Tweets from 2020/12
played Hitman 2 for a bit & was thinking how kind of exaggerated the 2nd target is, like, he's tech tycoon & arms dealer & race team sponsor & secret society member... went to bed, and ended up reading this article about the owner of Loona's management
@AnnaHollinrake the final photo is framed in such a way that it looks like the two plants are sitting on the armchairs, watching Ghibli, contented with the life they've built together.
@AnnaHollinrake no thoughts, only sunlight on leaves
RT @CIntercepted: Waking up from the simulation
reading about Debenhams going under... lots of stuff about failing to adapt to online shopping, less about the private equity owners who squeezed the cash out of the business and left it with half a billion pounds of debt.
@camyule Phillip Green's problem is it's a lot easier to make a story of him fucking people over than it is to make a story about "Texas Pacific, CVC and the private equity arm of Merrill Lynch" fucking people over. just got that human touch in there, y'know?
RT @iotwatch: One day I will write about technological obfuscation: using tech to hide the need for new management approaches, regulation,…
tortellini code: code where all the different bits live isolated away from each other in separate containers, communicating through a connective sauce (credit to @tomhoward87)
lasagne code: code where every time you do something you have to work your way through loads of carefully laid out layers, stacked from top to bottom
spaghetti code: code where everything is tangled up with everything else, a real mess
anyone got any more?
RT @Popjustice: “Do not anger the streaming gods” comes up again and again when I work on media coaching with artists
RT @joonturbo: @v21 canelloni code: some exterior code is nice and rigid (stackable) but the internal stuff of each class is a glorious mush
RT @patrickashe: Girls Against God by Jenny Hval is currently 40% off (as is everything at Verso) and it was one of the best things I read…
wait, hang on. *is* couscous a type of pasta? @SecksWrecks/1333758525541994496?s=19
@shistow gnocchi is nice! it's just different
@haikus_by_KN kayfabe monarchy
Gillick competency = under 16 year olds being able to access medical care without parental consent/knowledge, provided they show they can make an informed choice. this applies to puberty blockers for trans kids & it applies to abortion. @TheEmmelineMay/1333740914590801920
@good_nai hi - sorry, afraid not - all the weekly tweets go out on the same day
the court decision did not give that clarity - it affirmed the rights of an informed and competent child to consent to treatment. the clinic is making an active choice to deny them that choice - unless they go to court about it. which, for a time sensitive issue like puberty...
please take a moment to imagine the idea that a 14 year old is going to go to court to obtain access to puberty blockers, in a situation where their parents are opposed to it.
although it must be said, the existing 2+ year waiting list for a first appointment at GIDS already prevented most trans kids from obtaining puberty blockers at an appropriate age.
practically, the situation remains the same - trans kids with supportive parents who can pay for private referrals will be able to prevent an inappropriate puberty. others... won't.
@hoskingc I think I get you tho - and, yeah, in a ideal world, all of this is way lower stakes & people can choose what interventions they like for their body without having to define a certain way.
thread from yesterday @fireh9lly/1333743803832918017?s=19
@alexhern people don't want a story, they want a hobby
@katbamkapow @phoebe_bridgers did you see the Phoebe Waller-Bridge directed music video she just put out?
@Jam_sponge @alexhern very occasionally I find a game that I find myself actively wanting to get better at, but yeah, mainly I just want to understand what it's about
@LorenzoPilia @jazzmickle Spotify is worse because it's legal and you can pay for it. you lose the nagging "oh, if I had money I should pay for this" - instead if you have money it gets soaked up into turning off the ads on Spotify.
RT @jim_unwin: Bitmap Brothers UI
@NilsDeneken Hiiiii Nils!
"defund" was already the compromise - they started out with "abolish" @AOC/1334181687811600384
RT @NilsDeneken: old sketch of diving into the dreamsequence...
RT @russss: Even if you're not signed to a major label, they have a massive influence on Spotify's business model because nobody will subsc…
RT @Afro_Herper: This week you’re looking for Clark’s spiny lizard, they are one of the larger lizards found in the Sonoran desert however…
RT @awanderingbard: @FioraAeterna a veteran YGO player I hung out with related how, in the finals of a qualifier event, her opponent had he…
RT @catacalypto: This is one of the reasons the blaseball credits meant a lot to me: they credit all of TGB, & then a community of people w…
@everestpipkin the office chairs are a particular vibe
RT @Ljiljana1972: A friend just told me that there is some Balkan subreddit where everyone (From Slovenians to Turks and all in between) co…
RT @spammm: phone game ads have gone from “frustrating you into trying the game” to “humiliation kink”
"Get generated photos that will remind you of your skin color, age, gender, hair length, etc."
this year has been great for the "woop woop" hands up gesture. v readable on video calls.
RT @FierceMum: Kids who have been on blockers for years, who are due their next blocker in days, have been told by their GP their prescript…
this year: from sewing a face mask out of a WeWork t shirt ("Do What You Love") to using a KN95 as a bookmark
@JohnMar41625469 @SzMarsupial name the book! I might be.
@SzMarsupial god who knows, it's been a long year & I've read a lot. but recently read & good & I think you might like: Jenny Hval, Girls Against God currently reading & also good: Xiaowei Wang, Blockchain Chicken Farm
@sonofbadru a guess: vertex blending of colours reminds them of the early days of 3D rendering, but without the comforting blanket of nostalgia (I think it looks good)
@sonofbadru something like that. also the colours are neither realistic, scratchy dark, or soft pastels...
@DemSokka @ErinInTheMorn I'm trans, 33, and had an appointment with an endocrinologist in order to get hormones last weekend. Among other things, I was asked what kind of toys I played with as a kid.
I'm on the internet! come say hi! @jericawebber/1334927978741043202
RT @callin_bull: Looks great, right? But the problem is, you're missing the studies that showed no result. Erick was able to get access…
gonna claim that making these linocut Christmas cards count as a procjam entry
there are four bits of lino that I arrange randomly on different cards. also colours are governed by a complex fluid system ("ink")
of course, in the grand tradition of procedural generation, this is more for my satisfaction than to make the end product better - everyone is just going to see a single Christmas card.
RT @FinalBullet: This is a great read. Vaccines will end the pandemic, but probably not in any meaningful way for decades…
RT @tegabrain: So @sam_lavigne & I got axed from an exhibition for refusing to sign an ongoing non-disparagement clause. Can't even say who…
I want to make a videogame that feels like this @MrTimDunn/1335143029066379267
@Curbychup Untitled Goose Game gave us a little taste of that... but I want more.
@Curbychup also, opposite but also the same: Militsioner gives me similar vibes
RT @nagayama: できたー
RT @jagarikin: ~超簡単!移動して見える錯視の作り方講座~
at that critical moment where i either go do a useful thing & let that energy carry me through the weekend, or... not
very pleased to look out of the window and see a very fat fox
@musebloom @nd_kane @tigershungry I understand this reasoning but I also want to say that this sounds delightful and I look forward to seeing it.
