v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2019/11

  1. …in reply to @michelmcbride
    @michelmcbride @karaastone additional context: they have a flat structure, equal pay for all employees and don't keep much capital inside the company, so lots of people are taking those things as inherent within the coop model.
  2. …in reply to @PerfectPlum
    @PerfectPlum i was not properly dressed up :( just in that black pleated skirt. but there were so many wings there!
  3. still wild to me that the real Dr Langeskov is a cousin once removed of mine (a fact I learned quite some time after the release of the game) @3liza/1190166840648982528
  4. …in reply to @v21
    i later relayed this story to my partner and discovered that he was her university tutor, too
  5. …in reply to @litonico_
    @litonico_ from the Special Thanks section of the credits
  6. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern at least they gave people a month before release to play it this time
  7. RT @vivschwarz: If people give you the creative advice to get out of your comfort zone, it's good to stop and think whether you actually ha…
  8. RT @shannonmattern: Uh oh. "...our engineering team has been focused on global cities like Toronto, but much of the growth in cities by 205…
  9. free idea: a literary short story about a computer vision researcher who has spent years on the problem of teaching machines to be better at guessing if something is a reflection or not
  10. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe I remember it!
  11. RT @danctheduck: @metasynthie Yep. Feels like a lot of indies are Becoming Aware of the market. And many 'hit indies' are really the work o…
  12. …in reply to @undefined
    @churlishmeg I thought it was Alvin & the Chipmunks
  13. tried to recreate a nice thing i did with my eyeliner yesterday but it didn't work as well, ama
  14. spent some time in the shower this morning thinking about the design of a hypothetical larp called "The Diggorys in Diggerland", about a couple in the process of divorcing going with their kids on a family trip to Diggerland (the JCB-themed theme park in Kent)
  15. …in reply to @v21
    I tweet this in the hope that it will free me from the need to make it any more real than it already is
  16. …in reply to @Norgg
    @Norgg the idea of putting my eye within stabbing distance of that machine and my programming is genuinely terrifying
  17. RT @apelad: Still no word on whether or not they will let me take over Peanuts.
  18. …in reply to @leighalexander
    @leighalexander maybe it is afterwards? and it's their failure to deal with their grief that's causing them to get divorced? can do some bits about them being overprotective of their other kids, who just want to play on the diggers (does Cedric have siblings? not really up to speed on the canon)
  19. I don't believe Garfield would be a pleasant pet to have.
  20. RT @everestpipkin: please do see this culturally seminal work out of my data gardens class: @crabbage_/1190790979709755392
  21. …in reply to @gereon_gerides
    @DasGereon @mirokroslin @mxsage it's lovely!!
  22. RT @Nifflas: It's time for an Ynglet gif!
  23. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry welcome home!!
  24. RT @sportsballcat: someone in my hockey community just sent this to me wrt: an issue that has arisen over there and.....dang this extremely…
  25. sitting in the tube opposite someone reading The Amber Spyglass and someone reading a The Invisibles TPB, and I somehow feel weird that neither of them is my 14 year old self.
  26. RT @molleindustria: OMG the construction of pyramids might have been gamified! Interesting thread on gamification in the workplace. https:…
  27. RT @Masterjun3: This is the craziest SMW Lua script I've ever made (~1500 lines of code). It displays precalculated frames given inputs and…
  28. …in reply to @lizardengland
    @lizardengland i think i know the one you mean, but i also can't remember the name
  29. …in reply to @v21
    @lizardengland not by Michael Brough, but within that sort of social sphere?
  30. …in reply to @lizardengland
    @lizardengland ah! yes! thanks linking it. not for the first time, i was getting confused between Damian Sommer & Droqen
  31. RT @freezydorito: ui is when you make the links blue and ux is when you underline them and development is when you do nothing because brows…
  32. RT @decafjedi: The best part about getting home from work at the end of the day is going to the various rooms where my loved ones stand and…
  33. …in reply to @gupipy
    @kloseum no, there is not!
