v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2016/03

  1. …in reply to @undefined
    @primeape I wish it was easier to tell when I was making that choice...
  2. …in reply to @jhoffstein
    @jhoffstein yeah - I dunno if it's worth picking apart the Tracery source, but maybe worth looking at the generated SVGs.
  3. …in reply to @v21
    @jhoffstein (easiest done by deleting the first "{" from "preface")
  4. …in reply to @BRKeogh
    @BRKeogh @tha_rami every so often I would catch movement in the screen and strain to see myself
  5. I guess I'm starting to get hyped for GDC
  6. …in reply to @dreamfeelx
    @dreamfeelx they live with me, at the foot of my bed
  7. …in reply to @jhoffstein
    @jhoffstein ah, easily done! glad you're making progress - i know there's a bunch of holes in SVG support now, but I still welcome feedback
  8. …in reply to @patrickashe
  9. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @polclarissou yeah, same. (though in light of this conversation i would also turn down the music in the second bar a touch)
  10. …in reply to @v21
    @nachimir @polclarissou(but ultimately it's a room packed full of people yelling at each other, it's not going to make that much difference)
  11. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @nachimir @polclarissou yeah, me too. but there have been problems with the outside area getting overcrowded before.
  12. docker is
  13. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb i was going to try to describe it in that tweet, but all the words were nonsense?
  14. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb it's a way of packing up software so that it you can manage dependencies and move it between cloud services
  15. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb i did pretty well there! here's wikipedia's try
  16. this is the cutest: @Rinzence/702587890862317569
  17. bot of the day: @EveryLetter123 i choose to believe it's just waiting (like @everyboolean) and not broken down, forever failing at it's task
  18. …in reply to @v21
    further thought (and @tullyhansen) reveals: only "D" is not a valid tweet it was impossible all along maybe it's still trying
  19. …in reply to @aeoye
    @thealexmoyler it's the best
  20. …in reply to @aeoye
    @thealexmoyler and thank you! 😊
  21. …in reply to @ofcircumstance
    @ofcircumstance unreliable, flaky, but : the London Hackspace.
  22. @aparrish wow @BrainTendencies is stylish and well put together. serious props.
  23. RT @velvettusk: Cop: "Detective, we already had the chalk outline taken care of. His bulge is accurate enough" Dick Tracy: "Almost finishe…
  24. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno 😡😡😡
  25. …in reply to @retroremakes
    @retroremakes SteamOS looks more and more like a sensible hedge (mind, it did then, too)
  26. RT @danthat: Found concept art for The Swindle by @michaelfirman, perfectly encapsulating why you ALWAYS hire @michaelfirman https://t.co/Y…
  27. …in reply to @LovedayBrooke
  28. Still love Sweet Female Attitude's Flowers.
  29. …in reply to @alicemazzy
    @alicemazzy I think you're dead wrong with the Trump example. He's an example of the spectrum of acceptable opinion widening from
  30. …in reply to @v21
    @alicemazzy dog-whistle racism to straight up racism. Sure, people were still racist before, but I preferred it when they couldn't be open
  31. …in reply to @v21
    @alicemazzy about it - it makes it harder to do racist things. In short: I approve of (some) SJ thought-policing.
  32. …in reply to @io_brindle
    @john_brindle support is a real drag, though
  33. Unicode is going too far
  34. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette Do you know the works of Henry Dagg? He's one of my heroes.
  35. RT @mikekasprzak: Uh, I accidentally figured out how to simulate a Rotozoomer Demoscene effect using a pair of breadboards and a lamp. http…
  36. …in reply to @akaptur
    @akaptur @zmagg @softlandscapes huh, interesting. isn't it the wrong way round, though?
  37. …in reply to @v21
    @akaptur @zmagg @softlandscapes but they're just SVGs that can be generated in a browser, so...
  38. …in reply to @liaddh
    @liaddh not much, what's up with you?
  39. enjoying @LydNicholas eating tarantulas rn
  40. RT @paullicino: This week's Wednesday blog, on the theme of Unpublished Paul, is a mod I've devised for Spyfall. Here's Spyfilm: https://t.…
  41. …in reply to @annaboodle
    @annaboodle @emojisapiens oh, that's super cute! thank YOU
  42. RT @atwistedtree: As a treat, I thought I'd share one of my favourite little gifs we have of work on the game. FEATURES BEAR. https://t.co/…
  43. bot of the day: @emojisapiens cute little emoji people look at lot like homunculi scaled to nerve density
  44. RT @partytimeHXLNT: What I made today~ #innovation #tech #startup #hashtags
  45. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow you should keep cats indoors because they kill so many birds otherwise
  46. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @HilariousCow there are a bunch of campaigns about this - cats kill a staggering amount of birds, basically, and it endangers some.
  47. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @HilariousCow maybe it's not that big a problem, or it's okay if you bell the cat, though
  48. …in reply to @atwistedtree
    @atwistedtree i have questions about the skeleton and it's tongue
  49. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef @nachimir @atwistedtree ahhhhhhh, such a fat maggot!
  50. …in reply to @chrisamaphone
    @chrisamaphone whoa, yeah
  51. @GalaxyKate have you seen @deer_ful's post emmawinston.me/2016/03/03/the-art-of-bots/? Similarly, Emma, check out Kate's stuff casualcreator.com/blog/
  52. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful @GalaxyKate i am just so glad both of you are thinking hard about this!
  53. …in reply to @v21
    @deer_ful @GalaxyKate some slightly jumbled post-CBDQ thoughts from last year: v21.io/blog/tools-for-novices/
  54. RT @chootalks: camera roll
  55. I read a No Man's Sky preview and now I wonder if I should try again to understand the controls in Noctis IV.
  56. …in reply to @MonsieurEureka
  57. …in reply to @AranKoning
  58. RT @edclef: @atwistedtree ok, @hannahnicklin, done! (Almost tried to make a tall 'boyar' hat but it would have taken ages) https://t.co/1Nm…
  59. I ordered some business cards!
  60. RT @jellyflavor: love lives and pretty colors ! !
  61. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx ha, it really is. i love that the content filters are still the same overzealous broken thing they always were
  62. …in reply to @legobutts
    @legobutts we just finished running a Kickstarter, so, uh, I'm not going to say anything on this topic.
  63. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz i considered not putting it on, but eventually decided to
  64. …in reply to @v21
    @vivschwarz no contact details besides "v21", though
  65. RT @polclarissou: i still cant get over how good these witches by @dzifyr & @Gib are ✨✨ dziff.com/portfolio/little-witches/
  66. RT @KingRainhead: 5 years ago, I asked this beautiful woman if she would go to dinner with me. Last spring, I asked her to be my wife. Both…
  67. …in reply to @psychicteeth
    @psychicteeth has the entire population of Brighton just been hired? by which i mean: congrats! i look forward to blaming you for bad docs.
  68. …in reply to @undefined
  69. 5 minutes before midnight was definitely the wrong time to open this bit of exciting mail
  70. …in reply to @mjmcmaster
    @mjmcmaster bonus points for Wolfram Alpha over just Google or some shit
  71. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate i guess it's the difference between creating a writer/artist or a curator/collager.
