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    1. …in reply to @itgrrl
      @itgrrl @Ducky_Tape that is sometimes true, and i would like for it to be true more often. but mainly it is the other thing! (like, yes, i agree that it often echoes current anxieties - but i think it rarely usefully gives us tools for dealing with them)
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @itgrrl @Ducky_Tape like: how many times have people used sentient robots as a way to reflect race issues? but the main effect of that, it seems to me, is to make people talk seriously about the problem of what to do when machines get smart, rather than the problem of racism
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @itgrrl @Ducky_Tape (also, i am not saying this to shit on escapism, really. i like escapism and i have used sci-fi to think about hypothetical future societal problems rather than real immediate personal ones many many times. but still. that's the thing it's doing)