v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 63,250

    1. …in reply to @yaxu
      @yaxu @thormagnusson @MatthewsCharles @luuma @frantic0 coming from a background in game development... the onboarding is part of the experience, it should be baked in. it probably gets developed late in the process, but is the thing you probably need the most iteration time on.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @yaxu @thormagnusson @MatthewsCharles @luuma @frantic0 also, i'd distinguish between the things you need to know in order to happily use the system, and all the details and subsystems and implications. one is critical, the other is just very useful.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @yaxu @thormagnusson @MatthewsCharles @luuma @frantic0 for example: last time I looked, there were some weird bits of Hydra that were underdocumented and I had to figure out with trial and error. but if you go to the Hydra Glitch page, here's what you see: an easy onramp to making it *do something*