v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2021/12

  1. …in reply to @freezydorito
    @freezydorito looks like it's made of felt
  2. RT @Sharp_Sticks: this is the video that plays when you get a strike at the damn bowling alley!!
  3. RT @vectorpoem: this was The Metaverse. it happened and you missed it.
  4. i wrote "wheetabix" down on my shopping list & knew it was wrong but left it because it looked funny. but every time i look at it it seems a little bit more unsettling. it's started to pop into my head even when i don't look at the list. wheetabix.
  5. i never knew they made a sequel to The Man With The Golden Arm @Carnage4Life/1466009447759708165
  6. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio wheet-bix
  7. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall take a left turn at the biscuit aisle... and find yourself... in the cereäl zone
  8. on being trans and very online patreon.com/posts/56719042
  9. RT @MorrighanCorbel: Ok, before my UK peeps freak out- this isn't true. Royal Mail just refuse to admit they formatted the restrictions lis…
  10. …in reply to @AnnaHollinrake
    @AnnaHollinrake @danhett @philippawarr oh that is a cute jug
  11. …in reply to @legobutts
    @legobutts glad you're doing well <3
  12. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial ayyy I missed this, go you, such a pleasure to have worked with you.
  13. …in reply to @fastramdesign
    @fastramdesign you're welcome
  14. ugh i'm implementing a "classic UI" in Unity for the first time since vaguely learning how React works and I'm starting to want it structured like React??
  15. …in reply to @semiBad
    @semiBad components being controlled by their parents in a structured way, passing through the data model & triggering component display changes automatically as it updates.
  16. interesting stuff on new medications that alter the body's weight setpoint worksinprogress.co/issue/the-future-of-weight-loss/
  17. …in reply to @v21
    of course, the mystery remains: why has obesity increased? slimemoldtimemold.com/2021/07/07/a-chemical-hunger-part-i-mysteries/
  18. …in reply to @v21
    but even if, from a public health standpoint, we're treating the symptom & not the underlying cause... that's still good!
  19. oh my god i do not have the patience for motion graphics and cute copywriting, please just let me skim a page & screenshot some fun stats for Twitter
  20. …in reply to @v21
    this is a subtweet of Spotify, ofc. i hate the stories format! i can't really be bothered with them even when my friends post them, let alone when they're presenting some stats
  21. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, my Spotify wrapped: I listened to touchtheplants.bandcamp.com/album/breathing-instruments a lot when I was trying to get to sleep, and I listened to Dry Cleaning when I was awake.
  22. …in reply to @v21
    fuck it, let's post some more: Blondie's Sunday Girl remains a perfect song youtube.com/watch?v=oJLMfFJT9ac
  23. …in reply to @v21
  24. …in reply to @v21
    songs you love for a specific goofy thing the singer does ("a forgery??!") youtube.com/watch?v=TRG6dDrpj0s
  25. …in reply to @v21
    this remember how it felt to watch this video for the first time. Rest In Power, SOPHIE youtube.com/watch?v=m_S0qCeA-pc
  26. …in reply to @v21
    oh, i forgot about this tune youtube.com/watch?v=hhEX9n5DjZQ
  27. …in reply to @v21
    also, i surprised myself by starting to get into Lana Del Rey?? and i continued to listen to Japanese Breakfast, the Donut County soundtrack, Courtney Barnett, Caroline Polachek, the Silver Jews, MF Doom etc etc
  28. …in reply to @v21
    i miss actively listening to new music, but also i really struggle to work to music given fatigue stuff. and also with leaving the house. so i basically only really listen while cooking. not enough!
  29. …in reply to @TiredMayo
  30. …in reply to @TiredMayo
    @TiredMayo it's a fascinating series!!
  31. RT @mcclure111: Ongoing thread of public interest journalism barred by Twitter's new "private media" rule
  32. If you are in the mood for goofy cheerful Christmas romance: I can recommend one of the films where Vanessa Hudgens pretends to be another character also played by Vanessa Hudgens.
  33. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @alphachar nah, I am interested and the only thing holding me back from buying it is my pile of unread books
  34. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn I can't wait for a decade from now, where there are 12 Vanessa Hudgens all pretending to be a different Vanessa Hudgens.
  35. RT @v21: regular reminder that if you appreciate making bots with Cheap Bots, Done Quick! or following bots other people make, you can help…
  36. RT @cicadaxxseason: hiroo isono
  37. having chronic fatigue and trying to understand metabolism, ANS, nutrition etc is kind of funny, because a lot of the tools and resources are built for athletes
  38. …in reply to @v21
    lying in bed, using an heartrate app covered in pictures of shiny people in lyrca, and deciding whether it makes most sense for your big walk of the day to be to the park 10 minutes away or 5 minutes away
  39. …in reply to @v21
    (it's not your heartrate itself, it's the variability of your heartrate - it's a indicator of the relative activation of your sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, which can be an indicator of how "rested" you are)
  40. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles it's fine, it's cyberpunk, you're hacking around this being too expensive: dasung-tech.myshopify.com/products/dasung-25-3-e-ink-monitor-paperlike-253
  41. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin @HJosephineGiles (if I was going to make an actually helpful suggestion for a technological fix, it would be the reMarkable 2)
  42. RT @punished3liza: mfw i show you an Image on my phone
  43. "Umberto Eco and Roland Barthes were unavailable for comment." @InsiderLife/1466197982877999109
  44. learning about Miss Excel, an Excel influencer who thinks a lot about cultivating positive energy theverge.com/22807858/tiktok-influencer-microsoft-excel-instagram-decoder-podcast
  45. …in reply to @v21
    which it is easy to mock, but honestly... yeah, sounds like a good way to work (if you are an influencer). it is hard to be a charismatic person in a room by yourself! it is easy to get burnt out and miserable!
  46. genuinely really appreciate the way internet culture fixates on these tiny stupid perfect things and elevates them. Adam Driver appreciating soup. a wizard and his orb.
  47. …in reply to @v21
    like a convention hall full of people all doing a perfect Marge Simpson impression simultaneously. "i just think they're neat"
  48. it turns out if you quit your job to make stuff by yourself at home and also have a relapse of your fatigue condition that stops you from going far from your home, and are also me, you spend a bit too much time online and your brain starts going a little soft around the edges.
  49. …in reply to @v21
    i keep watching tv shows for like... 20 minutes and getting bored and turning them off. but i am bad at resting if i don't have a distraction, so i keep trying. Online is not really the restful thing i need, but it's just there.
  50. …in reply to @v21
    a particular type of sci-fi/fantasy book is good at sucking me in and keeping me going - but my compulsive behaviour is even worse with those, i will typically just lose time until they spit me out the other end.
  51. …in reply to @v21
    i could easily become obsessed with work, because it's fascinating and i care a lot about it and right now i am very driven. but see above about the fatigue condition. my body likes to make it very obvious for me and will give me a headache if i go too hard.
  52. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett alas, it turns out that jigsaw puzzles are actually fairly high up there for me in terms of mental exertion. i do them a bit with friends online, but often have to slow down or stop.
  53. …in reply to @v21
    @danhett last year i spent an enjoyable evening really blasting through picross puzzles and was wiped out for the whole next day.
  54. …in reply to @v21
    "touching grass" is absolutely the answer i need emotionally, and i'm trying. building up my strength slowly. yesterday i got to the park and back without having a rest on a bench halfway! (it helped that it was tipping down. it felt glorious to be in the rain)
  55. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, i'm doing okay, just... trying to mitigate that feeling i have felt before, where you spend so long in a shared fiction your sense of reality starts to delaminate a bit. luckily i have felt it before and know how to deal with it without, like, getting sucked into a cult.
  56. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett it's called PuzzleTogether! it's fun. virtual pieces, snap into place. it can generate jigsaws from images you give it. costs like a dollar to make a custom puzzle, everything else is free. a standing Sunday morning chat, we play other things but also jigsaws.
  57. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang did you know an artist recreated this for real? metteedvardsen.be/projects/thfaitas.html
  58. …in reply to @0xswagx
    @111davidlazzaro I am unconvinced this will hold up long term! Two obvious attacks : - deep fakes - paying people to record a little video clip and then using their identity I am sure there are less obvious attacks behind those
  59. …in reply to @jdonson
    @jdonson All of this sounds sensible, yes. But this is why it's truly a systemic thing. We're two years in and still going. There's a lot of investment and capacity that needs to be built. But... we're not.
  60. …in reply to @freezydorito
    @freezydorito I'm a UX designer / developer multiclass, I am extremely annoying.
