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Tweets from 2023/03

  1. i got interviewed on The White Pube!!! very excited that this has happened, been a fan for a long time, and now! @TheWhitePube/1632350489554583553
  2. enjoy that i've heard from two separate Discords that the posh Spar in Walthamstow has closed due to a mouse infestation (i don't live in Walthamstow)
  3. enjoying the eurovison ticket booking experience
  4. RT @TheWhitePube: we interviewed v buckenham @v21 about generative art, art made for webpages, clocks, custard, and calling artworks names…
  5. …in reply to @imbethmccoll
    @imteddybless jumping off the sofa, flapping my arms and flying
  6. RT @MsJeanRhys: I've thought about death a great deal. One day in the snow I felt so tired. I thought, Damn it, I'll sit down. I can't go o…
  7. RT @TheWhitePube: last sunday’s post!! was an interview with @v21 (artist! creative technologist! actual polymath! very interesting person!…
  8. wrote about the moon (and AI & photography) cohost.org/v21/post/1167606-real-moon-fake-moon
  9. …in reply to @halidecamera
    @halidecamera thanks for this link - I went down the rabbithole on this & wrote something about what "photography" means cohost.org/v21/post/1167606-real-moon-fake-moon
  10. RT @epicyclesbot: ⟳ 1 | 𝑣 3 | ⌀ 0.3246 | ϕ 0.9439 ⟲ 263 | 𝑣 -5 | ⌀ 0.7151 | ϕ 0.6113 ⟳ 267 | 𝑣 3 | ⌀ 0.3246 | ϕ 0.1787 ○ 180 + ● 0 https:/…
  11. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine i am imagining the Masterworks cover & feeling grateful for what we (you) have
  12. …in reply to @musebloom
    @musebloom generally, i agree - at least giving people the areas you're going to be talking about. while i try to ask pretty similar questions of each candidate, you do also want to be able to keep it a bit loose & feeling like a conversation, or follow up on areas a candidate hasn't hit.
  13. …in reply to @v21
    @musebloom i see the argument about asking people for additional labour preparing - but tbh people are likely to be doing that work prepping anyway, but this way they know what to prep for & don't have to cover anything you might go into.
  14. ugh, if it's not enough to have fomo about my regular life (i have covid & am sick of being home), i also have to have gdc fomo as well?
  15. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine i looked it up and went "ah, not so bad". and then i saw how beautiful all the other covers are. :/
  16. …in reply to @balmut_
    @balmut_ i am pretty much back to normal, mainly waiting for the line to go away.
  17. …in reply to @tenpn
    @tenpn you too!
  18. my hope with Downpour is to bring the next "rat chaos" into being. but apparently the only way i am capable of doing that is to spend a year plus making something like Twine.
  19. …in reply to @v21
    this tweet inspired by seeing someone on a (non-games) Discord genuinely & excitedly share Twine as a tool for making interactive stories. like. yeah!!! i agree!! you can make cool stuff with it!
  20. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv the flipside that i enjoy is when someone is credited as significant, important, worth writing about, etc. and when you say "what did they do?" the answer is "they threw a lot of dinner parties which the right people came to"
  21. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv a plaque you might enjoy:
  22. RT @susepicious: 📣 ATTENTION London based arts/cultural/games orgs, events companies, those who own beanbags 📣 Looking to borrow/hire for…
  23. second most exciting thing i saw today was this shape
  24. …in reply to @v21
    if you liked the Penrose tiling, you're gonna love this. it's called "the hat", and it's the einstein people have been looking for.
  25. …in reply to @v21
    ok ok, to be less cryptic - you can arrange copies of this shape, and they'll fit together and carry on fitting together forever, without the pattern ever repeating. people had found sets of tiles that could do that before, but it's the first tile that can do that all by itself.
  26. …in reply to @v21
    here's a little interactive viewer to generate the tiling, if you wanna play around with it: cs.uwaterloo.ca/~csk/hat/app.html
  27. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette genuinely considered flipping the image & making a joke about it looking like a t shirt & not a hat
  28. …in reply to @LichenDaemon
    @LichenDaemon technically the definition of "repeating" is that the tiling does not have translational symmetry with itself. so, if you had two copies & you slid one around on top, there's only one place they'd line up. but rotational symmetry is allowed.
  29. …in reply to @v21
    @LichenDaemon the pattern is self-similar - each area of tiles is one of several types, which fit together in particular ways to form larger areas, which fit together in particular--- etc. which is part of the proof for how it is aperiodic. but the *whole thing* doesn't repeat exactly.