RT @folmerkelly: my perception of time completely changed once i got into games like i used to consider 1 second to be a short amount of ti…
RT @swatpaz: anybody else having this issue? It was working fine for the first few days of advent but now it seems to be stuck in demo mode…
RT @scattermoon: It's an attempt to use socially friendly language to describe what is in actuality an attempt to effectively ban being tra…
RT @FrancoiseGamma:
RT @lingerie_addict: I think it was @KarolinaZL who told me that these overhanging threads used to be a sigh of lower quality lace. Now, du…
@chipzel this is a horror film
@chipzel very audible reactions to this shot. WHAT an outfit
@SzMarsupial authentic medieval, innit
what a good thing this website is. makes an important point, is funny & comprehensible, but more than that, just gives me joy to look at. all these people! in the world! doing things! being people! @fulligin/1335030372187312128
and clicking through a few of those makes you realise... it's quite likely that *you*, statistically, are in this dataset. because if you're reading this, you're probably in the right demographic to be in a creative commons licensed photo put on Flickr around 2000.
(i just checked, and no, this dataset doesn't include any photos i've taken)
RT @meakoopa: the earliest depiction of Christ’s crucifixion is among the ruins of a Roman palace turned messenger boy’s school - a student…
thinking about that bubble of 00s time, when normal people would put photos on websites with APIs and license fields. and before the default for photos of faces online was that there'd be a filter on them.
i say normal people, but of course that was a pretty self-selecting group. the aesthetic choices (and faces) of which will no doubt live on in our AI models for decades to come. alongside mugshots and presumably, increasingly, surveillance footage.
@hollygramazio i'm terrified
@everestpipkin yes, I think this is totally true. and this is a good correction, it shows where I didn't unpack my feelings on this fully. part of why I like this project is because it feels uncomfortable, but exposes data that was already exposed.
@everestpipkin part of why I was so emphatic in the first tweet was because I was surprised by my initial reaction looking through the images - I didn't expect to feel so joyous. but then, as I look more and poke at the attached context, I definitely feel creepy & feel vulnerable.
@everestpipkin basically: "it's quite likely that *you*, statistically, are in this dataset" also feels like horror to me & was written with that sense of horror in mind. I was not hoping to find one of my photos on the dataset.
this is correct & puts a finger on something that was scratching at me while looking through this site @everestpipkin/1335896138961068032?s=19
while I was seeing if any of my photos were in the dataset, I was thinking... what if one is. and what if it is a photo of a friend that I'd posted. would I tell them? would I apologise? would I pretend it hadn't happened, in shame? maybe they'd find it exciting? but prob not.
RT @Chardbirder: A 'spot the moth' moment. Amazing how they blend in, particularly when you find it and see which species it is. https://t.…
RT @innesmck: there are so many good suggestions for ways to support trans people in this thread, but this is the one I keep coming back to…
RT @karenyhan: four stills from a movie you believe is a masterpiece, no title
RT @moreelen: Are there any game making tools that you can use on your mobile phone? 🤔
@fayekinley2 welcome back!
RT @aparrish: very excited to have one of my compass poems on the cover of the latest @BOMBmagazine! (plus a few more previously unpublishe…
RT @jomc: “...We’re ruminating about Jeff Dean’s feelings instead of building a cross class labor movement that defines tech workers broadl…
oh fuck, i forgot that the Cyberpunk protagonist has my name. boooooooo
this article embodies a faith in unfettered technology to save us, above competent management of things we already know how to do. and it's completely a case study in how we're gonna be fucked by climate change. @dwallacewells/1336072472362422272
there are countries where there was once widespread community transmission, and now there is not. there are not yet any countries with mass vaccination programmes operational.
to be fair, the article also contains an acknowledgment of this: the kind of hard and boring work it takes to prevent or mitigate the next pandemic (including advance work on a vaccine) is the kind of work it would take to manage the virus using public health tools.
"When he compares the cost of such a project to the Pentagon’s F-35 — you could build vaccines for all [potential pandemics] for roughly the cost of that fighter-jet program as a whole — he isn’t signaling confidence it will happen, but the opposite."
(any excuse to put the boot into the F-35 program, hah)
anyway, easy to blame American exceptionalism, but British exceptionalism is just as bad. looking forward to the military planes transporting vaccine over the lorry queues in Kent in a month's time!
(that last bit isn't just a figure of speech, btw:
@alphachar yeah, exactly the vibe
@holocenehoney just got off an 8am call, I feel you.
@holocenehoney (luckily I didn't have to do anything for it)
@hollygramazio all these pieces are good?! Well done for making a book! I am excited to recognise like 25% of the names in it.
@hollygramazio ringing up the printing company now, gonna put this to the test
@lingmops having heard this, I feel immediately cursed into saying it
@spacetreasured gotta get your protein where you can
RT @EtceteraWithEst: Nigella Lawson saying 'Microwave' like this has made my Christmas already
RT @pikaole: 🦎 Gecko
@jseakle so i also nod along to the first bit, but immediately swerve to a horrified face for the second bit. here's some things I think this analysis is missing...
@jseakle i'm not convinced that there's an especially strong match between the popular conception of "trad" and what has actually been around for a long time. popular conceptions of history reveal as much about modern points of view as they do historical viewpoints.
@jseakle (or views on ancient history are coloured by less ancient history. the Romans & Greeks are salient because of Western intellectual traditions that revered "the Classics". but other ancient cultures are available & our view on the Romans is coloured by that pticlar historiography)
@jseakle the other thing is that this flattens our the power struggles inherent in any particular society. these traditions were good: for who? who benefitted from them, who had more power to shape them, whose voices are we listening to?
@jseakle i think both of these factors can lead you in quite an honest way to a racist & sexist place. but it's also possible to start from a racist & sexist place and then work back to "trad" as a way of laundering those opinions. which is why my Very Sus Face at the turn.
@jseakle will also say... the rationalist community doesn't have the best of reputations when it comes to not being racist or sexist (or in not throwing up clouds of justification & verbiage when accused of that). so that part kinda carries over.
RT @faisalislam: number of my business contacts very concerned about this perfect storm on logistics of Covid, Christmas, Brexit stockpilin…
RT @Motherfocloir: This is another favourite. The Irish word folamh, pronounced like 'full of', means empty.
@HarryJosieGiles oh, what great news! congratulations!
RT @kait_tiffany: after reddit banned r/gendercritical they made a new website which looks exactly like reddit except it's purple and the c…
RT @mayabinyam: still obsessed with @haleymlotek's makeup theory of organizing
RT @matthew_d_green: Two years ago, Google modified Chrome to automatically sign users in without their consent. But, we were told, this wo…
@haze______ this one kicked my arse
RT @donofthefuture: Who made this edit? Cuz you're flooding my house with facts bro, spittin.
