Tweets from 2019/10
@KommanderKlobb well, the thing that unpicks this for me is that they're leaving it til the very last minute to put this stuff forward. take it or leave it, they didn't want to take it, europe is refusing to give us a deal, why are they sabotaging us, betrayal, (not my fault)
RT @artetxem: Who said that training GPT-2 or BERT was expensive? "We use 512 Nvidia V100 GPUs [...] Upon the submission of this paper, tr…
saw a thing ripping at a list of pedagogical prompts which presuppose the social construction of mathematics earlier, and i want to take a minute to say that the philosophy of mathematics is weird and hard and confusing, and was an obstacle to me learning math when i was wee
i found "Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being" very helpful in making a lot of these questions clearer, and providing plausible mechanisms for working through them
i remember, for example, being in a swimming pool changing room and talking about infinity with my dad, and really puzzling at the difference between nought point nine recurring and one. with more time to think about it: yeah, that's really confusing.
a big moment of realization when i read about fencepost errors and realized why i lost the ability to do addition in school for a day or two
and the fact that teachers generally wouldn't talk about this stuff, and instead took my halting confusion as a lack of understanding of the things they were trying to teach and doubled down on explaining it a different way without addressing my fundamental confusion...
anyway, here's a mathematician @_julesh_/1179026611649335296
@robertpeacock22 same (okay, okay, I've played some subsequent ones a good number of times, too. but still, mainly Liberty Island, over and over)
RT @concinnus: Discovery 21108 #gif #abstract #design #geometry #generative #retro #digitalart (via @protobacillus)
RT @haleymlotek: It took me ten years but I finally figured out why organizing reminds me of being a makeup artist…
RT @10kimaginaryboy: In that dress, he made a most convincing maiden.
RT @derangedpoetess: My brother Alec Holowka died just over a month ago. I've been writing non-stop since then. This is the hardest and mo…
RT @PLMinusContext:
RT @avillanappears:
having a pleasant morning with a cup of tea and reading about coroutine support in C
RT @KongTsungGan: It'll take more force than what the #CCP’s so far brought to bear, thru its proxies, the #HK govt & police, to put us dow…
@oopsohno you're not the only one with milk problems @Amy_Wiseman/246912207634444288
@oopsohno milk is thicker than water
@JenuinePanic write in vote for bar billiards
RT @okchickadee: These have been taped up in my office for 6.5 years and I finally took them down today! They’re from before Tiffany laid d…
RT @bombsfall: another question: say you're out wandering the fields at night, perhaps thinking of a dead lover, and that dead lover appear…
RT @patrickashe: Big fan of this BBC mock up of House House's Slack conversation about geese from this tweet: @mjmcmaster/763596145452912640 https…
@patrickashe holy shit
@dinosaurrparty pints pint pints!!!
@dinosaurrparty (it will be nice to see you; maybe we should get a drink or something)
we're also hiring for a senior producer! it's still a friendly studio & they're still interesting projects - come help us actually make them real. (as with all jobs: if you're interested, but your experience doesn't line up quite right, please still apply)
(it also still pays well)
@septidecimal thanks for letting me know!! think it should come back soon
@pillowfort smashed it!!!
@Thairyn a while back i was watching bullet journal videos with @katbamkapow and i figured out that what they do is dull the terror of examining your life & future plans by giving you a lot of soothing stationery-work to do, and then they made sense to me
@Thairyn @katbamkapow the nice thing, though, is that you can't do it wrong. and any of the practices seem like they're useful in themselves. use what seems useful, imo.
@Thairyn @katbamkapow i officially give you permission to buy a nice notebook, even if you haven't finished your old one
RT @nytimes: After two ICE officers came to a Pacific Northwest community, longtime residents began to disappear — a testament to the agenc…
RT @Foone: I like this list of reactions the people in Untitled Goose Game can have.
RT @PavilionBooks: Out now! 'Board Games to Create and Play' is an all-in-one book with everything you need to invent your own games and st…
@GretchenAMcC similar to "yr" (instead of "your")
RT @10kimaginaryboy: Until he bathes, he is poetic.
RT @piercepenniless: @LRB If the government proceeds with its mooted prorogation and tries to pass a Queen's Speech just days before EUCO,…
[it's rude to take photos of strangers, so please imagine two men sitting at a table in a boardgames cafe, playing chess with the Netrunner box also on the table] ah, Netrunner, what a rich strategic game with a heritage stretching back thousands of years
I quite enjoyed my time playing Netrunner, but ultimately I know if I want to get good, I'd need to spend a lot of time memorising openings.
Enjoying imagining having a job where I just advocate for living on a planet. It's good to live on a planet! People just like microgravity because of the novelty. @elakdawalla/1180158905315254273
@austin_walker so glad you are getting some rest! seems like a really good change.
RT @thegamecurator: A digital museum, made by over 40 artists. "The Zium Museum (2017)" by @thesaveroom, @QuinleySquare, @mousefountain, @…
@vivschwarz ugh, sorry, i need to figure out the router. or probably get a new one...
RT @RebeccaRHelm: Earlier this year I warned that @TheOceanCleanup would catch and kill floating marine life. This week they announced they…
played NeoCab and it was great and thoughtful and went places games don't go enough BUT ALSO i wanna hear the story behind the localization because it cannot have been fun
the credits suggests that Neo Cab uses Ink (which has no localization support, and encourages you to do things that are very difficult to localize). Apple Arcade requires launching in 17 languages. the Apple Arcade deal, I am assuming, came along late in development. *shudder*
@SFBTom ahh, didn't realise you used Ink! i guess having to tie the VO to the written lines gave you a good grounding?