  34. …in reply to @v21
    @kloseum (sorry)
  35. RT @mjmcmaster: This time last year I was invited to give the opening remarks at the @RMITGames grad show. I messed up the delivery, but I'…
  36. RT @lizpelly: Went to Sofar Sounds shows around NYC over the past 2 years & spoke with artists who have participated in its schemes. Here’s…
  37. …in reply to @catacalypto
    @catacalypto this but unironically
  38. RT @jericawebber: @v21 Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet
  39. RT @UltraCobalt: I love this. Top level fencing matches are incredibly hard to follow because everything happens so fast, even if you fenc…
  40. …in reply to @Hey_Its_Lollie
    @Hey_Its_Lollie @bombsfall ah, my memory is that they had a remote control car inside it to make it move for a couple of shots... but then most of the shots, they just have a dude out of frame pushing it
  41. RT @andywingo: albert camus said "to misname an object is to add to to unhappiness in the world". bodes poorly for computer programmers
  42. RT @xfoml: GPT-2 collaborates with its ancestors—here's the newly released model completing excerpts from stories produced by some the earl…
  43. RT @megelison: Responding to your friends' selfies with exclamations of devotion and admiration is a modern form of courtly love; neither p…
  44. RT @bombsfall: What is distinct about many of these games is that they aren't just about bad bosses or consumerism. They are more intereste…
  45. …in reply to @moreelen
    @moreelen oh shit! great news
  46. RT @OutMakingGames: If you're an LGBTQ+ or ally industry pro, come and celebrate our first ever meet up in two weeks time! Note: not all ou…
  47. RT @tambourine: financial advice from gpt2
  48. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jericawebber that New Year's party was pretty nice
  49. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow my immediate instinctual response is the Power Couple of @thecatamites and @netgal_emi
  50. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite I'm down
  51. RT @hollygramazio: I wrote about games for travelling and commuting for @ExploreWellcome (crosswords! "My Cows"! Holedown!) - feat. opinio…
  52. RT @cannedcabbage: ♨️✨🥢 making a big batch
  53. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi @katbamkapow @thecatamites I still want you to put out a joint collection of essays from the time you were basically writing back and forth.
  54. …in reply to @hondanhon
    @hondanhon interesting thinking about this with the new interest in small scale networks, where people are primarily interacting with small groups of friends
  55. "Charmander only has four fingers, but he's trying so it's okay" @hardmaru/1192367319218933762
  56. it's interesting to watch the computational definition of entropy become more literalized and concrete. if the rest of the sentence you're typing matches what gmail is suggesting, it's probably not conveying much new information. @karpathy/1192169928079503360
  57. …in reply to @isaackarth
    @isaackarth right: the message in the email is "can you do this thing" + "i am asking nicely", but of course you can't just say "i am asking nicely" because those words actually mean "i am being straight up aggressive"
  58. …in reply to @v21
    @isaackarth the labor required to write the nice email provides a social cost that means you definitely have bothered to take time and effort to ask nicely... but automating that labor makes that signal less signal-ful.
  59. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz oh no, did i give you my lurgy?
  60. …in reply to @v21
    @vivschwarz it's such a pain of an illness, you feel okay but trying to do anything just leaves you on the point of collapse
  61. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz crossing my fingers for you (after 3 days i am feeling better and producing lots of snot)
  62. there's a Steven Universe Karaoke album! this feels like very dangerous news for friends of mine.
  63. RT @hollygramazio: obviously the 2010s have been a mixed bag but in at least one respect we're doing well, and I'm cautiously optimistic th…
  64. RT @v21: @isaackarth the labor required to write the nice email provides a social cost that means you definitely have bothered to take time…
  65. twitter changed the character limit to 280 characters, but videos are still limited to 140 seconds
  66. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn @moreelen we could make this happen
  67. RT @computerpupper: Announcing "OscCore", a new performance-oriented OSC library for Unity. github.com/stella3d/OscCore The primary different…
  68. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon I remember the revelatory magical feeling as a kid, realizing that with a computer and an internet connection I could watch anything, read anything, play anything, run any software. Which wasn't true, and wasn't right, but was a powerful feeling.
  69. …in reply to @TylerGlaiel
    @TylerGlaiel Rust has them! but they're trying to back out of the decision and towards something less volatile
  70. fun to get a scam phone call and recognise the voice as one of the ones available within Amazon's text to speech APIs. a practical thing to learn from time spent making Alexa games.
  71. Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary
  72. imagine drawing a comic about a frog who enjoys pulling his trousers down to his ankles to pee, and then somehow a few years later you read this tweet and realise the impact you've had on the world @jenny8lee/1193211879491014661
  73. …in reply to @v21
  74. this year i've read two novels that are, in part, about houses & bodies rooting away and getting covered in fungus & mushrooms. i'd recommend them both (Paradise Rot & Shriek: An Afterword). is there a third i should read to put me off the whole soft moist fantasy?