  72. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes it was a receipt printer! pretty things: instagram.com/p/BCgqtGxto7Y/?taken-by=vtwentyone
  73. RT @TwitterOSS: Our Twitter emoji library has been updated with new Unicode 8.0 emoji, including more diverse emoji! 🎉 🙌🏿🙌🏾🙌🏽🙌🏼🙌🏻 🍾 https:/…
  74. super sweet piece where @hannahnicklin interviews her mum about games here: rockpapershotgun.com/2016/03/04/even-your-mom/
  75. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin good social media managing!
  76. …in reply to @v21
    @hannahnicklin there must be a way to use this to make some flowers for your mum tax-deductible.
  77. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @hologramvron @ranjit ah, I'd been trying to remember who submitted that bug report. Best bug report I've ever gotten, I reckon?
  78. Imagine if your most popular tweets were the ones you're most proud of.
  79. …in reply to @v21
    Guess that applies to achievements in general, huh?
  80. …in reply to @dirtcreaturr
    @fromsmiling I would like to register my interest
  81. …in reply to @BRKeogh
    @BRKeogh i can understand that
  82. RT @MsKittyPowers: Why shouldn't video games be fabulous and glamorous? That's what I want to know. Let's change that! #Fabulous #videogames
  83. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort @katierosepipkin @chrisamaphone registering my interest, too!
  84. oh this is nice (click though to see it animated) @zachlieberman/706105341663174662
  85. if i'm trying to open a package, i'll often use what i have to hand (keys?) rather than go find the proper tool
  86. …in reply to @v21
    this isn't (just) laziness, but also about how we solve. we start from the end, from the salient tools, and work back towards the problem.
  87. …in reply to @v21
    specifically, this is not logical thought, but intuitive understanding. also, it's more complex than this. but this is part of it.
  88. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, all this is to say: this is a useful fact to bear in mind as you design tools & environments @taleoftales/706125968268783616
  89. …in reply to @v21
    apparently my degree was useful and relevant to my life? guess that's not so weird
  90. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort @katierosepipkin @chrisamaphone @JonahD @proc_gen thank you for making this happen!
  91. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver sure, if there's a reason the improvised one won't work, or if the task will take a while, or for the pleasure of it
  92. …in reply to @j3rrytron
    @j3rrytron Star TSP100. (install the drivers and) it just presents as a normal printer.
  93. …in reply to @j3rrytron
    @j3rrytron it claims to have linux drivers - I would imagine so, as it's sold as a POS device. £50~ on eBay.
  94. …in reply to @v21
    for more on this, I definitely recommend @GIFmodel's essay "Turing Complete User" contemporary-home-computing.org/turing-complete-user/
  95. Distracted from going to buy some bread by thinking about Rhonda Shearer's scholarship on Duchamps's readymades.
  96. …in reply to @v21
    if you care about Dada, or like over-elaborate jokes, you really should look this up
  97. …in reply to @undefined
    @singularitv so, on one hand, Duchamp's work is incredibly influential. On the other... Rhonda Shearer is remarkable.
  98. …in reply to @undefined
    @singularitv so: yes. None of that history is going to change. And he did still invent the concept of the readymade, to be clear.
  99. …in reply to @v21
    @singularitv but the work is just so much more interesting than that (and so even more about the idea than the object)
  100. …in reply to @PeteOlympian
    @PeteOlympian I'm not ashamed.
  101. …in reply to @quasicoherence
    @sqrtnegative1 @softlandscapes it's a night time landscape
  102. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @shahidkamal how's asana work out for you? I've put everything in a carefully indented .txt, but it's a bit antisocial.
  103. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr the last time i saw that it was from above
  104. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @deer_ful I had to learn this the hard way, doing interviews about Wild Rumpus, a project led by a woman.
  105. …in reply to @ellaguro
    @ellaguro @mechapoetic haa - it's of an Abramovic piece, which maybe you've seen and not realised? Though it does have strong dream-feel.
  106. RT @GIFmodel: "This webpage was to keep myself occupied, not to think about my ex. Now I don't think about him, so I dont really work on th…
  107. my inbox has the source for all the edits of all the bots on CBDQ, and it makes the search results quite noisy
  108. …in reply to @NoraReed
    @NoraReed where are the memes? they are in my inbox
  109. …in reply to @v21
    @NoraReed i have searched for the memes ... okay, i can't bring myself to do that
  110. RT @studioanisa: Checking that the #UI is papery enough for @tearawaygame. vine.co/v/hAVw6Xl9lZF
  111. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow how's yer mice going?
  112. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow i am glad to hear it
  113. …in reply to @artcollisions
    @artcollisions Kate Compton, Katie Rose Pipkin, thricedotted, Emma Winston, Nora Reed. World-class botmakers all.
  114. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow i have faith in you & your battles against math.
  115. …in reply to @artcollisions
  116. mixed reality trailer made with a free camera and off-the-shelf motion tracking! @kertgartner/706866874579943425
  117. …in reply to @ra
    @ra I went with, iirc, " "
  118. …in reply to @v21
    @ra renders as a blank space on the badge itself, too, if i remember correctly
  119. we've announced the first tranche of game for Now Play This! nowplaythis.net/2016-exhibition/ also you can book tickets now!
  120. …in reply to @v21
    especially want to call out our commissions from @sciencevsmagic and @Citrushistrix, which I am _so_ happy to be involved with
  121. …in reply to @v21
    oh wait. also the game in the Somerset House courtyard that you play with a quantum computer, built especially for this festival.
  122. …in reply to @v21
  123. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort yep! we commissioned @Citrushistrix to make a new thing (it's good!). And are scraping @pippinbarr's Twitter feed for our walls.
  124. …in reply to @v21
    oh, flip, i forgot the human-scale badger sett with games inside.
  125. …in reply to @puzzletheory
    @puzzletheory @Radstronomical [not involved this year but] yeah, normally tickets are fine on the door (esp early on)
  126. RT @gsuberland: nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
  127. this one's kinda nice, but i think i need to make the dark ones rarer... @softlandscapes/706915881444622336
  128. RT @ADAMATOMIC: wrote a little (a lot) about publishing over on the @FinjiCo blog blog.finji.co/post/140639189218/publishers-and-you
  129. …in reply to @tef
    @tef thanks!
  130. …in reply to @tef
    @tef there are no docs, the language specification is informal and is basically whatever
  131. …in reply to @v21
  132. …in reply to @v21
    @tef the features beyond the basic expansion, variable setting etc are still experimental and fluctuating.
  133. …in reply to @v21
    @tef in short: ask Kate :)
  134. continuous delivery
  135. …in reply to @tef
    @tef oh, sorry - yeah.
  136. …in reply to @tef
    @tef Tracery is mainly good because you can do meaningful things in it without feeling like you're using a programming language.
  137. …in reply to @awesommelier
    @awesommelier i'm glad you're feeling better now
  138. …in reply to @Nifflas
    @Nifflas QWOP is a classic
  139. …in reply to @Nifflas
    @Nifflas to be clear, QWOP is a great joke, but the level design is another great joke that builds on that joke.
  140. …in reply to @v21
    @Nifflas arguably the joke is that the level design undercuts the assumed context, rather than providing that context itself.
  141. …in reply to @Nifflas
    @Nifflas Trying to remember the puzzle that solved itself in Jelly No Puzzle... It wasn't quite a joke... but had the same sense of delight.
  142. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno @emfcamp see you there!