RT @carolaverygrant: you've seen great films by fantastic directors be reduced to college dorm room poster movies. A Clockwork Orange. Scar…
@SzMarsupial nothing in the rulebook that says etc etc
@__Tyu sorry
@radiatoryang oh, yeah, this is fun
@radiatoryang and I was a big fan of you being a big fan of cheeky nandos!
RT @Beltrew: #SDF says that agreement with US to drawdown from key positions in N. #Syria means that, with #Turkey's threat to launch an im…
I hope it becomes a genre @SFBTom/1181124966982541312
the woman on the train next to me has a sausage dog on her lap, and it's looking up at me with big mournful eyes. but she's on her phone, and so it would be weird and rude to pet it. i'm not prepared for these emotions so early in the morning.
RT @satoshi_aizawa:
my favourite gif is "Rhetoric on Sublime Ring" by Francoise Gamma
it looks like this
except a bit better when Twitter isn't recompressing it as a video file
RT @pangmeli: if you don't try to wave the wasp/bee away it will just crawl on you and sniff you like a little dog. the crawling feels a li…
RT @VivienneChow: This looks like a scene straight out of a zombie movie: shopping mall security guards tried to hold the doors to stop rio…
RT @excitingbooks: Transporting Watermelons in Bulk and Bins by Truck @rmartincole/1169680042420592641
i have seen two people talking about muting/blocking people who tweet "calzone", but no-one making the actual joke, and no-one tweeting seriously about Pizza Express possibly folding. i would estimate this tweet is about a level 4 in terms of meta-commentary on the discourse.
(the second sentence arguably bumps it up to a five?)
@nickfourtimes "Fix: now showing correct text" is clearly the correct option
exciting epidemiology research! @bengoldacre/1181232143755808771
RT @joshtpm: lol $40m for a fraud that destroyed numerous news outlets and a bunch of ad side competitors @mathewi/1181221849159684096
RT @Slasher: in a post-match Hearthstone Grandmasters winning interview, Hong Kong HS player @blitzchungHS said "Liberate Hong Kong, revolu…
RT @nickarner:
RT @Slasher: Breaking: Effective immediately, Blizzard has removed Hong Kong Hearthstone player blitzchung from Hearthstone Grand Masters,…
RT @_ojack_: dreamy arithmetic
RT @bencsmoke: a reminder that extinction rebellion *do not* pay anyone’s court or legal fees. they received ££ from radiohead’s release of…
@stonehead @bencsmoke "XR don’t pay for costs of any kind with the exception of travel to court in cases of exceptional financial hardship." (under "Will getting arrested be expensive?")
@infovore it's grown on me
@infovore I like having a contextual rotation button on there, tho.
@patrickashe it says "white" right there on the outside!!
RT @Bristol_BathRD: Interested in making an R&D prototype exploring Digital Placemaking for Bristol and Bath? We have just opened applicati…
down with the Inclosure Act of 1773!!! @craigcavyleader/1181320328452169728
RT @_never_work: regarding the content platform known as "itunes"
RT @grumpstorm: That 2014 hbo opening credits style has hit wedding photography and it's even better than I could have imagined https://t.c…
@innesmck @Vincevan_Goth @infinite_bagel yeah, "genderbender" definitely has a touch of that weird anachronistic tabloid newspaper language to it, to my ears
hello we're still hiring for this role and you should apply! (note that if you apply you should mention that i referred you rather than Suze so i get the referral bonus instead) @SzMarsupial/1181590605027303424
@SzMarsupial @fionchadd if you retweet my tweet instead of Suze's & someone gets hired, i'll split it with you
RT @elikaortega: There is a Carrión quote for every occasion: (except I do regret the loss 😪)
folks in London & free tonight or tomorrow should come check out Beta Public. performances, games, and a chance to touch this delight @patrickashe/1181551148316155904
@bonaneh this makes me want a you-picrew!
@bonaneh yeah, that seems entirely legit
RT @krisgraft: you neeeed to read this deep dive written by @mrsambarlow about turning video scrubbing into a game mechanic in TELLING LIES…
@hollygramazio @managore every time you post GF I read it as girlfriend
@Seemo @spacetreasured the kerning is truly the cherry on top
@catacalypto with the benefit of much hindsight... i think that is the most misleading cover art i know of a videogame having
@catacalypto (fuck, Horse Master is so good, i was thinking of it just yesterday)
@catacalypto fuck i just remembered the bit about the male nurses!!! fuck
top five Twine games: - Beautiful Dreamer - Horse Master - howling dogs - Birdland - Rat Chaos
@catacalypto wait, i tricked us both, that was from Tonight Dies the Moon
@Citrushistrix I played it again just the other week. Still so very good, the thing about the spirits deliberately provoking by saying stuff that's trite and wrong is so satisfying.
I'm in a lift with the same dog. It's sniffing my foot.
RT @v21: let the soft animal of the twitter search function find what it finds
@em_cooper ugh, i thought we were starting to win that argument...
@em_cooper but also: I'll be at EGX Thursday! would be great to see you
@AranKoning sounds like fun
@pillowfort can recommend the Money Stuff newsletter for near daily updates on the world of finance, approached without an assumption that the world of finance should exist or look like it does
RT @TodayOnSteam: Welcome To... Chichester OVN 2 : Master Tormenter Grendel Jinx !?
@mtrc "eigenvector decomposition, a concept from quantum mechanics"
@DevRelCallum Dishonoured?
RT @S0phieH: Petting most kinds of animals can improve your mood, however, if you start petting birds then you’ll be feeling down.
