Tweets from 2021/01
RT @refugeecouncil: Happy Birthday to all refugees who don't know or can't prove when their real birthday is and have been assigned today i…
Cray! It's a computer & a sofa, all in one! @Clipart1994bot/1345024760493826049
RT @pangmeli: the theme here is that some ways of expressing emotional distress are more prosocial than others. I'm not saying every expres…
@KommanderKlobb Digital Bird Playground?
@KommanderKlobb up to four player, iirc! on the other hand, it's a bit buggy, PC only & has no real objectives.
@KommanderKlobb haven't played it, but looks like Pipo Park is in the same spirit
RT @maxkreminski: just read Collaborative Circles: Friendship Dynamics & Creative Work remarkable how much this account of the process of…
thread on Pixar's render farm
@ragzouken that is cool!
i enjoyed the English description of this Chinese language JRPG @TodayOnSteam/1345520318929100807
RT @pathologic_bot: Man needs dreams more than bread… but he still needs the bread.
browsing without tabs
at times like these... when everyone is clowning on a thread that is the perfect mix of hammed up and obliviously awful... I really appreciate twitter, and all the posters that sail on her
has anyone written something on all these scifi trilogies about evil empires which commit all kinds of brutalities, but are also totally open and welcoming and not a big deal about trans people.
having just read the Ninefox Gambit series, featuring an empire that literally runs in ritual sacrifice & explicitly commits genocide, and has some characters be trans in a casual "ah, btw it's nice to be out of a binder after a long day" kind of way.
like, it's nice to read about a place where being trans is accepted & magical medical tech means you can swap bodies at will... but at a certain point, the fact that that's always paired with evil colonialism starts to send a message you assume the authors didn't intend.
thinking of "I Sexually Identify As An Attack Helicopter", which is explicitly about gender being weaponised as a tool of empire... and the catastrophic reception it got.
we venerate Le Guin for writing anthropology-minded stories, where gender works differently and societies do too because of it. but it would be a risky business to be a modern Le Guin.
to answer my initial question, Josie did a thoughtful thread on it @HarryJosieGiles/1305863121785978881?s=19
@cYnborg right, same deal except the empire isn't evil
@HarryJosieGiles thank you, and that's a good thread.
@kierongillen oh, for sure. an advance on white straight male defaults, but still not it.
@cYnborg yeah, I was wondering how far to hedge that sentence. it's still an empire!
@NoraReed @HarryJosieGiles looking back, I definitely appreciate having scifi novels to read as a kid which did take the view "yeah, in a magical scifi utopia, of course most people would change gender at least once to try it out".
@phillmv oh, yeah, for sure it is. I think the thing that's jarring is that Default Gender Diversity is for me utopian, but it's the background to stuff that's explicitly pitched as dystopian.
@killerswan as I said, I just got done reading the Machineries of War series, where there's a common thread of the empire sustaining itself even as most of the characters you meet (who are running it) would quite like it to stop.
@Grady_Booch @jonathoda I think the existence of NPM is a bigger shift in the practice of programming than either V8 or React. Tooling and ecosystems matter more than the language itself - that's what the web changed.
@Grady_Booch @jonathoda Git was invented in 2005, Sourceforge started in 1999. would argue they've both had a bigger impact on the practice of programming than most new languages.
considered starting a new "every book i've finished this year" thread for the new year (tried this last year, but fell behind). then i remembered i've already finished a book, so i'd already be behind...
RT @Suchmo83: I see your bullet journaling and raise you...
@SzMarsupial remembering sobbing my heart out when they had to go separate ways.
RT @ButNotTheCity: Cis researchers are out there making a career by running a billionth study showing trans people experience discriminatio…
RT @DegenRolf: The most stressful aspect of being permanently online is being “cognitively online”, the web ever reverberating “in the back…
@pangmeli a bot i really love is @5point9billion, which tells you when a star's distance matches up to your current age.
@pangmeli @5point9billion which is meaningful if you think about things in terms of causality & relativity. and if you don't, it's just a nice reminder that stars exist and are out there shining.
@CheerfulGoth they're not even the villains, they're just as likely to be the heroes or the side characters. and the books are often trying to make reasonable political points... it's just the new sci-fi default
@CheerfulGoth honestly, i could go for a campy queer villain around now, some knotty, interesting but ultimately problematic implications sound nice!
@mousefountain i like it, i like it when the terms are dumb. shame they become normal so soon!!
@mousefountain imagine someone explaining what a podcast is and why it has that name, 200 years from now
@vectorpoem @mousefountain yes!!! what a dumb term!!! for that matter, i submit for consideration: "comic"
@astroblob @vectorpoem @mousefountain i was going to include it and then i got sidetracked by looking up where the word came from. did you know: novellas existed before novels???
every artform has a dumb name that was chosen more due to historical happenstance than because it captures anything essential about the form @vectorpoem/1345786953866776576
as a kid who enjoyed asking awkward questions, this story makes me feel quite emotional. they... actually took him seriously! and now he has an effect named after him! (from
RT @normative: If the worst consequence for trying to corruptly seize power after losing an election is that it doesn’t work, we’re essent…
tbh, as an adult I still like awkward questions
was thinking yesterday about how much more vulnerable it is to write about utopias than it is to write about dystopias. which makes me appreciate Birds of Maine even more. @michael_deforge/1343543430866206720
@lazerwalker the legal situation wrt unionisation seems not especially relevant here - the point is that it is labor organisation that is outside of the company's control.
@lazerwalker of course, I might be saying this because I'm in London where there are a load of Alphabet employees and no NLRB.
@lazerwalker and also one of the biggest issues is the treatment of TVCs... who don't count as employees either.
@lazerwalker oh I don't think they'll recognise them voluntarily. but I still think it's possible for the union to exercise power outside of those channels, and I think the union growing will depend upon whether it's seen as doing that (and in a way that employees approve of)
RT @DasSurma: 📣 New year, new blog post: I fell into the rabbit hole that is monochrome image dithering. I wrote down everything I learned!…
RT @vxunderground: We'd like to uncomfortably announce we have received the source code to IoT Ransomware. that targets... Male Chastity de…
RT @alfred_twu: Been doing some gaming on the holidays. There's a lot of differences between different city building games, and it reflects…
RT @djbaskin: Welp, it’s no surprise that BITE—the toothbrush share startup—couldn’t survive this pandemic. I‘ll miss finding all the BITE…
@owenpoconnell @c0teof @kdavidsmith1 @adamconover destroying unions is more of a side effect of gaining a monopoly on food delivery without the liability of having employees.
thought this was a close up shot of a fajita until I clocked the account name @BPEarth/1346380703269842944
RT @nowplaythese: Happy New Year! Today is the last day to submit for the NPT Open Call! Maybe you had a cool game idea percolating over th…
@RachelRayns "abandoned cart" is the term of art, right? so I think this is mainly a case of leaving jargon hanging around because you didn't think it through enough.
