v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2018/05

  1. RT @SK_Louie: Today you should hook up some good speakers to your computer and sequence some squeaks in Titonic Fisherman, plus this articl…
  2. RT @tambourine: emily hasler #TwitterPoetryClub
  3. extremely hot take: the "floating window" desktop UI paradigm succeeded because it was flashy, but was actually worse ergonomically than a good tiled window system
  4. …in reply to @studioanisa
    @studioanisa the slow progression of desktop window managers back to tiled features (os x's multiple desktops, windows' snap to vertical split, the whole of metro) just proves my point!
  5. …in reply to @v21
    also this is why browsers have tabs
  6. …in reply to @radgeRayden
    @radgeRayden oh, if it wasn't for floating windows becoming unmanageable past about 10 windows, the problem that tabs solve would not have arisen
  7. …in reply to @undefined
    @kimadactl yeah, flashy is not the whole of it. but also it's some of it!
  8. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis yeah, agree 100%
  9. …in reply to @v21
    back from AMAZE and back on my bullshit
  10. RT @RewildingB: In case you missed it, a great overview of the #rewilding work done at Knepp: 'The rewilding of @kneppcastle has turned out…
  11. RT @q_dork: notebook scans
  12. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork awww yeah, gimme that good good colour-coded process notes
  13. RT @cosmicore: The exact source of this specimen of Mongolian horizontal square script (Zanabazar Square in #Unicode) published by Peter Si…
  14. RT @waxpancake: It's only designed for Chrome, but don't let that stop you from trying it in other browsers: the older, the better! Here it…
  15. RT @netgal_emi: "this one is for all the women who fujxcking became dead wives out there" -dead wife coleo_kin.itch.io/dead-wife-game
  16. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi hey these scene transitions / level design are seriously good
  17. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi @ragzouken well then! @ragzouken well done too!
  18. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @LichLike my headcanon is that you all work in florals every day
  19. …in reply to @nex3
  20. I got 4, and recognised but couldn't place a few others. @MathBrush/991089871761555456
  21. …in reply to @morganholleb
    @mrgnptts maybe a bird fancies you
  22. RT @robhorning: Social media don't just commodify some pre-existing community or space for "sharing"; they reformat the pleasure those thin…
  23. RT @AnnetteMees: Seeing free diver Julie Gaultier dance under water is beautifully ethereal & remarkably calming Full video here: https:/…
  24. RT @smgstudio: Who made this? Did LOL
  25. the handclaps at the start of "Itsuko Got Married", RT if you agree
  26. RT @BracketMemeBot: okay. I present to you my bracket of Balloons (entertainment)
  27. Oval is rising and no-one seems to know why @russss/991731541276491776
  28. RT @textfiles: For most of this year, @archiveteam member Ben Latimore/BlueMaxima saved a terabyte of flash games/animations and is making…
  29. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 Honestly I've been waiting to understand dot product for years, and it's just not happening.
  30. …in reply to @R_Michalak
    @R_Michalak yeah, this is very much true. I recommend this piece by @JFriedhoff, who flies the flag for being messy and noisy with personal games medium.com/@jfriedhoff/playing-with-resistance-a483b19d4fe7
  31. …in reply to @v21
    @R_Michalak It is hard to talk about this because why do you hate nice things? but also I really don't want "nice" to be all there is
  32. …in reply to @v21
  33. RT @nowplaythese: Hey, here's some links! * A load of photos from Now Play This! facebook.com/mathesonmarcault/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2073145472956585 * A download of the programme, wit…
  34. i wanna watch @jwaaaap and @brothboy do a rap battle
  35. …in reply to @v21
    "One-function art, art where a single desire swamps everything like kudzu, tend to end up strongly resembling kink, even if they’re not really anything to do with sex."
  36. i love underscore, but what i love even more is removing underscore because all we're using it for is map() or filter() and those are just methods on arrays now
  37. …in reply to @v21
    (what i hate is this thing i keep seeing in Typescript where _.sample() is being inferred to return a type of {} and I have to manually cast to fix it - after refactoring so it's not in a chain)
  38. …in reply to @lazerwalker
    @lazerwalker ohhh, interesting. will bear that in mind in future. yeah, the weird thing is that i've looked at the type definition, and it is very boring and what i would expect? but also it fails sometimes. *shrug*
  39. …in reply to @v21
    for people who follow me who know C#, but not javascript, underscore is like LINQ. and if you do Unity coding and aren't using LINQ, it's the best. it's like underscore but for C#. i just love functional-style transformations on objects and arrays.
  40. …in reply to @v21
    and if you do python, they're both like list comprehensions, but less funky and more chainable
  41. …in reply to @BRKeogh
    @BRKeogh idk, i think you and Danette would probably agree more than you think? she's at ustwo, which isn't very AAA. it's the whole somewhat mythical T-shaped thing.
  42. …in reply to @v21
    @BRKeogh i definitely feel for people graduating NYU, with all the skills to be an excellent independent game maker... and hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.
  43. …in reply to @v21
    @BRKeogh and i think of my path - generally hired because i am Good At Programming, and then end up doing design & all the thousand other tasks being on a small team asks for.
  44. we are looking for a freelance QA tester for our forthcoming Alexa boardgame. remote is fine! sensible-object.workable.com/j/9A0C746076
  45. also! Sensible Object is looking for someone to help us build online things (Alexa games, to be specific) that don't fall over ("DevOps"). small team, fun game, tell us how to do things. also you'll work with me. sensible-object.workable.com/j/8B427536E3
  46. …in reply to @r4vi
    @r4vi huh, yeah - i think it's because there's 6 bank holidays?
  47. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @patrickashe I'm imagining a Fred v Percy West Side Story dance-off.
  48. RT @nobody_stop_me: Infowars took this down lol so just gonna leave this here
  49. RT @NoelAbstract: At the time this was taken, Bezos was coming off nearly a decade as a hedge fund guy, possessed of two Ivy League degrees…
  50. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @vectorpark @haikus_by_KN yeah, "youse" is great, if not applicable quite everywhere
  51. RT @seldo: We are EXTREMELY excited to see the amazing work being done by @ag_dubs, @linclark and friends in getting Rust modules transform…
  52. this feels like a very William Gibson paragraph medium.com/s/i-o/time-travel-on-the-youtube-express-1014d97c1bc7
  53. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @LichLike it's so... awful and inevitable and living up to our worst fears of how this would go
  54. Matt Berry in a version of What We Do In The Shadows set in New York! (also the dude from Fonejacker) @alisonwillmore/992152967540289542
  55. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ @kittycalis this is such a rad photo, you are so rad
  56. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox I used.... whatever one was around years ago. I quickly outgrew it and just wrote shader code myself. The new shit looks good! But I'm not using Unity these days.
  57. RT @chaykak: "Part of the problem here might have been that I have an insensitivity or a high tolerance to offense.” huffingtonpost.com/entry/leak-the-atlantic-had-a-meeting-about-kevin-williamson-it-was-a-liberal-self-reckoning_us_5ac7a3abe4b0337ad1e7b4df?d
  58. RT @tmbinc: GameCube optical disc pits&lands
  59. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles this tweet followed shortly after in my timeline @TimBarnes451/992078029068357632 (also, yes, that looks lush)
  60. RT @quasimondo: Some real time face play, checking if the models have learned something new.
  61. RT @redditships: I[22F] m moving in with my BF[29M] and he wants to get bunk beds
  62. what is a game you played as a child that is not even a little bit in the canon of nostalgia retro games?
  63. …in reply to @NEDymond
  64. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx i keep imagining the people who made that kind of thing... low prestige, who'll remember? but of course people do
  65. …in reply to @willowmute
    @White_Monoblos you are young! but also, yeah "I'm not sure I even enjoyed playing it" is exactly it. that fascinated scratching away at mysterious shapes & sounds & systems
  66. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork i'm sorry jenny, but Zoombinis *is* in the canon of nostalgia retro games. i know this because my aunt very excitedly told me about the kickstarter for the remake.