@catacalypto @mrsambarlow this makes me think of all the stuff people do with emulators where they capture all memory state at every frame and then wind back and fork timelines. except live, and with ML running on the memory dump to detect critical sections
@thestarboretum @jazzmickle it is pretty doable to make some coroutines that don't hook into the Unity coroutine system and are just something you call every time you want some new events
@asthesparksfly I have a korg nanokontrol & a mpk something. I sometimes use it for controlling music stuff, sometimes for software stuff where I want a hardware interface with knobs. I don't know of any universal magic thing... but there's a bunch of stuff it would work for.
@asthesparksfly you can translate OSC to MIDI readily enough, you can write js in the browser that hooks to midi... probably there's some stuff you could do with auto hotkey.
@asthesparksfly I would not say that either are necessary pieces of hardware. Unless you're doing a project especially built for them, in which case they tautologically are.
RT @MythologyBot: F982.1 Eagles carry castle in air.
@katbamkapow I started the new season and got sad you weren't there to talk about it
really interesting article about the struggle to make pink happen for gamers @xpatriciah/1181948787134259200
oh, I'll be at EGX on Thursday if anyone wants to say hi
@FlorianVltmn I've only watched four test kitchen videos and my twitter feed is also full of love for Claire.
RT @aphyr: These generic stories are meaningless unless readers can *link* the fictive narrative to actual, concrete instances of oppressio…
RT @aphyr: In 2017, China's Netcasting Service Association banned LGBTQ content. Weibo initiated a purge of queer content in 2018, reversed…
RT @eleanorkpenny: I don’t feel like we talk enough about how RuPaul watched a man drowning
RT @jemimajoanna: To the handful of my Twitter followers who I haven’t already explained my £1.50 bus fare/US visa saga in excruciating det…
@tambourine very heartened to see you exploring GPT poetry
@tambourine this is v much preaching to the choir, but you might appreciate @everestpipkin's recent talk: @roguelike_cel/1180601061159010304
@omarieclaire this is such a fucked situation, and i really hope you can find somewhere safe and non-stressful for your final push. <3
@esdin @legocrimes i got it
@SzMarsupial this still gets me, sometimes. also why learning Rust has been so... fun? "fun"? it prohibits this from happening, but it turns out that has a lot of consequences...
RT @merlijndev:
RT @GammaCounter: (Not that easy to see the flowing blood on this rotating angiogram of the brain, and I'm not sure it's a very useful sequ…
RT @Foone: re:lrt: My favorite weird trivia fact about Kazaa is that it was built on the FastTrack P2P protocol, developed by BlueMoon Inte…
[screenshot from today's Money Stuff newsletter] @mcgd/1182667264740474882
@mousefountain 100%
every year I mean to throw a event where I meet up with people and we watch through this whole playlist. so... respond if you're in London, we know each other at least a little, and you'd be interested. @grapefrukt/1182733830593097731
@patrickashe it could be your The Clock, too!
@nicolehe it's so much @torahhorse/993916034816950274?s=19
@KOOPMode @hownottodraw Great work from Kyle as always, but I think the old logo had some homespun charm I miss in this version.
@cassiemcquater ughhhhh.
RT @mtrc: @NewerScientist1 @NewerScientist2 @NewerScientist3 @newscientist I picked a favourite from each of the bots and turned them into…
@moreelen yaay!
@bekokstover it's my experience, but i assumed it was because i was trans
@bekokstover indie games is super trans, it's true
@ammonite it's probably going to run 10am to 3am? i wanna do it as a single solid run through, to really get the feeling going. which makes more sense to do somewhere cozy where i can cook, but it depends how much interest i get...
@ammonite wait, i misremembered 15 as 17. 10am to 1am, that's a bit more manageable...
RT @v21: every year I mean to throw a event where I meet up with people and we watch through this whole playlist. so... respond if you're i…
@naomialderman i think without some ideology you can get lost. i think about all that stuff about "nudging" - it was exciting, all these good ways to make lives better cheaply... but who defines what "better" is?
@bekokstover no, i am still trans
@bekokstover @damousey i mean, comparatively less? there being a lot of trans people definitely means it's something that people consider in a way that they wouldn't elsewhere. and indie dev scenes (some) are pretty safe places to be trans.
@reallyquitereal are you going to be doing this?!!
@reallyquitereal !!!!!
RT @poem_exe: wild goose, wild goose a butterfly we tumble!
what a beautiful game! @tpizza/1183063564002611200
RT @ghuertaramos: I couldn't find it anywhere, so I made a phylogeny of plant emojis using #ggtree. Please, do let me know of any mistakes!…
RT @usdivad: Amazing talk on music games by @Tambalaya and @Andy_Makes at @IndieCade! (also thanks for the shoutout hehe 😊)…
RT @GameDesignerBen: @topherflorence Hey, Dead Space LD here. All these games used the same basic model rig, so adding Isaac was as simple…
@Coleo_Kin if people wanna have a take on Goose Game, they should run with the way it presents an idealized and imaginary version of England!! it's right there for the taking.
RT @EdmundGriffiths: It isn't "to prevent electoral fraud", because there are hardly any cases (or even allegations) of the kind of fraud i…
RT @aditirao: these tweets brought on by noting that buildings could “afford” to have detailed brick and stonework back in the day, largely…
@AidReilly @Elisabeth_Drcy @CrippledFox @gillditch55 @AllisterHeath @Telegraph they're not - proposing free ID cards - giving sufficient notice - showing there's an actual problem that needs to be solved
@ms_s_ashcroft what a perfect 3d printing experience
@ms_s_ashcroft if it's any consolation, i'm wrestling with a plotter that won't lift the pen up properly right now
@_julesh_ i've seen stuff seriously arguing for a system which: - does low-effort evaluations to screen for "competence" - then assigns funding randomly after that the savings in terms of grant writing time alone...