RT @dkanaga: My arrangement of The Nutcracker is now up on bandcamp: 🐭🎄🐭🎄🐭
RT @webbedspace: – Going through Wikipedia Commons, and I have to say, an AMAZING collaborative work between a Meij…
RT @mikarv: Facewatch (a spin out of Gordon’s Wine Bar south of the Strand) have long claimed they can get around art 9 GDPR through ‘subst…
RT @tha_rami: You know, for every story that dedicates the 'indie boom' to Apple or Steam or whatever, nothing was a more defining technolo…
@naomialderman practically, i think most young people would just bypass the NHS services and get a private referral. which will have been the preferred route anyway, due to waiting times. believe most under 18s referred to the NHS GICs don't get seen until they're over 18 anyway...
@naomialderman speaking personally : I recently got a prescription for hormones, via a private clinic. the process took about a year. NHS GIC (adult) waiting times are probably about 6 years right now?
@naomialderman I don't know what they're doing in practice (tho GenderGP still seems to be treating under 16s), but the court case left Gillick competence intact - it was the choice of the NHS GIC to suspend treatment without a court order, not a legal requirement.
@naomialderman private clinics are obviously left a little more exposed if their guidelines for care differ from the NHS's, but that doesn't mean they're wrong for doing so
@naomialderman hahaha... yep. this summary aligns with my understanding, its at least a little easier than diving into the judgement itself
@CharlesYarnold buy ready made, unless you have really particular requirements. I looked through logical increments, picked out a nice spec, then bought the equivalent on scan for about £50 more than the theoretical minimum price. and then it arrived in a few days and just worked.
@CharlesYarnold (vs whatever random lead times for all the parts)
thinking about the way many trans people and many TERFs share the same stated political position, of working towards the abolition of gender
funny / tragic
RT @haikus_by_KN: We use the term "gatekeeping" in game development lot in a social sense. And fair enough - these are real issues to be ad…
I remember saying recently how really rich people couldn't get a better phone than normal-rich people. either way, it's a high end iPhone or Android or whatever, and the experience is the same. anyway, I was obviously wrong: @jjoque/1337028248040038401?s=19
@wjjjjt yeah, I remember! they really tried!
@wjjjjt but at the time it seemed clear that it wasn't an especially winning proposition, and obviously less so as time went on
@john_brindle basically, yeah!!
@john_brindle but also that reminds me of @thatfrood/1335689951640494080?s=19
@rachelcoldicutt also being run by an offshoot of Gordon's Wine Bar, off the Strand
RT @DrBenKatz: Every intro to cognitive psychology course has at least one chapter where we ask how people know that dogs are dogs - after…
@AnnaHollinrake oh, shit, I was totally planning on buying an ill advised poinsettia! thanks for the reminder (I have stamps)
it is December, which means it's time to retweet The Poinsettia Thread @katbamkapow/805423425095397376
@AnnaHollinrake FLEX!!!
I missed that Instagram has started going for Chaturbate's business model. @candiekushhh/1336781861633335298
@mcclure111 is the elbow problem a hard one to solve? I was thinking about this a while back, and it seems like it should be impossible, but maybe you can make it work in practice.
this must be Peak Story. surely?
gonna be weird to see what happens when a big fashion in social media dies but the incumbents have locked up the market so it can't just... go away
also man it's gross to see a URL where a company owns the TLD. placing ".google" on the same level as ".org" or ".horse"
@mcclure111 I feel like "So then the question becomes how much do you trust those two companies" could apply to a number of situations in tech.
@aanand I got a little mad when I saw that stuff get announced years back, but @v21/1337141602515619840?s=19
RT @everestpipkin: from, which also contains this extremely beautiful quote about demon's souls online play; https:…
a videogame is a system of sounds, visuals, kinematic responses etc for providing a player with a context for their choices about inventory management
yes I've been playing Death Stranding
and as a foolish youth, I don't think I ever actually used the PS20, although I thought about it a lot
and earlier this year I played a lot of Astroneer, but in an unhealthy, compulsive way (by this I mean I had loose resources scattered across my many bases, and not enough storage units to keep them neatly stowed)
and of course in free to play games (my job is designing free to play games) inventory limits are the classic stone in your shoe you pay to get rid of (for a little while). but you only care about inventory limits because of "the videogame", which is the system of etc etc
somehow 7am posting energy is even more deranged than 2am posting energy
for more details, see the GDC 2022 talk I can only assume I'm going to pitch on this topic
RT @geology_rocks: Here is my yearly roundup of headlines I screen shotted in 2020.
RT @davemakes: I talked a bit in the comments here about how I distinguish between thumbnails, wireframes, and mockups but I figured it mig…
RT @stephens_ben: I like this. Like.
RT @v21: a videogame is a system of sounds, visuals, kinematic responses etc for providing a player with a context for their choices about…
@ammonite see you next year! have fun with the docs!
@catacalypto I haven't played Hades (I know, I know) and I have a *lot* of thoughts around making something that fulfils the same kind of role AC did... but also I don't have those negative connotations with drifting away from it. Hard to ask for more than the game gave me.
@catacalypto But maybe that's also going into it already interested in that kind of space, having been pushed away by previous ACs, and feeling like the frustrations all lined up with the DNA of the series?
@catacalypto maybe the root of this is that I just hate the concept of a GOTY, tho!
RT @alizabees: i cleared out some of my old tweets but made the horrible mistake of accidentally purging This, the time my brother and I tr…
@hauntologies Uniqlo heattech would be the first place I'd look
@catacalypto I mean, what it gave me was the ability to hold hands with someone I fancy while looking at the sea at night, hah
@catacalypto right! just such different things, hard to know what it'd mean to compare them. but it is a good excuse to yell some more about them.
@ickyickyvic I can think of at least one way to find out
@jwaaaap 0space was robbed
@starsandrobots not universal equipment in the UK! still a bit exciting if a swimming pool has 'em
@82_Streetcar @starsandrobots they spin the water out of your swimsuit!
@82_Streetcar @starsandrobots and you push on the lid to activate them and they go brrrrr
RT @davemakes: doing deep research and i think i've hit upon the explanation for garfield's feet. i'm about to lay it out in a way this ext…
@BRKeogh yeah, usually recording lines individually, with a lack of context/without the other people in the scene present, and then programmatically triggering those lines within the game (hard to get nice back and forth)
RT @redhistorian: The 1970s was a decade of serious anxiety about food supplies. Norman Tebbit, of all people, urged the government to cons…
@patrickashe I thought the article was basically fine, but the tweet/subhead that linked to it set it up poorly. Like, it's a cheerful "here's some tips for playing this game" article, not a "here's the solution to gambling addiction" article.
@patrickashe definitely have some bad feelings about an increasing proportion of videogames turning into gambling... but that's not really something you can pin on a Vice article.