  67. …in reply to @v21
  68. …in reply to @TahitiP4ncake
  69. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx @kylerodgers @sophiaaar i am very pleased to have brought this conversation into being!
  70. …in reply to @unusualcadence
    @unusualcadence "pipes and carrots or something"
  71. …in reply to @pippinbarr
    @pippinbarr i know too little about the Apple II to adjudicate BUT this game is beautiful to my eyes youtube.com/watch?v=S6ljdh2wL00
  72. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork you gotta check with the aunts. they know...
  73. …in reply to @v21
    @q_dork but no, i also played the shit out of zoombinis as a kid. i don't think i ever got all of them over, but i remember getting pretty much all the routes to the hardest difficulty. and the town got pretty full...
  74. …in reply to @v21
    @q_dork ALSO one of my favourite freeware games only makes sense if you played Zoombinis: gamejolt.com/games/the-illogical-journey-of-the-zambonis/37225
  75. …in reply to @undefined
    @MMacDonaldIII the title of this sounds like an extended @angusdick bit
  76. …in reply to @hellobalint
    @hellobalint the Rocky Horror Show in general seems like the perfect thing for kids to become weirdly obsessed by and not get until a long time later
  77. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 wow, so many beautiful games in these responses. looking at the intro of the c64 version, and this looks like quilting or a rug
  78. …in reply to @undefined
    @Becklespinax i don't think i spent much time with Dorling Kindersley games, but i have vivid memories of their books, like super expensive coffee-table books of desire for kids. the ones with the acetate pages building stuff up layer by layer!
  79. …in reply to @BooDooPerson
    @BooDooPerson wow! this cover!
  80. bring back Virtual Reality (via @Becklespinax)
  81. …in reply to @Eastmad
    @Eastmad it is literally carved into history (but when i learnt it a few years back, i found it shockingly good)
  82. …in reply to @MaizeWallin
    @MaizeWallin i've heard about Barbie Fashion Designer before - i think I've heard @GalaxyKate cite it as an influence. playful creativity...
  83. …in reply to @dorminelias
    @dormingray these wobby vertexes!
  84. …in reply to @undefined
    @Becklespinax wowww. this playthrough... the colonel stands there and you turn into a fly and buzz around the room? the hand on the thing that isn't the same as the cursor for some reason?
  85. …in reply to @acgodliman
    @acgodliman i didn't have BoB, but i loved Creative Writer / Fine Artist
  86. …in reply to @astroblob
    @astroblob did you ever play Earth Primer? iOS game that was similar, but with modern design sensibilities.
  87. …in reply to @v21
    @astroblob also, i am loving how much Dorling Kindersley is coming up in this
  88. …in reply to @dicey
    @dicey this is such a look, it looks like it was coloured with coloured pencils!
  89. …in reply to @v21
    @dicey also, ohhh, i miss these overly literal interfaces
  90. …in reply to @astroblob
    @astroblob that's the childhood feeling
  91. …in reply to @MaizeWallin
    @MaizeWallin @astroblob careful, we might be forming a new canon @becklespinax/992523622089621504
  92. …in reply to @astroblob
    @astroblob oh yes, i also played the grow games. @EYEZMAZE has kept on making them!
  93. …in reply to @v21
    the replies to this are fascinating and beautiful
  94. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine i have very specific memories of thinking about monster eggs while playing an emulated version of the gameboy color version of Azure Dreams with my childhood friend at his house
  95. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine yeah, Wikipedia says it was a demake, so that makes sense. although... this is some shit-hot spritework
  96. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine wellllllll... also there are shades of something like that in way we pursued the romantic options in this game, given we then later had sex (in a gay way)
  97. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi okay, but consider: Encarta that weird orbit simulator thingy in it that wasn't a full game.
  98. …in reply to @shimmerwitch
    @ClaireM0rley this looks really solid. good noises (i love the lack of music), interesting landscape, you can go off course, both of the mountain and very videogame at the same time...
  99. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi i remember making a orbit that was elliptical but shifted round a bit each orbit every time, and leaving it running for hours until it had processed all the way round.
  100. …in reply to @v21
    @netgal_emi in retrospect, the code editor i currently have open where i'm making generative patterns seems... like an entirely unsurprising place for me to end up.
  101. …in reply to @edwardiansnow
    @edwardiansnow i had the book of this! what a good book.
  102. …in reply to @edwardiansnow
    @edwardiansnow i wrote a whole post recently about how much i liked that there was such a blurred line between games and other software back then, so... v21.io/blog/the-greens/
  103. …in reply to @v21
  104. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx @Becklespinax it is hard to get 98 era windows running on modern machines (at least in Parallels etc). it's a bit of a gap - DOS is fine, but early Windows is weirdly inaccessible.
  105. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @LichLike yes, also to me (except like one toke, in specific situations)
  106. RT @mcclure111: How many tonkers do you have left?
  107. …in reply to @undefined
  108. …in reply to @SpindleyQ
    @SpindleyQ you are very right about the sound design! the game reminds me of Forget Me Not, actually.
  109. TIL that the 20Q handheld game embedded a neural network to guess the answer
  110. …in reply to @DataErase
    @DataErase the craquelure in this!
  111. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain yes! same.
  112. …in reply to @DslashNM
    @o_a_k_e_n_f_o_l whoa. i hadn't seen this game, but this animation is gorgeous. even the camera movement is really considered.
  113. …in reply to @JohnLenaghan
    @JohnLenaghan @mrgan whoa, fascinating & ambitious (& also beautiful)
  114. …in reply to @R4_Unit
    @R4_Unit @adamledoux you should probably repair your life support
  115. …in reply to @rifflesby
    @rifflesby ohhh, this looks fascinating. looks like the tried to bring it back, too? chipwits.com/
  116. …in reply to @akerfoot
    @akerfoot @DataErase yeah, i played Castle of the Winds a bunch (used to have it as my header image)
  117. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @KommanderKlobb i just found this incredibly deadpan playthrough, which, 3 minutes in, has not started the game, but has explained how the cover art was a rip from a Gustave Doré engraving youtube.com/watch?v=KKMeuxsvk3k
  118. …in reply to @hell0jed
    @hell0jed this shiny extruded look!
  119. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome why wouldn't it count?
  120. “We had an English breakfast every morning and it was fantastic. However, at times we felt that we wanted to eat something else.” theguardian.com/film/2018/may/04/hiromasa-yonebayashi-interview-studio-ghibli-mary-and-the-witchs-flower
  121. …in reply to @v21
    here's one from me: James Pond: Running Water. Thames Water commissioned an educational game about water filtration using licensed computer game character James Pond (like... James Bond, but a fish?)
  122. …in reply to @edwardiansnow
    @edwardiansnow i only just tracked it down! i knew it was a james pond game, but all the ones i saw on previous searches were ... commercial videogames that weren't about running around inside a sewage works. no good, imho.
  123. …in reply to @ragzouken
    @ragzouken i suspect these are all too old for you, but it's a nice list anyway cjemicros.co.uk/micros/prices/categories/educationP.shtml#edupri
  124. …in reply to @v21
  125. RT @rowydaamin: This passage from the Borges story 'The South' (translated by Anthony Kerrigan) makes for a wonderful prose poem in isolati…
  126. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew i know that feeling! i was looking for "The Greens" for years before I found it, and only just rediscovered that James Pond game.
  127. my understanding of the case for anarchism is that it's basically this: medium.com/@nayafia/an-alternate-ending-to-the-tragedy-of-the-commons-446b4e960887
  128. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew what did you do in it?
  129. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew yes! i had this! i remember the whistle!
  130. …in reply to @walkerdanny
    @walkerdanny apparently this was the loading screen?
  131. i had this game & loved the idea of it - i feel like a lot of the stuff i care about as a game designer now could be seen in it. virtual life, digital physical interaction (it came with a whistle), durational play building up over days... @jawsew/992717758264639488
  132. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew i'm afraid it doesn't ring any bells for me, but it does sound like a good dream?
