v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2021/11

  1. RT @ogremode: november sucks. cant shave cant nut and you have to write 50k word novel
  2. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk oooh, nice, will listen
  3. RT @legobutts: When making a game, do you think about spectators? Designing for people who might be watching someone else play game (on the…
  4. on the nature of trust in "trustless" systems @isyourguy/1455014695283277827
  5. …in reply to @pvncher
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain but... blockchain solves a different problem? the whole point of blockchain is to create a trustless distributed system. but as a game dev, those are not things i need & imply a lot of tradeoffs for things i do need.
  6. …in reply to @v21
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain the hard part of doing "play to earn" systems is gameplay balancing & preventing the system from being used for money laundering. the tech is the (relatively) easy bit.
  7. …in reply to @pvncher
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain why do you need a third party if you're building the game? you can just execute the trades yourself. (this doesn't work where the developers try to prohibit real money trading, and you're the one building secondary platforms, but that's not the case here)
  8. …in reply to @v21
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain i can see a use for blockchain if you are building a game where you want other people to run marketplaces for without establishing a business relationship with you. but i don't know why anyone would want to build that, besides to take advantage of NFT hype.
  9. …in reply to @pvncher
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain right, but i don't understand why you would build a game where starting to play it involves spending real money to borrow items from higher level players, because all the starter items are exorbitantly priced. it just doesn't seem fun to me???
  10. …in reply to @v21
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain to be more specific, it feels like financial speculation turned in on itself and into digital debt labour. i assume, being generous, that wasn't the original intent of the axie infinity designers.
  11. …in reply to @v21
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain but i think it is good evidence for my point that adding blockchain makes balancing gameplay much harder, and that it is already a very hard problem.
  12. …in reply to @v21
    @prvncher @flow_blockchain to be more specific, why is the axie infinity system better than a system where the game developers can adjust prices so starting players have enough gear to can play the game in a meaningful way without having to borrow them?
  13. RT @__femb0t: Tired : bootleg military booze Inspired : bootleg military ice cream made over enemy territory
  14. RT @v21: tag yourself ("Dave Baszucki, CEO of Roblox, talks about the Metaverse")
  15. …in reply to @michael___wave
    @SzMarsupial i think you should buy a cowboy shirt
  16. RT @happeningfish: In this sense, when gender is performative, it means that by expressing something, we create gender - but not just for o…
  17. …in reply to @atduskgreg
    @atduskgreg Roblox called dibs, but there's always next Halloween
  18. RT @betterthemask: the big-budget video game is the highest form of capitalist art. mainstream movies, streaming video/television, even pop…
  19. only just finished listening to this, just in time for Halloween to already be over. amazing conceptual horror story, which goes places you are not going to expect. @rossgsutherland/1454748664828768256
  20. the thing is, to get academic about it... it stops being a game when it starts to have real world consequences. it's only a game if you can choose to stop playing. @lordpopple/1455206214489489410
  21. …in reply to @v21
    academic definitions of game vary, as I'm sure it will surprise you to hear. but these elements run through most of them - most strongly and poetically expressed in Bernie DeKoven's A Well Played Game.
  22. …in reply to @v21
    I went and found my copy. Here's some of it:
  23. …in reply to @v21
    (of course, I believe, and Bernie believed, that while play can only happen apart from life, it is also important for living well. a fine little paradox - but I won't spoil the answer to that one for you)
  24. …in reply to @DavidJEastman1
    @DavidJEastman1 once serious money is attached to a game, it stops being a game and becomes either gambling or labour.
  25. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge I'm definitely due some more fighting with it when I get back to Rust... but I have fought it enough to realise that it does usually have a point when it complains about things. which does help, tbh.
  26. …in reply to @v21
    @erbridge anyway, now when I write not-Rust I find myself wishing for the match statement, so... there's a lesson there about knowledge making you miserable, I guess?
  27. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts @erbridge yeah, I have spent enough time tweaking C# to reduce per frame memory allocations to know what you mean
  28. Squid Game (2021) @v21/1455301902816710657
  29. …in reply to @v21
    but for real, this is how this particular horror movie trope works. you enter into the game lightheartedly, but then it turns out you are unable to withdraw consent and the stakes are higher than you thought. this is also Jumanji (1995), and so many more.
  30. …in reply to @v21
    the horror of Being Unable To Withdraw Consent... that's a real one.
  31. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, outside of fiction, I'd say that an awareness of consent (and fine-grained consent - "I'm happy to play, but we need a rule against x, I'm not up for that today") provides a good explanation for the large overlap between people who are into tabletop and people into kink.
  32. …in reply to @undefined
    @_her_moth_ however painful your practice is, bet it's not as painful as wholeheartedly doing the second one
  33. …in reply to @marthasadie
    @marthasadie yeah, Battle Royale has a load of focus on "fucked that they'd do this to us" whereas Squid Game (tho I've only seen first ep) is more "well, that's how life is. I'm surprised but not that surprised"
  34. …in reply to @v21
    @marthasadie (and Jumanji is also not horrifying, but it's played light heartedly and does not seem to be trying to comment on the nature of capitalism)
  35. …in reply to @marthasadie
    @marthasadie I mean, I only watched the first ep because it made me uncomfortable to watch! but Battle Royale slowly filtered through as a "look at this gory foreign film I found a VHS of" - just v different framing than Squid Game.
  36. …in reply to @v21
    @marthasadie but also I think nowadays the "capitalism is an inescapable, cruel and arbitrary system" subtext is one that people are really primed to hear. it's not a shocking message any more, the horror of that statement has been numbed through exposure.
  37. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis Yes, exactly! These tools have a pretty much one to one mapping between the two.
  38. …in reply to @v21
    @JamesWallis a thing that I'm interested in from The Well-Played Game is the idea that we should practice withdrawing consent/quitting the game. it's a difficult thing to do, but it gets easier with practice. if you don't use these tools often, they become harder & scarier to use.
  39. …in reply to @marthasadie
    @marthasadie I take it as a sign that there's a lot of latent demand for an alternative, pretty much any plausible alternative.
  40. the worst part about doing the dishes is putting them away again. @bigblackjacobin/1455169258875404289
  41. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt what if you make a little function that takes a delegate and returns null DotMachineInstruction.Add => x(_ => Add(machine)), etc
  42. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt right, x is a function something like this: function x(Action arg) { arg(); return null; } so the switch gets some values to chomp on, but the actual functions themselves don't need to return anything.
  43. …in reply to @v21
    @grapefrukt for the sake of clarity I should say that this is monstrous, don't do this, but also you should just have an ugly switch statement and this whole quest is uh, "needlessly creative".
  44. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt I actually hadn't seen the arrow notation for switch yet, so it's already getting better. The problem is, I have seen what it could be... doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/flow_control/match.html
  45. RT @dvsch: i feel like maybe i should say something more about this. this is made from a bunch of images i pulled from instagram of alcohol…
  46. RT @dvsch: i feel weird as a man taking this work and using it for my own purposes. i purposefully don’t sell these models. but i hope mayb…
  47. RT @dvsch: in some ways i think i do a lot of ML art for myself because it makes me look at how various “crafts” are given lower status as…
  48. RT @dvsch: i’m also over the whole “these {x} don’t exist” approach to gans. i can almost always see my original dataset in my outputs. i p…
  49. saw a thing about Alex Dowsett's "how far can you cycle in an hour" thing tomorrow, which he's doing at a velodrome at altitude in Mexico... i asked a friend about the altitude part, and she linked me to this wild page wolfgang-menn.de/altitude.htm
  50. …in reply to @v21
    as you get higher up, there's less air to push through, which makes you faster. but also there's less oxygen to breathe, which makes you slower. but you can plot those two factors against each other, find the intersection and thus identify La Paz in Bolivia as correct at 3400m.
  51. …in reply to @v21
    the way cycling breaks down human exertion into quantifiable numbers is so fascinating. but the flip side is that those numbers assume arbitrary amounts of suffering on behalf of the cyclists.
  52. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt oh, interesting - more to push against, but more drag too! i guess the thing here is that the positive force is mediated via the lungs & blood & muscles rather than staying in the realm of fluid dynamics.
  53. …in reply to @v21
    which is to say: today I am working on Cheap Bots, Done Quick! if you'd like to support me in keeping it going as a free service with not too much downtime, then you can subscribe here: patreon.com/v21
  54. RT @caitlinmcgregor: I can already feel the number of lit events that are accessible to me dropping as things open back up 💔 I'm happy so m…
  55. RT @DanjoKaz00ie: It's one thing to say that people should have ownership over the things they use and interact with everyday, it's another…
  56. RT @ianmaclarty: How to transport a steel beam in Mars First Logistics
  57. RT @UnpackingALife: 📦Unpacking is out NOW📦 Unpack and organize a home in our zen puzzle game. Please share and feel free to tag us if you…
  58. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt yeah, there's a thing here about how (single player) videogames always make the player the most important person. if for no other reason than them being the only entity within the game who can turn the game off.
  59. …in reply to @v21
    @lorenschmidt which suggests two approaches: - a multiplayer system - a game which can, permanently or temporarily, refuse to be played. (thinking of Hurt Me Plenty as reference, although permadeath in roguelikes also works in a softer way)
  60. literally the thing they say is "have fun staying poor" @atduskgreg/1455304714908684294
  61. …in reply to @EveForster
    @EveForster Can a transwoman be lesbians?
  62. I do love this time of evening, where the streetlights fight with the dimming sky and all the silhouettes are good. But. I wish it didn't happen at not even 5pm.
  63. …in reply to @v21
    I've somehow lived in this country for 34 years and I'm still surprised and furious to learn about the seasons
  64. RT @merrittk: Can’t wait for pay to earn games to take off so I can rent some rich person’s high level equipment to farm gamebux for them f…
  65. RT @flee_bites: 🎀🎀🎀🎀
  66. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal rice cooker
  67. my answer to this is that the tech giants have gotten used to a big industry defining change happening every decade or so (the web, the web (again), then smartphones). so they reckon it's about time for another one, and this is one they can recognise from sci-fi books. @MaxKriegerVG/1455577494141247498
  68. …in reply to @v21
    it's cost benefit analysis, too: if it happens and they're not on board, then they'll turn into a giant company which makes money but isn't cool any more (bad). but if they go for it & it isn't the big thing... well, that's fine, that happens all the time.
