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    1. Q: does the homepage for laka.co give the impression that it is: - a co-op, run for the benefit of it's members - a startup, running on venture capital funding & logic @adrianhon/1292017469301895173
  1. …in reply to @v21
    the answer is found in their most recent blogpost, about a $4.7m funding round it mentions they have 5000 customers - so, about £500k-£1m revenue a year, about £100k-£200k of which doesn't immediately flow out to pay claims. 21 members of staff. (laka.co/gb/blog/all/announcing-our-recent-funding-round/)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      i find it actively fun to do the maths on this stuff & try to figure out burn rates & business models.