Tweets from 2018/01
@vivschwarz we also tried to work this out to no avail
@pyjamads I have not, but someone was mad in the replies about it wasting the premise
RT @compositeredfox: yes this game blindly mixes and appropriates mexican, brazilian and caribbean culture, and the song is from a german b…
@awesommelier look: yes, it'll be a pain in the arse. no, it won't be as big of a pain in the arse as you've went through for similar pledges. this isn't even a pledge! i'm expecting to fail! there's aspects i've already decided to ignore!
@awesommelier nah: isinglass & honey, at least. but i'm expecting to fail generally, too - but that's okay. seems a worthwhile thing resetting habits this way
@KommanderKlobb it is a manga about adventurers saving time and money by eating the monsters they find in the dungeon. it is even more videogamey
RT @POETSorg: A low, quiet music is playing— —Carl Adamshick #Newyears2018
@ka_bradley hey, btw, talking earlier has made me also decide to try vegan january. yr lunch is looking better than mine...
RT @beckyandfrank: Paraphrasing good advice I’ve received as an independent creative this year: All your hobbies don’t have to be monetized…
RT @pangmeli:
RT @mcclure111: The IAC was so opposed to Xena becoming a planet that they were willing to destroy a planet they already had
RT @webbedspace: @mcclure111 What gender is Earth
bot of the day: @rot13scavenger shorn from context, a mirror world where what was obscured is now clear
RT @RealSexyCyborg: .@WeChatApp now supports mini-games, someone hacked it to cheat🤓. You touch the screen to jump between blocks, longer t…
Stop expecting 2018 to make sense as a narrative arc!
@ka_bradley voting no, but I'm eating it
@kitrichardsonuk I heard this at a Christmas party, looked it up, and was delighted: -that this EP existed -that my music taste was consistent, even without knowing the song/who it was
@kitrichardsonuk also, a rec for you: Liyv - Laser Eyes
@kitrichardsonuk I think you maybe played me a track or two. But I don't really know her, so...
@kitrichardsonuk (so, yes, you should 😛)
RT @immolations: "dude you need to watch black mirror. it really shows our dependency on technology and how incorporated to digital spaces…
@kitrichardsonuk yep!
@HilariousCow I don't know if i get why you need 4 dimensions? Or, if I do, I end up with an angle-axis representation, not a quaternion.
RT @MundialJPN: Japanese NYE tradition. 3 internationals vs. 100 kids. Mental... #Ideguchi #Kiyotake #Yamaguchi #Leeds #LUFC #サッカー #JFA #da…
RT @brainwane: (@__apf__/947553284654489600 for context) is no-joke inspiring.
@HilariousCow @mike_robbo angle-axis representation can gimbal lock, which is why it isn't that way. i think part of the trick is to think of quaternions as transformations from one space to another - it explains why the order you apply the transformations matters. and the actual values of xyzw are magic
@muffinista thank you for reminding me about @v21/940935738249678848
RT @W_i_n_t_e_r___K: during development siri was codenamed "the helpful little man." internally it was said "the helpful little man is comi…
I wonder how many people will switch away to Patreon or Substack or something else that lets you take money from people. @lauraolin/948269957770555392
RT @juliagalef: You may already know Charles Dickens was paid by the word, which explains his long rambling descriptions of, like, a random…
@jennfrankgames In like a year they'll merge it into MailChimp proper, it sounds like.
@iamliyv @kitrichardsonuk I love it!
@tqbf I first came to this story via a contractor who's out 2 months pay...
@nielsen_holly I started this thread wondering if I'm too judgemental. By this point, I've decided: no.
RT @mcclure111: From the works of Julio Cortázar, this piece precisely sums up how I feel about open source I'm sorry "Free Software" http…
it's cool the way people are building this into their games! obvious things like Twitch chat integration, but also more subtle stuff... @alienmelon/948304681544990720
@alienmelon I don't know if the aim is to give viewers the same experience, but rather a good experience...
@alienmelon Thinking now about playful musical instruments...
noisy storm/cozy bed
@jonty "UFO Drawings From The National Archives"
@siobhanthomas maybe @maltron3D could come down for it? he was one of the people working on Killbox, about drone warfare
@vectorpark i've been playing Nier:Automata, and there's some bullshit stuff in there (@v21/947474567898988544), but also it's at least three different games all rolled into one. great if you love all three, but if you're really only there for one of them...
@vectorpark the games were designed to only work intertwined, so you can't really chop it apart. well, you kind of can - that's what the Easy difficulty setting is for. but you still have to fight the fights, it's just all you do is press buttons and look at the pretty explosions
this looks lovely - do any cities have a warped grid like this? @metropologeny/948117954314625025
@Slaktus @vectorpark oh, no, that part is fine (starting the third route now)
@LovedayBrooke this is great
@animalphase route B cut out a bunch (which was smart plotting). but it was still 30% shmup & 30% open-world side-quests
@animalphase ahh. it was neat to realize that they had to (wait, rot13ing...) gurl unq gb znxr *rirel* rarzl cynlnoyr. fzneg pubvprf!
i played through route B t'other day... these days the thing i'm most impressed when playing games is really economical choices, getting the most surprise or delight out of the same set of assets. (and conversely, some games feel luxurious because of how wasteful they are...)
@vectorpoem @increpare @BrendanSinclair idk - the most common approach for building UIs for new desktop apps is to embed a browser. I mean, building good UIs is still a huge pain, granted.
@increpare @vectorpoem @BrendanSinclair mm, i see your point about different strengths for UIs, but i think loading/saving stuff is a bad example. the web is built on CRUD, forms & URLs
@a_man_in_black Now Play This is coming up! We show a bunch of weird games in a fancy exhibition in London.
@katbamkapow i think we have to do it piece by piece, just to figure out what to put in it's place instead
RT @PhotoHistorian: January 2, 1839: Louis Daguerre takes the first photo of the Moon. According to a contemporary account, it was unfocuse…
@khalkeus3d sorry, no! i should do better at surfacing cool bots, but also i don't wanna list the whole lot (for the same reasons sharing source is optional)
@khalkeus3d yeah - i'm verrry hesitant about adding new options onto that page. but i should think about it more.
RT @mmmmusasabi: The demo of rough drawing effect #threejs #webgl demo : code : https://t.…
tattoos with a SAAS backend
@joonturbo i dunno (and couldn't get an accurate number, actually)
@joonturbo i might do a round up of follower counts & tweet counts for active accounts, tho
RT @hime_bun: I found the best set of Line stickers
Intentional Fire-Spreading by “Firehawk” Raptors in Northern Australia
@NotInventedHere i can't think of any other examples off the top of my head...
@hoskingc you're probably not often waiting for computers to do CPU stuff? except for some games. and it only affects code that calls out to the OS, which isn't typical game code
@KommanderKlobb of interest? @tqbf/948960916468576256
RT @PinkDiceGM: In recent games, I require players to write 5 rumors related to their character's reputation: 2 good, 2 bad, 1 false. I lat…
RT @dennybritz: The adversarial patch paper with a printable sticker to confuse a classifier is really cool, but I don’t understand why the…
@alexhern @sarahjeong i think it's podcasts and youtube lets plays
2009 was a serious year, and i wore a tie every day as a reminder
this is cute, but PornHub are terrible: @SamGrittner/948550894219661312
this thread has the most readable explanation of what's going on i've seen so far @FioraAeterna/948684092333158400
@patrickashe ooooooh!
@patrickashe i'm excited to see the emissary trilogy in person - did you ever catch the livestream of it?
RT @awesommelier:
@20hz20khz that's a real nice bot! say hi from me!
messin with shaders again
asking someone where they got their shader from
@metasynthie real name policy really was bad comms, not bad policy (though bad comms are still harmful)
@mcclure111 @kungfulasers I remember watching it as a kid, but it mainly made me feel uncomfortable. That didn't stop me watching it?