  75. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow I have! Shriek is another VanderMeer, and is a bit less unknowable, and more about everything rotting in place (also, running an art gallery).
  76. …in reply to @alphachar
    @alphachar thanks, will look!
  77. …in reply to @undefined
    @vivschwarz @hannahnicklin thanks!
  78. saw an ad that promised "build a bot in minutes, no code required" and i was like, hey, wait a minute, that's MY pitch
  79. …in reply to @v21
    look, ma, i've made it - there's a youtube video promising to let people make money fast using my platform youtube.com/watch?v=qUk79KLkYUI (ugh ugh ugh, this reminds me i need to go do a sweep of the spam bots again)
  80. …in reply to @wisegoldfish
    @wisegoldfish i would recommend my website, cheapbotsdonequick.com ! here's a reasonable tutorial, although probably you can figure it out just by going to CBDQ: andrew.pilsch.com/blog/2017/06/04/making-twitter-bots/
  81. …in reply to @wisegoldfish
    @wisegoldfish haha! there are other ways, but obviously i'm biased
  82. …in reply to @pangmeli
    @pangmeli it can work! but only when the person running the account is seen to be having fun with it, and the brand itself feels kind of hijacked, or a neutral platform that's currently amplifying their social media manager.
  83. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @caiitlinz @hackneycoffeeco @kurai ah, nice, i've got Against Creativity in the post!
  84. RT @ferrisjabr: The viral video of a "wild" beluga playing fetch is not what it seems. This is likely Hvaldimir, a once captive whale who m…
  85. the strange feeling of walking in a place you generally only know as an intermediate point on a cycle route
  86. …in reply to @michael___wave
    @SzMarsupial As Rene Magritte once said "Où est ma pipe????"
  87. RT @liza: Let me tell you the epilogue to this novel: the story of the Europeans who tried to actually found this colonial Utopia in Kenya…
  88. …in reply to @v21
    people find their own uses for tools @taciturasa/1193589428012421120
  89. …in reply to @undefined
  90. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @ammonite yeah! but this is interesting, tho: better tools exist, did exist, could've been used by these kids for RP. the friction, the joy of living in between the cracks, the sense of agency - that's an appeal that more polished platforms lacked.
  91. …in reply to @v21
    @GalaxyKate @ammonite is it prison wine if you're free to leave, walk to the corner store, and buy some perfectly nice wine instead?
  92. …in reply to @v21
    @GalaxyKate @ammonite have you read The Turing Complete User? it's on my mind a lot with this thread contemporary-home-computing.org/turing-complete-user/
  93. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @ammonite yeah, that's true. I am projecting a little my experiences with chatting in the comments sections of non existent posts of the collaborative weblog I spent a lot of time on as a teenager.
  94. …in reply to @hypirlink
  95. RT @PretzelVoice: Mind blowing talk by @francoispachet of @SpotifyResearch. Turns out every song has a unique skipping profile (where exa…
  96. RT @rockpapershot: Hello, freelance news writers! RPS are looking for experienced newsfolk interested in evening weekday shifts (say, 3-11p…
  97. like Instacart last week, here's an example of a gig economy middleman squeezing it's workers to accept a piece rate that's well below minimum wage, and the workers being actually quite pissed off about it @thricedotted/1193928787857039362
  98. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite @rossgsutherland oh! with Ross Goodwin, too - I guess this is a new version of that weird Trafalgar Square installation they did
  99. …in reply to @v21
    @ammonite @rossgsutherland i like the scrambled text effect, it's nice
  100. …in reply to @dirtcreaturr
    @fromsmiling that sucks?! hope your recovery is swift & easy
  101. …in reply to @ammonite
  102. RT @logodaedalus: If they go through with this plan to completion and you can see all 30,000 satellites...didn't think my list of nostalgia…
  103. …in reply to @undefined
    @joshhadley1 @KommanderKlobb I looked up the name and...
  104. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @caiitlinz sorry to be the person who pops up to excitedly recommend something vaguely related, but: have you read Delicious in Dungeon??! I think you'd like it!