RT @jeannette_ng: This started with my being aesthetically offended by these tiles and their maker's "not your grandma's mahjong" attitude.…
typesetting your resume in Computer Modern is a way of out of band signalling to the hiring manager that you are prepared to deal with a lot of computer bullshit to accomplish tasks @carolinesinders/1346453259783983105
RT @matdryhurst: Someone asked how it would be possible to identify super fans on Spotify to offer them rewards & the ability to participat…
@lorenschmidt the big thing, once you fully commit to it, is having the replace file function return a promise (because presumably it's doing aync-y stuff internally). and you don't need to declare the promise variable, you can just chain it.
@lorenschmidt oh, wait, it's returning a DOM element, and triggering off the onload, never mind
RT @hannahnicklin: As I sit here assessing intern applications, I had to ask: When did 'avid' become attached to 'gamer'?…
RT @OLDKING420: because im forgetful and dont really like doing it i think the obsessive cataloging desire (last fm, goodreads, letterboxed…
honestly as impressed by the wording and presentation of the OpenAI blogpost as by their results. impressive cherrypicked examples (including "interactive demonstrations") next to words that quietly acknowledge how brittle the model is.
"Killing Me Softly"
RT @UnburntWitch: Hey, if you wanna say GamerGate led to this without acknowledging that GG was a symptom of the larger systemic bigotry th…
RT @SpaceLiminalBot:
RT @mikebutcher: WhatsApp will share its users' personal information, including phone numbers, IP addresses, contacts, & more with Facebook…
@SzMarsupial yep : @UnburntWitch/1346968281496711169
@thwphipps @SzMarsupial i used to live at ravenscourt park, and the metaphor gets even more confused if you think about the fact that very occasionally the piccadilly line stops there
what's your favourite prose poem?
mine is "what resembles the grave but isn't" by anne boyer (
@johnnycbadde huh, what page is that on? i do have some Unity WebGL builds on there, but i can't remember making anything for VR
@johnnycbadde huh - i don't get that popup. but i would be interested to learn what causes it!
a thread of the books i've finished in 2021
Revenant Gun by Yoon Ha Lee burned through this series around the new year, and finished this on the morning New Year's Day - felt appropriate to emerge out of it & go back to reality at the start of a new year. posted about it a bit here: @v21/1345672289816350720
Situation Normal by Leonard Richardson was a big fan of his debut, also really liked this & want more people to read it! also a "scheming in a space empire" book. if anything it suffers from trying to explore too many interesting ideas at once??
what's "intelligence"? the history of AI is a history of people making something "intelligent" and then deciding that actually it doesn't really count. @ID_AA_Carmack/1346474139436007430
the Dijkstra quote: 'The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.'
human "intelligence" is very much secondary to being bodies interacting with the world. there's nothing "general" about it.
@philippawarr happy birthday! <3
RT @sarahjeong: I think there is a good fucking reason why JOSH HAWLEY has been pushing the fairness doctrine but for social media. How can…
RT @AaronBSM: If you’re from the ends you know that this one was rough, elephant and castle really is no more 😢
@LiaSae yeah, i really liked that, too. and it's not that that series *had* to tackle gender in that way - but that pattern, of evil empires with complete gender freedom, is definitely notable.
i had decided i probably didn't get covid (antibody test was negative, none of the "classic" symptoms at the start), but reading this Long Covid symptom paper is making it seem more likely
not that it matters, really!! either way the best medical advice is "pacing" aka do more when you can but don't go beyond your limits.
but, y'know, nice to tie in personally feeling like shit (eg today: headache, low capacity for attention, occasional blurry vision, feeling weak & shaky) to the big global crisis happening outside.
@jennatar yep!! i think i told you before how i carried your attitude of advocating for myself in conversations with doctors... that has been helpful. i have had a lot of tests over the last few months, and a lot of things have been ruled out... but nothing specific has been ruled in.
@jennatar did have a 7 day ECG, so doesn't seem like it's PoTS (which i was pretty convinced of for a while there). and i have seen a gradual recovery... but i got overenthusiastic earlier in the week and am out of it again. :/
@jennatar ughhh. i should probably sort out the mold in our place. and just general dampness? doesn't seem likely it was the trigger, but it can't help.
@thespite recently tried out Rust in Webassembly & the tooling was nicer than I expected (and the sample project is "doing a load of work that gets rendered to a canvas", which helps). an alternative approach, depending on how parallelisable it is...
RT @WhatTheTrans: A thread on how absurd the UK is on transgender issues and how the UK got so transphobic In 2015 Parliament held an inqu…
@joz_freeman my partner said "hey we should use Signal" and I said okay. she's less technical than me, haha. (but I still use WhatsApp, too, and I'm sure she does too)
@studioanisa finishing a project feels awful! so you gotta enjoy the process.
imagining people in the far future, attempting to understand our society by interpreting ice core evidence, a sedimentary layer of pollution and microplastics, and the occasional preserved scrap of a crisp wrapper
the three things we know are that they loved hydrocarbons, they coincided with the sixth mass extinction event, and they used CMYK colour separations
@grapefrukt @hannahnicklin yes! and I swear by this laptop stand - can clamp onto the back of your desk, keeping the surface free for keyboard/mouse/paper/whatever.
think it was @alexhern who pointed out the parallels between the case for 5G & the case for HS2: in both cases it's mainly about increasing capacity (and faster speeds are a bonus). but the speeds are a sexier thing to sell it on, so that's where the focus is. @MatthewJDalby/1347540667162091523
@mhdempsey they're only gonna do this if they can't figure out which one the first vaccine was, even after looking really hard to figure it out. better than not giving a second shot at all, but only done when there's no other option. NYT report on this was very misleading.
@spncryn a clearly gay person using the word faggot is very different than when that's being used as a term of abuse. intent isn't magical, but context still exists. much harder to deal with when you don't have a good insight into the community dynamics at play.
@spncryn this is coming from my experience moderating CBDQ, which maybe has a different dynamic to most community management - I'm moderating accounts in lots of individual contexts, not setting a tone/set of expectations for a community.