  69. …in reply to @obandsoller
    @obandsoller The boundaries are knotty and complicated and diffuse. But also, yes, I would say that those examples feel more like labour than "play". If you're on a set schedule and worrying about your numbers and depending on this to pay the rent, it feels like a different thing.
  70. …in reply to @v21
    @obandsoller But also all games have an impact on life outside of them, because they exist within life.
  71. RT @tomonishintaku: 亡くなった祖父の部屋を片付けていると、古いタンスになぜかハーモニカらしきものが仕込まれていることが判明。開閉すると無駄に陽気な音が鳴る。これは手作りなのか、あるいはとんでもない珍品なのか、どうか。 https://t.co/WJacCTe…
  72. seeing a lot of game developers explain how VR is dumb and tiring and that the existing minimal thing (calls, web pages, etc) is better. which is true, but ironically game dev is one of the things that could actually benefit from doing (bits of) it in VR.
  73. …in reply to @v21
    personally, I don't want to learn to do 3D modelling until I can do it in a virtual space where I can move my head to look at the model from different angles.
  74. …in reply to @v21
    and I guess maybe it would be nice to have that networked??? could be a nice collaboration experience, editing a level with a friend (Roblox has this in 2D, seems nice although I never got it to work) anyway, that's still not Excel, Metaverse edition.
  75. …in reply to @flexmandeville
    @lexiamandeville oh, i believe all that - but i was thinking about making the editor & other game dev tools (that manipulate 3D things) work in VR. 3D modelling makes a ton of sense to me for that...
  76. …in reply to @ediemmill
    @multiplebears i think it's a bit of a different point - it's that CRT is in itself a framework for thinking about the kinds of smears that are being applied to CRT.
  77. …in reply to @ediemmill
    @multiplebears yeah, tbh i have no idea if it's true or not, but that's the point i've seen made.
  78. …in reply to @Psilocervine
    @Psilocervine @mcclure111 he keeps escaping from the camps, and you keep sending him back!
  79. RT @EmoPhilips: the vampire bat has a scary name but does much good, eating up to twice its weight in vampires every year
  80. RT @HJosephineGiles: Anyway I was thinking about this and asked a butch in my life how she would describe butch and she gave me a bemused s…
  81. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt this feels like it is kiiiiinda Fjords?
  82. …in reply to @v21
    @lorenschmidt (which was great, more like that please)
  83. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt ah-hah, yeah, that makes sense!
  84. …in reply to @matthewlehew
    @matthewlehew @six6jiang @stephentotilo or even cannibalising your own revenue, if a publisher has a niche they focus on.
  85. …in reply to @v21
    bumping this to say that i did some more work on CBDQ, this time fixing up the admin pages so i can block people for spam without having to connect to the database and type commands that could go wrong
  86. …in reply to @v21
    which sounds boring for people who are just using the service and aren't me, but it's this kind of thing that makes the service more stable & likely to stick around. so. if you appreciate that, you can support me. here's that link again: patreon.com/v21
  87. …in reply to @v21
    (i am trying to get into the habit of posting the patreon link any day i work on the site, on the principle of "yell about your thing repeatedly, because most people aren't paying attention". sorry not sorry)
  88. …in reply to @v21
    oh, and one thing i did which was a bit indulgent but i am pleased with: procedurally coloured people's IP addresses to make it easier to scan down the list & see when the same person has created a load of bots all at the same time.
  89. …in reply to @v21
    (i would post a screenshot, but, uh, other people's IP addresses)
  90. …in reply to @yoondust
    @yoondust it's fine! nothing wrong with multiple bots, just don't be a spammer :)
  91. …in reply to @v21
    also, just to be clear: having multiple bots is fine, being a spammer isn't - but it's handy to spot things by seeing patterns as you scan a list
  92. RT @venmosnake: Men invented online gaming as an excuse to talk on the phone all night with other men
  93. I think I was talking about Facebook here. @v21/448817698290802688
  94. RT @punished3liza: if you're a dude you can ignore this tweet at your discretion but you will spend the rest of your life slowly going insa…
  95. RT @arvalis: The hardest part about painting dinosaurs accurately is that grass didn't exist yet.
  96. just saw Moonrise Kingdom out of a displaced desire to see The French Dispatch & it is very good? breaking news from 2012
  97. …in reply to @v21
    very good dialogue writing, too. "I love you but you don't know what you're talking about" !
  98. …in reply to @v21
    i was also struck by some shots at the end which were centered in a natural way, not in the very mannered way Wes Anderson is famous for. he does know restraint! be just thinks it's neat when things line up just so (he's right).
  99. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @designCaitlin @ironicaccount @BrendenGibbons i love how i see these tweets but completely fail to twig that they belong in that thread. thank you!!
  100. …in reply to @v21
    people find their own uses for tools (thx @designCaitlin) @mescad/1456373786471800832
  101. continuing to watch movies while i'm stuck in bed dealing with this fatigue flareup. just saw Night Moves (1975) based on it's mention in The Sunken Land Begins To Rise Again, both languid but very sharply written, about men repeatedly failing to connect
  102. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon on indie games, specifically: appealing to "people who don't think they like games" is a hard market to sell to! especially because the distribution channels you'd sell through are already pretty hostile to new people (mobile games excluded - but those are hard mode anyway)
  103. …in reply to @v21
    @adrianhon like, explaining to someone from a standing start how to download and play Untitled Goose Game on Steam... it is a challenge.
  104. …in reply to @v21
    @adrianhon (these problems are pretty different when looked at from the perspective of Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft, tho)
  105. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon I guess the primary problem with iOS/Android is that they don't want to acknowledge how much of their business is the gaming business. if they're barely acknowledging the market, then they're not going to be strategic about growing it.
  106. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark yeah! the use of silence just before!
  107. …in reply to @v21
    in "other times i tweeted about Snow Crash in 2014" news, this essay seems newly relevant @v21/487965752356769792?s=20
  108. …in reply to @v21
    this is why I was tweeting about Snow Crash in 2014 @v21/466168269368737792
  109. laptop at 15% and dropping fast, power cable just out of reach, and a cat dozing on my stomach. who knows what the resolution to this story will be.
  110. …in reply to @v21
    i startled the baby with the photo booth noises
  111. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
  112. RT @aaronareed: A revolution of text games powered by blue links and singular prose. "Howling Dogs" on this week's #50YearsOfTextGames. ht…
  113. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly Holly, what's your favourite kind of cheese?
  114. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly solid choices, I approve
  115. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer yeah, the central romance felt real and kinda quiet, versus all the other stuff marching around outside it
  116. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv from what I can see... this largely only applies because the US financial system is so bad. and also is still v hypothetical - getting money out of crypto is annoying to do.
  117. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv (the censorship-resistance part is real, although I don't believe that's a problem most people have. unless you want to order illegal drugs online)
  118. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv right, it's possible, but it's like... plus side: don't have to wait a few days to transfer money from America negative side: have to persuade my bank to accept mortgage payments in crypto, the grocery store to..., utility companies to..., that nice vegan cafe to...
  119. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv (within the UK, bank accounts transfers up to £250,000 are done by knowing sort code & account number, are free, and are usually instant. and I can do them from my phone. so that's the competition.)
  120. reading this and thinking about the ever increasing number of indie games festivals and competitions (most of whom charge entry fees) filmfestivalfever.substack.com/p/how-to-spend-10000-on-film-festival
  121. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, it's the weekend, time to go review some IGF games (submission fee $75)
  122. …in reply to @siobhangx
    @esjexe @TomNullpointer yayy glad you enjoyed.
  123. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia i think it would be better if neither had submission fees, but also i don't think either are outrageous and i'm glad for the waiver existing. mainly just reflecting on my own part within the system, you know?
  124. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern "GenuineIntel"
  125. interesting to watch "69 / nice" move through the exact transition point of becoming irretrievably cringe
  126. …in reply to @v21
    it's kind of obscure as a point because it is much more visible on either side of the transition. a peak of desensitisation.
  127. …in reply to @v21
    ("irretrievably" is maybe not quite right - it'll be quaint or nostalgic by like 2030, once no-one has done it for real for a few years)
  128. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort a related question : if capitalism is so good, why do none of these companies use it internally?
  129. RT @hondanhon: I’m kinda into and also super depressed at thinking of the crypto/defi shitty, grifty pyramid scheme cult part of blockchain…
  130. …in reply to @alphachar
    @alphachar of course not but there is a bunch of more involved labour involved - in doing admin, in developing the platform that it runs on, in being on the juries (tho that's also unpaid, afaik). so i don't know that i'm particularly arguing that i should be.
  131. …in reply to @EvvaKarr
    @EvvaKarr I'm responsible for the livelihoods of the most talented people I know?! This sounds like a stressful job, tbqh!
  132. decided to try out Shining Nikki, the Love Nikki sequel. mobile F2P dress up game... but this time in 3D!
  133. …in reply to @v21
    disappointed this loading screen has a rendered image rather than a gorgeous handpainted bit of art... those are always my favourite parts of these kinds of games. otoh "Connecting to the consciousness tunnel..." is the kind of writing you only get in games, and I'm here for it.
  134. …in reply to @v21
    I forgot how hard the lore goes in this series. All war and time travel and epic battles (conducted via putting on nice dresses). "it is said... the annihilation of a civilisation is as brilliant as fireworks" like a Friends at the Table intro youtu.be/dciT05gH1IQ
  135. …in reply to @v21
    but kept the straightforward saga episodic structure. probably smart, given the other risks in the project... but I miss the illusion of openness Helix Waltz had.
  136. …in reply to @v21
    First episode, and it starts with the protagonist having amnesia... okay, smart, there's a reason that's an overused trope, a lot of "last time..." to catch up on... but then introduce the player as a separate character!? who... doesn't have amnesia??
  137. …in reply to @CheerfulGoth
    @CheerfulGoth It still has a little bit of that flavour... but yes, generally much better. The story is fully voiced!
  138. RT @hannahnicklin: Examples a thousand and one why ‘wholesome’ is a useless label: Unpacking (heavily featured around that label but this i…
  139. RT @mmdotcox: when you’re staying in a hotel and breakfast is included
  140. the world would be a better place if housing cost half as much and food & clothing cost twice as much
  141. I'm not worried about superintelligent AIs enslaving humanity because I don't think we've made much meaningful progress at creating AGIs.