  143. RT @donnyBronson: the nowplaythis.net schedule has been announced and yes you are reading it correctly, I have a game inside a (REA…
  144. …in reply to @undefined
    @quietllaura :/ 'gdc' can be a sucky week, too.
  145. …in reply to @undefined
    @quietllaura yes - and actually i've not done not gdc since did gdc (i'm lucky because gdc/wild rumpus pays for me to be at gdc)
  146. …in reply to @undefined
    @quietllaura it's definitely nice to have the option though :/
  147. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette dragons, too
  148. …in reply to @hellocatfood
    @hellocatfood sure thing, man!
  149. sadly Chrome has fixed the bug where this file rendered differently upon each refresh v21.io/files/tumblr_glitch_18032013.jpg #glitch4andi
  150. i am getting happier and happier about the influence VR will have on games as a whole @timoni/707678024053854208
  151. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary forreal! i mean, the other extreme is just goofy physics stuff, but that's a natural consequence of vg controls being clumsy
  152. RT @gludion: The essence of #gamedesign,found in old notebook ;-) (cc & thx to @jmechner)
  153. …in reply to @Eastmad
    @Eastmad well met indeed!
  154. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes there were applications but they're still tied up, I think. There is a. juegos, though.
  155. someone needs to give me about £300 shop.evilmadscientist.com/productsmenu/846
  156. RT @BRKeogh: TREES GO PING. New Brisbane Game Event w/ SK Games. 7pm Thur 31 March. Push Me Pull You, Brolly Folly, Panoramical. https://t.…
  157. i'm digging this hole
  158. …in reply to @garethbriggs
    @garethbriggs more like Kerbal LARP, no?
  159. …in reply to @v21
    Of Course I Still Love You
  160. It's so satisfying to learn people have read your email this way. @patrickashe/707909318029545472
  161. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @asponge just reading this tweet has made me want to start drinking heavily
  162. RT @DaveBensonPhill: I need YOUR help. EBAY's let me down. Are there any shops in the West Sussex area that currently stock inflatable bana…
  163. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis not quite collaboration, but have you seen docontract.com/ ?
  164. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver yep - they're fired by cron, and then go through all the bots set to tweet at that frequency.
  165. …in reply to @danbruno
  166. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod oh shiiiiit
  167. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin will do in 5
  168. RT @__Tyu: Some time ago I did a little test and we're now allowed to share what we made, so there ya go ✨
  169. …in reply to @lizardengland
    @lizardengland @shahidkamal @vectorpark like, the damaging part of crunch is that it often overlaps with "working for passion", no?
  170. …in reply to @v21
    @lizardengland @shahidkamal @vectorpark like, if you didn't give a shit, and you could work elsewhere, why would you ever tolerate crunch?
  171. …in reply to @shahidkamal
    @shahidkamal @lizardengland @vectorpark yeah, i was thinking that. s'true.
  172. …in reply to @v21
    @lizardengland @shahidkamal @vectorpark for me, instead of thinking about crunch I think about sustainability. Could I do this for 10 yrs?
  173. RT @tommchenry: "I didn't just come here to dance/ if you know what I mean" I know what you mean: it's v important to network with local t…
  174. …in reply to @tommchenry
    @tommchenry I tried very hard not to retweet this, but it was impossible.
  175. RT @tinysubversions: Bot Summit 2016 will be on Apr 9th at London's @V_and_A! RSVP IRL: shop.vam.ac.uk/whatson/index/view/id/1980/event/Bot-Summit-2016/dt/2016-04-09/eType/1/free/2 RSVP for live stream: htt…
  176. I will be speaking at this! @tinysubversions/708002926271172608?s=09 probably something about making tools for novice users!
  177. RT @pkqk: I find those kitchen utensils abhorrent but the point still stands, medium.com/hh-design/the-world-is-designed-for-men-d06640654491#.71rlxccug via @pixeldiva
  178. …in reply to @pkqk
    @pkqk weakest bit, imo. Design is always about tradeoffs, designing for extremes means other factors suffer.
  179. …in reply to @v21
    @pkqk do it cuz it's the right thing to do, not the most efficient. Or else, if it's not in this particular case...
  180. watched Election and i'm kinda disappointed... i wanted a proto Mean Girls and i got a slightly bubblier American Beauty.
  181. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow I was gonna offer to put you on my podcast... Then I remembered I used to have a podcast... And I put you on it... :(
  182. …in reply to @tigershungry
  183. …in reply to @alphachar
    @alphachar looking forward to seeing you!
  184. Tragic news for East London brunch friends - Stories has closed.
  185. …in reply to @v21
    As I was tweeting that a homeless person approached me. I feel like I'm in SF already.
  186. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @AOsher @sheilamu looks like it's "where else is good other than Stories?" FOREVER.
  187. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio you do decent pancakes
  188. RT @derekahmedzai: only took 16 minutes to make this twitter bot -> @lettergamebot thanks to @v21 and cheapbotsdonequick.com
  189. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin Ceasar 3 models crime and unrest as coming from putting high and low classes near each other.
  190. …in reply to @v21
    @hannahnicklin the explicit progression of cities is of adding services to support higher-class citizens.
  191. …in reply to @v21
    @hannahnicklin (which rewards you with increased population density -- up to a point)
  192. …in reply to @v21
  193. RT @choochoobot: 🌕 🌳 🌳 🌲 🌲 🌳 🐇 🚂🚋🚋🚋🚃🚋🚋🚋🚃🚃🚋 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌳 🌳 🌲 🌳
  194. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @patrickashe @KommanderKlobb Why not come early and join me for a fine 9am airport Guinness?
  195. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @patrickashe @KommanderKlobb Virgin Atlantic, LHR Terminal 3, flight departs 10:45am.
  196. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin I think there's some good lumps on that in @kierongillen's VideoBrains talk youtube.com/watch?v=G7KMD1DdtQQ
  197. …in reply to @v21
  198. RT @inkleStudios: ink: The powerful scripting language behind 80 Days and Sorcery! Now available: inklestudios.com/ink/ https://t.co/Pq1c…
  199. …in reply to @shahidkamal
    @shahidkamal @KommanderKlobb ahhh, i'm blushing!
  200. Ducks is brilliant, you should read it if you haven't yet. @beatonna/708347034596724736
  201. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge me too! I am not yet home, or heading home, tho.
  202. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge flight leaves at 10:30 am
  203. Hey I'm getting on a plane in like... 12 hours. So along with packing, sleeping, going to the airport etc.. What should I dl for the flight?
  204. Was mulling over similar thoughts to this recently (@ADAMATOMIC interview)
  205. RT @acreature: I think we should be mindful that maybe, in 10-15 years time, we’ll view contemporary emoji use the same way we look at 90s …
  206. RT @SK_Louie: So @buenothebear drew me a game idea for the bar today and I really really like it. I think I'll make it. https://t.co/zxKhaD…
  207. Mobile game recs for this flight?
  208. …in reply to @AranKoning
    @AranKoning @AdriaandeJongh I got a sweatshirt there! When I wear it it folds and looks like it says another #ANKING word.
  209. …in reply to @v21
    @AranKoning @AdriaandeJongh also I'm on a train, to a plane, to SF! See you soon!
  210. …in reply to @AranKoning
    @AranKoning maybe a big brunch at the Sycamore?
