v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 55,834

    1. …in reply to @undefined
      @briecode when i was a teenager, i remember being so enthralled with having a computer (with internet). it could do anything involving data - play films, music, games, talk to friends, all in one device. and free! (if you pirated, which i did). the power, the sense of potential...
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @briecode now, the phone is the new computer. it's more limited (it is not as good to make things on & possibilities are defined by what makes sense for large corporations' business models), but also... it is in your pocket, in the world, there any time. that's still really cool.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @briecode and also the relationship has it's dysfunctions. i can avoid reality wherever i go. but still... what a powerful thing we all have as standard. what a wealth inside our pockets.