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        1. …in reply to @undefined
          @thecatamites it turns out that it is entirely possible to run a whole career/studio via a series of deals to provide games to various companies who want to pauly over the odds for games in order to make various platforms seem more appealing, and never actually have to sell to consumers
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @thecatamites (ideally you'd have one big iconic hit at the start, so you could trade off that name recognition going forward... but that's just a nice to have, not really necessary)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @thecatamites the thing is, tho... it's entirely unnecessary for the platforms to succeed. a lot of people paid their mortgages with money paid out by makers of VR headsets to make it look like VR was the future of games...
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @thecatamites but then... the skills and experiences this incentivizes seem very similar to the skills and experiences incentivized by public arts funding systems driven by a desire that projects demonstrate "innovation" and "excellence".