  105. so weird to look at a view like this and realise that biological processes didn't shape it at all @SteveStuWill/1193264020993671168
  106. RT @cartoonbrew: All of these people got a credit on Warner Bros. Animation’s “Green Eggs and Ham,” yet almost none of the animators did. H…
  107. RT @brahmsposting: I did it. I found the worst app in the world
  108. RT @xor: TIL there's a *third* DM message tier, beyond "Messages" and "Message requests," called "Additional messages," and the only way to…
  109. …in reply to @rodolfor
    @rodolfor @xor but also the API still doesn't support polls :/
  110. RT @Seikima2_univ: 🍌 『バナナ・ドレ?』 🍌 バナナの色やシュガースポットに着目した神経衰弱です! バナナの形をしたカードで見た目も楽しく遊べます🦍 お子様や、お土産にもどうぞ! #ゲームマーケット2019秋 #バナナ https://t.co/tZm…
  111. RT @pangmeli: something very melancholy about this mug I saw on a shelf at value village, felled by its own mournful prophecy https://t.co/…
  112. RT @NotBrunoAgain: Your hand wraps around the short stub of the Miltank's teat. It takes nearly no pressure to draw a steady stream of tran…
  113. …in reply to @marijamdid
    @marijamdid they have a discount scheme: if you enter in the month of release it's only £75! unless you release in the second half of December, in which case it's £500 (plus VAT), no exceptions.
  114. RT @pangmeli: this goes for defensiveness too. you *could* instantly act on your feeling by setting your deconstructive dogs on the thing/i…
  115. …in reply to @hauntologies
    @hauntologies idk if i am a person with any weigh of blurb, but i would be happy to
  116. …in reply to @hauntologies
    @hauntologies :D i'm at vtwentyone@gmail.com
  117. please read and appreciate this 100% legit and important article yrs sincerely, A Curator elle.com/life-love/amp29737440/curator-boyfriend-jlaw-cooke-maroney/?__twitter_impression=true
  118. RT @rubna_: 🚨 Soko Loco Deluxe just released on Steam! 🚨 It's my first big, commercial project 😳 Please retweet/buy the game! ✨ 🚂🎁💎🍞💨 https…
  119. RT @QiaochuYuan: school spent 12,000 hours teaching you that your body doesn't belong to you and that authorities override consent, and the…
  120. …in reply to @undefined
    @thairyn imagine if they were good! but they wouldn't be.
  121. …in reply to @undefined
    @thairyn but a film or TV series that (no matter how unfaithful to the plot or characters) kept the themes and feelings of Tehanu... that would be something.
  122. …in reply to @v21
    @thairyn that cared about the process of buying fabric and making a dress for Therru, or reflected on the way powerful wizards never do the washing up
  123. …in reply to @genmon
    @genmon it always comes down to power, innit? the AI as a participant vs the AI as a decider that can't be reasoned with. "the algorithm" is a way of obscuring the workings of power, of closing off ways to appeal to or overrule that power
  124. …in reply to @v21
    @genmon transparency is only useful in as much as it gives you tools for questioning and pushing back against an automated decision
  125. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle this is what we wake up to
  126. RT @neotenomie: oh boy the International Pokemon Consortium released a new set of standards for interacting with the Open Pokemon Platform.…
  127. RT @rossgsutherland: If you have an idea for a future episode of the Imaginary Advice podcast (story / essay / journalism / something else)…
  128. …in reply to @LovedayBrooke
    @LovedayBrooke this sounds fantastic and terrifying
  129. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle there's this narrative game i've been really digging... gorgeous illustrations, a good story, you really just get to hang out with the characters... i think you'd like the stuff it does with music especially... anyway, it's called Mutazione, you should check it out
  130. …in reply to @v21
    @doougle but for real, I've been enjoying Tangle Tower recently
  131. …in reply to @v21
    pre-Corbyn, Labour's pitch was "like the Tories, but a bit less evil" now, the Tories' pitch is "like Labour, but less ambitious"
  132. the Tories plan to spend £5 billion on fibre, but the same companies will run it and charge for it Labour announces they'll spend £20 billion on fibre, but nationalise part of the infrastructure and give everyone broadband for free
  133. …in reply to @v21
    which doesn't mean they'll win! and Corbyn has some flaws, and Brexit, and, and. but it feels good to see people [who I broadly politically agree with] fighting to move the political center ground to somewhere better.