  133. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @SFBTom ah, i am so glad
  134. …in reply to @v21
    @jawsew @SFBTom i want more games to have a bit where a programmer explains some stuff to you at the start youtu.be/Tm_nwJJsIT8?t=2m18s
  135. …in reply to @hypirlink
    @hypirlink realism!
  136. best twitterbots that have a sense of narrative?
  137. …in reply to @v21
    the two that immediately spring to mind for me are @ArpObservatory and @skeletonsday
  138. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine @str_voyage whoa i had missed that that had grown to 17k followers! i should really run stats on CBDQ bots and have a look at the league table...
  139. …in reply to @xxvi_xxxviii
  140. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx ahhh, the scary thing Maddie used to do of jumping up onto the uneven, 1 inch thick bottom of the window frame...
  141. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew ‼️
  142. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew yes, very much so
  143. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge @siobhangx i mean, she never fell out
  144. …in reply to @portablecity
    @portablecity gonna use this as a reason to link to this piece of writing powerful enough i don't want to read it again right now unwinnable.com/2012/01/27/playing-god-on-death-motherhood-and-creatures/
  145. …in reply to @R4_Unit
  146. RT @v21: bot of the day: Alphabetical Order, by @leonardr crummy.com/writing/NaNoGenMo/2015/ a testament to the manual effort underlying any large dat…
  147. …in reply to @kariohki
  148. …in reply to @st33d
    @st33d @amdpox @increpare @Jack_L_Lance ah, i'm stuck - can you give me a hint? jnf tbvat gb chfu gur t bagb gur pengr naq gur p bagb gur gnetrg, ohg ab
  149. …in reply to @amdpox
    @amdpox @st33d @increpare @Jack_L_Lance ah, thanks! i worked it out (by puzzling out the source a little more, i admit. but it's a honest solution, and very in keeping with the rest). great game.
  150. i have spent a lot of my professional career dealing with SVGs inside Unity, so this is big news: forum.unity.com/threads/vector-graphics-preview-package.529845/?utm_content=bufferadf3c
  151. …in reply to @bcjordan
    @bcjordan will be almost certainly better. we use SVGImporter at the moment... i can't recommend it wholeheartedly, but it does work & you can build a game on it.
  152. …in reply to @chipzel
    @chipzel hi dario!
  153. …in reply to @v21
  154. drinking wine from Ridley Scott's vineyard. it's good!
  155. …in reply to @v21
  156. …in reply to @LeSloDev
    @LeSloDev @kcaze_ @increpare @Jack_L_Lance here's a hint : what are those pound signs about? where have you seen them before?
  157. a ocean's 11 paradox i like is that in the BBC show "Sherlock", Sherlock Holmes lives on Baker Street and is shown taking the tube from his house to other places in London. but Baker Street station is covered with tiles with his face on. so what the fuck? @mcclure111/992894526367961088
  158. …in reply to @v21
    see also: "Area Codes" by Ludacris being played in the Fast and the Furious, a franchise in which Ludacris later stars.
  159. RT @GameDesignerBen: A Japanese company hired Yoshitoshi Abe of Serial Experiements Lain fame to design a tablet with a handle, and produce…
  160. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 they have listed a series of facts, which is not libellous, but the implication they are driving towards is
  161. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork this is very good. it reminds me of a poem that is like... one step further... but i think you might appreciate anneboyer.tumblr.com/post/48690531600/what-resembles-the-grave-but-isnt
  162. …in reply to @v21
    @q_dork also! happy birthday!! 🎂!!!
  163. …in reply to @v21
  164. RT @joonturbo: @v21 I OCR'ed this and... L-c-CCCC C CCCCC CCCG CccoGGCOG GC6666d 77(Kffrrrr rrrrr c((« v „ 2,>>2 /22 /II ( ( (I c- 2 4…
  165. RT @joonturbo: @v21 OCR'ed to Arabic, translated to english (K) as a child and for all For the sake of all the people of the world E) fre…
  166. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo what do you use for OCR?
  167. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo oh, fair
  168. RT @cooleiform: Found this ridiculously accurate gem last night on tumblr! -R
  169. RT @vancew: A colleague recently donated a bunch of liquid crystals to my lab, including K15, which was central to my PhD work #nostalgia @…
  170. the complete lack of (visible) consideration that people might use browsers for things other than looking at news articles with ads in from the Chrome team regarding this update is frustrating @increpare/993470180842987520
  171. …in reply to @v21
    i guess it's also the baseline expectation that apps and websites are ongoing services being maintained by a team. which gets frustrating if you are a person who wants to release things, then make new things while the old things continue to exist.
  172. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge i don't think it's just data driven design - teams with ongoing projects are much more likely to complain & much more likely to go to the conferences they listen to. they make up the bulk of "the community".
  173. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou more important to intellectualise a big mac than French Laundry
  174. …in reply to @v21
    @polclarissou although there's different shit to talk about : better to focus on conditions that give rise to the big mac than what the big mac is trying to achieve... but both are valid things to talk about
  175. …in reply to @v21
    @polclarissou anyway, here's a fascinating article about sandwiches theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/24/how-the-sandwich-consumed-britain
  176. test
  177. …in reply to @LordNed
    @LordNed @ADAMATOMIC i was also thinking about city builders - i had a good time as a kid playing Caesar III, getting my city nice and stable... and just, letting it continue to be fine? tweaking bits around the edges, expanding safely... it was a nice feeling.
  178. …in reply to @v21
  179. …in reply to @v21
  180. this latest celebrity news is making me more upset than any in years
  181. …in reply to @v21
    I just read that it happened after he got in touch about a Roko's Basilisk joke? this is very upsetting
  182. RT @mcclure111: .@ChromiumDev Hi. Your page about the new autoplay permissions in Chrome 66 says "Please reach out to ChromiumDev on Twitte…
  183. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin god, but. you would, though.
  184. …in reply to @ChromiumDev
    @ChromiumDev why was there no consultation with the game/interactive community on this change? it seems like the only way to have known was to happen to see the update to that blog post earlier this year.
  185. …in reply to @v21
  186. …in reply to @mtrc
    @mtrc no - people only authenticate with their bot accounts, and I've not got Google Analytics or whatever set up
  187. …in reply to @v21
    @mtrc 7000+ active bot accounts is the shiny headline measure
  188. …in reply to @mtrc
    @mtrc I keep meaning to export richer data - "total number of followers of CBDQ bots" would be a nice number to have. also a recent count of all accounts...
  189. …in reply to @yesianm
    @yesianm i don't know! sounds like it might be a bug. what's the account name for the bot? (won't be able to check it immediately)
  190. …in reply to @7thbeat
    @7thbeat here's a hint (i can spoiler if you really insist): where are the hashes on the second screen from?
  191. RT @kcimc: at the 2:48 into "this is america" live there's some impressive lighting design using a trick i've never seen before. the camera…
  192. RT @triketora: the sexism of open office plans. read also as: why so many women have stories of crying in the bathroom https://t.co/gWzwrxd…
  193. …in reply to @nickfourtimes
    @nickfourtimes no... but it's close by on the roadmap. technically what i want to do is let CBDQ fetch the twitter text from an URL, so then you'd need to host the JS somewhere like Glitch.
  194. …in reply to @v21
    @nickfourtimes or... you pull stuff from wordnik & generate a big ol' Tracery file, then run that on CBDQ
  195. …in reply to @nickfourtimes
    @nickfourtimes i think there's a Tracery bot example running on Glitch out there...
  196. RT @austin_walker: Nothing exhausts me more as a critic and a fan than seeing art treated like a puzzle to be solved, each reference a key…
  197. RT @compositeredfox: Huge news! Our long awaited Raymarching Toolkit for Unity is OUT! Play with amazing mind-bending visuals with ***no co…
  198. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox yooooo congrats for getting this out the door!
