v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 66,192

      1. …in reply to @ZenoRogue
        @ZenoRogue @johncarlosbaez @_julesh_ @AlexKreitzberg @sigfpe @sarah_zrf @benblumsmith right, so the issue comes when you could work with an arbitrary range, but you've defined it from 0-1 to make it conceptually simpler, and now you're got this little argument called "position" but you have to look up what the expected range is each time...
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @ZenoRogue @johncarlosbaez @_julesh_ @AlexKreitzberg @sigfpe @sarah_zrf @benblumsmith and if this was a well defined interface, then it'd be okay, but often these kinds of values are ad-hoc, exposed for internal tuning but not part of a thought through data model...
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @ZenoRogue @johncarlosbaez @_julesh_ @AlexKreitzberg @sigfpe @sarah_zrf @benblumsmith oh! i just realised who you are! i played HyperRogue earlier this week, i had fun! i love how open and generous it is with giving you things to explore & tweak.