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  1. lots of people try to make light up dice, but the issue of cramming a battery & charging setup in there makes them super pricey. powering them entirely from an inductive ring is very interesting indeed! @BanhammersWrath/1281686898868736000
    1. …in reply to @v21
      as noted in the thread, there's stuff to solve to make sure there's an inductive ring at the right orientation... I'd be curious if you could put smarts on them so they could report back what they've rolled... but seems plausible to get a set of dice + mat under $100 retail?
      1. …in reply to @v21
        and there's some nice ceremony in rolling dice onto a literal magic circle, at which point they come alive
        1. …in reply to @v21
          looking at this Kickstarter: they say a set of 6 dice will retail at $179 kickstarter.com/projects/1928372437/godice-your-favorite-dice-games-reimagined/rewards (they use a supercapacitor! charge in 10 secs! cool! but that also means they don't have enough power to make them light up)
          1. …in reply to @v21
            was trying to figure out if you could use RFID protocols to charge and communicate (probably? you can get RFID-powered LED fingernails), and found this cool paper about defeating RFID security with a (passive, remote) power analysis attack people.sunyit.edu/~deciccm/RFID%20Stuff/RFID%20Scrapbook/data/20061027160241/