@spncryn (the eye opening experience was being about to ban an account that repeatedly at messaged a user to call them gay. schoolboy abuse, I thought. But after some spelunking, I figured out that it was them who set up the bot & that they just wanted to boast about how gay they are)
@Luke_Hettel @spncryn yep, in that context, I'd agree. Worth knowing where they're coming from, it's a different tone to take in that case. but if you're setting standards for a community it's different than my example @v21/1347546198320812033?s=19
@ambershee @AnnaHollinrake @alexhern right, and I can understand them being angry, and I'd argue for investment across the board. but also, it has a knock on effect of increasing capacity across the network, so...
@haikus_by_KN you have my permission to use a thinly veiled version of my name if you ever savage my character in print
@haikus_by_KN i wouldn't expect anything less
RT @almightyplate: this tweet is the only thing keeping me alive
RT @tensinhang: 猫吸い
RT @t7s_Ruico: 縄文時代のネコの形の土製品が好きすぎて見ながらずっと笑ってる
RT @rajandelman: Never look a gift horse in the mouth. The mouth represents the maw, the space where the horse isn't. That is not part of t…
RT @nicolasnova: New book! Dr. Smartphone: An Ethnography of Mobile Phone Repair Shops
@AranKoning see you here on the 24th of March?
@AranKoning one of us posts the diagram again
@AranKoning every 74 days... it is prophesied...
RT @merrittk: Hey what the fuck
RT @superyates: Painting table fragments 1-4
just retweeted this, then unretweeted it having read the paper it was linked from. specifically, the only time Facebook has access to your messages is if you're messaging a business which uses Facebook as a messaging endpoint - this will be communicated in-app. seems reasonable! @SDWolf/1347595158301261825
all of which is not to encourage people to use WhatsApp - if you care at all about privacy please use Signal instead. my understanding is that while Facebook can't read your messages, they know who you're messaging, when you messaged them & what gifs you searched for. it's enough
@MostUnfurrowed this is a different thing to the terms of service change, I think?
btw, the gif thing is because they own giphy. which means every other service which uses giphy as a gif search engine will send Facebook the same data. Q: doesn't this include Signal? A: yes... but they proxy your traffic to try to hide who you are
There was speculation that the main reason FB acquired Giphy was so that they could get granular analytics on up and coming messaging services/social networks, positioning them to acquire/kneecap any that seem to be a threat.
@john_brindle no, no source on that, it was just based on my understanding of the protocol. the difference between "it's encrypted so we can't look" and "it's private, so we are choosing not to look, please trust us" - like, even with a court order they can't look at message contents.
@john_brindle (also don't really understand the deal with the new terms of service)
@katbamkapow this is reminding me of being a teenager, getting a cinnamon sugar pretzel and going and looking through TK Maxx after school
RT @NotBrunoAgain: also funny how many tech industry observers are Very Concerned about AWS booting parler who didn't say shit about SESTA/…
RT @AmarAmarasingam: 1. (THREAD) So, it seems like the deplatforming debate is once again kicking off, so I thought I would introduce some…
this game is good as hell AND has a bonus scene I did with @jukiokallio that I think is some of my best work?? @fernantastic/1348227929763938305
@BanditoJuan greek yoghurt is there under cream yoghurt, i think
@BanditoJuan not sure as to your other points. any model must necessarily leave out details!!
@tigershungry oh, so happy to hear this! been rewatching it with friend camp, it is so good! and the music!!
RT @komi_tsu: #indiegame #kawaii
RT @Birdyword: I get a huge amount of enjoyment from the arc of long-running local news stories.
here's an article on the problem of "acid whey", which is the stuff you strain our of yoghurt to make greek yoghurt.
RT @v21: just retweeted this, then unretweeted it having read the paper it was linked from. specifically, the only time Facebook has access…
@PeteOlympian this is, surprisingly enough, a situation where the patent system makes sense
@ok_remi_ok isn't that generally the same thing as the Layer set on the GO?
@ok_remi_ok (i can see cases where you'd want to do that per mesh / do general weird shit... but rare enough it makes sense to make it only accessible via script)
RT @BigMeanInternet: damn he must have sold so many widgets @SenSanders/1348253256330276867
@ok_remi_ok oh, yeah, that sounds like an ideal case for making a little component that just exposes the render layer property & then going nuts with it
@ok_remi_ok congrats! you fall into the "do general weird shit" category!
RT @even_kei: playing a 3D game with 2D sprites:
@PeteOlympian well, the original reasoning for patents is to discourage trade secrets. patent it instead (reveal it publicly to do so) and you get a limited license for a decade or so, and then everyone is allowed to copy you.
@austin_walker @roswellwrites and unsurprisingly, someone responded to talk about how Friends at the Table deals with it!
@notquitereal the prices aren't as good, but
thanks to @BooDooPerson for the excellent CBDQ port, Cheap Bots, Toot Sweet! very impressed with the Mastodon-specific features (and at least one I ought to port back to Twitter, huh)
if you're on Mastodon, I have just ported @softlandscapes over there. you can follow it at
@BooDooPerson yeah - the extended {tags} make a load of sense, tho! i was overthinking how to associate images with their alt text, but maybe needlessly.
@BooDooPerson oh, btw, not sure if you've got this, but there was a bug with the way that {img} tags were being handled by the send_tweet stuff - stopping images being posted from the "post now" button. pushed to the repo now, might wanna merge across if it's an issue on your side.
RT @weedhitter: Asuka Langley: i don't need you! i don't need anyone! me, age 13: hell yeah bitch! hell yeah bitch!!!!!!!!! me, age 23: ohh…
RT @kittynouveau: sometimes i want to be like "go off king" or "ok queen" but i'm not sure of a persons gender identity i'm like........ go…
@SzMarsupial When The Jiggle Stops
RT @Russia_NC:
@lizardengland this one irritates me, I think especially because I retweeted it before digging into it and finding it quite misleading @SDWolf/1347595158301261825?s=19
RT @Wikipedia: This is the Falkirk Wheel, the only rotating boat lift of its kind in the world. It takes in boats, rotates 180 degrees, an…
RT @runqii: me and the girls 🥘🌶
RT @tsuchikani: 自律神経ととのってきた
RT @FeverDevJohnny: #gamedev
RT @stephenkb: So much about the inadequate food parcels is anger-inducing, not least that you can literally just tick a box and give paren…
here's an article about Forensic Architecture getting an exhibition pulled & a curator losing their job after the host organisation got cold feet. Good depiction of the networks of funding & organisations you need to make happy to put on a show.
arts organisations love to say the words "uncomfortable conversations", but it's rare for them to actually support conversations that make people in power uncomfortable
RT @mugecevik: Concerns about outdoor transmission risk seem to be trending again. What is the risk of transmission outdoors and should we…
(I have some sympathy with the arts organisations - ultimately, you can only be political to the extent that your funders will allow it. and that applies to your funders, too. and usually the government is somewhere in that chain...)