@patrickashe like, the root problem is that there's a popular game that can't really have a decent "here's some tips for playing!" article that ISN'T primarily about how to avoid spending too much money when gambling
@tburrellsaward 6-axis CNCed wood?
RT @Chican3ry: It does seem funny how the only people for whom GnRHas (sex hormone blockers, aka puberty delaying medications) are correlat…
good diagram
RT @RL_Stine: I am so honored to have won the R. L. Stine Creative Writing Award for the third year in a row. The award is given annually t…
RT @zeynep: I wrote about the Chinese scientist who kick-started it all by publishing the SARS-CoV-2 sequence in an open repository on Janu…
RT @Russia_NC:
@fireh9lly i think mainly because it's so expensive to get a setup? like, with a bike already an entry level setup is like half a grand.
@fireh9lly hey, i'm not saying there's not a market there! just that the audience is currently mainly cycling nerds.
@hannahnicklin oh, oh what an awful thing to happen. got my fingers crossed it'll ride again!
I keep thinking "wow I've read a lot of books this year, definitely more than I usually do" but that is 100% not true as I read through the entirety of the Animorphs series last year which is like 50 (short, intended for children) books.
maybe I should reread the Animorphs series?
@nielsen_holly I had this happen to me before, crossing the road when a moped circled me and, yeah, looked at it and threw it on the ground. Felt kinda dumb that I didn't clock what was happening until too late. But also they fucked up the screen!
@nielsen_holly I guess this is why you need a phone protector?
RT @ClayLoam: just smuggled my ENTIRE GAME into this "video" embed tweet, enjoy
RT @joannekcheung: vertical-to-horizontal circulation as continuous range
@yellowparenti hi there. i have just blocked @woketakesbot from posting with CBDQ. not sure what your intent is with it, but i don't want to host a bot that says things like "Jews are predators"
@JinnysJoe @k_a_stark @CollaterlyM @SlauHaus @JolyonMaugham @BBCNewsnight @hannahsbee @deb_cohen because they only gave puberty blockers to kids who they had (correctly) determined to be trans? and the trans kids grew up to be trans adults who unsurprisingly took cross sex hormones.
Newsnight journalists reporting on ethics concerns (that they'd raised), and backing it up with concern from the BMJ (a piece they'd written). @Simon_Whitten/1337871928665776128
@JinnysJoe @k_a_stark @CollaterlyM @SlauHaus @JolyonMaugham @BBCNewsnight @hannahsbee @deb_cohen right, what i am saying is that, with or without puberty blockers, these children would've remained trans and would've grown up to be trans adults (who would seek cross sex hormones). just... more miserable ones.
@JinnysJoe @k_a_stark @CollaterlyM @SlauHaus @JolyonMaugham @BBCNewsnight @hannahsbee @deb_cohen if you look at cis children who are given puberty blockers (eg for precocious puberty) you can see that they do not become trans because of it.
@Nikhilv95 saw someone making the same joke, but about him announcing his new indie game
i think it'd be cool if leg wraps became a thing in that part of fashion which is all about streetwear with weird silhouettes. would work with the aesthetic! @Iron_Spike/1338084819385933824
@JinnysJoe @k_a_stark @CollaterlyM @SlauHaus @JolyonMaugham @BBCNewsnight @hannahsbee @deb_cohen what do you mean by pathway? do you mean that "puberty blockers cause trans kids to go on to take hormones"? or that "if you're trans, you might wish to take puberty blockers through puberty, and hormones later"?
@JinnysJoe @k_a_stark @CollaterlyM @SlauHaus @JolyonMaugham @BBCNewsnight @hannahsbee @deb_cohen that's actually not correct - the judgement upheld Gillick competence, but said (imo wrongly) that kids needed to understand the effects of hormones as well as puberty blockers in order to consent to puberty blockers.
@JinnysJoe @k_a_stark @CollaterlyM @SlauHaus @JolyonMaugham @BBCNewsnight @hannahsbee @deb_cohen there's a summary of it from a legal point of view here if you don't want to read the actual judgement itself
more here: @scattermoon/1337529438557392899
@mrsambarlow @jwaaaap @mikeBithell given it'd also help reduce the macho valorisation of suffering that those films drag along in their wake... yes.
@fiveccentrics okay, so if you've got two sections: - to_tweet_and_reply - to_just_tweet you can point the replies to "#to_tweet_and_reply#" and set origin to ["#to_tweet_and_reply#","#to_just_tweet#"]
@fiveccentrics then origin will choose one of the two sections to pull from each time, and replies will only pull from the replies section
@folmerkelly part of this is that Among Us with friends is a v different game to Among Us public matches. and playing with friends largely solves this problem?
@folmerkelly like, it's a similar dynamic with playing anything in public - everyone there has internalised a load of rules and social codes, and starting out you are hyper aware that you don't know them and are fucking up. unless you're like, in a beginner's class
@folmerkelly ah, that's a shame. but also i feel like that's their fuckup, not the game's, if that makes sense? which is interesting to observe in myself because i am normally one to stand on the principle of "never blame the player"
I also like to think about perfect games (as distinct from good, enjoyable, interesting, worth playing etc) @lizardengland/1338175056942411778
it's this kind of thinking that leads to me thinking that scoping well is the most crucial part of designing a game.
RT @maxkreminski: 🔤 BLABRECS: the wordgame that hates you a rules modification for SCRABBLE that swaps out the dictionary for a capricious…
RT @TabKimpton: Men in long term relationships with other men will now be able to donate blood for the first time in England!!
RT @jukiokallio: made my tiny screensaver with infinite ambient music AQUARIUUM free on @itchio 💖🐠…
RT @_yabeena: 🎄🎅
this reminds me of @everestpipkin's The Ground Itself. a TTRPG playing out the history of a place over wildly divergent timescales @USofDisaster/1337456482074451969
RT @yaneerbaryam: I have been working on pandemic outbreaks for 15 years. There is a misunderstanding of the difference between the respon…
@davemakes fuck I'd missed Toca Hair Salon 4 was out!
@davemakes do you know the game Bonsai Barber? I never got properly into it, but I think about it a lot.
@davemakes the way it builds in narrative and long term relationships with the characters, by having them return repeatedly, with moment to moment hairdressing gameplay....
RT @funnomad: Mary Ellen Solt, "Lilac" (1967). Lilacs out of a dead language.
RT @christogrozev: We found who poisoned @navalny. Read up.
Joe Cornish doing a series about a paranormal startup! @NetflixUK/1338504305016496128
I love to pick sleep from the cat's eye.
@SzMarsupial everything's big in America!
