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    1. Open source is part of an engine that drives inequality medium.com/@johnmark/why-open-source-failed-6cae5d6a9f6
  1. …in reply to @v21
    thinking about the "open source"-ness of CBDQ. it is, the code's all there. but also it's a service run by a single person ("me"), who controls it and has written all the code (that isn't other open source software, used for free, without permission).
    1. …in reply to @v21
      does this return power to the users? not really. the best they could do is fork it, run their own version. if the code wasn't public, they couldn't even do that. but it was vastly easier for me to make than if I had to write or pay for the OS code that I built it on
      1. …in reply to @v21
        My community-benefit nice tech project is not a vast tech powerhouse. But most of the tech giants have the same setup - they are Internet companies, and the valuable thing is a service they run on their servers. Even if Google was open-sourced... we'd still use Google.
        1. …in reply to @v21
          It was supposed to be: clever stuff at the edges, dumb networks. but instead the clever stuff is in the webpages, and the only software that sits on our computers are the web browsers.