RT @LPP2014: If anyone down south just heard a sonic boom, a QRA was just launched heading towards this plane that wasn’t communicating wit…
@haikus_by_KN I do say y'all out loud (but I always cringe a bit when I do)
@AnnaHollinrake this sounds as bad as transition care (aka "bad")
@AnnaHollinrake wonder if there's some kind of shared care arrangement possible - initial consult via private (cash up front) and then the ongoing prescription dealt with via your GP
@haikus_by_KN yeah, "you guys" is gendered, and "folks" is...
@haikus_by_KN "youse" is a bit ruder, and less versatile, but has the advantage of being in my native register
@haikus_by_KN @MrBehemo "folx" is a neologism which makes "folks" more fender neutral & diverse. except it already is, so...
@KommanderKlobb @haikus_by_KN "folks" is folksy? which is fine, it's just not always the vibe you want
@KommanderKlobb @haikus_by_KN but I think you are more folksy than me?
RT @alicebell: "The problem, then, is that in psychologising and individualising the issue of adherence, one disregards the structural fact…
RT @yaminapressler: This artwork blends together the language of soil and the feeling of soil — all with a single line. I drew each soil pr…
"It was not made clear how or why a city built in a straight line made it easier for people to walk to their desired destinations compared to a conventionally shaped city."
@SzMarsupial "presumably there's a train"
there are 11932 bots currently running on CBDQ
RT @youngvulgarian: the fact that rougly as many people admit to breaking the rules to socialise indoors as outdoors is maybe the clearest…
RT @hellophia: 🥣
@hellophia what a dream! i love this
@neo_soxe no, there's a few more since i posted that
RT @FogleBird: Have you ever MOWED A LAWN? Do you make quarter turns or half turns? Like, do you do a spiral or a serpentine? Or do you sw…
All My Coworkers Know The Name Of My Cat
@FlorianVltmn if the country uses PR then there's usually a bit of time while the parties form coalitions. but I think the US is pretty exceptional in having a mandated period before the handover of power.
RT @elenacresci: a reminder if you're able to donate to your local foodbank, give them money
RT @Russia_NC:
RT @UnseenJapanSite: "My son, who loves YouTube, seems to think that 'please subscribe to my channel' is a parting phrase. When he leaves k…
RT @skenigsberg: this is so pure
RT @anniemare: @Afro_Herper Coming back one time from Hawaii, my aunt put her purse on the xray conveyor and from where I was standing, I c…
RT @hannahnicklin: As long as we allow people to believe that to be rich is a result of merit - that is, a sign of good character - we won’…
@ammonite can see the change pointed out on page 11, and then on page 12 it explains the case where the encryption terminates on a Facebook server
@ammonite i mean... i still think it's a good thing if people switch to Signal. but this specific thing is overblown.
search your birthday + azaelia banks and see what she did on that day @BreakinBahiyya/1349636436983738372
@SzMarsupial are they crisp?
@wjjjjt oh yeah, that was a great cross over storyline
RT @fireh9lly: Superb rabbit-hole about the QAnonShaman's stupid beliefs that also touches, incidentally, on how fandom kinning is used to…
RT @adrianhon: A natural consequence of the valorisation of “design” and “UX” to fix and transform products when it’s the business model th…
@Coleo_Kin I have also gotten that impression from people who worked there!
RT @gem_ste: Keep thinking about that exchange yesterday when Johnson chided Starmer for not showing the opposition to his own policy that…
@Coleo_Kin this was actually when it was in Nottingham & was mainly just trying to do too much with not enough
@Coleo_Kin which, yeah, leads me to be completely unsurprised by yr experience
@mattround I mean, he might talk a lot about it, but ultimately Twitter the business is going to continue to focus on running Twitter as is, whatever 5 people working elsewhere on the CEO's pet project do.
okay, but the thing is... the games are consistently quite good? @sokpopco/1349452418820538369
@aanand me too
@zoebot_zoe they're twitterbots. they're posting! for example, one of mine: @manygradients
@TheNazzaro whooooo! congratulations!
this interview is *still* wild, but it's funny how a lot of the stuff talked about now feels much more familiar. like, vtubers & people having an almost sexual intimacy with octopuses @v21/1126839387579457536
@droqen this is so lovely. i love being a little JRPG character!
posting this because it's a really interesting idea, and only a little bit because i'm in it @droqen/1349865367531884544
this was done as a joke, but honestly it looks great @hannaesthetic/1349786095433748482
RT @AkiyoshiKitaoka: 錯視シャツ
people find their own uses for tools @kennethrohde/1350011367605022721?s=19
RT @hendopolis: FINANCIAL TIMES: Plans to tear up EU worker rights puts 48 hour week at risk #TomorrowsPapersToday
want to come design games with me at Niantic? we're looking for someone who really knows how to make the numbers good. pays well, friendly team that isn't just dudes, cool project I'm not allowed to talk about publicly. happy to answer any questions!
@gracebruxner honestly, if you wanna pitch that, I can introduce you to some people
we are also looking for someone to tell us how the game should look. personally I think it should look beautiful. but apparently we need "more detail than that". here's the link and now I'm going to do this tweet again in a format that can be retweeted
Niantic London is also hiring an art director! Come work with me & the rest of the team, and guide the game to looking gorgeous. Niantic pays well, the team isn't just dudes, the game is good & interesting & has vibes.
It is difficult to phrase things to try to tell the right kind of people that they will want to work on the thing you are working on when you're not allowed to say anything about the thing you're working on.
@dinosaurrparty @iotwatch thank you (thank you both!)
RT @ClaudiaWebbe: The government have drawn up plans to rip up workers rights including: ▪️the limit to a 48-hour working week ▪️Rest br…
@iotwatch a different story seems to indicate that he had found investors willing to put up the £50m, presumably in exchange for a majority of the £220m if it was found
i never really paid attention to Ariel Pink's music, but always felt like some day I would have to. glad that's over!
here's a good explainer on exactly what the deal is with WhatsApp's changes @swodinsky/1350156746258526211
RT @vickisigh: the queen's gambit ♟️
funny how i try not to click on & links because i am waiting to read them on paper
Samsung foldable phones selling better than expected, Apple working on copying them... guess this is gonna be the new Thing, huh.
phone companies like making smooth black monoliths, but there's a lot of people who want something goofy & gimmicky they can show off to their friends. "vaguely pink" doesn't cut it!
all this is me speaking on a personal level. on a professional level, it's obviously an abomination & should be banned. Keep Screens Rectangular @v21/1176874619929845760
@UnrealMcGravin know exactly how you feel @v21/1323738696479363073
@awesommelier there's more!