  211. …in reply to @v21
    Okay, downloaded @patrickashe's suggestion (Frog Minutes) and a whole load of Toca stuff I've not played yet. That'll do.
  212. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @Miss_Sticks good eyes! (this is the kind of fake that's as good as the truth, tho, I reckon)
  213. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette oh wow, this looks amazing. Can't play as not in ios 9.2, but thanks.
  214. This looks amazing! @mink_ette/708593703884083200
  215. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @psychicteeth I totally had a Grow inspired concept for Fab Beasts at one point. Still want to make it.
  216. …in reply to @v21
    .@ADAMATOMIC a thought: I think the only sensible way to make a big game is if you already understand it (because it's an existing genre).
  217. …in reply to @v21
    Lane pushers and FPSes had to be accreted, not built on greenfield.
  218. …in reply to @v21
    (Also, players won't understand a game with 500 new moving parts... New things have to start small. S'why art games are so accessible)
  219. It's kind of spooky how similar @lorenschmidt's Dungeon Decorator and Toca Boca's Toca Blocks is. Down to the whistling kettle, even.
  220. I want to make a game that incidentally has a clock in the background, and the clock shows the real world time.
  221. Big fan of those trucks with motorised holonomic casters that unload cargo from airplanes. Spinning stuff round like magic.
  222. On the plane I watched Star Wars (pretty good) and Magic Mike XXL (amazing). Now you know.
  223. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt I mean, there's plenty of other games with similarities. They've got a different aesthetic, audience and platform. But still!
  224. …in reply to @v21
    Magic Mike had better dialogue, more emotions, more narrative tension and more captivating spectacle.
  225. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt there's a super neat unlock system, too(don't look too close here if you want to find it all yourself)
  226. @tigershungry more bad brunch news : Boogaloos is closed due to fire.
  227. …in reply to @kevinwatters
    @kevinwatters imagine if Star Wars ever had a bit with as much tension and natural curiosity as Mike walking into that room.
  228. …in reply to @tripawaysilver
    @brammichielsen @joonturbo @pyjamads I was totally expecting to run into you guys on the BART from SFO.
  229. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry on the plus side, looks like Liberties (Irish bar next to our house) has great cocktails?
  230. …in reply to @tripawaysilver
    @brammichielsen @joonturbo @pyjamads ah, goddamn, if only I'd gotten the 12:smth flight from Heathrow.
  231. …in reply to @v21
    @brammichielsen @joonturbo @pyjamads I mean, not that anything bad happened as a result.
  232. I am in SF and getting hyped to see friends from around the world!
  233. …in reply to @v21
    I am going to attempt to stay kinda drunk and full of energy until midnight! It's not yet 4pm! I believe in myself!
  234. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo @brammichielsen @pyjamads I'm waiting to get into our Airbnb, and then for others to arrive. We're out in the Mission, tho.
  235. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal it's raining and I'm drinking a nice saison.
  236. …in reply to @v21
    (I am deliberately not putting a GDC in my display name, tho. Just seems mean to those not here)
  237. …in reply to @tripawaysilver
    @brammichielsen @joonturbo @pyjamads yeah, dude, I know! Why do you think we stay there?
  238. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern saw the Big Short in the cinema. Was pondering The Lobster on the way here. (will consider the others)
  239. …in reply to @v21
    @alexhern also, good call on naming a roster of films all showing on Virgin!
  240. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern haha. Advice noted! I'm irritated they only have single eps of TV shows, though.
  241. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern SAME!
  242. Waiting to go to our Airbnb in the bar next door, and I notice my Internet has gotten good. My phone remembers the wifi from last year.
  243. …in reply to @kevinwatters
    @kevinwatters oh wow. Only works if at least one of them goes for it... Which would it be?
  244. This is really interesting. The implicit aims of legible infographics. @shannonmattern/708797490091401220
  245. …in reply to @MituK
    @MituK can you tweet from a T-pose? I guess you're proving you can.
  246. …in reply to @kahodesu
    @kahodesu hello! are you here? come join for food tonight! (not that we have plans yet, but we'll be eating at some point i guess)
  247. …in reply to @philippawarr
  248. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge @v21 @KommanderKlobb @patrickashe @tigershungry we're next door eating brussel sprouts
  249. …in reply to @asponge
  250. …in reply to @AranKoning
    @AranKoning ah, I'm sorry. I thiiink we have to go set up Mild from 11. Before that I'm yours. But that's probably too early.
  251. …in reply to @v21
    It's nearly 11pm, and friends have reasonably decided to go to bed. I am still out and drinking. Yes! Success!
  252. RT @GalaxyKate: tracery.io/ Fresh Tracery site up! a one-page site with links to githubs, ports, cool #tracery works etc https:…
  253. …in reply to @v21
    @AranKoning not til 2 now, if you guys wanna meet
  254. Resisting peer pressure to join the GDC app.
  255. …in reply to @v21
    Shitpost networking
  256. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang those hunks!
  257. I wonder what the most beautiful composition originally composed as a monophonic ringtone on a Nokia is.
  258. …in reply to @lizardengland
    @lizardengland was at an airport recently with several parallel slots to put your shit in trays per checkpoint. So much more efficient.
  259. …in reply to @molleindustria
    @molleindustria @radiatoryang so actually, real talk, there's a bunch of (largely European) indies at the Sycamore rn.
  260. RT @dlin71: Sauron’s vow to cover all the lands in a second darkness is just for show. Once he has the Ring, he’ll moderate and focus on go…
  261. Accidentally went to Oakland and met a fluffed up pigeon.
  262. RT @KommanderKlobb: The Mild Rumpus fire is lit!
  263. RT @emotionalpedant: what is this fucking witchcraft vine.co/v/iO6E3JPiOZg
  264. RT @songfeuds: Also sending out zines to those Bloodsport bounty winners from ages ago: "BADLAND PERIODICALS"
  265. …in reply to @FlorianVltmn
    @FlorianVltmn I am simultaneously too drunk to appreciate this properly, and really happy this is happening.
  266. fucking spooky train right here @choochoobot/709771392569311232
  267. …in reply to @HonestWilliam
    @HonestWilliam i am really dead rn
  268. …in reply to @derekahmedzai
    @derekahmedzai dunno, not used them myself. The backend is using phantomjs2, which is webkit. You may have more luck with an HTML element.
  269. …in reply to @v21
    @derekahmedzai HTML is the only way I know to get word wrapping working.
  270. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro I recall this being fiddly to get working. And possibly a case where browser support / backend support disagree.
  271. …in reply to @BRKeogh
    @BRKeogh the camera tracks the move controllers. Otherwise it'd just be dead reckoning off accelerometer data, which is bad.
  272. @hoskingc it'd be great to meet you at some point! I'll be around Mild Rumpus and alt ctrl most of the week.
  273. Yesssss! So glad this is happening again! @hellophia/709558802522091524
  274. …in reply to @justsomeguy
    @justsomeguy hm, maybe! It tells you if you're over the limit already, though (turns red).
  275. …in reply to @q_dork
  276. There's a pigeon inside Moscone North
  277. …in reply to @v21
    Even men with steel hearts smile when there's a dog on the pitch.
  278. It's weird cuz you can see the autocue from the front #igfawards
  279. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc I am! See you there?