  199. …in reply to @v21
    matching pair
  200. …in reply to @cymatiste
    @asthesparksfly oh no
  201. …in reply to @bonebonefan420
    @secretgothdome oh noooo. i'm so sorry (having had a haircut this weekend at the very nice, very very explictly trans friendly place in London, and now afraid to go anywhere else)
  202. …in reply to @bonebonefan420
    @secretgothdome I am sad there's not a Open Barbers everywhere (openbarbers.co.uk/). Also, yeah! It was this weekend past, so: instagram.com/p/BifEpSaF9K-/?taken-by=vtwentyone
  203. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @joanieclothing Number 1 ribbon wearer
  204. …in reply to @jericawebber
  205. this is faaascinating - especially the parts where it talks about p much all mods technically being illegal, and most teenager uses of the Internet being illegal. theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/5/9/17333292/fortnite-cheater-lawsuit?__twitter_impression=true
  206. …in reply to @v21
  207. RT @nickfolkman: It's the tenth anniversary of Speed Racer, which means it's time to remind everyone that the Wachowski's used the film as…
  208. a thread about a black poodle @pangmeli/994424081591209984
  209. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry oooh, i'm excited to meet Tapsy. And I like Fred's disgruntled snout creases.
  210. it feels anachronistic that Twitter videos are limited to 2 minutes 20 seconds in length.
  211. …in reply to @v21
    more fake writing
  212. my server is so polite
  213. you can use this technique digitally as well @chenoehart/994695680512819200
  214. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
    @tburrellsaward @ammonite I meant this less in terms of throwing away code (which is a tricky topic), than greyboxing, using deliberately ugly programmer art, making sure your prototypes don't look too shiny.
  215. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge @tburrellsaward @ammonite it seems like a good idea, but i don't think i'm good at it, or maybe never quite identify the right time to do it. i'm not sure i can write code faster if I write it dirty? but otoh, i am good at writing exploratory creative code & finding quick ways to answer questions.
  216. bot of the day : @EmojiTetra this bot has it all! emoji, polls, threading, internal state, gameplay, mobs of people yelling about it in the replies
  217. …in reply to @JoeSondow
    @JoeSondow @EmojiTetra it's super impressive! especially knowing the terrible way you have to do things to support polls.
  218. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
    @tburrellsaward @erbridge @ammonite i enjoy that you left our Glorious Leader tagged in on that. but yeah - as F says, when you decide this *is* the thing you're building, you then say "it'll be quicker long term if we put in the foundations properly". works fine unless you're always chasing a urgent deadline.
  219. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge @tburrellsaward @ammonite or you make 3, each illuminating a different bit of the problem... etc etc
  220. …in reply to @v21
  221. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo @briecode i don't do anything special to get weird ads, it just... happens.
  222. built a thing to randomly test our code, and i knew there was a bug with it because it didn't hit any bugs
  223. RT @rachelcoldicutt: @emfcamp Which reminds me, today is the closing date for the @doteveryoneuk fairer events grant. £500 to make your tec…
  224. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern Where Mathematics Comes From
  225. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry well done Marie!
  226. …in reply to @v21
  227. …in reply to @v21
    @alexhern a second: "Vehicles, Experiments in Synthetic Psychology"
  228. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort I am very excited to hear Tarot of the Parrigues is a thing!
  229. …in reply to @frozenpandaman
    @frozenpandaman you know how to get me interested
  230. …in reply to @jaytholen
    @jaytholen I would recommend the work & writings of Olia Lialina
  231. the best thing is people demonstrably having fun on stage
  232. always with the big shoulders
  233. another drummer with a single nipple out
  234. I drew Sweden when I arrived here, so I'm biased, but honestly it's probably my favourite. Happy, sexy, you could dance to it.
  235. still in nul points hell
  236. …in reply to @v21
    ah! 2 points
  237. we're arguing about the attractiveness of the presenters' sternums
  238. …in reply to @v21
    4th last! a beautiful, fleeting, success
  239. …in reply to @v21
    I'm having to pace myself. But I'm still stanning for them.
  240. …in reply to @undefined
    @charlottegore the juries are too fair-minded to give us pity points for the stage invasion, but we'll make up for it with the audience vote.
  241. …in reply to @v21
  242. …in reply to @v21
    the dream is dead
  243. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck it's such a good voting system
  244. …in reply to @puzzlesthewill
    @puzzlesthewill @mikarv they totally would - maybe this would work to obtain the photos, but then you wouldn't be able to use them anywhere
  245. RT @ThatPeterHayes: Here's what's going on behind Moldova's doors #Eurovision #AllAboard
  246. bot of the day: @conchitinabot oh! there's a bot of one of my favourite poets, and one very suited to shuffling, reordering, being viewed as chance encounters
  247. RT @kenkeiter: This team has implemented battery-free HD video streaming using RF backscatter. Huge implications for privacy/security, as i…
  248. i wish typescript knew that spreading a tuple would consume a fixed number (& type) of arguments
  249. looking at the squiggles & contextless diagrams i have drawn on this piece of paper as i tried to figure out how to procedurally generate images that look like contextless hand-drawn diagrams
  250. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @everestpipkin i like that, like the famous job interview question, it's round
  251. …in reply to @v21
    cute little glyphs
  252. …in reply to @profaniti
    @profaniti break a leg!
  253. RT @Ajprescott: The forgotten labour of digitisation. All newspapers in the British Library were ironed before they were microfilmed to ens…
  254. RT @nyt_diff: Change in Headline
  255. …in reply to @molleindustria
    @molleindustria it is so good, and it makes me nostalgic for my childhood. watching this film made me realise how rarely I'd heard the south London slang & accent in media.
  256. RT @brand_new_facts: She has an eccentricity of 0.13 and an inclination of 4° with respect to the ecliptic
  257. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles thank you for this important piece of content
  258. RT @xfoml: new score: Louis T. Milic's "Erato" (1971)—this rare chapbook is one of the earliest published collections of computer poetry (s…
  259. the worst thing about Fortnite is that they did this and it worked terrifically @colonvee/984419432603807744
  260. I would add that Catrap is a sweet action puzzle game! @mistydemeo/996097519028391936
  261. …in reply to @newobject
    @newobject yes, that's bad, don't do that (they made a lot of money doing that, I'm sure they feel retroactively vindicated about doing that)
  262. …in reply to @v21
    @newobject maybe I am being overly mean. there is something to be said for fungible, amorphous blobs of corporate ideas
  263. …in reply to @v21
  264. …in reply to @johnnemann
    @johnnemann i'm never entirely sure where the limits of "a personal story" lie - but yes, this is clearly true. but also, some personal stories are better suited to the constraints of the indie market and indie scene than others...
  265. …in reply to @therourke
    @therourke @aparrish! see especially her recent book Articulations
  266. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang I'm still horrified at the idea that every game you've ever made is in a single giant unity project.
  267. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    @tinysubversions @NoraReed no - it polls for replies. And it's only every 5 minutes, so the rate limits are fine. I meant to set up with the streaming API, but it was a pain, so I never bothered. Lucky me, I guess.
  268. PSA: Twitter is removing the "streaming API", which is breaking a bunch of bots. Luckily, I never got around to using it in CBDQ, so I believe CBDQ will be unaffected.
  269. …in reply to @plentyofalcoves
    @plentyofalcoves I mean, even if you're numb to it, it's still a good idea to be performatively grateful? Unless your thing is specifically not that.
  270. …in reply to @plentyofalcoves
    @plentyofalcoves yeah, very good point. although i think there's both a difference in kind & in scale? like, the second, in it's smallest form can come out of "oh, god, i am aware this success is down to luck & i feel like other people deserve it more, i should work hard to... etc"
  271. …in reply to @jericawebber
  272. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @TheGadgetShow so nice of them to lay that on for you
  273. RT @darndesttruisms: Me: "What do you want for breakfast?" 4-yr old daughter: "dreaming while awake is a frightening contradiction"
  274. RT @darndesttruisms: my 4 yr old daughter just looked at me and said, "expiring for love is beautiful but stupid."
  275. RT @darndesttruisms: "Papa! the cruelest disappointment is when you let yourself down!"--my 4 yr old daughter
  276. RT @darndesttruisms: My 4 yr old daughter: "deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity" Wise!
  277. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I was just about to tweet you about my experiences declaring types ad-hoc in typescript and how that's made possible by it's structural typing
  278. the replies to this are a thoughtful discussion about games coverage at mainstream outlets @sarahjeong/996431074568753152
  279. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew yeah, "thoughtful" and "despairing" are not mutually exclusive here
  280. current status: invested in the outcome of this long running issue on the typescript repo github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/202
  281. …in reply to @v21
    I feel like whispering to myself: "ssh. it's okay. it doesn't matter that this purely compile-time type system can't infer incompatibility between two structurally identical objects. it is not a significant burden on your life."
