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      1. Please recommend me a TV show that does interesting things with pacing. I'm thinking about Top of the Lake, ReGenesis and Sense-8. Something where I can't predict where the tone is going to go next. (ideally with a non-spoilery blurb, so I know why it might be interesting)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      also Top of the Lake (season 1) is the best modern TV show I've watched. Elisabeth Moss, New Zealand, the patriarchy. would wholeheartedly recommend it. (the other two shows are great if you're looking for inventive fun sci-fi)
  1. …in reply to @v21
    I love that most of the shows I am being recommended have the unifying feature "don't watch the second season" (except for the ones where the good season is S3 (Twin Peaks), or S2 (Fargo))