  134. …in reply to @undefined
    @em_cooper it makes some sense to me: - the expensive bit is the infrastructure, not actually running it - it makes sense for the government to invest in the infrastructure - so then why hand it over for private firms to profit on after
  135. …in reply to @v21
    @em_cooper and if you have it run & provided by the state, then better to pay for it by taxing Internet firms who benefit from the UK having better internet, than by billing individual households (and so leaving the poorest unconnected)
  136. i got my polling card through yesterday, which is a good opportunity to say: there are 11 days left to register in order to vote in the next election. which is an important one. gov.uk/register-to-vote
  137. …in reply to @ambermb
    @ambermb only inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center
  138. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @molleindustria i just wanna go back, back to 1999, take a ride in my old neighborhood
  139. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio i mean, i used to live upstairs from "The Job Center" (it was a bar)
  140. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou the upside is that as soon as the money stops most of these established devs will stop prioritising iOS as a platform - these games are designed to be multi-platform, and they'll go to the next platform holder waving around a big bag of money for exclusives.
  141. …in reply to @v21
    @polclarissou not that that helps folks invested in premium mobile games, and maybe Apple will capture an audience within Arcade that drains away premium mobile (or maybe they'll attract a new F2P audience for the rhythms of premium... less likely, but possible).
  142. …in reply to @Hoaxfish
    @Hoaxfish @polclarissou If you're on Apple Arcade, there's a bunch of hoops but you're being paid to jump through them, you can figure it out. If you're King, you have lots of money, you can figure it out. If you're small and doing it tentatively, you might well get filtered out. :/
  143. …in reply to @leamtogether
    @leamtogether @dancparkes big Wetherspoons?
  144. community management is real & important theringer.com/2019/2/7/18214477/nytcooking-comment-section
  145. RT @tigershungry: hello. artists, designers + creative folk with playful installations, performances or pieces - now is a good time to tell…
  146. RT @Beavs: The illustrations in this horseback riding book are making me feel weird
  147. I recently read CLR James' The Black Jacobins. It's a history of the founding of Haiti (a slave rebellion happening during the French Revolution) written in 1938 with a subtext aimed squarely at inspiring African independence.
  148. …in reply to @v21
    It gave me an uncommon sense of being part of a historical continuity, that the events of hundreds of years ago are still shaking out. I would recommend it.
  149. RT @catacalypto: is this anything
  150. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain @polclarissou I have also been thinking about this. But: it's so hard to compete against a rolling wave of giant companies willing to make considerable losses.
  151. it's funny how a needle is a small pokey metal thing with a hole through it: but sometimes the hole goes across at one end, and sometimes the hole goes along the whole length
  152. …in reply to @v21
    OR it's a knitting needle and it's large and there are no holes...
  153. …in reply to @v21
    which makes me think about how, topologically, knitting doesn't contain any holes - it's just yarn catching on itself
  154. …in reply to @DamonWakes
    @DamonWakes knitting needles continue to make trouble
  155. …in reply to @undefined
    @artcollisions when they are used for putting things into or out of your body
  156. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge that's beautiful
  157. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang the difference between gay and queer is one I wish the article got into more - it's definitely a difference I notice...
  158. …in reply to @v21
    @radiatoryang (it is a good article and I should go out more!!)
  159. I selected the words "Los Huemules" a few hours ago, and they're still on my screen no matter what app is open
  160. …in reply to @radiodario
    @radiodario Two and a half weeks from now!
  161. let me add my voice to the people saying that Eleanor Davis's The Hard Tomorrow is very good.
  162. RT @zerstoerer: a small twine 2 hack for harlowe: using hooks and image maps, you can link specific areas of an image to passages. useful f…
  163. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow @mtrc how many lines to rotate an entity?
  164. fuck, this is such a good idea @QtineMcr/1195763713963249665
  165. …in reply to @nicolehe
    @nicolehe i like "Only Fruits"
  166. …in reply to @nicolehe
    @nicolehe i'm glad they are at least vaguely sinister
  167. 10 year photo thing (with @oopsohno, at @oopsohno's wedding)
  168. …in reply to @v21
    that's playing up the "ah! look at how trans i turned out to be!" angle, but honestly...
  169. …in reply to @undefined
  170. …in reply to @IneffectiveMath
    @IneffectiveMath i guess so! i don't have a tiara, though
  171. …in reply to @ukeastcoast
    @ukeastcoast @coileyparjley @DaveGoulson but it's not going to be at capacity... and the important thing is that it delays the water a little, not that it stores it permanently. then the peak of water is spread out, and never reaches a flood situation.
