Tweets from 2022/07
RT @alienmelon: i wrote about Mini Maker: Make a Thing, and the way creativity is approached in games that empower creation... "When softwa…
do we intuitively have a sense of tree-like structures of meaning because language is structured that way?
@any_other_you language definitely has a tree like structure, clauses can embed within each other, grammar looks like, well, a grammar, etc. but yeah, it's tricky, because the question is kind of about what seems "basic" to us & why. aliens could be weird in new and surprising ways!
RT @HJosephineGiles: I like this appraisal of Nevada from @accommodatingly, and this line is as far as I know true. But I think it's impor…
you know how everyone has been saying Unity really needs to make some real games with their tech, just feel the pain points themselves and solve them rather than constantly chasing after shiny half-baked features? well @sh4na/1542808112683417600
anyway, if I was still making games rather than making my own game engine, I'd probably give Unreal a spin. shocking confession from someone who has been working in Unity for a decade!
(but I started during a wave of pain as Flash was dying and lots of people had to learn new tools... I learned the lesson of not getting too specialised for a single tool early)
but yeah, actually recently I have been learning web stuff, and Typescript, and Rust, and Flutter. plenty to keep me busy...
@Lewis_D_White @HonestWilliam those have been around for most of the last decade, iirc! I don't entirely disagree with a problem being a lack of focus on game dev, but actually the military stuff probably has v similar pain points to game dev.
@Lewis_D_White @HonestWilliam film previz/realtime visuals is a bit different in terms of workflow, but then they're playing catch-up with Unreal there, which is the most viable place to jump ship to!
@logicalerror it does not surprise me in the least
@logicalerror but yeah, the "make a game internally" plan was only likely to affect significant change if it brought in enough money to become a priority for leadership, not if it was just a toy project. :/
@saracecilia I'm keeping a close eye on the stuff coming out of Embark! Rust makes so much sense for game tooling
@alexqgb @logicalerror well they just laid off the team developing it, so...
@phoenixperry Vague hope that doing Rust means I'll understand C++ if I get to it. But also if I'm working with a team... well, I respecced to designer, someone else can do it.
@nielsen_holly how do you feel about the word "aesthetic"
the world's tallest tree has a height @konstructivizm/1543125820671082496
same goes for many other social networks @visakanv/1543187658926850050
Discord too @v21/1395168700785963009
@freezydorito i was like "damn, i want to store a little hidden message in the notch". and then i remembered i'm making an iOS app. i can!
@boondaburrah yeah, i like haxe! did a few bits with it over the years. but i wasn't a refugee, i poked around with AS3 after learning Unity.
RT @g0m: page from an old zine
RT @liza: What I love about even lousy early utopian fiction is the idea that anyone is allowed to dream up a better society. Just don't tr…
or, going even further back...
i hate this so much. like, conceptually, politically, but most of all, as someone building an innovate new online service, practically @WebDevLaw/1543510512381607937
maybe the easiest way to work with this is just to move to the EU??
tl;dr : the UK is getting rid of cookie popups. but for any site which processes online data, instead of cookie popups you'll have to do online age verification. which means bullshit AI age recognition tech, or getting users to upload IDs to a government approved list of vendors
oh, and you'll still have to do all the old privacy stuff, for your EU users (how does "collecting only necessary data fit with ^^^? who knows!!")
RT @PavelASamsonov: @v21 Wow I couldn't write a law entrenching the power of Facebook and Google more if I tried - the appeal of "verify on…
sometimes i write something like "v excited about" and then i go... yes. v *is* excited about that.
anyway, v is knocked out by this cold, and is hoping that they recover before they run out of For All Mankind episiodes to binge on
@dannybirchall thanks!
RT @supermattachine: none of these Shrier-type trans fertility panic professionals have ever wanted trans people to have parenthood as an o…
this is true, and an extreme version of a trend that had been happening for several decades - cheap consumer goods, expensive basic necessities. as the "cheap consumer goods" part starts faltering, the grimness is really revealed. @rachelcoldicutt/1543918511281606656
i still get people who follow me saying to me occasionally "oh, you made Cheap Bots? I didn't know!" @mattround/1543939450417332224
anyway, in that spirit: i made Cheap Bots, Done Quick! an approachable & free service for making a Twitterbot. now I'm making Downpour, an approachable & free service for making a videogame. if you want to help me do either or both of these things, I'm at
RT @EdConwaySky: 🔋THREAD🔌 The inconvenient truth about climate change is that solving it will involve digging, blasting & leaching more min…
@bookwormgirl910 thank you. entirely my pleasure <3
i try to separate doing good work from making something good. "doing good work" is taking the situation you have and improving it. "making something good" is normally out of your control. @kyotocosmology/1543933537983791109
and, like. if you're working on a team... unless you're lucky and all have the exact same vision in your head, this is how it has to be. not every call is going to go the way you want it to, you can't throw your toys out the pram if you don't win every fight.
also, that attitude can, if you're not careful, end up devouring you, as there is no end of work if you look for it. and it does not help the team if someone is burning out trying to solve every problem, even the ones that aren't their job.
this is one reason i have gotten so frustrated at "no outside work" policies - the logic is, you're supposed to apply all your creativity to work projects. but they shouldn't want all your creativity. they should want you to try to solve the problems that actually need solving.
you can take a lot of pride in "doing good work"! and you should care if you're making a good game or not. but, to quote a cliche: "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
@notsarahgordon reheating some takeout ethiopian. this probably doesn't help you.
@notsarahgordon yes, i was wondering how many levels of unhelpful i am on, i'm glad to see it is at least 2!
RT @michael_deforge: anyhow, gonna keep training an algorithm to assign sweeping, generalized visual markers to potentially fraught ideolog…
@notsarahgordon come down to Camberwell, we'll go to Zeret Kitchen
RT @Zangoloid:
i just learned about Amanda Lear, and... wow. "Contested facts include her birth date and place, the gender she was assigned at birth, names and nationalities of her parents, and the location of her upbringing." @CartaMonir/1544042113104547841
can't believe the pole vault world record holder is called "Mondo Duplantis"
RT @B4DC0FFEE: POV: you're in an english pub and you're following the toilet sign
@SzMarsupial me to my date: wow, i can't believe your name is actually Mondo Duplantis! and you're the current world record holder for pole vaulting! wow, you're so impressive! my date:
RT @773tk_:
RT @lennyjpg:
imagine if the CSS unit was called "mutton" instead of "em"
the elements of this grid are 4mutton wide & have a gap of 1mutton between them
RT @jalangdon: I made this book for a seminar taught remotely at HfG Karlsruhe in 2020. It’s a portrait of a bird, the White-Throated Needl…
RT @dannybirchall: this might be my favourite ever map of London
RT @anildash: several years ago, people got really mad at me online when I said that movie theaters would have to adapt to people who wante…
RT @JuddLegum: I teamed up with @MorePerfectUS to explain how Match Group — the $20B company behind @Match, @Tinder & @okcupid — quietly u…
RT @HJAcivillibs: Abortion laws: Woman kept in police cell for 36 hours after stillbirth because of suspicions she had an abortion after th…
that feeling when you've just woken up and before you've moved, when you don't know yet whether or not you're still ill enough for today to be anything other than resting
"“I think intention and willpower … are highly overrated,” he said. “You rarely achieve anything with those things.”"