RT @adamconover: My former employer CollegeHumor did this. In order to beat YouTube, Facebook faked incredible viewership numbers, so CH pi…
look what I got working
@HilariousCow my hand was getting tired
@LucRiesbeck thanks!!
thanks for the opportunity to explain in detail, Suze! I generate some splines in Node.js using Typescript and node-canvas (which emulates the browser Canvas APIs). This then uses Cairo (I think?) to render to an SVG file. @SzMarsupial/1183416710004695040
I then use G Code Sender to... send that G code down the serial connection to the plotter (an Eleksdraw, running GRBL), which then moves back and forth and puts the pen up and down. I am pretty sure there are easier ways to do it.
I take that SVG and process it in a utility I wrote this weekend in Rust using the usvg library (which processes SVG into a minimal set). My utility generates another SVG file (for proofing), and a series of G code instructions. It also renders all the curves as a set of lines.
@esdin me too. I can hear the difference from when I changed the level of detail on the curves.
@HilariousCow well, i had this nice existing codebase in Typescript... but thank you. i definitely feel like making random stuff work together is one of my specialties.
@GalaxyKate i... use typescript for all my node.js based stuff. i'd write a library in it, too. i didn't realize it was that much harder (to use, i know it'd be a pain to get set up to edit it).
@GalaxyKate yeah, entirely fair. i am the kind of person who uses typescript... and i'm still afraid of setting up the kind of pipeline that would build frontend JS from a complex set of npm packages & typescript.
@chthonicionic oh, lovely reference, thank you!
here's a poll
it's going...
@adrielbeaver yah, that's an artefact of how i'm generating it, it does one projection for each cluster in a pass. some people write fancy stuff to reorder their plots so it does it in the most time-efficient way... maybe some day.
@andrew2nelson @NoraReed both?
@john_brindle thanks for the vote of confidence! I might well do
RT @everestpipkin: them: oh you make games? that must be fun! me:
@KommanderKlobb Ricky, would you recommend having a short loop of annoying music playing at the same time?
RT @JanetMurray: Interactive narrative authoring tools just released from the innovative BBC research folks. 2020s could be a big leap dec…
@Sierra_OffLine we're all thinking about disaster, but ecological collapse is too real. zombies are played out, science is exciting, space problems are the solution.
@patrickashe I understand that sometimes this wouldn't be possible - if the game has some physical requirements, or if it's international travel and your budget is tiny... but if that's the case... then definitely don't make participation necessary to be nominated for an award.
RT @BBCPolitics: Lady Usher of the Black Rod Sarah Clarke, has the door of the Commons slammed in her face as part of the State Opening of…
RT @TomWills: Britain's Home Office neither confirms nor denies it has identified sites to use as internment camps in the event of a no-dea…
RT @themadstone: Random thought: there ought to be a much more robust conversation about the climate impact of cement & what can be done ab…
@leighalexander @patrickashe i am pretty sure i remember this policy from at least 5 years ago. so maybe it's secretly a nice story about standards improving elsewhere...
@tom_usher_ who wasn't even complaining about Naga!!!
RT @CoolBoxArt: Nintendo DS Headset / Print ad / Nintendo / 2007
RT @v21: what resembles the grave but isn't (Anne Boyer)
put the tool i made to convert SVGs into Eleksdraw G-Code online, if it is ever helpful to anyone else:
back on my bullshit
i need to start playing more with different pens & papers. for some reason i am mainly drawn to wanting to try out a fat old biro (despite the pot of Microns sitting *right there*)
@mewo2 Good to know!
@vivschwarz oh, I see what you mean, yes
@vivschwarz well, that's robots for you
@siberianKhatru yep (I just got up to check it wasn't a .38)
RT @gabro27: So this just happened: - a bot found a vulnerability in a dependency - a bot sent a PR to fix it - the CI verified the PR - a…
@ojahnn It's on!
RT @boschbot: 26619,11367,1207,654,30000
@ms_s_ashcroft i did! is yours still messing you about?
@ms_s_ashcroft boooooo
RT @akuparagames: Once again, an endless thanks to all of our fans making MUTAZIONE art! We love to see that the game has resonated with yo…
@PerfectPlum it's so nice that i can hear how the little chirpy sound has changed since i changed the way i flatten the curves
@sophmallinson @PokemonGoApp added you!
@PeteButtigieg you should get some markers that work
RT @hollygramazio: Okay so I wrote about the 2018 timeloop adventure MINIT, but every 60 seconds I stopped and then started again from the…
RT @michael__42: I can't believe they gave the Booker Prize to Bernardine Evaristo and Margaret Atwood, and not the author of this junk ema…
RT @TheWhitePube: No artist has all three: Good art Good at writing funding applications Nice person
@esdin it's so good, such a underdepicted dynamic!
RT @webbedspace: TO ANY WHO CAN HEAR! I'm sealed in this tweet and can't escape without your help! This is trickery. Click the Heart to bre…
RT @Bananaft: Temporal shifting depth sorting kind of thing. Yeah, I have no idea either. #yedomaglobula
@konjak it's nice that they knew that, and so put it on a alternate, less popular, account
RT @anadukakis: ✨Our office's 3D printed goose (printed by @seajayshore)..... Has stolen a thumb drive!! ✨
@philippawarr i think candles always look like fat swishing around...