  61. …in reply to @tef_ebooks
    @tef_ebooks i did it last year and it was fun, but also it turns out that i don't care about computer science and i don't often have to (unless i do a fun thing specifically designed to make me have to care about computer science)
  62. …in reply to @Jam_sponge
    @Jam_sponge my microwave has two knobs. power & time.
  63. …in reply to @v21
    @Jam_sponge wish i could get a phone with two knobs
  64. RT @PMStudioUK: As we ramp up towards one of the most hotly debated Lunchtime Talks that we've had for a while, Watershed's Creative Techno…
  65. RT @dchiasso: "Avoid metaphors, which can introduce unneeded baggage." --from UC Irvine's Inclusive Language Guide
  66. Soulseek is still alive, and still as good as ever @baharkhadem/1466220293450448903
  67. …in reply to @v21
    it's got a nice community feel to it. you search for stuff & you can download it, but you can also poke through their folders, that they have sorted & named themselves & see if they have any other stuff you'd like. and sometimes those are things you didn't know about yet.
  68. …in reply to @v21
    people find their own uses for tools @aeleitch/1466785940257615872?s=20
  69. i think it is unreasonable that software does not support these distinctions. why does Google Maps want me to pick between imperial & metric? clearly I want meters for short distances & miles for long distances. @andevers/1466378342576316422
  70. @notquitereal somehow it seems to me that you should see this image @DilettanteryPod/1455705233628098564
  71. RT @NJetchev: Art from the text prompt "The Ascet Efreet is doing Fire Yoga." - version 2 is with a bright texture and subtle shading on to…
  72. wondering how Ken MacLeod feels about this @arb/1466903833724915714
  73. RT @tha_rami: Honest opinion: having two players in the subscription field is still likely bad for the value of games in the long run, but…
  74. these are some of my favourite games?? also one i worked on for 2 years?? very much recommend this bundle, it is stupid cheap & also for a good cause. @everestpipkin/1466938118959939589
  75. …in reply to @hipsterelectron
    @hipsterelectron Mutazione!
  76. …in reply to @ka_bradley
    @ka_bradley it's so good, isn't it? i read it just after getting my first jab, excellent novel to read while wondering if you're a bit feverish.
  77. RT @hannahnicklin: This is sickening. It must be mobilised against, White Britons absolutely must stand in solidarity against this escalati…
  78. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou it is extremely fun
  79. …in reply to @v21
    @polclarissou I was just thinking earlier today about this sequence! If this isn't fun I don't know what is!
  80. RT @kvnweb: There aren't many cryp*o conversations worth the time, but I'm fascinated by discussions with VCs attempting to articulate thei…
  81. I prefer people who believe in political systems that err on the side of "people are fundamentally good"
  82. …in reply to @v21
    but as soon as I design something, I focus immediately on the opportunities for abuse and the system collapsing into the it's own incentives
  83. …in reply to @v21
    but then again, the thing i am looking for in the tools that i build is that they support people to do things with them that are beyond what i anticipated. so i guess i'm also utopian in that regard.
  84. …in reply to @v21
    maybe it's just some kind of lesson about utopian visions & then working hard on all the boring details that can lead them off the rails. hm. had hoped this thread would lead to a larger thought than that. oh well!
  85. RT @tristandross: "The country is littered with victims of what’s happened. We are going to look at new ways of penalising them." - such an…
  86. RT @mildlydiverting: John Lanchester on COVID in the LRB is quite the read. ‘…the estimated cost of vaccinating the entire planet was $25…
  87. …in reply to @sophielouisecc
    @sophielouisecc good for them!
  88. RT @Clipart1994bot: PROBSOLU.BMF
  89. I remember when chocolate orange slices weren't slightly concave.
  90. watched the first season of Altered Carbon and I thought about how good Kaiba was
  91. …in reply to @v21
    I am pretty sure @mcclure111 made this tweet a few years ago
  92. …in reply to @v21
    close enough (the Altered Carbon comparison is in the reply, but I'm retweeting this one because it's a good pitch for Kaiba, which is the important thing here) @mcclure111/1126966602451357696?t=VSrNAy-jiVN4zo28rGQUvA&s=19
  93. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv stop procrastinating and write your book
  94. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I didn't get that (from the first season, anyway, haven't seen S2). I got: she hates stacks because they mean rich people accrue too much power. But that was p much her problem, not people living indefinitely.
  95. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 Guessing I should leave it there & not go onto the next season, then!
  96. wondering about the alternative version of me that i'd be if i'd got really into Chumbawumba instead of Belle & Sebastian at a delicate age.
  97. …in reply to @JoeyKnock
    @JoeyKnock I think it made a pretty conscious choice to avoid dwelling on any of the difficult side to gay life. Like: why doesn't the love interest ever spend Christmas with his family? The intended audience can guess the answer to that, but doesn't want to spend time with it.
  98. …in reply to @v21
    @JoeyKnock I mean, I think the larger problem here is that the Christmas romcom is an essentially conservative genre. The template this film is adapting is about women deciding to give up their careers & focus on what's important (raising a family).
  99. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jericawebber @JoeyKnock ohh, I had missed that specific, I'm wrong about that, they made that a less gay specific tragedy.
  100. …in reply to @v21
    @jericawebber @JoeyKnock but yeah, I can see a version of this film where they lay out a lot of this stuff so an audience who doesn't intuitively know and sympathise why a gay person would move out of small town America would get it explained to them. but I'm glad this wasn't that film.
  101. …in reply to @ammonite
    @ammonite @ldscwebcam looks like snow to me!
  102. see #GameDevPaidMe is going around again, so will repost this. have left Niantic (final job on this list) now, and my financial situation is... chaotic? but not zero. @v21/1269773598769778688
  103. i want to go in the ice carousel sauna @Minna_H_S/1467377916837310473
  104. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon "capture the hopes and dreams of our visitors and mirror those back to them" feels like it's saying more than it meant to
  105. …in reply to @v21
    another very "back at it with Unity" experience. i wrote a while loop, and you'll never guess what happened next...
  106. …in reply to @v21
    (for non-Unity programmers: imagine if getting stuck in a while loop means you had to forcequit your code editor, losing any unsaved work)
  107. …in reply to @adrianhon
    @adrianhon I enjoyed "There Is No Antimemetics Division". Not really multimedia, but is a full novella - my housemate even has it in hardcopy. Although it is fairly standalone.
  108. …in reply to @v21
    feel i should say some positive things about Unity: rn I am testing on Android & assuming iOS will pretty much just work? and from experience this is not foolish to do. i don't know any other way to make mobile apps where this would be the case.
  109. RT @GrahamB47: Every AAA video game makes you walk around a room and pick up shit. You grab hologram device and say "Just some weapon schem…
  110. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort i think it was less that it was exciting in itself, and more that it signalled that Hollywood animation could actually try to do something interesting? but i think the point has been made by this point
  111. …in reply to @v21
    @pillowfort (Mitchells vs The Machines was similarly interesting, hopefully it represents an entrenchment. but in any case, everyone who works in animation wants to make something interesting in that way, so. something'll happen)
  112. …in reply to @keithkurson
    @keithkurson as someone who still does stuff for the web, sometimes, by themselves, amongst other stuff... modern web tooling is not really designed for me. it's designed for teams who have the problems teams have.
  113. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia definitely the one with the dying fish
  114. they should show TV shows at the cinema
  115. …in reply to @v21
    they show films at home!
  116. …in reply to @v21
    also complex prestige character-driven stories have largely migrated from film to TV, while production values for TV are higher than they've ever been
  117. …in reply to @ckolderup
  118. had not seen this particular convergence of crypto hype, virtual worlds & crowdfunding, but also not especially surprised @qDot/1466914213314457600
  119. …in reply to @v21
    i think after hearing @chouxsalad and @alt254 tell me about the Dota Auto Chess mod blowing up via eBayed tokens for cosmetically upgrading an in-game donkey I have assumed that any combination of platforms could make *someone* rich, at least for a while.
  120. …in reply to @v21
    @chouxsalad @alt254 oh, sorry, i missed out that the ebayed tokens were for a *slot machine* that could upgrade your donkey. which is the common thread here, really - gambling.
  121. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask this is excellent, thank you (and i was very surprised to find my tweet in the middle of it, lol)
  122. …in reply to @v21
    @betterthemask as you might imagine, i've thought a lot about designing for a lack of attention - both the sleepy stuff, but also Beasts (allowing attention to flow to the social interactions rather than demanding it for the game)...