  282. RT @imteddybless: is this a prank because i’m losing my mind @cloecouture/996218489831473152
  283. RT @xuhulk: Yesterday @mattboch called me over with an urgency that suggested maybe he'd injured himself. When I rushed over, he said in hu…
  284. RT @xuhulk: The animation is a master class in minimalism. The ONLY rigging that exists on this character is there to serve the (impeccable…
  285. i just discovered this film exists and i am very excited about it youtube.com/watch?v=11sMDQIgggA
  286. RT @lauraehall: Audio illusions are terrifying youtube.com/watch?v=KiuO_Z2_AD4
  287. …in reply to @ToxicAlienGF
    @videojames_ oddly the book is generally pretty cheerful? it's basically the three musketeers
  288. RT @techworkersco: "This was never about finding better WiFi. We were always finding phones. Phones carried by people. [...] I was building…
  289. i have just seen two tweets on my TL about how twitter will always reliably inform the posters about the weather in new york. i have seen no tweets about the weather in new york.
  290. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly @katbamkapow i just thought about having a house with a chimney breast and fitted bookshelves on each side ahhhhhhhhhhh maybe with a cabinet underneath??? :<
  291. i have a crush on epistolary fiction & poetry which takes the form of dryly presented lists; if you do, too, then you may also enjoy this piece @morayati/996383893099024385
  292. …in reply to @morayati
    @morayati this is great! also, technically, i did not think this was Twine until I saw the credits. so many good UI touches!
  293. …in reply to @v21
    other epistolary fiction i am enjoying: ohheyladies.com/ other poetry which takes the form of dryly presented lists i am enjoying: cordite.org.au/chapbooks-features/centrehold/three-poems-by-conchitina-cruz/
  294. …in reply to @v21
    let's get wild
  295. this is a great breakdown of bias in AI thegradient.pub/ai-bias/
  296. RT @froachclub: Let's hit the streets! 💛 hotdog.storenvy.com 💛
  297. …in reply to @v21
    they've reverted the change until October @DasSurma/996521366156464133?s=19
  298. dril is gammon
  299. …in reply to @ragzouken
    @ragzouken til October
  300. there's a perverse part of me (and it's a big part, to emphasise) that loves this @RaveofRavendale/996687872345460737
  301. …in reply to @v21
  302. …in reply to @flipper02
    @flipper02 1) thank you! 2) i guess they're working up to a larger piece? 2d art, anyway 3) with code! technically, they're beziers rendered using canvas, running in Node (actually written in typescript)
  303. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC wiggly snek
  304. …in reply to @spacetreasured
    @spacetreasured i love their work generally - it's all pretty different, but all very them. so, yes, i'd recommend them all. this one is basically them doing the three musketeers.
  305. RT @rinank_: mockup of software used to... generate banner printouts necessary in the process of training yourself to walk through walls ht…
  306. RT @tinysubversions: Update: Twitter vastly improved their docs. Botmakers should take a look at the new migration guide for user/site stre…
  308. …in reply to @eligoldstone
    @pauvrelapinou professional account / locked account
  309. fun day doing some high pressure copying between VS Code & Google Sheets
  310. …in reply to @v21
    aka "maybe we should have pulled all the dialogue strings out of the code a little earlier than this"
  311. RT @thegrugq: FWIW location tracking is baked into Qualcomm basebands. Even if you have a clean OS and no tracking apps, the baseband does…
  312. RT @sgonzalez_sara: Network Rail is planning on selling all of its 5,500 railway arches and in doing so putting at risk the livelihoods of…
  313. RT @continuants: These teens secretly trolled themselves online bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/05e9991d-4713-4ad4-b9af-eecd47d7dfd7
  314. RT @emshort: For (reasons), pulling text segments from random Tarot of the Parrigues grammars. Which is kind of poetic in its own right. ht…
  315. RT @christinelove: Is there anything more quietly horrifying than a driver being deprecated due to GDPR. Like, wait, THINK ABOUT THAT https…
  316. RT @cmcconnell14: Phenomenal trolling #Gàidhlig
  317. …in reply to @v21
    big wave
  318. …in reply to @ka_bradley
    @ka_bradley as a non-binary person... I definitely also feel like I'm trans. there's way more similarities than differences, I don't see what use distinguishing the two would be. except maybe as a reminder that nb people exist, maybe?
  319. …in reply to @v21
    @ka_bradley imo, the most important part of these terms is the political consequence, not linguistic accuracy (most important part of most terms, tbh).
  320. RT @conchitinabot: Sometimes, you think, it isn't so bad to be you, working two jobs and always getting the late shifts. You at the bus st…
  321. RT @watering76: 快寫到中風😫
  322. RT @missannabiller: #MyLife
  323. …in reply to @oh_cripes
  324. …in reply to @oh_cripes
    @oh_cripes i just want to be the one to make it happen for you, y'know?
  325. possible #botally corpus if i've ever seen one @wefail/649264227341967360
  326. RT @derekahmedzai: @v21 challenge accepted ;) twitter.com/wellscrummy
  327. i think one of my problems with @haikus_by_KN's call for better game design tools (gamasutra.com/blogs/KatharineNeil/20161214/287515/How_we_design_games_now_and_why.php) is that i think good design is often structurally a good joke. and jokes are hard to model! they rely specifically on transcending a internal model.
  328. RT @thenicoleham: 'please fix our marraige'
  329. I miss the quiet backwater site I spent so much time on as a teenager. It was basically abandoned by it's owner, full of exploits and security holes & little hidden spaces you could hang out in private... theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/5/18/17366528/snapchat-decline-internet-ghost-towns?__twitter_impression=true
  330. …in reply to @v21
  331. …in reply to @fiverrobot
    @fiverrobot yep! try \\# (I think that's right - check the instructions on the CBDQ page)
  332. RT @dark_shark: Gregorian Voices: An Online Interactive Chant Generator (also available as a free app) #music mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/gregorianChoirGenerator.php https…
  333. RT @8fldh: Roly Polies - Mankind’s Most Forgiving and Durable Pet
  334. RT @surudar: メイドインアビスのアニメ、始まりましたね…作中に登場する『奈落文字』 なんとか読みたいですよね。 奈落文字解読表を、作りました。あなたの素敵な探窟ライフにお役立てください…
  335. RT @JuliaTicona1: In 2014: uber had 160k drivers, care.com had 5.3 million worker profiles...but we never include carework p…
  336. this is true of me (and it is painful to admit & talk about, it's shameful). you can be so online you become detached from reality, you lose the ability to empathise, you place the blame for your isolation outwards, escape becomes harder. incels have never been inexplicable to me @3liza/901218815802920960
  337. RT @feud_exe: Name something you might see in a children's playground. [91] Daddy [07] Madness [01] Miner [01] Closed Ecological Systems
  338. …in reply to @3liza
    @3liza I am too. A lifetime ago, but I'm glad for my self-preservation instincts.
  339. RT @youngvulgarian: this is so bleak and infuriating I don't even know what to say @boucherhayes/997141270932926466
  340. on my way to run a workshop on Cheap Bots, Done Quick! for the London/Oxford Interactive Fiction meetup
  341. RT @Kaleidopix: test ʇǝsʇ @v21
  342. the crane in the first picture is helping the crane in the second picture assemble the crane in the third picture
  343. RT @favomancer: @segfaultvicta @sapphixy Further thinking on this has also brought me to the realization that many humorous slang terms for…
  344. …in reply to @uglymachine
    @uglymachine strap in!
