v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 66,887

  1. tiny little tech irritation: every day my alarm goes off, and plays the first however many seconds of the first song on my Spotify Discover Weekly playlist. this bit is fine. then later in the day I go to listen to an album & Spotify is set to shuffle & repeat.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      and I don't notice until I'm halfway through the album and like "huh, that's not right" the especially irritating thing here is that... you can't set Discover Weekly to shuffle or repeat. it's just setting it in the background for when I listen to things that aren't my alarm.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        I just went to pick at this scab again and searched to find a way to fix it. here's what a Spotify rep says on their forum. you'll notice the behaviour they're describing is the opposite of what I'm experiencing (I have a premium account)
        1. …in reply to @v21
          the real irritation here is that this service is an obscure integration between two monopolies, and so I know I don't have any meaningful choice, way to fix it, or means of talking to them in any way they'd notice.