RT @MrGordian: The inimitable @reillybrennan delivers a stone-cold classic in today’s @WhyInteresting:
RT @hzeffman: **Nadhim Zahawi** is in the delegation of cabinet ministers about to tell the prime minister to go, I'm told
RT @aanand: OPPOSITION MP: Sir, I would like to read you a quote. “I love petards and they love me and would never hoist me in any way”. Do…
@Nifflas @hollygramazio oh! could you sleep in pause mode??
RT @Lubchansky: on the phone of a friend who will remain unnamed, i saw an app with a star of david logo. he’s not jewish so i asked what i…
how do you get sacked from the cabinet rn?????
RT @AliceAvizandum: here’s my favourite Angela Rayner fact
going for the speedrun @varjmes/1544953611557404674
whoaaa this is very cool @lexaloffle/1544748424226287616
RT @timoncheese: What a radio moment - @ChrisMasonBBC explaining live on Radio 4 how it’s odd he hasn’t heard from Downing Street in a whil…
sorry to be depressing, but to me it's clear that the only reason Johnson has agreed to step down is that this is as late as he can leave it and still try to hang in as caretaker (and then??? somehow turn things around????). he's only resigning so he can stay longer.
not clear anyone has a knife sharp enough to winkle him out immediately
anyway, good news, he's not done fucking up the reputation of the Tories among the right-wing.
RT @kj_charles: The issue of where "bloody" goes in the sentence structure really is such a tell. It is, obviously, "the fastest bloody pic…
@GretchenAMcC i am also curious about this! if you've got time, what are the rules for adjective ordering here? @kj_charles/1544970279591501826
he's... scraping together a cabinet so that when he resigns he can say he has one & doesn't need to leave immediately?? sounds like he'll need some luck to find one...
RT @ragzouken:
RT @dsquareddigest: And, it has to be said, nearly all of it as a result of media stories based on already available information which coul…
i think the news that a major reason Johnson is clinging to power is so he can have a big wedding party at Chequers at the end of the month might have broken me
RT @betterthemask: “One of my biggest fears about this world of secrecy is that it literally comes down to “You ask for what you feel you a…
@undividual i have been pretty much knocked out this whole week with a cold (i think it's a cold). it sucks!!!
RT @leakyeaves: well behaved cows seldom make tools
@TheWhitePube I'm reading "Addiction by Design", which is a very not fun book about Las Vegas and slot machine design. one of the big points in it is that gamblers are not gambling to win, but gambling so they can stay in the void.
@TheWhitePube there's a lot of stuff resonating with me in there
RT @PyronoidD: "let the free market sort itself out!" the free market:
RT @lmichet: Hate it when the way ahead is blocked by a series of collapsed walls/caved-in-ceilings/closed gates that trap the ruins of an…
the thing about the Musk - Twitter lawsuit is that Twitter is almost certainly legally in the right. The real thing it hinges on is whether the court is prepared to look weak in the aftermath of ordering Musk to do something he is going to try to weasel out of doing. @courtneymilan/1545599411190841344
pure "rule of law" vs "wealth is power" stuff
here's a thing : this is a skill, it is not a skill that comes naturally to most people, but it is something you can practice and it is something you can get better at. if you care enough to try. @pookleblinky/1545653795882926080
RT @atomicthumbs: if you've never seen someone in a mechanized shipping warehouse pick stuff for packages, you should check out what it ent…
cool tool! for making nested structures of text
doing a trolley problem thing where you have to click a button to do nothing as well as to pull the lever seems to miss the original point of the trolley problem @nothings/1545744904394981376
@nothings just have a little timer that automatically advances to the next problem unless you click!
RT @hautepop: "According to numbers crunched by Our World in Data, for every 1,000 people in Europe for whom coal supplies power in a given…
@nothings yeah, i mean, hard to know for sure unless you go actually tying a lot of people to railway tracks. but i think the push-or-don't would capture some of the different feeling that inaction has from action (which is what the original thought experiment is interested in)
@philippawarr seagulls are no respecter of property rights
i am basically recovered from this cold, but it seems to have triggered my fatigue & i have no idea when i'll be back to where i was before. it sucks! it's so nice out & i want to make plans & see people & do things, and i have no idea when i'll be able to again.
@Jam_sponge thanks! i agree!!
on the plus side, i seem to be well enough to work now? yay
why does the trans pride march have to be in disability pride month, eh?
RT @alicebell: Highly recommend catching Dream Machine before it closes on 24th (thanks for tip @hirr4). It looks sold out but you can get…
thinking about what a lumpy and specific thing Evangelion was to have such a far reaching influence
anyway I just finished watching Ping Pong
RT @chandlerVol3:
@beepbeepbooks it's very good!!
@timoni I think just the way that the series was made, under real time & budget pressures, the ending not quite resolving things. It feels "raw" in some ways, focused on the specific things it's focused on, and less about making those things cohere in an artful way.
@timoni none of which is to do it down, it's powerful and I'm glad it's had the impact it did.
RT @fulligin: pictured: everyone who was married in San Francisco City Hall, from 10am to 2pm, July 8th, 2022 and also myself…
i try not to post despair at the political situation for trans people too often - i figure my followers probably know already. but fuck it's getting me down that two contenders for Tory leader have kickstarted their leadership campaigns with explicitly anti-trans lines.
@Thairyn RIP bee-free streak
this is a nice video on why you can sometimes see colours in steam. it's also cool that it describes a phenomenon (that you can observe with your eyes and a bowl of hot water!) and says that it is not fully understood yet.
something very cool about being able to see science as something in progress, or even as a process. here's some theories, i think this one is most convincing because it also explains this aspect, but i might be wrong.
@pillowfort given that leaves us with Grant Shapps... god help us all
@starsandrobots yep, I got new taps recently and thermostatic is the way to go - one knob for temperature, one knob for flow (mine can go forwards for shower, backwards for bath). also solves the thing of the shower going scalding or freezing when someone uses a tap elsewhere in the house.
@starsandrobots (it just loses pressure for a mo) the one thing is that if multiple people are using it, it defaults to the previous person's temperature
@starsandrobots I'm curious how the internal mechanism works - it's not powered, just automatically adjusts flow according to temperature. also! you can totally get thermostatic taps for cheaper than that link suggests.
@visakanv that last has the same energy as 1000-hour "don't recommend" Steam reviews
@visakanv (which is, to be fair, an energy I very much respect)
RT @GalaxyKate: Are there automated-posting ML bots, like there are Tracery bots? I'm curious about (technical issues aside) what would ma…
which borough has the furthest apart points, when measured by public transport travel time?
this thought brought to you courtesy of a hour long bus ride from Camberwell to Norwood Junction
@undividual I am! I'm here now, even. If it makes you feel any better, I think your tweet about missing it was the prompt for me to make it out
@feedCreeper South London Comic and Zine Fair! for the next... hour and a half, anyway
@alexhern huh!