  142. …in reply to @v21
    On the other hand, "paperclip maximiser" is a very good way of describing the way the enmeshed and entrenched system of vested interests we popularly describe as "capitalism" is destroying the ability for us to live on this planet.
  143. RT @torpordust: танцевать хорошо
  144. …in reply to @Stutsies
    @Stutsies imagine looking through the blue portal and seeing the cube rushing towards you, then suddenly stop as it gets pushed through
  145. …in reply to @torpordust
    @torpordust Ukraine was also my favourite Eurovision entry this year
  146. RT @zachwhalen: My daughter is reading Tale of Two Cities, so we got a cheap copy off Amazon. Something's off, though: the typography is od…
  147. …in reply to @electronicbeth
    @electronicbeth it really sucks, I'm with you there
  148. …in reply to @naomialderman
    @naomialderman i love Choosing Keeping! they used to be in a tiny little shop on Colombia Road
  149. RT @raposabranca13: That's an informative thread on the question "but why are big games violent", but I'm going to challenge it a little. T…
  150. oh, i forgot about this game. we played it with a cereal box with friends & i think @thisladybug managed it even when the sides were completely cut away @christapeterso/1457713084810813440
  151. …in reply to @deathsatchel
    @deathsatchel hi jordan!
  152. what I want to click on
  153. …in reply to @v21
    UI trends of the future: - constantly oscillating lava lamp blobs - an amorphous cloud, defining a probability that any particular click will register
  154. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt Figma plugin when
  155. …in reply to @inky
    @inky I agree. Kicking myself for not putting in BEVEL as the final option.
  156. Thinking about the way that lots of TV shows are about cops in a similar way to the way lots of videogames are about killing. In both, there's structural ways it solves issues common to the form, and there's a long rich history to riff on, and it's so common to be invisible.
  157. …in reply to @v21
    I don't think it's inevitable in either case, and indeed in many genres (for many audiences) it's a less common choice.
  158. …in reply to @v21
  159. …in reply to @v21
    oh, just to excavate the hidden message here: and deeply ideologically rooted, of course. Killing is necessary / cops are trying their best. I don't know the historical roots behind cops being fucking everywhere on TV, but when it comes to games: @raposabranca13/1457385505193140228
  160. RT @neoeno: @v21 i wrote a little about this and in particular about detectives in literature klog.substack.com/p/23b-intermission
  161. …in reply to @neoeno
    @neoeno oh, this is very good, thank you for linking!
  162. RT @CatSwetel: if you "distribute decision making" but give zero thought to conflict resolution, you did not make anything more egalitarian…
  163. …in reply to @danluu
    @danluu (typo in "transmitted" in the post title)
  164. RT @DangerBrooks: I wrote about climate news and its unique power to make you feel like you should save the future by doing something crazy…
  165. this is out of date. about a third of CBDQ users are on IPv6. @jerryaldrichiii/1457857791171776514
  166. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt corporate values?
  167. RT @null66913: People started to take photos of happy moments, smiling, etc. All those fake happy photos from Instagram, influencers… are t…
  168. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt I guess the question comes down to: does it mean "values held by humans" or "values we share because of our common humanity". I'd interpret the phrase to mean the second thing.
  169. …in reply to @v21
    @rachelcoldicutt (not that everyone would agree on what the second would be, but the conflict there is about the fact that we expect everyone to share those values)
  170. …in reply to @michaellyons
  171. …in reply to @Foone
    @Foone don't have to declare the transactions if you're just wash trading with yourself
  172. RT @WebDevLaw: Until I was writing yesterday's post, that pit-in-the-stomach feeling about how government is already using the Online Safet…
  173. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore @jonty i'm lucky to be on the small community that runyourown.social/ is about. but the thing about things that don't scale is that they exclude most people.
  174. …in reply to @v21
    @infovore @jonty although, actually, in practice, this is WhatsApp group chats, locked alts & Discord servers. which is common these days! but you have to lock this stuff away, rather than rely on privacy through obscurity like the 2000s.
  175. …in reply to @v21
    @infovore @jonty the mid-ground, tho, the community of 10,000 folks or so... harder to find. and there's less medium length writing out there.
  176. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore @jonty i'm thinking about the technical & social barriers to eg running a Mastodon instance - which means it'll only ever be available to a particular group of nerds.
  177. …in reply to @v21
    @infovore @jonty like, obviously friend camp can't scale and be the thing it is. but scaling "you can run something like friend camp" is also hard. that site is Darius having a crack at the problem... but it needs more.
  178. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @infovore totally. i think about this a lot with learning about game dev - a lot of vital info & connections is locked behind particular communities you have to be connected to even know about.
  179. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore @jonty yeah, i definitely think about that gatekeeping point a lot.
  180. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore @jonty i also miss the varied aesthetics. i remember setting up my website years ago, and a friend said "but what is _for_?" and i was like "it's... my homepage?"
  181. RT @L_Wynne: ✨My quilt top for the #mfaQAL, finished and photographed just at the most lovely autumnal dusk.✨
  182. is Moby Dick the originator of the "but there was only one bed at the inn!" trope? @PeterBrannen1/1457745416066375680
  183. …in reply to @stefpos
    @stefpos depends what i'm doing. however! i will say that the success of the projects i've worked on have had very little correlation with how hard i've worked on them. different projects needed different amounts of effort, but no correlation between needing that effort & outcome.
  184. RT @eevee: discord destroyed irc, reddit and twitter destroyed phpbb forums, facebook destroyed blogs. all are investing in cryprocurrency…
  185. RT @hollygramazio: oh my god just PUT A SALARY RANGE IN YOUR ADS FOR YOUR STUDIO'S COOL GAMES JOB and especially do that if you are requiri…
  186. a cool video, and then you get to how they made it @mcclure111/1458162370937819136
  187. this is all true, buuuuut... my understanding is that they're playing catch-up with Unreal in the realtime VFX space. @glassbottommeg/1458192844301082624
  188. …in reply to @v21
    i started my career as a Unity dev around the time that lots of people were jumping ship from Flash as it became clear there wasn't a future there. feel like it set me up well for making sure i never over-specialised and always had an escape route...
  189. …in reply to @samuelthomson
    @samuelthomson "in the Media and Entertainment space"
  190. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz @KommanderKlobb i have a copy of the base game on the shelf, welcome to borrow it, Viv!
  191. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate enjoyed someone pointing out that you could just... post the hash of your database in the classifieds section every month to get the same effect.
  192. RT @snubpollard: It’s after midnight, please read this great piece on the history of strip mahjong in Japanese arcades: https://t.co/JDriZS…
  193. RT @kerissakti: @togeproductions So instead of working on 1 game for 5 years, we get 8-10 games. You'll get more games, more experience/kn…
  194. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami which side are you meeting it from?
  195. someone asked me "so what was up with all the frog stuff on twitter?" and I explained I was just testing CBDQ replies and it got out of hand. ANYWAY I was wrong, I gotta cool frog thing brewing. *ribbit*
  196. …in reply to @v21
  197. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort thank you for participating. your frog:
  198. …in reply to @NotInventedHere
    @NotInventedHere thank you for participating. your frog:
  199. …in reply to @hacknorris3
    @hacknorris3 thank you for participating. your frog:
  200. …in reply to @DanielMorsing
    @DanielMorsing thank you for participating. your frog:
  201. …in reply to @hacknorris3
    @hacknorris3 thank you for participating. your frog:
  202. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt i think sqlite is the right answer, although i would personally push "a JSON file, loaded into memory, and queried using Linq" until it reaches breaking point, first.
  203. …in reply to @cake_wars
    @cake_wars thank you for participating. your frog:
  204. …in reply to @yoondust
    @yoondust thank you for participating. your frog:
  205. …in reply to @hollygramazio
  206. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt Linq is great! Until you have to go hunting for memory allocations, anyway.
  207. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt imo whatever, it's fine, as long as you're not calling it every frame, whatever. and if there's a problem later on you can rewrite the hot spots, or just call GC.Collect() during a level load or something.
  208. RT @hmsnofun: [sidebar re: walter benjamin's aura. the go-to summary, that mechanical reproduction is bad because it removes the aura from…
  209. RT @DilettanteryPod: Americans discovered Europe!
  210. RT @lorenschmidt: it is integral to digital art that digital worlds are not the same as ours. what does it mean that "objects" are endlessl…
  211. …in reply to @ludogogical
    @daddy_warlock what do you mean? the replies are CBDQ scanning my mentions, looking for the word frog, then fetching the frog image and posting it as a normal reply
  212. …in reply to @swizzard
    @swizzard thank you for participating. your frog:
  213. …in reply to @NoraReed
    @NoraReed thank you for participating. your frog:
  214. …in reply to @acgodliman
    @acgodliman thank you for participating. your frog:
  215. …in reply to @hacknorris3
    @hacknorris3 thank you for participating. your frog:
  216. “All the way through up to 1970, the path was: self-identify, get affirmative medical care, correct your birth certificate, and live equally. After 1970, that’s gone.” inews.co.uk/news/long-reads/secret-court-case-50-years-ago-robbed-transgender-people-rights-1291857
  217. i just keep reading this and cackling to myself @PoppyLegion/1458397699456258052
  218. …in reply to @KeirRice
    @KeirRice the most important thing i think i have taken from working with neural networks is just the idea of data being points in a high dimensional state space, and that you can move within or apply transformations to that state space
  219. of all the internet forums i didn't join as a teenager, this was the second most impactful on my life @alexhern/1458703230989479943
  220. …in reply to @v21
    (some of you can probably guess the most important)
  221. doing sysadmin stuff, looking up a thing i always have to look up: "The difference between adduser and useradd is that adduser is used to add users with setting up account's home folder and other settings while useradd is a low-level utility command to add users."
  222. …in reply to @feralresearch
    @feralresearch idk, pretty much all the comments I've seen about it are reflective about the harms that SA culture have caused. but it's still significant and impactful.
  223. …in reply to @feralresearch
    @feralresearch i am familiar enough to be able to trace out the chain of reasoning that'd back this up @alexhern/1458705288815652865?s=20 plus, you have Slenderman, Homestuck, SCP, dril, the whole image macro format...