  280. …in reply to @imaginary_lines
  281. The last person you greet at GDC after a long absence.
  282. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal im offended
  283. RT @jukiokallio: Enjoying the awards with @v21
  284. bots of the day: @UI_vs_UX & @uivsux same joke, different techniques
  285. …in reply to @alienmelon
    @alienmelon especially the kinda bored look on the dudes face
  286. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork i am sad i did not see you and give you a huge hug last night <3 <3 <3 was so happy to see you on stage earlier.
  287. I've been reading the book of this, and I reckon this is a totally passable implementation. @10_print_chr/710539188425334784
  288. …in reply to @TylerGlaiel
    @TylerGlaiel I enjoyed it thoroughly AND thought it was interesting and chewy.
  289. RT @KommanderKlobb: RUMPUS HOUSE!!! #ABL #gamedev #indiedev #gdc16 #screenshotsaturday
  290. …in reply to @jimrossignol
    @jimrossignol @notquitereal my reading is they might be making their stuff in their stuff, but they need to support Unity too for others.
  291. Just remembered how good the sequel to the novelisation of E.T. is.
  292. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops he genetically modifies a turnip into a spaceship
  293. …in reply to @Marshiyay
    @SeaHooves haha. That's super sweet
  294. I played this! It's characterful, crunchy and I would enjoy getting good at it! @fromsmiling/710958518300516352
  295. …in reply to @Tambalaya
    @DeltaGardner good to meet you too!
  296. RT @mcclure111: So like next GDC can we have a panel where booth babes & gogo dancers from corporate parties talk about their experiences
  297. …in reply to @_h______
    @_h______ @fromsmiling @benswinden so good to see you all /so proud to have I'm dead at Mild
  298. …in reply to @Palomadawkins
    @Palomadawkins happy feelings remembering @increpare staring at that trying to figure out it's mathematical properties.
  299. …in reply to @benswinden
    @benswinden ok ok will try to stir
  300. RT @Pentadact: Lightgun Russian Roulette at That Party. Pic by @v21
  301. Tinder should send you a notification if someone screenshots your profile.
  302. RT @edclef: Beauitful little <2min animated film via @PluralGames: vimeo.com/63082999
  303. We're currently at the airport on a mystery quest for the mystery house. I believe in mystery house.
  304. …in reply to @v21
  305. Pat no longer believes in mystery house. @patrickashe/711323400665337856
  306. …in reply to @UKQourth
    @UKQourth @Pentadact it's @batslyadams, who made the game.
  307. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @KommanderKlobb you are gonna learn so much Australian
  308. We made it to mystery house! @sciencevsmagic/711335949607645184
  309. …in reply to @v21
    Sitting here chilling at mystery house
  310. …in reply to @undefined
    @deathmtn it is exactly that kind of place.
  311. …in reply to @v21
    @deathmtn complete with a backstory involving psychics and an eccentric millionaire. And jokes in the form of architecture.
  312. Scrolled quickly past this and thought "oooh, that's a interesting @softlandscapes" @FFD8FFDB/711390272379166724
  313. …in reply to @PIXELATEDCROWN
    @PIXELATEDCROWN @polclarissou aw, that sucks! Lots of people will still be around this next week, tho.
  314. RT @katierosepipkin: @mousefountain aw like all the world was one big flower conservancy... so big we had to text each other from distant …
  315. RT @guardianmusic: .@AnnaHMeredith maps music as graphic drawings before she sits down to play – here's an example! #GuardianRadioHour http…
  316. …in reply to @undefined
    @cattsmall @carygolomb have heard they have reservations 20 years in advance.
  317. RT @tinysubversions: This is why Olaf from Frozen is my favorite character in all of fiction.
  318. RT @jazzrozz: Help please GDC folk who know @Shrubbette @simon5442/711418737253953536
  319. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin @tinysubversions oh, now I'm thinking about the wonderful things you could do with canvas rendering mixed with imagemagick
  320. I should really start busting out hsl() colours in SVG bots.
  321. …in reply to @shanley
    @shanley someone said there should be a GDC panel for dancers at games parties. But they'd want paying, not just a free pass...
  322. RT @katierosepipkin: beep beep i made a new bot @stainedglassbot tweets generated rose windows every once in a while~ ⛪️ ⛪️ ⛪️ https://t…
  323. RT @TavernOfMirth: A muscle walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Who are dogs." The muscle laughs and says, "What is created in my brain!"
  324. …in reply to @JFriedhoff
    @JFriedhoff ah, I see you've upgraded Unity recently
  325. …in reply to @SimoRoth
  326. …in reply to @bad_tetris
    @AlecThomson nah, SFO is good because it has these little desks with power in them
  327. …in reply to @benswinden
    @benswinden I'm not going to Amaze and I'm bummed about it and I think you should go to Amaze (if you can afford it)
  328. RT @wooperdaily: Wooper won't go to bed! The two of you are sitting at the table. It's eating a grilled cheese happily. Hopefully it gets t…
  329. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome sounds sweet. I'm doing a poop in the SFO bogs.
  330. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome I am! I just ran into people on the upper level on the delayed flight
  331. Managed to stay in my happy GDC bubble until I reached Green Park on the Piccadilly the Monday after.
  332. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio :/ about an hour ago I asked a woman if they got a thing because they were a woman.
  333. RT @hollygramazio: Today I am really sad about women wondering whether they've been asked to speak or make a game or whatever "because they…
  334. RT @hollygramazio: Sure, that happens sometimes. But men are CONSTANTLY asked to do things because they're men, and that rarely seems to wo…
  335. RT @hollygramazio: Biases that make us assume men are more talented & deserving of opportunities are unconscious, while attempts to redress…
  336. RT @hollygramazio: But that doesn't mean opportunities afforded to men aren't influenced by their gender at least as much as those afforded…
  337. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio (the conclusion was yes, it probably helped, as did being gay)
  338. Always good to arrive home after travelling for the better part of the day and find you're locked out.
  339. …in reply to @v21
    (it should all be okay, it's just some bollocks to get through until then)
  340. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
  341. …in reply to @v21
    I got in! It involved waiting for my flatmate then unbending his key with a Perforce bottle opener I stole from a GDC party. Fucksake.
  342. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin yep : @v21/711995485943279616?s=09 and thank you still - main reason I wasn't stressed was knowing all the people who would help.
  343. …in reply to @dirtcreaturr
    @fromsmiling @lorenschmidt @whatisian yesssss!
  344. …in reply to @v21
    @hannahnicklin (and that I had money and a phone with charge. But also the friends bit)
  345. i just read this and it's pretty astonishing. the kind of thing you read to yourself under your breath a-dire-fawn.itch.io/imrf
  346. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt ugh. so good.
  347. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt oh! yes! so glad. btw: here's the thing i have: nis-store.com/mi-band/xiaomi-mi-band-pulse-black/ - looks like the protocol's been reverse-engineered.
  348. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt direct via BT on PC seems tricky, but if you're willing to go via a paired Android it seems pretty doable.
  349. …in reply to @v21
    @lorenschmidt that said, there are Windows phone apps, so maybe? I don't know how tricky talking BT is on Windows, but I've heard bad things
  350. …in reply to @v21
    @lorenschmidt (though then again, that's for Move controllers, which use a different type of BT, so...)