@undividual It was fun! I was sorry not to see you!
RT @savannahXYZart: if you remember Blender 2.7 your knees hurt enjoy whatever the hell this is #b3d #blender3d
RT @youngvulgarian: (IMO what's interesting about this Tory leadership contest is that it's the first one since 2005 not to be basically en…
would you rather
@interleaper honestly suspected it would split this way
@NotInventedHere Chelsea Elizabeth Manning[3] is an American activist and whistleblower.[4][5][6] She is a former United States Army soldier who was convicted by court-martial in July 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly 750,000 classifi
i enjoy how Wikipedia has such a specific format you can recognise it copy-pasted elsewhere. good for jokes, imo.
@NotInventedHere i also enjoy that!!!
@AustinKelmore that's a strategy rather than a destination!
RT @richard_normal: one of lifes great pleasures is purchasing some overly expensive canned drink from some company youve never heard of an…
RT @kyotocosmology: To be clear crunch sucks! but you know that-- what I'm urging you to watch for is how easily we tell ourselves we'll re…
RT @MadeleineCTate: @kyotocosmology I'm sick to death of "She only works late because she really cares about quality." Shut up shut up shut…
RT @dayn_does_comix: I was at the movies tonight and a very interesting thing happened to me... I was in the bathroom before the movie and…
RT @AranKoning: last week i made a cool video about the development of stacklands! really happy with how it turned out :)…
@AranKoning i liked the bit where you stood up unexpectedly. it made me laugh.
@AranKoning also congrats on making a cool and popular and good game!!
imagine being the architect of a hotel so unsettling it becomes a creepypasta meme
by which i mean: this is just that hotel near Heathrow...
original pic: @zerstoerer/1106521281908957189?s=20 i once tried to find all of the Roblox recreations of this image. think we found like 5??
@ravi_hiranand terminal 4 holiday inn express
shame the complex doesn't have any large event spaces, or it'd be the perfect place to host a Backrooms convention
@camyule isn't it!
RT @notyourwaif: ashleigh brilliant, meme king
@mattround you mean you don't find this restful to look at??
@mattround it might be an idea to find a colour scheme where the inserted types are a bit less prominent... but mainly this is helpful, it's just a bit much when the types are a mouthful
@frozenpandaman the articles are always couched in a "we're just asking questions" kind of tone. they rarely say "we think trans people should be excluded from public life" or "we think trans kids should be taken away from their parents".
@frozenpandaman there's a reason for this! if you put things in a reasonable reasonable tone, then people not invested in the issues will nod along. but the effect of the articles is to normalise hate.
@frozenpandaman it's not saying "no-one should be able to publish things like this", it's saying "these 'reasonable' articles lead to hateful conduct, they are not as neutral as they claim to be"
@frozenpandaman honestly the real thing is not the intentions of the people writing the pieces but that the editors of the papers choose particular types of pieces to repeatedly publish. you can be careful and nuanced & it's even good if you are... but one side gets published 20x more.
playing on easy mode (going into the inspector and setting the network throttling setting to "Slow 3G" so that there's a bigger window to cancel loading the page before the paywall blocker pops up)
RT @TinaRiversRyan: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR my boss just *stumbled* across this early computer work in our collection that literally none of us…
@louispilfold tried it a couple of times & it didn't work for me. but also: where's the fun in that
@mattround a load of editors added warnings for a lot of characters after folks did a little branding exercise for this class of attack:
RT @gifs_bot:
@SzMarsupial a hoodie with no shirt... in this weather??
RT @edyong209: It is wild to me that some random guy on Twitter decided that the BA.2.75 variant was going to be known as "Centaurus" and i…
RT @Emojipedia: Emoji 15.0 is to be released in September 2022. Here’s every emoji in the final draft, including a plain Pink Heart #WorldE…
I'm thrilled to announce that I have entered into an agreement with myself to sit down and write some code to accelerate a unique end-to-end platform that powers creators’ success! Learn more on my blog.
RT @y_nakajima_: 歯グキのビットホルダー完成🦷
found a writeup of it's latest quarter: it says to me: - Unity is making a loss - Unity makes most of it's money running it's ads & services platform - and loses money on the whole "game engine" bit
if you want to understand what a company is likely to do, or cares about, it helps to understand what it's incentives are. so let's do Unity, the most popular game engine for indie devs:
and the other big thing we're missing is that a company is not a person, and can't really be said to have "feelings". what are the incentives for the execs? money, which means stock price, which means giving the market good news, which means flashy acquisitions & layoffs.
now, it's obviously not quite that simple - the reason people use the ads stuff is because they are making the game in Unity & it integrates nicely. so they can't just dump the game engine & focus on the money bits. but.
speculating here, but the "game engine" bit is probably actually only 50% from making videogames, versus rendering architectural walkthroughs, car visualisations, film previz, military sims, etc etc. indies are a small chunk of that videogames bit, and F2P probably the biggest.
but also the basic fundamentals of the business say that the engine is a loss leader for getting people to use their ads platform.
@GalaxyKate thanks! i think this is really going to drive new heights of growth as we progress through Q3.
RT @patrickashe: It's shameful that Verso took 17 months to recognise their union in the UK but a good first step that they have finally do…
@Aquma why wouldn't you use the magic mineral??
@catacalypto for the list @mckenziewark/1547283389845327874
RT @gdgrlhanski: Monster couch
RT @WomensArtForAll: Angela #Johal #WomensArt #ArtByWomen •Earth Patterns 1•
@yeomfairy @d2lyricbot it'll keep going as long as the account is up & the service is running!
RT @LydiaCaradonna: So, Mo Farrah. Seeing lots of outrage and, understandably, confusion at the Home Office’s statement that they won’t be…
@Nifflas none of the above: i think the current duopoly of Unity/Unreal will break down, but i think Unity will still remain a viable choice to release with for, oooh, at least a decade.
@Nifflas it's the Photoshop problem - every weird niche is the core of someone's workflow. (not that i disagree that they could do a better job of making shit work cohesively & finishing features... but i understand why it's always going to be sprawling)
RT @netgal_emi: Online orders for Plaintext Distro are still open for the month of July! We still have at least one of everything ready to…
As someone who doesn't have to deal with this in any way, let me say: the design dynamics here are hilarious. @PlayVALORANT/1547627006707134464
a problem in my life right now is that every time I wonder what I'm doing with my life I want to work on my game tool. because it's fun to work on, and a good distraction, and I want to hustle it along (because it is the primary thing I am doing with my life right now)
this is obviously a lucky situation to be in many ways, but unfortunately turning into a code gremlin is a real good way to make yourself very miserable. and I definitely feel the lure of gremlinification more strongly than is good for me.
