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  1. new game: When In Rome it's an Alexa-powered boardgame. you race the other team around the world, making friends, collecting souvenirs & answering trivia questions. UK Amazon (Prime only): amazon.co.uk/Voice-Originals-Worlds-First-Alexa-Powered/dp/B07CJ43R83/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1530701264&sr=8-6&keywords=when+in+rome US Amazon: amazon.com/Voice-Originals-Worlds-First-Alexa-Powered/dp/B07CJ43R83/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1530701264&sr=8-6&keywords=when+in+rome
    1. …in reply to @v21
      the skill launched a few weeks ago, but the game just launched. you can play the free skill (a different question every day, a different local every week) by saying "Alexa, open When In Rome" to an Alexa. this week it's Manisha from London, who is funny, but wrong about burgers