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      1. …in reply to @keefstuart
        @keefstuart okay, I've thought about it for a solid two minutes and: - you want something that is inherently satisying, that you can do essentially the same thing over and over, enjoying small variations and your skill improving. the filling rice that the savoury set pieces sit on.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @keefstuart - but also this is still a power fantasy. you want to feel cool. you want to feel like you're in a movie. narrative is expensive, everything has to be unique. looking at stuff is great, but not actioney enough. hacking could work well! all depends on how that hacking bit works.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @keefstuart (there's clearly something cool you could do with an Ocean's 11 style heist. but I don't immediately know how to make the flashbacks work in this style of game, or how to make the verbs simultaneously systemic enough & accessible/exciting enough. something there, tho)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @keefstuart so, ultimately, you just go heavy on movement systems. Mirrors Edge but with a (even larger) budget, and less of a singular focus. the combat in these games gives you rhythm, gives you resistance, gives you alt strategies - but you can unfold movement alone into doing all that.