@KaebOdellas it doesn't matter what it is, it just matters that you can't have one
sometimes it feels like the creative industries are like those creatures that scuttle around on the seafloor living off whalefall. surviving off the side effects of the struggles between much larger creatures. @alienmelon/1547694441464442881
@pati_gallardo how's your posture? I found doing this stretch ended up fixing a surprising amount of my posture problems
@innesmck did you know that SVGs can embed arbitrary HTML? well, goodnight!
i saw the first half of this last winter. it was very good, shame i was getting too tired to stay for the second half. @ThreatNotation/1547707807595499526
@GalaxyKate @innesmck @logodaedalus no limit in the specs that i know of, you'll just be hitting whatever recursion limit/crashes in the renderer. looking at it looks like you can go quite deep...
@visakanv building an approachable game engine/social network! just started on the social network bit. instead of a "feed" of "posts", it's gonna give you the ability to make a sprawling visual hypertext rat's nest. early screenshot:
@visakanv (oh, and if anyone is intrigued, info & you can sign up to be told when it launches here:
RT @betterthemask: look I have an entire talk I want to write about video games as erotica rather than slot machines, and desire & subversi…
RT @maxbittker: big announcement of fun tool i’ve been working on … magazine scraps + scissors vibes; really hope you enjoy it
@lorenschmidt could it... show me what it would've been before my input if my input was a natural consequence of the system?
@bekokstover the version I saw was a gong that they softly kept hitting with soft mallets, the volume increasing slowly but steadily. for half an hour. then the second half, the volume just... decreases away to nothing
@TomNullpointer at least I'm not pretending to make a game at the same time
@lorenschmidt I tried drawing a diagram to explain
RT @MrPrudence: Benjamin Patterson: Born in the State of FLUX/us Ed. Valerie Cassel Oliver [2012] (PDF) @monoskop →…
pretty much any time they show a graph with time along the bottom and a log scale axis along the side... you know it's bad news
@lorenschmidt yes, exactly!
switching between programming languages & the stuff that trips you up is the stuff that is almost but not quite the same between them.
if (obj)
vsif (obj != null)
. the big stuff it's easy to remember. -
reminds me of my parents explaining when i was a kid that, when driving in another country, the dangerous time was when the roads were quiet & everything felt familiar. that's when you accidentally start driving on the wrong side of the road.
@agAitcheson @bekokstover the Barbican! this was the show:
@mattround i have put a all day calendar entry in, called just "sweat"
@dannybirchall it's so good!!
RT @deathcarpets: several days ago a co worker told me his daughter’s name is “Rey, NOT because of star wars” which he was very adamant abo…
RT @kyssimmee: this might look like they're announcing that sims can finally be queer, but it's much funnier than that; The Sims has neve…
@Ninfa_dp ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@algo_luca that's why I'm using SQLite as an application database
@algo_luca (I agree with your point, tho)
today I went to a falconry show and the falcon just... fucked off. flew away and didn't come back again.
@neoeno AND he was on mic and commentating. "He's on those thermals... he's 800 feet in the air... he's half a mile away... just another five minutes, hopefully he'll start heading back..."
not threading this with my previous tweet to avoid spoiling the magic, but... the thing is, the falcon had a GPS tag. you can leave, fly away, yes... but the guy is just gonna follow you in his car, park up, and start swinging his bit of chicken on a rope at you again.
@alexhern it was at the Lambeth Country Show! I also saw alpacas, sheep shearing & a yam carved to resemble Rihanna when she posed for Vogue magazine while heavily pregnant.
one bird provides two metaphors
@SzMarsupial how many metaphors does a yam provide?
@SzMarsupial you know what they say: the father of metaphor is ASAP Broccoli
if given the opportunity, would you go to space?
@sally_sound @alexhern also on tomorrow!
@jiggott yep! i think i've seen them lose them for a bit previously, but they've always gotten them back by the end of the show
@Nifflas oh, that's fair!
RT @gutefabrik: Our award-winning mutant soap opera MUTAZIONE is a @Steam Daily Deal today (July 16th) and it’s a whopping 50% off! If you…
RT @Alex_Cultural: Devastating allegations and implications for museums and galleries here.
RT @leighalexander: on love island all the singles are confined to a villa and they are *prohibited from ever knowing the time*. they are n…
@TheWhitePube 📈📈📈
RT @pipedownkitty: @v21 Late but here's some footage I shot that clearly shows the falcon having fucked off.
RT @astroblob: Starting to draw Brunswick themed tarot cards again
loot boxes are just gambling except the stuff you win isn't worth anything @adrianhon/1548632720535965699
@rsnous yep, this is what I'm working on
@rsnous oh, actually, correction: non-techie friendly, mobile first, distributed hosting is too hard for me. so I'm compromising on the distributed part. but it does have local export as a web page you can host elsewhere.
RT @yeah_good_okay:
this is such a trap @naval/1548801581016969217
as evidenced by the literal lawsuits people have about whether they're allowed to call themselves a founder
the best work experiences I've had are where everyone is striving together to build something cool, and ego doesn't get a look in. but the thing is, after you ship & you're all looking for the next thing... some people end up getting more credit than others.
in my experience, this is more correlated to how well known they were before the project started than to how much they brought to the project. I'll leave ways to mitigate this as an exercise for the reader.
@cubeghost luckily I have not seen his tweets previously, although I do feel a little bad for spreading them further
this feels very uncool to say, but I would like to have 10,000 followers and I am pleased that I tweeted about a falcon and gained a few hundred followers who are presumably looking for more birds
the thing about wanting 10,000 followers is that all my friends who have more followers than that say that's about the time that Twitter stopped being fun to use
it's good to have clarity that you are pursuing goals that, if you achieve them, will actively make your life worse
anyway, uh, I like how the green parakeets of London sound like laser beams
RT @JortsTheCat: Here is a thread with some FAQs about picket lines outside of a coffee shop or other local establishment…
@alexhern look, no-one is saying that sci fi laser beams are good for the surrounding environment, but they *are* cool. pew pew pew!
@jr_carpenter happy birthday!!
shout-out to my clear pee gang! keep it crystal!
RT @williamapan: Coded animated patterns out of simple shapes— Pen plotted and then assembled back on the computer. 1/n #generativeart #…
@davemakes what's the point if you don't have fun, eh?
flexing my newly acquired bird clout to let you know: if you can make the noise of a bird, you can work in indie games @KommanderKlobb/1548973841564803072
@KommanderKlobb done, with pleasure!
@TodePond but can you teach the blue tit to sing Eli's songs??? @elirainsberry/1548981548254482433
@AustinKelmore you can - roles can grant access to particular channels but also, yeah, it's a lot, i'm not active on any large Discords
RT @parker_gibbons: holy shit. how is netflix able to stream such detailed film grain on highly compressed video? bc it's made dynamically…
i can't imagine this felt as sinister in 1994 as it does today @Clipart1994bot/1549305820357296128
maybe it would feel less sinister on a day in 2022 that isn't forecast to be the hottest since records began
RT @realnorireed: Having Having a creative job to create
@alexhern Wikipedia has a list of 'em, the most recent cross-media success is "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" (obviously less of it in the US/UK, tho). Made more money than Minions or Minecraft.