RT @histoftech: “Any sufficiently advanced neglect is indistinguishable from malice.” —Chachra’s Law (@debcha) @Wolven/1184212807224647680
RT @celineorelse: Here's something I love abt the ancient world. Having to order takeout for most meals because you live in a city where ho…
I am surprised to find myself saying this, but this is a good and sensible decision by our government.
RT @puptownrika: which is correct when referring to something's dimensions:
i'm trying to do stuff with javascript but i keep hitting segmentation faults
maybe this is not the most straightforward way to make nice drawings?
@Bleeptrack in node, using node-canvas, which has some native code in it
RT @erincandescent: Today it was announced that Yahoo! Groups is shutting down, and taking with it a piece of critical national infrastruct…
RT @_gaeel_: It's a tiny thing, but here's how to stop Git from naming the first branch "master" by default
RT @hardmaru: China bans export of black clothing to Hong Kong “Protesters have adopted black T-shirts, jeans and sneakers, often paired w…
RT @asifa_majid: There is no universal hierarchy of the senses reflected in language. Our study with 20 languages and 5 senses found biolog…
@KommanderKlobb Nice, catch you there
on my way to EGX with most of the Niantic London office, see some of y'all there!
RT @gwire: “All I’m saying is, if the Mail doesn’t do a excessive dirt digging piece on that bald environmental protestor dragged off the t…
RT @shades: @atomicthumbs @3liza You can also use a vigorously burning woodstove and a reasonably airtight tin can to make your own artists…
@D_Nye_Griffiths @jericawebber only around today, I'm afraid! :/
really interesting thread on how XR operates @gender_endtimes/1184770723165933569
tl;dr : the Tyranny of Structurelessness remains crucial reading
@D_Nye_Griffiths that would be great! some day next week?
RT @marcteyssier: Here is a preview of my next project, Skin-On interfaces: artificial skin for devices. After the finger on smartphones, n…
@vivschwarz Word
@vivschwarz I like that in Electric Zine maker, it deals with the fact that A4 & Letter being different shapes by just stretching it to fit.
@vivschwarz also i just learned that high end esports players often play with 4:3 resolution, stretched out onto a 16:9 monitor
here is a news report from 1970 about an ill-judged explosion of a whale carcass
@acgodliman i mean, what sounds more fun, methodically cutting apart decaying flesh, or shoving a bunch of explosives into a whale?
@FlorianVltmn @sophmallinson how do you feel about this?
RT @mcclure111: Hey, remember when people were really freaking out about white phosphorus in Call of Duty last month? It really wasn't hypo…
@vectorpark i did some stuff with Haxe a little while back... but i can't remember what editor I used. hope that helps!!
RT @WilliamChyr: After 7 years, Manifold Garden has finally launched! It is available now on @AppleArcade & @EpicGames. Trailer: https:/…
RT @met_modernart: Woman Buttoning Her Shoes by Egon Schiele #contemporarymodernart #themet
RT @metasynthie: @sajon77 This is interesting because prior to the announcement of this game, it would seem that there was no fantasy of be…
@SzMarsupial well, we could extend the deadline and do whatever. the Letwin amendment pushes back the point where Parliament has to approve the deal, which means Johnson will be obliged to ask for an extension (because it won't be approved by Parliament by the point the Benn Act says)
@SzMarsupial (the Letwin amendment says that Parliament approves the deal after it passes all the legislation needed to sort out the deal, not on Saturday. so it leaves things theoretically on track, but removes the knife edge element by requiring an extension to be asked for)
@SzMarsupial that was just Juncker, who doesn't get to decide and was trying to be helpful by raising the stakes. Macron did the same today, although he *could* get to veto it. but other EU leaders have downplayed that, if gently.
@SzMarsupial maybe they'll refuse an extension! it's all possible. but generally they've been very keen to not be the ones to cause us problems, letting us do that to ourselves.
@SzMarsupial love to be Very Current, definitely a good thing for my brain
@netgal_emi I would like to read that
i should go to the protest, but i don't think i can bear the puns
@managore what about just using the smoke, but it never fades out? just making each room more and more choked with it as you zoom about.
the title of this article sounds like a light novel title "He Never Intended To Become A Political Dissident, But Then He Started Beating Up Tai Chi Masters"
RT @IanDunt: Nick Boles, also behind the amendment, intervenes. "He does not want to answer the question so I will. If the amendment passes…
RT @IanDunt: "If the amendment fails and the govt brings forward the bill and some people in the ERG suddenly discover they prefer the idea…
RT @IanDunt: The Letwin amendment has passed. Johnson will have to request an extension of Article 50 by 11pm tonight.
@fireh9lly yes! and my dad would claim stuff *just* before it came into view, because he knew the area better than anyone else
@grapefrukt @FarbsMcFarbs oh, this is great, 100% using this
@caiitlinz same
RT @tambourine: LOOK WHAT IS HERE... it’s beautiful & you can order a copy at!!! @tambourine/1184960544396271616 https://t.…
getting Hershey fonts ( working in my stack so I can plot with them, and it's quite something to be using software where the readme has a UUCP path if you want to get in touch with the author
(UUCP = a way of addressing email from before domain names were a thing. also the UUCP path was for the guy who took the original files and converted them to a newer format, not even the mysterious Dr A V Hershey who designed the font...)
here is a beautiful PDF, showing the original publication of the font in tables of co-ordinates, sample pages, and a font book
@wileywiggins whoa! that's cool.