  123. …in reply to @v21
    @betterthemask ... and also at Niantic (because players need to have some attention spare for the real world so they don't fall into a hole). i like it because i like thinking about where games fit into people's lives-designing with space, trying to give scaffolding rather than demanding it all
  124. …in reply to @v21
    @betterthemask but i've not really drawn that thread out from those specific games & problem spaces into a broader political meaning (political in the widest sense of the word, of course). so some thinking to do. thanks.
  125. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial i read a profile on Jesse Armstrong earlier & now I can only think about it within the context of Peep Show. Peep Show but with private jets.
  126. …in reply to @v21
    @SzMarsupial but to be serious, i like that there's a show about rich people that is totally uninterested in glamorising wealth. doing important political work. but on the other hand, i don't think i can bear that amount of unpleasantness.
  127. …in reply to @betterthemask
    @betterthemask haha, it's fine! i saw people saying nice things about your talk, and i saw some people following me & i just didn't think to put the two together...
  128. …in reply to @Seemo
    @Seemo "i want an ethical work environment but i want other people to do it without me having to assume any power or responsibilities"?
  129. …in reply to @vogon
    @vogon i take it you don't have the social thing of "make sure you do a rapid test before coming to [event]", then?
  130. RT @mattholehouse: Marshall says the Prime Minister instructed the evacuation of the Nowzad pets, despite FCO deciding they were ineligible…
  131. RT @simonw: A public librarian on why two-factor authentication is a huge barrier to people with limited technology access
  132. …in reply to @v21
    @betterthemask actually that's not quite true. mainly i have been thinking about the pernicious fight for attention within every part of people's lives. less attention = more places to cram games. Niantic stuff is good if it gets people outside, but a walk without a phone is better than with it
  133. …in reply to @v21
    @betterthemask thinking about @molleindustria's talk about this molleindustria.org/indiepocalypse/. is it designing for letting go, or is it designing to fit into yet more niches in people's lives. capitalist logic says "new market! get in there before someone else does!", and suggests it's inevitable.
  134. …in reply to @IainBritton
    @IainBritton @TypeForVictory @HarrowGreens moving these minivans somewhere that's not 12 minutes walk from the tube makes a load of sense to me - much better than building housing somewhere outside of range of public transport
  135. p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ song thrushes find their own uses for tools @woodlandbirder/1129345540477603840
  136. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
  137. …in reply to @v21
    @mountain_ghosts a thing which helps explain Spotify is that they basically gave away significant chunks of equity to the major record labels early on
  138. a thing which helps explain Spotify is that they basically gave away significant chunks of equity to the major record labels early on
  139. Birds of Maine (2020-2021) @__femb0t/1468195956797624322
  140. …in reply to @russss
    @russss @mountain_ghosts yeah, I am unsurprised to hear this.
  141. …in reply to @russss
    @russss @mountain_ghosts oh, for sure - I guess I'm thinking about, if Spotify had to decide between paying more dividends or paying more royalties, which would the labels prefer? not that the choice would be quite so simple, but...
  142. …in reply to @nachimir
    @nachimir yes - but then again, I don't think Spotify would've succeeded. Paying that equity was probably necessary to make the crucial deals with the labels, without which Spotify wouldn't have an attractive catalog.
  143. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts @russss it's weirdly unfashionable to pay dividends these days! (or stock buybacks, which can have the same effect as paying dividends, only with different tax implications) as for "what basis are the value of shares rooted in, then?" : good question!
  144. RT @OnlyPianos: the teenagers who get mad about bi lesbians or whatever would be sooo angry if they knew how much gay sex straight guys are…
  145. RT @wihorne: Last week, during our last session of my White Backlash graduate course, my students asked me if I thought the U.S. would desc…
  146. RT @hornedbride: the cia faked vampire attacks in the philippines to attempt to discourage people from joining the communist guerilla movem…
  147. was working on some code for injecting arbitrary transformations & asked some friends for some text to test it with. here's the results:
  148. …in reply to @v21
    how i get into trouble is... the first one looks that way because of a bug, but it looks cool, so now i want to add an option to switch on the buggy behaviour.
  149. RT @pangmeli: I like 'never say never' humility not just because it's prosocial but because it allows for more self-mystery. what might I d…
  150. …in reply to @deathsatchel
    @deathsatchel one of the most beautiful phrases in the english language
  151. hey instagram made it so you don't have to use the web inspector to post from the browser on a computer!
  152. …in reply to @v21
    this is gonna save me so much time
  153. …in reply to @NotBrunoAgain
    @NotBrunoAgain so weird to see Disco Elysium before KRZ (but true enough) also Birdland was so good, I should replay that
  154. …in reply to @ALadyJewel
  155. …in reply to @xfoml
    @xfoml oh, yes, totally, can see the same type of structure underneath. (and thank you!)
  156. …in reply to @glowcoil
    @glowcoil I love to accumulate increasing amounts of error
  157. RT @qorquiq: Great article, and in particular it highlights the relationship between games and gun manufacturers. Our industry is much clos…
  158. look at this cute little train! @stickssn/1468213705938591745
  159. RT @AkiyoshiKitaoka: Thanks!
  160. RT @thinkiamsad: Y2K, the ozone hole, and acid rain are the trifecta of serious issues that were solved competently before they got out of…
  161. ahhh, I miss working for a large tech company @yayalexisgay/1468306412694507520
  162. …in reply to @v21
    it's like... here are your problems... you have to deal with them... but they clearly don't matter. relaxing, tbh.
  163. RT @terrycavanagh: List of words containing "meow": meow, meowed, meowing, meows, homeowner
  164. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial mate, I can barely handle being in a supermarket and I grew up here
  165. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop i *think* i haven't, but
  166. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop well, i mean specifically last summer i developed the kind of chronic fatigue that typically follows viral infection slash looks quite similar to long covid. but i was never symptomatic & antibodies came back negative. so who knows?
  167. RT @BeidaiheBirder: In the monitoring year 2020/2021, there were 157 wolf packs in Germany. This is the result of the surveys conducted by…
  168. blopchain
  169. RT @puppymoth: The Internet going from being a hub for porn to a hub for gambling, biggest falling off ever
  170. the concept of an EXIF orientation flag can do one
  171. …in reply to @v21
    congratulations to me, i have triumphed over EXIF orientation flags (the hard way, which here means "i ended up writing some shader code")
  172. RT @molleindustria: The best digital art piece of 2021 is this 2 hour long video meant to "jiggle" your cursor when you are taking a break…
  173. …in reply to @Opaopa13
  174. RT @gayblackvet: anyway here’s the original and better version lmao
  175. my controversial opinion is that evolutionary psychology is a important and worthwhile field of study (even if it has historically been incredibly racist and sexist)
  176. …in reply to @v21
    oh, and terrible useless Just So stories about cavemen
  177. …in reply to @v21
    but fundamentally, it is good to try to understand human behaviour starting from the premise "humans are a type of animal" and going from there
  178. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow sorry, sorry, I'm trying to delete it
  179. this makes me think of the layers of the retina @LauraKerrArt/1467138144621498376
  180. …in reply to @v21
    something like this (from lightexhibit.org/bio_image84.html)
  181. …in reply to @v21
    side note, but it's fucked up that the nerves running from the rods and the cones are on top of them, so the light has to pass through the wiring to get to the sensors.
  182. didn't capture it, so won't ad it to my ads thread. but i did have a moment of fascination about an ad i saw earlier. KFC UK paying to show me a Buzzfeed UK video of an American recipe for fruitcake cupcakes.
  183. …in reply to @v21
    I think this kind of advertising fascinates me so much because it is like peeking at the clockwork innards of capitalism. Many entities coordinated, a flow of money diverted & branches & meandered and... what is the logic of the expected return?
  184. …in reply to @gsvoss
    @gsvoss good thread
  185. a stray output
  186. writing the letter "x" 4750 times
  187. RT @josephwilk: Flow fields - process (4K👉vimeo.com/654995103) #acrylic #generative #plottertwitter
  188. saw that Matrix thing, and it is impressive... that Epic got Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss & Lana Wachowski to work on a fancy ad for them.
  189. …in reply to @v21
    the thing itself looks fine, it's good at the things videogames are good at (rendering hard surfaces in various levels of shininess), bad at the things videogames are bad at (human faces having emotions).
  190. i don't use an iPhone, but moving the address bar to the bottom of the screen totally makes sense & if i was in charge i would make that change.
  191. …in reply to @v21
    the mobile UX struggle is between the print convention that the titles of things go at the top of the piece of paper & putting the stuff you want to interact with where your thumbs can reach.