@alexhern i find it is pretty fascinating to look at it, compare the reality with my intuitions for how much money difference franchises make & exactly where that money comes from
@alexhern yeah, totally, that's why I skipped past a lot of F2P games onto Demon Slayer
@alexhern one interesting thing that stands out is that MCU is notable for making most of it's money from films, rather than from merchandising. might be an artefact of the data, mind
@freezydorito who do you think hands them the bodies?
pretty warm out, eh?
@AnnaHollinrake I wish! I am lying on the balcony on a sun lounger, enjoying the occasional drops
RT @jd_pressman: What I thought OpenAI was doing: Guiding the prior to increase aesthetics, content filter and "de-bias" What OpenAI is ac…
As a fan of Grand Designs & also Sex Fantasy, I love this a lot @axe_marnie/1549467592410234882
RT @PerthshireMags: climate change will manifest as a series of disasters viewed through phones with footage that gets closer and closer to…
@timokuilder @bigger_trousers these are the two answers I would have, depending on whether you want the recording to live on a third party service or in a big file on your computer
@beatonna not comics, but here's mine for supporting my free tool for making fun & creative little Twitterbots!
@beatonna i very deliberately set the service up so you can't make bots that reply to accounts! but there's some cute stuff that people have made with it: @thetinygallery, @FoleyArtists, my @softlandscapes...
RT @punished3liza: i also dont know why they dont just diagnose you with hypermobility, MCAS and POTS on the same visit they diagnose you w…
RT @skamille: One of my managerial beliefs that has served me well is that when people are doing the wrong thing, the systems are generally…
@skamille and the reason the people that set up the systems made it too hard to do the right thing... you can keep following the chain down
@martinpi you seem like you have a reasonable tolerance for tech bullshit, might as well go straight to OBS as learn something else & then eventually switch later on.
@martinpi (it is not too bad to use!)
what a clever, sneaky, and kind of evil bit of design! (it would be less evil if TeamViewer itself wasn't such a security hole, if a useful one) @darkpatterns/1549741800553865216
@skamille yeah, for sure - i mean, there's only so deep into the problem you have the leverage to have an impact on it
this is a cool tool! connects screenshots with a particular project revision, using a git repository behind the scenes!
if i had seen this before, i might not have built my system to do things in the opposite order (make a git commit every time i do a render, then save out the render with the git string in the filename)
RT @3arthangl: genuinely, i believe children are an oppressed class and we try to pretend we don’t treat them like one
RT @CarolineBirdUK: A friend just messaged to say my poem ‘mid-air’ may have sparked a conversation about line-breaks in free verse and whe…
a thing people don't like to talk about is that Javascript is a pretty good language & you can write some pretty nice feeling front-end stuff without using any libraries at all
@unigram technically, i guess i only need the git repo. but obviously i keep the big folder full of outputs alongside it as well
(this is a slight misrepresentation of how I work, if I am writing more than, ooh, 300 lines of code I will get Typescript set up. and maybe some packages if I need something specific. but you don't gotta!)
the feeling of starting up an old laptop that was last used... in 2015???
what do you reckon?
final secret: if you write some [ok, ok, slightly cumbersome] JSDoc statements at the top of a few key functions & objects, and you're using a smart enough IDE, you get 90% of the utility of Typescript
@nicolehe continuous deployment eat your heart out!!!
@designCaitlin can't relate (but only because i keep working with Americans)
currently installing a new version of Visual Studio in the hopes that it will install a version of a C++ compiler that node-gyp can pick up on in order to build a version of cairo used as a dependency by some code i want to run. i love this shit
@hellocatfood to lure them in or to scare them away?
people talking about DALL-E & others as a glorious future where you don't have to pay artists, and instead pay the people who run the server farms the model runs on
@reallyquitereal I would say that it's upsetting, but no. all the actual stuff happening is upsetting, the fact that we're responding in a predictable and hackneyed way is just a little bit of flavour on the top.
our culture's default individualising and pathologising approach to bad feelings is the exact opposite of what we need for the current situation
this worked! but unfortunately the 32 bit version of GTK is missing some stuff & node-gyp won't switch into building a 64 bit version... but then I had some dinner & thought of a whole new way of tackling the problem. I'm gonna just run shit in a web browser.
hate it when I begrudgingly take a break from an annoying problem only to think of a good way forward
RT @Polygon: 30 years later, DC Comics’ first transgender superhero is still the genre’s best: Coagula, aka Kate Godwin, of the Doom Patrol…
@danluu I can see the logic, if the non-optimizer doesn't want the culture of the thing they're doing to revolve around the implicit aims that optimizing would bring
yes yes yes : on the limits of art that is just "hey, a person with an identity exists"
"I got so tired of the genre that I started writing criticism about video games instead (unfortunately, I discovered level one identity art exists over there as well, so I’m back)"
I retweeted this earlier, and I think the point it was kind of getting at is the same: @Polygon/1549805104705961985 sure, the comic has a trans person in it. but. what are you doing with that fact? is having them there enough, or are you going to say something about it
I mean, like, besides everything else... it's just boring.
if I wanna make a few nice little vector animations for an app & don't want to give Adobe a load of money for After Effects... what's the best way to do that?
@egg_dog thanks! I'll give it a go
@tarngerine thank you!
@boxlater I'm using Flutter! Also this sucks for anything complex, secondary motion, etc
climate change is going to keep getting worse until there is less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. the UK currently plans to keep adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere until 2050.
RT @afrodesiaq: this monkeypox breakout is going to be very ugly when it "suddenly" explodes into the general population. the messaging aro…
blinky lights
@HJosephineGiles if it's just that, then i would ignore. if it feels targeted or you're worried generally, then going through accounts & setting up 2-factor, unique passwords, all that stuff is worth doing - but i suspect you're already on that.
how many times have i written a little bit of code to check the current time & the time we entered this state & if enough time has passed go into a different state. and yet i still fuck it up!!
@Jam_sponge i might well hit you up once the problem is not "i wanna mess around & figure out what i want" and is instead "i am trying to make this thing using a skill i don't really have, but it keeps being bad??"
RT @merrittk: Wrote about Drug Wars, a simple text-based game about buying low and selling high that swept the DOS machines and graphing ca…
people find their own use for tools @GalaxyKate/1550131084121083913
@Nifflas @cuddlepuunk Minecraft is also pretty great at suggesting little intrinsic goals to you. Survive through a night! Get to the top of that mountain! What happens if you just keep digging?! What's this at the end of this cave?! All things that will reveal new things to dig into.
btw, I am making this for - on for the next few weekends in Bethnal Green. nice photos to come!!
and sympathy strikes are still illegal @KwasiKwarteng/1550081224890351617
fantastic concept - a game that challenges you to beat it within the Steam refund window @TodayOnSteam/1550382661335646208
tiny thing I miss from Dart when using other languages - the thing where if you put a trailing comma at the end of a list of arguments, it tells the formatter to put each argument on a new line, inside the brackets
@infovore no i just confidently put one in and then curse about it later
@boring_cactus this is also because Typescript does structural typing - in Rust,
enum Foo1 {A, B, C}
andenum Foo2 {A, B, C}
are not the same thing, even though they contain the same stuff. -
@infovore illness got me into (and possibly keeps me, I'm not sure) working from bed, which has led to me not working with a bit of paper in front of me enough
@boring_cactus yeah... still think it'd be possible to get somewhere with some kinda cursed library that exports TS types for runtime validation. even just "yes, this JSON you've loaded matches the types you were expecting" would get you quite far
RT @rachelcoldicutt: And yet, that’s what is reached for again and again: extremely nostalgic approaches to innovating, and we can definite…
@boring_cactus oh, that seems easier but still p useful!
the moral of the story is that human curation is good, actually @mcfunley/1550219636464967680
what's better
RT @NotBrunoAgain: you have to understand - love stories are just monoids in the category of endofunctors
if you have not been watching Love Island, how many of this year's contestants could you name?
if you could name exactly 4, this poll is not for you
would you rather
@edjeff I posted in american hours, they love... hockey? pretty sure Gritty is a hockey thing.
favourite poll I've tweeted in the last 8 hours
@mewo2 don't be so harsh on yourself!