@siobhangx Vignettes (tho you've probably played already). I want to check out Pilgrims as well. And very happy to hear you're enjoying Mutazione!
RT @victoria_pork: #StandWithHonkHonk #FightForFreedom Saved from Reddit
RT @drbeef_:
read Delicious in Dungeon @AboveUp/1185532873241223168
this meme in no way sells why it's great. but if want a fantasy series where the world, the characters and the plot are all charming, interesting and feel like they've been thought through AND/OR want to look at some imaginary recipes, it's the thing for you.
RT @fireh9lly: @GavinMSchofield The goose is showing the people more variation and fun and togetherness than they'd otherwise have. He make…
Here is a poem that I like
@Nifflas i want to come back again
@mrsambarlow I've drank wine by Ridley Scott. Pretty good!
@Nifflas gotta play the odds
@Nifflas also, and i know this came up before, what's the deal with relativity? if we're getting whooshed several light years away... do we get there at the speed of light?
@GretchenAMcC i don't remember why i'm v21, but i definitely am
RT @itten_games_en: Nessie's True Identity is a question & answer mystery-solving game where the Enthusiasts try to guess Nessie's true ide…
RT @mmalex: Sunday evening quick build: brachiograph plotter! 2 lollipop sticks supplied by my 5yo, 3 servos (£1 each from amazon, delivere…
RT @WYR_bot: Would you rather the lottery ($300,000,000 final after taxes) or win the u.s presidential election?
RT @philippawarr:
i love storing energy within the vertical position of giant concrete blocks @justinpickard/1186213723389775872
(this kind of thing is vital for making renewable energy able to supply the majority of our electricity, by smoothing out supply over the order of days)
@patrickashe leave Boom Blox alone, i really liked it!!
@acgodliman from a blogpost i wrote in 2014... Terry Gilliam: Robert Yang: the Juice It Or Lose It talk:
@acgodliman not really documentaries, whoops. but still a lot to learn from those 3 videos.
RT @decafjedi: What do you especially like about video games? 🔲 Killing aliens 🔲 Cute video characters 🔲 Team sport similarity 🔲 Adventure…
@jericawebber lots of people do hate them, the stereotype is self-reinforcing (I love them)
@jazzmickle @jericawebber apparently vegetables generally taste better when you haven't just boiled the shit out of them??? who knew???
@SzMarsupial you're a weird tooter
RT @w__h_: @charli_xcx ASMR 10 Hours of the Outro from Charli XCX, Slayyyter & Kim Petras - Click (No Boys Remix)
@alexhern i love to receive emails where my name is is a slightly different text style to the rest of the email
RT @pangmeli: I appreciate that global news is showing the election results in the context of international ocean currents…
RT @oopsohno: From which direction do you expect the tram to appear? (Poll in reply)
@HarryJosieGiles Good work writing a single post that can be used in multiple places (sorry about your phone)
i am once again very into the poetry of Conchitina Cruz:
RT @chawleeknight: fae (xe/xyr): may i have your pronouns? me (they/them): sure! they/them fae (they/them): thanks :) me ( / ): wait
@HarryJosieGiles now i want to read enby Mystique fanfic (which is much better response than my second thought: is Paul even non-binary?? what does non-binary even mean??)
RT @paul_swaddle: After a hectic few weeks, I gave myself a rest from work & study this weekend, and instead played #Mutazione, a beautiful…
@mtrc is *is* bullshit that you can't bring your kids, to be fair (i know, i know, that's not the point. i am going to wind my neck in on this while a) running something there and b) working for a company that can pay for me to fly out)
@gillianmsmith @mtrc that's good news! we've hit issues before with devs who are under 18 and couldn't attend (i think even if we were showing their game)
RT @EcoJaneAnderson: “Absence data are just as important as presence data,” the bored biologist reminds herself while recording where the b…
procedural generation question: what's a good way to generate points which have a variable density? something like perlin noise, but instead of returning a value for a location, i want to start with an area and receive locations within it.
currently my thinking has got to: - perlin noise & dither it? - something something yang tiles question mark - generate points randomly & then... wiggle them somehow so they cluster a bit?
@grapefrukt it gets me some nice points, controlled for density -- but how do i vary that nicely between different areas?
@grapefrukt oh, i guess i could feed in the desired radius using perlin noise??? (if i have guessed how poisson disc sampling works correctly)
@grapefrukt ah-hah! okay, that seems doable, thanks!
@grapefrukt oh, that would be sweet (i am doing this in Typescript, so it's not as directly useful as it might be - but getting to feel it out before writing code is always appealing)
@grapefrukt email is at if that's helpful
@thestarboretum that makes sense! but I don't just want an even distribution, i want a distribution where the density varies
@inconvergent i can sample good old perlin to generate the underlying density field. enjoying having to get my head around everything having to be a thing in a place, not a continuous thing you sample every pixel!
@unormal it's the varying density across the field that's the tricky bit - current plan is @v21/1186895173344776192
@TomNullpointer @thestarboretum yeah, that's my current plan @v21/1186895173344776192 - fun how plotter stuff is making me wrap my head around having to make everything a thing in a place rather than continuous functions you're automatically sampling
@unormal oh, yeah, that'd work & is nice & dumb
@unormal luckily (?) i am doing this to make nice things to plot with a pen plotter, so the constraints on the solution are a bit looser than if i needed to make this work with some (ugh) gameplay
@unormal (also i don't have to stress about performance beyond my patience for waiting to see how a tweak has worked out)
RT @OborneTweets: In my new piece for Open Democracy I assess the current state of British political journalism:
RT @Progressive_Pol: The same AG who jailed Chelsea manning for refusing a subpoena is currently refusing a subpoena
@terratrouve @ace_national oh, great news! congrats - and yes, please count me in the list of people keen to talk to about it!