  172. RT @emshort: A thread about narrative states. Suppose we have a dating sim where outcome is decided by the player's relationship stats to…
  173. RT @molleindustria: The game art exhibition of my dreams is a gallery full of non gaming devices hacked to run Doom
  174. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @joonturbo @molleindustria @Sosowski @nachimir yes, but hook it up to an ATM machine...
  175. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern @jimrossignol and fwiw, google is incredibly invested in doing load management to spread load to keep usage at the optimum level for energy efficiency. just because that's a lot of money to waste, otherwise.
  176. RT @molleindustria: I love reading about videogame economies spiraling out of control. This game created a free market system to simulate c…
  177. RT @GuyFieri: I’m here in Bikini Bottom at a little burger joint, the Krusty Krab. Their famous Krabby Patty has all the locals talking - t…
  178. RT @Andy_Makes: Well you were stabbed in the genitals so that’s not great, but it’s actually more unfortunate than it sounds. Really? It a…
  179. RT @pangmeli: as a rule I don't like 'cute' or anthropomorphic ceramics. lauren winstone's ceramics are cute-adjacent, but they aren't anth…
  180. RT @zachlieberman: Printed light...
  181. …in reply to @undefined
    @em_cooper no, definitely not
  182. …in reply to @katbamkapow
  183. …in reply to @SarahYork_3D
    @SarahYork_3D great to meet you, too! did you go on for the large night you were threatening to?
  184. RT @bcmerchant: I love this so much: Worker-owned apps are rising to compete with the VC-funded, worker-exploiting behemoths https://t.co/…
  185. Mr Bean is English culture, Titeuf is French culture. @TodayOnSteam/1197437013554802693
  186. RT @mewo2: Did a quick nano-NaNoGenMo entry (@nickmofo's 256-character version of @tinysubversions' novel generation challenge): walking th…
  187. …in reply to @hauntologies
    @hauntologies "a brick through the Overton window"
  188. RT @fletcherdurant: Sitting here contemplating an inquiry from a conservation colleague in Hong Kong on how to best handle/clean/conserve l…
  189. RT @rejykikafav: ケーテ・ブッチャー(1991〜)による作品。ドイツのイラストレーター。エゴン・シーレに影響された魅惑的な絵を描いています。
  190. …in reply to @Seunte
    @Seunte @thwphipps @PerthshireMags they do generally have 4 year undergrad degrees, though
  191. RT @eranhill: Looom, our dream animation tool is coming soon!✏️💫 iorama.studio/looom
  192. …in reply to @Seunte
    @Seunte @thwphipps @PerthshireMags yeah - I'm English, applied to Edinburgh for a BSc, then just before I started they decided it was actually an MA... just lucky I guess
  193. …in reply to @BunnyAdvocate
    @BunnyAdvocate @Seunte @thwphipps @PerthshireMags it was a surprising letter to get!
  194. …in reply to @v21
    @BunnyAdvocate @Seunte @thwphipps @PerthshireMags but i do genuinely have a MA in Cognitive Science, so
  195. the best bit in the half life trailer is pushing stuff off a shelf. this game is basically the opposite of Gone Home
  196. …in reply to @SFBTom
    @SFBTom It won't run on a Quest! Has to be SteamVR, which means an actual computer.
  197. RT @owenjones84: This is a really smart way to sum up Labour's manifesto
  198. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @SFBTom ahh, I'd missed Oculus Link existed (it's in beta now, but I guess it should be fully rolled out by March)
  199. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine I was reading Sleep Has His House and it was both very good and also I stopped reading after a few chapters because it was just a hard place to be.
  200. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop @FT @NatCen yep - it's why the Tories attack line has shifted to Labour's wooliness on Brexit
  201. …in reply to @v21
    @tambourine and honestly that is very impressive for a book which is mainly recounting dreams
  202. this is a good idea, and I think it could be productively extended to the arts. less excellence! more competence! less learning how to appeal to funders! more weird and unlikely things sneaking through! @sanli/1197487535016022017
  203. …in reply to @digitalcoleman
    @digitalcoleman @golan @RebeccaFiebrink used (deconstructed) in the V&A-exhibited game Roflpillar!
  204. …in reply to @golan
    @golan A WiFi card in promiscuous monitoring mode. Which, ime, either wants a specialised Kali Linux machine, or some Macbooks.
  205. …in reply to @v21
    @golan Oh! And millimetre wave radar?