RT @MandelaFace: Yahoo bought the sex gifs aggregator "Tumblr," banned all the sex gifs, then sold it for a billion dollar loss, in so doin…
@awesommelier can't make the screens any bigger without some spilling off the side
RT @jellyflavor: dissolve
RT @nighatdad: Platforms often apply different standards/policies to global south countries, while at the same they often capitulate to opp…
Side-By-Side Dreamers by Iori Miyazawa was reminded of the author by @v21/1349832058256969728?s=19 and when I couldn't sleep last night, it seemed appropriate. a yuri light novel, which shifts from "girl has insomnia" to "hero team fights monsters" to almost existential horror.
RT @fireh9lly: A "Ghost" version is a Beanie Baby with a combination of tags, country and pellets that is not recognised as being part of c…
RT @GypsyTravellers: Morning all, you may have seen in the @Telegraph and @thetimes this morning that @pritipatel will shortly announce tha…
RT @GypsyTravellers: In September, we launched research which shows that only 21.7% of police respondents to the Home Office’s consultation…
RT @GypsyTravellers: Our research, released this week, shows that there is a huge unmet need for pitches on Traveller sites, with over 1696…
@awesommelier oh, i meant to say: got my dad an Aktara delivery for Christmas. cuz i needed to arrange dates, they've not had it yet, but everyone is very excited about it - thanks for posting about it!
@manchestermelly if you send the tweet via the CBDQ website, it'll say "via Cheap Bots, Done Quick!" - if it's through the Twitter website or app, it'll be from whatever device.
RT @wellsbering: i thought garak's first scene on ds9 could use some background music
@hollygramazio but how will you decide you want a foldable phone if you're not allowed to fold it?
RT @ravenscimaven: The human body is a seven-holed doughnut
RT @kchironis: nothing brings me more joy than employing game design on the puppy. a potty outside is one treat, but you earn cumulative re…
No-one wants to spread covid, but if the alternative is starving or going into debt...
RT @pangmeli: people don't really oppose 'raising the minimum wage' — they'd be fine with it if their incomes were raised in tandem. what t…
1. this doesn't really apply outside either the US or the EU - too few big cities, immigration is too hard 2. and even there, it only applies to the rootless knowledge workers - and, while I am one of those, I don't want a city to cater to us over the people who can't just leave. @balajis/1350493414215745537
RT @CHA2trico: 当然被れますけど
RT @itsbedtime_: everyone should be paid roughly the same amount, which is enough to live well. hope this helps
RT @KazikPogoda: Even slower #creativecoding #codeart #generative #generativeart #digitalart #digitalarts #digitalartwork…
@tylerxhobbs more for the writing than the images, but Bridget Riley's The Eye's Mind is stellar. and maybe you'd get something out of Anni Albers' On Weaving.
I just had an enjoyable time sitting in the park watching the same magpies I watch through my bedroom window
nice to have a change of scene!
@hannahnicklin i was also confused by this. i can now reliably recognise the oldest one (the one who is seeing the opera singer)... but there are two others?? i think?
RT @PattMeeples: It’s basically a book full of folklore, poems, songs, descriptions of wildlife, technology, and a pantheon for an imaginar…
RT @willie_agnew: Buried in the recent trillion parameter language model paper is how the dataset to train it was created. Any page that co…
@mcclure111 that's fair! might I suggest being a teenager living in south london 20 years ago?
RT @nikkipugh: @shannonmattern @chellemcmullin It’s totally A Thing!
RT @joz_freeman: I was introduced to this quote by @Sandboy39 and now I think about it *a lot* It gives a new meaning to the phrase starr…
@ka_bradley here is an example of a content note from Situation Normal, a scifi book by Leonard Richardson. things about it: came after the dedication, specifically tells you you can skip a bit, gave some context for themes but in the way a cover design / blurb might, is half worldbuilding.
RT @headfallsoff: hey everyone. this ace combat 7 trailer has the funniest opening line in trailer history. it is my solemn duty to inform…
Do You See Me? (Sophia Foster-Dimino, 2018) @redditships/1351233355581431808
although, saying that, the title of the post definitely reads as a light novel title
i went on some really nice trips within the 2019-2020 tax year!
RT @innesmck: this website does not cost money but it is definitely not free
RT @v21: want to come design games with me at Niantic? we're looking for someone who really knows how to make the numbers good. pays well,…
RT @v21: Niantic London is also hiring an art director! Come work with me & the rest of the team, and guide the game to looking gorgeous. N…
RT @gameing_genious: this warning message in the beginning of tokyo mirage sessions made me lol
@BRKeogh CLR James' The Black Jacobins. It's a history of Toussaint Louverture, who lead the Haitian Revolution. Published 1938, still very readable, and had an intellectual impact on the African independence movement. He also wrote a very good book on cricket, Beyond A Boundary.
RT @djbaskin: Rolling out the vaccine is expensive. That's why some countries are opting into the BRAND-AID® program. Corporations subsidiz…
what a chart. what a long, wearying crisis. @PavelASamsonov/1351583713268817924
reminds me of this one
though I feel we can all laugh hollowly at the label "up to one year"
although, yeah... probably will be some emotional aftershocks when March rolls around.
@grapefrukt my guess would be that the shader compiler would do that for you automatically.
@grapefrukt my perspective on this was greatly informed by using a node based shader editor, looking at the clunky verbose code it generated, and then reading that they did that because all of that stuff got inlined and optimised out by the compiler (and easier to generate)
@radiodario but do let me know if you find a good solution... not that I'm planning on upgrading immediately, but it'd make sense to do so soon
@radiodario yeah, mine works... but I have now used it enough for it to be worth getting something more reliable and less fussy to use.
@alexhern that the article ends with a link for how to make one!
RT @Nigella_Lawson: Well, yes, Bitter Orange Tart just happens to be #RecipeOfTheDay. Apart from anything else, there are more things to ma…
RT @JimMFelton: Update
@amaliaulman Happy birthday!!