RT @oiioiioioiiioio: Kids, if anyone ever questions your "computer art" please point them to what 95 year old #VeraMolnar has to say. https…
@redblobgames @unormal i think i might run into issues with wanting so few samples (and using at a high enough res) that the 255 bins are a bit constraining. but this is a interesting approach, and worth exploring properly, thanks
@redblobgames @unormal (ie, i could just pull all pixels with value 255, then randomly select those with a probability that is sampled from the perlin noise)
@mewo2 nice! yes, this is currently my plan A, after @grapefrukt gave me a nudge in that direction. (though now i am very motivated to see what happens when the density *doesn't* vary smoothly)
RT @flantz: Hey Robot - a game for smart speakers
RT @LabGND: Fun fact: the ‘carbon footprint’ was first popularised by BP, who wanted to shift responsibility for the climate crisis onto in…
Marie is absolutely at the forefront of thinking about how to present games and play within a public context. Hire her! @tigershungry/1187045402488516608
please take Pat up on this: it would be very funny to me if he put on an exhibition because of takes about Ian Bogost (also having heard a bit about the exhibition concept I think it'd be totally solid) @patrickashe/1187067576758755331
RT @pixlpa:
RT @RealTimeWWII: Osmërkin: "I'm waiting for the Germans impatiently, although my wife is Jewish. Well, I tell her, you'll have to wear a S…
are you
RT @thyfotia: this conversation is making me insane
what a treat to read Dick on game design
this is a really thoughtful article on moderation and Internet communities
just realised: i'm seeing Charli XCX next week
RT @webbedspace: Browser erupting into fireworks and confetti upon throwing its one billionth CSS parse error since installation – the word…
@reallyquitereal it's only a myth
at the risk of sounding like a fake gamer, I finally read the Bogost article, and yes, I also find playing games is often a lot of work
@KommanderKlobb alas, my for my cursed brain, reading thinkpieces is exactly the low energy resting activity that I default to. i would probably be happier if I could just watch tv or play games instead.
RT @poem_exe: people working fields the north pole this autumn eve
@youngvulgarian I kinda want to collect all the explainer flowcharts that tried to map all the things that might happen, if this happened or if this happened.
RT @mechapoetic: untitled goose game, besides being quite charming and lovely, was produced in part due to funding from Film Victoria, a pu…
@M_Slurpee @rotcherub @gayswordfight i read about this shot - the light was static and she just had to hit her mark precisely
Brexit-posting : so... the EU (specifically the French) only want to give an extension til January if there's a deal in progress or elections in progress. Johnson is pulling the deal in order to ask for elections. And Labour won't agree on elections until no deal is ruled out.
Love a three sided stalemate, especially when it'll explode in six days time.
I mean, also, the deal is bad & probably leads to a no deal exit in like a year and a half.
@arnaud_debock presumably he then then just pass his deal and then we can enter the next stage of negotiating the future trade relationship...
RT @rejykikafav: イザベル・メニン(1961〜)による作品。ベルギーの写真家。グラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーターとして活動した後、デジタル写真で作業するようになりました。自然の美しさを際立たせる作品を制作しています。…
RT @rubna_: wow unity is pretty nice
RT @dancynrew: "Protection?" Nancy smirks. He raises his eyebrow. "Ah," she says. "Bucket." He is of course going to kick over their town m…
this is an awful idea, medically speaking (see: all the doctors replying), but damn I want the files from a full body MRI of myself. just to look at. @awilkinson/1187102985148461056
@cpemmerson @D_Nye_Griffiths bloody well-researched public health insights, constantly ruining my ambitions to incorporate very expensively acquired views of the inside of my body into hypothetical future VJ sets
RT @wyatt_privilege: this guy sold his $1.8 million house, dumped it into crypto, got promptly SIM-swap hacked and they password-recovered…
RT @rejykikafav: カイル・トンプソンによる作品。物語の崩壊を示す、暗く超現実的な作品を制作しています。
@Thairyn the dream
@tigershungry I especially liked the one about digging around in someone's kidney with a nine inch needle...
@StarhopperGames @softlandscapes no, just the random numbers playing out nicely
RT @austin_walker: With Homestuck 2 starting, now is a good time to (re)read @WarrenIsDead’s breakdown of what Homestuck is, why it resonat…
@joonturbo oooh, yes, i can see
i threw up my typescript code for rendering hershey fonts:
also I am generating these as SVGs, and it's fun to watch Chrome load them
@KommanderKlobb thanks i made it myself
RT @_K0TTERl_: 〓
RT @UninterestingP4: I guess I should preemptively say that a framed poster of Warren Holloway making a spectacular catch is some basic-ass…
RT @FlorianVltmn: smells #screenshotsaturday #indiedev #gaming #flowers #madewithunity #gamedev
and onto the page... #plottertwitter
@JoanieLemercier @Kickstarter @ystrickler @WIRED @WiredUK @engadget @mims @mashable @sableRaph @BoingBoing @HackerNewsTips @newsycombinator @BestofKickstart @rasmus_kleis @jwyg @JoshConstine @matthewstoller @freakonometrics @pwmcmahon @RedTapeChron @kcimc @elliotwoods @tc_kikuchi @DominicScott @johncolucci @SupersonicArt they do at least have the little text there, and a section talking about it on the campaign page
this step mainly involves keeping the cat sufficiently distracted she doesn't investigate the plotter while it's running
@rubna_ pls do! some more details: - i'm doing poisson disc sampling with most of the optimisations taken out - pls remember to test possible points against the edge of your area (i didn't, it makes it run forever) - i feed in a function that returns desired spacing from a point (r)
@rubna_ - also it turns out it works fine if you always try to find the next point based on the last point in your array of active points (rather than a random sample)... and it means your points are ordered with a rough sense of locality, which i am using in a couple of ways
@radiodario thanks, mate!