RT @rockyraccoon83: @shoomlah I work in animation and sometimes the concept artists nailed a design in less than 3 drawings, but had to mak…
@TentacleMayhem @shoomlah yeah - not a concept artist, but i do force myself to come up with a second and third idea, even if only to prove my first instinct was a good one
RT @__atthetable__: Our top food stories of 2017? At No.1 - Wetherspoons by the talented @mmegannnolan - a piece about love, friendship, an…
RT @Willeth: Permanent offer: For every videogame that exists with the word 'blood' in the title, I'll buy you a copy if you donate blood.…
@deer_ful not to knock the cover, but man, this really shows what great bones this song has
@bfod @metasynthie i bet you the primary motivation on their end was almost exclusively to stop drop off in the signup flow at the point where people had to choose usernames. and... yeah, i've found that a stressful moment.
@bfod @metasynthie but yeah - "policy" was the wrong word in my original tweet. my point was more that the code is pretty much fine (pretty much because i would like to be "v", but they disallow single letter names). where does product end and comms begin?
@metasynthie @bfod 100% agreed
RT @YouthinDecline: The first issue of Frontier 2018 is from the incredible illustrator and cartoonist, Tatsuro Kiuchi. He is someone that'…
i was shown in the last Zium collection. i would recommend it as an experience @thezium/949206433244921856
i made ... a lightweight feature branch ... then merged it back in ... and it was totally fine ... EVEN THOUGH i was using Unity??
technology is wild. look how far we've come.
@jonty . ______ /\ \
@Coleo_Kin the ting goes
RT @fascinated: .@robhorning on our beloved platforms (and how brands "support" artists)
@esaxey I did. It's good! I liked it a lot.
@PerfectPlum @JoLammert oh. that looks good! i've decided to go vegan for the month, so I think I'll do this soon myself.
@RobotHugsComic what's best practice when it's a photo/screenshot of some text (over 500 characters)?I obviously link the source where I can, but you can't link to particular excerpts / books etc.
RT @khalkeus3d:
you know that feeling, when you're scrolling down the timeline and see someone has written fanfic about a pervasive computer security vulnerability, using a tweet from a bot you wrote as a prompt? no? just me then @mcclure111/949394926638333953
good advice, imo @_never_work/949415463817236483
@lindseybieda at least (unless you play squad or duo with strangers, but why would you) you're not stuck working with terrible people
RT @hownottodraw: My sweet and shy child @eyemoutheye is finally unlocked, and you may now retweet its beautiful works. @eyemoutheye will…
@_thatgumyoulike I've had enough! [of lying in bed this morning; I'm going to go downstairs and make some porridge with oat milk]
@KommanderKlobb @_thatgumyoulike I am allowing myself honey! Also I'm not going to think about isinglass
this is a really lovely film about... about a story about fish?
it's so British? so many small signifiers of Britishness
@Jam_sponge this is awful and you should feel bad (but those look like good pancakes, enjoy!)
someone should send me their Netflix password so i can watch this Devilman show
RT @gifs_bot:
RT @mcclure111: This article feels like it's writing around a big hole it's not allowed to acknowledge is there. It's almost like a writer…
RT @MrEwanMorrison: Part 2. The Extraordinary Botanical Art of 72 year old Mary Delany (1700-1888). Her detailed collages were made with: t…
@notquitereal hey you should watch this @v21/949614468719398913
@some_new_cities ugh - saw this once before, but never tracked down the issue. will have another look now...
RT @sevensixfive: Four franchises, four spaceships, four bridges.
RT @netgal_emi: wild, fantastic, funny, dead serious, timely, @4xisblack/949179051486339072
here is a webpage about orbs
@Coleo_Kin i liked the scene where she said "i knew that" a bunch
@Coleo_Kin and (i might be misremembering the manga) the new characterisation makes her more consistent - she starts with carrying a knife etc, but pretty quickly becomes a largely unconscious thing to repeatedly save? now, she's strong willed, but never necessarily violent?
@vivschwarz @Short_Box oh! what a good home for it!
I love this version of the Internet. I miss it, but it's still alive, just sometimes obscured. @polfromonline/950079887200710656
@Coleo_Kin yeah, she didn't really have much of a chance to initiate much early on, just being a focal point of being pressured by various people.
it's been years, and still i regularly think about this page of "the cartography of known spaces" by @lorenschmidt (pdf link:
@some_new_cities just to let you know: i tracked down the issue - it's to do with a particular version of Tracery having issues unescaping #s when they're in variables - they come out as ##. not got a fix ready yet, but you might be able to work around it?
I just learned that for some applications, people use steel recycled from WW2 battleships. Because all the steel produced after WW2 is too radioactive.
while i'm on the subject, did you see this story? like half a million people ultimately died as a result of US nuclear weapons testing
@dinosaurrparty where are you going? if you're gonna just be in cities, then you should definitely take the train. if you wanna see some bleak hillsides, then a car is worthwhile. I'd give it like 50% chance of ice & below freezing temps.
@tigershungry @dinosaurrparty @asponge yes, co-signed. there are some very good bleak hillsides up there!
was reminded i was vegan for the month just after i'd put in my mouth a baked pineapple thing someone brought back from Singapore. and then i bit down and ate the thing (still gonna continue with the vegan for a month thing, obv)
@MagInTheSmoke do you care about isinglass? (i have decided i don't)
here is a pop song i really like:
RT @LCPSHOPNET: As your pet will eat from the bowl, the closer they get to the metal plate trigger, the Ferocious Dog starts barking. A gre…
RT @JmacDotOrg: This icebox is not a place of honor. No cold plums are held here. Nothing sweet is here. This note is an apology and par…
the Now Play This open call is open til the end of Friday please submit games (or other playable things) that have: - a sense of place - a sense of pattern - or interestingly expose how they were made (also: the application form is short & easy, promise)
@vivschwarz i hope so!
@BreoganHackett @MarekKapolka please do!
RT @studioanisa: Heh, @garrynewman's how to be a #gamedev article was a fun read.
RT @calmingsphere:
RT @hollygramazio: Aaaa amazing, an exhibition (in Texas, boo) of volvelles and other interactive diagrams in, y'know, 600-year-old books…
@hollygramazio do you have a google alert for "volvelles"?
@neighbour_civs do i have a meeting this evening?
@DanGrover might work as a counter-example to that? although "devs" wasn't really the target audience, and the features were deliberately simple/awkward
RT @dinosaursssssss: here's some good environmental storytelling in PUBG, telling the tale of someone who put a sofa outside and ate 100 ca…
@aidowall i am @ ing you, and i am here to say: yes, it does
@some_new_cities I think if you shift the #s out then it should be fine? @hashfacade works...
a tweet by @pangmeli
@Citrushistrix oh, I'm so glad. I love that poem so much. I've been peeping your tweets tonight and making notes...
@innesmck my colleague : oh, I watched the first episode of that Devilman show after you tweeted about it... it's not really what I expected... (what did you expect?) a sweet slice of life kind of thing (hm, yes, it's not really that)
@Coleo_Kin I don't want to be tell you what to do, but I'd like to read you writing about this.
RT @nsuttner: Dang @iandallas nails a lot of my feelings on Mario, great article:
RT @calmingsphere:
@kahodesu I have a friend called Siri
@hellocatfood Nice face
RT @zachlieberman: I heard you like really long write ups !! I did daily sketching again in 2017, here’s a review:…
RT @manbearcar: commuting
i think there are a lot of people on here who would enjoy this game
@studioanisa it's very good
RT @marymares69: “Does that sa-“ Yes. Yes it does
@AnnetteMees @RoyalOperaHouse oh! that is exciting! congratulations!