  192. RT @jbouie: this may actually be the single greatest fusion of cuisines i have ever seen
  193. …in reply to @LiToast
    @LiToast fuck this, fuck them, good luck with the fight
  194. RT @visuals0und: Mid-century modern architecture & infrastructure featured in various Looney Tunes backgrounds : a brief thread... https://…
  195. RT @reproutopia: CN: fatal child abuse. "Even if Arthur [Labinjo-Hughes] had been spoken to by himself, and even if he was able to tell th…
  196. RT @HJosephineGiles: The forms of identity politics which centre personal identification over socioeconomic analysis - e.g., viewing disabi…
  197. …in reply to @DocIncredibleX
    @DocIncredibleX @exchgr fundamentally we have different visions for the places we want to live. I don't want to live somewhere where that is a good option, because it implies that everyone has a parking space by their home, and there's sufficient parking spaces by the supermarket etc etc.
  198. …in reply to @v21
    @DocIncredibleX @exchgr and that in turn means that it's unlikely I can walk to the shops, the park, the train station, that work is within 45 mins (by public transport) and has nice stuff nearby...
  199. …in reply to @v21
    @DocIncredibleX @exchgr living in such a world, I can say that it is not impossible to do grocery shopping, even for a family of four. not painful either! but then again, finding somewhere to park that truck daily would be an nightmare & the supermarket I usually go to doesn't have parking, so.
  200. RT @WritersofColour: The bill means 2 in 5 people in England and Wales from an ethnic minority background, and 6 million people in total, c…
  201. …in reply to @drjclau
    @drjclau this can come through in a bunch of ways, but showing that they have thought about what your experience is as a candidate, and they have taken steps to make it better. eg: - if there's a test, it's short & actually seems relevant - good comms - scheduling interviews with breaks
  202. …in reply to @v21
    @drjclau it shows a few things: - they have the desire for people to perform well, be treated well - they have the ability to understand the experience of someone not in their position - they have organizational capacity to act on these insights & change processes as a result
  203. …in reply to @peibolsang
    @peibolsang @BoHAbrams @businessbarista @Uber it's been built already - eg rideaustin.com/ it is hard to set up a platform coop, though, as you need upfront capital to create the platform. but setting it up as a coop means much more longevity and equity than as a DAO
  204. …in reply to @tfirstelizabeth
    @tfirstelizabeth my understanding at the time was that he didn't want to go to Sweden because he thought Sweden would extradite him to the states.
  205. RT @dirigiblebill: What if care, rather than skill, was at the heart of the culture of playing videogames? I wrote a few reflections on my…
  206. …in reply to @tfirstelizabeth
    @tfirstelizabeth oh, good to know. but in any case I agree with the larger point (he is a rapist & should be punished for that in Sweden, he shouldn't get done for Wikileaks on America)
  207. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin oh thanks! i def want to read the book...
  208. …in reply to @punished3liza
    @punished3liza can i just say that i appreciated the Alice's Restaurant reference
  209. …in reply to @acgodliman
    @acgodliman yeah, I think whenever you start making arguments about how society should be structured that you back up with "because evolution said so" you're probably fucking up
  210. …in reply to @v21
    @acgodliman although thinking about it, I think it's very valid to say "here's how society *could* be"
  211. just booked my 3rd vaccine for next week - the NHS system has opened up for under 40s (although they've not updated the wording yet)
  212. …in reply to @louispilfold
    @louispilfold booster!
  213. i've got an old nostalgic feeling i haven't had for a long time... thinking about the fic i read last night & wondering when it'll update.
  214. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts yep, same (tho obviously salaries are lower in game dev)
  215. …in reply to @DocIncredibleX
    @DocIncredibleX @exchgr i... didn't propose the cargo e-bike & wasn't trying to defend it?
  216. …in reply to @v21
    @DocIncredibleX @exchgr all i was saying was that generally places have a choice between being walkable & having good parking, and i prefer walkable.
  217. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort the point of the £70 videogame (for people who don't just have money to burn) is that you buy the videogame and then you play basically just that game for the next 3 months. or maybe longer.
  218. …in reply to @v21
    @pillowfort and to satisfy those people, the game has to be hundreds of hours long and have a multiplayer mode, and have some shiny realistic graphics so you can feel better than the people who are buying those other weird videogames.
  219. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort yeah, I mean, same.
  220. …in reply to @neapel
    @neapel ah, this is the confusing thing where "a third dose" and "a booster shot" are different concepts, and third doses are only given in really specific circumstances (mainly a weakened immune system)
  221. I am learning that Maurizio Morandi is good at discovering new ways of packing polygons onto other polygons in upsetting ways. @arborelia/1469803133001994241
  222. …in reply to @Willeth
    @Willeth it's fine, "23 equilateral triangles in a circle" is here @arborelia/1469801500088094725?t=VZ8p7KUS6bmykbo_zCUnPg&s=19
  223. I would like to not have toothache
  224. …in reply to @v21
    (I have been waiting for an appointment to get a nearby wisdom tooth out for half this year. I suspect the wisdom tooth is fucking it up, or at least isn't helping. But I have a first consultation for the wisdom tooth extraction tomorrow morning, so... hopefully we'll see??)
  225. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry I'm sorry your tooth hurty appointment didn't have a happier resolution.
  226. …in reply to @Oujevipo
    @Oujevipo I think the point of criticism is understanding what a thing is trying to do & then judging it based on how well it succeeds at that. Sometimes "what it's trying to do" is impossible to see from where we're standing, but people can contain multiples, too.
  227. RT @keenanisalive: The basic problem? Given a collection of points, curves, or surfaces in space, find a well-distributed arrangement that…
  228. …in reply to @mildlydiverting
    @mildlydiverting @robinhouston I don't, but I've followed him now!
  229. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry got my fingers crossed for you
  230. …in reply to @TechDesignau
  231. …in reply to @carmineclaire
    @carmineclaire this might be a basic answer, but in my heart I know it is true: katana
  232. …in reply to @astroblob
    @astroblob quit my job!
  233. …in reply to @erbridge
    @erbridge @moreelen yep, the system lets you even though the copy isn't updated
  234. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia I choose to believe it was Lana herself who made this happen.
  235. …in reply to @BoHAbrams
    @BoHAbrams @peibolsang @businessbarista @Uber easier to raise capital, definitely not the most democratic @v21/1447572473625595906?t=JViNWJl6crKtnoW-bhpViQ&s=19
  236. this is one of the best designed pop up banners i have ever seen & it does that by ignoring many of the generally understood best practices for designing pop up banners @plotchickens/1470111373929635854
  237. …in reply to @edsaperia
    @edsaperia oh yeah, the game might be good or bad, but the banner is great
  238. i feel like the sports i ambiently absorb through friends talking about them, in order, are: - cycling - F1 - cricket
  239. …in reply to @v21
    ambiently might be too strong a word given i am tweeting this while watching an ep of Yowapeda
  240. RT @catacalypto: We’re really bad, as a field, at making room for games and experiences with intentional friction. We don’t have enough too…
  241. earlier today i read a romance novel that fictionalized the 1820 Cato Street Conspiracy, where a group of radicals were set up & funded by a government informant to commit an act of terrorism. i can't shake the parallels to the modern day FBI, which operates in the exact same way
  242. …in reply to @v21
    the plotters were largely incompetent, the idea & the funding came from the informant, the aftermath was used to justify sweeping legislation recently passed that curtailed civil liberties (that was in itself a motivation for the conspirators)...
  243. …in reply to @v21
    oh, and the black guy involved believed he wouldn't get a fair trial because of racism. argued in court about how he was respectable, taught Sunday school etc. but got a death sentence anyway.
  244. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt @TechMilly at the start of lockdown my bed was clearly visible from my desk, and i decided i was fucked if i was gonna make my bed every morning for the sake of my co-workers, so just went hard with virtual backgrounds
  245. i did not know that Americans say Hyundai completely differently to us @ZevHandel/1470168676301115392
  246. …in reply to @cassiemcquater
    @cassiemcquater like, a chicken Kiev? they were a classic "pop it in the oven from frozen" food for me as a kid. but i guess that's also breaded, which changes the dynamics a bit.
  247. RT @StunGunSteve: @jazbrisack Unions are like condoms. The harder someone is trying to convince you that you don't need one, the more you n…
  248. …in reply to @cassiemcquater
    @cassiemcquater i mean, that sounds good? hard to go wrong, tbh
  249. …in reply to @liza
    @liza I'm glad I can bring people closer together with my tweets.
