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    1. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
      @tburrellsaward @SeaSylphGames @moreelen yeah - i think you can get to shared ownership even with async - see @v21/1293539641208057856?s=20 and the stuff leading up to it for more thoughts that i think touch on your concerns there
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @tburrellsaward @SeaSylphGames @moreelen definitely want to discourage super thought-through stuff when you're in that early ideation phase, and want to make sure you're moving through stages of firming stuff up with a group involved at each stage, not just shortcircuiting on the first viable idea
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @tburrellsaward @SeaSylphGames @moreelen but it's also worth considering the reason you want different people involved at different stages: - to generate more/more divergent ideas - to make everyone feel like they have ownership of the idea it can also be fine for the person who's specific field it is to make a call