  351. RT @ra: sketching. how far can you get with white points on black? code: gist.github.com/nasser/b9b84432f006038591a9
  352. home & on a computer & finally still & i think if i don't now make that gross hole generator @gothdome and I were talking about i never will
  353. …in reply to @v21
    okay, i made it: @generateahole. send me words that could describe holes and i will add them (cc @gothdome)
  354. …in reply to @Sosowski
    @Sosowski I also noticed this and it made me feel hopeful!
  355. …in reply to @gothdome
  356. …in reply to @v21
    @gothdome @generateahole maybe it should be "you are _____", but then you have to lose the descriptive ones about reaching in...
  357. RT @Pinboard: I wish I shared your surprise that a free service that took tons of VC is changing its behavior in a way that inconveniences …
  358. …in reply to @rich_lem
    @rich_lem I started buying flowers for the house last summer and I am so glad I did.
  359. a quick & simple poem from @aparrish's new poetry autocompletion tool (gutenberg-poetry.decontextualize.com/)
  360. …in reply to @rich_lem
    @rich_lem there is a real joy in taking time to make a space better for yourself. self care in every sense.
  361. …in reply to @v21
    @rich_lem i almost always buy flowers from a woman at broadway market, which is on a saturday a few minutes away. that feels good, too.
  362. …in reply to @rich_lem
    @rich_lem yes, a real joy, and i was very happy to hear you'd be around again (and at Inis Spraoi?) this summer
  363. …in reply to @jericawebber
  364. …in reply to @PersocomNina
    @hentaiphd i am sorry to hear that - for my solo stuff i am retreating back into smaller and smaller things and finding much joy there
  365. …in reply to @v21
    @hentaiphd mainly i find that [having a project] is oppressive, but [making things] is joyful. but some things have to be big.
  366. …in reply to @rich_lem
    @rich_lem so sad to be missing Lyst! But I should see you in Malmo! & Inishbofin, too.
  367. …in reply to @PersocomNina
    @hentaiphd i am also thinking of seeing @q_dork's Consume Me prototypes... lots of small things that will someday make a large thing.
  368. …in reply to @v21
    @hentaiphd or: I made a series of browser noise toy things recently - each one took a day or an afternoon and i released it after that
  369. …in reply to @v21
    @hentaiphd but each started where the other one left off, and was able to go in it's own direction. & never any sense of obligation to it...
  370. …in reply to @dirtcreaturr
    @fromsmiling quick work!
  371. …in reply to @madmacsfuryroad
    @kitsubasa is it a pigeonhole if there's a chicken in it?
  372. RT @NASA: For the 1st time, brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave captured by @NASAKepler: https://t.co/3s8XVas6gU https://t.co/…
  373. …in reply to @SK_Louie
  374. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain ahhhhhh, just happy to help!
  375. @_h______ i was listening to your album and really enjoying it when i remembered you gave me a code for it! thank you!
  376. …in reply to @v21
    @_h______ and: it was really good to meet you and hang out with you last week. really glad about it.
  377. thinking about it, it's probably not very surprising there's a strong overlap between alt ctrl game makers and event organizers
  378. …in reply to @glassarmy
    @glassarmy happy birthday!
  379. RT @tinysubversions: I need your help to fly my amazing speakers to Bot Summit next month. Help support a free/open event! https://t.co/Cw3…
  380. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome you should talk to @me_backwards and @srules, they've both done great stuff in this area.
  381. …in reply to @aeoye
    @thealexmoyler I don't own one, and I kinda covet one? Consoles are expensive, tho.
  382. …in reply to @aeoye
    @thealexmoyler I have a proper job now! And I also have a bit of freelance income I can claim the cost of a videogame console against.
  383. …in reply to @v21
    @thealexmoyler unfortunately, a proper job+other things means I don't spend enough time playing videogames. Even if that's sometimes my job.
  384. …in reply to @aeoye
    @thealexmoyler yep, basically that and Splatoon. And yeah! Hopefully!
  385. …in reply to @aeoye
    @thealexmoyler I wanna be a streetwise squid, tho!
  386. Learning about the fake volcano just outside Berlin.
  387. …in reply to @_h______
    @_h______ it was just a guy at this pub describing it, but he got that quote dead on! Apparently he signs off his emails "The Eruptor"
  388. …in reply to @mtrc
  389. …in reply to @v21
  390. Really really good zine table @RaygunGoth/712377270648901634
  391. …in reply to @dreamfeelx
    @dreamfeelx goodnight!
  392. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful I went to Field Day many years ago and made myself promise to myself I wouldn't go again, even if I really liked the lineup.
  393. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful no, I even had a good day. But it was overpriced, full of obnoxious people and seemed to only accidentally have good artists.
  394. …in reply to @v21
    @deer_ful the kind of time I knew would fade into a "that was okay" unless I specifically remembered it wasn't that good and not to go again
  395. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry get comfy
  396. jetlag has taken away my sense of what time of day it is and it's really fascinating
  397. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb I'm really good at sleeping 💪
  398. …in reply to @SK_Louie
    @SK_Louie Fabulous Beasts is super tuff! 💪🏾
  399. …in reply to @v21
    @SK_Louie also quite easy to pocket 🕵
  400. …in reply to @edjeff
  401. once again, i am glad that every part of our game and business affects every other part of our game and business
  402. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou me: hey come to our festival it's gonna be really great me: take care of yourself, give yourself time and space, don't die
  403. RT @RobbyKraft: "i can't tell you how many rules you're violating" #origami
  404. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang @jonbro butting in without having read OP, cuz meeting behind me - did Coming Out On Top make decent money?
  405. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang @jonbro it made $38k on KS, and seemed to do pretty well after release, too (ie there's DLC). For a small (1 person?) team...
  406. I had a quick play of this and man! what inspirationally great UI. The game looks to be great, too - only tried 1P so far.
  407. …in reply to @v21
    (by which I mean @ADAMATOMIC/712670106745057284) i've been designing UI all day, and it's not nearly as good. harder constraints, tho. :/
  408. RT @aparrish: obviously AI/NLP is "better" now than it was in the ELIZA era. but does chatting with a bot *feel* any different now from how…
  409. …in reply to @dzifyr
    @dzifyr that's super nice
  410. …in reply to @LeeShangLun
    @LeeShangLun Holborn station in London has begun trialling "stand both sides" escalators to increase capacity.
  411. how much does it cost to buy 10k followers? @FakeUnicode/712805092303319040
  412. …in reply to @LeeShangLun
  413. RT @GalaxyKate: Clarissa's game designs, reminding me that a kids show had an episode about generative poetry and authorship issues. https:…
  414. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
  415. current status: resisting adopting a only slightly broken risograph printer
  416. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario i have literally nowhere to put it
  417. …in reply to @v21
    @radiodario or anything on currently that it would be useful for
  418. …in reply to @v21
    @radiodario or the ability to fix it (maybe?)
  419. …in reply to @v21
    @radiodario but i still really want it
  420. …in reply to @UltraCobalt
    @UltraCobalt i have forwarded you an email
  421. …in reply to @UltraCobalt
    @UltraCobalt if you don't go for it i'm sure someone else will. and you have a van going from SH soon anyway...
  422. …in reply to @alexhern
  423. RT @eevee: this is the /actual/ reason people try to avoid swearing around small children, who are basically AI chatbots https://t.co/luNzx…
  424. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @fromsmiling ricky dont get involved they have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs you dont want to go there
  425. been poking at this in my head for a while: a good way to fade out an entire (2D) object in Unity that's made of multiple overlapping parts?