@musebloom @V_and_A @L_D_F high viz, keys on a lanyard, all you need is a walkie talkie and you're in heaven
RT @ShitUserStories: As a B2B SaaS user I want to Frequently consider and score how likely I am to recommend this product, which I am obli…
@adrianhon @_everybird_ is trying
RT @disrupthehuman: “let people enjoy things” ok i enjoy critical analysis and being a hater
RT @tylerxhobbs: New (untitled) pencil on paper work. Playing with combining loose hand-drawn shapes with super mechanical precision on the…
RT @everestpipkin: i hope people understand that the ecological cost of crypto is not an ‘unfortunate side effect’ but is instead the very…
@GalaxyKate i think this thread is just dancing around the fact that you want to do a Farscape rewatch
RT @FactsValve: When analyzed, many Half-Life 2 levels subtly encourage the player to drown themselves. This is done with a technique calle…
@martinpi dropping this thread in here @everestpipkin/1352254619129409537
@martinpi it's saying something more fundamental than "this technology is energy inefficient" - it's saying that the network gains it's value from the energy it embodies. it's not an argument on numbers, but on the fundamental meaning of value within a proof-of-work blockchain.
@amyhoy yes
@Tanuja_A having read 2 out of 3 of these recently... thanks for the nudge on M John Harrison!
thought about this for a few minutes... and yeah, it's great, why not? @designboom/1351960585907400706
@AranKoning Well it's part of the game, and it needs managing, so...
I mean, if we have to have skyscrapers which yell "look at me!"...
@cr3 the answer is obviously (if you don't need it for a month or so) to buy it from AliExpress instead
@mjmcmaster yes!!!!
@mjmcmaster thinking about old men tussling with each other with their extended eyebrows like antlers
@thairyn Wednesday
@thairyn 4:30pm
@thairyn March
@thairyn I wonder if the internal battery has gone.
It's just "the way the political process works" @Pinboard/1352487435242926080
RT @mattdpearce: One of these headlines is for workers and one of these headlines is for managers.
@everestpipkin @tinysubversions i have ruined games like that for myself before... but that was at the point where i was about to walk away instead. so... overall, glad i could do that.
@newsmary i really appreciate steam's streaming thing. i've been using it to stream to a Macbook, but also eying up a Steam Link.
@newsmary games not on Steam can either be added to your Steam library manually -- or you can trick Steam into opening up a random application, then minimise it and launch the non-Steam game manually
@newsmary sometimes the signal drops out & it takes a few seconds to come back, but I put that down to wifi rather than the Macbook. this is a 2013 model, so also not new.
RT @vickyyyf: This is a random pattern on a microscope slide caused by leftover fixative i would think... ...but it looks like a street ma…
i want to make a game that feels like this @sanjazakovska/1352557733787152389
@SzMarsupial it's complicated but, overall, reforestation will reduce carbon emissions (especially in the tropics)
@katbamkapow kb...... i'm very proud of this fact
looks like a detail of an oil painting @HiRISEBot/1352662350948663298
RT @jonty: I sincerely regret creating this
TIL where the name Tucows came from @textfiles/1352765779410825217
@johnnemann have not played 3, did play an amount of 1. get the demo/whichever of them is cheapest, from reviews, 3 seems to care about the bad plot a lot more and is worse for it. but 1 is good, rich worlds & interesting gameplay & not too timewastey.
@ohhoe copic
RT @rhiannonlucyc: Morning everyone, I have been working on this since the beginning of the outbreak, and I’d love it if you gave it a read…
i'm not an anarchist but i believe in mutual aid. this is correct, imo.
often the hardest part of mutual aid is accepting help. admitting that someone else could help you & letting them do that.
@maltron3D I dunno! Understand the risks of viewing it like a statement of accounts, I agree that's a trap. But it is a self-interested thing, even if not selfish.
@maltron3D But it is a self-interested thing, both ways. I help because I want to be useful & because it builds a community I am part of. I receive help because well, it's helpful. But also because it builds that community. It's a vulnerable thing, but it's also beneficial both ways.
RT @cinnamoonie: 🐌✨
@raymondcamden @KristinHenry IrfanView is good for that kind of stuff
RT @russss: Extremely strange feeling that the UK may actually be doing something well.
RT @TVsCarlKinsella: "yeah so the plan is to wait until we've almost gotten rid of the virus, but not quite, and then just explode back int…
@bekokstover no, no, a game where you repeatedly beg it to do the sensible thing & it repeatedly, deliberately, aggravates you. but in a good way.
@bekokstover no idea! hard to do. probably needs another idea knock into it to crystallise something
me & everest are visiting some Roblox worlds on stream. probably ride some trains? come hang
@droqen I started as a designer/programmer. I am currently a game designer with an engineering team, and they work in a way that I don't have time to understand well enough to contribute to at an equal level. I mainly write docs instead. It's weird & took a good amount of time to learn.
@droqen but, that said... even working on my own, I noticed that I was often not great at doing code & design at the same time. I'd avoid design problems by writing code instead. Forcing myself to move out if that mode and think about the problem instead was often helpful.
@droqen You could say that i made cheap bots so that I could write twitter bots without getting distracted by the temptation to clean up some code instead of actually writing.
some people disagree @oysterFAKE/1353234197419180033?s=19
RT @strangehorizons: "Scallop eyes don’t have lids. The eye in my elbow had a lid."
RT @turtlekiosk: the whole concept of narratives has unleashed untold harm onto society. it's long overdue for the government to introduce…
the problem is workplaces & sick pay, not people going to parks that are too far away
RT @extranapkins: The unending indeterminate surface that Garfield exists on is at Jon's chest height, and also has a table on top of it ht…
RT @seanbgoneill: Thatcher didn’t mention AIDS in her biography. She blocked national surveys on sexual behaviour. She introduced Section 2…
it's snowing!
@badger_buff @SarahDudley41 @platypus365 @devilsrefugee @BristOliver you do avoid a huge mass of people with long term health conditions that prevent them from working, though
@jazzmickle ah, I see you're enjoying Rust
@jazzmickle I so rarely end up in a situation where ?. is helpful, I feel like I'm structuring stuff wrong
@badger_buff @SarahDudley41 @platypus365 @devilsrefugee @BristOliver well, putting together: - it's very infectious - a substantial number of those infected have serious symptoms that last for months afterwards - many others have visible lung scarring etc - indicating that they'll be at greater risk in the future
@badger_buff @SarahDudley41 @platypus365 @devilsrefugee @BristOliver we can conclude that it's worth worrying about. of course, we can't know for sure until we're in that long term... but based on what we know of similar viruses, it seems prudent to take action now
@jazzmickle oof, sorry to hear that. But I believe in you! Push through! If nothing else you'll learn something.
@droqen uh. don't have a neat answer for that. biggest thing was just... being aware it was a transition & trying my best to be sensitive to it. asking the eng team for an annoying amount of feedback.