RT @quantian1: @kchoudhu Possibly my favorite baffling scientific result is that drinking heavy water has no known side effects except slow…
RT @quendergeer: Headline: Body:
RT @exaheva: SHORT #COMIC : SLOWLY I made this in april, in quarantine. I had this idea i wanted to try, and i want to turn it into a full-…
RT @femmeduart: blouses from 1953
RT @Sci_Phile: You simply must look at the best science images of the year. This is a cancer cell slashed open using an ion beam. https://t…
RT @haikus_by_KN: Here's some solid game development advice: Print out a copy of your production schedule and put it under your pillow bef…
@SzMarsupial I happened across a scholarly treatise in the subject @mikanarus/1338340461015003136?s=19
@SzMarsupial did introduce me to the word "theybegirl" which is so awful I am completely delighted
RT @v21: the secret is: people think they want a plucky hero succeeding despite the odds, but actually they want to think about closed-cycl…
@SzMarsupial i liked Non-Stop by Brian Aldiss!
@alexhern @SzMarsupial let me give the same very hedged recommendation for "Orphans of the Sky"
@varjmes yeah, it's how to extend division to handle numbers of arbitrary length (on paper)
@nicknull @SzMarsupial @cyborgyndroid oh! i bought that and still haven't read it, must've gotten it when i was looking for generation ship stuff a whole back, thank you for the nudge.
@GalaxyKate how to get a working environment set up!!!
@GalaxyKate which means some subset of: IDE set up. existing project downloaded, existing project pulls in dependencies, project compiles. project runs. can attach a debugger. can attach a frame profiler. can push/deploy. can run the tests. can vary environment for dev/prod.
@GalaxyKate slightly beyond this, but the mindset of... everything you see is evidence that helps point you towards the problem. but nothing is certain, it just becomes more likely with more evidence. what tests can you perform to increase confidence? what areas are most sus?
RT @allpartycycling: A new study by @RachelAldred and Thomas Adams found that protected cycle infrastructure reduced odds of injury by 40-6…
RT @everestpipkin: my new favorite roblox world is this lovingly crafted miniature railroad of the northeast corridor, which teleports your…
here's a really pleasing 26 seconds of sounds - an obsolete piece of software glitches as it runs out of memory while adding sound effects to a guitar strum.
here's the blogpost it was taken from
RT @nikkipugh: This was a lockdown bike. I’m getting into online sales listings as storytelling medium: here are search results for “bike…
@grapefrukt Wikipedia always explains mathematics in the way that mathematicians want it explained. Which makes it very hard for my small brain to digest.
this lab seems like they have too much fun @azeem/1339141425447972864
RT @AranKoning: don't know who needs to hear this but if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene(U…
@hollygramazio @esaxey this was a very satisfying exchange to catch up on
Wish that this generally good Grace Lavery piece hadn't opened by stating that Bell v Tavistock rules "no children under the age of 16 can meet the standard for informed consent". It's not true & it overstates the judgement in a harmful way. The judgement:
Link to the judgement: Link to a legal summary of it:
It's the kind of ruling where the public perception of the ruling matters more than the actual facts of the judgement. So the fact that public perception of the ruling has coalesced to something a bit stronger than the ruling is... bad. And hard to escape, now.
nine years ago!!! 😭 @grapefrukt/1339159534363959297
@designCaitlin 1) yes 2) but what if they do them wrong?
@designCaitlin Caitlin I'm not sure this is what people meant when they said "pay it forward"
@tigershungry @kurai looking at the photo in the article and going... ah, yes, I can see the bottlecaps on the 360 controllers
@pifpafpofiwann1 Thank you! And apologies for not reaching out directly.
@pifpafpofiwann1 and yeah, it holds up for your wider point - and the practical impact for NHS services is much the same (only available after getting the courts involved). But I think private providers are still offering puberty blockers, and legally.
I enjoy the track listing for the new Mica Levi (aka Micachu from Micachu & the Shapes) record
@Seemo @robertpeacock22 it could, but that's relying on another person to do a job that's better done by a computer. ideally you have stuff set up when you push - it says: nope! fix these things first.
@NotBrunoAgain I agree with all this, but I think the linked thread is making a different point? that reviewers are explaining systems not working as being due to bugs, rather than those systems being absent.
@NotBrunoAgain I'm all for not implementing systems, or making them seem smarter than they actually are, but the question is whether they're deliberately setting the expectation that the system will work in a few patches time when they know it won't.
@NotBrunoAgain ("deliberately" is a high bar to meet, and the thread waves it around & doesn't quite meet it, to my eyes)
RT @derekbeaulieu: 4 examples of the strange calligraphy of BRION GYSIN
RT @newsmary: the whiplash in my feed this morning between Sydney folks - understandably very worried about new restrictions - with a clust…
RT @sougwen: witness & unfurl -- terrestrial microbial worlds -- ( shelter-in-place ) // // petal pirouette --wild / life // / #orchidfor…
god I wish that was me @ChelseaCirruzzo/1339228924451151874
RT @jason_kint: OK, whew. I've now read all 130 pages of state AGs suit v Google. In three words, Google is royally screwed. Expect... P…
it's funny that green parrots are now a common London bird
maybe they're parakeets? not really sure of the difference
I grew up with them around, but not common - you'd see them in Richmond Park sometimes. but today is the second day in a row I've seen them ambiently. definitely in the top 10 common birds to see around here.
a shifting baseline, but in the other direction
@pillowfort yeah! I was in Hyde Park a while ago and there were clouds of them and a gaggle of tourists feeding them from their hands. Wild scenes.
@naomialderman it does portray her as someone interested in fashion, although obviously not to the same extent as the chess. but also, yes, the show is as interested in composing a pretty woman in good outfits as it is in anything else.
@naomialderman a lot of people (including me) comparing it to anime - where this kind of stuff is kinda baked in to the point there's a specific term for it ("fanservice")
RT @tha_rami: Who could have predicted that Fortnite would assimilate popular game modes from the most visible indie multiplayer game-du-jo…
@joebaxterwebb @tha_rami Among Us did crack converting Werewolf into a real time online experience, which is something I have seen a number of failed attempts at.
@joebaxterwebb @tha_rami like, it's not just Werewolf, the design of the tasks, the imposter powers, the way the ghosts work to give eliminated players something to do, even stuff like how the camera field of view is wider for impostors than crewmates...
really fascinating blogpost about AlphaFold2 what it unlocks, academic transparency (or the lack of from DeepMind), the difference between asking questions & solving them, the purpose of research, how it feels to have ones field transformed...
@SzMarsupial one part of this: things where you can exercise consumer choice have consistently gotten cheaper; things where you don't really have much of a choice have gotten more expensive. this means (as consumers) we're less powerful than we were.
Amazon: do you
@jericawebber i think "shop there sometimes/try to avoid it" depending on the reasons you don't buy physical stuff there?
@radiodario hey, cool bike!