  426. …in reply to @HonestWilliam
    @HonestWilliam can you fade a camera? i think you also have to set up render textures and stuff
  427. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb i think this is also true for Unity - which I can do, it's just a big PITA.
  428. …in reply to @noio_games
    @noionl HUH. Thinking through the implications of this on drawing the rest of the scene, but that's an interesting avenue.
  429. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb think i'll have to if we use it in any serious way here. but maybe i'll just design around it instead.
  430. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @KommanderKlobb exactly. if you do it fast enough you can sometimes get away with it, but it's essentially Bad.
  431. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb tho @noionl/713043428586741760 is stirring some deeper thoughts which may or may not work (or be worth it)
  432. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb yess. and things in the world, maybe. but we're making them from SVGs => meshes so they have a lot of internal overlapping.
  433. …in reply to @keefstuart
    @keefstuart This solution would forreal work! (if you were hand-developing film)
  434. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb i think maybe we'll have animated stars doing magical stuff in a glowy way on top and hiding it
  435. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb but this has been a Useful Thing I Don't Know How To Do since the start of Mutazione, so I wanted to ask.
  436. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @KommanderKlobb mmm! that's true. dissolves don't work with our art-style, but worth bearing in mind for other projs.
  437. …in reply to @nickholl
    @nickholl the answer seems to be either some tricky stuff with z buffers only picking the nearest layer, or render to a RT & composite it in
  438. RT @VenusPatrol: wondering who that DJ was at that.party? here’s the full games/music lineup —> that.party/lineup/ https:…
  439. new Pippin Barr game, about writing a short story pippinbarr.com/games/eveline/
  440. …in reply to @dietrich
    @dietrich @GalaxyKate @ranjit I don't know which slide was slide 15, but assuming you're talking about SVG stuff: cheapbotsdonequick.com/source/softlandscapes
  441. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate I saw that <3 sad I had to miss it in person, but maybe it's good for my ego I did
  442. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate hah! I missed that too - I was helping set up Mild Rumpus then. Though it would have been a hard choice...
  443. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate Weirdly, CBDQ was for me a process of everything going exactly as I dreamed it might.
  444. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate maybe? (I have Vault, so I'm alright). They sometimes put things up as public if you (by which I mean @joonturbo) ask nicely.
  445. RT @KOOPMode: Key #Gnog Statistics
  446. …in reply to @LmthwL
    @LmthwL it's Flash, I am pretty sure
  447. …in reply to @undefined
    @animalphase oh! Super interesting. Hm!
  448. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox I think it would still pick up the wrong thing in the grab pass where it overlaps? This, tho: @animalphase/713094668372860928?s=09
  449. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    @tinysubversions intelligent : solves a task i can't be bothered to understand artificial : it's ethical for me to control/kill/own it
  450. …in reply to @v21
    @tinysubversions my more sincere and also more facetious answer is: an algorithm that can solve a problem algorithms can't yet solve.
  451. I hope if I'm ever famous I'm successful first.
  452. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ that's okay, Jazz. I've just opened a beer, I'm heading your way.
  453. …in reply to @vectorpoem
    @vectorpoem being spoilable
  454. i made a minor tweak to @manygradients you are UNLIKELY TO NOTICE. but it was bugging me, so.
  455. i am excited for the release of Cumulo Nimblers! This game was featured at Wild Rumpus #3, wayyy back in 2012. @FinjiCo/713135815023403008
  456. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @manygradients no, i think that's an inherent problem with SVG gradients, and with SVG colourspaces in general.
  457. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio i did previously look into this, though! my conclusion was fuckit, and surprise that anything has ever looked good anywhere.
  458. …in reply to @v21
    when people stop doing the thing they're known for, and go do something more lucrative instead
  459. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio i like to think of it was working with the grain of a medium
  460. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort @FinjiCo @FarbsMcFarbs oh god. you need to have a prize for the first person to reach 1000 stars (or 100)
  461. RT @KBsGameTOILET: Getting out the PIXEL HAMMER for the 'Instant Game Maker' board for #nowPlayThis on April 1st #screenshotsaturday https:…
  462. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro you saw i had the chance to get a only very slightly broken risograph machine the other day
  463. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro honestly i just don't have anywhere to put it?
  464. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro my bedroom is not that large, and i am trying to make it a nice space and not a workshop?
  465. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @festivebot hm! does it work via a HTML embed?
  466. …in reply to @v21
    @GalaxyKate @festivebot love your emoji generation technique, btw!
  467. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @festivebot I installed the ancient fonts package, so there might be ugly monochrome emoji showing up soon?
  468. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox I made more significant bodily contact with you a bunch of times and I am snotty right now.
  469. RT @crashtxt: ⠀    ◢ ◢◥◥◣ ◢◤◢ ◢ ◥◤ ◣◤◣ ◣  ◥ ◢◣◣ ◥◢ ◥◤◣  ◣◢◥◣◥◣◤◥  ◤ ◣◤ ◤◥◢◤  ◥ ◣     ◢ ◤    ◢◣   ◢ ◤ ◥◢◣◤◤◥◤ ⠀
  470. RT @ftrain: If you are a person who listens to weird MP3s at night to get to sleep, I present my purest, gold-label supply: https://t.co/oA…
  471. RT @MakingInvisible: Making the noncompetitive competitive.
  472. RT @nershly: I have no intention of going to see Batman V Superman, but this is how I imagine the script goes: rachelnertia.github.io/2016/03/26/batman-v-superman/
  473. realized yesterday i was snobbish about kano because it was existent tech wrapped up in some pretty design so to be exciting for newcomers
  474. …in reply to @v21
    which is silly because normally that is exactly what i am about? now i think the kano is ace.
  475. …in reply to @v21
    it comes with stickers! so that the thing feels like yours when you put the stickers on after you've made it! ugh.
  476. …in reply to @v21
    it is not "building your own computer", but then CBDQ is not "building your own bot"
  477. …in reply to @v21
    but hopefully the process is still enjoyable & gives you a sense of creation & demystifies parts of the process
  478. …in reply to @v21
    in conclusion, minecraft is wildly popular with kids, and that's such a great thing to have happened
  479. bot of the day: villanellebot.tumblr.com the villanelle's refrains the @anagramatron @pentametron selection of lines the raw Twitter themes 👌
  480. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt those self-tensioning clamps look ingenious, but I'm still not sure I'd wander around beneath them
  481. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort feels like there's an intersecting axis of grindability/amount that story advancement is yoked to stat advancement.
  482. RT @adamgryu: It may not look like much since yesterday, but I did a bunch of infrastructure for NPCs, UI, and Dialogue. #gamedev https://t…
  483. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow I always found referencing by string super sketch, but as long as I hid the string it never actually fucked me.
  484. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles Thinking of the bureaucratic language invoked to justify visible, active, with-explosions violence and it seems like...
  485. …in reply to @v21
    @HarryGiles ... the main difference is how successfully you can smooth it over, what you can not-laughably say, not a difference in kind.