  345. I just remembered nitrogen is a mild anesthetic.
  346. …in reply to @raiganburns
    @raiganburns yep! people breathing helium - oxygen (if I remember right) mixes have slightly better than usual reaction times
  347. …in reply to @russss
    @russss Yeah, that whole group has done anesthetic effect, apparently?
  348. RT @jeremyphoward: Oh my. This is fascinating and amazing... A totally practical approach to building a new kind of spell checker, just inv…
  349. RT @mcclure111: One of the assimilator bots has pinned you down, from the swarm that's devouring Vienna. You try to reach for your rifle bu…
  350. RT @BPEarth: #23045 Golmud, Haixi, Qinghai, China map: goo.gl/f5XtfR
  351. alleys
  352. RT @maxkreminski: the generative artist in me loves the idea that one particular alley in New York has blossomed into an entire city of all…
  353. RT @tsawac: @maxkreminski alleys are liminal spaces which are both public and private and as such are inherently useful as narrative tools…
  354. RT @skeletonsday: 👑 💀🖕
  355. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge @tburrellsaward I also ate there, it was great!
  356. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
    @tburrellsaward @erbridge but my favourite thing to do on a sunny afternoon in Berlin is rent a bike and cycle to & around Templehof.
  357. RT @LiaSae: Unsurprisingly this makes for a silly amount of treadles so I’ll go for something simpler x)
  358. …in reply to @TijmenTio
    @TijmenTio courtier? aide? companion?
  359. …in reply to @TijmenTio
    @TijmenTio yeah, or before liege could also work? around there, anyway
  360. youtube comments can be so sweet youtube.com/watch?v=vZAajrxvDs4
  361. …in reply to @nickfourtimes
    @nickfourtimes random number generators are so good
  362. this looks very exciting: is-this.a-game.tokyo/
  363. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn i got really into ContraPoints a few weekends back. she's great because she is a giant goofball, but ALSO super smart (and on top of that, intellectually honest & brave enough to try to take people seriously)
  364. …in reply to @v21
  365. …in reply to @robmanuel
    @robmanuel from my experience running bot making workshops, creating a bunch of twitter accounts from the same IP address in a short timeframe has triggered extra filtering on their end for the past few years. it makes sense to me!
  366. …in reply to @robmanuel
    @robmanuel when someone invites me to give one! i ran one yesterday with for @emshort's IF meetup group. usually an intro to bots, then teaching people the basics of using cheapbotsdonequick
  367. …in reply to @robmanuel
    @robmanuel ah, wonderful to hear! and yeah, setting up a bot isn't that difficult... if you already have a server, know how to write basic code, have some vague idea how OAuth works, etc etc
  368. youtube mood, Ruaidhri Ryan & Euro Truck Simulator 2 thewhitepube.co.uk/ruaidhri-ryan
  369. …in reply to @bonebonefan420
    @secretgothdome hero
  370. RT @radiatoryang: me: that eyeball looks ok, that looks like an eyeball anatomy explainer: actually,
  371. fascinating article on how magic the gathering works as an economic system, and how that intersects with the actual game blog.killgold.fish/2018/04/magical-capitalism.html
  372. …in reply to @Eastmad
    @Eastmad idk - it is focused on MtG, and MtG is it's own world. it doesn't mention any of the LCGs either, which were created specifically in response to the dynamics discussed.
  373. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine with you on softcover plain moleskines. i use the Muji 0.5 gel pens & a Lamy Safari.
  374. AWS help: copying some files between buckets using the web console... it says the copy has completed, but the files don't show up... also the number of files it claims to have copied continues to increase?
  375. …in reply to @v21
    i assume the answer is - use s3cmd instead and/or - wait til Amazon fix it
  376. …in reply to @v21
    update: yeah "aws s3 cp" is working. what a pain technology is.
  377. …in reply to @v21
  378. RT @ChrisMorrisBits: Mass redundancy in Detroit, with Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan (The Day Today)
  379. a thing I still like, despite all it's problems, is evolutionary psychology. this is a nice thread. @SarahTaber_bww/998385748167610370
  380. …in reply to @v21
    like... the story it tells about the female orgasm is neat, but does not seem to be the whole of the story. presumably female bonobos orgasm, and they're not selecting for future investment from a mate?
  381. …in reply to @v21
    which is part of the problem with evo psych - it is a bit too good at producing neat stories that explain relatable behaviour. the other (related) problem is it's tendency towards racism & sexism
  382. …in reply to @v21
    but still... we are animals, we evolved in a particular way, and there are human universals. it's an important thing to study, even if there are a hell of a lot of holes you can fall down.
  383. i would very much like this kind of thoughtful criticism from game devs to become commonplace. @TeddyDief/998547181488390144
  384. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin saaaaame
  385. …in reply to @v21
    debug mode
  386. RT @LeeShangLun: "Whenever someone is failing to solve a puzzle that you've designed, it's never their fault – it's your fault." @lauraehal…
  387. …in reply to @maxkreminski
    @maxkreminski admittedly I'm way over the initial hump - but I like well-typed / compiled languages (not the same, but they travel together these days) for the same reason! I want my IDE to give me feedback constantly, way before I try running anything.
  388. …in reply to @v21
    @maxkreminski oh, actually I guess it's different because all I get is errors... but still, the more important thing of (smart code completion assisted) exploration with continuous feedback.
  389. …in reply to @ellaguro
    @ellaguro I think for that kind of artist, public appearances, statements, tweets etc etc are part of the work, and should be criticised as such. I don't feel I have a right to celebrities' real inner lives.
  390. …in reply to @zachlieberman
    @zachlieberman these are lovely - like engravings
  391. …in reply to @moreelen
    @moreelen Lieve Oma is the ultimate example, maybe?
  392. correlation is not causation @LivPsy/998850997622640640
  393. …in reply to @innesmck
  394. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck i have the book - some people are just sitting by the pool, talking about how they really ought to be working on their novel
  395. RT @terrycavanagh: So! I've made some Dicey Decisions! Dicey Dungeons will be my third commercial game! More here! distractionware.com/blog/2018/05/dicey-decisions/
  396. …in reply to @v21
  397. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck I mean, if you are not sure and you think about this idea and you want the test to come out a certain way... you pretty much have your answer already.
  398. …in reply to @v21
    (full thing, as a bonus)
  399. …in reply to @jukiokallio
    @jukiokallio thanks! i've been enjoying making them
  400. it's kind of nice to be working on code, go "oh, could i do this thing this way, i wonder if the language supports it..." googling, and seeing the feature landed in github 10 days ago
  401. RT @jplur_: @ra there's an alternate universe where html is all <div><vid>
  402. i have played an earlier version of this, and it is very good and i'm excited to see it out in the world @sokpopco/999302344989954048
  403. RT @ida_kub: Discovered a hidden gem at @ourANU today, a xylarium! A wood library at @ANUFennerSchool.
  404. …in reply to @rubna_
    @rubna_ it's hard to blurb, because that First Big Moment of Surprise is something i really don't want to spoil.
  405. …in reply to @ohhoe
    @ohhoe here at Sensible Object (small games startup) we've hired one person from a bootcamp (think it was CodeYourFuture-specifically for refugees)
  406. …in reply to @v21
  407. RT @MIDImyers: now we get to have the american chopper meme for just one heady week and then move the fuck on because we're all going to di…
  408. Different Games is cool & this theme is cool, but there is a part of me that chafes at this bit of the open call 2018.differentgames.org/arcade/
  409. …in reply to @v21
    if our weird & broken & not-fitting-into-the-same-monolithic-conception-of-what's-good games are worthwhile, it is not because the company that controls a good chunk of the market deems them so
  410. …in reply to @v21
    ugh, i queued up another tweet or two about this, but it got lost. twitter. anyway: as the open call says "We have the power to redefine what games can be and the power to expand our understanding of what “good games” are."
  411. …in reply to @v21
    found it: if we need Valve to tell us we're cool to be cool, we're not cool. we're only cool if we think us telling ourselves we're cool is enough (yes, we might need Valve or similar to make a living doing this stuff. but that's very different from making something worthwhile)
  412. …in reply to @v21
    but also: this is not to put this open call in particular on blast. it's an attitude that seems pretty endemic, and not one i'm entirely free from. but let's focus on building the places we want to live, not on impressing or persuading or defeating the monoliths.