RT @Lewiswbt1: (DMing a mutual) hey man I'm imagining Dracula saying your latest tweet and it's freaking me out. Could you possibly delete…
RT @yesterdaysprint: The Pittsburgh Press, Pennsylvania, August 9, 1941
Now Play This open call is up! I'm no longer directly involved but: it's still great, the application form is still short & sweet, if you're selected you get paid, and you don't have to be physically present to show your work. So apply! @nowplaythese/1339559819473281029
While the team is friendly & happy to answer questions, if you're wondering whether to submit & want to bounce thoughts off me, please feel free to message me.
also... what a good theme, huh?! I'm so excited to see what shape the festival will take next year.
RT @gingerbeardman: I've been playing an old (1990, KOEI Co Ltd) Japanese PC-9801 game バンドくん [Band-kun; Mr. Band] where you start a band an…
it's on Spotify
I want Silvia Moreno Garcia's Gods of Jade and Shadow to get adapted into the kind of TV show/movie where people post a lot of gifs and takes about whether the ritual sacrifice is intersectional enough.
@hoskingc @KommanderKlobb @GhostTownGoldie I did this at a festival and they ended up with this kind of solidified sediment on the inside of the shoe that had to be scraped away. where the mud came in and the pressure from my foot squeezed the water out, built up over the course of a few hours
@hoskingc @KommanderKlobb @GhostTownGoldie of course, this wouldn't be a problem for Ricky - the best thing about crocs is you can put them in the dishwasher
@AnnaHollinrake a nonstandard variety, but I quite like the Sainsburys frangipane ones. depends on where you draw the line as to whether it should be included...
@hautepop hah - this is definitely how I feel, tho? but, if done right (and the government has not done it right) you can do this with clear messaging and don't need to actually make it illegal.
@hautepop came to this view by thinking about food regulations... like, I don't want to have to think about whether my frozen cherry pie contains rotten cherries @bubbaprog/1339615476192833541?s=19
@hautepop (where capitalism is involved I do think you need to make it illegal. but no one is getting rich off meeting their family in an ill-advised way over Christmas)
RT @SeanSLeBlanc: do all bangers slap
@SzMarsupial yeah, the biggest issue is that they got it back to front - because of course the visual cortex is the bit furthest away from the eyes
RT @ADAMATOMIC: crunch is wage theft
RT @hellophia: 🚿🍐
i'm on Jerica's stream chatting about the film Last Christmas
@vectorpoem what's the limitation with coroutines? the syntax? having to understand the structure?
@vectorpoem i never used them much in Unity because I found cancelling/managing/coordinating between them harder work than doing things manually... but built a lot of the Beasts of Balance events off a custom coroutine system
@vectorpoem @jonbro yeah - i guess my response was sceptical because i know how fiddly & crucial the details can be... but maybe that's why making this a first class thing & a focus on the language is such a good thing
RT @alienmelon: i just published my talk about the amazing world of tool making! "Start making tools! (on making experimental art tools &…
RT @AgnesCallard: Later in November, I wrote about myself
RT @artcrimeprof: Some rambunctious ampersands from Jan Tschichold’s Formenwandlungen der Et-Zeichen (1953) (h/t Cory Rockliff: https://t.c…
@HWillmc6144 you don't need to show evidence, just don't spam people who haven't asked for it!
RT @karencheee: [grandma wears a cute little scarf] me: wow!! who IS she??? grandma: it’s me! grandma!
@Andy_Makes I think it looks okay! maybe the trick is adjusting the levels on the source image - bump the contrast?
RT @quendergeer: HISTORIANS: we still don't understand the psychogenic causes of outbreaks of mass hysteria like the dancing plague of 1518…
RT @Kaisen_Tobiuo: 🔺ふとんとなかよしガール🔺
RT @charltonbrooker: Ah, Britain.
RT @MattZeitlin: The entire world found out on accident that you can eliminate poverty by giving people money and now seems determined to f…
this government ad has two sets of catchy slogans... which together almost overwhelm the message about the importance of ventilation it is trying to convey @GOVUK/1336345411796283394
RT @moppin_: It's been 5 years since releasing Downwell but every once in a while I get the occasion to have to play through the game for t…
this sucks? social media* sucks? (* as run by companies who aggressively & competently optimise features to maximise their own metrics in pursuit of particular "strategic objectives") @rainylune/1341184419957116928
from the comments on this post: "If they want ppl to use their site constantly than maybe they should make it enjoyable"
@kierongillen i assumed they wanted the giant killed, but didn't want to do it themselves?
RT @flying_rodent: Honestly, the key question here isn’t “Why do Conservative ministers lie habitually” - it’s “Why are there so few incent…
rust opinion: i was expecting the borrow checker to give me grief all the time, but actually most faff comes from having to explicitly deal with what type of number a number is.
u8 or usize or i64 or f64 or whatever else is going on. and every time a different type of number has to interact with another one, you've got to explicitly cast it. ugly math.
brb, off to draft an RFC to replace all the numeric types with Number. if it works for Javascript...!
does your face hurt from clenching your jaw & grinding your teeth at night?
i reckon they'd legally fall into the same category as (petrol) scooters. but would be, if anything, more dangerous? anyway, i kind of want one.
idea: - ebikes - but without pedals - that can go up to like... 40 mph - but still built on a bike frame, so they're light & cheap
relatedly, it's kind of wild how Halfords sells electric scooters despite them being illegal to use (other than on private land).
RT @badambulist: that "gendercrits say trans children should explore gender noncomformity instead" and "gendercrits say trans children shou…
@russss riding my housemate's ebike and when it hits the legal limit you can tell it could go faster if it was allowed. and it has a throttle but still needs the tiniest bit of force on the pedals. the kind of situation where you can just feel the tech trying to be something else.
@felix_cohen but does look like fun!!
@hannahnicklin yeah, ebikes are limited to 15mph, mobility scooters to 4. I was looking at them when my fatigue was bad! but now that it is better (but not gone) I want something stupid and dangerous instead.
@hannahnicklin when it's properly gone I reckon I'll start cycling again and be content.
@hannahnicklin I mean, in the meantime I am just borrowing Viv's nice ebike & wishing it went a little faster... which is not quite as likely to kill me. But what's sensible & what I want are two different thing.
@vishalkswamy @zoozbikes yes! this looks great! especially the ones that are illegal in the UK!
I'm in this (one of these) @tanyaxshort/1341382049710694401
@pillowfort it's becoming the friendly default in sci fi fantasy novels. ah this thing exists & is normal & unremarkable (except we're being careful to make it clear & then not have it impact on the story)
@pillowfort which is... nice? nice to have that representation and all that. but it's bad when that & the expectation for that pushes out the space for stuff that gets messy & weird & tangled up in the details of what this might mean, bad consequences, taking things to extremes.
@pillowfort like that whole fucking thing about the "attack helicopter" story. anyway, one thing cyberpunk-the-genre is supposed to be good at is getting into the details of this. although that rep might well be undeserved, come to think of it.
RT @dr_d_king: Here's a holiday game for you filmbuffs, suitable for playing on a video call. The Actors Game.