  486. I wish all tech communities matched #botALLY community's thoughtfulness about people, design and consequences motherboard.vice.com/read/how-to-make-a-not-racist-bot
  487. Taylor Swift is an egg jarper @taylorswift13/713898316786851840
  488. RT @patrickashe: Who got a egg? Who got a egg? Who gotter Guineakee? Who wanter pickawee? Who pick? Who pick? Who gotter egg?
  489. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang I did love it! Both for being technical and for making me feel that the Underground is inexorably superior.
  490. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin Mashable etc now specifically film video content in portrait. For Snapchat.
  491. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin that's... that's lots of cherry blossoms
  492. Which button do you use more often:
  493. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver @_gaeel_ I was a bit dissatisfied they didn't have the arrow arrow bar symbols, not just the linear ffwd symbols.
  494. …in reply to @v21
    @adrielbeaver @_gaeel_ I thiiiink answers probably come down to "do you use shuffle?", but maybe not
  495. RT @ianmcque: 'Lammermuir Hills', acrylic on canvas
  496. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian i think the trick is to assume that humans are already good at assuming stuff is music, and do just enough to let that happen.
  497. …in reply to @v21
    @whatisian or do just enough that they can't figure out how it varies from some fixed compositions without, y'know, using a piece of paper.
  498. …in reply to @v21
    @whatisian looking forward to working with you, @Disasterpeace!
  499. …in reply to @undefined
    @mooonmagic make it flash up a big warning at 48! approaching versnoof limit! reduce player intensity now or perish!
  500. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian hm - so actually, more seriously - when composing stuff in Tracery I usually start from examples, then add variation in parts.
  501. …in reply to @v21
    @whatisian ending up with a process of probabilistically writing alternatives, reusing structures common to multiple formulations.
  502. …in reply to @v21
    @whatisian and then finding places where the range can be opened right up (to a corpus, in Tracery, but maybe to math here)
  503. …in reply to @v21
    @whatisian but at least always the possibilities are above a threshold of goodness, and a fluctuating (increasing) amount of procedural.
  504. …in reply to @undefined
    @mooonmagic sounds perf for this game, tho?
  505. …in reply to @v21
    @mooonmagic would be shit if it was a skiing game, but for a grappling with multiplying enemy it makes perfect sense.
  506. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian yeah - this is more, you start somewhere anchored, then you try to turn the anchor into a jellyfish.
  507. …in reply to @v21
    @whatisian which is easier than starting by trying to moor up to ... the sea? maybe this metaphor has outlived it's usefulness
  508. this tweet is great as is, but i read it with the "m" being two characters badly kerned, and that's arguably better. @CalmingBot/713820451949162496
  509. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @whatisian the heart of the ocean is... a really big fish? what's math for a really big fish.
  510. …in reply to @v21
    @jonbro @whatisian (it's "∞")
  511. RT @mcclure111: Now I'm just trying to figure out if duck typing is gender progressive or cisnormative @dakami/714242385690013696
  512. RT @femslashed: Don't talk to me or my even bigger rabbit son ever again
  513. …in reply to @v21
    so the SECRET SCIENCE LESSON is that visual processing is affected by top down factors (word frequency) as well as bottom up ones (pixels)!
  514. …in reply to @v21
    i am sorry for adding a secret science lesson to a funny tweet. i'm going to bed now. goodnight everyone!
  515. …in reply to @HonestWilliam
    @HonestWilliam are you kidding? it means you have a perfect excuse whenever you want to hang up on someone
  516. …in reply to @whitingjp
    @whitingjp the Medium approach, flowing them into the article as bigger text, is okay done well
  517. RT @torahhorse: the best photoshop brush is having enough money to live
  518. RT @lexicobob: Arcade controls for @slamcityoracles at @SomersetHouse next week!
  519. RT @lexicobob: Almost packed for Now Play This!
  520. RT @HilariousCow: I always read this as "We start by trying to create universes, but we end by trying to get one atom just right" https://t…
  521. The thesis is that Apple is going to try to become a retail bank/independent credit card network. @cstross/714404036682891266
  522. RT @SomersetHouse: .@gdngames journalists @keefstuart & @jawsew discuss all things games! 1 April #NowPlayThis bit.ly/22we9Ys http…
  523. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver @mousefountain @joonturbo yes, this is what i do! also Twitter can email login links these days, which can be easier than pws
  524. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome how's your book chapter coming along?
  525. RT @GalaxyKate: So I made a #Tracery grammar that makes #Tracery grammars... (now I can make better testcases?)
  526. RT @torahhorse: @anamanaguchi DMing you right now
  527. RT @compositeredfox: Friendly reminder that I'm available to freelance making your interactive thing very pretty, very functional or both h…
  528. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian @fromsmiling but that was cuz people were using the pretrained models
  529. …in reply to @AurenSnyder
    @whatisian @fromsmiling there's so much finessing involved in choosing training data and parameters. V much a question of judgement.
  530. NOW PLAY THIS install: properly begun
  531. …in reply to @airbonx
    @airbonx i'm going to need more info than that
  532. a charming exchange of words follows @carlrosman/714869300033691648
  533. forget me not is pretty lovely, y'all @nyarluu/714779880395812865
  534. …in reply to @fart
    @fart i am not sure Twitter Inc has _ever_ turned a profit?
  535. …in reply to @AshokaTheBear
    @AshokaTheBear @eevee @halcy 3 SEXY GAMES: - Coming Out On Top - Horse World (by Houndstooth) - Ladykiller In a Bind (at least the teaser)
  536. …in reply to @tinruufu
    @tinruufu @eevee he's doing a compliation of them, i think!
  537. RT @SomersetHouse: Discover your inner Pollock & play @muclorty's Action Painting Pro at #NowPlayThis 1-3 April https://t.co/HYj3mbnyFX htt…
  538. RT @SomersetHouse: Making weekend plans? Enjoy laser beams, giant battleships & over 100 other games at #NowPlayThis! 1 - 3 April https://t…
  539. RT @Sisyphusa: Ode to Work, by Sir @OliverHealdMP. https://t.co/TueIpyC4GK
  540. Privacy is about making the gradient of power shallower. @pozorvlak/715102487708041216
  541. RT @AntiBunbun: Zootopia's Greatest Achievement in Cinema
  542. …in reply to @SimoRoth
    @SimoRoth the tradeoff is that corporate sponsorship is usually the thing that lets you pay yourself.
  543. …in reply to @v21
    @SimoRoth which is good for the jam, too! you can get better at things and commit to them more if they're part of your job, not a hobby.
  544. @SK_Louie you're popping back Monday for getout, right?
  545. …in reply to @SK_Louie
    @SK_Louie everyone just went "awwww"
  546. RT @annajordanous: My students made some cool bots like @DefoNotABot and @gradientity yesterday, thanks @justsomeguy @v21 @GalaxyKate @code…
  547. …in reply to @mtrc
    @mtrc @annajordanous yeah, love @gradientity. Such a different experience than @manygradients. My congratulations to your students! :D
  548. Dreamed of uncovering secret passages and running a conference in a weird old building.
  549. …in reply to @v21
    Anyway, I'm ready to go to Somerset House and finish the install for Now Play This!
  550. …in reply to @v21
    (later, abandoning any attempt at symbolism, my brain just dreamed about getting texts about the install)
  551. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb please God, let me never run an event needing the amount of faith that Mystery House did.
  552. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin i obviously don't schedule things nearly as well as you. but. i also work the same way. "okay, now think about XXX"