@rubna_ oh, that sounds sweet. for planet-from-star, maybe try a variation where you try to find points from the star every time? you can see what that locality looks like if you try to follow the alphabet on @v21/1188456521493045248
@rubna_ ah, yeah, it won't give you that too easily... or at least without discontinuities between sectors, and a deterministic rng
@rubna_ here's a sensible writeup of the algorithm (with all the optimizations that break once you start getting weird with it)
@rubna_ here's my code (in Typescript, so it won't be directly applicable)
@rubna_ when you generate a point you start from the previous point & then generate a point at random between r and r*2 away. then you keep it if it's not within r of any previously generated point. r varies according to a noise function fed with the current point.
RT @zachlieberman: discussion of pixels from patents in the 1910s-1920s, sign me up
@legobutts titled goose. sirgoose. lordgoose. viscountgoose.
@naomialderman you do know The Power quite well though...
RT @ameliagentleman: Trafficking of young people from Vietnam is one of the most disturbing things I’ve had to write about. Hard to underst…
plotter (eleksdraw) question: got this error and an unwanted line on my plot! GRBL error 24 says: "Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block.". but i can't see anything wrong here. is it just a weird serial burp? (cc @mewo2)
RT @tumult: Here it is, at long last: Ripcord, the cross-platform, not-a-web-browser desktop client for Slack (and Discord.) Shareware is…
@AOsher @KommanderKlobb i voted Caramel
RT @frictionalgames: Fun fact: The death screens in SOMA are actually computer terminal props from elsewhere in the game that get created i…
RT @UnaHajdari: Or this: “The very conceit that “there is no other way” provided an independent motive for the wave of populist xenophobia…
I want to publicly post that I support @SaganYee's decision to move forwards with Wordplay at the Toronto Public Library, despite them hosting a transphobic speaker. It must have been a hard decision, and I do not envy it!
@SaganYee I'm glad they've addressed the issue & not just quietly let it slide by - but why should an org led by a trans person cancel an event because transphobes got to speak? And I certainly wouldn't try to move an event like Wordplay to a new venue on two weeks notice.
@SzMarsupial I'd like you to know that this tweet inspired me to eat some pork scratchings, and they were delicious.
I have several times in my life sat down and went "okay, time to understand how colours work" and I now know more about how colours work, but mainly I know that I don't understand how colours work @ammonite/1189235848157548545
@SzMarsupial the office discovered Cielab today, it was exciting
hi how you doing we're back and we' re ready for it all over again vs you're joking -- not another one
RT @supermattachine: Here’s a Mary Ruefle quote about Will Ferrell that I’d say epitomizes my gender nonconformity. Where’s my emoji https:…
This aged well. @joepike/1189210635374092288
RT @mike_treanor: One of my least favorite things of being a game design professor is students thinking I care or know anything about AAA g…
@mtrc mainly i'm impressed you did the bit which makes them look pretty & be images first
RT @supermattachine: Like, the imagination can only extend in this framework as far as a body entering a state like a character at the end…
(a short horror story brought to you by Outbrain)
[Photos] Family Adopts A New Dog But Soon They Realise This Is Not A Dog
I think the best thing about tiktok is that the algorithm occasionally washes up a really mundane moment from someone else's life
I got a video of a Vietnamese woman in a factory doing quality control on shoes.
the kind of thing youtube would show you, back in the day (and that things like are yearning for)
@AnnaHollinrake Happy birthday!
Monica Lewinsky launched a twitter bot (but it's not very good)
@QueenEileen666 bakery equipment videos usually see me right
@MazHem_ responds to people when it's been tagged into a conversation, and offers platitudes
@MazHem_ @GoodnessBot, let's see what you do
RT @esaxey: Have a very short story for Halloween, growing out of my great love of online problem pages. (Click/tap anywhere to go to the…
@esaxey this is great
@esaxey i love the moral at the end
RT @mtrc: Look at this gorgeous Twitterbot! Geometric art, presented as a cool stamp design. I love it. Bot by @tomcreighton, h/t to @ashok…
RT @james_waddell: absolutely obsessed with this 1643 account of the “true Discovery of a Witch”, in which the witch is caught red-handed e…
RT @LeftieStats: In any other election, centrists would be pointing to the previous result when making recommendations for tactical voting.…
RT @jwaaaap: making a powerpoint dropping some truth bombs
@MidniteLibrary @GalaxyKate it is! feel free to give your money to Kate instead
@GalaxyKate @MidniteLibrary it's fine! i just earn lots of money at my tech job, so i feel bad taking money from people for bot hosting
RT @leighalexander: seriously tho, the earnest enthusiasm and attention to detail these gig workers display in the midst of increasingly ho…
@jonboris ah, I'm glad! (i have only very very distant memories of writing this)
100% cute costume contest @diceydungeons/1189932548249522176
@dancparkes fucking hell, Dan
a good tweet within a good thread about spiders @pangmeli/1190047089129951232
@danhett 💚
Coming home from seeing Charli XCX and it was very good and very filled with people who had dressed UP.
Also Christine "Christine and the Queens" Christine came out for a song.