@marthasadie as someone who a) hasn't been to the beach in a while and is b) low key stressing about the swimming situation due to hormones starting to give me tits as well as a dick ... this is a really good tweet to read
@milko9000 yeah that was good, wasn't it!
an instructive thing is how polls are fun on Twitter but also a post with a poll rarely spreads. because a poll already has an action in it. you've interacted, you've received feedback... why would you interact (like, RT) a second time?
a sense of finality and closure is inimical to people spreading your content elsewhere
that's one reason why I usually advise against implementing a in-game sharing system - much better to force people to share stuff on a bigger platform where people who don't already have your game will see it
anyway, time to get back to writing the in-app sharing system for my tool for making interactive stories :)
@undividual it's fine, you don't need it. uh. unless stuff is really stained & you wanna bleach the stains out. then stain remove can be helpful.
@undividual i think the mark of competence here is having an informed opinion about bio vs non bio detergent
might give up on Instagram entirely. if i wanted to make videos i would just use TikTok!
i was gonna stop working on this, and then... little itch. here's a series of exports as i tweaked it
@hannahnicklin thank you for the photo reference, i 100% get you
come see my new art-making robot! or come play Tenya Wanya Teens! or other things I was not involved in making! @mink_ette/1550822552955658242
could you play... Inhuman Conditions... with GPT-3??? (Inhuman Conditions is a boardgame/RPG about finding out if someone is a robot or not. Like that interrogation scene from Blade Runner) @alexhern/1550831696379105289
a thread on "The Future is Interior" @sevensixfive/1534551100480794626
without looking it up... what proportion of people in England currently have Covid?
@any_other_you currently have!!
@davemakes me neither!
@hannahnicklin that's about 1/15! so, yes, have went for that. i was going off the weekly ONS survey report, which on a first skim did not merge the UK into a single figure
@andy_matuschak @natfriedman what's the phrase, "slow is smooth, smooth is fast"
@hauntologies but also, rest is not a waste of time, even if it is frustrating
backed! beautiful games from a lovely person @smestorp/1550997544452374529
RT @chhopsky: this person is being funny but brad literally suggested making Aphelios' powers vary with the real-world moon…
juice it! @geordiemhall/1551105117247913985 (although I dislike the implication that you're hauling the board about rather than cruising over it. but this way is juicier, and also funnier)
it is bad that I am reading an incredibly depressing book about gambling in Vegas & feel I can perfectly relate to the motivations of the gamblers?
reading about them "seeking self-oblivion in the machine zone" and I nod and switch over to keep scrolling through Twitter
mainly I just feel grateful that I have found much less life destroying ways of scratching that same itch
of course, the other part I really relate to is where it describes design techniques for creating an absorbing experience that maximises revenue flow per user 🙃
@ludogogical you got it
(the book is Addiction By Design by Natasha Dow Schüll, it is very good & I would recommend it)
@nickfourtimes I actually meant to read it before they did the ep (and don't generally listen to them, or podcasts in general). but I have listened to some of that ep, just because I wanted some commentary on the book
@hondanhon the bit that baked my noodle (might be in an ep to come) is the early appearance of a classic iPod
RT @Ad__Reinhardt: How to Look at Modern Art (detail), 1946 #expressionism #reinhardt
i find a useful rule of thumb online is: no, they didn't say that by accident, they were making a joke
this post is about writing libraries, but it also sums up a lot of my philosophy of making creative tools - a lot of hard won insights here @danluu/1551306357541724161
RT @v21: next time someone says it's impossible to express complex ideas in a format as limiting as twitter, I want you to remember this tw…
@hauntologies that's a toilet
RT @acapellascience: someone said that trees aren't a thing phylogenetically and i was like "oh sure palm trees etc must be unrelated" BUT…
for the record, I am in favour of Carbon, Google's new C++-like. Because I don't want to learn C++, and I'm hopeful people can keep inventing languages to replace it before I find myself in a position where I have to learn it.
the thing about C++ is that I keep seeing people say "modern C++ is actually quite nice to program in" and then they give different answers as to what features count as modern C++
@danhett haxe is lovely, although I've not used it for a long time. seriously impressive ecosystem, especially given how few people are working on it.
@danhett I think there are reasonable odds I will end up working on something in Unreal at some point... and actually have done small things in OF before. But still!
this goes doubly for "things said by women"
RT @the_nomi: I keep saying this but I think AI gen images really are akin to stock footage. the more I see the results of people using AI…
@louispilfold no, and i'm happy with writing that kind of code in Rust rn! but, y'know, if Carbon gains traction it'll start expanding to other use cases
@louispilfold is it probable that in 5 years time, Carbon will be a first-class supported option for writing a game in Unreal? no. but it is possible.
if i wanted to be Prime Minister, I would probably say something like "I am determined to double down on levelling up so that everyone has the opportunity to succeed as part of an aspiration nation."
RT @mikarv: Easy? Major problem here is carbon emissions. The UK refuses to allow border checks on its territory for int'l train arrivals,…
RT @ali_heston: After many years, and countless opportunities, I'd like to share my latest project with all of you! The Design of Virtual…
RT @apple_toast: the bad side of town #doodle
@adrianhon like a videogame that's about objects moving in parabolas, and the consequences of that?
RT @fulligin: There is something shitty about how the advent of engagement-tuned feeds has validated the puritanical "bounce the eyes"-type…
from "on the Internet, no-one knows you're a dog" to "I must immediately scroll past this attractive person or else the system will categorize me into a horny cluster that I will struggle to escape"
from a zone of loosened consequence to perpetual hyper-vigilance
i bet these last two would sound *real good* when rendered as the whine of servos controlling a pen
@superSGHP <3 yeah, i'm really pleased with the stuff i'm finding. balance of finding new stuff & making it usable for other people to go finding
RT @paulisci: Whenever I'm tempted to think that a new thing seems too complicated, I read newspaper articles about pizza from the early 19…
followup: apparently what i hunger for is "being a celebrity", which i assume means i am no longer allowed to advertise to people without properly labelling it @fireh9lly/1551894361729802242
RT @OskSta: Fantastic article on painterly art styles and the perils of photorealism, by @IRCSS
@steveruizok i think, although it's a little less flashy, something between middle left & top, second from right. filling fully half of the capsule.