  250. apply foot to football ball @prawn_meat/1470195043260461058
  251. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami to kick the football ball to the foot of the goal
  252. …in reply to @qDot
    @qDot I'd guess outsourced gigwork executive assistant as the source of this? "write 50 emails to companies which..., including 2 personal details"
  253. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles I think it is hard to use social media to support your work as an artist without constructing an image - you can do it deliberately or you can do it accidentally, but success will depend on how you do it either way.
  254. …in reply to @v21
    @HJosephineGiles however you can definitely shift your image to not be a person who is eg making long insightful threads about the current state of trans healthcare in the UK, and instead someone who posts some nice birds they saw by the coast.
  255. …in reply to @v21
    @HJosephineGiles I am happy to respond with a link to this tweet if I see you discoursing, if that is helpful?
  256. …in reply to @v21
    @HJosephineGiles (I do like your threads & I find them personally useful, but I also very much understand the place you're coming from here)
  257. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jericawebber It seems like everyone pronounces it differently!
  258. RT @quinncy: A small story: A while ago, on a rainy Saturday before Christmas (which had lasted about seven months), my friend was staring…
  259. …in reply to @dinosaurrparty
    @dinosaurrparty The Beatles seen as the force that derailed one of the greatest Fluxus artists.
  260. …in reply to @mewo2
    @mewo2 @dinosaurrparty enjoyed this appearing on the timeline near your tweet @gifs_bot/1470367911160262656?t=SwTC_xqAMczngIYoH5ofUg&s=19
  261. …in reply to @duckpyjamas
    @pylonfan @thestarboretum for reasons, I was looking at the Wikipedia page for the Tory Party. There was a whole period in the late 1700s where "Tory" was an insult given to political opponents, and no-one would admit to being one.
  262. …in reply to @v21
    glad I did this on Saturday! (sorry to my friends under 30)
  263. …in reply to @v21
    fuck it, this is a thread now: birds find their own uses for tools @potatojunkie/1470366530936483841?t=QNX0oBDKtwBnI8TSxUSN6g&s=19
  264. RT @gutefabrik: We're delighted to announce we're accepting applications for a GAME WRITING internship. 💚 2 days per week, 5 months 📆 💚 CE…
  265. …in reply to @naomialderman
    @naomialderman glad you're having a good time!
  266. wild how plants turn mainly water and air into more plant
  267. …in reply to @v21
    it's pretty much just a set of complicated ways to arrange carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
  268. RT @anjelica: Angel Oloshove has mastered the process of glazing ceramics in a way that makes them seem… digital?
  269. …in reply to @Ninfa_dp
    @Ninfa_dp same in London
  270. RT @FreyaHolmer: > Hello Freya. I have an issue with your plugin, it doesn't seem to render in–
  271. RT @AltDelta45: @cephalopog Friendly reminder of the best David Cage tweet ever
  272. realize i never properly posted about this so: i got a Developing Your Creative Practice grant to work on my generative art! so expect a lot more plotter drawings on here...
  273. …in reply to @v21
    thank you to @hollygramazio for helping with my application & to the White Pube Funding Library for letting me see a lot of examples of what an application should look like - i've put a copy of my application up there now, if you're curious thewhitepube.co.uk/fundinglibrary
  274. …in reply to @v21
    i didn't do this, but other advice when applying is that if you have access needs, ACE will pay for a support worker to help you apply.
  275. …in reply to @v21
    also, just putting it out there, but if you would like to put my work in an exhibition or gallery, hmu
  276. long thread on the economics of high end videogames @ZenOfDesign/1470246703932616710
  277. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate my guess would be yes, or at least linguistics universally conceptualises it as a parse tree. but it's also one of these things that might just be definitionally true.
  278. …in reply to @martinpi
    @martinpi @GalaxyKate I think even spoken ones - it's a sequence of syllables, and then you draw some boundaries around subsequences and call them words, phrases, sentences, utterances etc.
  279. …in reply to @v21
    @martinpi @GalaxyKate and boom, you have a tree, a set of nested subsequences (for a counter example, look at a sentence bridging between two stanzas of a poem)
  280. RT @lottelydia: Pretty much everyone I know who isn’t an academic now refuses to do any casual work for universities, because the process o…
  281. RT @hiumri: The Witching Hour (1977), Andrew Wyeth.
  282. …in reply to @joningold
    @joningold I return to the boardgame Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective for this - like Her Story, it gives you a set of facts, and a mechanism for pursuing leads, but lets you pursue them freely, and keeps the satisfaction internal.
  283. …in reply to @v21
    @joningold Obviously hard to tie this into other ongoing mechanics, but it gives that free feeling of Actually Solving It, which I love.
  284. …in reply to @v21
    @joningold Micro Macro : Crime City (also a boardgame) works in this vein - not as hard, but it makes the deduction happen just by looking at details on a very large illustration. Feels almost like a jigsaw puzzle.
  285. …in reply to @v21
    @joningold I'm curious about how Neurocracy plays - don't know that it is explicitly a deduction game, but feels like the wiki structure likely makes the storytelling also self directed in this way.
  286. …in reply to @joningold
    @joningold assume the design history was v different, but Her Story is the closest I've seen. but yeah, agreed, definitely sits there with King of Dragon Pass in the "more people should rip this off" category.
  287. …in reply to @I_love_epoetry
    @leo_elo_ole will have a look, thanks! might well be that my stuff recently is more visual & not enough literature, but worth chewing over
  288. RT @tanyaxshort: RESULT: there were a handful of cooking-based games released this year, to various levels of success. i.e. an order of mag…
  289. RT @austin_walker: One of the key things about what Jack is saying here is that these ARE qualities of mech fiction, whether the storytelle…
  290. …in reply to @badambulist
    @badambulist excited!
  291. European Convention on Human Rights: "you have the right to a fair trial" the proposed UK Bill of Rights: "you have a right to trial by jury whenever the law says that you have a right to trail by jury" @Barristerblog/1470851185368260617
  292. …in reply to @jenniferdown
    @jenniferdown Andy & Frank
  293. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck glad you're having a nice time
  294. RT @loackme_: ⚫️
  295. …in reply to @v21
  296. …in reply to @Ninfa_dp
    @Ninfa_dp it's about solving problems
  297. …in reply to @v21
    @Ninfa_dp (what are the problems? that's creative direction defining the pillars + generally understanding the problem space, market, team skills, budget, etc etc etc)
  298. …in reply to @v21
    @Ninfa_dp who decides if the problems were solved? idk, it's usually pretty apparent to everyone involved. critics? i think criticism should start with "what was this work trying to?" and then assess it based on how well it achieved that (and how clear those aims are from the final thing)
  299. …in reply to @v21
    @Ninfa_dp i don't like "fun" because it's a Rorschach test. so many kinds of fun, it's a vague brief that can just lead to different people pulling in different directions as the project goes on. i have been there before! (and it wasn't a fun experience)
  300. …in reply to @zoyander
    @zoyander thank you!! i am excited! (but also tweeting to put off getting up to get a plot going, hah)
  301. 3rd selfie from this room
  302. …in reply to @hellocatfood
    @hellocatfood thanks!!!
  303. RT @nathanjurgenson: it's funny and telling how we have to talk about crypto stuff like it is trumpism or Q, how just being accurate is too…
  304. RT @kyotocosmology: (logging back into a live game after 6 months) Your Bolipherous Catalysts have been converted to Euphridean Prisms/Dile…
  305. …in reply to @vogon
    @vogon motorway services *do* make sense for subsidy, imo. but yeah, generally agreed
  306. RT @andrewcb: The NSO zero-click iMessage exploit is pretty mind-bending: it used a vuln in the JBIG2 image compression in PDF, and then, n…
  307. we are going to see an awful lot of drama and implosions from all the crypto projects that focus on "governance" and direct shareholder voting on decisions, but have no effective organisational structures for actually managing that community
  308. …in reply to @v21
    it was written 50 years ago, but "The Tyranny of Structurelessness" explains this dynamic well jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
  309. this is such a look. kind of want to make something that just leans all the way into this? @comp3int/1471437052155731975
  310. RT @jomc: if anything the web3 discourse underscores why it’s important to me to have creative projects & hobbies that aren’t financialized…
  311. RT @any_user: 👏👏👏 Beifall, a new little project by @michaelfrei10 and me. Clap here: beifall.ch
  312. the thing is, there is nice tech associated with web3. but the only stuff that's really caught on is the stuff that financializes every interaction. IPFS is cool! I would love for there to be a surge of energy in stuff like libp2p (reports are that is it broken).
  313. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @jcalpickard somehow did not occur to me that the 100K like post by my literal flatmate would go nicely in that thread...
  314. hah. I've played this game before...