@hownottodraw probably not the worst, but before Christmas, two tries at making flapjacks were ruined... by setting the oven too high by accident
@hownottodraw once is yeah, fine, acceptable mistake to make. the second time, when i was SPECIFICALLY MAKING FLAPJACKS BECAUSE I'D FUCKED UP THAT WAY LAST TIME...
@hownottodraw anyway, third time i managed to... set the dial correctly. and the flapjacks were good.
@bphennessy i just played through Known Unknowns, and it's very good and i liked it a lot
@patrickashe i have a bunch of thoughts about virtual galleries! i look forward to talking about it with you.
@patrickashe i mean, also, if i made a virtual gallery i would 100% make a white cube feeling thing. if you don't have physical constraints you need the social ones even more, y'know?
@patrickashe i'm excited to hear about your coursework! what an unlikely sentence! (but for real, poking at this for a bit of NPT maybe, would be good to talk through it with you)
@patrickashe also if you haven't visited localhost gallery, i would definitely recommend it
@mewo2 @GalaxyKate oh, that sounds real neat
remembering the bit of a talk i gave last year where i described computers speculatively fetching things into caches as "generally a good thing"
good caveating, there
i just posted a post with all the stuff i did last year! as usual, it never feels like much til you start putting it all down in one place...
@dinosaurrparty thanks! i think so too. it's good to make a post, if only to help to remember that.
@omarieclaire that's lovely to hear! and if you ever want to collaborate on something...
@khalkeus3d we used the term "2.5D" in my university classes on how perception works. I'm not really sure what I'm arguing for except maybe that it was even more meanings & even more heritage than you'd think.
RTing because this is pretty interesting if you make tools or like thinking about workflows (kinda especially if you're not in game dev) @Danim8tion/950465438806257664
I've made plenty of mistakes of a similar size... but i've always worked on tiny teams, so I've never broken stuff for loads of other people, I've always been able to quietly fix stuff for myself.
fun stressful firefighting story : it was the Beasts of Balance launch party (for press and that)... and we could only get a single game running. Turns out we'd never tested multiple games running side by side, and all the ipads were trying to connect to a single plinth.
which we were able to fix after about 10 minutes of very furious coding, and a slightly longer cycle of pushing out new builds onto all the ipads...
firefighting stories are fun, but it was a stupid mistake not to have tested it. I'm glad we have better processes now! (I mean, also we have a released game, not a early prototype...)
@fionchadd one of those situations where you're a bit too busy to be stressed, you know?
RT @calmingsphere:
RT @torahhorse: good evening
@pillowfort @katbamkapow that's the best of Netrunner, imo. yeah, it's good mechanically, but it's the way it makes you feel that's important.
@lizardengland "Healer, heal thyself"
RT @Brainmage: The story of Sisyphus. Start here ⬇️⬇️⬇️ @brainmage/949239916214571008
@Batmancanseeyou @tylercoates they're repped by the same agency
@siobhangx the joke about the philosophy (or maths, in some tellings) professor, who comes in, writes on the blackboard, and says "of course, this is obvious". then stops, thinks a bit. "hm". scribbles stuff down. runs out the room. runs back in 45 mins later. "i was right! it IS obvious!"
RT @PixelAmbacht: Extracting the Apple 410 Color Plotter vector font from ROM chips and turning it into a modern OpenType Font — described…
RT @LotteMakesStuff: Unity 2018.1's Shader editor is *super* cool and worth checking out! #Unity3d
@katbamkapow I'm warming up my google calendar now. let's go.
@lorenschmidt I feel a bunch of this. Regularity and habits are really important, I think i'm only just learning how much. I've been struggling with achieving stuff in my non-work days, and keeping a structure for myself.
it is a nice feeling to be looking through open call responses and see things that are on the other spreadsheet we've been making of things we already know and like
the people we like like us, too
whoa, this is wild (in the 2018.1 beta). Unity is adding so much exciting new stuff, I feel I need to take some time to just mess with all the shiny stuff. Although, otoh, maybe it's becoming a tool no-one understands entirely or uses all of. @LotteMakesStuff/951219507720269825
@keefstuart @alexhern @elenacresci PDP and LP can lose deals, but the only entity that can take away their fan base and main revenue stream is YouTube. But all these scandals do hurt the reputation of YouTube The Children's TV Show, so maybe someday YouTube will take that action.
@keefstuart @alexhern @elenacresci (that action being actually throwing them off the service, not just not giving them preferred treatment for a while)
@Sosowski this is that kind of exciting low-level stuff, tbh! like the slow migration towards new Mono. and multi-threading is coming, but understandably piecemeal.
@Sosowski HiDPI editor support would be really nice, but also I understand why it's painful. I reckon this year, though?
@LotteMakesStuff lots of people use it, to do lots of different jobs! I agree. It's kind of like Photoshop, which is used for so many things, in so many ways, all overlapping. but also it's a feeling to lose that sense of knowing all the crevices myself.
@LotteMakesStuff also it's a reminder to make time to do personal development work to keep up to date! at least in some of the stuff.
@jmickle_ @LotteMakesStuff yeah, this was also triggered by seeing the cool new shader tool and feeling the market value of being comfortable with the arcane ShaderLab stuff sink. which, like... it's a good new feature! i've got my money's worth from learning about shaders!
@jmickle_ @LotteMakesStuff idk. new feelings. good thing i like learning new things, really.
@LotteMakesStuff @jmickle_ tbh, a node tool can probably do anything you can do in code? i mean, you could say the same for writing Cg that's compiled down to all the different shader variants (i have had to dig in the assembly to try to fix bugs before, so... not sure where this example is going)
@LotteMakesStuff @jmickle_ but yeah, obviously a node tool making the joy of shaders accessible to more people is super valuable and great! it's a good addition and i look forward to the weird things people make as a result.
RT @everywhereist: I decided to make the damn pizza dough cinnamon rolls in Mario Batali's apology letter.
RT @metasynthie: In case it's unclear, EA & UCLA researchers tested a system that tries to get players to keep playing 1v1 matches by makin…
RT @retrohistories: Eight years ago, Edge published their top 50 iOS games: the big hitters, indie breakthroughs, and most innovative ideas…
@increpare hm!!
this looks like a great job with great people. ALSO it is a impressively good job listing, man. i have the biggest business-crush on Finji, y'know? @FinjiCo/951277661074190336
RT @acosmos: Interesting write up on the new hit Chinese “otome” game, Love and Producer. Made by the same developer as Love Nikki! It feat…
RT @quasimondo: Holy shit. This feedback loop does not really animate smoothly, but it produces nightmares at 5 frames per second. #NSFW ht…
RT @Choplogik: beautiful poem makes you think abrout life & the temporary nature of existence... 1 "like" = 1 respect of poem.…
@radiatoryang lovely piece. did you write "taking the piss", or was the piece anglicized for you?
@radiatoryang crikey, gu'nah, it's like yor a true blue Cockney lad!
@kevinmaxon it looks real cool!
it's lovely to see this bot grow! one of the best uses of the CBDQ replies feature, tbqh @mousefountain/951542234591256576
@hypirlink haha
RT @NotInventedHere: @v21 Don't forget to ask @dungeon_junk for your reward afterwards (if you're the kind of person who complete quests fo…
"Thomas Young's sketch of two-slit interference based on observations of water waves"
RT @MOOMANiBE: PUBG but the circle starts small and expands instead. As the game progresses survivors spread out to unknown corners of the…
the phrase "on a school night", as used by people who are neither educators or students
@studioanisa I am pretty sure I *first* used it as an actual schoolboy, but yeah.
