v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 66,648

  1. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt @naomialderman @adrianhon @andrhia the thing that gets me is that there are countries which are more or less back to normal - New Zealand, for example. we're obviously larger & less isolated... but i do not think the place we're in is inevitable
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @rachelcoldicutt @naomialderman @adrianhon @andrhia which is to say that i don't think there will be a tech fix (even a vaccine) that will come and save us suddenly - always the same struggle to implement it correctly & make it actually work. the tech can help, ofc...
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @rachelcoldicutt @naomialderman @adrianhon @andrhia so, yes, i agree, for the foreseeable, this is the new normal, and we need to find ways to endure & find joy in it. easier to say as someone who decided to take a job making videogames rather than try to make a go of curating irl events, of course...