  315. booster side effects are really accelerating that holiday feeling. giving up on doing work, focusing on getting cozy, want snacks, a bit vague on what day it is... it's Christmas!
  316. RT @dril: thte international space station is visible from earth at the following times: Nerd Time
  317. RT @David_Rudnick: Phill Grimshaw
  318. this whole thing is terrible timing - my fatigue had just got good enough to let me leave the house and see people, and then Omicron popped up
  319. not really thought until recently that the way Hank Hill says "hwat" is authentically Middle English.
  320. …in reply to @v21
    I guess this was triggered by watching A Castle for Christmas, which has some very self-conscious Scots accents in it, including some nice hammy "hwat"s
  321. RT @tickmancer: either twitter fucked up or i buttdeleted it either way here you go😤
  322. …in reply to @jericawebber
  323. yes!!! the goat is burned! @swordbearing/1471677157076348934
  324. …in reply to @v21
    people find their own use for tools
  325. thinking about something I read about how electronic music is music where you spend vastly more time listening to the music you're making than you do playing it
  326. which do you wish for, every year?
  327. Shopify has a pitch for their new NFT thing that I reckon will be (unfortunately) effective. it is "you can buy NFTs without having to figure out how to buy cryptocurrency first"
  328. …in reply to @v21
    see, people like the idea of getting rich, but they generally find interacting with the actual technology of blockchain annoying and expensive and full of ways to suddenly lose everything. "just give your credit card details to a company" is a good pitch in that context!
  329. …in reply to @v21
    of course, you can't *sell* your new NFTs without figuring out cryptocurrency shit. so the whole thing is really just a finger trap. but it'll make Shopify money.
  330. …in reply to @v21
    i'm a game designer, and i have spent a lot of time thinking about incentives and systems & how value is constructed. so - ngl, i find this fascinating. but in the same way i find gacha systems people spend thousands of dollars a week on fascinating.
  331. …in reply to @underskinnyhrt
    @underskinnyhrt the other way of phrasing this would be: when you see the image below, do you go "haha, yes!" or "oh no!" @bb8bear/1471677157076348934?s=20
  332. …in reply to @v21
    for examples of how the blockchain is fascinating, but also extremely somewhere you don't wanna put your money, look at this thread: @samchepal/1471238662776102916?s=20
  333. …in reply to @v21
    (find it ironic that the kinds of people who were trading meme stocks and getting outraged at Robinhood's dark pools and payment for order flow are also speculating on ETH, where due to transaction ordering being a commodity, dark pools are a necessity to not get front-ran)
  334. [poll]
  335. …in reply to @higgyC
    @higgyC i mean... it's not particularly high frequency, the whole network can only handle 30 tx per second total
  336. …in reply to @hauntologies
    @hauntologies i'm sorry about your wedding dress, but i am cackling at this
  337. since we can't all have Sarah to do this for us... imagine an AR app that recognises cookie dough & cutters, and then gives you the perfect tessellation @oopsohno/1471863472422105088
  338. …in reply to @RachelRayns
    @RachelRayns oh, yeah, for sure. and Christmas will be nice, once we get there...
  339. when you're trying to adjust the focus on a video of the plotter, but forget that it moves
  340. …in reply to @NeilKNet
    @NeilKNet @floydophone @swyx Plastic is apparently pretty good now
  341. …in reply to @fhkburner
    @fhkburner @visakanv yep - I do stuff like this in Sublime Text. search "\n", replace with nothing.
  342. wow! who's this dude with the chainsaws? @KSUWABE/1472155686499155969
  343. …in reply to @v21
    all I can think about is Halloween for some reason?
  344. if you were to rank every tweet you'd ever read, where would you rank the tweet you're reading now?
  345. it's finally the time of the year when you can respond to any positive news with the words "it's a Christmas miracle!"
  346. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort Halloween!
  347. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno yes, like that, except like the board game Mousetrap, it's an elaborate mechanism I've set up to get a hand in my face
  348. RT @emollick: Also, an Excel error led to an estimated 1,500 deaths in the UK last year. The UK COVID contact tracing effort saved to an ol…
  349. got my fingers crossed for anyone doing high stakes travel right now
  350. …in reply to @any_other_you
    @any_other_you that's the biggest risk that'd fuck it up - but yeah, especially people who are travelling for a wedding or a funeral or something similarly emotionally difficult to miss
  351. been watching some Centaurworld, and i really feel that Kate Beaton's "Fat Pony" has had an outsized impact on the world of animation
  352. …in reply to @v21
    like, she drew that pony, it got super popular, it became a recurring character, Adventure Time did a tribute character, THAT character got popular, and then a million post-AT shows happened, often with a strand of "derpy pony" threaded through.
  353. …in reply to @acgodliman
    @acgodliman i love them
  354. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine oh, that could be nice!
  355. …in reply to @HKesvani
    @HKesvani i think "ever again" is a bit too much. but far enough out that there's no use waiting for it.
  356. …in reply to @pillowfort
  357. RT @ShelbyWolstein: times are starting to feel precedented
  358. …in reply to @LydNicholas
    @LydNicholas so sorry to hear, I know how this feels. <3
  359. …in reply to @v21
    @LydNicholas sorry if I'm telling you stuff you already know but... please do rest as much as you can. (I know it can be hard, for internal and external reasons)
  360. …in reply to @LydNicholas
    @LydNicholas takes a lot of practice to get good at resting, in my experience
  361. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv it is generally most funny when someone makes a statement that they feel is going to find approval but then very much doesn't. the nemesis that follows hubris. what social value it does teach is marking a thing as shameful within a certain group, not in communication.
  362. RT @mclduk: Some flowers are pollinated by bats, & their shapes may have evolved to give clear echo "signatures" when the bat calls. We exp…
  363. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv a random example of someone being ratioed I just saw: @wesstreeting/1472910531686277124?t=g5jUT594gtbOdZs71X9e4w&s=19 what would communication and an attempt to find mutual understanding achieve when the original tweet is bullshit?
  364. RT @lisyarus: I've learnt about logistic regression and decided to implement it as an interactive online tool: lisyarus.github.io/webgl/classification.html. Yo…
  365. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly It can be nice... but only if you do the tricky thing and have no expectations for yourself. But, er, at the risk of being cheesy... good luck finding the fire inside. Or at the end of your tail.
  366. RT @nickmofo: The new Taper #7 features work by Jan de Weille @v21 A. Dorsk @anjchang Nils Fagerberg @JoshuaIGrams @MiltonLaufer @vinimarqu…
  367. new work from me: taper.badquar.to/7/display_case.html?s=09 I made a set of wunderkammer boxes to put Unicode characters in
  368. …in reply to @v21
    and delighted to have had it selected for Taper 7 taper.badquar.to/7/, a literary journal of code poems (alongside some really cool people, tbqh)
  369. …in reply to @mewo2
    @mewo2 and I love your slowly shifting stars! now to move this cat so I can get my laptop to look at the others (and the source code)
  370. …in reply to @puppymoth
    @puppymoth this is exactly the thought process that led to Dogecoin
  371. RT @Sam_Duwe: We turned our @zeiss_micro #microscope into a dotted line generator. Fluorescently labelled cells flowing through an @ibidiCe…
  372. Happy "the days start getting longer again" day!
  373. RT @DPMcBride: The government’s war against Britain’s only termite colony will enter its 25th (and possibly final) year in 2022, after last…
  374. RT @nowplaythese: Now Play This is returning in Spring of 2022 as part of @londongamesfest to explore the relationship between game design…
  375. RT @nowplaythese: @londongamesfest We are looking for games (digital, non-digital or mixed), installations, playful activities and workshop…
  376. …in reply to @ashleytwo
    @ashleytwo hah, that's great, thanks for sharing
  377. RT @thanksgaving: Loose translation: a Japanese guy got Covid-19 in Shanghai a little while ago so the city published a list of places he w…
  378. saw Twilight for the first time today, and it was great, but... Edward Cullen drives a Volvo???
  379. can't tell if the current discourse feels more than usually aware of it's own situatedness within time, or if it's just that I've picked up the affectation of writing Name of Film (2021) because it's funny.
  380. random recommendation : if you want something like Dropbox, except it's free open source and just syncs between your devices (not to a company's servers) SyncThing will do that and works fine. I've got it running sharing my notes between Mac, Android & Windows.
  381. …in reply to @v21
    has selective sync, a pretty nice flow for setting up new devices, and can automatically save versions of files. and stuff is encrypted while it's not on your computer, obviously.