@mcclure111 @tef I have enjoyed reading this conversation, and I also very much enjoyed both the manga series Devilman and also the anime series Devilman: Crybaby
@mcclure111 I have never watched or previously heard of Dragon Maids, but I watched all of Devilman: Crybaby last weekend and *smirking Ryo face*
@spacefinner did you see my "next ________" polls?
hey remember when we conclusively proved to @katbamkapow that Eevee is a fox? @v21/767032361385156610
@spacefinner here are the thrilling conclusions @v21/865998290428493824
hey remember when I conclusively investigated the term "next weekend"? @v21/865998290428493824
@mrgnptts honestly I think they are dead on, levels of uncertainty and all. what's yr disagreement? when does next weekend truly start?
there are, unsurprisingly, some real cute stories in here @evilmallelis/951602332344569856
@mrgnptts 1/5 people agree with you! that's fine.
RT @jomc: how many more years do you think you’ll stay on twitter?
@jomc I am pretty sure it's the coping strategy. But all the same, I'm feeling vulnerable, my reliance (for a bunch of things) on this platform exposed, looking for escape routes or insurance policies.
@jomc there are people I wish I spoke to more (who feel v. Online) who are basically not on Twitter now. also some who are basically only here for DMs. I can very much understand.
RT @elakdawalla: Double ack @cosmic_penguin/951702211007938560
RT @ScottTRichmond: Something to consider as an outcome to the #meltdown crisis: global data centre power consumption has likely gone up by…
RT @blaiseaguera: We’ve posted an analysis of the (now infamous) “AI gaydar” paper showing that the authors’ conclusions were probably wron…
RT @jaytholen: Got any original old garbage 3D stuff you've made laying around? Send it to me and I'll pay you and put it in Hypnospace! Wa…
hey this closes in a few hours, room for one more @v21/950342422961250304
RT @benedictevans: Amazon buys TV shows to get you to buy toilet paper through Prime, and your shifting toilet paper buying from Walmart to…
@lifewinning i am 100% in favour
RT @nkl: A Hacker News commenter ( points out the similarity between my map of the spread of "tea" hundreds of year…
@3en @theinformation I got a new phone this week. It's a Mi A1 and it's great. I'd definitely buy a phone from them again in future.
@3en @theinformation @github bit more, £180ish (basically the same as a Moto G, which was what I was originally looking for). Runs stock Android (with the Android One program), I don't have reasons to be paranoid about backdoors.
@3en @theinformation @github worst thing was having to wait for international shipping to come through (vs something fulfilled from the UK)
RT @jbouie: this thread is a tour de force. read it. @KatzOnEarth/951656979658870785
@Zen_Benjamin ah, so glad you could work round it!
RT @Zen_Benjamin: Check out my latest twitter bot. It produces pictures of cities in nearby dimensions, and their (sometimes creepy) slogan…
this is a lovely way to play @ColinNorthway/951907926872023041
this is a good conversation and has good examples of the thing where money (or scope) is the most important thing as a game designer
taken together, indie and AAA make up a small part of the games industry
cheltenham bold condensed italic
cryptocurrency idol group:
via @GalaxyKate's lunch and @mewo2, "Any simple polygon can be cut into finite pieces and rearranged to form any other simple polygon of equal area."
RT @casa_tuthill: Dear fellow humans with an intact sense of wonder: scientists just discovered that neurons have repurposed a viral gene t…
@mzxio @asthesparksfly juxtaposition
keas are the best, I kinda want to visit NZ just to hang out with some of them @atlasobscura/951908051078074370
RT @chordbug: I love how, on a physics test or something, you can type-check your formulas if you don’t 100% remember how they go and you’r…
RT @HapaxLegoman: No Man’s Sky PUBG mod. One by one, the stars go out.
.@mewo2's Ketchum tool ( seems neat! using word vectors to suggest other members of a set of objects, maybe useful for hand-authoring generative text projects.
RT @magpiekingdom: Quote from a player: "If you took the $$ you were spending on paper boys & spent it on real men, you'd be just as emotio…
RT @PheonaChen1: Today is the birthday of Li Zeyan, the aloof but caring and rich CEO husband in the game Love and Producer. Fans celebrate…
how perfectly awful for everyone not involved @fascinated/952221192819265536
@spacefinner what do they care, they're not in the ticket-selling business any more
RT @prehensile: we made an orchestra of Echoes! starring @mistertim and @leihe101, with thanks to @DarSolo et al.
RT @alexforey: Was reminded of this recently, saw it at the Barbican in 2016 and it’s still the best piece of dance I’ve ever seen https://…
@khalkeus3d how do those bread slicing machines work?
@khalkeus3d i've seen this photo on my TL a few times now, but only just parsed it
here is a video of a machine slicing bread
@asponge this is beautiful, thank you. i think my favorite bit is the flippy bit
@grapefrukt oh WOW
this is so much @grapefrukt/952300593103671298
@grapefrukt @radiatoryang i did not expect it to get rolled up that way!! wowwww. and the long shots at the end, so many rolls
@grapefrukt @radiatoryang this is seriously impressive tech. and the little vacuum system for picking them up, too!
@__Tyu @grapefrukt @radiatoryang whoa, there's some real high tech stuff there. and suspiciously high-gloss video. i think the best is still maybe the knot-tying machine?
@eathdemon personally, I really enjoy it, for the same reasons Rami gives. If the game is broken when you're not trying to break it, that's on us, but if you care enough to find the obscure edge case, the stacked way to break it, that's the most wonderful compliment.
@studioanisa mmm... only dolphin-mermaids should have boobs.
@studioanisa imagine cuddling up in a whalemaids enormous bosom
@studioanisa @innesmck it'd be more like kefir, i think?
the sound of space filling curves (interesting audio outputs at the link - quote is from the linked paper)
oh god i forgot Aziz Ansari wrote a book on dating
some bugs i definitely leave in because they're fun/interesting bugs and i know they'll only crop up if people work real hard to cause them. devs are the first audience, and we get a kick from learning how our game works, too, @vectorpoem/952438626079588352
@erbridge i had heard mixed things, buuut: did you see the news?
i'm still watching footage of bakery machines. i've ended up looking at the beigel shop next to the good beigel shop down the road
(at the end, the owner says that they used to rent at the other shop, but then bought the premises they're at now. i still don't know the rest of the backstory, but you can hear the bitterness)
@Coleo_Kin there will always be people who it's easy and justified to dunk on
@netgal_emi i love the little mouse friend he's made!
@netgal_emi (like, i keep seeing the mousey friend, too)
@ADAMATOMIC it is my go-to example for saying that polish & details actually kinda don't really matter? because the core is so good
@patrickashe mee tooo
@KommanderKlobb @ADAMATOMIC (you know i love that stuff... but i've been trying to think quite critically about what people who are really invested in games want vs people who are less invested in games. also about money & time)
RT @molleindustria: Good article/review about epic tales of game development
@vectorpark @KommanderKlobb @ADAMATOMIC but like, to be more specific: the overworld screen has this bloom/DOF effect on it, and i think it looks a bit rubbish and is definitely overplayed and a cheap way to try to inject some visual interest to a boring scene. but what if: it's fine? and only other designers care?
@vectorpark @KommanderKlobb @ADAMATOMIC for some games, where the point is how it feels, how it looks, the world you're in... yeah, this'd break the spell, do it properly. but for a game about swearing at each other because you're in the way of the soup... eh.
@vectorpark @KommanderKlobb @ADAMATOMIC i don't know if i can bring myself to actually think like this, to plan this way, to be happy with this. but... i dunno. maybe.
