you own your qualia, …
@NoraReed you use the visual editor? Huh!
@NoraReed yeah, that makes sense! I kinda want to do more UI coloring in that text box. Like, highlight all the chosen segments.