  382. …in reply to @atroyn
    @atroyn I don't, but... it makes a lot of sense if you have a lot of time with partial attention to spare. Driving, doing housework, doing non-verbal work or playing videogames.
  383. …in reply to @v21
    @atroyn (non verbal work example : I can listen to audio books when doing level design, but not when programming)
  384. …in reply to @louispilfold
    @louispilfold I'm using a notes app that just runs from a folder of markdown files, and it's on Android so Syncthing can see the same folder it's running off.
  385. …in reply to @v21
    @louispilfold (GitJournal, if you're curious)
  386. definitely a feel that the way we prompt cutting edge AI is the exact same way we try to extract non-awful results from a search engine
  387. …in reply to @v21
    funny how glowing a compliment "it works fine" is about software
  388. …in reply to @FlorianVltmn
    @FlorianVltmn took me out for a day or two otoh, it was a fun knocked out - could do stuff if I needed to, but was vaguely loopy the whole time
  389. …in reply to @aforestsociety
    @aforestsociety have some photos in there and it handles them fine. but not used it on huge file sizes.
  390. gonna be a lot of people receiving defective Yankee Candles this Christmas. @zornsllama/1473575508784955394
  391. RT @DilettanteryPod: From evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton's text “My Intended Burial and Why:"
  392. RT @conchitinabot: Anvil‘s case against Adam literalized, for me, the corporation‘s power to deny visibility to literary texts forged out o…
  393. …in reply to @SilverSober
    @SilverSober "tired"
  394. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno very happy for you!
  395. RT @huwlemmey: Somehow startling for a queer person my age to see Stonewall now being *too radical* for British society. The pact anti-tran…
  396. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @designCaitlin I had this. Gotta go away for a little while and make up some more dreams...
  397. RT @simonw: If your work touches personalization algorithms you should absolutely add this to your list of personas and anti-patterns to te…
  398. TIL that licorice causes high blood pressure and heart arrhythmias. @Andy_Tattersall/1473326664776097792
  399. RT @moiragweigel: merry xmas from philip larkin
  400. the experience of hearing about a policy change that is personally inconvenient, but which you can find no fault with the logic of
  401. …in reply to @v21
    (TfL banned e-scooters from the Underground after a couple of lithium battery fires)
  402. RT @chhopsky: when designing tech, you have a responsibility to figure out what bad actors are going to do with it ahead of time, and preve…
  403. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz I can't argue with the logic of it!
  404. …in reply to @v21
    incidentally, e-bikes are fine, despite being basically the same thing with pedals attached. A subset of: - they're not illegal - they haven't caught on fire - they're more expensive/better quality - they're more likely to be owned by the kinds of people that set policy for TfL
  405. …in reply to @elskwhite
  406. …in reply to @toficofi
    @toficofi I do, I haven't, I do know someone who got a warning (but have heard of they wanna be harsh they can take away yr driving licence for it). but also I see a lot of people riding them around here, so, not so afraid.
  407. …in reply to @toficofi
  408. …in reply to @v21
    if you made a dish with charcoal, licorice and grapefruit, would they all cancel each other out? @davemakes/1473700269334888453?t=ZyDwbYVcrdkIP81RySq8CQ&s=19
  409. RT @pietersender: Biquette the goat, sold to an abattoir after she stopped producing milk but was rescued by punks and then spent 10 years…
  410. …in reply to @felix_cohen
    @felix_cohen I have at least one answer for you : MACS J1149+2223 Lensed Star 1 ("Icarus"), a blue supergiant 9 billion lightyears away.
  411. …in reply to @felix_cohen
    @felix_cohen I said I had one answer, not all of them!
  412. what's better?
  413. …in reply to @lyyyndseyyy
    @lyyyndseyyy what does green tea do?
  414. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz best quality, to your preference, in both cases
  415. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow I'm asking the hard questions!
  416. …in reply to @penightingale
    @penightingale it's an arbitrary binary choice! you GOTTA choose!
  417. …in reply to @lyyyndseyyy
    @lyyyndseyyy huh!! Guess I should maybe drink green tea (my blood pressure is fine, but has been high recently - reckon POTS/CFS sometimes does stuff to it)
  418. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow but it's a twitter poll! it's 100% mandatory.
  419. RT @Clipart1994bot: F_STYLE.BMF
  420. forget the "around the equator"/"dick and balls" method, this is what I'm doing from now on @reactloona/1473492665874403337
  421. …in reply to @v21
  422. hey this is my resume! @yasiman3d/1473763598543450112
  423. RT @shreyagnanda: In a rentier economy, non-fungible benefits (like a 4 day week) can be superior to fungible benefits (like cash transfers…
  424. RT @julian0liver: The other literacy to help build is topological, understanding that while "decentralisation" might be implemented at one…
  425. this tiktok makes a great point. if you cba to watch it: Dune-the-book and Dune-the-movie have the same plot but vastly different meanings because of the context they're released within (mainly America's shifting imperialism)
  426. …in reply to @v21
    tl;dr: Villeneuve's Dune is Pierre Menard's Don Quixote
  427. from zero to sixty / from dreaming to cleaning up cat vomit
  428. is there/what is the Affinity Designer of Adobe Audition? something with a reasonable one off payment so I can do some audio editing without having to deal with Audacity or piracy?
  429. …in reply to @coolpowers
    @coolpowers Non destructive editing (ie, cut a track and then adjust the end points by dragging) and the ability to make edits while playing audio.
  430. …in reply to @v21
    tried Fission, but even though it would probably work fine for current thing, didn't want to pay for/learn a non multitrack editor. tried Reaper, and after a bit of poking to persuade it I'm not editing music, and learning the "delete selection" shortcut... yeah, it's good.
  431. …in reply to @v21
    ripple edits, yeahhh
  432. RT @spacetwinks: @NotBrunoAgain it keeps fucking me up that basically "remember diesel sweeties? it's back, in pog form" is now one of the…
  433. RT @ghost236: Picky
  434. RT @profcarroll: web3 is symptomatic of a tech press and industry fatigued with techlash, thirsty for the “new” to feel optimistic and hero…
  435. RT @nantarsya: One of the workers asked HR if he could go home bc he wasn't feeling well; his leave bank was running low, so unless HR acco…
  436. RT @ahandvanish: On average, neurological symptoms from #LongCovid don’t start in the acute phase, but 4-8 weeks later. (For about 1/3, the…
  437. *once again* I have gotten to the end of the year, thought "fuck it, I haven't achieved much this year, i don't want to write a year-in-review", started writing it anyway and been surprised by how much stuff I have to write about.
  438. …in reply to @v21
    somehow it is surprising every time
  439. …in reply to @SFBDim
    @SFBDim turns out I bought a flat in March? which you'd think I'd remember, given I'm sitting in it
  440. RT @MIDImyers: i just got a PR email with a survey at the bottom and these were the only options
  441. RT @mcclure111: This video is 12 seconds long and its narrative arc is breathtaking
  442. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (my body, 2020) @danajiru/1474145554737217551
  443. thinking about designing videogames for non-human animals again... vm.tiktok.com/ZM8TuJuVC/
  444. …in reply to @v21
    there was that Kars Alfrink project where pigs and humans would play videogames online together whatsthehubbub.nl/projects/pig-chase/ (that is now hard to find because of the PR campaign for a different pig videogame paper from earlier this year)
  445. …in reply to @v21
    people say "players never read the tutorial text" - I guess this is the next level of that
  446. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi oh yes, thank you for the reminder, exactly it
  447. RT @artur0castro: The original cypherpunk spirit
  448. RT @betterthemask: a future of inane unwanted corporately driven social interaction where customers chat to baristas so they don’t get fire…
  449. …in reply to @KeirRice
    @KeirRice happy christmas to you too!
  450. RT @eun_hee00_: My room.
  451. I just... surfed the web? it's been a long time since I've done that, it took me a moment to recognise what it was I had done & why it felt so good.
  452. …in reply to @v21
    I looked up the author of a short story collection I just finished reading & loved (Iphgenia Baal) which showed me that the zine shop in Peckham is still open, just moved, which is stocking a zine about chronic illness called Bed, which features a nice illustrator, Sarah Hagale
  453. …in reply to @v21
    yes yes half the links were on Instagram, but still... following my curiosity from one website to another, discovering things I did not know I wanted to find out along the way!
  454. …in reply to @v21
    here's the nice illustration Sara Hagale did for Bed zine, posted as a screenshot of Instagram after it has glitched out. yes. vibes.