  413. …in reply to @v21
    and... also, yeah, this open call seems pretty good? i've heard decent stuff about Different Games. seems like they're happy to run games from people who can't be there in person, too?
  414. RT @mollysoda: In all seriousness though, one of my favorite things about being an artist/making the work I do is letting go of all control…
  415. RT @mcclure111: In 2016, Nintendo released the NES Classic; in 2017, they released the SNES Classic.
  416. RT @free_play: Our Freeplay 2018 Online Sessions have now concluded. We had an amazing range of talks covering visual novels, escape rooms,…
  417. occasionally the line "the cook was a good cook, as cooks go; and as cooks go she went" drifts into my mind. what a good line.
  418. …in reply to @v21
    Saki > PG Wodehouse
  419. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir I don't know that I agree that the division is necessarily industrial/non-commercial, although that definitely enters into it, and is a bunch of this case. Thinking, as a counterexample, of the hostile reaction from many IF folk to Twine.
  420. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir @ThatDannyGuy (for reference, I excerpted some on my blog v21.io/blog/isproteusagamereallywhocares)
  421. …in reply to @v21
    @nachimir Howling Dogs (& Birdland & others) may have won awards and acclaim in the IF world, but Twine being a significant cultural moment was not dependent on that.
  422. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe wowwww. this is great. thanks.
  423. can confirm, 100% banger @patrickashe/999297137337913344
  424. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe yeah, just on that now
  425. …in reply to @v21
    Molly Soda's "Me Singing Stay By Rihanna" vimeo.com/261226664
  426. …in reply to @undefined
    @animalphase i like typescript & i'm not ashamed. i like discipline (though i know everything is squishy underneath)
  427. …in reply to @webbedspace
    @webbedspace 4. but now I'm curious what prettier would do.
  428. i miss doing cognitive science @khalkeus3d/999667144534130689
  429. …in reply to @v21
    at least game design is much easier
  430. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate did you hear about the kid that flew to Bali?
  431. …in reply to @v21
  432. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark I very much get your point, but also @v21/944021604719321089?s=19
  433. …in reply to @v21
  434. …in reply to @JenuinePanic
    @JenuinePanic Ugh, what
  435. RT @coereba: @DebiFasce The idea of birds as chaste came from Victorian naturalists, who thought that female songbirds were reluctant to pr…
  436. thinking of all my irish friends today, and all they've worked so hard for. hoping it goes well.
  437. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt oh, I really want to play with convolution on a hex grid now
  438. RT @sfpc: Code Words is @sfpc's summer intensive, with teachers Lillian-Yvonne Bertram @onwhatthereis @everestpipkin Stephanie Strickland @…
  439. this looks so gooood! @RobbyKraft/1000079480478724096
  440. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz isn't it! I've been seeing bits and pieces from @RobbyKraft for the last while, so glad it's become a publicly available thing
  441. RT @nickmofo: The new online literary journal Taper is lauched! taper.badquar.to
  442. …in reply to @v21
    wrong again
  443. …in reply to @undefined
    @deathmtn or a snarl in a sewing machine
  444. RT @cat_beltane: now she's floating down from the window. Look at those hands! Very bloody. Folks, she's got the most beautiful bloody hand…
  445. daring to hope!
  446. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw my bike tips are: get a bike that you like & have fun!
  447. still thinking about this after all these years @pressdarling/581225657570480128
  448. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin what better cause could there be?
  449. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw if you are cycling to work every day, then you will feel tired as shit for about 2 to 3 weeks. then you stop feeling so tired!
  450. …in reply to @pressdarling
    @pressdarling whaaa~~~~ <3
  451. RT @b0rk: a few bash tricks
  452. RT @starsandrobots: @b0rk the !! thing is why I love aliasing sudo to "please" then if I forget to run sudo $ rm file.png Permission den…
  453. RT @xuhulk: Yes @MituK! Good AI conversational design is NOT about successfully imitating a human. #tnw2018
  454. …in reply to @PlayFairIre
  455. …in reply to @v21
    @PlayFairIre interesting especially because it is designed so that players have to make the *choice* to betray someone, they are not assigned a role of "betrayer"
  456. RT @WSMIreland: A thread on the long running rebellion that eventually forced the government to call a referendum to #repealthe8th - photo…
  457. this is a very good opportunity @terrycavanagh/1000346227446308864
  458. RT @talmop: @smickdougle @neuroecology @shaevitz @SamWangPhD More machine learning! We found that it works great in combination with unsupe…
  459. RT @MacTuitui: Compression ate yesterday's, so let"s try simpler. #generative #everyday #creativecoding #daily #code #oneline #511 https:/…
  460. …in reply to @Jam_sponge
    @Jam_sponge swish! I only have a Zoom H2N
  461. …in reply to @v21
    three outputs
  462. RT @DuilleDesign: "Chemiserie Niguet", Brussels. Paul Hankar. 1896.
  463. I am: ⚪️ single ⚪️ taken 🔘 sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblan @tobias_ewe/1000535666697027585
  464. …in reply to @v21
    it's supposed to go red-white-green, not white-red-green
  465. …in reply to @v21
    to give a sense of the lag I post my daily sketches on... @v21/1000697588138508290?s=19 (also, posting this today, I couldn't remember the bug! but I tweeted it, how satisfying)
  466. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful it's been quote-tweeted four times so far
  467. i edited this image but now i'm not sure what to do with it. it makes me think of convolution patterns & @lorenschmidt's work.
  468. …in reply to @v21
    it was originally of Enrico Fermi looking smug
  469. …in reply to @undefined
    @briecode when i was a teenager, i remember being so enthralled with having a computer (with internet). it could do anything involving data - play films, music, games, talk to friends, all in one device. and free! (if you pirated, which i did). the power, the sense of potential...
  470. …in reply to @v21
    @briecode now, the phone is the new computer. it's more limited (it is not as good to make things on & possibilities are defined by what makes sense for large corporations' business models), but also... it is in your pocket, in the world, there any time. that's still really cool.
  471. …in reply to @v21
    @briecode and also the relationship has it's dysfunctions. i can avoid reality wherever i go. but still... what a powerful thing we all have as standard. what a wealth inside our pockets.
  472. RT @TPHD:
  473. RT @nonbinarytech: Want to speak at this years Non Binary in Tech Conference? Our call for papers is now open. You can submit your talks h…
  474. …in reply to @snacklesbian
    @snacklesbian you could tweet a pic with a link, I guess?
  475. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC from everything you've said, it sounds like Mad Max is a game which only discovered which bits were fun after it was too late to change which bits went in, and in which proportion (aka, a AAA game)
  476. …in reply to @mildlydiverting
    @mildlydiverting @severalbees have you tried pressing the tweet button?
  477. i tried doing daily sketch stuff in Rust for a hot second, but I found the 2D drawing support in Piston to not really be sufficient. but looking at github.com/bit101/bitlib-rs and cairo-rs it seems like i could get by well enough?
  478. …in reply to @v21
    this is obviously a bad idea, because i've built up a decent amount of interoperable code in Typescript (drawing with node-canvas) now. but also it's a tempting one.
  479. …in reply to @v21
    it seems like Rust is basically at the point where someone could pull together an OpenFrameworks equivalent for it..? (I guess Piston is kiiinda that? but it's got nowhere near the friendly face OF has)
  480. …in reply to @FlorianVltmn
    @FlorianVltmn it's nice to be able to pop inside if you want to fetch something, or use your own loo.
  481. …in reply to @FlorianVltmn
    @FlorianVltmn yeah, I don't think it's super common here - but I like the idea of people using it! And I have enjoyed sitting outside my own flat in the past.