@ADAMATOMIC @KommanderKlobb @vectorpark god, imagine if you could just... temporarily and selectively erase your memory, play through things fresh. but yeah, communication polish is so important, although I wish I was better at doing it with a lightness and sense of whimsy.
two articles about the labor and communities of cybersex:
I guess the first article is about companies trying to sell sex as just sensation & the performance of female sexual appeal. The second is about how even within a system like that, there are people and desire for real human connection.
one describes a system designed so only the woman can be seen, another a system where men beg to be seen
a post on saying no: "they are “communicating in ways which are usually understood to mean refusal in other contexts and it is not the adequacy of their communication that should be questioned, but rather their male partners’ claims not to understand""
for the people who like my readings of generative poetry, you may also like these pieces of OCRed music by @tripofmice
RT @matthewseiji: I'm a busy mom in 1999 and I've just set the MP3 Radio Station to "Jazz" while watching CNN and my baby while I bake dess…
RT @joeveix: i wrote about badday.mpg, one of the first viral videos/gifs ever (and still the most relatable) https…
Leftfield is great and you should submit yr stuff! Weird as you like, and you can show up or not. @nachimir/952873044615286790
@dannybirchall this is covered in various forms by a bunch of people already, but: i always think about "how much time does it take to properly apply to this?" x "how many people are going to apply" (sometimes then multiplied by a reasonable rate and compared against the money offered)
@YearofLuigi2018 is that in the reply text box or the normal one? The "." : "#reply#" bit wants to go in the replies section, the other bit in the main section
@doougle I am so glad we had that show in the UK as kids. I remember yelling at my brothers to be quiet so we could listen to the theme tune
language, technology, politics, apostrophes
this is a really nice piece on the afterlife of Creatures 2, with some wild deep stuff linked from it
RT @CivilBeat: This is the screen that set off the ballistic missile alert on Saturday. The operator clicked the PACOM (CDW) State Only lin…
@M_PF @oliviataters all of the _ebooks accounts, obviously. i went back through the ones i've tweeted out - mainly generators, but ie @ArpObservatory does interesting stuff with bits of a fictional self poking through.
@joshglendinning @M_PF @oliviataters @ArpObservatory @bffbot1 ooh, yeah. and @trippingbot, also by @erocdrahs, also counts
@ojahnn i am gladdened by this news
this is a funny idea for a book
@LichLike i am drinking WINE
i am very happy about the amount of times i have seen some version of Oh Of Course It's My Old Friend Ryo on here
@LichLike standing by
@innesmck mine plays a tiny tune. it's nice. i'm up in town.
@_thatgumyoulike tiny frog, seeing the sights, sheltering under a leaf outside a cafe?
@jmickle_ i made bad miso soup tonight! i thought it would be good, and i was looking forward to it! but it was fine, i ate it anyway, not a terrible meal.
@jmickle_ the other day i made a sandwich that i was like, dreading. and then it turned out to be real good! let's continue to try new things and sometimes they will fail, but always we'll learn.
@Singyamatokun hey. hey. hey. me too.
an article about being Extremely Online and also about Wittgenstein
@sehurlburt and, note that even if you offer to pay, people might turn you down and prefer to work for free - because they don't want more work (commitment), but do have a bit of time/are happy to help a little. and that's a really healthy setting of boundaries!
@khalkeus3d quaternions are a set of 4 magic numbers that together represent a rotation. one awkward effect of that is that rotating by Quaternion A then Quaternion B is probably going to be different to rotating by B then A.
@khalkeus3d why use quaternions? well, primarily because 3d software engines use them. but secondarily, because of this gimbal lock thing you were reading about, which means that for some orientations you have to do some funky stuff to euler rotations to make a seemingly minor change
@khalkeus3d how quaternions actually work (what do the numbers mean?) is wayy deeper than you need to understand unless you actively like maths. thinking of them as like a matrix that only handles rotation, a black box of math that you can apply other math to is the way i go.
@khalkeus3d oh! than let me know if you find something that actually makes sense, i am interested, but have never really profited from trying to learn more.
@khalkeus3d (not a problem!)
At an event, and I recognise a guy enough to remember he's boring, but not enough to remember any other details.
this is EXCITING @sokpopco/953663299949875202
if you don't know how Bitcoin works, this is a annoyingly precise analogy @ivansafrin/953341642894905344
RT @john_brindle: This is a really interesting thread on the fear of death and desire for immortality in neoreaction – which so often is dr…
RT @metasynthie: *Keiko Erikawa is pretty amazing and doesn't get mentioned much? She co-founded one of the longest-running strategy game c…
@philippawarr @studiooleomingu me too
RT @emshort: My talk this evening as a Twitter thread thanks to @VictorOjuel @VictorOjuel/953705561350164482
RT @compositeredfox: ants #doodlestudio95
Ya pears are the best. I endorse this fruit.
@WayTooLateTV only Ya pears, though
RT @isislovecruft: this code uses the _mm_stream_si128() Intel intrinsic to cause your CPU to play music on AM radio at 1580kHz https://t.c…
sidenote to call out how well Meowton stood up to having kids clambering over it for week: @patrickashe/952865376664281090 inspirational durability of cardboard!
well, since i was _asked_... Labo looks great! It's a great toy, really smart use of repurposing the joycons (and the infrared camera which previously didn't have a use!!!). and uses cardboard really well - decorate it yourself! repair it! let kids loose on it! @Eastmad/953968244666314752
but: Labo is a really fun toy, but I don't think it's more educational than just... cardboard. maybe a tiny bit? but it's about FUN not STEM (and not making Makers). i mean, creation is fun, but the point is the fun, not the creation.
also sidenote shoutout to @vivschwarz talking about how popup & slidey-bits book design is partly about designing the books so that parents can repair them when kids fuck them up
@KommanderKlobb i think the infrared camera probably answers that question?
@KommanderKlobb oh, maybe not-- apparently Resi used it too? and maybe there's something with Amiibo? but still, it feels likely it was in the back of their minds
@Eastmad yeah, it makes the mechanisms visible... but it doesn't let you modify those mechanisms in an interesting way, which is the real test, imo
@Eastmad it's also a bar that many things sold as STEM toys don't meet, but *long protracted shrug*
@karaswisher wait, how do you hack paper ballots? (for example the system used in the UK)
@8fldh ya i rewrote that tweet a couple of times because it was more or less confusing
there is a very small dog here
@notquitereal Dr Langeskov is my second cousin
@notquitereal yeah, he's my dad's cousin Jennifer's son
@radiatoryang this is why I get so excited to be going out in NY
RT @GalaxyKate: Lesson from this thread: Muppet design is so good and expressive that people will fervently swear that Muppets have feature…
@mcclure111 I suppose it says something that I read this post and my main objection is "I've never seen angle be a unit value... oh, I guess sometimes... but that's not normal!"
@DivineDigit he said "women and trans people", which is fair enough. unless there was somewhere else?
@tambourine I very much need to go to bed, but I very much want to watch a bunch of Due South instead
RT @inform_dreams: Before printing the plural name of an apple (called target): let source be the holder of the target; if every apple he…
@barrelshifter look, easy risers are a vital innovation and should be adopted more widely
managed to get this project to find and run a test, so to celebrate i'm going to eat pineapple til my mouth feels weird. how's everyone else's afternoons panning out?
@patrickashe we have music described as "the kind of thing you'd hear in Wahaca"
RT @qrs: Experimenting with laser cutting PCBs to make semi-flexible polyhedra:
oh, good, fantastic. @mikestabile/954082239930810374
it feels very unlikely Twitter is about to hand traffic data and revenues over to Mind Geek (who control 90% of the online porn in the UK, and are set to be the only practical way to do age verification). So what happens?
I guess probably anything marked as explicit content is just... banned in the UK? I look forward to that flag being enforced rigourously.
@neil_neilzone @russss this porn bill seems to be a proper mess, though
@kitrichardsonuk Watching this clip makes me yearn to see a discussion about topics on TV where people aren't encouraged to talk over each other
one of the best moments of television I have seen was the bit in episode 2 of Ways of Seeing where John Berger stops talking about women & art and instead hands over the rest of the programme to listening to women talking about art
@zoyander whoa! what a good day
"My main interaction is with the robots."
