v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2023/01

  1. RT @jackie_ess: I see this problem also in the narration of literary movements and periods. there's a need to say "it's more than just a co…
  2. RT @EmilyDWarfield: Kills me to admit but learning political theories doesn't have a causal relationship w treating people well. I really b…
  3. RT @HDoomguy: you are literally never going to find a list of every single MS-DOS or Windows 95/98/whatever game because nobody was licensi…
  4. RT @epicyclesbot: ⟳ 1 | 𝑣 -1 | ⌀ 0.2378 | ϕ 0.07802 ⟲ 272 | 𝑣 -1 | ⌀ 1.040 | ϕ 0.9418 ⟳ 322 | 𝑣 4 | ⌀ 0.2378 | ϕ 0.5396 ○ 0 + ● 270 https:…
  5. RT @TiredActor: Happy 2 year anniversary to when I was sleep deprived and decided to post this at 2 am on New Year’s Day https://t.co/lUz5Q…
  6. RT @DigItScotland: This small figurine—possibly depicting a deity—is one of the earliest representations of the human form ever found in Sc…
  7. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly only tangentially related, but I'm buzzing with reading about a new thing: like "Photoshibai", storybook slideshow CDs designed for parents to improvise kid's stories over: cdrom.ca/games/2023/01/02/photocd.html
  8. …in reply to @tanyaxshort
    @tanyaxshort the timing is maybe annoying for you, but I can very much recommend @alphachar's weekly class.
  9. …in reply to @michael___wave
    @SzMarsupial this is hard for me, I'm in mourning for the beautiful fruit I was eating in Australia
  10. …in reply to @michael___wave
    @SzMarsupial oh god, yeah, I bet. still, soon enough the summer will come round & there will be fruit in season & our memories will have faded
  11. …in reply to @v21
  12. RT @SlappyCromwell: And here's Friday night's irrelevant observation: This one death animation in Morrowind was previously used in Eiffel 6…
  13. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami this week, i have been making a clock
  14. …in reply to @FioreDeiLigma
    @FioreDeiLigma "mango juul" got me
  15. CBDQ notice: yes, hourly bots are posting inconsistently - i am aware, but also not sure what the issue is, which is why i haven't fixed it yet. hope to make some progress on this this week, but don't believe it's twitter's fault.
  16. …in reply to @v21
    if you are affected, it would be helpful for you to send me usernames of bots that are posting inconsistently. also: sorry!!
  17. RT @nowplaythese: OPEN CALL: Are you a game-maker, artist, designer making work about love and care? Now Play This 2023 might be for you! W…
  18. regular reminder tweet: i'm making a game making tool for phones! if you wanna know when it comes out, you can do that here: downpour.games/
  19. …in reply to @chipzel
    @chipzel classic "i am a computer professional, which means my computer doesn't work" vibes
  20. …in reply to @v21
    also it is existent enough to run at exhibitions/as a workshop etc, so do get in touch if that's something that would be interesting to you!
  21. RT @spencerc99: tiny social networks - spotify listening activity - github activity - guest windows on spencerchang.me/window - cursor ch…
  22. RT @BexSaltsman: Last year, Adam asked me to find an activity so I would have something that made me focus so much while doing it that I co…
  23. RT @DRMacIver: A lot of visible problems that you can't seem to solve are secretly solutions you don't want to admit to adopting to problem…
  24. RT @davemakes: learning about the notion of "passkeys" replacing passwords and cory doctorow talking about corporate lock-in strategies and…
  25. …in reply to @LovelySoftSnow
  26. RT @rubna_:
  27. RT @betterthemask: true of even doing interviews or podcasts to promote your work & establish yourself in an industry - honesty & vulnerabi…
  28. …in reply to @undefined
    @turndecassette i love frog book
  29. wrote about the ending to Michael Clayton cohost.org/v21/post/865235-it-turns-out-i-have
  30. …in reply to @aanand
    @aanand agreed
  31. …in reply to @undefined
    @ChloeMashiter hah - I have definitely experienced that sliding shift in expectations from "will this work?" to "why isn't this bit better?"
  32. RT @v21: what a good time to mention that my website has links to all of my social accounts on other platforms: v21.io
  33. …in reply to @Mappletons
    @Mappletons I guess I have, although I never knew it had a name. But I've done "a thing with other people where there's no legal entity involved". Basically, they have to trust you to hold onto the money personally & you probably want to avoid making a profit (or you'll pay tax on it)
  34. …in reply to @v21
    @Mappletons the lowest effort legal entity thing in this situation, as far as I know, would be a Community Interest Company. But you def don't want to do that.
  35. shame human tissue transplantation is a whole difficult thing - think of all the trans women who could find a good use for some of that extracted buccal fat
  36. …in reply to @wormwood_stars
    @wormwood_stars oh for sure
  37. I am largely not on Twitter any more, because *gestures in an expansive kind of fashion*, but do seem to be intermittently writing on Cohost: cohost.org/v21 if you like "me having thoughts about things", you might enjoy reading it?
  38. …in reply to @v21
    have recently posted about the (good) TV show Columbo, about the (good) film Michael Clayton & about a weird picture I saw on Wikipedia. also if you don't wanna sign up for Cohost (fair) you can just read the page/subscribe to it with an RSS reader.
  39. …in reply to @v21
    it's interesting to write these tweets & realise I have lost a little of the instinctive sense for how long a thought can be before I run into the character limit @v21/1596489841650577408
  40. …in reply to @havocmoth
    @havocmoth who wore it better, etc
  41. it's funny to think that there *was* a videogame Defector, and it was RPS ten years ago & that now it's owned by the same sort of people who own everywhere else @LukePlunkett/1617998954368765953
  42. always retweet praise @keefstuart/1618720759538679808
  43. it's me, I'm the cabal @kettlecorn/1618725418479263748
  44. …in reply to @v21
    (UI design is always skeuomorphic, I just wanna pretend I'm pushing a nice clickey button when I tap glass. rubbing on a texture. playing pretend with the metaphors. etc etc)
  45. would you like to run Now Play This? we're looking for a new director! nowplaythis.net/2023/01/27/we-are-looking-for-a-new-director/
  46. …in reply to @v21
    obviously contact details through in the link, but also please feel free to DM me if I can answer any Qs
  47. cute game from the Silicon Spa exhibition of Downpour: bear hunt! siliconspa.downpour.games/za46/#t8w
  48. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles i just found the trailer & found that very moving. especially seeing old trans women!!!