  224. RT @zachlieberman: if you are interested in the Bangerts, strong recommend for their artist statement, "computer grass is natural grass"…
  225. a good argument for making sure kids get vaccinated, this. especially that little darker patch in the last few months corresponding to adults of an age to have children who can get infected. @stefpos/1458795255625625612
  226. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial i like his little garden chair
  227. RT @merrittk: Say, hypothetically, that you were shooting me with a laser gun. But what if, just for the sake of argument, I had a laser sh…
  228. …in reply to @acgodliman
    @acgodliman @radiatoryang it's symbolically representing the whole extra piles of crap you would actually be moving with
  229. …in reply to @ldreamfeel
    @ldreamfeel @acgodliman @radiatoryang some of the story is about where you have to put things!
  230. RT @nwilliams030: "How to make a CPU" https://t.co/4IpL9KEk9x
  231. RT @MaxKriegerVG: this is an excellent, open-minded guide (much more open-minded than i usually am on the topic!) on "So, You're Thinking A…
  232. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 i haven't read Empire Games, but I did recently burn through the series up to that point in a few days where i didn't really want to deal with the real world. and i reckon you should just skip to Empire Games, tbh?
  233. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 there are some fun ideas, but not enough fun ideas to be worth those thousands of pages. if you get the point about mercantilism being an outmoded economic model, then you get the point.
  234. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 (talking about the themes of books 5 & 6) nyfb gur ynfg pbhcyr bs obbxf ner uvz jbexvat bhg uvf ntterffvba nobhg HF vzcrevnyvfz, rfcrpvnyyl er Vend. naq ur'f abg jebat, whfg... v qba'g guvax lbh arrq fryyvat ba gung bar.
  235. RT @leighalexander: I’m watching ‘The Love Trap’ & ‘Too Hot To Handle’ simultaneously (for work, naturally) and the same man, David, appear…
  236. RT @catacalypto: stages of game development: junior: wait what X can happen?! oh no oh fuck mid: I will spend 35% of my time ensuring that…
  237. feels very weird to apply a Marxist frame to my career, because it is very rare for me to have worked on projects which make a profit by producing things people want to buy. everything is speculation, grant-funded, investor storytime.
  238. …in reply to @v21
    i have worked on a lot of things I'm proud of, and a lot of things that have been enjoyed by a wide audience, and I have been well paid through most of it (although not reaping the same economic rewards as the owners). but the economic logic is always very 2nd or 3rd order.
  239. …in reply to @NotBrunoAgain
    @NotBrunoAgain the infinity mirrors in the ceiling!
  240. …in reply to @v21
  241. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe "that guy just sampled a pinecone for half an hour" etc etc
  242. CGI shit is boring because CGI studios are massively overworked and no-one has time to figure out something inventive. i'm sorry to be boring, but... it's a labour rights issue. @spacetwinks/1459519075839889422
  243. …in reply to @v21
    also the fact that it's done by an external studio and *still* not usually seen as an integral part of the production process. but realtime stuff like "the volume" is going to change that. but still, mainly: unions.
  244. RT @sbearbergman: Took my kids for a swim and there was a lot of staring and snickering at my fat, tattooed, visibly scarred trans body tod…
  245. …in reply to @v21
    is there some sort of hand loom that is also a Nintendo console peripheral?
  246. …in reply to @ignatzhoch
    @ignatzhoch oh this is great. I love how you've translated the patterns into movement
  247. RT @NationalPepper: The Switch version is the Holy Grail for people, who likes behind the scenes. They leaked almost everything for the ori…
  248. RT @carvd_in_drftwd: subway map for facial and masticatory muscles attached to skull. bones labeled by alphabet.
  249. "Publicly funded art is for the public, right? I thought so. Except I have shape-shifted into a kind of public that is sidelined, unpublicised." I feel this so much. @TheWhitePube/1459813615582822400
  250. …in reply to @null66913
  251. RT @TierZoo: if IRL objects had unnecessarily solemn Dark Souls Item Descriptions
  252. RT @Izzabilla: National museum statements of solidarity following the BLM protests of 2020 -> their temporary exhibitions and events on col…
  253. for some reason, I have decided what I need in life is another arcane computer admin puzzle, and have bought a Raspberry Pi to sit under the TV
  254. …in reply to @v21
    do I want to play videogames? no! I want to figure out why the vc4 proprietary display drivers are incompatible with Steam Link
  255. …in reply to @v21
    as ever, the best way to understand how you're actually feeling is to observe what your actions are, not what you think you want
  256. …in reply to @felix_cohen
    @felix_cohen we have a Roku stick that does that fine, and can play media off a Samba share from the router downstairs... but only certain codecs. so, of course, the easiest solution is--
  257. …in reply to @freezydorito
    @freezydorito yeah, but the beveled corners of the blocks look nice from above, so
  258. …in reply to @v21
    i love videogames (from the Roblox game "[GAMEMODE & PETS] Horrific Housing" roblox.com/games/263761432/GAMEMODE-PETS-Horrific-Housing)
  259. RT @PatrickKTV: Happy one year anniversary to the most iconic TikTok we’ve ever seen
  260. RT @ehronlime: The most important lesson a “game designer” learns is that there are other people in the world, genuinely different people w…
  261. RT @francesleach_: My overarching takeaway after spending two weeks at COP with climate experts from across the world is that we already ha…
  262. a history of Flash games in China chaoyang.substack.com/p/gold-miner-swf
  263. …in reply to @v21
    "It felt like watching an animation, but I could also interact with it. Isn't that what all video games are? Krish: ...no. Yan: Noooooo. "
  264. RT @slava_pestov: BeOS had all sorts of useful APIs. We need to go back
  265. i bought a ticket to a music festival and was perturbed to find the ticket website had put it on some kind of blockchain @nathanjurgenson/1459918448180428802
  266. …in reply to @nathanjurgenson
    @nathanjurgenson Hidden Door in Edinburgh - they used Citizen Ticket, which uses the blockchain for some reason.
  267. a good puzzle game, by which i mean one which sets out it's premises early on, and then slowly lets you in on the horrific implications. level 2.2 made me laugh. @knexator/1459970602266251265
  268. RT @DrFuraha_Asani: The message from the system is: Sorry not sorry to you majority Black and Brown countries who had English violently for…
  269. RT @sallyjeffery: Desmond Jeffery made this in 1968. Thanks to Rachel Carson we found out what was happening sixty years ago. https://t.co…
  270. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon this makes me feel so grateful for my 1950s-built ex-council flat (that I can only really afford because I have a housemate)
  271. just think what these "micro-flats" are going to be like after 20 years of indifferent maintenance @adrianhon/1460206845369462789
  272. RT @profmusgrave: this is 100% the most vertiginous culture shock I've ever experienced firsthand
  273. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop i think i see this within the context of a broader shrinking of the size of flats. i mean, i guess that's also a response to costs rising, but...
  274. …in reply to @v21
    @hautepop i guess "make worse things" is a reasonable response to "good things are too expensive", but it's also a very depressing one?
  275. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop yeah, agreed there. i think the type of housing is much more connected to housing density than squeezing the extra square foot here and there - new build suburban houses i've seen also have that poky ungenerous feeling.
  276. RT @notquitereal: this story about battlefield 2042 players joining xp farming servers and "finding out that they're the crops" is SO funny
  277. RT @nowplaythese: NPT Guest Director @tigershungry started this amazing project as a Now Play This 2020 commission, and now it is getting i…
  278. RT @drob:
  279. congratulations to the github copilot developers & to everyone who helped train her
  280. …in reply to @thestarboretum
  281. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle @thestarboretum depends on the context! i still don't have a good all purpose answer.
  282. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @wjjjjt that UUID I generated, to stand in for an automatically generated UUID when this system has such a thing. sadly less interesting.
  283. …in reply to @bfod
    @bfod @thestarboretum @st33d @jazzmickle @KommanderKlobb I think I use all of these (other than "Amount", that's rubbish)
  284. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum got some bad news for you about how GANs work
  285. …in reply to @v21
    @thestarboretum (unless this was ironic, in which case I am sorry for not recognizing that)
  286. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @nickfourtimes it's so unsatisfying it almost wraps around to being satisfying again?
  287. …in reply to @v21
    q for CBDQ users: would you use a polls feature if I added it to CBDQ? (posting only, no way to do anything with the results)
  288. …in reply to @v21
    glad I switched to a new Twitter library that supports v2 endpoints @ashevat/1460321868985085961?t=Ni4ehwo1pOdYG1ZBLR3yZQ&s=19 (although they only added the ability to post via v2 in the last fortnight)
  289. …in reply to @MaxKriegerVG
    @MaxKriegerVG watching Hollow Ponds ship I Am Dead means I know one answer is, boringly enough, Unreal
  290. RT @gutefabrik: 💫Come join us! 💚We're looking for a part time experienced Project Manager (1 shipped game) to join us on our 🤫 new projec…
  291. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine saaaaaame :'(
  292. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum @mike_robbo but a proportion of what, Alex?
  293. …in reply to @v21
  294. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum @mike_robbo like this? 'colors are represented as three floats, "redProportion", "greenProportion" and "blueProportion"'
  295. …in reply to @mike_robbo
    @mike_robbo @thestarboretum amount makes me think of like "how many apples do I have?" and therefore suggests that the answer might be a round number.
  296. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum @mike_robbo yeah, to be more serious, I would also just do r, g & b for this.
  297. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum @mike_robbo uppercase numbers?
  298. …in reply to @MaxKriegerVG
    @MaxKriegerVG tagging in @whitingjp, who did a lot of the coding on early prototypes while they were finding that stuff
  299. …in reply to @SerinDelaunay
    @SerinDelaunay yeah - I agree, but I also think the CBDQ paradigm of "just type into this box" will be stretched to breaking point if I go there. very cool stuff would be possible, but keeping CBDQ accessible and approachable is the #1 priority.
  300. …in reply to @v21
    @SerinDelaunay basically - I agree, but at that point people should probably go code something themselves, haha
  301. …in reply to @SerinDelaunay
    @SerinDelaunay ah haha. yeah, not that I'm promising anything! but also I definitely will be looking at the results
  302. …in reply to @SerinDelaunay
    @SerinDelaunay @allTheTyping hm, interesting idea!
  303. RT @patchdj: Clear Channel goes on a buying spree, and this turns out to be Armageddon for rock radio. Suddenly one dude in Texas is progra…
  304. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck make brain big???