@molleindustria @NewHive is facebook's attempt to build a hip new social media alternative (iOS only). i'd... maybe end up in Miro if i was trying to make a page like this? or that prototype social platform where you have webcam feeds attached to your cursor had some of this
a nice thing is seeing someone mention a film starring an actor that someone you follow is really obsessed with, and getting just a little bit of second hand excitement because you know they'd be excited
@molleindustria @NewHive makes sense! also i would understand not picking a Facebook product as your first choice. anyway, just tested and YouTube videos work in Miro, so that's probably what i'd use.
RT @MatthewLloydR: The most extreme example I've ever seen of using soft brick stock with hard cement mortar! Apparently from a building ne…
RT @zachlieberman: I should say it's kind of my dream to make blobs that move and shade like sadamasa montaga
people find their own uses for tools @bysau_/1353546951372005378?s=19
@iRNY I've always said you're resourceful!
RT @tambourine: obsessed with this poem by nina iskrenko, translated by john high, patrick henry, and katya olmsted
@cassettewitch reasonably high chance we'll do more! Roblox is great
@haikus_by_KN Aloha!
@pangmeli recently, the FT. which is annoying because it's quite expensive.
just downloaded an app I could use as a remote to save moving a meter to the left & disturbing Pixie
anyway, related news, coming to this late but wow, Steven Universe Future. a series about... the war is over, everyone is messed up, how to deal with peace? what are you when you're not fighting? but... also as a kids show, 11 minutes an episode, bright pastels & jokes.
RT @hapigepi:
RT @sarahoconnor_: Are Brits "too lazy" to do the jobs migrant workers do, like fruit picking? Are farmers "too unpatriotic" to hire them?…
doing social media well is a skill, and it takes a load of time & effort. it can get you opportunities, but also there's loads of ways to get opportunities. @colinthecrabb/1353944411353145345
@jericawebber I like that as the "intrinsic motivation" flipside to having a Wikipedia page.
RT @sorochii_: bunch of angry 😡 🔪
RT @MayaCPopa: Revisiting this wise jewel of a poem by @doriannelaux tonight.
I've never lived anywhere higher than 100 meters above sea level.
RT @t0nyyates: @bbclaurak asks what went wrong. Many things....
Nice excuse to say: hey, this game is good! smart storytelling, good and exciting visual style, and effective use of AR @AconiteCo/1354173073423966208
RT @WarrenIsDead: "they're ignoring market fundamentals" wow it's almost like the market doesn't exist save as a reified conceptual shortha…
@drkatedevlin @Scarfolk Saw a comment that indicated that hauliers are calling them Kermits
BlackRock owns 13% of GameStop @edburmila/1354213203824283648
RT @rachelcoldicutt: Reading and wondering yet again when technology became a religion.
RT @haikus_by_KN: Hey folks! This is a non-specific, anodyne question that I am asking for the purposes of increasing my follower count. Wh…
@ka_bradley does it tell you who dreamed about you?
@ka_bradley for sure with the sex dreams. although if it's a new social network, I'm just imagining getting a email or something "sign up for DreamsNet! someone had an erotic dream about you! find out who!"
@ka_bradley also, did you see this? wild story @redditships/1351233355581431808?s=19
my take on "the Metaverse" : virtual worlds have been around for a whole now and the only three things people actually want to do in them are hang out, play videogames and fuck. (quote from
@adrianhon @prehensile real estate speculation!
can't stop thinking about the few days in the summer where there were fewer cases in the UK, per capita, than Australia. the UK could've stopped this.
also, GameStop is not the first meme stock. that's Tesla.
@kermitron @BRKeogh my understanding: there's not anything especially unusual about the short position on GameStop. and GameStop are potentially profiting from this: they currently are in a phase of selling some of their own shares. also a load of the WSB traders are trading via call options.
@kermitron @BRKeogh which are like shorts in reverse - I don't understand the mechanism well enough to explain it, but it involves borrowing money to trade with. increases your potential profit but also means you can lose more money than you started with if the trade goes wrong.
@kermitron @BRKeogh also... a bunch of other wealthy people (eg BlackRock) have substantial stakes in GameStop - some funds will be wiped out (Melvin is the main one) but others will make bank.
@kermitron @BRKeogh and there are reasons to defend the idea of short selling! for one thing, it makes stock prices more accurate. for another, it encourages the kind of research that took down Luckin Coffee (Chinese firm engaging in huge fraud, discovered by short sellers)
@kermitron @BRKeogh I agree that a large motivation for people is spite. But I think the end result will be that it hurts some traders, helps others, and have no overall negative effect on the market as a whole.
@speedfox_uk Do Elon Musk's rants about short sellers count? He was definitely trying to make it a thing, I wasn't paying enough attention to see if it was.
@speedfox_uk I think there's something to the idea that a meme stock wants an enemy to point to?
I got curious, and... the guy who invented short selling did it in 1609 to try to break the Dutch East India Company's monopoly. But it didn't work, so he discovered you could sail around Cape Horn instead. Huh.
redditors would've loved this guy
@mcclure111 @bobpoekert @HarperMitchell two things I see wrong with it: there are two companies called Citadel, they're not the same company it's profitable to pay for Robinhood orderflow without needing to do any (illegal) front running. so why front run?
@mcclure111 @bobpoekert @HarperMitchell ah, yeah, you're right, they do have common owners. the OP also clarifies in replies that he doesn't actually think they're front running, but considers not supplying best execution as functionally identical, which seems like a misleading way to frame it (but I'm not an expert)
did you know that the smallest amount of light detectable by the human eye is a single photon?
@adrielxyz human eye is capable of distinguishing light over 9 orders of magnitude!! yes, that could probably be a talk in itself
@studioanisa slight impostor sneaking in here... but when designing for phones make sure you look at your designs *on* a phone before implementing. on a computer screen is not good enough! I imagine there's similar advice for consoles, given how much tiny text there is out there...
@lillieUIVR @studioanisa sometimes when I was feeling lazy working on Beasts of Balance (tablet game but shared between people, so further away than most tablet games) I would just take my glasses off and see if my blurry eyes could tell what was what
@FlorianVltmn @kurai still gotta buy them, they're just fitted within one interface. and some mixed reviews for Hitman 3, so start with 1 or 2.
there's a reason than, in CBDQ, you edit JSON in a variable width font @moonriseTK/1354492919043010560
@LiaSae and they're all bad!!!!
