v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 65,204

    1. …in reply to @AnnaHollinrake
      @AnnaHollinrake aw, nice stuff. another thing I like about this aesthetic is how femme it is, while refusing to just play up to the male gaze. being super glossy, super made up, but often kind of grotesque as well. deliberately playing in the uncanny valley. it's great.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @AnnaHollinrake some other interesting stuff from PC Music that maybe relates: GFOTY (who goes hard with her lyrics), QT (fake soda brand put together for a song), SOPHIE (Faceshopping is a better video example, but I can't help linking this one youtu.be/m_S0qCeA-pc)