@ka_bradley ah, i'd heard you were isolating, that sucks! still, that'll be a nice (checks calendar) Boxing Day walk!
@abipalmer_bot huh! i had one of those as a teenager (my mum worked for a memory foam mattress company). but yeah, mine is... not great, but not too bad. but everyone i know keeps mentioning their face pain, so i was curious how much of a thing it was.
@wileywiggins i was working on my posture earlier this year, especially my shoulders (which were consistently too far forward). was helping a lot -- but fatigue has meant i've spent the last 4 months working from bed & that's not great. time to start working on that again...
RT @v21: here is a little puzzle: what is this graph about?
RT @jwaaaap: I'm not a lawyer, but decided to go over Raw Fury's publishing agreement as I would any contract. Actually very cool that they…
RT @sarahjeong: My boyfriend kept trying to ask me who benefited and why they would want this and I kept trying to explain that there’s a l…
my impression of the whole CASE Act thing is that it is basically here to make the DMCA takedown process worse, more frustrating & harder to challenge?
@audibleuk no
RT @tylercolp: I co-wrote this piece with @appleciderwitch on how vtubers work, the labor problems, and the companies behind them for @wayp…
@ohhoe my advice is to find an algorithm or a technique that seems interesting, and then implement that. but if you get interesting bugs, see if you want to keep them. if there are choices, play with them. layer in complexity, explore the system.
@ohhoe have fun!!!
on publishing contracts: advice I've heard about negotiating this kind of contract is to assume that the person you like and are dealing with gets bought out or quits their job, and you're now dealing with an greedy arsehole instead. and negotiate so that you won't be screwed.
this also means that the negotiation isn't about accusing the other party of wanting to do shady shit. it's not them, it's what happens if they're not there! ideally you like & trust them now - most of the contract is about what happens when things go wrong.
@CharlesYarnold oof. yeah. "I know you don't intend for this to work this way, but..."
made a nice dither to play with
twitter just loves to turn videos to mush, doesn't it?
anyway, some technical details: this is Floyd-Steinberg dithering, implemented in Rust in WebAssembly. and then made interactive in a way that hopefully shows off some of the nice texture.
i've always wanted to implement Floyd-Steinberg, and I find the way the error correction makes it shift & shimmer fascinating and beautiful. it also means that you can't do it on the GPU! so this was a fun excuse to write an image mangling algorithm that has to be on the CPU.
which was a great excuse to try out a tech stack that is wobbly and new, like Bambi on the ice. but that also promises to make single threaded, compute-bound calculations in the browser faster.
anyway, fun to make. so far? i might mess with it some more, but sharing it now makes that a fun new project rather than an old one dragging on :)
@snacklesbian anything with crisp edges!!
@AlanZucconi oh, shit, it does!
some very nice moire glitches if you zoom into this image on a mobile phone (on my mobile phone, at least) @v21/1341523326246727680
(shoutout to @AlanZucconi for pointing this out)
@timbusuttil thanks!
@catacalypto Cat, read through this Wikipedia page listing all the copycat monoliths that have been erected for various reasons & maybe you'll feel better
@catacalypto I think they are (if they'd planned for 4 years they would've made a bigger thing of it). But also they are hopping on a bandwagon that (checks notes) "Grandpa Joe's Candy Shop" has already done, but better.
@doougle the panting dog, the hands supine on the ground, the mysterious blue flecks... good postapocalyptic horror pic
googling "how to have good posture but also work reclining in bed"
I'm not lazy, it's a medical condition
(but for real, my fatigue has improved a lot but still after a few hours of sitting upright at my desk my attention starts to go. but lying down it's usually fine)
@LiToast that makes sense!! maybe i should do the same... probably will if I'm in the same place in a few months (hopeful I won't be, tho!)
made this last night @v21/1341520466738089984
Inglourious Basterds was only 30% English & was nominated for best picture. @Variety/1341550506762596352
@vivschwarz i'm trying to stop moving my shoulders and head forward, which i can do naturally if i'm sitting up straight, but can't really do while working on a laptop in bed.
@moreelen okay, so mainly I was just moaning, but the best investment I made was this thing. lifts the screen up nice and high, good angle for typing on, space for a mouse. traps your legs flat, but that's okay. costs like £20-30 online.
@moreelen after that, it's just endless fussing with pillows...
@moreelen considered getting an elaborate setup with monitors clamping onto the headboard & using my fancy split keyboard with an extended wire so I can use it by my sides... but I am just a fraction not cyberpunk enough for that (slash want my bed to still feel cosy)
@alexhern @Jam_sponge I played it because the original was a foundational game for me... and yeah, agreed, it's not worth it. But! Dishonored is genuinely good and has some of the same puzzlebox feelings that the original DE gave me.
@togelius I'm a fan of funding being distributed randomly (after a certain bar of competence is demonstrated). Stop rewarding grant writing skills & remove a load of the shame & ego attached to not getting it/getting it.
this thread, but about arts funding @togelius/1341708060620967938
@togelius I think a lot about the cumulative time everyone spent applying for a grant vs the amount of time the grant funds.
@alexhern @Jam_sponge very fair! the larger narrative is whatever, but I liked the worldbuilding and the stuff they did with the Heart.
@Femi_Sorry especially given we did the same to Denmark when they had a new strain circulating
if your face hurts you're not alone @v21/1341368697471062018
@any_user depends what you need it for? Rust has a pretty steep learning curve (for me, certainly, not knowing C++). the wasm bits work reasonably well, and getting set up is not too painful. seems like the stuff it does, it does well enough.
@any_user but the big thing is: is your problem that your JS code doesn't have native compiled performance? the bottleneck is likely to be elsewhere (network, browser API calls etc). and even if it isn't, I'd likely first reach for web workers etc to parallelise the problem.
@any_user so this project was definitely chosen because I wanted to mess around with the tech, rather than because the tech solved an existing problem. but it is cool tech & I can see myself using it in the future - but that's mainly because I like Rust.
@any_user yeah, would make sense if you wanna put a physics engine in the browser or something. I like Rust & have been enjoying learning it. Think it makes a lot of sense as the basis for game engine / creative coding tooling... but that stuff is all very early so far.
RT @topherflorence: feel like between elementary kids going to school on zoom and the weird muppetish full body wiggle that vtubers do to m…
RT @GalaxyKate: Got a spam call that said "Press one for intent Press two for sentiment Or Press three for vision" Please collect your ar…
RT @pomeranian99: Question: What limits exist to the *dimensions* of a single page in a PDF? I've seen postings upper limits on the *numbe…
@jennatar hey this sounds like a good subject for a creative nonfiction essay
@jennatar i have complete confidence in you managing to find a way to make me feel these emotions
@thestarboretum well i was just about to, but okay
RT @bjornornorn: Need a simple perceptual color space for image processing? I've created one called Oklab. Read more here:…
RT @kcimc: i wrote an article about the years of inspiration that went into making many of…
@HilariousCow I love to make the things the encoders hate. Thank you!
survival game adaptation of Susanna Clarke's Piranesi
[SPOILERS] collect mussels, fish, craft with seaweed, piece together a story from scattered papers & bones. leave chalk routes to point back to your base. autodraw a map as you explore. climb on statues. look at statues. predict tides. async messaging via chalk with NPCs.
it's all there already, basically
aaaand it is pretty asset efficient, but also has a striking and distinctive world! dunno where you'd get the statues from - maybe there's some photogrammetry database out there you could use. or pose free 3D models, render them in marble.
