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      1. glad i have never yet had to try to solve the tricky game design question "how do i make you feel okay about killing lots of realistic people?"
    1. …in reply to @v21
      thinking about @hollygramazio's recent blog post about The Floor Is Lava, about how "lava" is ideal because it's easily understood, but not too real. (hollygramazio.net/blog/2020/4/1/the-floor-the-floor) and: yeah, Nazis with submachine guns definitely fits that same niche
  1. …in reply to @v21
    (whereas, to pluck an example completely at random, a guy called "Henry Davis" breaking down because his dog got killed... yes, that's too much)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      the replies to this tweet have a lot of examples where particular games have failed at this (for particular players, at particular points) @mcclure111/1258948625146810368?s=19