  206. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate Snow Crash was assigned reading for all Facebook PMs (I read once)
  207. thinking about underwater salt lakes
  208. …in reply to @v21
    they are denser than normal water, so they stay in place. most underwater creatures can't survive in them - they have ecosystems dependent mainly on chemical reactions, not from the sun. submarines float on them, causing ripples to radiate out across the interface.
  209. …in reply to @v21
    a lot to think about
  210. …in reply to @v21
    also on this theme: the Behrens Trench, an underwater canal used to transport concentrated brine across the Great Salt Lake
  211. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @caiitlinz are you me?
  212. …in reply to @undefined
    @thairyn I'll be away, so you're welcome to my room! In Forest Hill, double bed, one cat, one @vivschwarz, quite cozy.
  213. RT @hownottodraw: I love this, because it illustrates something very important: being a great artist, or writer, or any kind of creative, o…
  214. RT @jeremycorbyn: Here's one I made earlier. gov.uk/register-to-vote #RegisterToVote 🌹
  215. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine it's so good
  216. …in reply to @lazlobonin
    @__Lazlo i often use short & cryptic variable names in shaders. it's a knock on effect from each line being pretty dense with operations, and not wanting to make temporary variables to break each line into fewer steps because of misplaced fear about performance
  217. on HOLIDAY!
  218. …in reply to @lazlobonin
    @__Lazlo no, but it's easy to get caught up in hypercorrection. and you're trying to avoid branches, so everything can just roll up into one blob of operations on operations
  219. my phone now refuses to do voice commands with my wired headphones when the screen is locked (eg, while cycling). but if I bought some wireless ones, it seems like it'd work fine...
  220. …in reply to @undefined
    @hpowellsmith @FuseboxGames oh shit! I am so happy to hear you got the gig! congratulations!!!
  221. …in reply to @dinosaurrparty
    @dinosaurrparty that'd be nice!
  222. RT @Pandamoanimum: As it's #DoctorWhoDay today here, once again, is Tom Baker's quote when asked his one biggest Doctor Who memory. https:/…
  223. RT @HannaKtweet: businessman vampire w.i.p
  224. RT @TheBrotographer: hi so i just got an ad on twitter for a place that, as far as i can tell, straight up DOES NOT EXIST (thread)
  225. imaginary fabric, draped over a sphere artstation.com/artwork/2x6BkJ
  226. …in reply to @undefined
    @thairyn @vivschwarz glad I can help! I was in a rush leaving, so my room isn't in quite as nice a state as I'd like, and i didn't get a chance to change the bedsheets. but there should be some clean ones in the left side of the wardrobe, top drawer.
  227. Wifi Robots is playable here! @fantasticarcade/1198291449189670913
  228. …in reply to @v21
    (Wifi Robots is the game I made for last year's Fantastic Arcade - it's a hacking game where the robots that you hack are representations of the wifi-emitting devices in the room with you)
  229. …in reply to @undefined
    @vivschwarz @thairyn thank you 🙌🙌🙌
  230. RT @vectorpoem: If I were a VR game developer I would simply calculate and render inverse-kinematic player arms based on tracked hand posit…
  231. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod @vectorpoem That sounds plausible! I mean, also I don't think VR kits track shoulders (though you can presumably infer them from head position???)
  232. …in reply to @v21
    I am about to board a plane to Buenos Aires
  233. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry Holy shit
  234. …in reply to @v21
    @tigershungry This is the 100% most Marie thing I can think of
  235. …in reply to @v21
    @tigershungry Anyway, the plane is about to take off, but let it be known that I am even more excited to be flying towards this.
  236. this episode of Terrace House has a discussion on whether its better to focus on a single passion, or develop multiple interests. And I am now stuck on this (translated) line, which feels like it could be from a Conchitina Cruz poem.
  237. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, as they talk about, there's a complicated intersection between committing to a thing making you better, wanting to follow your interests, even if they diverge and wander, but also wanting to be legible to the rest of society.
  238. …in reply to @v21
    Personally, my various interests always seem to connect and inform each other in the end, so I'm happy in that respect. But I have complex and ambivalent feelings about being legible. Probably I should work on that.
  239. …in reply to @v21
    see also: gender
  240. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette I used this recipe bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/yummy-golden-syrup-flapjacks except I did something different at almost every stage. So that doesn't really help. Lemme write up something, I'm just stuck in an immigration queue rn.