RT @tom_weaver: This blew my mind: the childishness/impulsiveness of 14C medieval society could have been down to the fact >50% of the popu…
I'm getting older. @5point9billion/1354761527551815680
@R_Michalak how about this guy?
i miss "pushing through it"
RT @BigMeanInternet: Congrats to *checks notes* Mud Rick Capital
Good column on the endgame of the whole GameStop thing @matt_levine/1354840552634798089
CBDQ notice: apologies, the database crashed & corrupted itself. It doesn't seem possible to un-corrupt it, so I'm restoring from a backup. This will mean any edits since 7am GMT are lost, and some replies will send twice. My apologies.
@atydbot89 apologies - there was a database crash, and it corrupted itself. I'm afraid any edits you've made today will be lost :<
hm! i'm not having a great time with this - seems like it was already corrupted (but running fine) at 7am. think my best option is to roll all the way back to Sunday (the last previous backup)? very sorry about this!!
okay, successfully restored to Sunday & back up live. apologies for the downtime & the data loss!!!
@Andy_Makes i lost my old hotmail account, but it does seem weird that the login i use to play sea of thieves is the one i created to use skype years ago
@jstsgs thank you!
@NotBrunoAgain candles
enjoy how abbreviated the descriptions can be in response to this & yet I know exactly what they're referring to @NotBrunoAgain/1354886222716530689
@catacalypto ah, it doesn't for me :(
@catacalypto @AerialShading @johnnemann drunk driving
@johnnemann @catacalypto I know the contours of this one so well - I spent about a year on, a Mastodon instance without the letter e, and a favorite game was translating this tweet
makes me pleased to know that recently CBDQ has been powering a huge wave of lyrics bots. the youth still want to... just quote song lyrics all day at each other. @v21/1205075664375824384
@pillowfort yeah, honestly I'm sold on both of them, that sounds good & also very plausible
@pillowfort this morning I was thinking to myself "oh, remember Kemonozume, it had a great art style and that opening where you see the guy's sphincter as he shits himself in fear"
@inanesimp sorry, yes, I had to roll back in time to Sunday, so you will have lost the latest changes :( really sorry, I couldn't see a way to fix it otherwise.
RT @aJoostEggermont: slit-scanner
@HarryJosieGiles thanks for this thread
the game "100 hidden mice" has 100 achievements and they're all called "Mouse"
@KommanderKlobb sorry I stole your mouse fact
@KommanderKlobb does 100 hidden snails have any achievements?
@KommanderKlobb I feel like I need to hire this person to design my my achievement system. That's somehow even more perfect than the mice.
RT @any_user: After seeing Flash die last year (RIP), I wanted to see how it is to release a game in a mobile browser in 2021. 📱 Here’s wh…
RT @jomc: When internet culture writing seems thin, it’s often because issues of class and access have gone unaddressed. lots of vague idea…
RT @Genderintell: We are delighted to tell our young people that we have been granted an application to appeal in the Tavistock v Bell case.
RT @mikarv: From 5pm English law allows police to access track and trace exposure data. They *can't* get app data due to the decentralised…
@naomialderman I am struggling to find examples, but I swear there's particular ways of combining ingredients that make them better at delivering nutrition. Which are in turn embedded within food cultures (there's definitely things which cause problems, like tea blocking iron absorption)
@naomialderman makes sense that our preferences would be shaped by what our bodies are better at getting nutrients from. or that there wouldn't be such a straightforward divide between "our preferences" and "our bodies" as that last sentence implies.
@naomialderman also just found this, on the preservative effects of spices (some stuff on synergies in there, too),flavor%2C%20color%2C%20and%20palatability.&text=If%20spices%20were%20to%20kill,(Billing%20and%20Sherman%201998).
@Morganised @naomialderman let alone the selective breeding that produced something like cauliflower
RT @inform_dreams: A candle is a kind of thing. A candle is usually lit. The player carries four candles.
please don't, you will lose money and also become very boring
Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone iiiit's... the first part of a trilogy of fantasy novels with a female lead, inventive magical systems, necromancy and intricate plotting. this shit is my comfort food. this one's about corporate law!
@leonardr @ka_bradley ah, interesting, thank you for linking! (I am sorry to say that I also hate the Constellation Games cover)
@wjjjjt hahaha
RT @kittynouveau:
tv shows are worse than books because they are more capable of viscerally inducing feelings of second hand embarrassment, and i am bad at enduring that shit
I was really enjoying Bridgerton! Until I had to watch a long scene of someone completely at a loss to justify why they were looking through someone else's stuff, and then I paused the episode and never returned!
@KommanderKlobb @TomNullpointer @patrickashe It seemed to be saying that was some combination of left shoulder, Y and right stick. but I never quite figured it out.
@KommanderKlobb @TomNullpointer @patrickashe I think you only see your numbers? so just make more numbers & bigger numbers, and try not to die
remembering the first time I saw this video. like. "oh. this is you! wow! WOW"
@TomNullpointer @thestarboretum @KommanderKlobb @patrickashe tbh, even just understanding how to move efficiently was beyond me
@KommanderKlobb Moby Dick as a 24 part series
@cassettewitch enjoying reading this tweet approximately 45 minutes after seeing the notification of you joining Ziz's Discord server
RT @davemakes: watching old cartoons in HD is so wild, you can see the roughness of the line art, the slight shadow a character's animation…
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters as a 30 something trans person currently waiting on a referral to get sperm frozen, this book hit close to home! I am so glad it exists & is doing so well, it is unashamed to be messy and complicated about trans stuff.
@briecode oh, I've not thought about The Golden Palominos in so long!
@jericawebber oh nice! let's definitely talk about it when you're done
RT @vulture: “Being completely authentic about the time you live in is something that I would view as a career-long objective.” Here, revis…
rewatching Russian Doll, and it's always nice when there's good representation for videogame programmers.
i don't want to watch Cats (2019) again because every time I see it I get closer to thinking it's a legitimately good film.
@carolinesinders same. except if i'm watching my myself, my reflex is the pause button. and then i have to unpause :(
RT @LloydWise: Flier for Laurie Parson’s “Security and Admissions Project,” 1992
RT @partytimeHXLNT: At the end of the day, some girls' games from the 80s and 90s *are* bad. Some are funny-bad. Some are nostalgic-bad. So…
Two Serpents Rise by Max Gladstone it's the second book in the Craft Sequence. It's good! This one is about a risk manager who works for the water company supplying an arid city (lots of Californian parallels). But magic & gods & complicated scheming.
Full Fathom Five by Max Gladstone Book 3! This one is set on an island which acts as an offshore tax haven. Characters from the first and the second book come back and meet each other. I have read three of these books in three days.