  30. …in reply to @v21
    i also learned that you can calculate tile locations of the Penrose tiling in constant time??? wild. apparently it comes down to them being projections of quasicrystals onto the 2d plane? or something?? shadertoy.com/view/XdtBzH
  31. …in reply to @HilariousCow
  32. …in reply to @LichenDaemon
    @LichenDaemon i don't follow the proof exactly, but it's here in this paper: arxiv.org/pdf/2303.10798 it's to do with the fact that the tiles form 4 different "meta-tiles", which themselves form 4 different "meta-meta-tiles" and so on forever.
  33. …in reply to @jessefuchs
    @jessefuchs oh, as always with these things, it's contextual. it was a negative covid test (i have been isolating for the past week and a bit)
  34. …in reply to @robertsdionne
    @robertsdionne yeah! they've even got a little animation of the different variations that have the same property
  35. …in reply to @littlegoodfrog
    @littlegoodfrog yayyy, I loved it! thank you so much for making it - I feel like you really levelled up with that last chapter?? the wheels within wheels... also I so admire the way you arrange panels for big impact within a daily comic...
  36. I was not at GDC & I feel pretty at peace with that fact, but if you would like to have the kind of catching up/meeting for the first time type of chat we might've had, except online... I have some open calendar slots for just that v21.io/blog/lets-chat
  37. …in reply to @ZarinaMuhammad
    @ZarinaMuhammad i went to look this up & apparently they would sometimes use lye instead of soap!? oldandinteresting.com/lye-bucking.aspx
  38. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts Rust also makes you care about the difference between interior vs external mutability, tbf (tho not with const)
  39. …in reply to @v21
    @mountain_ghosts and, actually - doesn't let and let mut basically map to const and let?
  40. …in reply to @michael___wave
    @SzMarsupial i think this is basically right, but also people freaked out when photos started happening, seems fair enough to also freak out when... this stuff... is also starting to happen
  41. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts for sure, i guess i was thinking of JS as just implicitly doing that for everything. anyway - still a pretty different use of the keyword const!
  42. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly you have agents contacting *you*? that's pretty impressive, my impression is it's generally the writer chasing after an agent...
  43. I'm very excited for this year's show! Who's coming along? @nowplaythese/1640342116105695232
  44. …in reply to @mthvrs
    @mthvrs @steveruizok would recommend this essay on the same themes, too contemporary-home-computing.org/turing-complete-user/
  45. RT @AlisonFisk: Exquisite Roman-era blue glass cup bearing the name of the master glassmaker ‘Ennion’. AD 30-70. Ennion was the first gla…
  46. i started to write a thread & then i decided to make it a blog post instead. so you have to click through if you wanna read some thoughts about Olia Lialina's Turing Complete User & AI hype & how messing with a computer is a fun thing to do: cohost.org/v21/post/1249061-thoughts-on-the-turi
  47. RT @xuhulk: Have been thinking a lot about how what one chooses to “automate” says so much about what one doesn’t value, whether one is an…
  48. RT @jackie_ess: it's funny that in all the recent fuss over the bowdlerization of Roald Dahl, it seems not to have come up that we are talk…
  50. RT @v21: mine is "what resembles the grave but isn't" by anne boyer (anneboyer.tumblr.com/post/48690531600/what-resembles-the-grave-but-isnt)
  51. CBDQ update: whoops, no, it's shutting down after all @XDevelopers/1641222783601631233
  52. …in reply to @v21
    I'll be keeping it up til Twitter pulls the plug - the timeline seems a bit vague, but seems like some time in April? probably the end? But there's a little time for any final bots, saying goodbye, etc.
  53. …in reply to @TLover229
    @TLover229 I read it as "one tweet per 30 minutes per API key". so CBDQ could only run one bot.
  54. …in reply to @TLover229
    @TLover229 one API key - but yeah, that's how I read "at the app level". but in any case, I'm not gonna turn it off until it stops working!
  55. RT @omahaglenn: generative and mimetic textart
  56. …in reply to @susepicious
    @susepicious oh that's such a genius level idea, yeah, do it!
  57. …in reply to @v21
    @susepicious or at least a gardening mat to carry along...
  58. not played too much of this, but two things this does you might be into: - every puzzle has a new idea (like Stephen's Sausage Roll did) - it has an incredible hint system that more games should steal (a micro level that explains the core insight needed to solve it) @muntedfinger/1641610910191190017
  59. …in reply to @v21
    on the flip side: absolutely don't get this game if you're upset by things that scuttle with many legs in the manner of spiders.
  60. i wonder if Matt Levine has ever played the boardgame "QE". i bet he'd find it funny.
  61. RT @epicyclesbot: ⟲ 4 | 𝑣 -1 | ⌀ 0.2500 | ϕ 0.9222 ⟳ 5 | 𝑣 8 | ⌀ 1.000 | ϕ 0.6044 ⟲ 37 | 𝑣 -1 | ⌀ 0.2500 | ϕ 0.8575 ○ 359 + ● 1 https://t.…