  305. …in reply to @Storange4Mike
    @Storange4Mike @JotaroQuotes it's just because it tried to tweet the same thing twice in a row - Twitter sends us this error when we do
  306. …in reply to @Storange4Mike
    @Storange4Mike @JotaroQuotes you can just ignore it!
  307. RT @artnau: Manuel Skirl instagram.com/sskirl/
  308. it's a fun brief! a game: - themed around chess - for up to 4 players - that is more accessible than chess - but replicates the feeling of high level chess play - oh, and it's fun & hits the price point and all of that stuff @eigenbom/1460459426268073992
  309. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly I love that David Sirlin decided to design a game and call it "Chess 2". It's such a statement!
  310. …in reply to @v21
    @nielsen_holly also partial to the name of the videogame "5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel"
  311. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial just approaching my scheduled nap time, thx for keeping me on track
  312. RT @alvanoto: [N-056] ALVA NOTO . HYbr:ID VOL. 1 (NOTON) OUT NOW · IDOL.lnk.to/HYbrIDI #notoninfo
  313. Dune (2021) opinion : turns out a lot of books would work well in a beat-for-beat film adaptation, just so long as you make them 5 hours long.
  314. …in reply to @v21
    like, at this point the main difference between a 6 episode streaming season and a film-and-a-sequel is just budget, right?
  315. …in reply to @v21
    I also hope they keep making these, just because I really want them to get to the weird shit.
  316. …in reply to @v21
    obviously, spoilers, but you can get a sense of the wild ride if you just skim through this wiki page dune.fandom.com/wiki/Duncan_Idaho
  317. RT @mcclure111: Being queer & doing even a little bit okay (even if you're really not doing ok) always involves a heavy dose of survivor's…
  318. RT @mcclure111: I don't think I feel like that anymore. I feel like things are shifting. I was always happy that the generation of queers r…
  319. RT @pareene: well documented blind spot of western liberalism is an inability to process that a fascist in a tie, with a degree, actually s…
  320. …in reply to @lingmops
    @lingmops yesssss. they are planning on doing Dune Messiah as the third in the trilogy, and a separate prequel show about the Bene Gesserit? but hopefully we'll get wormboi in phase 2.
  321. RT @conchitinabot: Because I have, for good or ill, decided to remain a practitioner in the professionalized world of writing, I am perpetu…
  322. RT @kepstin: @thomasfuchs It's actually possible for web pages to make their tabs *completely invisible* with the current design, which, uh…
  323. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort there's a weird magic designing a game, where once you hit a certain critical mass then players actually give a shit about achieving the things you want them to achieve, and then you can use that to give them interesting challenges.
  324. …in reply to @v21
    @pillowfort but it's the challenges that make the rewards rewarding? it's easy to joke about "numbers go up" but why, fundamentally do we want them to? and do we care more if the numbers are called "level" rather than "spacepoints".
  325. …in reply to @v21
    @pillowfort and of course, also, once players are invested in a certain system of value, they will typically short-circuit into maximising that value efficiently rather than "having fun".
  326. …in reply to @v21
    @pillowfort but for me the real mystery is why players care about your made up value system, not why, once they do, it overrides "fun"
  327. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles fyi: harryjosephine.com/2021/10/20/3838/ says it's password protected
  328. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles no, but that's the bitly link in the image!
  329. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @designCaitlin @Robin_B this looks amazing!!
  330. RT @annaxmalina: photography by Eadweard Muybridge {1880s} as featured in Thom Andersen's EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE, ZOOPRAXOGRAPHER {1975} proba…
  331. RT @MaxKriegerVG: so much of the "opportunity" that emerged for indies really does seem to have been a mere symptom of AAA/console holders…
  332. sphere test, please ignore
  333. RT @amphitryoniades: I feel like “the Prime Minister once had intimate relations with Ghislaine Maxwell” is actually quite a big news story…
  334. …in reply to @ladyaeva
    @ladyaeva i think @mcclure111 is! or at least, in microblog form. here's her 5 minute talk on the concepts: youtube.com/watch?v=YJ6hX_x4_tw
  335. …in reply to @v21
    @ladyaeva @mcclure111 (except using IPFS-ish stuff instead of onion-ish stuff)
  336. quite possibly the most relatable Dry Cleaning lyric??? @drycleaningbot/1461039989341360128
  337. …in reply to @ErikRobson
    @ErikRobson @larsiusprime it's nice to follow @WhatsOnSteam for this reason
  338. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @wjjjjt @softlandscapes @matt_levine I also read that paragraph and had that thought. (I am definitely not going to make @softlandscapes into NFTs, and in fact doublechecked I never open sourced it so I know where I stand if someone else did)
  339. …in reply to @expectproblems
    @expectproblems love that film
  340. thinking about what a relief it was to hear my new GP say "In fact, I'm certain you know more about how this works than I do"
  341. thinking about how when I was a kid I would hang out with people speaking MLE pretty often. and now I'm an adult, I rarely do. but I'm still in South London. (and sometimes, when I'm tired, I can feel myself starting to slur things in a particular way...) @mcclure111/1461103598415327238
  342. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial @inthesedeserts 10484 Corporate Drive
  343. FAANG stands for: Meta Apple Amazon Netflix Alphabet
  344. …in reply to @v21
    honestly the odd one out is Netflix - it's big but it's only in one business, it's not a weird conglomerate which would like to know every time you touch a computer
  345. …in reply to @camyule
    @camyule MAGMA
  346. RT @math_rachel: Contrast in advice from leaders in Japan vs. UK in early March 2020 Japan: warning about poor ventilation, crowds, & voca…
  347. feel like i want to learn an instrument just well enough to get together with some friends and play a cover of Galaxie 500's song Tugboat
  348. RT @austin_walker: Do you know how you limit abuses of power? By building enforceable checks against them. Not just through new training or…
  349. i've been way from Unity for a hot second and i forgot how disruptive it is to have to wait for a progress bar the whole tim [at this point in drafting the tweet, Unity finished deploying and stole focus]
  350. github copilot is like pair programming with a golden retriever
  351. RT @v21: it's fucked up and bad that this is the correct sequence: 11 am 12 pm 1 pm
  352. RT @_watchsunrise: When I was in doubt about going for my Masters degree I remember Mum sat me down and said: "You can't compare yourself…
  353. twitter keeps putting a big "PROMOTE" button below my tweets. i'm not going to pay people to read my tweets! they should be paying me!!
  354. RT @NiranjanAjit: ummm... the fossil gas industry, in an official submission to the united nations framework convention on climate change,…
  355. Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (2015) @ted_pen/1461317133330272257
  356. …in reply to @v21
    if the queer community can understand the concept of he/him lesbians, it should be able to understand straight people who sleep with people of the same gender
  357. …in reply to @v21
    (ideally these dudes should stop cheating on their partners, though)
  358. …in reply to @nicolehe
    @nicolehe @devolverdigital @arnaud_debock @nerial oh WOW! so that's why you were in London! congratulations!
  359. …in reply to @reproutopia
    @reproutopia good for her!
  360. …in reply to @reproutopia
    @reproutopia yeah, she knows how to play a videogame!!
  361. …in reply to @reproutopia
    @reproutopia i played it for about a day and then found myself too locked into a haze of completing things and had to quit completely, so i know how you feel...
  362. "At eighteen, I simply didn't identify as a girl who had just graduated high school, for reasons both obvious (I was trans) and less obvious (I was, and remain, pompous)." @isaac_fellman/1461193875796619268
  363. RT @everestpipkin: you ever think about how we live in an entirely constructed hell
  364. i did not know about multi channel SDFs until now, but: wow! @ChevyRay/1461378021336645639
  365. RT @NotBrunoAgain: essentially this is the problem with difficulty fetishism: people are very attached to what beating a hard game says abo…
  366. …in reply to @inconvergent
    @inconvergent just multiply the output by 100, I'm sure there will be no point at which this will end up backfiring
  367. …in reply to @moreelen
    @moreelen Toca Boca Hair Salon (2 or 3) is the best thing I know in this vein
  368. …in reply to @v21
    @moreelen I made Calming Sphere (on Android, or at v21.io/calmingsphere) - not quite the same, but deliberately calming & trying to get interaction to gently slow & come to a halt as you play.
  369. …in reply to @v21
    @moreelen at the time I was v into the idea of making games that you could fall asleep playing. needless to say, games that are designed to let go of you have less of a inherent sales factor than stuff that's designed to grip you.
  370. RT @tigershungry: Can someone please establish the mod rules for ‘ Pikmkin Bloom: It Follows’ I’m currently being stalked by this little…
  371. RT @broseph_stalin: BREAKING: Modi has just announced that all three Farm Laws will be repealed. Over 360 days of protests & over 600 farm…
  372. RT @cakesandcourage: a popular myth is that people who are Very Computer have computers that work. nothing could be further from the truth.…
  373. …in reply to @tambourine
  374. …in reply to @v21
    @tambourine but, yeah, this does indeed seem like A Lot
  375. …in reply to @konjak
    @konjak this is why i love monitor stands that clamp to the back of the desk. i gotta have that desk space.
  376. …in reply to @v21
    guess this is going to be a thread for Being Back At It in Unity
  377. …in reply to @v21
    imagine if Unity... could serialize Dictionaries??? imagine all the useless complexity that could be avoided. i think parts of the documentation still allude to this being a thing they might someday do, but it's been over a decade, c'mon.
  378. …in reply to @v21
    have just imported my cozy set of utility files i carry around from project to project. ManualTween.cs, Extensions.cs & StateSystem.cs
  379. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt 1. i hadn't seen this actually, thank you 2. "imagine all the useless complexity that could be avoided" haha
  380. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt yeah - my exact situation was that i have a JSON format that's used by web stuff as well as Unity, and I had to change part of the format to switch to a list so Unity's JsonUtility could deserialize it nicely.
  381. …in reply to @v21
    @grapefrukt obviously other json deserializers are available, but JsonUtility is fast & doesn't add a new dependency. but really Unity should support this, it is one of the Basic Data Structures.
