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  1. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
    @tburrellsaward no, it's fine! so, the week before was p full on in terms of work, plus i had a first appointment on the pathway to get hormones, plus i'm buying a house... so, yes, that had crossed my mind as a possibility.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @tburrellsaward but also i'm pretty used to having full-on periods, and my body collapsing for a bit after - especially with events. and this is worse/different - but maybe that stress triggered a different thing...
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @tburrellsaward like, often i'll get ill with a cold or something like that, but this was just really intense fatigue, and none of the other normal illness things (temperature, cough, feeling generally shitty and run down)