  482. RT @austinchanted: hey!! you wanna see a bunch of ~1930s queer and trans folks cuddling?
  483. starting to clock specific Marvellous Designer assets in games (ie, I just saw a messy bedspread with multiple types of thick fabric, carelessly draped in a natural way, and there is no way anyone hand-sculpted that shit)
  484. RT @mspowahs: so, you told people about your cool project and now you don't feel like doing it anymore
  485. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate yeah! and i would also say that you can do generative work as a way to do conceptual work, or produce generators as valid outputs, too (or just use generators to make static/visual/sculptural work)
  486. …in reply to @watawatabou
    @watawatabou @emshort is engaged on a project much like this at the moment!
  487. RT @jduffyrice: Now that we’re all on twitter because of this game, I am making a public service announcement: PLEASE STOP SHARING THAT STO…
  488. Anne Boyer, Garments Against Women
  489. RT @just404it: Completely agree with this - I messed up a bit with my special track open call. Games are worthwhile and valuable regardless…
  490. …in reply to @just404it
    @just404it I hope this was not too stressful & you didn't feel too on blast! As I said, this is the kind of thinking I can slip into myself, so I did want to make the case against it.
  491. I submitted an entry to the 200 Word RPG Competition. "The Dying Swan" : 200wordrpg.github.io/2018/rpg/2018/05/27/TheDyingSwan.html
  492. this feels like a good candidate for doing genetic algorithms or machine learning or some other clever technique for finding optimal values within a state-space @simogo/1000999041663229952
  493. RT @datapup_: @spacetwinks Immersing people in a political stance and giving the impression that their peers hold it is the most effective…
  494. RT @davidoneacre: favorite thing i've discovered in years: terry pratchett describing how he modded oblivion (non-combat life sim mods espe…
  495. a nice readme for a mod Terry Pratchett helped out on: lovkullen.net/Emma/Vilja_ReadMe.html
  496. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @estrogel congratulations on successfully wearing eyeliner
  497. Smear frames are just a cheap tactic used to make bad animation better. @Krosecz/1000922050469474304
  498. did you know that it's hard to ignore twitter and focus on writing if you are writing about twitterbots?
  499. …in reply to @hoskingc
  500. RT @phantomfunhouse: My life in the gush of boasts
  501. RT @ukpuru: Inside of a calabash bowl from Calabar with nsibidi signs. From 1911. British Museum. Even though nsibidi is used my men's grad…
  502. i finally looked it up, and, yup, @DaftLimmy is a cyborg @DaftLimmy/999979715921371136
  503. …in reply to @v21
    (ie, the "Sound of the summer." tweets are posted via IFFTT, implying that the Twitter account is half human and half robot)
  504. …in reply to @Eastmad
    @Eastmad @DaftLimmy yes, i knew that
  505. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew yeah, they say "two weeks" instead
  506. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew the french always have to be a little bit extra, don't they
  507. …in reply to @undefined
  508. from 2015, a dissection of tropes in chumboxes theawl.com/2015/06/a-complete-taxonomy-of-internet-chum/
  509. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox @unity sounds like they're not planning on letting you do that - unity3d.com/legal/gdpr
  510. …in reply to @undefined
    @4xisblack @compositeredfox @unity3d Unity would argue not, as per that paragraph.
  511. …in reply to @v21
    @4xisblack @compositeredfox @unity3d It might be necessary for every non-pro Unity build to be accompanied by a privacy policy linking to the Unity privacy policy? idk.
  512. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie @4xisblack @compositeredfox @unity3d the bit about "soon releasing a HW stats specific solution that will provide players an easier way to access their data" suggests there's at least some GDPR impact? but yes, it makes sense that it's not data that requires an explicit opt-in
  513. RT @JamesWallis: I have designed a new game for the #200wordRPG challenge. See what you think. It's called 'These are animals'. https://t.…
  514. Jerry is great, full of stupid ideas & lovely to work with. Maybe you want to work with him? @GameTOILET/1000006120747028481
  515. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern i think a thing people are getting better at is seeing that a minority service with a generally-stable-but-slowly-declining userbase is not the same as failure
  516. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern yeah, agreed. at best, it might be still have a significant presence among People Who Write Stuff Online.
  517. RT @c_valenzuelab: I just published “Machine Learning En Plein Air: Building accessible tools for artists” medium.com/p/machine-learning-en-plein-air-building-accessible-tools-for-artists-87bfc7f99f6b
  518. RT @doctoranovia: a swedish guy in my japanese school: you know, sex is like pizza; even when it's bad, it's good girls in my class (me in…
  519. RT @hollygramazio: our Kickstarter for Art Deck launches TOMORROW everything is PROBABLY FINE?
  520. …in reply to @partytimeHXLNT
    @partytimeHXLNT ugh, seeing my early tweets I miss these the most
  521. …in reply to @v21
    continuing not to understand
  522. RT @direlog: press the 'e' key to interact with objects
  523. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate and from a pipeline point of view it doesn't really fit - it's so hard to know what a PCG system will feel like, predict how it'll slot into other systems, and doing big iteration later to connect stuff is really not practical.
  524. RT @mollylambert: holy shit the guy from Anal Cunt died riding the escalator at Providence Place Mall
  525. …in reply to @martinpi
    @martinpi @GalaxyKate What are mixed initiative interfaces?
  526. …in reply to @dingstweets
    @dingstweets @martinpi @GalaxyKate @mtrc ahhh. yeah, as someone else said in the replies, PCG for creators that gets baked in the end product feels way less risky. Although, like a lot of AI, once it works reliably it stops getting called AI...
  527. …in reply to @v21
    @dingstweets @martinpi @GalaxyKate @mtrc I don't know that content-aware fill is thought of as AI any more, for example...
  528. …in reply to @v21
    @dingstweets @martinpi @GalaxyKate @mtrc does Marvellous Designer count as mixed initiative PCG? Humans cut, MD drapes...
  529. …in reply to @dingstweets
    @dingstweets @martinpi @GalaxyKate @mtrc Ah, I love that definition! It captures that sliding baseline, and makes no distinction on sophistication. I think it means that as soon as the human has internalised the AI enough to predict & steer it's output semi-reliably, it stops being AI?
  530. RT @hollygramazio: This thread going through all the dozens of tiny things @LorenzoPilia does as prep for running an event is great, both f…
  531. My good friends (and very good game designers) @hollygramazio and @UltraCobalt just launched their Kickstart for Art Deck, a game about collaboratively drawing a masterpiece, then taking the result all for yourself. I just backed it, maybe you want to, too?kickstarter.com/projects/1334173917/art-deck-a-collaborative-drawing-game
  532. RT @mathmarcault: EXCITING NEWS: we've just launched a Kickstarter for our collaborative drawing game Art Deck. It's fast and fun and silly…
  533. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo @TahitiP4ncake I *am* excited about this banana!
  534. RT @nescioquid: 1984 hearings on "CIVIL LIBERTIES AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE" include amazing illustrated history of interconnection o…
  535. @Thairyn *whispers* Michael!
  536. …in reply to @v21
    but also those hints in The Cut piece that she ran up debts an order of magnitude higher than reported, and the foundation she was proposing was the kind that does need an heiress to keep injecting money...
  537. this Anna Delvey stuff is wild - it's so easy to imagine she raised the $20m, opened the building, and then...? what would the story be if told years later, if she succeeded?
  538. …in reply to @v21
    then again, it had a better chance of success and a lower burn rate than many venture-backed startups...
  539. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz yay! that pleases me, too
  540. RT @joXn: LOL. Team trying to train an ML model to identify inspirational travel photos runs into problems.
  541. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz i mean, it's probably better than intensive dermarollering?
  542. RT @joonturbo: 🏠🔥 ANNOUNCING: Don't Trip! 👟👟 Escape your burning house! Collect shoes, avoid obstacles, don't trip! #donttrip [1/3] https:/…
  543. …in reply to @cuibonobo
    @cuibonobo there's always w3schools
  544. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo Yeah, definitely smooth banana
  545. …in reply to @morganholleb
    @mrgnptts congratulations!!! you did it!!
  546. …in reply to @v21
  547. …in reply to @mjmcmaster
    @mjmcmaster thank you for this post
  548. RT @womensart1: Emma Kunz (1892-1963), Swiss healer, visionary and outsider artist who published three books and produced many drawings #w…