  241. …in reply to @v21
    @mink_ette Instructions as I remember them (without the bit where I forgot to put in any vanilla and had to take it out the pan again)
  242. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry that was a queued up plane tweet (always dangerous to expose that mindset to on the ground reality). but this reply is on that slow slow wifi.
  243. RT @everestpipkin: HEY ARTISTS and general people who are looking for creative opportunities --> i'm sharing what might be my life's work,…
  244. some nice trees here
  245. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow do you use the app or the website? if you use the website, it is pretty doable to install a custom style sheet that removes everything but DMs
  246. …in reply to @v21
    @HilariousCow if the app then... yeah, I have the same problem
  247. …in reply to @v21
    @HilariousCow PS I recommend finding creative projects that you can do start to finish in a single sitting (including posting them online). it's the fun of creating things without the awfulness of committing to a new responsibility. bots, vines,... shaders on shadertoy?
  248. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow yeah, this is easier advice to give than take (what advice isn't, though). but the thing is, you can always go back and iterate further, it's just a new release rather than one more step towards a release.
  249. @ka_bradley just thought you should know that I'm at a bar in Buenos Aires and showing off that I know how to get the hood endings in Cluck Adventure
  250. RT @kerissakti: Who wants to play a slice-of-life adventure game with beautiful #pixelart set in the late 90s rural Indonesia that tells a…
  251. It's the final day to register to vote before this next election. gov.uk/register-to-vote
  252. …in reply to @undefined
    @SerinDelaunay @xfoml @Autumnsburg @mtrc @tinysubversions I am pretty sure that there is a suitable number of backslashes to escape them! I can't remember exactly what that number is, but it'll be between one and six.
  253. …in reply to @undefined
    @SerinDelaunay @xfoml @Autumnsburg @mtrc @tinysubversions yep, that code should be identical.
  254. …in reply to @alejandropro
  255. RT @kGolid: Charts and figures. Mostly figures. #generative
  256. …in reply to @undefined
    @increpare @AOsher @hollygramazio yeah, that's great
  257. Just seen this story: bbc.com/news/technology-50567751. Summary: Twitter soon plans to deactivate accounts where no-one has logged in within 6 months. This will affect bot accounts that are actively posting. This will start coming into effect on the 11th December.
  258. …in reply to @v21
    I don't think (and I have just read this news story now while waiting for this boat to depart back to Buenos Aires, so I haven't done any extensive research) that there's anything CBDQ can do to solve this problem. The site deliberately doesn't keep login info, just uses the API.
  259. …in reply to @v21
    So: my advice is, if you care about your bot continuing to exist, set a calendar reminder to log into the account and click around a bit every 5 months. I'll be doing this for my bots.
  260. …in reply to @v21
    Will update if I learn more.
  261. RT @v21: So: my advice is, if you care about your bot continuing to exist, set a calendar reminder to log into the account and click around…
  262. …in reply to @Custard_Rito
    @burrito_tim can you link that article? I can't see anything directly from Twitter, and that BBC article says the opposite.
  263. …in reply to @Custard_Rito
  264. …in reply to @v21
    @burrito_tim ah, it sources that claim to the BBC's article, which says the opposite :(
  265. RT @jericawebber: We're live! Go check out glasshouse.games, follow @GHGshow, watch one of our videos, and let us know what you thin…
  266. …in reply to @v21
    they’re suspending the change till they figure out how to preserve the accounts of dead people (which is, to be fair, a bigger deal than the impact on bots) @TwitterSupport/1199777313300209664?s=20
  267. …in reply to @frozenpandaman
    @frozenpandaman There was a Verge article that said that, but their reference was this BBC article that says the opposite.
  268. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow this is very good news and I look forward to giving you both a huge hug
  269. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry now I am preemptively sad at the impossibility of finding Lazy Line Painter Jane at a karaoke place in Buenos Aires
  270. RT @DavidNFBell: You couldn’t make it up. On December 10th, two days before an election precipitated by a government willing to accept cras…
  271. RT @yayitsrob: I want a prestige HBO remake of Moby Dick. Six seasons. 10 episodes each. They don’t actually leave on the boat til S3 (at e…
  272. RT @eleanorkpenny: The first elected female MP was Constance Markievicz, a revolutionary Irish republican imprisoned multiple times by the…
  273. RT @housetrotter: remember when the tsarnaev brothers committed a triple murder in waltham and the investigation was stymied by the fbi, an…