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    1. …in reply to @acgodliman
      @acgodliman @gritfish @netflix this is a bit backwards. Netflix has been trying to do IF stuff for yonks, Brooker was just the first person who went along with it, and managed to get the thing out the door (in a way that people have noticed - Puss In Boots came out months ago)
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @acgodliman @gritfish @netflix Brooker is a great choice, as he hits a rare enough combo of being a hot showrunner & knowing games pretty well. But "a hot showrunner" is definitely the more critical aspect there.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @acgodliman @gritfish @netflix Also, props to Sam Barlow, who has been working in this particular niche since Her Story. Smart positioning!