  382. RT @One_Angry_Chef: A new blog post on the new website. What is the deadliest and most expensive thing in the world? How does it shape our…
  383. RT @rachelcoldicutt: "All the mince pies were blind-tasted by 66 people who were demographically representative of the general population,…
  384. saw The Long Goodbye for the first time tonight & feel like the last scrap of a chance I would appreciate the Cowboy Bebop series just vanished
  385. RT @dvsch: Stylegan interpolation + slitscan
  386. RT @biologizing: I once went to a conference where the first speaker walked up on stage, slapped his hand down on the podium, and said "It'…
  387. RT @plambrechtsen: Wow IETF IPv4 exhaustion is so bad you want to convert 127 from /8 to /16 and make -> on the p…
  388. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett how do you feel about the sentence "Right now, this leads to a lot of confusion and frustration for customers, but in the long term these things will be ironed out and you’ll find all the IP for one series within their owner groups’ designated streaming platform."
  389. RT @visakanv: This quote has been sticking with me. I feel like it applies perfectly to thinking about internet celebrity and going viral.…
  390. i really like the sound the little dog makes as he jumps off the wall @JoGribbin/1461727621331496972
  391. …in reply to @v21
    the idea of a game with Christmas levels makes me think of the games I played off a Christmas themed shareware CD as a kid. Most notably Christmas Kye (I never even considered that non-Christmas Kye might exist) kye.me.uk/xmas.html
  392. …in reply to @v21
    in other "good sounds" news: pyoing! pyo! bloo! pyoing! @walaber/1461725571814019073?s=20
  393. RT @NotRightRuth: My usual thoughts on Trans Day of Remembrance: - most trans deaths won't be reported, but - trans people aren't likely to…
  394. …in reply to @v21
    okay, more The Long Goodbye thoughts: - cool that there were so many animals in it! - cool that they filmed interiors on location - so many good shots involving looking through windows, getting a sense of the whole layout of a building
  395. …in reply to @v21
    saw Night Moves recently, which was also excellent - both protagonists have an interesting relationship to masculinity. if nothing else, they're both defined by... not being creeps to girls (with their baps out). also both were just excellently played, nuanced & charismatic.
  396. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop @HKesvani I have been trying to understand crypto/web3 stuff, for better or worse - but I think there's fundamental problems with thinking about them as co-ops @v21/1447572473625595906?s=20
  397. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @hautepop @HKesvani yeah - i don't think these are incidental problems, they're inherent to the fundamental premises of the technology. blockchains are a set of self-consistent data structures, but mapping that data to the human world necessarily involves social relationships.
  398. …in reply to @Dick_Hogg
    @Dick_Hogg i'm afraid to say i didn't notice it! i heard about the cool thing they did, using the same theme in lots of different arrangements. but i totally did not notice it.
  399. RT @yeehaw_meg: pete davidson, travis barker, and machine gun kelly are the manic pixie dream girl of men….. the chaos goblin line cook
  400. …in reply to @v21
    it's interesting the way that it nudges you towards writing code that is like other code that people write. makes it much less useful if you're working with a homebrewed framework. might be a good thing, although i don't like it.
  401. …in reply to @v21
    when it comes to the hardest part of programming, naming things, it definitely gives me "well, but now i don't want to call it that" feelings
  402. RT @Anxiousounce: 1396.
  403. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @zoewi awww, yay, happy birthday Zo-ii!!
  404. …in reply to @varjmes
    @varjmes 2D or 3D, console or mobile, what size is the team, do you prefer C++ or C#, what's the art style
  405. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial reckon i'm gonna make some crumble this afternoon
  406. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial got too many apples, so... apple
  407. …in reply to @v21
  408. RT @zachlieberman: few more
  409. …in reply to @varjmes
    @varjmes personally, I know Unity pretty well, I think it is approachable, and Unreal seems a little harder to get going with if you're not making an FPS. But that might be entirely my own personal biases!
  410. …in reply to @v21
    @varjmes one thing I will say is that Unity is best approached with an attitude of "okay, I will try to do things the way Unity wants me to do them, and I will try to code as little as possible". At least when you're getting started.
  411. RT @roomthily: (it is interesting the newer to tech crowd's interest in like crystals and tarot and the new tech payment processors' reject…
  412. RT @shaun_vids: the protagonist: i was wrong! i have failed! do not repeat my mistakes, lest you meet my miserable fate *shoots self* dude…
  413. it was old news when i said it before, but Sailor Moon is so good??? just watched an episode about the power of friendship & also how it's good to use your nice pencils rather than saving them for a special occasion
  414. …in reply to @v21
  415. …in reply to @JamesWallis
    @JamesWallis I am watching it on Discord, streamed by a friend who pirated it. Not helpful, I know!
  416. …in reply to @v21
    also this bit, which is depressingly still relatable even now
  417. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC i was so shocked, i expected it to be like... Important & to fill in a cultural hole. But I didn't expect it to be so good and so subtle and so, well, well done.
  418. …in reply to @v21
    @ADAMATOMIC I think the thing that gets me most, especially given how much anime there was been subsequently about schoolkids... is how well written the characters are *as* schoolkids.
  419. RT @Clipart1994bot: CURLING.BMF
  420. RT @matchbloc: Take care of your feet. Wear rubber boots in wet conditions 🌧
  421. …in reply to @ignatzhoch
    @ignatzhoch @Clipart1994bot i reckon it's the moment after they just released it. the second most tense moment in curling
  422. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort aw, shit, i'm sorry to hear that - will keep an ear out for you
  423. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett this... makes sense to me? i feel like this maybe says more about me than anything else.
  424. …in reply to @ignatzhoch
  425. it seems to me that for freelancers in the UK, it's most normal to charge a day rate, and for freelancers in the US, it's normal to charge an hourly rate. does this seem right?
  426. …in reply to @v21
    thanks all! seems like the consensus is "yeah, probably, although obviously there are lots of exceptions"
  427. …in reply to @sludgetown
    @sludgetown seems like that would do my head in, but if it works for him!
  428. RT @rechelon: "Debt trade network" generates a lot fewer misconceptions than "gift economy" and helps situate most actually existing gift e…
  429. …in reply to @undividual
    @undividual okay, confession: i charge a day rate because i procrastinate and drift... i still get stuff done, but trying to figure out exactly what was productive time & what wasn't seems like a nightmare. minimum resolution i want to deal with is "half a day"
  430. RT @gutefabrik: If you're just seeing this now, feel free to send a CV and a list of bullet points if you haven't time to put together a fu…
  431. RT @typepunchmatrix: Did you know that a catalog of internal Apple t-shirt designs was published in 1997? Well, folks, https://t.co/8aoTWI3…
  432. thread on design tradeoffs with end to end encryption of messaging platforms @elegant_wallaby/1462845345319161860
  433. RT @ID_AA_Carmack: Every use of video post production in product promotion should be a call to action to make the actual product experience…
  434. RT @WYR_bot: Would you rather live without music or live without tv?
  435. very relatable stuff in this profile of the world's foremost maze designer newyorker.com/magazine/2021/11/29/how-the-worlds-foremost-maze-maker-leads-people-astray
  436. RT @xoxogossipgita: @alexhcranz if you want to organize your fellow workers, you have to do the organizing. if you want advice on how to do…
  437. I love Simone Veil's work, and I'm glad she's doing okay. @inputmag/1462859730083266561
  438. …in reply to @v21
    weird to have this parasocial relationship with someone who has made such great art about feeling very weird about people having parasocial relationships with her, but. that's how it is. and i guess I'm posting about it.
  439. …in reply to @v21
    way back when, she had a music blog with a lot of really good music by bands I hadn't heard of. was my main source of finding new music for a while there.
  440. …in reply to @torpordust
    @torpordust like the PM in The Thick of It
  441. …in reply to @ladyaeva
    @ladyaeva reminds me of picking up a crucible in chemistry class to bring it over to the scales after heating it in a bunsen burner. a moment before the pain hit, looking at my hand and going "ah, this was a mistake, this is about to hurt a lot"
  442. @AndrewJohnMarks looks like you're having a nice time!! @Toydreamings/1462811251860332553
  443. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall I have acquired most of my bicycles from posting a question like this online, and then a friend responding to say "hey, i've got a bike i'm not using, want it?". so... hope that works out for you!
  444. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum total wipe out
  445. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @designCaitlin apologies apologies apologies for the brag, but... that's what i was making at Niantic.
  446. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @designCaitlin yeah, not expecting to ever make that much again... but nice to set that bar high when i'm next negotiating.
  447. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk oh, yeah, i can totally see that!
  448. …in reply to @ka_bradley
    @ka_bradley Earth is like, 30% liquid, so I think we have to judge the whole thing on a sliding scale.
  449. …in reply to @v21
    @ka_bradley or else the only planets we'll have left will be a few frozen balls of ice
  450. this is a picture of the top of the deepest hole humans have ever dug. it goes over 12 kilometers into the ground. they stopped drilling it when it got so hot the rock started getting squishy.
  451. …in reply to @v21
  452. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck what would you do with it if it wasn't welded shut?
  453. …in reply to @seanbeegee
    @seanbgoneill @ted_pen there's a Canadian scheme to catch out landlords who raise the rent past rent caps myoldapartment.org/
  454. this editorial about cryptocurrency really sums up the mindset. it reads like a bit from Uncut Gems, but podcastified. theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/23/cryptocurrency-bitcoin-ethereum-buying-futures
  455. …in reply to @v21
  456. i love the comma ellipsis,,,,
  457. comma ellipsis, preferred orthography
  458. …in reply to @v21
    i couldn't thread this poll, so @v21/1463176286025785346
  459. RT @_goodnightout: One of the biggest principles for increasing disclosures is this: if you create a door for someone to open, that door ne…
  460. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielxyz i shoulda offered it! that's on me.
  461. feels like the rest of the world has to suffer a lot of innovation that was invented in order to patch over America's crap infrastructure
  462. …in reply to @v21
    i guess i'm mainly just thinking of any time crypto people say "but how else could you instantly transfer money to another person!??" and i'm like... it's called a bank transfer.
  463. …in reply to @DGoodayle
    @DGoodayle what a completely charming comments section!
  464. …in reply to @HourComeAtLast
    @HourComeAtLast @innesmck i mean, the wikipedia article both describes the bottom of the borehole being about 180C, and says that the drilling mud was "boiling with hydrogen", so that does make sense to me.
  465. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort are you sure it's not "so the company can judge your skills without being able to do an end-run around the recruiter?"
  466. …in reply to @v21
    @pillowfort (blinded applications are definitely a thing, tho, don't want to dismiss their existence)
  467. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin the @matajuegos_coop folks might well have some resources - tagging in @PfQuarta @__rumpel
  468. still wild to me how fast rockets have to go sideways to stay in space. like, sure they need to work pretty hard to get 150 miles up, but then they also need to go sideways at like 17,000 miles per hour. that's a lot of sideways!!
