v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 60,976

      1. …in reply to @mtrc
        @mtrc i should really write a thing about this... but one thing i found pretty eye-opening is how transparent & actively mutable tiktok's algorithm feels to me. ofc they don't explain how it works... but i feel like i'm in a dialogue with it, not at it's mercy.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @mtrc none of that stops any of these points from being true. but it feels different. it feels a tiny bit like messing around with a casual creator (except obv, i'm not creating, i'm determining what song i want to see lipsynced) @mtrc/1158675875304562688
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @mtrc like... i prefer the videos that @3liza curates to the ones i see on my For You page. partly that's because she's picked them... but also she has trained the algorithm better than i have. and she's pretty clearly doing that on purpose. (thread here: @3liza/1120134018601639936)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @mtrc please note: i am not saying that tiktok is a force for good in this world.