@KommanderKlobb feels pretty plausible, right! and there's good scope for an "inspired by", if not
love the way trees split the sky between them, leaving currents meandering between the sections each of them have claimed @Irina_int/1339945898319749121
just a lot to like about trees, if I'm honest
RT @KEBrightbill: JK Rowling explained her motivations, and spelled out that they're partly rooted in panic about what the ability of trans…
@biodegabriel I considered asking of there was a term for it and then decided it would probably be boring & I'd be happier not knowing. but it's a good term! thank you.
when will a Brexit deal get announced?
@chiguire look i gave you the "i refuse to engage" option for a reason
RT @geraldstratfor3: Just preparing one of my big onions and milk ready to make bread sauce for tomorrow cheers
RT @qrisjames: bee found my weed
@mcclure111 is it the kind of AC adaptor where you can just order a generic one which comes with a load of tips of different sizes & voltage settings?
@mcclure111 sounds like it is! i am not 100% sure this will work/be safe, but i am confident enough that if it was me, i would order it & try it
RT @almightyplate: MEME OF THE YEAR AWARDS mine is easily this because I looked at it for months yearningly and then went ahead and fixed…
@almightyplate weirdly it has gotten me through a lot of things. easier to stay if you know you can leave.
RT @RadioHedgehog: I'm going to draw pictures to cheer people up today, so if you're not having a great time of it, reply with An animal An…
@pillowfort get well soon and good tidings!
@almightyplate hahaha
what a tagline!! "YOUR ONLY OPTION IS TO REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR STREAM THAT LIKE THREE PEOPLE WATCH" (this is like Twitch but you run it yourself for your group of friends to use) @dunndunndunn/1342276408647696385
RT @AfroJediii: bree gant. "Vessel (triptych) 1 & 2" & "Kiko y Yemoja"
RT @everestpipkin: watched the kate bush christmas special last night and now i can't stop thinking about a kate bush desktop assistant. ju…
RT @GretchenAMcC: In case you too were previously unaware, this is just a tweet to inform you that someone has made a talk demonstrating ho…
@SerinDelaunay Well, also... you can embed arbitrary JS within HTML within SVGs that Tracery generates.
@everestpipkin kitchen shears Christmas self haircut is already making huge strides into dirtbag boyfriend space, you're off to a good start (and you look great, great job)
RT @Papapishu: Fukusaku is such a cool director. Imagine going through the trauma of having to bury your classmates when you're 15 and deci…
RT @DrWilkinsonSci: @alexhern When we moved into our house we had to have a huge Bay tree cut down. The arborist said “there must be £5000…
RT @spacesofplay: A jungle is land covered with dense forest and tangled vegetation, usually in tropical climates.…
RT @squimpus:
RT @elazic: Film characters lighting matches / cigarettes in creative ways:
RT @tylerxhobbs: The making of THIN AIR, one frame per run of the program after a code change. I tried to let myself be open for anything t…
RT @rottenartist:
RT @WritesBright: Brutal Brexit analysis from EU papers Le Monde “The UK finds itself once again facing a question that was never resolved…
@MadHatterGuide @kursedtea @grahamtriggs @DrDomPimenta want to bet that none of the subsequent new mutations are more infectious?
RT @AthenaAkrami: Cluster 1: symptoms with early peak (the first 2 or 3 weeks), then a decreasing trend in probability over time Cluster 2…
RT @pangmeli: ruching is peak 'ok well first of all relax'
@adrianhon the fact that Nicola Coughlin is the same age as me!!!
@jazzmickle FJORDSSS
@jazzmickle I am making the doot doot ferry noise rn
an underappreciated force in making UI designs flat and boring these days is the fact that they have to fit perfectly within screens that come in a dazzling array of sizes/with arbitrary notches/with customised text scales.
thinking about the range & richness of @winampskins... and how that was possible because the layout was consistent down to the pixel.
RT @chowleen: Winner of 2020’s new kanji contest in Japan: the character 座 (seat), ingeniously redesigned as a neologism for “social distan…
@s4l1c3nc3 have known real life himbos who were working on physics PhDs, this checks out
a himbo is an absent-minded professor with muscles @v21/1343527496189403138
@SzMarsupial real mediaeval monk hours there
@katbamkapow I'm glad! Even though it is not an especially great aquarium, I still kinda want to go back to the London Aquarium and watch the cute little puffy jellyfish they have there burbling about.
RT @ULTRAGLOSS: thinking about these 1920s newspaper excerpts
RT @zeuxcg: End of the year is growing near, but we can't end it without an update on the graphics stats! Notably Vulkan on Android is used…
RT @molleindustria: Imagine creating a fantastic game engine that can't export games outside of its own walled garden.…
RT @BuzzFeedNews: EXCLUSIVE: For years, human rights activists feared the Xinjiang detention facilities doubled as work camps. For the fir…
@ttl_anderson no - actually a continuation of a project from before tixy (, tho i did also make very similar things to this within tixy
@mtrc thank you!!
the Sex And The City episodes were probably the best podcast episodes I've ever listened to @rossgsutherland/1343889240812363781
RT @wjjjjt: Following the breakthrough discovery of a new positive integer, "4", a few weeks ago, research into yet larger integers continu…
RT @GoodSlides:
@8bitartwork oh, this is cool to see!!
@shotscarecrow it's just "i miss going to the pub", written in a jokey way???
RT @vamp1rebride: this was the best part of 2020
RT @elsableda: There is a little video game that lets you do nothing in particular in a suburban Russian tower block. "He describes it as…
i've always thought the AI prize challenge should be "empty the dishwasher", but this is funnier @robertskmiles/1343956492878290951
i figured out i could embed it into the tweet?
RT @gabehabash: Mary Ruefle
RT @lewis_goodall: Been speaking to several London frontline doctors working in major hospitals. Picture isn’t great. One: “it’s a bit like…
@ragzouken government cut stamp duty to keep the prices high
@ragzouken also a bunch of other reasons, but that's one of them
RT @everymortalcare: oh word
@KiraArghy @quendergeer maybe you need a second one?
@KiraArghy @quendergeer exactly. and when the second one breaks, you can print the parts on the first.
@KiraArghy @quendergeer don't ask what happens if they both break