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            1. …in reply to @zizmakesgames
              @SeaSylphGames @moreelen honestly doing this stuff online/async can make it much more accessible. adding ideas to a shared doc/sheet/board means you can see other people's ideas & riff off them, but don't have to deal with a realtime social situation while also thinking
          1. …in reply to @v21
            @SeaSylphGames @moreelen one pitfall can be that people go into lots of detail/only share stuff that's well thought through - if you're in a position of influence, you can try to counteract this by putting in half-formed blobs of thoughts yourself, to keep the bar low
        1. …in reply to @v21
          @SeaSylphGames @moreelen (and also because they might not be viable ideas in themselves, but might spark something in someone else)
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @SeaSylphGames @moreelen this is basically Rosa's 100 ideas - the focus is on quantity, and it's nice to have a specific number like that to keep people squeezing their brains for more ideas, rather than stopping once they have a good one
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @SeaSylphGames @moreelen the slightly more controversial thing is that, personally, i hate the "no criticism" rules of many brainstorming processes. understand not wanting to put up a high bar & keep it open & welcoming - but i find that critical process very generative for new ideas.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @SeaSylphGames @moreelen (rules about "yes, and" can be productive - but often i get excited by "your idea, but focusing in on this one aspect, dropping the rest" & it's frustrating to have that shut down)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @SeaSylphGames @moreelen but luckily this *also* works well in async collaboration. commenting on other people's ideas, discussing them etc can drive out design insights & shared understanding, and because it happens to the side, doesn't block new ideas from being formed, or lead to that idea happening
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @SeaSylphGames @moreelen oh, the other thing (which steps outside of this a little) - is trying to stop individual people from "owning" an idea. they should be credited, they can have opinions about what idea is best. but try not to say "Ziz's idea" but rather "the swimming idea" or whatever