@btsherratt oh, yeahhh. yeah, I've been thinking about animating the transitions... gonna make the parameters easy to play around with first, tho
pico8 playing with the same stuff: @btsherratt/1551886727480066048?t=wExNZRGG_6e1Q5X-OBuIQw&s=19
RT @AlexSteffen: These excellent #climateinactionstripes were conceived & designed by @wiebkemarie @sustentioEU @MariusHasenheit & @muelle…
the things you have a choice about have gotten cheaper. the things you have to pay for have gotten more expensive. @s8mb/1552178841187237893
kind of incredible to me that people have managed to get the drag queen story time panic going over here in the land of the panto
RT @StreetFashion01: Rib-cage Kimono by MUTSU (2022)
RT @iotwatch: #til in Lip Service (2011) : most men do not diffrentiate a Duchenne smile from a 'fake' one which does not engage the rest o…
RT @iammattsanders: Let's talk a little about reading comprehension and retention. I'm going to frame this through my background in exam p…
RT @NickBano: By my calculation, roughly one in every 26 people in the. UK is a landlord. There's about four times more landlords than scho…
i love videogames (specifically this short list of new features) @TheSims/1551980930503303168
last night I rewatched Grosse Pointe Blank and had this nagging feeling I had seen one of the actors recently. the black NSA agent is Fake Kor from The Rehearsal! huh!
K Todd Freeman, did a great job in both roles
@ArcInternet ability to override the same origin policy for particular folders, so you can allow a file:// origin to access other files within that folder
@ArcInternet could maybe tie this into source mapping within the developer console, so edits can be saved back to disk
RT @alecrobbins: ok lol nathan fielder (and tim and eric!) ARE exploitative and 100% should be criticized for it. they play around in murky…
@nateparrott @ArcInternet the "drag a folder" workflow feels pretty powerful as a way of accessing this, tbh! and yeah, as someone making something involving hosting user content... it scares the shit out of me, haha
@nateparrott @ArcInternet buuuut... what if Arc just did the NAT punchthrough type stuff/maybe domain forwarding, and the actual hosting was done by Arc-as-a-client-program? much more ephemeral, but still super useful from a "lemme just show you this quickly" point of view.
i was just thinking this in terms of comparing The Rehearsal with the hellscape goldfish bowl experience that is going on Love Island. but only one is *about* how it feels and looks to manipulate people. @xoxogossipgita/1552340258460770306
@nateparrott @ArcInternet yeah, that's a good comparison!
@caiitlinz i love to hear it
riverdale might be my favourite show to not watch but to hear glimpses of in passing from people that do @levgarrity/1552014709569765378
RT @theprovenwinner: I Can't Stop Thinking About Judge Roy Hofheinz's Personal Living Quarters Inside the Houston Astrodome…
thread more or less summarising "philosophy of mathematics" @dynamic_proxy/1552232917740437504
i would add that there is evidence that humans seem to have some basic mathematical structure hardwired into us, or at least consistently learned. distances can be combined consistently, recognising small groups of objects, that sort of thing.
a lot of bad things have come from machine learning, but then again we also have magical devices that can tell us what type of bird that was
@marthasadie well i wouldn't have written the tweet if i hadn't read your newsletter, so!!!
@marthasadie it is a good newsletter! glad being in nature more is giving you these joys <3
RT @npseaver: lots of interesting things in the Wikipedia page on decimal separators, but the most terrifying is this claim that in Croatia…
I realise the overall process involves a lot of tedious forms and emailing, and that the bulk of the actual experience is quite dull. but. I would like to accompany a priceless work of art as it flies across the world on a cargo plane.
same deal with "going to Antarctica" tbh
@LilCrowther well jel!
RT @ColumboScreens:
a thread which also applies to indie games if you squint a bit @HJosephineGiles/1552644487322537984
you can definitely feel the "small business owner" vibe to a lot of indie dev discourse. which shouldn't be surprising, that's literally what they are. but it can be clarifying to realise that, and realise when an opinion is coming from that perspective.
so there's obviously a million reasons to be angry and despairing about it, but somehow I can only find room for wonder that they're planning on building a city in the shape of a line in the middle of the desert. the worst shape for a city in one of the worst places for a city.
(I said planning, not building, they will not successfully build this thing)
I think of myself as a pretty imaginative person, but I really can't think of a worse shape for a city to be? minimal interconnectiveness, maximum surface area.
@BaldSavant they are building a train line to run along it's length, yes
speaking as an "enby"... this is hilarious @HeyDestineeRea/1552380028800966659
i like the idea that i can walk in and ask for either of the three haircuts they do... but that i'll get what i paid for
yes yes yes @hllwpnds/1552736240293773313
@philippawarr oh! i didn't know! but seems like a perfect fit??
oh, wait, lemme retweet this again from Ricky's account so you don't have to click through to see the video. you should see the video. @KommanderKlobb/1552738159242330112
today is "see what your friends have been working on" day
@adrielxyz i did not know you were working on this!!! also you're looking great, i love yr glasses
RT @angusdick: Hohokum is one of the first games I worked on. Super stoked that it has come to PC! Here’s a thread of gifs……
@adrielxyz ahahahaha
RT @RachSalv: DEFRA very quietly dumping SEVENTEEN of this year's 24 biodiversity indicators, inc water quality, threatened habitats, farml…
reposting from a locked account: Matt Fraction on almost committing suicide
@caraellison wheuuuwf. thanks for posting this.
some 💯 character design right here @ppolsinelli/1552670675399213056
RT @MParsfield: I called 999 on a Sunday evening a couple of weeks ago and was told flatly that there were no ambulances available, best es…
@caraellison and that superman page. what a page.
@caraellison i guess it's making me think about that particular male fascination with, like, zombie films & heroic sacrifice & protecting people you care about by having lots of guns etc. vs the sacrifice of... just being there for someone.
@caraellison which is i guess another way of saying the thing you're saying. anyway. yeah, i agree.
@marthasadie this is not the question you asked, but you should absolutely read this series of articles about early utopian novels (with a focus on those written by women)
whenever i see a question like this i always go back to @HJosephineGiles's post about poets dealing with poetry robots @FreyaHolmer/1552807558922092544
@carolmertz morning!
i'm the king of rock and roll:
@alexcwatt @mountain_ghosts @dan_abramov @Sirupsen @CausalHQ it's fascinating how parallel this is with the motivations behind moving to entity component systems for game engines
I've done lots of things in my career, and I usually succeed in a remarkably successful way. Here are a specific number of strategies you can use to succeed in a way similar to the ways I succeed. 🧵
apparently there are courses on Gumtree that tell you to write these tweets
when you have a day that's like ... all I have to do today is send this one email that I've needed to send for weeks ... and then you send the email
@sehurlburt owning vs renting is more about whether you're accumulating capital than anything else (I say as someone also doing renovations rn)
@sehurlburt I live in London, had a window of savings + good paycheque, and felt if I didn't grab onto the chance to buy, some day I would be priced out of renting here.