  455. fucking hell! context: Simplified Chinese is usually the #2 language for games on Steam. Steam has existed in an ambiguous grey market zone in China for a while - for Chinese indies, launching on worldwide Steam is the best way to circumvent the (punishingly slow) regulators. @Stutsies/1474684082986844160
  456. …in reply to @v21
    there was some speculation that the Chinese censors were purposefully not doing this, as it'd lead to Chinese gamers installing VPNs to circumvent it (and thereby bypassing the censors entirely). an uneasy compromise swept away.
  457. …in reply to @DavidJEastman1
    @DavidJEastman1 a reasonable point - I don't know why Steam wasn't banned until now, but "to avoid motivating gamers to try to get around the Great Firewall" seemed like reasonable speculation, and I felt okay reporting on it as such.
  458. …in reply to @v21
    @DavidJEastman1 (given the community pages were banned but the store wasn't, it seems to me that it was a deliberate choice)
  459. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine lovely! and love that shirt, too. merry christmas to you
  460. the big telescope got to space
  461. RT @HWarpola: Computer's first Christmas card de Edwin Morgan >
  462. …in reply to @ohhoe
    @ohhoe yeah, the first is the CG visualization, driven by the telemetry. then the second is the actual camera feed.
  463. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle Koala Crisis
  464. watched Speed Racer this evening. some stunning sequences I'm still thinking about now. the way they layer shots together, not just cutting between them. and then sometimes make that layering unexpectedly diegetic. what a thrill that is.
  465. …in reply to @v21
    also fun to see Peter Mannion from The Thick of It and Patrick from Coupling do good work
  466. RT @mcclure111: Everything is a cycle. The series ends where it begins. You defeat evil, and it just rises again, and it defeats you. But *…
  467. …in reply to @v21
    wait, apologies, I was wrong. it is slightly more banned than it was, but is still not actually banned newsletter.gamediscover.co/p/holiday-special-did-steam-really
  468. welcome to the future @lukeweston/1474666354976329728
  469. RT @Melibellule: Yes. This is exactly what happened to us in 2016 when we decided to run 52 week-long events in Transformice: short term nu…
  470. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv they had a goal and they achieved that goal. time for a new goal.
  471. RT @r_demiranda: Okay, so. To me, storytelling is completely inseparable from vulnerability. Where does that leave us? That leave us with t…
  472. Apple made Tumblr ban a list of words in their iOS app, lots of possible commentary about power structures, online, culture etc etc. but also looks at this list of banned words. there are some funny things on there! docs.google.com/document/d/1YG7E84Dvs2PyoKMgSgZFgEX0Kh0RtJqsazZsyVGY8dk/edit?usp=drivesdk
  473. …in reply to @v21
    new life goal: to have Apple specifically ban my name from appearing on iOS devices (apparently the way to do this is to write... Stranger Things fanfic? or to be an anthropomorphic cereal mascot)
  474. …in reply to @v21
  475. saw Reality Bites (1994) the other day, and one thing I couldn't get over (besides how hot Winona Ryder is) was how all the characters were smoking inside. just looks strange to me, people don't do that now. definitely in the UK, post smoking ban.
  476. …in reply to @v21
    wonder if I'll feel like that about "characters congregating in indoor public spaces" a year or two further into this pandemic
  477. current status: installing Blender
  478. …in reply to @v21
    also i have a tummy ache
  479. …in reply to @pangmeli
    @pangmeli See no reason they couldn't provide the service, the question is how much it'd cost.
  480. …in reply to @v21
    @pangmeli But Amazon makes their money from AWS & the third party seller programme. Amazon Prime makes a loss, their first party sales make a loss.
  481. I'm happy for all my friends who are having fun with Wordle and Babble Royale, but I will not be joining you, I still hate word games.
  482. …in reply to @v21
    I designed one once, Word Miner for the Alexa. Did a pretty good job! Had to understand them, tried a bunch, confronted my fear and hatred of anagram based games, came to a rapprochement, it was a whole emotional arc. But still, nah, can't be bothered.
  483. …in reply to @v21
    I know words, I can spell, that's fine. But I just... don't think of words as collections of letters?
  484. 1) I really really don't want to get long covid (the incidence of which increases with subsequent infections) 2) Sucks for the countries that *have* succeeded at zero covid policies. 3) I dunno. I guess I agree, I'm just incredibly angry. @BallouxFrancois/1475567604504973318
  485. …in reply to @varjmes
    @varjmes until someone says her name three times, that's the rule I know
  486. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern I haven't, I can imagine it is, but also I am not particularly tempted to try, because *gestures at thread* haha
  487. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern *unless* I get a job designing another word game. but I would not be my first choice for that
  488. …in reply to @havocmoth
    @havocmoth there are hardware random number generators you can connect to! your computer probably has one. but you generally only use those if you're like... doing encryption stuff. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(computing)#Hardware-originated_entropy
  489. …in reply to @v21
    update: mainly i have been having a tummyache, but also... baby's first geometry nodes! i made the word "test" out of words that also say "test" (that are also made of meshes that say "test")
  490. …in reply to @v21
    the performance is bad, as you might imagine
  491. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial a single indivisible shape!!!
  492. …in reply to @v21
    @SzMarsupial (uh, just don't look at the collection of concrete poetry i've got in the works...)
  493. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial i am sorry to hear that (and i know)
  494. …in reply to @v21
    @SzMarsupial wait, apply those sentiments in the opposite order
  495. RT @shannonmattern: Isn’t this a shame? That copyright, intended to *promote cultural production*, has instead become a deterrent to engagi…
  496. RT @policefala: learned the other day that snakes and ladders is insanely old and used to represent the ascent towards "Moksha" or release…
  497. …in reply to @v21
    i made an ugly tree & was trying to figure out how to colour it in when Blender crashed. but hey, I'm definitely having a lot of fun with Geometry Nodes, so much so that it is motivating me to understand more about Blender as a whole.
  498. …in reply to @v21
    (lessons such as "sometimes Blender will crash & lose your work, so maybe it's a good idea to save every so often")
  499. RT @heatherchristle: Money seems funniest/most imaginary to me when I look at my current manuscript's quoting of Patti Smith chanting "hors…
  500. third retweet from me today on the subject of quoting lyrics @mountain_goats/1476242081324703749
  501. RT @_nakst:
  502. …in reply to @v21
    i have recreated my ugly tree, but less ugly and done in a better way. i have saved. now to try to figure out how materials & lighting work.
  503. …in reply to @v21
    oh, yeah, and here's the node graph (using a capsule as the input geometry)
  504. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort i bought somewhere with a little bit of money from my parents, and mainly money from winning the startup lottery (could have managed with just the latter)
  505. RT @morganastra: this is WILD. the entire B/Yamagata species of influenza virus has possibly gone extinct since people have been masking an…
  506. I have now seen the new Matrix, and have unmuted it on Twitter. I am ready for takes now.
  507. …in reply to @v21
    What did I think? I liked it, I thought it was good.
  508. RT @10kimaginaryboy: Loved as he is...does he still pause brightly?
  509. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly I'm sure the story is entirely happy and nothing upsetting happens in it at all
  510. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
  511. …in reply to @v21
    @HJosephineGiles prettty similar result to where you ended up with (without writing a python script)
  512. RT @dcreager: Really nice post from @apenwarr, starting off ostensibly talking about logfrahhhhj, but quickly getting into really interesti…
  513. …in reply to @moreelen
    @moreelen Ah, I pretty much always went to them in order to have an excuse to hang out with friends in a nice location. Some are better than others for this... However, a few years of not going has made me wonder quite how much I care about making videogames.
  514. a beautiful ending to a wonderful series. the joys of careful proc gen, the most accessible recounting of Em Short's taxonomy of generated text... if50.substack.com/p/2020-scents-and-semiosis
  515. …in reply to @v21
    and then, there's a little reference to something I built in there, and that makes me proud to have contributed my tiny part.
  516. …in reply to @v21
    it makes me think about the power of the community making this stuff, people thinking carefully and thoughtfully about how to achieve new things, caring for each other & appreciating each other's work. it's about a gift.
  517. RT @adityab: Olivia James might single-handedly cause an exponential rise of comics literacy in the general public.
  518. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial it represents babies. and yoda.
  519. pointing at Wireshark with a worried look on your face @ArtLaboratoryB/1476569245827936261
  520. …in reply to @dracos
    @dracos @infovore love that it's rot-13'd
  521. …in reply to @v21
  522. …in reply to @dracos
    @dracos @infovore I assume that the dev wanted to debug stuff but also didn't want to spoil the puzzle they were debugging?
  523. …in reply to @michael_deforge
    @michael_deforge thank you for posting it. I loved it.
  524. happy new year everyone