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  1. …in reply to @nice_on_here
    @sonjorce okay, so: i am thinking about this stuff as it relates to the big bang. so even at a very very small time after the big bang, the stuff that is not inside the observable universe was already outside it? (i mean, not that we can know what it is, but if it is there, then it was)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @sonjorce because obviously if you wind completely back to the big bang, everything is in the same place, but that is before time started, so it's not like anything could be observed.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @sonjorce it is weird to think of the observable universe as a thing that is limited in time as well as space, although of course that's the case. if you see halfway across the universe, that place can't be influenced by somewhere outside the universe, but it is also a long time ago
        1. …in reply to @v21
          @sonjorce (but that place, now, could have a different conception of the observable universe which includes places inaccessible to us. and this is kind of a geometric relationship which is not dependent upon the time we're observing - the same would be the case 1 second after BB)