RT @molleindustria: I'm opening a little gallery/arcade in Pittsburgh devoted to indie, arty, and experimental games. It's called LIKELIKE…
current status: hungover and looking at wayback machine archives of due south fan webpages
this webpage has literally all the tropes of this kind of webpage, it's kind of amazing.
@rygorous saw a proposal for doing doing HFT by sending neutrons through the center of the earth.
@nickfourtimes i think it'd maybe be nice to do a series where Unity developers give tours around their scene files. here's how this is set up, and this stuff gets spawned when this happens...
RT @FogleBird: Five Seconds of Donkey Kong. #plottertwitter The NES has 2048 bytes of RAM. I snapshotted the RAM at each frame (60 fps) du…
RT @rossgsutherland: Oh a new episode of Imaginary Advice! I train a neural net to do stand-up comedy:
oh, this is cool! @softlandscapes gets a shout out, and there are a number of other CBDQ bots on there. @mozilla/954432807048167429
@fionchadd @softlandscapes apparently accounts? here's the source they linked
RT @GoodSlides:
@BRKeogh @softlandscapes oh, i hadn't seen this until just now! this is cool!
RT @fivememos: The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst…
RT @calmingsphere:
RT @johnstreetdales: Exhibition Road. What larks.
RT @emshort: @joningold The problem with changing the world is that things are different after
RT @betterthemask: Something to think about as you watch The Crown or the recent film, The Darkest Hour. Churchill was a monster, a war cri…
@SuperMarioTitle hey hey
looking forward to Twitter getting over telling me to drink a glass of water
I will never drink a glass of water.
@vectorpoem weirdly i think you can make this stuff in Unity etc with available tools, you just need to know a lot to know what stuff you actually need
@vectorpoem something that packaged up, like, a good FPS controller, @compositeredfox's tools he made for Oikospiel (okay, okay, those haven't been released) & SabreCSG would be basically it... but knowing that toolset exists implies you already are in deep
hedgehogs run 16 miles a night @thecivilcomment/955124055027396608
wait, apparently i misremembered or was mistold this by my friends with a pet hedgehog. 12 miles is the number circulating, although maybe they run less if they're in the wild.
RT @BugQuestions: Although we disagree with this gives us an opportunity to explore a really interesting topic. What we now cal…
@butt_city lump you next time
@MagInTheSmoke Egg ALL OVER my face
@MaizeWallin not snowboarding, but i have definitely felt that fear when starting skiing. and went with people who have had it full-on. you can get through it (if you want to!) taking it gentle & slow, falling over a bunch until that's not scary any more, giving yourself time.
@MaizeWallin also: enjoy yr beer & onsens!!!
at some point i am gonna properly understand Promises etc and go crazy with power and start filling all my C# code with <googles> TaskCompletionSources
@hypirlink i might take you up on that if a day or so of bashing my head at things doesn't start to clear stuff up. this is actually to get prepped for work stuff & a stalled refactor of CBDQ...
very much in favour of the EU's "right to explanation". if it's incompatible with many ML techniques, then those ML techniques are bad and we should maybe not use them
@mtrc i didn't read the article because the sun. but i think the point stands either way - because this commenter has blamed it on algos, so it shows that people are happy to blame things on algos
@compositeredfox @vectorpoem yeah, i'm very aware of this with doodle studio, too - great, accessible tool - if you're already comfortable with Unity
oh, this is excellent! @netgal_emi has put together: MANIFESTO JAM! it's like a game jam, but for manifestos about games.
co-signed @OssKx/955467353923444741
i re-read the manifesto i wrote 5 years ago and yeah, i still stand by it
this game design suddenly turns out to hinge on graph traversal and suddenly i wonder about the CS classes i never took
update: i spent some time wrestling with graphviz, was not very successful, then i printed some stuff out and used felt-tips to work out the greatest distance between two nodes
it's six, in case you were wondering
@khalkeus3d haha. I think I don't actually need any CS level graph traversal knowledge, and can solve it all with felt tips (as my follow up says). but thanks! will keep it in mind if it suddenly gets hairy
@chrisamaphone places you can travel between. each move allows (among other things) one movement. and the game ending trigger depends on reaching a certain place. so average and worst case distance determines game length.
@chrisamaphone as we consider stuff that dynamically modifies the graph & where to spawn stuff this feels useful to internalise. maybe later I'll have to get serious and start making the game figure out these properties during games?? but probably I can fudge it
@katbamkapow I like this poem.
@katbamkapow However! I am not about to read it at poetry reading night.
@katbamkapow snap
@FINOkoye The disconnect is especially evident in games, where you have to generate the desire as well as pave paths.
@FINOkoye (or, often, the game is in the pleasure of the friction - so sometimes you need to wall off the paths instead of paving them.)
this is interesting! A thoughtful take I very much disagree with. It's hide-and-seek, it's slapstick, it's lads on tour, it, okay, yes, is horror-movie suspense. I suspect the experience is different if you largely play squad?
@AngelosLH @notquitereal even the other squads! the time we saw 4 jeeps converge on the same point! the time i spent the first 5 minutes running after this guy to hit him with a pan as he cracked up on voice chat. even just: ach, they flanked us on that hill, great play
RT @taviso: All Blizzard games (World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo III, Starcraft II, etc.) were vulnerable to DNS rebinding vulnerabilit…
RT @calmingsphere:
@katbamkapow I'm sorry to report that Jack is wrong on multiple counts here
@metasynthie Yeah - we don't really have evangelicals as a political power base here. The tabloids are awful, there's the same strand of Tories that pushed for Section 28, and then there's the TERFs. and the third kind travels.
RT @innesmck: And for me, that means the most important thing right now is protecting this trans creator. It's protecting other queer crea…
@doougle indie RPGs are *so* exciting right now
RT @HelloCullen: Hey Kids, teachers may seem mean at first, but they are actually just sad. This information will not help you.
RT @pjetey: i participate in a lot of dance battles, and even tho i cross my arms & act tough while my opponent dances, i secretly always e…
RT @EdCheverton: Joy of knowledge and excitement of ideas - voyager, primes, atomic clock
@hannahnicklin i ticked "of course", but i think it's probably only reasonably common pop culture knowledge to people who are like 10 years younger than us?
@rclarke hm, okay, interesting!
@haikus_by_KN I played Edith Finch at the same time (got both in a bundle) and it felt generous and unexpected.
@torpordust i have weird feelings, too, because i grew up in south london alongside south london vernacular - which is largely jamacian in origin, and is definitely more a black thing. i'm also, y'know, very middle-class - but still! this is a language i grew up with.
@torpordust black american vernacular is obviously different again, but connected
RT @beastsofbalance: The latest version of our Battles world screen - feat. some of our new hybrids!
@TijmenTio happpppppppy biiirthdaaay
@torpordust the "for laughs" bit in your initial tweet is pretty key, i think?
RT @pangmeli: 'design thinking' is just the 'if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail' delusion legitimized by a tech sect…
@Coleo_Kin mind, you can slip between one category and another pretty easily
@uglymachine @gametheoryco mmm! nice jumper!
@spacetreasured NEVER!
RT @Clipart1994bot: FERN.BMF
RT @thefingerspit: Thread about waypoint's article on our new game, The Red Strings Club and how it's being acused of transphobia. This is…
RT @mcclure111: (1/3) For a while, I've had this feeling in my gut that I'm afraid to ever make a game which explicitly contains elements o…
reading about "v2" feels very weird
huh, it turns out i'm actually more excited about the vine guy's *other* new project? @dhof/935136224163106816
@FINOkoye even within games, time spent is not uncontroversial. the pursuit of DAUs & MAUs in mobile gaming does not always lead to the best places.
@FINOkoye the way i often think about it is : with games, you have to create both the problem and the means to solve it. but also outside of games, many things people spend time with are not goal-driven applications. I'm a fan of Kate Compton's work on casual creativity apps.
ah, i'm sad about Ursula K Le Guin.
