v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 58,230

      1. …in reply to @tha_rami
        @tha_rami @Draknek @gothdome @LorenzoPilia i mean, already there is a twitter account posting up credits day-by-day - the info is out there, it's just that it's unofficial, not official.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @tha_rami @Draknek @gothdome @LorenzoPilia i definitely understand why you don't want to put credits up ahead of time, and i think it's definitely stronger for not doing that. but it seems weird and bad for the devs not to put credits up as you go.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @tha_rami @Draknek @gothdome @LorenzoPilia yes, the biggest moments will be at the start & the end - but most of the attention will come in drips and drops throughout the year. do you want that attention to be on the project itself, or on the artists who are contributing?