  469. …in reply to @v21
    orbiting really is just going so fast you keep missing the planet when you fall down again
  470. …in reply to @v21
  471. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @wjjjjt I was about to say, set your trends location to somewhere you don't speak the language of... but maybe it's Hawkeye you're looking forward to
  472. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern ... admittedly it was Kerbal that really brought this home for me
  473. RT @DesignReviewed: School of Visual Arts Collection: Poster by George Tscherny, 1958. via containerlist.glaserarchives.org/index.php?id=127
  474. RT @Samuel_Rutter: incredible energy in sophie calle's frieze questionnaire: frieze.com/article/questionnaire-sophie-calle
  475. …in reply to @v21
    people find their own uses for tools @rmozone/1463554958935179266?s=20
  476. …in reply to @PfQuarta
    @PfQuarta @hannahnicklin @matajuegos_coop @__rumpel thank you anyway!! hope you're doing well
  477. hey look at this photo of me i managed to capture AND save to disk in jpeg format from within code within the Unity Editor!
  478. i love seeing the visual structure in a printout of some numbers @inconvergent/1463592073186131973
  479. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark yeah, definitely feels like it's operating on a different level below the headline This Is The Plot stuff
  480. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark my assumption was the opposite - a somewhat boring script that got elevated by the actors, direction & production design
  481. …in reply to @v21
    @vectorpark remember reading about Matthew Lillard saying he came up with the toothbrush thing to build out a story of his character having a shitty living situation with his parents & so crashing round with folks constantly.
  482. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett I'm gonna take you down, Dan
  483. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett It can't always be the Rocky where he wins at the end, sometimes it's the Rocky where he doesn't win at the end.
  484. glad we had the pandemic after we did all that work on adding features to the Internet. glad I got ill while everyone else was stuck inside with the pandemic too.
  485. I think it's unfair when people end up being public figures and have to deal with all the shit public figures get, but aren't also rich.
  486. RT @AdamWagner1: 🚨I wanted to raise the alarm on some important new amendments to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which the g…
  487. RT @RoxanneCarney: I am here to tell you once again... @ace_national will pay for an access support worker to help write a bid. This is pa…
  488. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
  489. banging on the table COB HOUSE COB HOUSE COB HOUSE @ukgranddesigns/1423215083899994116
  490. …in reply to @v21
    i like the bit on Grand Designs where he says "did you have to make it quite so large? wouldn't it have been easier to make a normal sized house?" and they make a weak excuse about why ("well, we got planning permission for a manor house, so") and can't admit it was just greed
  491. …in reply to @v21
    "ah, but it's very energy efficient, so it costs the same to run as a smaller house"
  492. …in reply to @v21
    i do sympathise with greed! it's one of those things where you get carried away a bit, and it's only when you look back you realise that your desires were self-defeating and a little false. and actually the guest annex is better used as a holiday let.
  493. …in reply to @MetzoPaino
    @MetzoPaino years of labour, hundreds of thousands of pounds, the massive disruption to the lives of your loved ones as their home & all your time pours into a giant monument to vanity
  494. …in reply to @v21
    glad i have the experience to know how to dig around enough to find some documentation for the PointerEventData class, after Unity apparently dropped it from the bundled documentation (along with IPointerClickHandler, which is still linked)
  495. …in reply to @v21
    just to follow up on this thread: i couldn't figure out how to have normal Intellisense and also Copilot in VS Code, so I turned off Copilot. Ironically the problem with it is that I didn't have a good enough memory & it kept guessing plausible but wrong names for things.
  496. in the past few months I've discovered I was holding chopsticks wrong and that I was tying my shoelaces wrong. never too late to discover you're fucking up some very basic life skills.
  497. …in reply to @v21
    chopsticks: I was holding them on a kinda claw-like way, rather than in a better pencil-like way shoelaces: they stay tied better if the first knot & the bow alternate in terms of whether the left or the right side goes over the top
  498. …in reply to @v21
    this is why when you were a little kid & an adult retied your shoelace, it would stay tied better. not that their technique was better, they'd just automatically do it the other way because they were facing the other way.
  499. …in reply to @v21
    as ever, I recommend the #1 site about shoelaces, Ian's Shoelace Site fieggen.com/shoelace/
  500. …in reply to @stefpos
    @stefpos @SzMarsupial they didn't! but generally only these trainers, which seem to have extra slippery shoelaces or something. I'd have to like, wiggle them to get some extra tightness or do a double bow (which I hate because you've got to unpick it)
  501. RT @mousefountain: Notable computer game "Dépanneur Nocturne" is available now! store.steampowered.com/app/1285160/Depanneur_Nocturne/ I mean, it's for sale. Sorry I mean…
  502. RT @rachelcoldicutt: Today is very much my day for commenting on service design choices in health and care. Pleased to make an appearance a…
  503. …in reply to @v21
    on the flipside... feeling pretty comfy making stuff in this? making decent progress, writing decent code. reassuring to do something you know how to do.
  504. …in reply to @v21
    RectTransform math is still annoying tho. especially because i am converting data from a y-is-down co-ordinate system!
  505. RT @abscond: You've probably gone about your life not caring about @UKAS, which means they're probably doing a good job? I've written a qui…
  506. …in reply to @v21
  507. RT @mcclure111: I would like to take this opportunity to announce NFTBlocker, an upcoming browser plugin or possibly standalone app which a…
  508. RT @SaraBWarf: Went looking for a photo on my phone and found this gem. UR WELCOME
  509. RT @TrentOster: @RaphLife We had a derived stat from Mass Effect that the average user could consume about $170,000 worth of level art per…
  510. RT @neoeno:
  511. categorising jumpers into those best worn under dungarees, and those best worn above them
  512. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno Exactly!!
  513. something I have wondered about! kissing is not universal @DilettanteryPod/1464151940258885633
  514. looking at this image, and thinking about all the political prisoners the new protest bill would create @XrSouthEastUK/1464105444516016128
  515. RT @shutupmikeginn: Why must a movie be “good” ? Is it not enough to sit somewhere dark and see a beautiful face, huge?
  516. RT @adamndsmith: Tony Blair saying Labour was wrong to support LGBT rights in the 1980s because it lost them the support of homophobes http…
  517. …in reply to @nowplaythese
  518. …in reply to @LadyElimere
    @LadyElimere @EyeEdinburgh @Joannechocolat I thought the Internet Archive only let one person view the book for each copy they had?
  519. i think one exciting output of GPT and the like is that they give everyone a intuitive sense of what "unsurprising" or "low information" writing is like. if a machine can accurately predict what you're about to say next, it's probably not conveying much information.
  520. …in reply to @v21
    which doesn't mean that the ideal for writing is some sort of superdense knot of meaning, which the reader must work at for hours to unpick (a shame, because my writing tends that way)
  521. …in reply to @v21
    sometimes you're writing an email and Gmail see you writing "I hope" and offers to autocomplete "this email finds you well", and, y'know, you do want to express an anodyne polite sentiment, that's fine, that writing is doing it's job.
  522. …in reply to @v21
    and if you spend much time online you're probably already familiar with low-information writing - the kind of things you find in small text at the bottom of a shop page, designed to be read by a Google spider & not by human eyes.
  523. …in reply to @v21
    but it's a new and strange thing to write within a box which gives you real time feedback on just how anodyne and predictable your phrases are
  524. no, i love it. i make cups of tea mainly so they'll keep me company - drinking the tea is secondary @jasminericegirl/1463624050207559687
  525. 30% feels like a significant stat! I imagine it's similar across most of YouTube. @tomscott/1464208499324428294
  526. RT @nerial: Nerial is looking for a freelance community manager, yeah! nerial.co.uk/careers (as you can tell by this very dry tweet, the…
  527. RT @superSGHP: in other fulminating today — the idea that we are shocked SHOCKED there is a new variant while the West spent the last year…
  528. …in reply to @alphachar
    @alphachar it is so hard to do, right? the habit of a lifetime...
  529. …in reply to @NotBrunoAgain
    @NotBrunoAgain @catacalypto @GalaxyKate i mean, arguably Unity uses C# as its embedded scripting language??
  530. …in reply to @v21
    @NotBrunoAgain @catacalypto @GalaxyKate which works well, but on the other hand they had to invent ILCPP
  531. the one i enjoy the most is that global variables are also just entries in a hashtable (called "_G"). @NotBrunoAgain/1464348414456614922
  532. …in reply to @v21
    *drake shaking his head* one data structure? *drake approving* one variable
  533. …in reply to @craigw1701
    @craigw1701 i don't think you're disproving the "cursed" thesis here
  534. I feel like people only use the word "shilling" when they're trying to really make you feel outraged about the people doing the shilling. It makes it not very effective? Any pre-existing negative connotations have worn off.
  535. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern huh, makes sense!
  536. RT @Angie_Spoto: Look what I discovered! A wee pencil sharpener out in the wilds of Porty
  537. RT @unicode_garden: 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌷🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼…
  538. RT @lmfsilva: @HKesvani The most Incredible thing would be tories announcing an enormous plan worth billions to build new public housing, s…
  539. regular reminder that if you appreciate making bots with Cheap Bots, Done Quick! or following bots other people make, you can help pay for the server & also my time maintaining it <3 patreon.com/v21
  540. …in reply to @v21
    thank you so much to everyone who does - it means a lot to me
  541. …in reply to @Nele_St
    @Nele_St Happy birthday!!
  542. …in reply to @LovelySoftSnow
    @LovelySoftSnow thank you!!
  543. …in reply to @v21
    from my DMs last night, a testimonial (thx for permission to post, @MuffinFoxo)
  544. …in reply to @NotInventedHere
    @NotInventedHere @MuffinFoxo I very much love to see it!!!