RT @yellowcardigan: Here's a bit from Tehanu, book four of the Earthsea cycle, that I think about all the time:
@yellowcardigan oh. what a lovely part, and how lovely to think that this is waiting for me in a book of hers i have not read yet. thanks for posting this
RT @tambourine: and here are some stories by le guin that are available for free online: (legally, i believe)
RT @SimonParkin: Who says video games can’t do humour? @p_men876/955430679646371840
@rotational I've been enjoying the series, by the way! Nice and chewy.
it matters more that you share a framework than that your conclusions agree, I guess
@rotational wait, was the quote in the article a subtweet about my tweet? because that is very funny if so
a deep dive into coziness in games
today someone else is refactoring a complicated system i wrote years ago
here's two Ursula K. Le Guin stories I read for the first time last night
RT @leverus: Interviewer: Which would you rather have, a National Book Award or a Hugo? Le Guin: Oh, a Nobel, of course Interviewer: They d…
RT @beastsofbalance: 🎉 🎉Congrats to our stellar team members @v21, @seajayshore, @tburrellsaward, and @streamofstars for making the Mojo Na…
@xxvi_xxxviii staring close to figure out the extent to which this is a "real image"
@bryangale this isn't meant as judgement on your abilities, but rather in the way that a ghost might moan in the the hallway in a creepy seaside B&B
@Coleo_Kin whole milk best milk
@lauraehall HUH!
@lauraehall i hope he commits to the multiple endings gimmick
@xxvi_xxxviii it'd be no fun if you just handed out answers
@Coleo_Kin okay okay, so imagine : early morning lecture, spend it snacking on bran flakes. and then at the end...
RT @rachelbinx: if I make take a minute for a Bird Culture tweet: so a magical thing about viral bird videos is that now our birds are star…
someone in the replies to this tweet tagged in NPR or someone and suddenly, simultaneously, imagined the future podcast episode based on this tweet & was very glad I was not, and will not listen to it
RT @vogon: gonna excerpt a couple of paragraphs from @juliannetveten's baffler article because I feel like everyone in tech needs to read a…
good video on what happens now we can make anything seem real with CGI (caveats: pretty much, with enough money, not realtime. yet)
@Coleo_Kin maybe he got up late
@mcclure111 I feel like you are under-appreciating essays as an art form here
@Coleo_Kin but for real, and not to stereotype too much, but the differences in, uh, tone, dress & odor between my Psychology & Computer Science classes at Edinburgh were notable.
@em_cooper I'm a fan. I have salary going in, and rent and bills going out of my HSBC account, and a standing order transferring spending money to my Monzo account. It works for me. The service is good, all seems designed sensibly & openly.
RT @ultrabrilliant: Reminiscing about the early 2000s forum signature aesthetic.
RT @sevensixfive: Reminder that John Perry Barlow wrote his cyberspace declaration, about how bodies don’t matter on the internet, while si…
RT @LCPSHOPNET: Getting a haircut at home? Own a barbershop? This Hair Umbrella Cape will collect all of the hair and will prevent the hair…
RT @youngvulgarian: CLARIFICATION: I do not think that Conservative MP Graham Brady is a "shady bitch" per se. My argument is that whoever…
RT @flglmn: imagine trying to respond to this memo
RT @BevisSimpson: Its really disgusting how other white people dont even know about the plight of [quickly wikipedias "Who is having alot o…
@kierongillen @Jam_sponge @KenY2Ken yeah - i always thinking about this as "playing to win" vs "playing to lose or at least make the story as interesting as possible"
@kierongillen @Jam_sponge @KenY2Ken working around which seems to be the main challenge when writing interesting RPGs?
@spacetreasured definitely put the fun stuff on yr portfolio
i have not yet clicked this link, but i am very excited to know i can @cardboardcompy/956544186643251201
@renaudbedard @jugendingenieur well these are very good
RT @kcimc: apparently ibm offers a 16 qubit quantum cloud computer? there's disagreement about whether quantum computing requires many worl…
@ADAMATOMIC feels like maybe you could fix the second and leave the first as WONTFIX?
RT @kcimc: #arxivfoundobject
RT @AdamBienkov: Speaking for the government latest: Downing Street say Boris Johnson wasn't speaking for the government this week and nei…
RT @neilhimself: This is beautiful and true, by Jo Walton. Best piece on Ursula Le Guin and her true legacy I've read so far:…
@Jam_sponge i saw you playing the bit in the forest earlier and got a little distracted from the thing we were talking cuz i was remembering how good it was
@chipzel BOOO
alexa development means i'm wearing earphones under headphones, as if i was a esports player
RT @ammonite: 2 years ago our first Kickstarter launched. Tomorrow, Seoul’s first Apple Store opens and Beasts of Balance is in it 🔥
@jukiokallio @ADAMATOMIC arguably Opus Magnum, too?
@Jam_sponge I'm a fan of the way you used the yellow spade with the frame to support the garden hose.
@ADAMATOMIC @jukiokallio It is a rare game I have chosen not to play because I would play it far too much.
@ADAMATOMIC @jukiokallio that's good to hear - but I think, all the same, I'll try to resist unless I wish to entirely blank out the world for 48 hours
@tigershungry that might explain it! we entered the scene in media res, so it was hard to tell
@jennfrankgames I've never had a credit card
RT @HorribleSanity: In which Edith Wharton experiences the living hell known as "Road trip with Henry James."
@patrickashe @SimonParkin i just looked up that bit on Parkinson, and oh wow...
@patrickashe @SimonParkin the smoking, the drinking, the fighting over bits of lines and upstaging each other...
@mousefountain maybe it's only big-ish, not big, but I like SabreCSG for boolean brush based nonsense
@mousefountain think he made it free on the asset store, it's a pretty decent workflow!
@conormn I just randomly came across Drone Tone on the play store - it's great.
@gsvoss not what you're asking for (too many drawings), but, still, I'm recommending: You, a bike & a road by Eleanor Davis
@jonritter I'm in the UK, so we'd just do a regular bank transfer.
looking up how to make the Android notification panel dark again and feeling like I'm 14 and fucking with alternative Windows shells
early training for enduring computer bullshit
@erbridge yeah, if you root it, install a theming manager, install an alternative skin, configure... etc etc
@erbridge I decided to not
made by a KSP player. I'm noe imagining all the people who'll work on space stuff who'll've got into it from KSP. @derKha/956612860146221056
okay, so: imagine you are giving a talk, and the people who are hosting that talk have a budget to commission a poster for it. who is your dream artist to do the poster?
@juliemuncy23 gotta keep spreading that good content
@tef oh, that'd rule
@LichLike oh, I never played this properly. maybe I should do that tonight?
@metasynthie hm. I don't think all pleasure involves guilt, somewhere? But yeah, this dynamic is generally very true and present and fine.
I just read the sentence "If you’re interested in planets, the good news is there’s plenty of variety to choose from in our own Solar System."
RT @rachelcoldicutt: How technology looks at women. A longish read of my talk about Women’s Gaze vs Robots' Gaze @MuseumofLondon #Futuresh…
RT @fascinated: great overview (+viz!) of the fake follower situation on twitter
@konjak oh, of course, oh no. I've suffered through this, but never as bad as you'll be going through. be with people, do some mild throwaway work (sketch a thing, maybe, if you can?), know that it's normal.
@jonbro an earlier version of this tweet named LiteStep specifically
@KDbyProxy @lesliemolson @nycsouthpaw @brianschatz this isn't true - look at the history of the word "queer"
It is 2018 and friends are still listening to E°MO°TION for the first time and being blown away by it.
memories of a schoolfriend who was obsessed with IKEA. we once went out to the Croydon one just because.