@sehurlburt I agree it's fucked, but... it is hard to avoid that mindset in this situation.
@sehurlburt yeah, I get you. and yes, agreed - definitely aware of how unjust, but also now in my interests, that ratcheting up of house prices is...
RT @SunshineMoonRX: In the 80s every Japanese student who strayed into the path of a vehicle was tackled to safety by a passing tokusatsu p…
RT @GIFmodel: "It has become obvious that this website exists simply as an archive of times gone by. Should you wish to reach me, or see wh…
@Sirupsen @alexcwatt @mountain_ghosts @dan_abramov @CausalHQ this seems like a good overview
@Sirupsen @alexcwatt @mountain_ghosts @dan_abramov @CausalHQ this is obv about Unity's implementation, which is notable because they're trying to abstract out a lot of these patterns for people. and also, that they're providing it in C#, which does not normally give you much control over memory layout.
seeing this don't pay movement start to catch on is the most hopeful I've been about British politics in a good while @chrisbratt/1553130920047255554
tool question: if i want to record a little screen capture from my computer & then post it to Twitter, what should i use for that? currently i use QuickTime & Handbrake, and i would like that to be a single, reliable, step instead. bonus points for not making me make an account.
oh, whoops, should've said: for Mac!
@jasonjcrouch yeah, QuickTime gives you a .mov that's not especially well compressed - good as a source file, but not great for uploading as is
making a tool to generate these, here's a WIP clip
thank you for your answers, here is what i have learned: - OBS is great if you're capturing a full window at a known aspect ratio (eg: a game) - ShareX is a cool tool for Windows - the annoying way I'm currently doing it is probably the best way to do the thing I'm trying to do
@SilverSober yeah!! planning on adding SVG export - mainly for so I can export them for plotting, but will also make using them as a the basis for a logo etc possible.
here's the clip, anyway @v21/1553335658789453825
it's white now
continuing these parallel threads... I bought ScreenFlick, seems pretty good so far! @v21/1553351338997780480
@eddiecameron i used this once upon a time, but the web service bit seemed irritating. also i want stuff a little longer.
@danhett @DavidLublin I ended up going for ScreenFlick, just to be cheap, but!! this is worth knowing about, thanks.
@any_user ah! this seems to be a good answer, thanks. an export step is fine, better than saving one version then converting it, etc.
@any_user also (when i do stuff with audio), looks like I won't have to bother messing with blackhole/soundflower etc
RT @YorkRILadies: Our tweets about trans inclusion have gained a bit of traction, and we're conscious that there is a lot of conflicting in…
worm loop
i love animating* (* holding down the arrow key on a range control)
@grapefrukt hah, yeah. honestly, impressive how well Chrome handles drawing it, throwing 100000 segments at it and it's fine (now i've optimised the amount of math it does each time)
@cuddlepuunk thank you so much!!! <3 (also it is a little funny to me that the one you replied to to say this just reads "fat worm")
people find their own use for tools @everyplace/1553222705415061507
RT @IsabelDavies_: So I went to see a Tony Hawk cover band in a small bar in East London and @tonyhawk showed up and sang some songs. WHAT…
kind of sad i'm no longer doing anything with bluetooth and so don't have an excuse to send colleague this link, have a serious discussion about the merits of using it, and then later, in the pub, explain how i heard about it & what the name is a reference to @qDot/1553492102461329408
RT @BunchesOfBees: I'll leave you with one additional "AI" thought: the GPT-based AI Dungeon, which creates a fantasy or sci-fi story imita…
huh!! i had raised cholesterol for no particular reason within my fatigue period, i did not know this could be a cause @exceedhergrasp1/1553449295960977409
RT @caraesten: "Body Out Of Time" is an erotic Hypercard stack about past and future trans joy, and living in a body I love. It contains 12…
ugh i have to write some code so that when an animation starts it starts smoothly from the current position rather than just multiplying the current time to get a position
i guess i could eat some breakfast instead
RT @joshuaackerman: i have thought about this hacker news comment nearly every day since november ninth twenty seventeen…
the code thing is gonna be worth it tho: @v21/1553658769451646977
for the record, i had to learn some forbidden CSS dark arts to do the thing where the arrow appears on the slider. hope you appreciate!!
made it do the thing so that changing the speed back calculates where the current position needs to be so everything works smoothly. this is the kind of code where you go: "it works!! let's never touch this again!"
@InclinedLight that is a good point to make the repo public when it goes live - normally i'd just say to use the web inspector, but i'm using typescript for this :/
@InclinedLight it is not a super cursed codebase, just one or two spots where i have been forced to get clever
@JamesWallis game passed on by word of mouth - therefore, likely to need few specific parts, unlikely to be sold, likely to have an unknown author, likely to be quite old
just to satisfy myself: you can share the things you make AND they will be in sync between both places
turns out this caused a performance hit because the current time is too big a number :/ but then i fixed it :) and then i added a variable number of line segments depending on how fast it's running. possibly a bad idea, but!! performance test:
it's so funny to be working on a project that is performance-bound by doing a single sum lots of times. normally the maths is the fast bit!
squeeze it
@grapefrukt I'm going through the canvas API, I'm not dealing with the graphics card myself at all. seems like the case of throwing a long path at it is pretty optimised, and the bottleneck I can see is literally just doing sin & cos to calculate the positions.
@grapefrukt plus, I have no idea how to generate a bezier curve to follow the sum of circular paths - seems like it would be a p hairy approximation?
@grapefrukt with more time to digest on it today, reckon I need to optimise for memory accesses above anything else
RT @i_zamuruieva: Amazing zine-exhibition by galereya neotodryosh, packed with very cool art works, like these below, by artists from the e…
@ChloeMashiter This is great! Properly chewy on the responsibility shows have to players & also the ways you can push at the show as a player.
@keithkurson @freezydorito I am good at making rice but it turns out the secret for making rice is to buy a rice cooker.
a lesson in how thoroughly going viral can make you dislike a joke you once made, idk @innesmck/1553826527065915392
@innesmck I mean, it's fine, if you'd made that and sent it to me I would've laughed, it's just... things turning into content stops them being fun.
@innesmck I'm mainly thinking about my falcon tweet tbf
@flexmandeville @McFunkypants @carriesloane @glanderco @patriciogv @ianmaclarty @gorosart can confirm, I am an actual human making art using machine processes BUT machine processes that I could explain if you pointed a gun at me and demanded it.
@flexmandeville @McFunkypants @carriesloane @glanderco @patriciogv @ianmaclarty @gorosart (please don't point a gun at me)
@mspowahs Under any circumstances is hard to answer! But I would very much not like to find myself working for: Palantir, Wonga, or anyone who makes slot machines.
@mspowahs or, y'know, anyone who makes weapons
@mspowahs finishing university going, hmmm, seems like the stuff i most enjoyed was the stuff where we made autonomous robots, wonder what work i could do with this & then noping out of that opportunity space.