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      1. might fuck around and buy a gaming pc. any advice? i want something "good enough" & i can't be arsed to rabbithole too much to figure out all the details
    1. …in reply to @v21
      i guess what i am asking for here is people to fill in the following blanks: i should buy a computer with a GTX ____ in it from ________.com
  1. …in reply to @v21
    also, advice on a cheap & not too painful way to play games on a TV & also at my desk?
    1. …in reply to @v21
      thank you for your collective advice. this one?? scan.co.uk/products/scan-gamer-amd-ryzen-3-3200g-8gb-ddr4-6gb-evga-gtx-1660-super-240gb-ssd-1tb-win-10 (seems weird to not get 16GB of RAM, but 8GB seems to be what's generally available. maybe I should just close some tabs some times)