RT @nickw84: Hey, I've written something new about the unfolding horror of the Twitter search box. Enjoy! 🔍
@jonbro i'm honestly just happy people are appreciating it!
@asponge it turns out i'm a merely mid-tier IKEA appreciator!
@polclarissou i still stand by that, sorry
RT @calmingsphere:
@uglymachine @asponge i once went on a date to B&Q. it was fun!
RT @nikkipugh: Read/watched this earlier in the week and I’m still a-swirl wondering about the potential for that thing about women having…
frying some oyster mushrooms & watching
if you have made a CBDQ bot, then you have everything you need to submit it as a fictional version of itself for this project @maxkreminski/957702974813323264
how good that is! how good Un Pueblo de Nada is! we are so lucky
also i hope we see way more of that sketchy, loose, vector line style in Ep 5. <3 it
RT @a2_4am: Sector 0 of my "Mr. Do" crack contains a response: TIME SPENT IN THE SERVICE OF HISTORY IS NEVER WASTED.4AM
@ellaguro yeah, it's really not healthy
@stephen__clark @ellaguro I mean, it's tough, and you wanna help support everyone, and you believe anyone could be doing good work, and you wanna be supportive. but that can flatten down to only saying nice stuff/never giving good criticism.
@stephen__clark @ellaguro weirdly the thing with friends is the opposite of what I've experienced - with friends you know them well enough to know if they can take feedback usefully & it's worth the risk. so useful criticism only happens between friends.
@martinhollis @ellaguro yep - but they're not trying to make good art in the interface between their brand personas & their fandom. artistic communities are.
@stephen__clark @ellaguro (and also there's the thing where surface level supportive aesthetics have very little to do with actual support, which is maybe even more to the point)
@ellaguro @stephen__clark with local organising, there is a very small overlap between people with experience enough to do it well & people with enough energy to do it at all. it's not obvious! you probably need to fuck up a few times to learn!
@ellaguro @stephen__clark (ever the optimist, I do believe most people insisting on supportive aesthetics do think they're being supportive generally...)
@notquitereal @polclarissou KRZ is a game I have never felt bad about not getting to immediately. I know I will, it's not going anywhere, I know it's going to be good & deep & rich & awful.
@notquitereal @polclarissou It is going to feel a bit weird when it's all done and wrapped up, though.
@kimadactl after reading i can easily imagine that publishing an article is less of a bureaucratic nightmare than making substantial wikipedia edits to a high-traffic page.
@TokyoFashion/957673850501677056 tweet preview
@kimadactl Yeah, fair points all!
RT @kd2luw: "Fully clothed man carries seventy or more buttons, most of them useless. He has at his disposal two dozen pockets." https://t.…
RT @PheonaChen1: The traveling frog 旅かえる was downloaded more than 10m times. Downloads from Japan takes 2%, US takes 1%, China takes up to…
RT @JasonLeopold: GUYS! This is the best redacted document I have ever received. I am going to frame this one and hang in the @BuzzFeedN…
RT @jessamyn: I had thought Twitter cropping all my images of women to just their cleavage was an accident, now I learn they are cropping t…
@christinelove @johnnemann i mean, it's your fault if you don't think about it and it fucks up the game, so you definitely get to take the credit if it makes the game better
"It offers the lulling comfort of permanent volume, the same bulwark against scarcity that draws us to the all you can eat, the BOGO, the unlimited refill, the family size."
is it the case that Americans generally say BOGO, and British people say BOGOF?
when I say "BOGOF" in my head, I hear it in my mother's voice
"bog off"
@mcclure111 huh.
@mewo2 I have never been to Michigan, but that sounds very appropriate
@garblefart "buy one get one free"
@ColinNorthway it's good! or at least the least worst way to do the things we were trying to do
@ColinNorthway I should check in with the people who have taken over that code (oh, actually, last I did they were bitching about some gross stuff I did where stuff was in a weird scale for historical reasons :/)
@readingtheend @tambourine thank you for the story!
RT @ed_solomon: .. a stranger - a random person who happened to be there - whispered, “Hey.” And the (then 11 yr old) girl turned back. The…
@SilverSober oh! welcome! let's hang out some time - where are you based?
@SilverSober oh, nice - do you know @lexicobob?
RT @redditships: Ever since I first had Sunday brunch at this adorable artisan café in Shoreditch, London in October 2014, Sunday brunch ha…
@tigershungry or "18b" for short
@tigershungry 18c
@notsimonv3 this is a case where it's misused more often than not... which I think means the incorrect way is now correct
RT @mcclure111: Imagine a story set in a world that works that way, two businessmen possessing their own unter-people via VR to have a meet…
RT @WarrenIsDead: If you've never read The Wheel of Time and don't know what dissociating feels like you could try focusing the entirety of…
@innesmck i wonder if i'll ever go to an event labelled as "for women and nbs"
@lil_selkie i think you look cute & good!
RT @Haamjuhae: clouds
@katbamkapow there are related but distinct reasons you might put out a call like this, and those reasons might actually change the answer.
@katbamkapow i will say it would have to be carefully phrased (probably with some sentences of explanation!) for me to feel like i would be safe turning up - but also i don't think me feeling like i would feel safe & comfy turning up should always be a desired thing
@katbamkapow @Thairyn Holly told me a story which has haunted me, about waking up in the middle of the night before an event to stress about whether the pink for some paper was the correct pink. which, like, does it matter? unfortunately, the answer was yes. all the details do matter.
@katbamkapow @Thairyn i hate this story
@katbamkapow oh, and also - from a thread i am pretty sure you will have seen: @twoscooters/958460383861379073
@katbamkapow @Thairyn the thing _I_ always say is : the outcome of an event is only like... partially under your control. and if it's bad, it's still your fault. so... if it goes well, for reasons also not entirely under your control... you should take the credit.
@katbamkapow @Thairyn do what you can to prepare, of course... but ultimately events, communities, other people are not under your control. but you can try & you can change things.
i just read this sentence: "In the potbanks around Stoke-on-Trent the blunger was fed by the "sliphouse blunger charger" who was often assisted by the "sliphouse blunger charger's mate"."
RT @jkap: hello everyone. i'm going to speedrun disneyland in a bit under two weeks. wish me luck.
@GalaxyKate :)
RT @slunglowalan: Blogpost: Some of the things I thought after Flood
@legobutts I know Ana (of @beastsofbalance) does a lot around this - want me to intro you two to chat?
wow, it's fun how it takes me like a day to digest strong playtest feedback and change things in response. even if i'm aware this is happening at the time!
i am really excited for both of these! @worldofFAD/958717821302820864
this is just as true for indie game devs @sonyaellenmann/958734052235689984
RT @mcclure111: Whether memes are sort of a reaction to an economy of attention, there are too many Things and Ideas so we have to hyperfoc…
RT @DanielBRAMI1: Masao Yamamoto
big mood little mood cardboard box
Katherine is an international treasure @haikus_by_KN/958711072986341378
@A_i If you're ever interested in publishing a remake of the orbit simulator, hit me up.
@tigershungry ohh. i'm not clicking these links, now, but maybe later. enjoying alone time with frog (and snail) (and butterfly) (and mouse)
@tigershungry i have been not being at all systematic, glad to hear i'm not doing it wrong or anything
@tigershungry fascinating that after nekoatsume they moved further into opaqueness
- More Work for Mother is an incredible book & I love Ukeles work
i've been vegan for January and there's only an hour left of it. i didn't really miss anything except convenience, although i missed that a lot.
i wonder what i'll eat tomorrow
@xor i mainly did it to make myself more planned about food, so overcoming the inconvenience was kinda the point... but: i still have too many moments of dinner being a thing i grab from a supermarket and eat on my way to a thing
@xor also i was hungry before each meal for like 2 weeks until i got used to it, which felt like a real good sign (partially portion sizes, i think)