  545. RT @mobilegamehell: Prrrrrrrrrrt 💨
  546. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio reading Deep Wheel Orcadia & it's taking a while because I have to read it aloud in a bad accent to appreciate the poetry
  547. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio "2x speed multiplier if you're actually Orcadian" etc
  548. reading this from my carefully constructed nest, set up so i can play computer games from bed, with my head still a bit fuzzy from the mental effort of having just played videogames online with friends @TheWhitePube/1464896869008658435
  549. RT @lilianelijn: Sunlight shining through the slats. Despite everything a peaceful morning.
  550. RT @Lucywwatson: If “cancelling” or “silencing” means anything, surely it is this
  551. impartiality means not listening to anyone who disagrees with the Government @dylan_patel/1464859979291242505
  552. tumblr gets posted on twitter, twitter gets posted on instagram, where do the instagram screencaps go? is it YouTube dissections of influencer drama? and some parts of tiktok often feels like dramatisations of like, a Science Facts twitter account. @overfireisland/1387533862964633604
  553. …in reply to @v21
    the internet modelled as a cow's digestive system, a system of stomachs and occasionally burping up the cud to chew. all in order to turn the indigestible grass of human experience into a steaming cowpat.
  554. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin I'm sorry to say that this is a plot beat in a Wes Anderson film.
  555. one must imagine the bus passengers happy
  556. in America, the better the cheddar the sharper it is in Britain, the better the cheddar the maturer it is would you rather be:
  557. figured I'd give Riverdale another chance, so just started watching season 2. it really is a 45 minute version of one of those mobile game ads about doing up a crumbling mansion with your sweet grandma (who is... secretly a killer on the run from the law!!!)
  558. A DAO cannot represent worker power. It is a fundamental consequence of the underlying technology that control cannot be held democratically, only by shareholders of a greater or lesser share of the governance tokens. Capital, in other words. @ljin18/1464994679468998661
  559. …in reply to @v21
    for more on this, google "Sybil attack" and see my previous thread @v21/1447573883364773892?t=kTKrWthKKozTFWILSnslbA&s=19
  560. …in reply to @v21
    But I think she knows she's not being serious. "balancing the interests of capital providers vs. active contributors" is the fundamental problem the labor movement is attempting to address. If that is a weakness of DAOs, then what use are they for workers? @ljin18/1464994707256365064?t=6_1-k1yUPdw8wP8VGQusIg&s=19
  561. RT @christapeterso: Very little children run a counting scam where they can recite lists of numbers but simply cannot count https://t.co/uQ…
  562. …in reply to @ctbeiser
    @ctbeiser @SamAugustDean @isosteph @opencollect I was part of a collective that put on video game parties. We made deals with bars, collected ticket money, paid out to artists we were showing, even collaborated with games festivals before we bothered to set up a legal entity.
  563. …in reply to @v21
    @ctbeiser @SamAugustDean @isosteph @opencollect "the venmo guy" model works fine as long as you can trust the venmo guy. but if you can't trust the venmo guy, the small social organisation you're talking about is fucked anyway, and in much more fundamental ways.
  564. …in reply to @v21
    @ctbeiser @SamAugustDean @isosteph @opencollect the fundamental problem with the DAO solution is it is trustless, so now everyone has to be deeply involved in exactly what's happening with the finances. and nobody willing to put the time into that is any fun anyway
  565. …in reply to @kcimc
    @kcimc I get stuck on the fact that DAOs have no way of giving voting power equally to each worker @v21/1465032324605698048?t=ejm8VQ8-lPfjbPasGMarZA&s=19
  566. …in reply to @sturob
    @sturob @kcimc why have a DAO, then? the big problems unions face aren't "running a membership database" & "polling their workers". and unions typically choose to be strategic about when to reveal information to the company - a way of mitigating some of the power asymmetries.
  567. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jericawebber okay, so last time I played Wavelength someone was trying to convey round <=> pointy, and to convey "really very round" they chose "hedgehog" because... they forgot they had spines.
  568. …in reply to @ohhoe
    @ohhoe I use Airpop masks, they have a little silicone bit that flips up & makes a tight seal around the nose.
  569. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jericawebber they are simultaneously very round and very pointy! which honestly causes trouble for both sides of the polarised discussion you are trying to cultivate on this thread
  570. …in reply to @jericawebber
  571. …in reply to @purecelain
    @purecelain Oop, yeah, that's £9k on mine since March.
  572. …in reply to @v21
    @purecelain Guess that makes me feel better about spending a bit more than that on a kitchen renovation...
  573. RT @stavvers: One of the best things for public health would be for it to become completely OK, both socially and ESPECIALLY in terms of wo…
  574. …in reply to @extrateethmag
    @extrateethmag @peonygent @ka_bradley dream team match up!!
  575. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern hey those quantum computers are starting to get bigger...
  576. CBDQ status report: there's an ongoing problem where some accounts are tweeting intermittently. I've been looking into it this evening & have not yet managed to track it down - but I'll continue to investigate tomorrow.
  577. …in reply to @btspolytruther
    @btspolytruther hi - sorry about this, there's a subtle bug in the backend that i'm having trouble tracking down. but i'm looking into it.
  578. RT @kayhannahwatson: @sheffdocfest are recruiting an Alternate Realities Curator, more info here: sheffdocfest.com/about/opportunities :)
  579. …in reply to @dinosaurrparty
    @dinosaurrparty it's not quite the same thing (not a non profit) but this makes me think of Koyama Press
  580. …in reply to @v21
    @dinosaurrparty or, again a different model, but Ice Water Games is interesting as a true indie publishing co-op
  581. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno i am sorry to say that i don't have a big pile of money to give you, but: yes please, and let's chat about it
  582. RT @oldmanofthefire: An old style experiment
  583. …in reply to @v21
    morning update: my debugging is hindered by the fact that the bug appears to have stopped happening. all i did was add a bit more logging, so i don't believe it's actually fixed. will look into it more when it starts happening again.
  584. …in reply to @btspolytruther
    @btspolytruther yeah, that'll be Twitter's duplicate tweet prevention kicking in, not anything to do with CBDQ.
  585. RT @colinsbearanim: The bear's happiness causes him to grow -- his consciousness subsumes the Earth. He does a handstand.
  586. …in reply to @iamdanw
    @iamdanw could imagine Google doing this, once they've entrenched their position with FLOC
  587. …in reply to @hellocatfood
    @hellocatfood i think if you get a lot of emails that ask the same thing & it takes a lot of time and attention, then it is worth making a contact page that answers those questions/sets expectations about responses. eg Em Short's page: emshort.blog/contact/
  588. …in reply to @I_love_epoetry
    @leo_elo_ole thank you. it's a joy to see what people make with it.
  589. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno i think some of them do, but they're using it. yes, i think that's unfair, too.
  590. …in reply to @TheOperaGeek
    @TheOperaGeek if the game doesn't make you think or feel anything, then why are you playing??
  591. …in reply to @TheOperaGeek
    @TheOperaGeek yes, sorry, my fault - i was agreeing with you. if someone can perfectly separate fantasy and reality, then the game isn't going to make them feel or thing anything. because that happens in reality.
  592. …in reply to @hellocatfood
    @hellocatfood no, not that many! most of the stuff i get is CBDQ related, and comes in via Twitter DM - hard to put a FAQ in front of it.
  593. RT @tomstafford: The latest in @thedalstonyears' series on lives lost to the virus focuses on an anti-vaccination health fanatic. I'm quote…
  594. RT @leighalexander: if you take "conquer and exploit an area that isn't yours" off the table, 90% of game dev dudes will be totally lost as…
  595. RT @suzushiro333: Maid to Skate 27
  596. hey the place that opened up with "bubble tea" on their signage, but wasn't selling bubble tea, is selling bubble tea now!
  597. …in reply to @SelectivePress
    @SelectivePress @fr_oblivion9 @radical1979 @CurtFinch @LotusEater29 @michelletandler but it's a market full of government interventions already: eg the stamp duty holiday, capital gains tax exemptions, council housing. most of these interventions are designed to increase or maintain the price of existing housing.
  598. …in reply to @v21
    @SelectivePress @fr_oblivion9 @radical1979 @CurtFinch @LotusEater29 @michelletandler there are issues with rent control (eg: in Berlin, finding an apartment to rent is difficult - but affordable once you've found it), but it is not at all obvious to me that they would act as a disincentive to develop new properties in in-demand areas
  599. …in reply to @SelectivePress
    @SelectivePress @fr_oblivion9 @radical1979 @CurtFinch @LotusEater29 @michelletandler typically with rent controls, new builds are able to set the prices where they like - it's just increases from historic rates that are prohibited. i believe this is how it works in NY & Berlin, for example.
  600. …in reply to @v21
    @SelectivePress @fr_oblivion9 @radical1979 @CurtFinch @LotusEater29 @michelletandler if i was in charge, i would end Right to Buy, allow councils to borrow to build more council housing, and bring in a land value tax (to discourage land banking & second home ownership)
  601. RT @christinelove: If I was in an isekai the first thing I'd do is determine if I was in a novel, IRL, or a game. Hopefully one of the big…
  602. RT @MammonMachine: A video game just doesn't feel complete without a sluice puzzle. Share this tweet if you are part of the #sluicegamer m…
  603. …in reply to @v21
    afternoon update: okay, it happened again. i do know where it's having issues, although i don't know the real underlying reason. but i think i can probably fix it without finding out?? so i'm going to go ahead and try that.
  604. …in reply to @v21
    if anyone wants to tell me why, when using node-fetch, getting the buffer for the returned object can end up neither eventually resolving or rejecting, then i would be appreciative. and surprised. line of code in context here: github.com/v21/traceryhosting-backend/blob/master/run_bots.js#L42
  605. …in reply to @v21
    and because it's a day where i'm working on CBDQ, i'm gonna link my Patreon again: patreon.com/v21 @v21/1464580624971354117?s=20
  606. more innocent times @v21/1358911234138124288
  607. …in reply to @v21
    oh, yeah, also making your game code immutable can cause issues if it turns out it's not perfect first time @FoldableHuman/1465768966589083649?s=20
  608. isn't it nice when you run across a site that does exactly the thing you need. i need to test whether my fetch timeout works, and here's a site that adds arbitrary delays to http resources: deelay.me/
  609. …in reply to @v21
    alright, change made. hopefully that has solved it? will check back over the next few days to see.
  610. …in reply to @v21
    [sidenote: wow this whole ESM/CommonJS migration is a pain in the butt. just real unnecessary aggravation all round]
  611. RT @shahed: “It’s like I’m in a virtual prison being on this list... They’re the gatekeepers of your prison, even though you haven’t done a…
  612. RT @poppy_haze: #protip, do not check inaccessible voids in ships, you may only have 20 seconds before you're dead and irrecoverable until…
  613. sharp knife / no tongs @tammieetc/1465534611874889734