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        1. I really like the writing style of badly fan-translated light novels!
      1. …in reply to @v21
        When they add a translator note just because they can't resist commenting on the story : I love that. When they can't help but show their workings, talking about the specific word used and how it might mean two different things or is a pun: yes, gimme more of that.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      And you might say: "v, why don't you go re-read Pale Fire?" and I would say "yes, maybe I will" and also "but that is a farce of heavy handed commentary, I want the gentle reality show version instead"
  1. …in reply to @v21
    I think it matters that these are light novels, and therefore done with entirely functional prose. There's space for new texture, a new character seen only in fragments and apologies about how school is crazy, they'll be back on a regular schedule soon, does anyone want to edit?